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ALVHOR: Agranovich V.M.. 0 51-4-4/25 TITIS,: 6i~F~~N_ect~:~_ ~he solvent on the optical activity of mole- cules of the dissolved substance. (0 vliyanii rastvoritelya na opticheskuyu aktivnost' molekul rastvorennogo veshchestva.) FERIODICAL:11pptika i Spektroskopiyall (Optics and Spectroscopy) 1957, Vol.2, No.4, pp.426-432 (U.S.S.113.) ABSTRACT: Theoretical paper. It is assumed that the solute molecules do not form covalent bonds with those of the solvent. The sol- vent is taken to be non-active and transparent in that region of frequencies where the solute absorbs light. S.I.Pekar's method (Zh.Eksper. i Teor.Fiz.,Vol.22,641,1952) of adiabatic approximation is employed. Nuclei of the solvent molecules are regarded as a "slowly moving" subsystem which executes small oscillations about certain equilibrium positions. The valence electrons of the solute molecule are regarded as a "rapidly moving" subsystem. It is assumed that the electron states fol- low adiabatically the comparatively slow motion of the solvent nuclei. Perturbation theory is used to obtain the ener& state of the solution. Only the average effect of thi solvent on the solute molecule is taken into account. This,is permissibl~i for those molecules which are only alightly deformed en interaction Card 1/3 vdth the solute. Interaction of an electromagnetA-c %eve -with the On the effect of the solvent on the optical activity of molecules of the dissolved substance. (Cont.) solution is then considered. The interaction operator is regarded as a small perturbation of the solution which causes a transition of the solution from its ground state (defined as the state in which a solute molecule is in its lowest energy level) to an excited state (a solute molecule is now in its first,excited level). Average values of the dipole electric and magnetic moments induced by light are obtained. From these values polarizability can be found. Finally, E) the angle of rotation of the plane of polarization per unit length of light beam in solution is found to be 8 ir2N n2 + 2 w Re 3 X0 where n refractive index of the solution, wave- length of light in vacuo Ni- number of mollMes per unit volume, (j = frequency, ke 13 real part of A ("gyration"). Away from the solute absorption band the dispersion of a is given by the curve for an isolated solute molecule with its Card 2/3 51-4-4/25 On the effect of the solvent on the optical activity of molecules of the dissolved substance, (Cont.) natural frequency displaced. In the solute -absorption band the dispersion of 0 is asymmetric with expoential fall at its limits and it strongly depends on temperature. There are one figure and seven references., all Slavic. SUBMITTED: August 20, 1956. AVAILABLE: Library of congress Card j/3 - T-T -fV1 -U- Vr 'Q1- TT-. AT, -r -j 51-6-8/26 AUTHOR: Agranovich,--V-.--M. TITLE: A Theory of Natural Optical Activity of Molecular Crystals. (Tooriya yestestvennoy opticheskoy aktiv- nosti molekulyarnykh. kristallov.) 2. Quantum Theory. (2. Kvantovaya teoriya.) PERIODICAL: Optika i Spektroskopiya, 1957, Vol.II, Nr.6, pp. 738-746. (USSR) ABSTRACT: This mathematical paper is a sequel to Part I (Refol) which dealt with classical calculations of the optical activity of molecular crystals. The author studies the interaction of a plane electromagnetic wave with a crystal. He deducea general formulae for specific rotation and its dispersion. He also discusses summation rules. There is a mathematical appendix and 11 references, 6 of which are Slavic. SUBMITTED: November 22, 1956. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress. Card 1/1 AUTHOR: Agranovich.. V. bl. TITLE: On the Concentration Dependence of the Quantum Yield of Luminescence of Solid Organic Phosphors with Admixtures. (0 kontsentratsionnoy zavisimosti kvantovogo vykhoda lyuminestsentsii tverdykh organi- cheskikh lyuminoforov s primesyami). PERIODICAL: Optika i Spektroskopiya, 1957, Vol.III, Nr.1, pp.29-37. (USSR) ABSTRACT: There are two theories of the luminescence mechanism in mixed organic phosphors, such as anthracene in naphthalene or anthracene in polystyrene. Birks (Ref.5) suggested radiative mechanism with luminescence of the admIxture being due to absorption of luminescence of the basic substance. A radiationless mechanism was suggested by others, with transfer of energy achieved by resonance interaction between excIted . molecules of the basio substance and molecules of the admixture. This paper is an attempt to elucidate theoretically the role of both these mechanisms at various admixture concentrations. The total quantum yield (Eq.22) is obtained as the sum Card 1/2 of two quantum yields due to the two mechanisms of On the Concentration Dependence of the Quantum Yield of Luminescence of Solid Organic Phosphors with Admixtures. luminescence. It was found that as eoneentration of admixture is increased the quantum yield due to radiative z9ohaniam. JJI begins to fall while the quantum yield due to the radia ionlesa mechanism J I continues to increase until saturation is reached. This supports the eon-' oluaion reached in Refs. 6-8 that Birks' meohani= holds only for low admixture concentrations. At very high admixture concentrations a concentration quenching effect occurs and the total quantum yield begins to decrease. There is 1 figure and 13 references, 6 of which are slavio. SUBMITTEDi Deoembor 6s 1956. AVAIWLM Oard 2/2 A RUBACH, O.M. (mv); AGRANDVIGH, Y.M. (Kiiv) Stressed state of circular plates stiffened by radial ribs [with summarv in English]. Pr7kl. makh. 3 n0-1:38-50 '57. (MLRA 10:5) 1. Institut budivellnoi mekbaniki AN URSR. (Elastic plates and shells) iUTHOR: Agranovich, V. M. TITLE: On the Effect of Re-absorption on the Duration of Fluorescence of Molecular Crystals. (K voprosu o vliyanii reabsorbtaii na dlitellnost' fluorestsentsii molakulyarnykh kristallov.) PERIODICAL: Optika i Spektroskopiya, 1957, Vol.III, Nr.1, pp.84-87, (USSR) ABSTRACT: A phenomenological exciton theory of molecular crystals (Refs.1, 2) gives the relationship between the duration of fluorescence, coefficient of re-absorption, length of diffusion displacement of exciton and absorption coefficient of the incident light. For many molecular crystals it is possible to regard fluorescence transitions as occurring from exciton bands which correspond to the lowest level of excitation in an isolated molecule. To determine fluorescence yield it is therefore sufficient to know exciton density in the energy bands which correspond to the lowest levels of excitation. The number of such bands is equal to the number of molecules in a unit cell. The width of such bands is about 0.05 eV. Bands can, Card 1/2 in general, overlap. If they do not overlap, the width On the Effect of Re-absorption on the Duration of Fluorescence of Molecular Crystals. of forbidden intervals between the bands is about 0.01 eV. At room temperature thermal motion causes and diffusion of such bands. As a result an electron- vibration-rotation band is formed in place of the exciton bands. By a purely mathematical argument the author finds the quantum yield Q for this particular case (Eq.16). To determine Q it is necessary to measure duration (lifetime) of fluorescence at very large and at very small values of the coefficient of absorption-of the exciting light, and to obtain the relative distribution of fluorescence in thin crystals, where re-absorption of lighLt can be neglected. There are 4 references, all of which are Slavic. SUBMITTED: January 9, 1957. AVAILABLE: Card 2/2 AUTHOR AGRA NOVICH) V. M., i)AVYDOV~A.S. TITLE optical-Udd-61-55F lateractior between Nucleons and Nuclei in the Resonance Ragion of the Compound Nucleus. (Opticheakaya modeV vzaimodeystviya nuklonov a yadrami v oblasti rezonanaov sosta-rnogo yadra.- Russian) PERIODICAL Zhurnal EksDerim. i Teoret. Fiziki 19579 Vol 32, Nr 6, pp 1429-143~ (U-S-S-R-) ABSTRACT The energy dependence of the real part and the imaginary part of the effective potential is investigated here by taking account of all components of the oompound nucleus. For the purpose of not complicating the problem by taking account of COULOMIS inte'raction, the authors here in- vestigate only the interaction between one neutron and one nucleon. The dependence of the real part of the optical potential upon energy: At first the formula for the real part of this potential is given. Next, the authors determine the energy dependenoe of the relative motion of the mean value of the real Dart of the optical. potential. The authors are interested here in the domain of energies which correspond to the resonances of the cross sections of the nuclear CARD 1/3 reactions. At ener6ies of the relative motion i > 30 MeV Optl~i,el. 7-lodel rj'L *,juc:.eoas ana lluclel in Of 413 Cj',;Ipcund Nucleus. 56-6-20/56 ISSOCUTION: PRIM= D BY: SUBMITM., AVAILABLE: not given(, - 17-8- 1956 Library of Congress~ CA" 3/3 A6rq,11VoV1C- PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/3898 SOV131-m-i4 Alcademiya nau1c UkrSSR. Institut teploenergetiki"i gidrodinamika (Heat Transfer and Hydrodynamics) Kiyev, 1958. 190 P. (Series: Its: Sbornik trudov, no. 14) 2,000 copies printed. Ed8. of Publishing House: Ya.L. Kaplan and N.M. Labinova; Tech. Ed.: M.I. Yefimova; Editorial Board: I.T. Shvets (Resp, Ed.) Academician, Academy of Sciences UkrSSR; G.M. Shchegolev (Deputy Resp. Ed.), Candidate of Technical Sciences; N.M. Kondak (Resp. Secretary), Candidate of Technical Sciences; V.I. Tolubinskiy, Corresponding Member, Academy of Sciences UkrSSR; I.I. Chernobyl'- skiy, Doctor of Technical Sciences; M.M. Nazarchuk, Candidate of Technical Sciences; P.I. Lavrov, Candidate of Technical Sci- encesl P D ~hvetsov,, Professor; and N.M. Pyatysh]cin, Candidate of cai N ences, PURPOSE: This collection of articles is intended for scientific workers and technical personnel in the fields of heat transfer and hydrodynamics. COVERAGE: This collection of 18 articles deals with experimental and theoretical studies of problems in heat transfer and hydro- Car"'Al. 1/7 Heat Transfer and Hydrodynamics SCFV/3898 dyna.qftes as they affect steam and gas turbines and heat-transfer deviaes. The results of theoretical investigations of heat trans- fer in turbine components and in elements of heat-utilizing appar- at,las are described,and new calculation methods are suggested. Several problems of the thermodynamics and aerodynamics of steam and gas turbines are discussed. References follow each article. TABIB OF CONTENTS: Shvets, I.T., O.A. Gerashchenko, and Ye.P. Dyban. Iftvestigation of the Temperature Fields in the Hubs -br-IU~rine~Rotors by Means of the Ihermal-knalogy Method 3 On the basis of a theoretical analysis of the system of equa- tions describing the temperature field of a bladed rotor, the authors present a method for taking into account the thermal resistance of the blade stems. This method may be used for r,-al,nilations of steady-state heat conditions as well as iinSteady-state conditions. Agrar,ovich, V.M., O.A. Gerashchenko, and M.M. Meth,'D'd for Determining Temperature Fields and Type Tx_rbine Rotor at Stariing Cara. 2/7 Nazarchuk. Approximate Stresses in a Drum- 20 Heat Transfer and Hydrodynamics SOV/3898 The'authors present a simplified method for approximating the temperature fields and stresses in a drum-type turbine rotor. The method does not take axial variation of temperature into account but considers each section of the rotor as p4rt of an iffinitely long hollow cylinder with boundary conditions cor- responsing to those for the particular section under considera- tion. Results calculated by the approximate method are compared with those determined by more accurate calculations. An analysis of the discrepancies leads to the conclusion that the simplified method is sufficiently accurate for most engineering purposes. The following personalities are mentioned: V.I. Fedorov, V.M. Agranovich, and N.N. Shellmenko, all of the Heat-Engine Labora- tory, Institut teploenergetiki AN UkrSSR (Institute of Heat- Power Engineering, Academy of Sciences UkrSSR). Dorfman, A.Sh. Simple Calculation Method for a Laval Nozzle 26 The author presents the results of an experimental study of the process of heat transfer during the condensation of steam. A detailed description of the experimental apparatus and the methods employed is given, as well as a qualitative descrip- tion of the physical phenomena involved in the-p?ocess of con- densation on the basis of the results obtained. Card 3/7 AUTIfORI Agranovich, V.M. TITLE; On Capture of "Free' Excitons by Imparitias in 11-lolec~alar Crystals (0 zakhvate "svobodnykh" sksitonov, Frime3y9jal v molebzlyarnykh 1cristallalch) PERIODICAL; Optiica i Spektroskoplys., 1958, Vol IV, N., tell nvo )8/8+1 akT (35). For uranium, t is estimated for the irradiation temperatures 3271 4271 527, 7270C: 1.2 years, 200 hra, 130 hra, 60 hrs. ' :PU:3:,JTTED: July 5, 1961 Card 6/6 S/053/62/076/004/002/004 B102/B104 AUTHORS: Agranovich, V. M., and Ginzburg, V. L. TITLE- Crystal optics with reference to spatial dispersion and exciton theory. I PERIODICAL: Uspekhi fizicheskikh nauk, v. 76, no. 4, 1962, 643 - 682 NEXT: This paper is the first part (Introductiony � 1, � 2, and first part of references) of a longer work. The present state of crystal optics in the light of recent years' literature is reviewed. The following topics are discussed: � 1. The tensor of the complex dielectric constant ij (ij,V) and normal waves in a medium; properties of 8 ii (W,k), normal electromagnetic waves in matter, transverse and longitudinal waves, ghost longitudinal waves and "polarization waves"; energy and other relations for waves propagated in an anisotropic medium. � 2. 6 ij (&:X) in crystals; introduction of 6 ij ; weak spatial dispersion (aA