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Dispersion formula in a metal model of a molecule with conjugated bonds. (Cont.) 51-3-22/24 calculated value is 10 times too large because the frequency of the D-line of sodium is close to the natural frequency of an allowed C1OH12 electronic transition. The benzene molecule is represented by a circle of radius R = 3a/Ir, where again a = the length of the C-C bond. The results for the polarizability at the D-line of sodium agree well with the experimental values. There are 2 tables and 4 references, 3 of which are Slavic. SUBMITTED: October 12, 1956. ASSOCIATION: Physics Department, Leningrad State University. (Fizicheskiy Fakulltet Leningradskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta). AVAILABLE: Card 2/2 24(5) ZGV154- 58-4- 18/ 1 e AUTHORS: Adamov, M. N,-, Orlov, B, I. TITLE: Computation of the Polarizability ofrFt--Electrons on the Basis of a Metallic Model 'Nith 6-Shaped Potential Sources (Raschet polyarizuyemosti5-t-elektronov na osnove metallicheskoy modeli 8 ~-obraznymi istochnikami potentsiala) PERIODICAL; Vestnik Leningradskogo universiteta. Seriya fiziki i khimii, 1958, Nr 4, pp 182-167 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The most simple metallic model holds only in the ~~ase of a con- stant potential in the system of the conjugate bonds. In the real molecule for the model a step-like potential is assumed and in a boundary case as a model with S-shaped potential sources in the points where an atom is located. The computation of the polarizability (according to references 1-3), which holds for any type of model, permits also for the model under investiga- tion with &-shaped potential sources the solution of the Schr6dinger equation corresponding to it, This is carried out on the basis that the -.~.-source contributes ui - -g6(8-8 i) to the Card 1/2 potential energy of the electron, with E(s-s denoting Dirac uscom-Dc-60.,884 SOV/54-56-4-16/16 Computation of the Polarizability of 5-F-Electrons on the Basis of a Metallic Model With S-Shaped Potential Sources &--function, e - the coordinate along the outline of the mode], ai - the value of s at the location point of the source, g - a parRmeter expressing the intensity of the so rle. The expres- sion for the polarizability a ie formed from 7 0~, the wave function unperturbed by the external electric field and (1) - AL with the wave function perturbed by the field. (40 F F=0 -2 f~ (o N d5. The expression for theV-electron-polariz- ability is obtained by the further mentioned connections and as a function of the source intensity g, the energy-parameters "'k ancO_nand the dimensions of the model. A computation, carried out according to the given formulae for benzene which can be regarded as a hexagonal model with six potential sources (each potential source has the value 9 0.733) represents the value of theii--electron-polarizability a 59~2 which is in the same hexagonal model without potential sources only a = 47.0. There are 5 references, 4 of which are Soviet, Card 2/2 ADAMOV, M.N.; ORWV, B. I. Calculation of the polarizability of Z-alectrons on the basio of a metallic model with S-shaped field source [with summary in Inglish]. Vest. IDU 13 no.22:182-187 '58. (MIRA 12:4) (Blectrons) (wave mechanics) AUTHORS: 'd 11. , Veselov, 1.11. G. , Sov/i!6-22-9-1 '1o -421La-v.L 1-1-1 - - t Rebane, T.-r7` TITLE: The Electric and Magnetic Properties of Moleciiles With Complicated Structu-re Calculated on the Basis of 'L~-.e Free-Blectron Model (Raschety elektricheskikh i ma~., nitnykh svoystv slozhnykh molekul na osnove modeli svobodnykh elektronov) PERIODICAL- Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriya fizichesk~,.va, 19,1)8, Vol 22, Nr 9, pp loll,) - lo18 ABSTRACT: The authors succeeded in computing the polarizability and the diamagmetic susceptibility of n-electrons on the basis of the simple model of the free electrons. The polarizability a of atoms and molecules usually is computed by perturbational methods. For the com- putation of the n-electron longitudinal polarizability Card 1/14 of the polyenes C 2nH2n+2 the formulae TlYe Electric and 14agnetic Properties of Molecules With SOV148-22-9-1140 Complicated Structure Calculated on the Basis of the Free-Electron Ylodel 4En an (w) =T-4 Pn (_,)n_cos p11L Plin p L n (-1)n , -c os qnL + sin q L 72 (2) n and 0 an(O) = 12n4n2 (15 - n n were employed. The results, toLgether with the results obtained by Bolton (Ref 1), are listed in table 1. The polarizability of the electrons was also determined for the case of a rin6-shaped and a hexa,,- .. ,on-l nolectile. A simple wthematical scheme was worked out, which allovis to determine the wave function and the on,-r[,y spectrum of the Ti-electrons in the majr-_~tic .'--'--id very exactly. If the one-dimensional potenti;li of the conjuJate bonds is everywhere equal to zero, the problem Card 2/4 is represented by the determinzat'ion of the ei-envectors L, (3) The Electric and liagnetic Properties of Molecules Iffith SOV/48-22-9-1'41o /I Complicated Structure Calculated on the Basis of the Free-Electron 11"odel of the Hermitian matrix. The energy spectrum of the n- electrons in the magnetic field and their dia-a,~-netic susceptibility are determined according to the secular equation ~et W = 0. This computation method of the diamagnetic susceptibility can be extended also to the case of a variable one-dimensional potential. The method allows to consider the influence of the intramo- lecular periodic field as well as the deviations from the periodicity. Starting from the matrix-formulation of the problem the connection between the methods of the free electrons and of the molecular orbits was investi_rated. The agreement of the energy spectra shovis by means of the results obtained by the semi-empirical method due to Pariser, Parr and Pople (Ref 4)that the depth of the potential well in the place wbere the atom j is situated is given by the equation V ' ~(2 - q )I + qjF - N ~. This equation validates j 2 j j j~ i Card 3/4 the semi-empirical formula sul-I-ested by Veselov and The Electric and Magnetic Properties of I-Iolecules '~Vithl SOV/48-22-9-1/40 Complicated Structure Cal-culated on the Basis of the Free-Electron L'odel Rekasheva (Ref 5). This formula describes the relation between the shape of the bottom of the potential well in con.jugate molecules which contain hetc-ro-atoms, and the potentials of the electron affinit'.,), and the ionization of single atoms. There are 2 tables and 5 references, 2 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATIONI: Leningradskiy gos..universitet im. A. A. Zhdanova (Lenin grad State University imeni A. A. Zhdanov) Card 4/4 AUT11O.1,. Adamov, M1. N. SOV/76-32-9-21/46 TITLE: Calculation of the n-Eie(,tron Polarizability Te-nsor for Butadiene and Benzene 114olecules (Raschet tenzora polyari- zuyemosti n-elektronov v molokulakh butadiyena i benzola) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, 101)8, Vol 32, .'%'r 9, pp 2087 - 2093 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The components of the tensor for trans-butadiene amount to ('X XJR = 54,0 (a YY )TC = 2,6 WXY)n = 9,0 in atomic units. Basis of the calculation was the metallic model. The wcepted coordinate system corresponds to the symmetry axes ( x and y correspond to S., the x-axis goes through the center of the C-C-bond; z c6rresponds to 0 2). The result for benzene was A Tr = 47,0 for the hexagonal model; a- ~ 50, 7 for the circular model. The approximate it formula is verified for the -t IE of benzene, as well as at (.X XX) T1 and (1X xy) Rof butadlene, though only the transition with minimal excitation is under consideration. The Card 1/2 approximate value of (a YY )n of butadiene corresponds to Calculation of the r~-Electron Polarizability Te,3or for SOV/76-32-9-21 4 o Butadiene and Benzene Molecules the true value if the two following transitions are taken into account. Collaborators were the students of physics I. S. Milevskaya and B. I. Orlov. There are 2 figures, 1 tLLble, and 7 references, 5 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION:Leningradskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. A. A. Zlhdanova (Leningrad State University imeni A. A. Zhdanov) SUBMITTED: April 5, 1957 Card 212 14 CY /;L S/020/60/133/02/17/068 B019/bO60 AUTHM-, Adamov, M. H. ---------------- TITLE. Integral Representation of the Dispersion Formula for a Hydrogen Atom in the Ground State PERIODICAL. Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1960, Vol. 133, No. 2, pp. 315-317 TEXT, The quantum-theoretical expression (1) for the optical polarizability of a hydrogen atom or of a hydrogen-like ion in the ground state is written down in the introduction. The ordinary dispersion formula (3) is obtained by expanding the function ~(74;i~,) according to the eigenfunotions of the operator Ho. Calculations according to this formula are very difficult because of their slow convergence, and it is shown here that it is possible to oonstruct an integral representation of the dispersion formula, Formula (4) is set for ~ (4;u)), and is substituted into (2). Finally, equation (14) is obtained for the dispersion formula with the aid of a Laplace transform. The calculation Card 1/2 Integral Representation of the Dispersion S/020/60/133/02/17/068 Formula for a Hydrogen Atom in the Ground BO19/BO6O State of the polarizability for low frequencies of the electric field is discussed next. This closed representation of the dispersion formula can also be obtained for excited states of the hydrogen atom, but complications arise due to degeneration. ASSOCIATION: Leningradskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im, A. A. Zhdanova (Leningrad state University imeni A. A. Zhdanov) PRESENTED: March 25, 1960, by V. A. Pok, Academician SUBMITTED: March 2, 1960 /C Card 2/2 ADAMOVI M.N.; KAGANt V.K.; ORLOVt B.I. Dispersion formula for an electron in a potential well of finite depth and the optied polarizability of molecules. Opt. i spektr. 10 no.2s276-279 F 161. (MIRA 14:2) (Electrons) (Molecule&-Optical properties) 89218 9/05 61/040/001/024/037 B1 02YB212 AUTHORS: A _V.L_jt,_j Zubkov , V, A. .Ldi!movL TITLE: A commentiD the variational calculation of polarizability PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v- 40, no . 1 1 1961 0 246-248 TEXT: In the derivation of Kirkwood's formula and similar variational formulas for polarizability the requirements which result from the ortho- gonality of the perturbed wave functions, were not considered. These for- mulas therefore give a higher value of the polarizability of excited eleo- tron states. The authors' aim is to show that if these requirements are taken into account when setting up the trial function for variational cal- culation of the electron polarizability in the excited statel results are obtained which agree well with exact values# (i.e., they approach them from below). M variational problem of determining the polarizability ai - -2E 1 2 for the i-th'slectron state is formulated as follows: E (2) 0 j 191 (1 (1)(H0 - E (0)) T (')dr + 2fTi MZT i(O)dvi the i I Imin 0 ~i i i Card 1A 89218 8/056/61/040/001/024/037 A oommenttD the variational.... B102/B212 normalization of the perturbed funotion T I results in fl? iM7i(0) d.T . 00 and the orthogonality of the functions Ti with respect to Tk (describing a state lower in energy than the i-th state) yields fTi(1)'Fi(O)d, - -frk(l )Ti(O)d, -zik/(Ei(o)- Ek(O)). The polarizing field is assumed to be along the z-axis. The Buler equation E (0)),r (1) . (X - z)? (0) + L T (0) ' with X - E (1) . Z and i i i i k k k i i ii Xk 0 chebke with the perturbation theoreti6al equation for Ti (1); Substitutingsi K - (fi)ii]Ti Of (fi)ik - f7i(O)fiTk( O)di, yields (0) - M- (0)) - (f Ti - N - (fi)i 1~ 4 Oik'Fk(O) ' where cik ~ Zik/(Ei Fk i)ik* When-introduced into the initial equation this gives: (2). E j Eli, n . 2[(z - zii) + I (grad fi)2 + 21c [(E~(O)- E (0))f + 4 11 k ik i i Card 2/4 A comment'to the variaticral ... .89aa S/(056/61/040/001/024/037 3102/B212 + ik' +~k aik(Ek(" Ei(o)),P For f w-a z'one obtains instead of the i -i 2 Kirkwood formula (6) ai 41z j , a new variational formula (9): ii _ (zoo), 2 a z2 - (Z ~2 '(zi )1] 2/ [1 + 2 ~(%(O) - N(o))(z 2] - 2 2 ii IV k ik) k(zik) (E (0) E (0). Be i k veral values of the polarizabilities a n1n2m of hydrogen states computed.~ by using formulas (8) and (9) (the first two lines) are compared with exact values in Table.1 (last line). Parabolic quantum num- bers n 1 and n2 and the magnetic 'quantum number m characterize the state; Table 2 shows analogous values for several states of an electron moving in an infinitely deep potential well having a length of 1 - 10 atomic units (an is the pQlarizability of a state characterized by the quantum number n). The new formula, unlike the Kirkwood formula, always gives values that do not exceed the exact ones. The formula can be used to calculate the polar- izability of many electron systems. Finally, it is pointed out that taking the orthogonality of the perturbed wave functions into account should also be important in other variational calculations of quantities in second Card 3/4 89216 S/056/61/040/001/024/037 A comment to the variatichdoes B102/B212 perturbation-theoretical approximation. There are 2 tables and 5 refer- ences: 2 Soviet-bloo and 2 non-Soviet-bloo. ASSOCIATION: SUBMITTED: Card 4/4 Leningradskiy goeudarstvennyy universitet (Leningrad State University) Hua July 14, 1960 C11" cost 14,5 11377 Table 1 and 2 no OOPMYJI e (8) 4 f96 14, 1 916 90 2450 1296 no ,Op,,,., e (9) 4 148 14' 14 1296 ToquGe snqene fG8 15( Tmqlfas 2 no Popuyne (8) 42,7 .199,7 241.5 257 0 no ( Popuy-ne (9) 42,7 L -t4,O 8,5 , -5 5 3 3 Toliff0e 311Viewte _ 43.9 3 -13,1 -7,8 , : :4 -4,8 8 INN ADAMOVP M.N.; TUPITSYN, I.F. Theoretical study of reactivity in substitution reactions of molecules with conjugate bonds using the free electron method. Part 1. Alternant and nonalternant, hydrocarbons. Vast. LGU 17 no.16:47-57 162. (MIRk 15:9) (Chemical reactions) (Hydrocarbons) ADIMOV. M.N. - TUPITSYN, I. F. --- - 6 Theoretical study of reactivity in substitution reactions of molecules with conjugate bonds using the free electron method. Part 2o Six-membered nitrogen heterocycles. Vest. LGU 17 no.16:58- 65 162. (MIRA 1~:9) (Chemical reactions) (Heterocyclic compounds) ADAMOV, M.V ; TUPITSIN, I.F. Theoretical study of reactivity in substitution reactions of molecules with conjugate bonds using the free electron method. Part 3 'Five-membered nitrogen heterocycles. Vest.LGU 17 no.224+18 162. (MM 15:12) Ii (Witrogen compounds) L 11117 -630 ACCESSION NR 54TWIMS AF.-FTC,,A5D AP3002781 S/0051/63/0114/006/0737/0744 AUTHOR: Adam v. M. N,,#. Kagan, Ve Ko; Orlov,_B. I. TITLE: New method for calculating the 0 tical polari.:,ability of the hydrogen atom SOURCE: Optika i spektroskopiya, v. 14.. No. 6, 1963, 737-7" TOPIC TAGS: optical polarizability, atomic hydrogen ABSTIMT: Starting with the quantm-dispersion theory expression for the Polaris- ability as a function of the radiallion frequency, the authors deduce an integral represantation of this fomula applicable to the hydrogen atom and one-electron ions. 'ne integral expression was used to r;alculate the polarizabil-ities of the hydrogen atom in the ground state and in low-lying excited states %,ith n = 2. For the ground state, with increase of the frequency of the radiation from 0 to 3/8 atomic units the polarizability increase3 monotonically, At this first natural frequency (3/8 atomic units) the function has a discontinuity and changes sign; further the polarizability agaiii increases and goes to 7ero when the frequency equals CLbout 0.404 atomic units. Thus, radiation of this frequently should pass through atomic hydrogen without refraction, The behavior of the polarizabil-ity .Is a function of the radiation frequency for hydrogen in low-lying excited states Card 1/), L 11117,.63 ACCESSION NR: AP3002781 is similar, ~ut~the.,naturAl~,frequencies.correspondiij to discontinuities-are differeA, Orig. art* has: about 66 formulas and U.). tableso ADAMOV , 14. N.; KAGAN, V. K.; M'RhITE, T. K. Calculating the Stark effect in the hydrogen atom. Vest. ILU 19 no.10:31-39 164. (MIRA 11-7:7) ADAMOV, M-N.; L,VAMT()V, R.A. -~. ... .... -.- Calculation of single-ele'-tron three-certer Aniel7n~is. Zhur. strakt. khirn. 5 no-50.759-764 S-0 164 (KIRA 18:1) 1. Fizicheskiy institut Leringradskc~o psudar6-,venrlogo imirez.- siteta. ADAMOV, M.N.; KAGAN, V.K.; ORLOV, B.I. Calculating the optical polarizab.Ility of the hydrogen atom by means of a power series. Opt. i spektr. 19 no.2:300- 302 Ag 165. (MIRA 18:8) ADAMOV, M.N.; REBANE, T.K.; EVARESTOV, R.A. Variational estimation of values com,.uted In the second approxima- tion of the perturbation theory. Teo--et. i eksper. khim. 1 no.5t 588-594 S-0 165 (MIRA 19:1) 1. Fizicheskiy institut Leningradsko,-o gosudarstvennogo univer- siteta. Su'cmitted June 23, 1965. L 0475P~- MWIF (1) 0 /EI'l ACC NR1 AP6025963 SOURCE CODE: UR/0051/66/021/001/0106/0107 I AUTHOR: Adiwiov, M. N.; Wlyedkov, V. D. S ORG: none TITLE: Quadrupolar and polarization potentials of the hydrogen molecule SOURCE: Optilca 1 spelctroskoplyn, v. 21, no. 1,1966, 106-107 TOPIC TAGS: perturbation theory, electron polarization, hydrogen atom reaction, ABSTRACT: The role of the quadrupolar and polarization potentials in the quantul-41- chanical calculation of collisions using second order perturbation theory was investi- gated. Consider the system e-H2. The total energy E(r) = El(r) + E2(r), where El is the energy calculated fr*m first order perturbation theory and E2 that calculated from' second order perturbation theory. El is dominant both as r approaches zero and as r approaches infinity. However, the polarization potential E2 becomes dominant begin- ning at distances r z ro = 2.5 atomic units and continues to exceed 91 up to a distance r0at which point 82 starts to become negligible again. In calculating El using a Weinbaum wave ftmetion and elliptical coordinates one finds that: E, ds + dt I 'S P2 (003 8) 4 d1yS p,(coso) Qp,(,,00)~ + -5 Y 2r3 -TP+IS -2,3 Coo 1/2 UDC: 539.192-: .546.1l..01-. L 04758-67 k C NR: AP60259(63 where d = 1.42, 0 a 1.694, S = 0.672, y = 1.228, a 1.409 and P2 is the-Legendre func- tion. The first term in the brackets is the nuclear quadrupole term and the second is the electron quadrupole tern, while Q is the total moment. The experimentally deter- mined value of Q electron ~ 1.1910.07 while in this calculation Q electron m 1.42 and Q = -0.596. 92 was calculated to be: Ej - I a M r-I + 0 (r-1), 2 where aV--0 a 4.9, aV., ~ 6.5, 1/30 V=1 + 2a V=0 5.4. Taking into account the slight dependence of a an v one finally obtains the equation for the total energy: Q E (r) - P2 (COS 8) + 0 (r-S). 2r3 Therefore, in the direction perpendicular to the molecular axi3 (v = 0) 91 becomes larger than 92 when r ~: 18. Thus in the scattering region the polarization potential., does not play a smaller role than the quadrupolar term and must be taken into consi- Ideration. Orig. art. has: 5 formulas. [141 B CODE: 2%; 07 SUB'M DATE: 24W;165 ORIG REF: 001 OTH REF: 003 kh 2/2 ACC NR, AP6036952 ( Al SOURCE C-ODEt---UR/-0181/66/008/011/3173/3176 AUTHORs Adamovp M. No*, Ledovskayaj Yet M,; Rebanep To Ko ORGt Lenin ad State University im. At A. Zhdanov (Leningradskiy gosudarstvamyy universitetv TITLE: Variational calculation of the polarizability of the F-center in alkali halide crystals (point lattice approximation) -SOURCEt Fizika tvardogo telap ve 8v no* lit 1966P 3173-31?6 TOKC TAGS1 F center, alkali halide, variational mothodp ground state ABSTRACTI In order to calculate atomic shifts and frequencies of local oscillations in.crystals with defects, it is necessary to estimate the static polarizability a of.tho dofacts and ions of the crystal base; this was done both from above and from ,below. A variational method of the perturbation theory was used to findo in the point 17,lattice approximationg the narrow interval in which is located the value of the polar- ."Ai,~bility of the F-center corrrosponding to the model potential V(r). The following .I.Jwave function was used to deacribe the ground state-bf the F-centert 73 4 .7w e Optimum values of parameter y for NaCl crystals were determined from the requirement 112 ACC NR, AF6036952 of minimum energy of the electron described by this function and located in the field of a nonpolarizable point lattice.with an anion vacancy. The excitation energy C Els was found to be Ty The estimate from above gave ct > 1 523 and the estimate frombelow, cL < 15-556 The two sets of estimates for various alkali halide crystals are tabulated. It is concluded that the variational calculation gave a precise value of the polarizability of the ground state of the electron moving in a field with potential V(r). Since, howevery the model potential V(r) describes the F-cantor only approximately, the re- sults of the calculation may differ from the actual value of the polarizability of the F-center, being probably somewhat high. The numerical calculations were performed with a BF,314-2 computerl and the program for calculating the optimim value of paramoter Y was written by B. Ya. Frazinskiy. Authors are grateful to I. V. Abarenkoy for dis- cussing the work. Orig. art. hass I table and Ii formulas. SUB COM 20/ SUBM DAM OBFeb66/ ORIG REFt 0051 OTH RM 003 212 iwAmciv, N. 13. "On the Clinical. Observations of Primary Cancer of the Liver" Terapev-ticbeskiy Pakhiv 25:50-52, 1953, USSR abs B-80127,, 2 Nov 54 ADAMOV, N.T, ~Rffect of intraostesus blood transfusions and injection of therapeutic serum on blood proteins and their fractions in tuberculosis. Dokl. AN Uz. SSR no.2:63-65 '58. (MIRA 11:5) 1.Okruzhn.oy vo3rennyy gospitall. P~redstavleno akad. AN UzSSR A.Yu. YunusovyM. (Tuberculosis research) (Blood) ADAHOV, N.T.; MMUMOVSKIY, I.Ye. Mxpelling ascarids and whipworms by the use of oxygen in patientB with tuberculosis. Uzb.blol.zhur. no-5:69-73 '58. (MM 12:1) l.--Okru2hnoy voyennyy gespital' Turkmenekogo voyennogo okruga. (atYGBN--TRMMF-",IC USE) (URMATODA) (ASCARIDS AND ASCARIASIS) ADAMOV, IT.T.; 111KISHIN, K.Ye., kand. mad. muk..; SIMY-011, F.K. I-- Diagnostic value of spot roentgenography in pulmonary tuberculosis. Vent. rent. i rad. 33 no.6:19-22 11-0 '58. (MIRA 12:1) (TUBERGUIOSIS. PUD4011LU, ding. aimed x-ray (Rua)) ADAMOV, N.T. Intre-oassous blood transfusions in pulmonary tuberculosis and their effectiveness [with slimngry in French]. Probl.tub. 36 no.1:64-67 158. (MIRA 11:4) 1. Iz Tashkentakogo okruzhnogo voyennogo gospitalya. (NMERCULOSIS. PUIXONARY, ther. blood transfusion, intraosseous admin. (Rua)) (BUND TRAPSYUSION, in vraious dis. pulm. tuber., intraosseous admin. (Rua)) ArAMOV, 14. T.: Master Med Sci (diss) -- "Intraosteal transfusions of blood and therapeutic serum in pulmonary tuberculosis and their effect on hematopoiesis and certain biochemical indexes". Samarkand, 1959. 20 pp (.Samrkand State Med Inst im Acad I. P. Pavlov), (KL, No 14, 1959, 122) ADAMOV, N. V. S-ar quelques proprietes des intep-rales dlune equatinn du sec-nd ordre a coeffici periodiques. C.R. Acad. 7ci., 107 (19,113), 1280-1282. SO: l4athematics in the USSR, 1917-1947 edited by Kurosh, I...G., 'larkushevich, A.I., Rashevskiy, P.K. Moscow-leninf-rad, IP49 t 7 oscillat on d s i-,~'--c'Crahs do Vcquati:~:-. ,u OrcIre, Cllocffv,'-,~ntf~ pcrlodi,mc-~3 C~t f7ur quOl Olo at r- i- e'. o t or- F~vo~rsva u -u lxiv%~.'-Ll 'Lwavnoni::~'l pervo~70 P=, 2c') S j. t',C U edit-d by Kw-osh, A.G., ;"as'-evskiy, P.11'. ADA"10AT, 14. V. 0b oemoln metode posladovatellnykh priblizheniy. DAN, P-7 (193F', 21C~-224. SO: Mlathematics in the USSR, 10,17-1947 edited by Kurosh, A.G., 'larkushevich, A.I., Rashevskiy, P.K. Moscow-Leningrad, 194F ADA-M'OV, - N. V. 0 nakhozhdenii periodicheskikh resheniy obyknovennogo differentsiallnogc, uravreniya pervogo poryadka metodom posledovatellnykh p1riblizheniy. DAN, 19 (193F), 15-20. SO: Mathematics in the USM, 1917-1947 edited by Kurosh, A.G., Markushevich , A. 1. , Rashevskiy, F.K. Moscow-Leningrad, 1948 -ivz --, - - . I - - - - , - ---- -- -- - - - - .- I ~'. - - ~; I - - - - - - , I - ~ -- -- -- -- - - -- '. . - - - , - - - 11~ ~.~ [Standard technological charts for installing interior gas -MrAl 4 nA a 1 Ti-nnvvn 6-"#!- -- KARASEV, A.P., inzh.; LISITSYN, S.N., inzh.; MAZO, A.V., inzh.; ADAMOV, O.Y., inzh., red.; GELIN, M.M., inth., red.; red.izd-va; LAGUTINA, I.M., (Standard technological designs for the plumbing of interior cold and hot water-supply and sewerage systems) Tipovye takhnolo.vichaskie karty na proizvodstvo rabot po montazhu siB tam vnutrennego kholodnogo i goriachago vodosnabzheniia i kanAU20tgii. Moskva, GoB.izd-vo lit-ry po stroit., arkhit. i stroit.materialam, 1958. 4) p. (MIRA 12:9) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Gosudnrstvennyy komitet po delam stroltellstva. 2. Montazhnyy otdel Gosudarstvennopo pro- yektno.go inBtituta Santekhproyekt (for Karasev, Lisitsyn, Mazo). (Plumbing--Standards) inzh., red,; GELIN, N.M., inzh., red,; KNITS, A.P., red.izd-va; LAGUTINA, I.M., I [Standard instructions for erecting steam hosting plants] Tipovye tekhnologicheakie k6rty na proizvodstvo rabot po montazhu otopitelluykh kotellnvkh. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo lit-ry po stroit., arkhit. i stroit. materialam, 1958. 50 P. (MIRA 12:3) 1. Moscow. Gosudarstvenun proyaktnyy in8titut Santekbproyekt. (Boilers) --ADAMOV, O.V., inzh.,red.; GELIII,M.M.,inzh.,rF3d.; IWITS, A.P., red. Izd-va,; --------LWtUTINA, I.M., tekhn. red. [Standard technological diagrams for installir~g central heating systems] Tioovye tekbnologinheakle k-arty na proizvodetvo rabot po montazhu sistem tsentralinogo otooleniia. Moskva. Gos.izd-vo lit-ry po stroit, arkbit. i stroit. materialam, 195B. 71 P. (MIRA 11:12) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Gosudarstvennyy komitet po dalam stroitel'stva. (Heating) GENIN, H.Ta..inzh.; XHOTKKVICH, S.G., inzh..;- ADAMOV,- O.V.,_1nzh., retsenzent; VINOGRADOV, I.Ta., inzh., retsenzent; BELOUSOV, V.V., inzh., nauch- nyy red.; NI1W4YAGI, D.K., red.izd-va; MOVEDEV, L.Ya.,; STEPANOVA, B.S., [Machine tools and mechanisms used in sanitary engineering] Stanki i makhanizmy dlia proizvodBtVa sanitarno-tekhnicheskikh rabot. Moskva. Goo.izd-vo lit-ry po stroit., arkhit. i stroit.materialam, 1959. 179 P. (MIRA 13:6) (Sanitary engineering--Equipment and supplies) ADAMOV, O.V. ; FIlflMLISHTHYN, S.M. ".1". . .. ~--Yofk practices in pipe bending. Yod.i san.tek-h. no-9:31-32 S 159. (MRA, 12:12) (Pipe bending) ADAMOV, O.V.; IVAITOV, K.N. ------ -.- Length of short t1ureads on pipes of sanitary engineering systems. Vod. i sau. tekh. no.11:15-17 V '59. (MIRA 130) (Pipe fitting) MIRONOV, Konstantin Androyevich; SHIPETIN, Lev Ionifovich; LIVOV, M.A.. kand.tokhn.nauk, retsenzent;--ADAWV-, P.G., inzh.,red.; POLYAKOV, G.F., rod.izd-va; TIKIMNOV. A.U., Peasuring Instruments fnr une In connection with thermal procasses; refaronce manual] Toplotekhnicheskia izmeritellve pribory; apravochnya materialy. Izd.2., parer. I dop. Moskva, Gos.nauchnn-tekhn.izd-vo mashinostroit.lit-ry, 1958. 896 p. (Physical instruments) (14IRk 11:12) S/112/59/00O./012/05-3/097 A052/AO01 Translation from~ Referativnyy zhurnal, Elektrotekhnika, 1959, No, 12, p, 192, # 24962 AUTHOR;, -Adamov, P.G. TITLE. Problems of DeZ21opintthe Production of instruments and Automatic Devices and of Designing New Types of Them PERIODICAL~ Opyt raboty prom-sti Sovnarkhoza (Moskov. ekon, adm, r-n), 1958, No. 4, pp, 36-43 ,EXT,, The prospective plan of development of the Moscow in.strument--indus- try for 1959-1965 is discussed, There are 11 illustrations. Translator;s note,: 1-nis is the full translation of the original Russian abstract. Card 1/1 Val; I im " - - - .. - - - ~ . -I-1 r- A 5 - - - AIL', .A k Kbac" ;A& imp Whirl I v I=* T iffiATWO t9o g0& [CoIj to the In Iran in January 19191 Prirv&, Mouour, 39(2):20-29. Feb. 1930. 2 figs, MC-Durins it* winter 19411,1949, great tcmp~rat ire amoinalies o,,t-urIvd over 90 Furopa "I C"trAl Asia. Continuous souvratorrus mQ omm (mvilitil um rrrd o%vf all of L4jrki-tsn. 'Ile trnipersturv fell to