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AP502U265-- UR/0367/65/002/0011013510143 AUMIOR: Nqmo4,qhj. H.-J.; larionova, V. G.; lehed6vt A. I.; Muwla-awo S. P. TITLE: Determi-naticn of the isotopic spin ccqments of the Y + N + N +v-amplitude -it t1ueshold SOURCE: Yadernaya fizika, v. 2, no. 1, 1965~ 135-143 TOPIC TAGS: gaTm scatter-ing, scatter!ing cross section, differential cross, section, proton scatter!ing, photonuclear reaction ABSTRACr: The differential cross sections for the process y + p + n + iT+ for labora- -6. pion angles 16, 24$ 36, 569 64$ and 760 have been measured in the photon ~ory-system energy region 165-230 MD. The experiments were perforTwd with the FIAN (Physics Institute of the Academy of Sciences) 265-14--v electron synclaotron, using a liquid- lVdrogen target. The pion detector was a stack of NIKFI BK-600 nuclear pellicles. The bremsstrahlung flux was measured with a quantum meter. The positive-pion photo- producticn, amplitude in the S state was obtained for zero pion monentun by extrapola- ting the empirical dependence of the cross section on the pion wmentum to the thresh old. Data on the process y + n 4 p + Tr- were analyzed in the same manner and the corTe-sponding negative-pion photoproduction amplitude obtained. These amplitudes, together with the similar amplitude x for neutral-pion photoproductions are used to Card 1/2 find the isoscalar and isoscalar parts of the photoproduction amplitudes, which are coupared with the theoretical predictions. Mie am ., ement is not particularly good, mostly because of the low accurucy with which the S-wave photoproduction amplitudes are known. "'Me authors thank Mfessor P. A. Cterenkov and A.,-M,-Baldiri for their intexvst and for a discussion, of this worko-11 Oilg-.z~~. has: 5 figures, 8 fonaaas, and 4 tables. ASSOCIATION: rizicheskily inGtitut 21M. P. N. Lebedeva Akadekii nauk SSSR Qb s Institute, Academy of Sciences, SSSR) SLJBMIITED: 17Jan65 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE., UP NR PIF SOV: 002 Card 212 -ATAM-OVICH, 14.1. 1 LARIM OVA, V. G.; IEDEDEV, 1i. I.; KURIUlov, S. P.; YAGUDITIA, F.R. ' If, lijteraotion. Pis'. v red. Determining the constant o~ I Zhur. ekBper. i teoret. fiz. 31- lOt!,90-4194 hl 165 (mIRA l9a) 1. Fizlcheskiy iristitut imeni lebedevd SSSR. Submatted October 5, 1965. Coal in the U31')R, rrnlit,., mid s~ s. l'osk,,r,-,, ~~andr,~rl. -i-, 193(-- (40-15-'12) TNE~,08.RW4 1. Conl mines and mininp - Riissla. 2. Donets br~sin. 1. 1',.dmovich, 11,11ikhail Prokhorovich., ed. 11. Bersenevich, IA. V., jt. ed. 111. Russ ia (192"- USSR.) TSentrallnce biuro standarti;,aLii sl~!n~sevoi i kamennoii!7ollnoi nro7yshlennosti j ADAYOVICH, IT.iL. inn,ali7ation of vertical direction of sound 'An 3pace. Flrot.fkiziol. a;aizit., Mc)Bk-ya 1:89-92 149. (MUL 19: Z ) 1. Of the laboratory of Special Physiologn,, Inatitute of the Brain Imuni Bekhterev. ADAYOVICH, N. A. Dissertation: "Electrophy~~iological and Functional Characteristics of Afferent Impulses From the Urinary Bladder." Cand Biol Sci, Inst of Phybiology imeni. 1. P. Pavlov, Acad Sci USSR, Moscow, Oct-Dee 53. (Vestnik Akadeirdi Nauk, Moscow, jun 5h) SO: SL-1-1 318, 23 Dec. 1954 ADAMOVICH, N.A. Ilectrophyi3iologie and functional charaeoristics of afferent i-vulses from the bladder. Trud7 Insto firiole 3:490-505 154. (MLRA 8:2) 1. Laboratoriya elek-trofitiologif. Zaveduynshchiy V.Ye.Delov. (BLAMn, pbvsiologv. afferent impulses, electric & funct. aspects) (FMFM, bladder afferent impulses, electric & funct. aspects) ADAMOVICH, F.A. Electrophysiolog~cal investigations of afferent connections between the thyroid and the central nervous system [with summary in English] Biul.'eksp.biol. i med. 46 no,'10:8-13 0 158 (MIRA 11:11) 1' Iz laboratorii clektrofiziologii (zav. V.Te' Delov) Instituta f;ziologii imeni. I.P. Pavlova (dir. -akademik K.OM. Bykov) Akademii nauk SSSR, Leningra&. Predstavlena akademikom X.M. Bykovym; (CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM, physiol. afferent electrophysiol, connections with thyroid gland (Rue)) (THYROID GLAND, physiol. afferent electrophysiol. connection with CNS (Rue)) ADAMOVIC%-&A,- Influence of Werent impulses from the bladder on the electric activity of the cerebral cortex. Trudy Inst. firiol. 7:385-391 '58. OURA 12:3 ) 1. Iaboratoriya elektrofizioloaii (zav. - V.Te. Delov). Institute, fisi6logii im. .;.P. Pavlova AN SSSR. (ELRCTROINUMIOGRAPHY) (BIJUIM-nUMVATION) ADANOVICHO N.A. Interoceptive influences from the bladder on cortical electric reactions during exteroceptive stimilations. Trudy Inst. fiZiol. 7: 392-399 158. (MIRA 12:3) 1. Iaboratoriya elektrofiziologii (zav. - V.Ye. Delov) Institute, fiziologii im. I.P. Pavlova AN SSSR. (3LWTRO3NGAPHALOG.WHY) (BIADM-IffNERVATION) nvr_nrLA mna"A 3f9c 2 Vol 12/8 Physiology Aug 59 3627. ELECTROPHYSIOLOGICAL INVESTIGATION OF AFFERENT CONNECT- IONS OF THE THYROID GLAND WITH 'rnE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM (Russian text) - Ada movich N4 A Pavlov Inst. of Physiol. , Leningrad - ,1~ S P E h.--STO L-.1 M E -5. BYULL. EX _1958,46/10(8-13) Graphs 3 Experiments were performed on cats under amobarbital anaesthesia. The potentials of afferent impulses due to various actions upon the thyroid gland were registered in the nerve supplying the thyroid gland. Three types of afferent impulse potentials were noted: relatively slow low-voltage oscillations (on heating the gland), quick oscillations with amplitudes from 10 to 100;Av. (on heating the gland and on injection of caffeine, histamine. adrenaline, and thyrotropic hormone into the thyroid artery), and quick oscillations with amplitudes of 200-220 liv. an introduction of thyrotropic hormone into the thyroid artery. DNLOV, V.Ye.; ADMOVICH, N.A.; ZA14YATINA, 0.11. Xffect of afferent impulses from visceral receptors on bio- electric activity of thalamic nuclei. Fiziol.zhur. 45 no.8: 916-923 Ag '59. (HIRA 12:11) 1. From the Laboratory of Electrophysiology, I.P.Pavlov Inatitute of Fhysiology, Leningrad. (GASTROINTESTINAL SYSUM, innervation) (BUDDXR, innervation) (TWAHUS, physioloa) (FJZCTIIOPHYSIOIA)GY) GOLIKOV, N.V.,; iKRATIN, Yii.G.,; ADAMOVICH, H.A., red.; BORGEST, A.N.i red.; DANILOY, I.V., red.; VASILOYEVA, Z.A., red. izd-va; SMIRNOVA, A.Y., [ProblemB in electrophysiology and encephalography; transactions of the first all-Union conference, Leningrad, May 8-11, 19571 Voprosy elektrofiziologii i entsefalografii; trudy 1-i Vposoiuznoi konferentsii, Leningrad 8-11 maia 1957 9. Moskva, Izd-vo' Akad. nauk SSSR, 1960. 399 P. (MIRA 13:2) 1. Vsesoyuznoye fiziologicheskoye obahchostvo. 2. Fiziologicheakiy institut im. akadm.A.A.Ukhtonskogo Leningradskogo gosudarstvannogo universiteta im. A.A.Zhdanova (for Golikov). 3. Inatitut fiziologii im. I.F.Favlova AN SSSR, Leningrad (for Kratin). 4. Institut ekspe- rimentallnoy meditsiny AMN SSSR, Leningrad (for Danilov). (EMMOPHYSIOLOGT) ADAMOVIGH, N.A.; DELOV, Me.; ZAINIYATIRA, 0.1;. Effecb of afferent impulses from the receptors of internal orgars on the bioelectric activity of the thalamic area of the brain. Nauch. soob. IrL--.t. fizio-1. All SSSR no.1:1/4,7-149 159. (HIRA -14: 10) 1. La-boratoriya elektrofiziologii (zav. - V.Ye.Delov) Instituta fiziologii imQni Pavlova AN SSSR. (OPTIC TULUMS) (CONDITIOMKD I~LSPONSE) DELOVP V.Ye.; ADANWICH, N.A.; BERGEST, A.N. InfliAence of afferent impulses from the receptors of the internal organs on tho bioolectrical activity of the cortex of the limbic lobe of the brain. Fiziol. zhur. 47 no.9:1083-1086 S 161. 11,:9) 1. Laboratoriya elektrofiziolo,,!ii Instiilk,uta fiziologii iraeni I.P.Pavlova AV SSSR, Leningrad. (CEREBRAL CORTEX) (R.~CEPTOIIZ (NEUI-LOLOGY)) ADAMOVIC11, N.A, Adaptation of bladder mechanoreceptors. Dokl. AN SSSR 155 no. 3:707-710 Mr 164. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Institut fizinlogil im. I.P.Pavlova AN SSSR. PredstLavleno akademikow V.N.Chernigovskim. tor 'I :1 tz a 3d N S 1", pL, KOROLICY, A.A., kvadidRt tekhnicheakikh nauk; XOGM, A.M.; TOKARSUT, A.F, NOSALI V.V. GURSVICH, A.Ye.. SHVAWSMAN, V.1F.; KARMV, V.Y.: SHULI'ilh~, P.G.; ADA OVICH. N.K.; CHETYRBOK. F.K.; TSELIKOV, A.I., KWHIN, A.D., kIVATd"-I!*ktiiIdheakikh nauk-; TIKEONOV, A.YA., tekhni- cheekly redaktor. [Blooming mill 10001 Bliuming 1000. Moskva, Goo. nauchno-takhn. izd-vo mathinostroit. lit-ry, 1955. 271 P. (MLU 8:2) 1. Chlon-korrespondent AN SM (for TSelikov) (Rolling mills) ADAMOV-ICH.,-P.V,..;-BATURD,-I, V.V.; VAKHVAKEOV, G.G.; VAYNGAUZ, L.G.; VILETISIM, Ye.Ya.; GNIBURG~ P.Yu.; DAVYDOIT, Yu.S.; KMPIS, YeAe.; KUMETSOVA. Z.I.; KOPIYEV, S.F.; LIVCIbIK, I.F.; LOBACHEV , P.V. ; 10.,, G.1,11. ; I;OTKDI, Ye.1% ; PIRU1,10V , A. 1. POLIMPOV) V.P.; F.~IOTOPOPOV, A.P.; REFIN, 1;.N.; SLADKOV, I ROVI M.N.; S.F.; TALIM, V.11 ; TROITSKAYA, F.B.; FEDOI I SIWELEV, F.A.; SUIUBELINIKOVA, L.P.; SIICIRITSKIY., A.I.; 11-JR11OV, L.I., inzh., miuchnyy rod.; 1,11INUIOVA, A.P., red. izd-va; I.OCIIALINA, Z.S., tekhn. red.; iCODBOVA,, tekhn. red. [Present level and prospects for the development of sanitarT engineering and the production of sanitary engineering equip- ment] Sovremennyi uroven' i perspektivy razvit.iia sanitarnoi teldiniki i proizvodstva sanitarno-tekhnicheskogo oborudova- nlia. Cos5troiindat, 1962. 283 p. (MIRA 15:8) 1. Akadeniya stroitellstva i arl-hitektw-y SSSZ. Institut sanitarnoy tekhniki. (,-)Al,'Ij'A]I,Y 11,11GINENO;G) DAVYDOV, Yu.S., kand. tekhn. nauk; AGAFONOVA, L.I., inzh.;_A-DA~jQVICH, P,V#V inzh., red. (flow modernized devices and methods of automating sanitary engineering installations) Novye modernizirovannye pribory i aredstva avtomatizatBiA sanitarno-tekhnicheskikh ustroistv. Moskva, Biuro, proektno-konstruktorskoe, i tekhnichaskoi po- moshchi, 1962. 39 P, OGRA 16:4) 1. Akademiya stroitel'#va i arkhitektury SSSR. Institut sa- nitarnoy tekhniki. I (Sanitary engineering) (Automatic control) FEVZNER, V.B.; ADAMOVICH, S.P.; KOVALENKO, B.M. Remote-control level measurement in tanks. Tran3p. i khran. nefti no.9:18-22 163. (WRA 17:1) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy i proyektno-konstruktorskiy institut kompleksnoy avtomatizatsii neftyanoy i gazovoy promyshlen- nosti. L_~i ~82-6 E*,4T(d)/EWP(C)/V?(r)/T/EWP(k)/EWP(l) Pf-4 ACCILSIG11 )Rj AP5004677 S/0115/64/00o/009/0058/0059 T ME: SWUM I=oritollnaya toklinika, tw. 9, IMs 58-59 \3 TOPIC TAGSS cybernotica, electric mvaaurcmmt~ Letric qunntity instrument, digitd computers elcctronic equipaent, electric engineering conference AaSTI?ACTi*' Tho conroranco wee hold 1-4 July' Rt 6o All-Vnion Scientific Research Instituto of Hotrology by the Soction of Electrical MoRsuromonts or the Council on the ProblemI~f "Scientific Injtrtpjn~ Mrkkipg". pf._tho. $tRt!L Cqr,~~.tpo~ ~n _qn Coordination -or Sciontiflo Rosonroh Tfork in tho 65S,R t`opihor with' ~ho All-Union Hosonrch Institute of Elootrictl Uonsuromont Instruments -%nd the 1,oni~VA~ _regional 'To'ohniookl Divinion of tho 1nMtrumont_V.F1king__ Industry )Acre than 400 b-Foi-;~~~~fFo-.-~g-o~t~f~o-o-f--t-ho-c-ount-ry prk-ri-t-i-o-1-patod. Fifty-spvon roports wore hoard and discussed. ~oports were riven byt P. V, NOVITSKIY (LoninGrad)--"Dofinition of the Concept of Informational Error in Measure- men,t and its Importance in Practical Use" and "On the Problem or the Average Informaft tional Criterion of koouraby'-Throughout the Entire Beals of an Instrument".1 Yee A* CArd V4 L 41182-65 AGGEN'SION IIRs AP5W4677 ~TUNIISMAIDT (Moscow)--"On Dotorminaticn of the Criteria or Accuracy for Measurement of -Dovi'cou ; S. It. IAA14DELISIITMS (Loan in gr ad) --report on a now criterion of accuracy of.. monsuromont inatrumontg; P. F. PARSHIN (Len ingrad)--ro port on optimitn'tion when using Fourier trnneformi--on electronic digital oomputor9j_jj. P. DMITRI V, D0LGI"S-,VA and A. A. IGNATOV (Len ingrad)--propos &I of a now mothod ror aolvtn-b-, proluF"Im-so-l" optimum filtoring for non-stntionary randorm signals and intartorancol 1. 'B. CMIXANOV--"Caloulation of the Dy-nnmio Cher-jotoristios or an Optimum complex --7N,-o_-Fh`onn_,o-l S--y"stom which Uses Girnals from a Position Mator and from a Spood Moter"I P. A. POLUirTOV (Loninrrnct )--"Optimum Periodic Correction in the Monsuromont of Contliuous Sirnals"LS. P~._~DAMQUQH (',Aoaoow)--"Annly9ia and Construction of Devices "or Corrootion of Non-linowity and Scaling for Unitary Codeal G. V. GORSLOVA - (TqGinrog)--"A Mathod for Stntistical Optimization in GrAdwiting the Soni;_8 af Electrical Monsuring In4trumonte"; M. A. ZOMLIMAN (?,Ioscow)--"ILnalog-DIgital Voltage Convortor with Automatio Error Corraoti~n ~j LINOVSKIY, V. S. KALENCHUX and Y (Kiev)--"Automatio MonitorinG of the Paramotors of the Electrical Signals of Complex Radio and Slootronio 9quipmont"I V. P. PEROV (IAo80ow)--"0por&tIorAI Cybernetics as an Independent Soiontifio Spoolaliza~_ion ~IY.. N. OIL' BQ_ (Loningrad).o..- -"On the Problem of Effective Non-linear Soales"I A. Is MARKELOV (Moaoow)--*D&vioes for Preliminary Prooessing of the Results of Uessurements Presented In the Fom of, Card 2/4 L laiV_65 _-v ACCESSION 12ts AP50OL677 Graphio Recordsrigg For Subsequent Introduction of the Information into Universal Digital Conputara";_R. 1!.! MOGILEV0 and S. S.--SOKOLO.V (LoninCrad)--"On a Nothod for Roduoinr Excosa Inrormation": T. V. NIKOLAY~' (Loninrad)--"A Device for Temporal Discrotizo,tion or Cont1nuoua Sirnala"s A. A. LYOVIN and M. L. DULIS-()Aosoow)-- Optimization of the Trmnamiacion or Tolematria Information as a Means for Raising the Erricioncy and Eliminmtlng Interrorenos"I D. E. GUKO%'SKIY (Voscow)--"On a Sta- tistic Approach to the Datootion or Svonts in Automnti~o Inspection"; 14. 1. LANIN (Loningrad)--"Ilothod for Ca,loulnCing the Holding Time or Communioati_~~s -In a Contre.4 lized Inspection System or Constant Servicing Time"i 0. N. BRONSHTSYN, A. L. RAYKIN and V. V. RYKOV (Woscow)--"On a Singla-Line Unse Servi~,-3~'y-s-t-o-m--with-'Lo-o-c SilLYAT.'-Dl-];--(Po-n-ta)--report on circuit designs for direct oompinantion electrical dir t.1 ,,aaurinG instruments; A. N. KOMOV (Novoch-3rkasak)--report on a now method for companontion of digitnl bridCos; M. N. GLAZOV (Loninf-,rad)--report on the problem ;of vultngo-to-nnrular rotation convoraionj V. S. GUTNIKOV (Loningrad)--'119thoda for Conntruction of Frequency Cnpaoitanca Pickups with a Linear ScRle"L_RXft_t_ ISYRONATOVA and R. R. KRARCIMNKO (iloooow)--roport on the dotorminrttion or the ampli-, -tuda-froquonoy and phase characteristics or PFM itna M modulatorel Yo. 1. T-311YAT'OV '(Rovooho rka, oak) --"The Phototransistor as a Switch for Electrical MoAsuromont ,Purposes"; N. V- 11'~Ey_q,*fi4_(LaWinrr&d)--& report on ways for making universal U, mant for measurement of currents voltage and powori P. P. ORNATSXIY &M V. I . ZOZ _q . Ad (Kioy) --r-opprts-on- th-a op-uRtruot ion. or - *t,%ti0_.vo Itme toers, ~watttseOr q6 (;ard 3/4 L 1-1182-65 ACCESSION Mis AP5001677 f) Ov _Pm_ SMY~IHLYA EV, N. I BLIII, V. M. RAZIN and V. A phnso motors; A. V. TRIMAN' Y~ __-_SA_ -CORBUNOV (Tom~kF--_~.-p~_,t__-c_nft device for automatic processing of the monauromonte ofj' Y'l~r-aiYo-n amplitude of pneumatic hnmwral L. K.'RUKINA and V. G. XNORRIZIG -(Lenin F;r&cO' --report on the development of a digital To_mFn_s-atoF_f_or measuring pressures force, 1 etc.; 11. B. DADUKINA (Loningrad)--ro port on a method for constructing rroquonoy pickups for Gas analysis; Ya. M. WPOV, V. A. BRAZM;IKOV and B. Ya. LIKHTTSINDER (kuybychav)--roporta on analysis and recording of boring speeds; Yu. V. PSF.'7NICMIIFOV (Kuybyshov)--"A High Speed Voltago-to-DiCitRI Code Converter for so Pickups"; G. P. VIKIMOV and V. K. ISAYEV (Vilna)--"A Highly Accurate Digital Psak- to-Po'Fik 1 band Losningrad)--"A Low Level Analog-Digital Volt-.! age Converter." ASSOCIATIONs none SUBU MED3 00 ENCM 00 SUB CODEs EE, EO 110 FLU SOV&' 000 GMERI 000 ims Card 4/4 I SINELIDIKOV, A.V.; V.B~; S.P.; P.A. Ba,gic prob]em.,3 it i tiie a i; c c-,rj tro -I r-f a p. il pe I ine o pe rat j rj;,7 in a "pump to pa"llp" roOii,e- Nef t. hhoz. 43 no.6:4`~ Je 165. (1-:IRA 18:7) ADAMOUCH, T. N, Metallic osteosynthesis of the hip in multiple bone injuries combined with cerebrocranial trauma. Voen.-med. zhur. no.12: 68 D 161. (MIRA 15:7) (INTERNAL FIXATION IN FRACTURES) (HIP JOINT-FRACTURE) (BRAIN-WOUNDS AND INJURIES) ADAMOVIGHO T..P.; SVIRIDOV, V.V.; LOBANOK, A.D. Particular features of cryatallization in the 5yslllM5 of coprecipitation, of copper hydroxides and trivalent iron. Dokl. AN BSSR 8 no.5t312-315 My 164. (MBA 17:9) 1. Belorusskiy gosudarstvenn)ry univers-ftet imeni Len,na. Predstavleno akademikom Ali LISSH N.F. Yermolonka. BELITSKIYt G-YU-;, APAMOVICH,, V.A.; BASKINA, N.F.; BOBKOVA, V.V.; STROYKOVA, K.V. Neurophysiological studies in a clinic for nervous and mental diBeases. Trudy Gos. nauoh.-isol. paikhonevr. inst. no.20:19-27 '59- r (MIRA-14:1) if Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy psikhonevrologicheakiy institut imeni VX. Bekhtereva~ Leningrad. (PHYSIOLOGY) S p ;,GISHEVt A.I.; DEMIDENKO, AVRAMOVICHt G.D,; ADAMOVICH$.V,Aq; VOROBIYEVP 'L.' deceased); RUB Tel)&; ZAYCMIMVjr,'-Z "t" I;~~' ,4I.S.; TERPUGOT~ Ye.A.; SHATALOVAq A.A.; UKOVLEVA4,S1WIFM' I.V. Sme investigations of the clinical aspects, jathogeDisis, and ,0 treatmeiat of epilepsy. Trudy Gos, nauch;-iss3. Of-Uonevro inst. no.20:343-354 159, 1 (MIRA 14:1) 1. Gooudarstyennyy niuchno-iosle,4ovatellskiy ysikhonevrologicheakiy inatitut imeni V.M. Bekhtereyaq LIningrad. (kPILEPSY) ADAMVICH, V.A.; ZILIBEMM, N.Ye. Electrographic method for detecting brief syncopes in epileptics. Trudy Gos. nauch..-issl. psikhonevr. jilst. no.24:83-104 161. OURA 15:5) 1. Eksperimentaltnyy otdol patologii nervnoy deyatellnosti Gosudarstvennogc nauchno-issledovateliskogo psikhonevrologicheskogo instituta imeni Bekhtereva. (EUCTROENCEPHALOUAPHY) (Epiapsy) AT"Imovicli, V.P.. Ele~7troencephalographic indices of unconsciousness in epileptic patients. Vop.psikh.i nerv. 8f88-120 162. (MIRA 17:4) 1. Iz otdela patologii, nerynoy deyatellnosti (zav. prof. G.Yu.Belltskly) Lenirgradskogo psikhonevrologicheskogo Instituta imeni V.M.Beklitereva (dir. - B.A.Lebedev). A 2 T 1. . I- A--j ar A .-1 2- 9 J -t go I 09 *0 00 M A j 1- Colorlinetfic inothod: of titternlinetwn of harditois of Woofer by the use of colored *.&Ie#. V. 1. AdAm.,vivIi 01(rwow Nfechnikov lim.). Mr. i Salid. (II.S.S.R.) 10, No. 12, 16-1911P.5)-Thr Mlirimetric itirth(A ii-ing liquid color %tandimis I% bulky and mi,uitrd f,wr fit-lif w -it,. It depends .a the fact that. Trppa~ilin 00 (1), -00 u."I " Ali Indicator (1,11 1.3'1"-')' tcact% with the c-tinti% - Of the Rik. leAtth gTO411) 'Aijil thr (1411111ti(Iti of A 11ilt, 1001 00 tile colmrquent tednotioll in ilic CA.'r intril'ity [if tile ill- '00 di-at,mr; mkictimi t-f (tic cotivit. c4 1 mak" it Ix-iblet,mict. rmilatimix of I *, Interixilating In 0.5', R,Lmov,hlp~ W tile XAIIS of CS and Mit. 1-mimi'm ht Ilic 1,11, and "Ito 0 of Nil, and Ile victor studleil and ilivuld Ile takm Into ri"i. sideration when IttepIt. the scales - 1kitio Gkitaff -90 '-- n2 CIA111PICAVOM 1 ;Use ASIB I L A &ITAELOPOC41, UUM AlOt i I Q., vee if 09 It 0 1 w U U iv Or) is, An I it it to it m or a n It a vt It ft 11 - it 0 0,0 00 so 0 0 0 0 0 0 000,000 io 0 0 0 le 0 0 0 0 0 000 0 006100,00 0 Ile a 0 -0 si-e SO 4T i1r, to to 00 z 00 .3 v 00 a L -A, AA M % Lit? .f _EX4p__A 1. j 1 .1 a ~ -1, Doletruinatlost of inuall quinittliva of wavoic fit *&I A. I 13, 487-8(1917 ?- F,- :I-xl !ON, sit[ om, i c--mg %.,i w it ands. of As udd IV; %tilu Of AllitUltnillill trun aluin a it ilinaltalk to livat to Wing, an't filter tiff I r irtin hydroxide lipt. ruing. the As, Dl,~)lvv in hot It 'I (1.10); the vol. slunild not cxmxi 5, 7 nil. and Ao~ cwite -t 0.01-41.OS mg. Add 1-2 nit. of lr~ Cu.S0,, ~.In. in 11 '1 (1.10) And 5 nil. )ICI will. of Na hypojdic,~phittr. Kc I, the buln. and stand.itils on .& Ixtriling %vAtvr lwh f,,i :0 min. Then comit.irr the soln. vrith stancbrd~. Sup I - lLFd% are I)rrlxi. With 0.01. Wit.), 0M. 001, Wo"). t) 1 1, (107. 11 wi`,, As,'-, :1 dr,q,-f 1111~ ~Jll of n"ll tsitidr ill 111, 1, I ~. 4tops. 4 V", VISS4 1. -b1 sot M1, :i 1111 lit 1 lind vil"llgh M1 4 1.10, t'. gw. 16t. -mv N 4 k, jilt. ttt kill. The A~ (.ill A". I- %%ith %liv ;.. I-lit a bi"Ric cxtfl. 'tiff nllt rcinov,- all the A,. 'I lie wfi -i- tivittrill thrmeth,A k0.111 me. in iftinle. It. Z. K N IL A M1TAMJ*GKAt LiTtRIJUR, CILAWFICA111010 "ir 011 0.1 -7-1 --T-T --y- I I __v u v so As It 101111111,910111INK K 0 0 0 a 909000999000 000009 -0-2 av it, ar Kill An L 11 0 s V 94 -q rl .. . - -W '00 00 0 0 00 o 0 tie 0 t:* 0 0 0 01 a 0 0 * 0 0 1. 0 0 6 0 0 0 a 0 .0-%-A " -0 0 00 6090 goo Determination of Masnealum In water by Colorlmr, tic titration. V. 1. Adaroovich (Ilto-.cow SH, Inst. I tic. .1;4nit. Resealrch!.- Pareditaw. Lab. 13. Ordinary colorimetrir dew. of Mj with Titan Yellow in. not he e=iccl out atiove 241 mg. of hig per 1. Ix-eau of flocculation. The prupowil nirthod perinits the dri of ~hlg in nalurul sralcv, when 0, Nfg conltnl 4 5-211 1 oc, zr )L, Into a W-bollont t(A tube will I nil. of 11 , N .,i( I free of carbonates. Tilan Yellow, An'l I nil. if it standard soln. of hit. If the hfg standard saln. is 1. mg. per I., use 0.2 MI. of 0.0217, Titan Yellow boln, F -r 10 mg. hit per 1. of standard soln. use 0.33 ml. (! the Titan Yellow soln. and for IS and 20 m&. Mg. p4m 1. of standard solo.. use 0.6 and 0.8 mi. of 0.02", Titan I !llow 60111., resp. The eitact sinit. and conen. of Titan t Ilow win. is best ilctd. r%petiment.illy in each ra,r. :,ito 4 Onilar test tulie add the saine citutotities of Nat), ' and Titan Yellow end titrate with the ioulyzed isater o (lie ume color. The relative error of this inethmi is jp to 10`7r. I't. h ell ADAYOVICH, V.I.- KUNTSEVICH, I.M.; FISHER, I.Z. Short-range order near an excited molecule in a liquid. Zhur. fiz. khim. 37 no.11:2568-2570 N163. (MIRA 17:2) FISHER, I.Z.; ADMAIVICH, V.I. Density fluctuations In water. Zhur.strukt.khim. 4 no.6:819-823 N-D 163, (MIRA 17-4) 1. Belorusskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. ADAMOVICH, V.K. Estimation of the neutrDn irradiation dose capable of changing the mechanical proper*~-ies of pure 1~.etjjs. AWm. energ. 15 no.5.430-.1+32 N 163. (MIFIA 16-12) ADAMOVICH, V.L.; FEVDI~UN, YuJI. Problem of methods.for the d,atection of natural foci of tularemia. Zhur.mikrobiol.opid.i immin,131 no.9%71-76 S 160. (MIR& 13:11) 1. Iz Volynskoy oblastnoy sanitarno-opidemiologicheskoy stantsii. (Mf&MIA) ADAMIOVICH, V.L. Geographical distribution of ixodid ticks by different landscape types in the Volyn' area of Polesve. Zool. zhur. 40 no-5:676- 685 161. (MM 14'15) I.Vplytak Regional Sanitary-Epidemiological Station. tVolyn' Province-Ticks) ADAMOVICH, V,L, Zoglogical and parasiltolo,,,Ical &irn-i-acteristuics of a natural 0 tulw-prr-'a ni.lli.-~ in, wes4-orn Pole-p7- of the !Yrainian SAIR, Z~,cl. zbur,, 41 no.9:1297-1305 S ',62. (,,aRA 15-11) 1- Otdel osobo opasn!kh infektsi-Y Vol~mskoy oblastnoy sanitarno- epidemiologicheskoy stantsii, (Pol~sje--Tularemia) ,Animals as carriers of disease) ADAMOVIGH., V.L. Landscape-related ejidemicic7-call Cf al m-71 ra' - .., -.1 tularemia focus in zhe wes-te-ti Fo`e--ye r)~' S,S,--, Zliur.mikrobiol.,epid. i immm. 41 nr-).5',l',5-5() My 16- 18-').) A. V~Iynskaya obla.,~,,naya - 1 .7 " - , ll.~ ", ~ " "M 1 ~ SHIBANOV, F.V., T)rof.; GATRIMTKO, V.S.; SMUROVA, T.F.; ADAMO 11, VtN. System for an antibacterial treatment of pulmo",ry tuberculoSis. Sov.ried. 21 no.12:63-69 D '5?. (MMA 11:3) 1. Iz kafedry tuberkulaza I Moskovskogo ordenn Leninn meditainskogo institutn imeni I.M.Sechanovn. (TIJBIRGUIOSIS, FUIXONARY, ther. PAS, streptomycin & N-(4-hydroxy-3-methoV) benzal isonicotinic acid hydrntone (Run) ADAMOVICH, V.N. Problame of treating tuberculosis by climatological therapy at a health resort. Probl.tub. 35 no.2,113-115 157. (MLRA 10:6) (TUBERGULOSIS) (OLINATOWGY, MNDICAL) V-; G;; unnd 4 r-) - ABAMOVICH, V.N., SAPOZHNIKGVA, L.S., KOVALEVA, S.I. "Clinical and experimentnI Rtudien on tuberculosis." Probl.tub. 16 no.)t1ll-114 158 (MIRA 1115) (TUBERCUWSIS) ADAMOVICH, V.11.. aspirant .Ii;~ L Recurrence of tuberculonis following terninnted nffective nrtificiRl pneumothorax [with summary in French). Probl.tub. 36 no.5:26-31 158 (MIRA 11:8) Is lz kafedry tuberkuleza I MoBkovskogo ordens Lenina. meditsinskogo instituta (zaolgzhenny deyetell nauki prof. F.V. ShebAnov). (Pli-EUMOTHOR.AX, kRTIFIdIAL, compl.. poetopo recur, (Rue)) APAMOVICH~ V.N. Clinical aspects and treatment of recurrent and exacerbated pulmonary tuberculosis after terminated effective pneumothorax. Probl.tub. 38 no-4:56-62 160. (MIRA 140) (PNEUMOTHORAX) (TUBERCULOSIS) PA~qVICH.,_V.N.q N side effoots in combined antibacterial theispy of palmnary tuberc-ulosis. 38 no.lOs2j+-Z8 0 160. (KMA 13911) 1. Tz kafedry fakulitetakoy teraDii (zav. -.dotsemt R.M. Ginzburg) Stalinskop meditsinskogo instituta imeni A,,M. Gorlkogo (dir - dotsent A.V1. Ganiobkin) na baza Stalinskoy oblastnoy klinieheskoy boVnitsy imeni M,I* Kali-nina (glavm7y v7a,--h -.kandomedonauk B.V. Shaparahko). (TUBMGULOSIS) -ADMOVICH, V.N. Results of compound therapy in tuberculosis involving artificial pne=othorax and antibacterial preparations. 25 no.1; 96-100 A 161. NIRA 140) 1. Iz kafedr t arkuleza (zav. - zasluzhennyy deyatell nauki prof. ovf ub F*V*Sheban I Moskovskogo ordena Lenina, ffeditsinskogo instituta imeni I.M.Sechenova. .(PNEUMOTHORU) (TUBERCULOSIS) ADAMIOVICII, V.N. , Significance of artificial pnewnothorax in the coMpound treatr.ent of tuberculosis. Vrach. delo no.5:51-56 My 161. (MIRA 14:9) 1~ Stalinskiy(meditsinakiy institut. PNEUMOTHORAX) (TUBEfiCULOSIS) ADAMOVICH, V.P., Data on bacillary diseases in Stalino. Frobl.tub. no.5:7-10 161. (MMA 15:1) 1. Iz kafedry fakiLlItetakoy terapii (zav. - prof. A.Ya. Guber- grits) Stalinskogo, meditsinskogo instituta. Lmeni Gortkogo (dir.,- dotsent, A.M. Ganicbkin). (DOITETSK-TUEERCULOSIS--STATISTICS) A C C, R/Kiev Basin Sanitary-Epidemiological Station, Public Health Min. Uk SS e Onliat OrA -7 in Alflfv-~ftlcohol liquoy- evaporil tore sca c In flr(xTs*s ha --CASW,21120 Ivifl, tFc. ji(ju,, -r g.l:j& , Ifull with II'mis, tje~jgll Of the , t U C'Innt~- SMIc"All rulmd ,hap~, f, r,.,, Ililli ~lo'le, of A thc br)Ncril J rlvcc~~"% (~f OILIII ill 1% ~A f- A,, il --j Ctl [I:%' ADAMOVICH, Ye.M. Treatment of perforating gastric and duodenal ulcers. Khirurgiia. Moskva no. 2:46-48 Fab 1953. (GIML 24:2) 1. Of the Surgical Division (Head -- Honored Physician RSYSR Ye. A. Shefter), Raluga Oblast Hospital. ADAMOVICH, ~.M. Twelve years' experience in treating perforati-ig ulcers of the stomach and duodenum. Vest.khir. 75 no-3:12-4-215 4 155.(InM 8:7) 1. Iz khirurgichoskogo otdeleniya Yaluzhskoy oblastnoy bollnitay. (STOMACH-ULOMS) (DUODICTUM--ULMS) AMMOVICH, Z. A.;KMSZVICH, D.Ye. Clinical aspect and roentgenologic diagnosis of cancer of the small intestine. Tar. ark., Moskva 23 no. 6:70-72 Nov-Dee 1951, (01ML 21:3) % I 1e Of the Department of Faculty Therapy (Head -- Prof. I. Yu. Kayi7ukshtio)and of the Department of Faculty Surgery and Roent,' genology (Head - Docent K. G. Katilyus) of the Medical Faculty of VilInyus State University. ADAMOVICH-GERASIMOV, V.A. Characteristics of the higher nervous activity in dogs with the strong type of nervous system combined with a passive de- fensive reaction. Tmdy Inst,fiziol,AN BSSR 30-12 159. (MIPA 13-M 1. Laboratoriya vysshey nervney deyatelinosti Instituta fisiologii AN B S Sr... (CONDITIONED RESPONSI) (DOGS) I . ,WAMOVIGH-Q,EFASIMUVq V.A, [Adamovich-Herasiluaut V&A*] Producing trace differentiations in dogs distunguished by different types of the nervous system. Vestsi AN BSSR. Ser. biial. nav. no.3:91-93 %0. - (COND41ONED RYSPONSE) . (MIR& 14:1.) ADAMOVIGH-GERAS114OV, V.A. [Adamovich-lierasimau, V.A.) Formation of retazt* conditioned electric defense reflexes in dogs. Vestsi All BSSR. Ser. biial. nav. no.2:59-63 161. (MIRA 14:7) (CONDITIONED RESPONSE) IADAMOVIC.ILGEIWILOV, V.A. [Adamovich-Herasimau., V~A.j Formation of differentiations in conditionei trace defense in dogs, Vestsi All BSSR. Ser. biial. nav. no,3:71--78 761. A - (COIIDITION;~D RiZI;ONS,;) ('11 L~ ref-1--yes 14- 10) ADA MDV ICH-GERAS I'l-l0V I V.A. Role of the ,,,iobility of nervous processes in conditioned trace reflexes of dogs with different types of the higher nervous activity. Dcol-I.All BSSR 6 m.2:130-133 F 162. (MIM 15:2) 1. Institut fiziologii AN BSSR. Predstavleno, ak-aderailzom A14 &;SR V.A.Leonovyi,,i. (CONDITIONED FESPONSE) GRINSHTEYNp I.M.; ADAMVICHq Ye.A.; ANTONOVA., Ye.V. Corrosion resistance of stainless steals in aggressive media of hydrolysis industries. Gidroliz.i lesokhim.prom. 15 no.8t 22-23 162. (MIRA 15sl2) 1. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut gidroliznoy i sullfitno- spirtovoy promyshlennosti. (Steel, Stainless-Corrosion) (Hydrolysis) ADAMOVICI, A.V. Selecting constructive dimensions and work parameters for the pistons of automobile engines. Constr mas 15 no.5.-396-398 My 163, SAVITSKIY, I.V.; AWOVSFAYA, B.I. (Odessa) Role of -the nervous system in the mechanism of cancerolytic reaction. Pat.fiziol. i elcep.terap. 3 no.2:68 Mr-Ap '59. (MIRA 12:6) 1. Iz nauchno-iseledovatel'skoy laboratorii Ifinisterstva zdravooldiraneniya Ukrainskoy SSM (zav. - prof. I.V.Savitsldy). (juam?"ICS, off. on cancerolytic properties of blood in exper. cancer and sleep ther. (Rile)) (SUEP, eff. on cancerolytic properties of blocki in exper. cancer (Rua)) OTEOPLILSMS, exper. eff. of analeptics & sleep ther. on cancerolytic properties of blood (Rus)) SAVITSKIY, I.V.; ADAMOVSKAYA. I.1. --- .. - Role of the nervous system in the mechanism of the action of anti- reticular cytotoxic serum on cutaneous and vascular absorption capacity. Fiziol.zhur. (Ukr.) 2 no.3:115-122 My-Je 156. (nm 9:lo) 1. Institut yekepartmenluallnoi biologii i patologii imeni akademika O.O.Bogomol'taya i Odealkiy farmateevtichniyinstitut (SERUM) (NERVOUS SYSTEM) (SKIN) (BLOOD VESSELS) ADAMOVSKIY,A.G., inshener k:,-, -, :~ - '~ . . - - Mechanizing small auxiliw7 operations in stamping buffer,beams. Tekh.shel.dor.7 TLO.10:29 0 148. (MLRA .8:11) (Railroads--Rolling stock) ADAMOVSKIY, A.G., inzbener. A poorly designed scraw-friction press. 46 Ja 156. Vest. mash. 36 no.6: (MMA 9:10) (Power presses) ADAMOVSKIY,.I.A.; GREN', V.I.; PANKOV, P.A.; LAPIDUS, M.A., red.; --- P-RVZNRR, V.I., [The first machine-tractor station] Pervain MTS. Moskva, Goe.izd-vo sellkhoz.lit-ry, 1957. 155 P. (MIRA 11:1) (Machine-trnetor stationa) ADAMOVSKIY, I.I. Yor further widening and strengthening of international contacts in the canning field. Kons* i ov*prom 12 n0-7:1-3 -Tl 157- (MIRA 12:4) 1. Voesovuznyy nauchno-isaledovatellskiy institut konservnoy I ovoshchesushillnoy promyshlennosti. (Canning and preserving-Congresses) k GUSAKMSHY, Zakhariy Pavlovich; OCIIKIN, ~a:,iliy Alfiksoyevich; APAt-10-VSKIY, I.I., retsenzent; URIYASH, F.G., retsenzent; BELOUSDV., D.P., spets. red.; KOREUT, L.V.$ _&d. [Technology of canned meat] Tekhziolopiia mlusnykh kon- servov. Moskyu, Pinhchevaia prowiyshlennontl , 1964. 293 p. (NIU 17:10) .10 KOIESNIKOV, S.; ADJU' VSKIYj S. Ddesua hoalth resort grows and dovelop. Okhr. truda i sots. atrakh. 5 no-5:21-22 MY 1622. (MaRA 15:5) 1. ]~'achallnik Odesskogo territoriallnogo I.-urortnogo upravleniya (for Kolesnikov). 2. Doverennyy vrach Odesskogo oblastnogo soveta professionalInylth soyuzov (for Adamovskiy). (Odessa Province-Health resorts, watering places, etc.) ADAMIOVSKY, Miloslav; BLAHUSKOVA, Jella Indirect polarographic detemination of the diphenic acid. Chem prum 14 no.2.-89-91 P64 1. Vyzkumny ustav pro koksochemii, az;trava. ADAMOVSKY, Vladimir Realisierung von Verbesseruzigavorschlaegen in der CSR uzCCnVD.LwV--- SO: Erfindungs und Vorschlagswesen) December 1955) Unclassified. ADfil-IOVSKY, V. A correct decision made in the L. and C. Hardmutb pencil plant of the National Koh-I-Noor Enterprise concernJng the expansion of the impruvers' movement. P. 599 (Sbirke Vynalezu) Vol. 6, no. 3, Mar. 1957, Praha, Czechoslovakia SO: H2nthly Index of East European Acessions (EUI) Vol. 6, No. 11 November 1957 ADAMOWA, L.; KRYLOWA, W. The ruble in the service of cost accounting and control. p. 432. PRZE- GLAD KOLF.JMTY (Wydawntetwa Komunikacyjne) Warszawa. Vol. 6, no. 11, Nov. 1954. SOURCE: East European Accessions List, (EEAL), Library of Congress, Vol. A+, no. 12, December 1955 203;1i. A UA.-E (A., L:% 1.)escriptimi "f a r ~;t' and di!iturbancos of tumoll I, III the illt~-f Ir N't 111, 1, 1 t1w I 1j)lt arytcImid and reat hl-.ig t() t~;': 1 1,)[, ")(.,Io%y tilt, ril"Ilt arytt'noid. ThO tlllll- '111, V, ~1:; 11.1,1 llli iW:!!C:!1 foatures of ;I inyoblastoijia. T--vi-titv nwtah~; iirtrr 11w opc .,;it 1":' condit 011). PothIrm - Antstt :-J;ii;, (XI, 5, i 6) MCERPTA YEDICA See It Vol 12/11 0. R. L. Nov 59 2076. A CASE OF GLANT OSTEOMA OF THE FRONTAL SINUS - Przypadek olbrzymiego kostniaka zatoki czolowej - A d a m o w i c z 13, Klin. Otolaryngol. A.M., Warszawa - POL. TYG. LEK. 1959. 14/2 (71-73) 1 .6 The turnour developed for 12 yr., reaching giant dimensions. The growth penetrated 'the anterior cranial cavity,causing damag(i to the interior laminae of the sinus as well as to the frontal lobes of the brain. Moreover, becauac oi penetration to the left orbits, the eyeball was displaced downwards and to the left. Surgery was per- formed. the osteoma being removed as a whole. Its weight was 120 g. The poct- operative course was without any complications. (XI. 5,16) At ADAMOWICZ, Bolaslaw 2 cases of neurilemmoma of the larynx and tongue. Polski tygod. lek. 16 no.27:1039-1041 3 JI 161. 1. Z Kliniki Otolaryngologicznej A.M. w Warazawie; kierownik: prof. dr med. J. Szymanski. (NEURILEMVIOMA case reports) (LARYNX neopl) (TONGUE neopl) P10451621022100210021002 B102/B186 AUT!iOtl: Adamowicz, Leszek TITLE: The molecular field method applied-to the determination of the antiferromagnetic hyperstructures in simple cubic lattices PERIODICAL: Acta Physica Polonica, v. 22, no. 2'8), 1962, 195 - 198 TEXT: The conditions under which what kind of hyperstructures may in simple cubic lattices can be det*ermined by the mol.ecular field :,wthod (P. W. Anderson, Phys. Rev. 79, 705, 1950- Van Vleck, Journ. de Phys., 12, 262, 1951). The designation of the classification is that used Cofta (Acts, Phyo. Polon. 19, 759, 1960). General formulas are triver, the asymptotic temperature 0 and the Neel temperature T N' Here equity 9 = -12(A1 + 2A 2)S(S +10k, where A, and A 2 are exchanL;e integrals for the first and second nei.r-hbors respectively, S is th.-, quantum number and Ic is the Boltzmann constant. For a natural hypoi- structure (Cofta), where the magnetic lattice decomposes into two Card 1/3 !I/O,'j 1)/6 2/022 The molecular field method ... B102/1B186 cubic face-centered sublattices, T 12(2A, - A 3 ( S -, 1 4L r, ..J1 so that Q/T, - 21(1 - 2A /A-,) - 1 X. In this case the orit~:,:L N 2 the atomic spins is antiparallel in the first coordination sphere _ii,i parallel in the second. In the case of a hyperstructure h4vitig thr symmetry (001), Q1'rN = _3,~ is obtained, vdiereas O/T:, 1101CIS symmetry '110)-(lTo). The trend of the curves 9/T,, 21 1 for these cases. Ferromagnetism, (A2 /A, ----0) alone occu.-s if* A.l." hyperstructure in (00i)-symmetry (A 21'~1< -1/4) or ferroma.~mc;L_-.0- (-1/4 '~_A2/A, -0) occuro if A17, 0, A2'-- 0; natural hypor~,trucAure, .1, occurs if A -'~O' ji -10, whereas eiiher ;iatuval 1 2 structure occurs in (11o)-~-Jo)-syimmetry (A 21,' 1 -1/4) ifI are 2 fi-uros and I table. Card 2/3 P/0,15/62/022/002/002/002 The molecular field method... B102/B166 ASSOCIATION: InstitLit de Physique Theorique, Universite A. Mickiewicz, Poznan,et Laboratoire des FErromagnetiques, Instittit de Physique, Acade/mie Polonaise des-Sciences, Poznan (Inst,itute of Theoretical Physics, University A. Mickiewicz,Poznan, and Laboratory of Ferromagnetics, 'Physics Institute, Polian Academy of Sciencds, Poznan/). SUM11TTED: November 30, 1961 Card 3/3 L 14378-63 E*4T-(1)/_BDB._ A17TO/ASD IJF(C) ACCESSION NR: AP3001816 P/0045/63/023/005/0553/0556 AU7r1DR: Adomololicz, Leszek TITLE: Molecular field treatment of soma antiferro~agnatlc superstructures in a body-centered cubic lattice (work done at the Institute of Theoretical PhvsLcs of the A,_Y._icXitwkg_z_UniYtraity In Poznan), SOURCE: Acts physics polonics, v. 23, no. 5, 1983, 553-556 TOPIC TAGS. crystal symmetry, molecular field, antiferromagnetic superstructure body-centered cubic lattice, body-centered cubic superstructure , symmetry, magnetism. ABSTRACT- The paper gives the results of study of all the superstructures of bcc lattices known to the author, to which molecular field method can be applied, the general dependence of the Neal temperature upon the numbers of unlike neighbors for the first and second neighborhood. Discussion of all combinations of 3igRs of "change integrals for first and second-nearest neighbor interactions 5hows the oossibility of appearance of three orders only: ferromagnetic, natural and non-symmetric isotropic. Card ll~-2_ L 1437M3 ACUSSION 11R.- AP3001816 Orig. has 2 graphs, I diagram, 3 numbered equations. "Ibe author 13 very much indebted to Dr. H. Cofta for his valuable remarks and help." ASSMIAMIN: Politechnika War3zawska, Katedra Fizyki Ogolney IV, i~warsaw~ Polytechnic, Chair of General Physics I'D"), Warsaw. S U &M-1 MD: 17Ju1A2 DAn ACQ: 01JU163 ENCLI 01 SUB CODE: PH VO REF SOV: 000 OTHER: 008 Card 21,02, --- 1,!,; KQJ~11'0'!SKIL, ii, WOLINSKI, W.-, ADAMV41CZ, T.; 11,0141CUP . I L V, Optimum composition of the he and Ne mdxlurf~- --in a Bul Ac Pol tech 12 no.7:541-54~':, 161.. 1. Department of E'lectroy Instrument-- cf -.he Technical University, Warsaw. Presented ly J. Gros,,'mvski. WOLINSKI, Wieelaw,- ADAMOWICZ, Tadeusz Infrared radiation pulsed sources. Rozpr elektrotechn 9 no.1/2: 137-,~64 163. 1. Katedra Radiotechniki.. Politechnika, Warszawa. AA TJ SU pV . : - 1, ~ -, 1.1 _ 1 -,- , z . ,-,-.;'~' - .I I- " - it ' - - F! ':P~ ~: ~ ACCESSIO!' TM: AP4011798 P/0053/63/000/012/0682/0690 Au'~aq-.* woun"ald, WieBtm,; Ad=agicz, Tadeusz TITLE: Pulsed infrared generators 0 SaiRCE: Przaglid 'lektrmildls~c . 12, 1963.. 662-690 TOPIC TAGS: IR, 1R generat0r,, pulsed IR generator, photocathode, strildng potential, Aa-O-Ca cathode, AR-filled tube, Xr-filled tube, Xe-f-Illed tube, -light source,-pulsed Ught source ABSIMCT: Mie article revieim scme of the research work performed on pulsed light sources for IR purposes. Low-pressure tubes; filled vith j"'r, Kr and Xe intended for operatim with a type Ag-O-Cs lphotocathode are described. All tube electrodes axe, tungsten nnd primary electrodes are lined vith tungsten coils. Striking IA)tential as a fume-Lim of filler gas pressure was tested on a pumping unit consisting ok a Devag 40/1 pump, OF30 oil diffusim p=p, resistance gage, oil mancmeter and bottles containing spectrally-pure Ar, Rr and Xe,, Three iden- tical tubes vere soldered to the pump stancL passage. One of these Card ACCESSION NR: AP4011798 gases wa3 introduced into a tae after prior degassification of the glass and electrodes,, and the striking potential was measured in an electrical system. Measurements were carried-out in a manner to attain a product value D x d - 600 tropospheres/cm, (d - electrode spacing in cm;.p - pressure in tr). ;Ifter the characteristic UZ 0 F(p) had been measured., the tubes were removed froin the pump passage, each at a different pressure of 20, 40, and 60 tr; three series of tubes for Ar, Kr and Xe filling were thus obtained. The Paschen curve for the characteristic Uz - f(p x d) is ih hamony with theory. Minimal striking potential is lowest for Xe. somewhat higher for Kr and highest for Ar. Values of the pro- duct (pd)o,t corresponding to (U Z) minde crease with increase of the atomic Mss of the gas. hoto flash bulbs were al]~o tested. Xe works very well in the system - Ag-O-Cs - photo flash bulb in IR as well as in UV. The relative radiation energy received by an Ag-O-Cs photocathode illuninated by tubes filled with Ar,, Kr and Xe 'increases with rise of energy supplied to the tubes* Authors conclude that, a tube filled with Xe under a pressure of 40 to 60 tr is Wi best one to use in conjunction with a photocathode of Ag-O-Cs type. Orig, &A, hass 11 figuress ASSOCIATION: Katedra przyrzido'w elektronowych (Department of Electronic Devices) Card 21A?- ADAXOWICZOWA, Stanislaws. Distribution of Heine-Medin disease in varione Darts of the world. Pr2ezl. opldmm. 8 no-2:139-143 1954. (POLIOHYF.LITIS, epidenlology,) ADAMOWICZOWA, Stanislawa - Cbiantitative evaluation of losses from tuberculosis. Gruzlica 28 no.8:645-659 Ag 16o. 1. Z Panstwowego Zakladu Higieny w Warazawie Tierownik, prof. dr M.I[acprzak (TUBBRCULOSIS statist.) CIOLEK, Antoni, inz.; PTASINSKI, ;-bigniew, inz.; SLUS.'~' MT., ~-tardslaw, I MICj,"*1L'1.:SK'I, Teofil, inz.; Renryk, mistrz. Increase of the masimiui power of WK-50-1 turbines decreasing simultaneously the consumption of steam per unit. Gosp paliw 11 Special issue no.(95):12-13 Ja 163. 1. Llektro~mia Jauor7no Il. CICLEK, Antoni, iAz.; PTASINSKI, Zbigniew, inz.; SLUSARCZYK, Stanislaw, inz.; MICHALOLWSKI, Teofil, inz.; ADAMWSK1, Henryk, mistrz Increase of the maximum powei.of WK-50-1 turbin6s decreasing aimultans- ously the consumption of steal per unit. Oosp paliv 11 Special issue no., (95)t12-13 Ja 163. 1. Elektro-wnia Jaworzno II. ADAVIO19SKI,, Jan Engineer Spionek's fiberglass threadai Przegl techn no.42:6 19 0 16D, N: OT -1 r therapy of coronary diseases and i,hvir,'on to (ifzi.ij processeo of thr, organisim. Pol. tyg. 17 i t64. 1 Klir,-ki Chovol) Wcwnsl-rznych Vcjskmej Akademii Modycznei (.~Iicrownik; doc. dr P.~,ed. J.R. ChOnowski). L 14630-66 EV.7(m)/ETC(f)/EPF(n)-2/F-'~;,G(m) V,71 AZC--NR-,. AP6008158 SOT.RCE CODE: PO/0046/65/010/007/0443/0452 AUTHOR: Kaeprzynski, JerzX-Katspshyn' ski, - X.; Adamskat Hanna--Adamsk~., . CRG: Department of Fluid Yeehanics and Gases, Institute of Fundamental Problems of Technoloay. PAN. Warsaw (Zaklad Mechanik-i Ciec,,y i Gazow, Irstytut Podstawowyc- Problemow Techniki, PAN) TITIE* Selfexcited vibration of nuclear reactor X,.uelchannels with water cooling SOURCE: Nukleonikas v. 10j no. 7s 1965p 443-452 11 TOPIC TAGS: water cooled nuclear reactors flow velocityt vibrations computer calculation ABSTRACT: An attempt was made to explain the self-excited vibration of nuclear reactor fuel channels on the basis of hydro-flutter. The fuel channel was in the form of a very long tube fixed vertically i_-ith water flowing both outside and inside. It was assumed that the mean flow velocity is uniform and constant and that a small unsteady perturbation described by the velocity potential is super- imposed. The equation of vibration of the channel treated as a beam slibmerged in a flowing fluid was derived and solved by the Galerkin method. The influence of Card 1/2 I L 14630-66 ~ACC NR: AP6008158 the directions and the magnitudes of the internal flow velocities on the regions of instabilities was examinod. A numerical example solved on the Elliott-803 B computer, showed t2hat self-excited vibration of nuclear reactor fuel channels may be ex'Dlaingd on the basis of hyflro-flutt~er, Orig. art. has 3 figtires and 3 formulas. �TAT SUB CGDE: 18 SUBM DAM.: none ORIG REF: 001 / OTH REF -* W3 C ard 2 A~' ADAMSICA-MARCINKCIISKA, Halina Pyruvic acid in internal diseases. Pol. arch. med. wewnet. 35 -no.8tl283-1287 165. 1. Z II Kliniki Chorob Wewnetrznych PN w Lodzi (Kierownik: doc. dr. med. J.R. Chojnowski).