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'Sli OL a ic 40' Ar ot "fu V ce -4~ 4L 'r 4 t / Ir 73-- / 7 Y4- - --- -- A~jIJKODV,_Alekgq. i -"-- Sl'rx(LYOV~ Anntoli37 Ivanovich y,jy,jipv ch, 187 [Pathological anotony] Patologicheskaia anatoniia. 2. izd., perer. i sckr. Moskva, Nedgiz, 1961. 558 p. (MIRA 16: U) (ANATOMY, PATHOLOGICAL) -W11 V 11 . -1 1,.%- r LA-1 v 5 &prede)1te'.' fauny I and flora o.-' the :,orthom "Sovetskaya Nauka"s 1948. 739 p. illus. 623-53 . 'AX flory aevernykh morey SSSR (Identification of fauna seas of the USSR, by) G. G. Abrikosov (I dr.) Mosknia, "Literatitra": p. 701-706. MLA ABRIKL'SUV, U. U. Q- Q- Ahri -,#jaa--r N. A. Bevnina, Z. S. Bronpoin, Y. S. Gayevskaya, V. I. Zntzepin, N. N. Kondakov, K. 1. Meyer, V. 1. Oliftm, P. I. Uratchpv, Z. A. Filatova, A. A. Shorigin, T. F. Chitchiqjovi, Z. G. S.,ichedvln, V. A. Jnshnov co-authorB of the book "Defini&ione - Fauna and- Flora of Qr-th.~rn Sgas in USSR edited by Prof. N. S. Gavevski, and. approved by the Ministry of USSR Hizher Edlacation a!- a manual for univorsitier. Stnte Publiphing llsovim, SCIENCE", Moscow - 1940, SO: M 654015 ABRIKOSOV G.G. OG,jidec to thm faima of the U.S.S.R.* no.146. V.I. ;;~iadin. Reviewed by G.G. Abrikosov. Zool.zhur. 32 no.j:563-365 My-Je 153. (YJRA 6;6) (Gastero-noda) TAINLIVA, A.M. Canthor3; ABRIBSOV, G,G. [reviewer]. - "Armoralad mollusks of the seas of the U.S.S.R.* A.M.lAkovleva; in the serien 00predeliteli po faun SSBR," no.45. Reviewed by G.G.Abrikosov :-0) Zool,xhur. )2 no.5:1032-10)3 3-0 15). (MM 6-1 (Mollusks) (IKzovleva. A.M.) Aall-osov, a, G 633. .Al 1955 Kurs zoolo-gii (Course in Zooloar, b,,,) G. G. A.Irikosov (i Dr.) Pod red. B. S. KAVeYeva- lzd. 5. Moslfv- , Sovetskaya Nlaukri, 1955- V- NAUNOV, M.P.; ABRIVDSOV, G.G.. rodaktor; IOBDWA, L.J.. tekhnichaskir rodakto'?. (Animal ecology] Ikkologiia zhivotnvkh. Koshva, Goo. izd-vo "Sovets6i& nauka," 1955. 532 P. (HLHA 9:1) (Zooloa--leologr) ABRINOBOY, G,G. %. -... "Polychaeta, of the Far Eastern seas of the U,S.S.R.R P.T.Ushakov. Review& by G.G.Abrikosev.(Inglish summary in insert]. Zool.Zhur. 35 n9.2:319-320 7 156. (an 9 .0 7) (Polychaota) (Unhakov, P.V.) ARRIX ; BANNIKOV, ilindrey Grigorlyevich; RIKKER. B.G.,- BCORIIISKIY, am*06~Awk1ekseyevicb.; IRVINSON, L.B.; KATMAY, Boris Stepanovich, professor; PARAMOMOV, A.A.; GANWIVA, K.S., tekhnicheskiy redak.-,'.c;r [A course in zoology; in two volumes] Kura zoologil; v dvukh tomakh. Pod obBhchei red. V.S.Katvaeva. Izd- 5-e. Koakva, Goa, izd-vo "Sov,qtskaia nauka." Tol. 2. [Chordata] Khordovye. 1956. U43 p. (Chordata') (MLRA 10:2) SUBJECT: AUTHOR: TITLE: PERIODICAL: ABSTRACT: USSR/Protistology 25-6-7_/46 Card 112 Abrikosov, G.G., Candidate of Biological Science, Lecturer at ,00- In the World of Unicellular Animals (V mire odnoklatochnykh) Nauka i Zhizn' June 19579 # 69 Pp 15-17 (USSR) Protistology is the science about unicellular animals and plants. It was discovered that many of the unicellular animals cause diverse diseases in man and animals, as for examplo malaria and amebic dysentery. As scientists were able to investigate the essential features of these lowest species of animals, doctors are now able to prevent or cure diseases caused by them. Some of the unicellulars are even useful as food to aquatic organisms which in their turn form the ~asio nourishment for fish. Other species, having skeletons consisting of mainly calciumg formed during long periods of time layers of rocks which are now used for con- struction purposes. The article (sontains one picture and five drLwings. 25-6-7p~6 TITLE: ASSOCIATIONt PRESENTED BYs SUBMITTEDt AVAYLkBLEt Card 2/2 In the World of Unicellular Animals (V mire odnokletochnykh) At the Library of Congress 0 Tv E . I 1C -- _ ~x . IA/ T)ele- I~~ L,/ Cf Z -. C, -,. ABRIKOSOY...,,R~G! "lMoskva) Pogonophora. a new type of invertebrates. Usposovrobiol. 44 n-o.2: 232-240 S-0 157. (MIRA 10:12) (FOGONOPHOPA) AIM!R~RV ~G- NlKsirib~tion o~ shipvor;mo in seas of the U.S.S.R.0 by F.I. Iiiabehikov. Rev!.ewad by G.G. Abrikosov. Zool. zhur. 37 no.g: 1419-1420 S 151). (min 11: 10) (Shipworms) ABRI)COSOV, G.G. ,-,-jV,Arrl'P&dla In seas of the U.S.S.R." by N.I.Tamsov, G.B.Zovina. Reviewed by G.G. Abrikosove Zool.zhur. 37 no-10:1575-1576 0 158. (Cirripedia) (Tarasov, N.I.) (Zovina, G.G.) APPIMSM') (11. Pogonophora, a new t.NTe of inve-te"vate. p. 81 "]. C - "%TALE . .,r, - A; - ILE E. S U_SOVIff, -T'IA RICIOGIE, (Acjdc-mta J~t-ru')Iicil Populare 'Iotrii no. institutal dc Studii Romino-Sovietic Ducuresti, Rumania Vol. 13, no. 2, April/June 1959 Honthly list of 4nzt European Accession index L" Vol. 811 No. 11 N,vember l?59 Uncl. ABRIKOSOV Flolyzoa. of tho Caspian and Aral seas. Zool.~zhllr- 38 no.15:69h-701 117 '59. (MIRA 12:7) 1. Chair of Invertebrate Zoology, Moscow StPte University (Caspian Soo-Polyzoa) (Aral Sea--Polyzoa) ABRIKOSOV, G.G. - A new immigrant in the Casnian Sea. Zool. zhur. 38 no.11:1745- 1746 N '59 (MIRA 13:3) 1. Chair of Invertebrate Zoologyj Moscow State University. (CaBDian Sea--Polyzoa) 17(4) SOV/2o-126-4-58/62 AuTHOR: _44-rUpa TITLE: Or the Goneric Subdit-1sions of the Phylactolaemuta Fresh Water Bryozoa (0 rodovyf.h .--1razdeleniyakh pokrytorotykh (Phylacto- laemata) ~,resnovc-xnykh mshanok) PERIC.,)ICAL: Doklady Akademili nauk 53SR, 1959, Vol 126, Nr 4, pp 898 - 0001 (USSR) ABSTRACT: About 75';la of the fresh-water bryozoa belong to the group only living in fresh water mentioned in the titlE. The problem of the systera within this group is still very unclear, in parti- cular the generic subdivisions are not determined. There is no accurate criterion of sorting the species. Among the 13 species described at different points of time, some were rapid- ly eliminated, others have been interpret-ed in a differnt way by differed investi.-ators. The following classification of statoblasts (Ref 6) - in the author's opinion the only good characteristic - has been suggested; fbtoblasts and seasoblasts. In this connection, a revision of the generic classificfttion of some forms is necessary (Refs 3,40) - Figure 1 : 6 shows Card 1/2 characteristic spinoblasts of such a kind from South Africa On the Gone-!.". Su'jdivirdo,-is of the Phyla e?',-.: !a ema ta SOV/2o-126-4-58/62 Fresh Wate.L .--ryozoa (Ref ',",% (~'ophopu:,) capens-i.3 (capenensis) (ab3tracter's note: eviden'.1y a mi[iprirt 1908). For this kind, the author ov(44tes a n,,:?\v nPocies 16en'-Aa nal!les ?)! Lophopusella gen. n. AIrr St Is'.1a 0,ould be rev.Lsed (Refs 1,5,6), which is termed Lq .% e t. u-lr at qrtoriymo~As to Ilumatella. He puts forward 11-~ of .- ta~ cination of L4pt-Aes. Finally, the phylogenesis c. nd e e-Oution of -A.- I ~31~ [sets are discussed (Fig 1). Thero Lind Al C.~isuda-~ Qnyy univer~itet im. In. V. Lomonosova .Moscow State University imeni M. V. Lononosov) SEIC" JY rua*rv 7, 1959, by Ye. N. Pavlovskiy, Academician SUBVITTE, January 29, 1959 Card 2/2 17 (4) AUTHOR: Abrikosov, Go Go SOV/20-126-5-65/69 TITLE: On the Question of the Geographic Distribution of the Phylao- tolaemata of Fresh-water Bryozoa (K voprosu o geografioheskom rasprostraneiiii pokrytorotykh (Phylactolaamata) preanovodnykh mahanok.) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 126, Nr 5, PP 1139 - 1140 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The problem mentioned in the title is still hardly investigated* Several researchers are of opinion that these animals are, wide- ly spread (Cosmopolites' and that their distribution is irregu- lar. Thereby considerations are expressed that with the said problem still a lot is unclear. Investigations of the material of this family from the Dallniy Vostok (Par East) of the USSR led to some interesting results. The most important was the Pon- sibility of a fauna analysis of these animals of all East and Southeast Asia. This for the first time made it possible to ar- rive at conalusions about the geographic distribution and to bring at least a certain clearness in the said "obscurity" (Ref 3)e Comparison material is available (Refs 2,4,6910). All atita Card 1/3 are given in table 1 wherefrom the following conclusions can be On the Question of the Geographic Distribution of SO"1/20-126-5-65/69 the Phylactolaemata of Fresh-water Bryozoa made: 1) There are really species among the Phylaotolaemata covering a wide area enclosing the whole territory mentioned above and extending far beyond it (speciae ls4t5ill). 2) Be- sides these there exist others covering only a very narrow area (species 7914)- 3) There are a number of holaratic species mis- sing in tropic and subtropic lands (species 6,18)- 4) On the contrary there are a number of tropic and subtropic species inissing in temperate zones (3pecies EI,16917)- 5) There are kinds occu=Ing obviously only in the concerning district(spe- cies 10,12,15)- Primorskiy kray (Pacific maritime districts) and adjacent districts are transition zones. At the same time the above induces to the statement that the geographic distri- bution of the phylactolaematous fresh-water Bryozoa is not ir- i7egular as is affirmed ofter. but it has its rules being condi- tioned by geologiual and critical reasons (total climatic fao- torep character of water eto.). At the concerning Bryozoa group the latter are the most frequent. There are I taule and 10 ref-, erences, 1 of which is Soviet. Card 2/3 On the Question of the Geographic Distribution of SOV/20-126-5-65/69 the Phylactolaemata, of Fresh-water Bryozoa ASSOCIATION: Mookovskiy gosudarstvannyy universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova (Moucow State University imeni M. V. Lomonosov) PRESENTED: February 5, 1959, by Ye. No Paylovskiy, Academician SUBMITTED: January 9, 1959 Card 3/3 I 17(4) ATJTHORt Abrikosovt G. G. SOV120-126-6-64167 111~~ TITLE: On the Generic Subdivisions and Geographical Distribution of Gymnolaemata Bryozoa in Continental Waters (0 rDdovykh podraz- deleniyakh i geografiohookom rasprostranonii golorotykh (Gymnolaemata) mshanok kontinentaltnykh vodoyemov) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSRt 1959, Vol 126, Nr 6, pp 1378-1380 (USSR) ABSTRACT: On the whole, Gymnolaemata are a maritime group. Only few have penetrated into freshwater and brackish water, but only representativesof the order Ctenootomata (Ref 5)- Since the discovery of the latter (1831) a series of genera has been On the basis of external and anatomical characteris- tics 6 genera can be distinguished: Paludicella, Pottsiella, Hislopia (= Norodonia, Echinella and Norodomia), Arachnoidea (= Arachnidia), Victorella and Tanganella which comprise 15 species. Apart from these, Bowerbankia also penetrates into brackish waters of sea shores (Ref 4). According to the most modern system (Ref 22) the first 4 genera belong to the sub- genus Carnosa, whereas the rest belongs to the Stolonifera. Card.. 1/3 At present, the freshwater Gyninolaemata of nearly all the world On the Generic Subdivisions and Geographical SOV120-1,126-6-64167 Distribution of Gymnolaemata Bryozoa in Continental Waters are sufficiently explored (Refs 9, 11, 17-19r 23). This makes possible an analysis of their distribution (Fig 1) which results in the following conclusions: 1) No true freshwater genus of the Ctenostomata is distributed all over the world. Such a distri.bu- tion is only to be found as a secondary distrib--abion with the brackish water !-enus Victorelia. 2) The Ctenostomata of conti- nental waters can be divided into 3 groups accordilia, to their distribution. The distribution area of each group reflects the degree to which they have penetrated into freshwater. I. Only Paludicella. Apparently the oldest group of the freshwater Ctenostomata . They have developed the so-called hibernating bud.s which make it possible for them to survive under unfavour- able environmental conditions. They have, howevert not become cosmopolitan and may be regarded as holarctio: they are distributed from Greenland (Ref 24) to Siam (Ref 10) and Guatemala (Ref 00), here, however, as special genus (P. pentagonalis) On the Southern hemisphere they are found in New Zealand (Ref ~6) where they have most likely been introduced. Their antiquity is proved by the fact that it is impossible tc Card 2/3 trace a parent among the maritime forms of Ctenostomata. On the Generic Subdivisions and Geographical SOV/20-126-6-64/67 W Distribution of Gymnolaemata Bryozoa in Continental 'Waters II. Pottsiella and Hislopia. They do not penetrate Into fresh- water to the same degree and have only relatively small areas of distribution (Ref 19)(Fig 1). 111. Inhabitants of brackish waters of the sea shorest Victorella and Tanganella. Their maritime parents have not yet been completely traced (Ref 13). Arachnoidea is in a somewhat isolated place and has so far only been found in lake Tanganjika (Ref 21). It is interesting to note that 2 other genera are inhabitants of the sea. If this is really true this genus would have to be regarded as the "youngest" representative the Ctenostomata in freshwater. Summarizing- the facts it to be said th&_.~ the distribution of the fre3hwater Gymnolae;nata follows its own laws which are conditioned by geological as well as ecologic causes. The concept of this group beinG cosmopolitan has to be abandoned. There are 1 figuze and 24 references, 8 of which are Soviet. PRESEUTED: March 19, 1959, by Ye. N. Pavlovskiyj Academician SUBMITTED: March 10, 1959 Card 3/3 EDWSHVARI, G.; ABRIKOSOV, G.G. Find of a representative of the class Kamptozoa in the fresh waters of Hangaria. Zool. shur. 39 no.11:1735-173y N 160. MRA 14:1) 1. Syetematio-Zoological Institute of Szeged University (Foopletu Repablic of Ehngary) and the Department of Invertebrate Zoology Moscow State University. (Tisza River--Polyzoa) BANNIKOVp Andrey Grigarlyevich; BEKMI. E&Ge; Nikolay ~Uekseyevich; LEVINSON, L.B.; HUMEV, Boris Stepanovicht prof.1 PARAMONOVj A.A.; FIMOVSKAYA, L,P,l red.izd-va; IEZHOVAp L.L.9 [Zoology eourse in two volumes] Kurs zoologii ir dvukh tomakh. Pod red.B.S.Matweva. lzd.6. Mosbrap Goo.izd-iro *Vysshaia shkola., Vol,l. [Invertebrate zoology] Z6ologiia bespon.,onocbxqkho Pcd red. G.G.Abrikosova i L.B&Ievinsona. Iz(1.6. 1961. 561 p. Vol.2. [vertebrate zoology; Chordate] Zoologiia pozvonochWkb; khordovye. Pod red. B.S.Matveeva, Izd.6. ig6i. 473 p. (MIRA 34t6) (zoology) ABRIKOBOV, G.G. Freshwater bryozouB in the waters of the Soviet Far East. Sbor, trud. Zc-ol. muz. MGU 8:103-M 161. .(MIRA 15:5) (Soviet Far Fpast-Polyzoa) ,,AMKOSOV 9 G. G. Systematics and geographical distribution of theipnus Fredericella (BryozoapP"otobwatua). Zool. zhur. 40 no-3:334-339 Mr 161. (MIRA 14:3) v 11 Department of InTertebrate Zoologyp State University of Moscow. (Polyz0a) ABRIKOSOV9 G.G. "Hydroidea and hydrcmedui~ae of marine, brackish, and fresh watera, of the U.S.S.R." by D.V.Haumov. Reviewed by G.G.Abrikosov. Zool. zhur. 40 no.9:1431-1432 S '61. (MIRA 14:8) (Hydrozoa) (Naumov, D. V.) AERIKOSOVp GeGe Fauna of Lake! Ochrida; Bryozoa, PIqlactolasmata. Zocl. zhur. 42 no.9:1409-141.0 163. (NIRA 16tl2) I 1, Department of InTertabrate Zoologyp State University of Hoscow, .ABRIKOSOV, G.G.; KOSOVA, A.A. Occurrence of the tropical freshwater bryozo" Lophopodell8 carteri (Bryozoa, Phylactolaemata) in the outer Volga Delta. Zool. zhur. 42-no.11:1724-1726 163. (MIRA 17t2) 1. Department of Invertebrate Zoology, State University of Moscad and State Preserve of Astrakhan. --ABIIIKOSOV, -IVAN- ALEKSEYEVICH -DECEASED c1958 see MEDICAL APPARATUS MEDICAL ELECTRUnMAPY INSTUMENTS & APPARATUS - -- -- --- -- - and MRYAGM , B. V. 'Tie Yessung der Molekulen Zwischen Festen KoeiTern bei GrOBBen Abstanden." paper delivered at the Intl. Cong. on Surface Activity, London, B-12 April lgr-,'f. Angawandte Chemie, No. 16, 1957. PRITULA, Yu.A.; ABRIKOSOVA I.Kh.; AVROV, P.Ya.; KAZACHENKO, A.A.; KILIGITIAj N.I.; fi'MTM*,7."SM,-Rd"NIKOV, A.M.; TATAIRINOV, A.G.; TROYEPOLISKIY, V.I.; TSYPLENKOV, G.G.; ISIRPILIMAN, A.I.; DAYEV, G.A., vedushchiy red.; LINDTROP, N.T., red.; YASHCHURZHINSKAYA, A.B., [Volga-Ural oil-bearing region; oil potential] Volgo-Uralakaia neftenosnaia oblast'; neftenosnost'. Leningrad, Gostoptelchizdat, 1957. 175 P. (Leningrad, Vsesoluznyi neftianoi nauchno-issledovatel'skii geologorazyedochnyi institut. Trudy, no.104). (MIRA 16:8) (Volga-Ural region-Petroleum geology) ABRIYOSOV, I.Kh. ; MUMMA, K.A. ; DANILYAN, T.A. . .......... Study of SnTs .?bTe ayst-sm. Zhur. neorg. khira. 3 11 158. (Ti,- tolllariO ) (Lead ~~.Alurida) no.7:1632-1636 (MIRA 11:9) SOFE-ONITSKIY, P.A. -, ABRIKO!~Qy,,- -- - Oil potential of Perm Province. Gsol.nefti i tazst 3 no.10: 1-8 0 159. (MIRh 12:12) 1. Permokiy sovnarkhoz. (Perm Province--Petrolewa geology) ABRIKOSOV, I.Kh.-, SOYRONITSM, P.A. I.." ~ -1,.;,., 7 1; 1._ Geology and oil potential of the upper and central Kama Valley. Trudy VNIGNI no.131.181-215 159. (MIRA 13-1) (Kama Valley-Petroleum geology) ARRIKCSOV,, I.Kh. Methods of prospecting for cormercial oil fields in Perm Province. Trudy VEI nc,3~--67-78 161. (MMA 1L,7) 1, Permskiy sovet narodnogo ichozywfstva, (Perm Province-Petroleum geology) ASMKOBOV,, I.Kh.; MOROV, Yu.V. Classification of wells. Geol. nefti i gaza 6 no.7:50-52.n 16z. (MM 15 -.6) 1. Pemskiy sovnarkhoz i Kamskiy filial Voesoyuznogo nauchno- issledovatel'skogo geologorazvedochnogo neftyanogo institata, (Oil voll-a-Classificationj " ABRIKOSOV 111ya hr senfovich-, KUZ~HINA, N.N., ved. red.; =i~i~VLEVA, Z.I., tekhn. red. (oil and gas potentials of Pqm Province) Neftegazonostnost' Pernokoi oblasti. Moskva, Gos'uoptekhizdat, 1963. 213 P. (MIRA 16:7) (Perm Province-Petroleu eology) (Perm Province-Gas, NatuLK!Geology) I ~ AF3ijaM,.,.jj.KII. U. ~Jw ~', Prospects for finding oil and gas in Perm Province. Ti-ady UIGNI no.36:70-77 163. (MRA 17. 9) AMIKOSOV, I.Kh., VINNIKOVSKIY, S.A. e~ Development of the Yarino-Kamennyy neftl i gaza 7 no,10:9-13 u 163. Log oil field. Geol. (MIRA 17t10) 1. Obllyedinoniye Penmef t I. The technique of Americar bee raising 'i%,oskva, SellkhozI.,--iz, .111'wh6. (Mic 52-168) Microfilm AC-62 1. Bee culture - Rlassia , rm. a. ~55'565. 3oz..Iqdim Pchelovodnyy Yuzey. Nauch. - -.n~ta Pchelovodstva)- Pchelovodstvo, 1-110, No. 10, c. 51;-56. SO. Letorin' ZhurnWnykii '--'titey, Vol. b5. Mo-kv-i, 10110 , V b U V I VN t, - I N) I u,-;&q/Fam kdmEas - Hor,ly Bee. Q-5 Ab3 Jour Rof Zhur - Biolo, No 1) 1958, 31037 OV) Author Abrikos M.N. Inst Title From tho History of Soviet Beekeeping (Peroonal Remi- niscencea). (Iz intorii sovetskou-o lichelovodstva (Po lichnym vospo- minaniyam.)). Orig Pub : Pchelovodstvo, 1957, No 81 21-23- Abstract : No abstract. Card 1/1 -1.11V a Its ?"N to 11 1: 13 14 a W it IN W a .1 1k It U It 14 11 u V Is " , ?i a P Q A 1,-I, -it . v 06 U A j 1, 1ji. 1.1, CAP101 I.: A.[ 1 1-. .1 ~Ajo ---7- -pamittl~ D F-Plo". 1. ..00 Behavior of LaismetAllic *ass wben alloyed with other -00 intlelo. 0. Komov.kil and N t'hh 00 .4 Pby%. I V. S. S. R-) 8. W73 M401KIN). - When c"alals tit Cn.All (the mnpu~ is rwairr to thli Immulic than I,) CuAW an SdAled to Smillen Ms. a sops. of CQAl takele Place. Me dim,lvr, m3j% C. fr,,jl, .1 Sjt). 11041% 191 NAW'. Thr Plirtatili 4 the el,fill, II-ILKII-41012% W CoAl is 40"It hilkher. Alul the viotizallon is N)% hish" Ilion Jim", cif junc Afg 4,11C in'.1"ve ,I Glo fir slivitsill vitil mllv 1W .11.v 1~, 1.1tvAuta tit 111C NJI'llitg ;'fones in N1 a Iq -,Wj~-Jm- 1111"tinvIA111" vi J4,11lici and Atchr-, C, J. to, :4111- X-101Y PA114-fill tit OvAl. oriv if, Ill its 0 j Lto so &tTALLURGKAL WINATAR CLAjt*ICAr#oN r 11-141". rx T a I K 04 '1 Al a I I I A Av AT to u 10 1 low, or, It 404 v 4WORKU1111ox Is 4 1. 0 0 0 91 * * 9 a 0 9 o 0 co 0 0 0 * & & a a 9 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 Ole 0 0 0 0 9 0 110to 4 0 a It 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 a i t 4 0 so Reduction of columblusst Ads. N. Kh. Abrikosov. rM -00 .-Reduction 61 CW~ by .1friallitri 13, No. 4. 9,-14 ( -00 00 lit or CO requires so much retfucer even ahnvc IMW 00 1 that It has nopracticial value. Otto, can Im- mduct-d with .00 C at atm. prr"ure at temp. hlo:ve Ifilil'. I,OWrr temp. - - It -00 t to finn with at. gcw requires reduced pressure. Redw no excess of e i diflk d l i h i l rm r et on w t u ty an comp out qn 00 'r mducer. It. W. Rathm nn roe --go so -00 0 ve 0 00 j i too so t V 74 1 % a CW 0 4 - I W W 5 A . t a I 4 Ole 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * wit Ma Offtff Itre 0 0 9 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 p 0 0 0 0 0 09 9 0 t rl 1 4 l 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0: 014 T T A a it It A a j A..k 4 10111111 A"11 Oke.follis The efect a( mal adifftims of MAW41UM and Silicon 00 on thit prmrdes Of b rbroute. or W k ip". ); K M , N. Abrilicoov. 109, No, 12.57- - i ti Zk M M P d A d Ri 1940 N 2 nves - . cri . at. or. o. gate 1 , , j ' ' 'c -~ is rA Mic (O.O.S. xnd.M ) and 84 (W I b, f ' 11 er 4 1 OA",) ad4rd separately on the pio1vt1it, of liv j d 7 Ii h b e vu- e. and tudkil t , brunre contS.2.0 wW 20 e of d alkivsafici heal-ty-atrucut and a in ait lr l1 i6 : a e o x g 07r ,0 and 3W' 05% cd NIX has Do effivi, on thr 6 0 . . t l NI (mort than nts h r Hi i b con e o e rs. inee . itroWrt X g 11-24~6) %%a irly decreaw the torch. pin"irs owing ' in Sint, I0 Me Appeataittv of file Cu'%fK phaw. 14 of not more than 0.3% is fwmisaililt. Optifuum mcch- Si 112 J li f : Of 1 ant worue~ mnix. e ~romdes are pmw-wed by f 00 10 - and tontg. S4 0.(L% and 41.147c and Be2c , zoo W. R. lienn ~00 "(Do see ZOO S L A (TALLUAGICAL LMEATIORE CLASSUKATICN Uz- ' 'do 10 6 .1 t . 0.1 1.1 0 i ~01 n n t or 6f v t ti it u u it it ri it or mw ii i Is An L I k (4 0 -4 1 v p it e lo i i 00 0 04 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 is 0 v a 01 a a 0 * & Of o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 WO & a 0 0 q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 q 0 0 0 f* 60 ilifee 4's 070 0 0 0 0 0 0 0699 0 * aft a 0 si 0 /6Tb# N PermWdW~ COGIrJ of Impuiqu in TSIVI Aftl INI 4 ~& -- . ( ). 47; Xhim. Refirrul. Zkmr., 1941 19,14 U 1461 -041 ' . , ).-[in Ituft;au.1 Cf. Pogodin slid A., i1triallurq. , of 4~ ' 1. W; .41a. Ab.#.. 1013. 10, W. TI-o effect of it" puritim oil I lit, -00 if pri1wrilra (of livnilium bromp wait villidit-d Illmlirr predut'lill" (Ilefillullm. 'I'll?, .00 prislurtifill of ~ilxvlmmtal lmtvht'd 41 brollre, And the InallufAvill". filld umehank-al teisling of wirr Art' th'SMINNI. lkt~Olltllll )IMMYRI millAirdag 0 W IKWlium 24-2-5. silicon (1-15, inaprithini 0-05, aluntinium 0-12, And irim zoo 00 a., (1-11110 can be worked easily in the hot. state. A numtvr or litterniWiste 00 heatingsam roquirtd to work the brunyx atemin tem1wrliture. Afterthertual treatillel 11, quenching from 'NOT.. and ageing at 3111FC. for 5 firs.. the bronte 003 hall a tensile strength of U3 lig.jium.", an vlongation (if IWO. and r., Brievil 0 oov 00-4 0 00 Wo 7 )Zoo q!;:f 70 troo t$ 0 0 o 04) E WALLUPGIC&L LITtRAURE CLAWFICAltOk t I 1 .00 -k po~ -j V 23C 01 -Pi) It OF ~W n I ZIA It 11 tv if Is A It G( it a It 00000000000000000000 & 0 0 0 0 a 0 o 0 0 0 a a 0 0 0 0 0 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 66 0 0 0 a 00 0 0 :1 : : *1 ~ 6- o- KOS 0 m, of bervillum bronves wM lower beryllium .=with additions of other corn vnenl:. S A I'loit-lin. iNAYJ~.AIjnknA;nv. aud N. %I. Vkit," im.lic Sci. "Rr%eamh No. lco,- uml NImm Metal.. In-rd. Wlma I'm Khim 1"A . ONh.hrl Khipf.. .1kad. Sailk S.S.S.R. 10, 1117 '-1 tilt I If "rilt- iwtltlww (if thi. itive,tig itimi %.14 in fitid Cu-11, allnv4 %0111 a lovvrt lie control toll if) I..", ; ) wiffluot lq)%Vt't!tlg the dmirable 1111,01. 11"oll"Mr% of St'llittull lic Aw-ilwt purl- ,.A, Io liml k All.,MtO f.. ill, v-11% 0 AV Ah))'. 1't, till% i'lld At 114). At( CU Allly% Willi NI. 0 . .i n: I /r %%vto oo.lied. Kil6favlotly tv-oh, ii,ive a Of With 114, 1.5 mul Ni Itr.ttm. fit of lilt, k ill,, It, A .11.1iii.liv lit- I'miltv. I'll, III-.11 I-1111M.11i"111 Ilir II.A.11'..11til alloy lit-11. till' -mir 'iA Ill.- A4 ill- Illuill'. %%fill ~' 35,_~ '.1 Dr. I'll, go.m. A lut.111- ..I lugh lvillp. g;%%c At ell Al..Ar With Ile 1.!~, "1 11 2. 0 licattit to NXI, tho alloy %%its It.tTRI(.1 atill Il." I small,r r1mirtimWatice timn Cia-W Aloy. A Cit with BvO.141.5, N10.2.nudCrtf.31; Av.t-utt 0A.,fio W01,1112 uIevilikles if watef-C,011,41. !IV inct'..i'llig lit, It,, lot .51". the 111"y (11,1110 IW Itu I'llit %I. 11""1l M~A C'Sal, N, Yoh=@ alimp In the tormation o(sollif seadons In akys. N- Kh. Abrikowy, Dokkdy Akad. Yask S.S.S.R. 68, 51 Y:w-A~theoretical study was madc tA the av*il- fib=fhe voll. chance on alloying Lu, An. and All with -P to JD M. % of b subv~j elements III The 4th &)111 .5111 penAs(Viendeleev table). 970UP V1114 elements, and of Mn. A V - V, - Va. where V, is the adual at. vol. and Vg Is the caW. va, amuming the volo. of thr two cirinnits arr imiditivr. a Vbmenw incrvavAnSly iwS. for& givrn n4veot 4% the valruiv of the &-muharoup Wilutp lnem~l. a V ..4- slightly pus. or neg. Itw Stroup VII lit elenireatm, mul irtAtivrst. sue rather than chm. interactkut was the main fAcItor. %III caused a Vtobe latVin both Cr, andAu. Pomiblyothera- subgroup el-ments also have this effect. which nuy contrib- ute to the sinall solubilities and layering of liquids in %ueh at- Ivv%. A G. Guy - -- -- - - 'Physicocheinical Investigation ol'' the Nature of Alloyr. on a Coppe-~rBarylllum Base." Sub 17 Oct 51, Inst of Generel and in- organic Chm.1stry Imeni N. S. Kurnakov, Acad Sel USSR. Dissertations precented for science and engineerIng degrees In Moscow during 10,51, SO: Su-m- ITO, 480, Q MRY 55 '4A5 IN-OS OYA( Xh. I.. ifui- ii-st; copper- tryluum, ves gq%ori m ik,g~ . S. Wmr.Akni, 4 t Tj lp!we V a S, 3 "'d ---I- , .4 na., nd~ 21. 101-15(1952).-Specimens of Cu-Be alloys conitt. 3.75-1 10.0 a A at 84V for 10 bri. and cme serf~tx comprising the entire range of Be Loncri. vms renwred and: quenched in water. The temp. was SW, ".clit' for 24 hrz., a sexies of spe8mens vras removed and quencl!cd.. The temp. was lowered to 77295* for 3 days" then to W* for. 5 days, to 500* for 9 days, and 350' for 29 days. At the end of each period a series of as removed ati(i quc=chcd. Tkv, nilcrostructuge=U analysis, hard- ness, and elec. cond. of the alicys was studied for the pur- pose 2f establishing phase bc7andaricu. In specimens, quenched at 840' th,2: boindary of a-solid soln. passeq be-, tween 15.3 and 10.6 at. % Be, quenched at SOV this buwnd- ary passes between 14.2 and 15.3 at. %, at 725* it passes between 12.8 und 14 at. 70 Be, at 650* between 9.22 mid 12,8 at, % Be. Of the specimens quenched from rM* only the ones contg. 3.75 at. 7,0 Be were freeof a-phase demmpo_ and the ones quenched from ' )50* all 5bowed ijecynnpri. of the a-pliasc. The mn%, soly. of Be in Cu is at 870* when it reaches 16.6 at..27o and it drop~;.qt Xr)(J* to lc--;s than 3-75'at. 0/0. For alloys imag. 17.4-34.7 at. 1,70 Be: tip to 22 at. To* Be the alloys h:(d an end of solidification tc-trilp. 870* corre- spondbig to the forination of the 0-pitasc. On tile niciting diagram thc7c wns a min. at 360* and MI. at, % Be. This point is above the monaphase area of the fl-phave wid is taken to indicate that the fl-phase- is formed bY IL liCritectic reaction from the a-plm-e and liquW,. ThePoilit0feutectic decompri. is at 678' ~rr,~~ .31 at. % Be. Studies wf;Wz!So made on alloys with 8F,,7-55.4 at. % Be. Oil this P-ut Of the diagram of sinte Jlij liqui(itt..; j,~ inatle tip by the cTyslli- curves of the 19- mid S-Oiascs. They intersect at 030" aud 48.4 at. % Be. Alloys iti this rauge were annealed alul quenched at temps. 910-500% At DOG-700* -y, Y + 6, #, aud 0 + -f pitases were found, drpcndinr on the an-Iiing tet ir, and the Be content. At W)' tv + -i, 'r, Mud -Y + a phast.i were found. As the annealing teinp. rose. the Wo- phase 3 + -Y arca bec.-tine narrower. The i9 + -Y - N's a max. at 800* anti approx. 45 at. % Be, 'Me Imi-dites- of tile alloyl dctd. after anuvolitir :,t ,;Ixl 41VIV-1,ol Z- ABRI ko,*,tlvf U, ('111 twill a tillough to tile fl-Pilme. Thell it Started, to decline thiourb. the + -y phase, aunintd a min. !a the -y- phase, wid stat ted to rise uq the aint. of 6-ubase rose. The dectromsistance behaved In an avalogo~s manner. BL-i tween the. P and -y phase there is a series o.1 continuous fiolid soins. Thep and y phases are ronsidered as one Indholude forined as ;t solid soln. fmin the uns'O)le ir. tl:L free state polvinurphic modification of Cu end Culle. At. Hos-Ji AWUMJi'~FVV.j Na All* 'Abit Cheml ti a( Ott figG(Aig 6Q baZZ11111M In thi puse area. Gen Inor oa rac . - g. 25, 1 54 411al., Inst. u0ificul NO All Mad, Nauk S.S.S.R. 21,110-91962).-For t * Invest, 110tallui-gy ard ~%tallography gation alloys with 53.4-M at. % Be were used, S itnem * were annealed and quenched ta 850. 700, and 500 t which tempi. they were kept for 1 IQ hrs., 72 hrs., and 15 days, resp., * the &-phase extended before quenching in water. At 850 from 68 to 70 at. % Be and at 500* It extended from 70.5 to 78.5 at. % Be. The compd. Cufleu 75 at. % Be. Is within the limits of a homogeneous I-phase. The hardness 'of the alloys increased in t~e i + I area with increasing a- -'.pbdse. Reaching the 5-phase boundary the hardness de- clined, attaining a inin. at a point corresponding lo Cul3e3, B hi i i i1 h d h h d d h nt t e ar ness ncrease unt er eyon t t e ot s po boundary of A-pha4e and ther., dropped In the 3 + o area. 'd O* 6fi Th l d i l d c -vo mens annea . was et . on spec e at M e spe . ,The specific'vol. curve'had a min. point corresponcling to CuBes. At this point the specific vol. iinderwent a com- .1pression of 8.7% compared to the'specific vol. calcd. by the ' additivity rule: M. Hosell., 1 1 11 1 1 ~'1013 , A, 4, . KI I. ?- . U:;a (boo) 4. Alloys 7. Conference on tIieor,,, of iiilovs. Vest. ~d! 3:33J1 22 no. 8, 19~2 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, iz;,un-ry -1953. Unclassified, ZILIKHAN,/A.N.; SAMSONOV, G.V.; nEyN, O.Tq.: STIPANOV, I.S., inchener, reteenzent; TAHANAYIV, I.V., retsenzent; POGODIN, S.A., professor, doktor, saslushennyy dayatell nauki i tekhniki, retsenzent; RM3. Ts.Ye., professor, doktor, rateensent; ABRIKOSOV, H.-tho doktor khimichaskikh nauk, reteensent-, SHAMRAP Wkhtmicheakikh nauk, -etsenzent; MOROZOV, I.S., kandidat khimicheakikh nauk, rateensent; BOOM, Ye.A.. kandidat khimicheskikh nauk, retsbazent; NIKOLAYZT, N.S., kandidat khImIcheakikh nauk, reteenzent; ZVORTKIN, A.Tat kandidat khimicheakikh nauk, reteenzent; BASHILOVA, N.I., kandidat khimiohee)dkh nauk, reteenzent; TYSOTSKATA, V.N., rodaktor; XAMATIVA, O.M., redaktor; ATTOPOVIGH, M.K*j tekhnIcheskiy redattor [Metallurgy of rare metals] Metallurgiia re&kikh metallov. Moskva, Gos. nauchno-tekhn. i2d-vo lit-ry po chernot i tovetnoi metallurgii, 1954. 414 p. (MLRA 7:9) 1. Chlon-korrespondent Akademit nauk SSSR (for Tanank-ev) (Metals, Rare-Metallurg7) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION 820 Meyerson,GrigoriyAbramovich, ancl Zelikman, Abram Naumovich ldete-11-urgiya redkikh metallov (MetitUurgy of Rare Metals) Moscow, Idetallurgizdat, 1955. 608 P. 5,500 copies printed. Reviewers: BolfAakov, K. A., Doctor, Professor, Abrikosov. N, Kh Doctor of Chemical Scien6es, Maslyanitskiy, I. N., Doctor, Professor, Greyver,19. S,, Doctor, Professor; Ed.: Vysotskaya, V, N.; Ed. of Publishing House: Kamayeva, 0. M.-; Tech. Ed.: Attopovich, M. K. PURPOSE: This book is recommended as a textbook for students at metallurgical institutes and may also be useful to engineers and technicians, COVERAGE: The book deals with the industrial production of refractory metals (tungsten, molybdenum, tantalum, niobium, vanadium, titanium, and zirconium) and the trace-associate metals (gallium, indium, thallium, germanium, selenium, tellurium, and rhenium), Physical rL-id chemical properties are given, and fields of application are specified. The authors explain the theoretical and practical aspects of the production of pure metals and their more important alloys and chemical compounds. Chapters IV, VII, XIII-XVI, and Section 60 Card-a-A-PA 0 b7 AIWY-AS Bild thi n~crwtrui;ture :utd p!jvr.. properties j~'Ivc. wnd., th,=4 cmf, P-m-, heat mad.) we're dctd. A new c3lialt anthaanide vv~tt four.41, V.,Hch is f--.rmH, at WD* -Sb bunds in the a_YIL. _t;_o 7 i7 T11r, 11_)_;~). USSR/Thermodynamics - Thermochemistry. Equilibria. B-8 Physical-Chemical Analysis. Phase Transitions. Abs Jour Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 6, 1957, 18500 Author N.Kh. Abriho;oy, Inst stitute of Organic and Inorganic Chemistry of Academy of Sciences of USSR. Ti-.1e Study of System Fe - Si Within the Range of Compound FeS12' Orig Pub Izv. Sektora fiz. khIm, analiza 101ft AN SSSR, 1956, 27, 157-163 Abstract A part of the system Fe - Si in the range of leboite for- mation (phase of variable composition on Pesi base) VMS stu-Kod ","'y the methods of thermal analysis, oi microstruc- ture research, of x-ray phase and of the thermo-emf mea- surement of alloy3 hardened at 900 and 10000. The phase grayh was made more precise. A polymorphous transforma- tion Of FeS12 at 960 - 9950 was discovered. Card 1/1 - 181 - USS)R/Thermodynamics - Thermochemistry. Equilibria. Physical-Chemical Analyjis. Phase Transitions. AbS Jour Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 6, 1957, 18501 Author N.Kh. Abrikosov V.F. Bankina. T'Ist Academy of Sciences of USOR. Title Thermoelectrical Properties of CrSbp Compound. Orig Pub Dokl. fill SSSR, 1956, 108, No 4, 627-628 B-8 Abstract The 'Vhermo-., and the electrical conductivity of alloys of chromium with antimony (80 -- 85% of Sb by weight) were studied. The alloys were previouBly annealed at 5500 15 days. The minimum electrical conductivity and the maximum thermo-emf are at the concentration corres- ponding to CrSb2' It was established that the compound CrSb? was a substance of the semiconductor type. Within the temperature range from 40 to 3500, the width of the forbidden zone is 0.16 ev, and above 3500 it is 0.32 ev. The authors think that one of these values corresponds Card 1/" - 182 - USSR/Thermodynamics - Thermochemistry. Equ~ilibria. B-8 Physical-Cheatcal Analysis. Phase Transitions. Abs Jour - Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 6, 19571 18501 'to the chemical binding among the chromium atoms) and the obher corresponds to the binding of chromium atorn to antimony atons in.the lattice of CrSb2- Card 2/2 - 183 - z re o ta r47,-M wLIL~12 2w - - i q; Lai L.'7 - - Sir Y d6y .4krj. Mau S. I . I - -systilm wv-. pipit4 T:i- finhft t sys em f) W, m b-3 15 ' F R o, E 137-58-4-8073 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgilra, 1958, Nr 4, p 243 (USSR) AUTHORS: Dudkin, L.D., Abrikosov, N.Kh. TITLE; An Investigation of the Thermoelectric Properties of Cobalt Antimonides (Is.3ledovaniye termoelektricheskikh svoystv anti- monidov kobal'ta) PERIODICAL: V sb.: Vopr. metallurgii i fiz. poluprovodnikov. Moscow, AN SSSR, 1957, pp 97-109 ABSTRACT: A* phy~idochemical analysis of a Co-Sb system containing > 50% Sb was made, and the effect of adding Ni on the properties of the compounds formed was investigated. The specimens were smelted under a flux, spectra Ily pure.. of Sb conta ining < 0. 0 1 % Pb and As, a slightly larger amount of Si, and powdered Co containing about 0.3%o impuritie3. Metallographic and X-ray investigations were conducted, the electrical conductivity (C) was measured, and the thermoelectromotive force accompanying a temperature drop along the specimen of appx. 200C was determined, The thermal analysis was run on a Kurnakov vertical pyrometer. The transient method (Ioffe, A. V. , loffe, A. F. , Zh. tekhn. fiz. , Ca rd 1/2 1952, Vol 22, Nr 12, p 2005) was employed to investigate the 137-58-4-8073 An Investigation of the Thermoelectric Properties of Cobalt Antimonides thermal conductivity of the alloys. The existence of a new compound, E_ CoSb3, formed by a peritectic reaction at 8590C, was established. It, has a body-centered cubic lattice of the type of sku*rterudite [ (Co, Ni)AB3](a= 9.01 angstrom, Fedorov group 15). Curves for the relation to temperature of the n specific conductivity and th e'thermoelectromotive force for alloys similar in composition to the compounds CoSb3 and CoSbZ demonstrate the latter to be semiconductors. The width of the forbidden region CoSbZ and CoSb3 is 0 2 and 0.5 electron volt, respectively, and the theimal conductivity rate of the lattice is 11. 10-3 and 12.3- 10- 3 cal/degree C- cm. sec, respectively. T '* ' electron mobility in the CoSb3 lattice is 290 cm2/v- see. Investigations of the Go-Ni-Sb ternary system have revealed a continuous series of solid solutions between the ~Ivhases of the binary systems and the terminations of a number of solid solutions based on the C-CoSb3 compound. The ternary solid f sol- tition spreads deep int6 the triangle of concentration until attainment of Ni. Go= 1:9. The C of the E phase increases with increase in the Ni content, as the Ni apparently forms donor levels with low energies of activation in the forbidden region of GnSb3, and yields excess electrons to the conducting region at relatively low temperatures, in which case the thermal conductivity of the lattice diminishes considerably. The temperature dependence of the C and the thermoelectromotive force also change significantly. Ca rd 2/2 P.S. SOV/ 1 17 58 - 10 - 214 50 Translation from: Referatix,nyyzhurnal, Metallurgiva. 1958 Nr 10. p 141 (USSR) AUTHOR: Abrikosov, N, Kh. TITLE: Semiconductive Compounds and Solid Solutions in Metallic Alloy Systems (Poluprovodnikovyve sayed;neniva i t,,-erdvye rask-ory v metal] icheskikh sistemakh) PERIODICAL: Sb. tr, Voronczlisk old Vsvs kl,,irn o, a im D. I Mende leyeva, 1957, Nr 1, pp 75 81 ABSTRACT: A review of the properties of chemical compounds of the semi, conductive type (S6) and of solid solutions based oil semiconductive phases. The relatiooship of the \ariations in the properties of certain compounds to a variation ill the portion of the ionic bond (B) between atoms in the compounds is illustrated. The peculiar properties of semiconductive allovs are noled, consisting in a very limited solubility of the componews which form Z com- pounds, a low rate of diffusion and, consequently, a slow rate of establishment of equilibrium during phase transformations. These peculiar properties are a result, of the presence of directed valence B in SC crystdls. Some laws go-,erning the Card I/Z variations of the properties of solid solutions of semiconducti,,e SOV/1 37-58-10-21450 Serniconductive Compounds and Solid Solutions (cont. ) alloys are discussed, in particular those of the Ge-Si, HgTe-HgSe, SnTe-PbTe systems, etc. A comparison with metallic systerns is adduccd. A. A.- 1. Semiconductors--Analysis 2. Semiconductors-Chemical properties Card 2/2 P a ie / eo s t-) At )6~11. USSR/Physical Ch~~Otry - The'rmodynamics, Thermochemistry, Equilibria, Physical-Chemical Analysis, Phase Transitions. 13-8 Abs Jour: Referat. Zhurnal Khimiya, No 2. 1958, 3799. Author L.D. Dudkinj N.M.Abrikosov lust Title Study of Nickel Influence on Propertien of Semiconductor CoVound CoSb . Orig Pub: Zh. neorgan. khimii, 1957, 2, fio 1, 212-M - Abstract: The influence of Ni additions on the properties of the semi- conductor comyound CoSb3* discovered'by the authors (RZh-Khim, 1957) 71107) was studied. The measui-ement o2 the=-electrical properties Indicates a pre-eminent metallic nature of at= bonds in NiSb and Nigbt.' An isotermal section of the ternary system Co-Ni-Sb in the range of less than 50% of Sb confirms the existence of a continuous solid solution between the e - phaseo of the binary systems. The existence of a ternary solid Card 1/2 .37- AUTHORs ABRIKOSOVIN.KH. PA - 2358 TITM Analysin of some Semitransparent Systems - (Fisiko- khimicheskiy analiz nekotorykh poluprovodnikovykh sistemy Russian). PERIODICALt Izvestiia Akad. Nauk SSSR, Ser. Fiz., 1957, Vol2l, Nr 1, pp 141 - 145 (U-S-S-R-) Received: 4 / 1957 Reviewed: 5 1957 ABSTRACTs The author investigates the four systems Cr - Sb, Co Sbj Fe - Si, and Bi - Te and conoentrateA his attention on obtaining the equilibrium in the alloys. Tha obtaining of equilibrium was con- trolled by various methodet+investigation of microstructure, x-ray- analysis, investigation of various properties. The system Cr - Sbi contains two ohemica). compoundes CrSb and CrSb 2- Cr3b crystallizes immediately from the liqu`Ld at 11000, CrSb is produced by a peritectial reaction at 6760. CrSb has metallic properties. Equilibrium in the alloys is obtainea only slowly be- cause of the slowness of peritectal reaction. Furthermore, CrSb 2 turns out to be a semiconductor. The aystem Cc - Sb contains besides the two already know.a compounds CoBb;,and CoBb2 all, 0 Co3b 3;5 The last compound is produoed by a peritectical reaction at 90. 'he maximum on the isotherm,,l line of electric resistance corresponds to the compound CoSb CoSb3 has the structure of the scutte'rudite COA9 CoSb has mhallic Card 1/2 properties, UoSb 2 and CoSb 3are 3emiconduc~o*r-like compounds. The i'3-3-3-2uj47 AUTHORSs Abrikpsovp N6 Kh. , Bankina, V. F. TITLEL An Investigation of the Phase Diagram of the System BWe (Isslodovaniya diagrammy sostoyan.iya sistemy Bi-.Te) PERIODICAL& Zhurnhl jieu~rganicheskoy Khinii,1958JOI-3, Nr 3,pp.659-667 (USSR) ABSTRACTs In the investigation of the phase diagram of the system Bi-Te three in termediate phaseswere determined beside the com- , pound Bi2Te ~O 1) The o,-,-p see with the composition Bi Te which corres- li d t h i Thi f l h dl E t s o t e m eite. nera c e e rms a ter he pon s pha peritectic reaction at 312'C. phase forms 2) The P-phase of the compound Bi 2Te. This 0 according to the peritectic reaction at 420'c- 3-) Solid solutit)ns with 35 - 42,5 ~ tellurium. This phase 0 also forms accarding to the peritectic reaction at 450 C- In alloys with 50 % tellurium an eutectic, enriclied with Card 1/2 tellurium, occurs. The solubility of Te in the compound 78-7~t -3-20/47 An Investigation of the Phase Diagram of the System Bi-Te Bi2Te is about 1 ~. The solubility of Bi was not determined. The thrmographic analysea were confirmed by the investiga-- tions of the microstructure. In tha phase diagram of the system Bi-Te three peritecti horizontals ocour, at 312 0C with the compound Bi Te at 420 with the compound Bi 2Te and .onslif t OSC .. domain of the solid solu- solid soluti a 54 tion with 34 - 42,5 % Te. Determinations of the electric conductivity and thermoelectric force for Bi I Te6 and Bi2Te were also performed. The compound Bi Te is 9haracterized by minimum values of electric conduedvNy and a maximum electrothermal force. The compound Bi 2Te has similar values. There are 7 figures, 2 tables, and 18 references, 8 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATIONa Institut metallurgii im. A. A. Baykova Akademii nauk SSSR (metallurgical Institute imeni A~ A. Baykov,*S USSR) SUBMITTEDs June 25, 1957 Card 2/2 AUTHORS: AbrikosaT, N.Kh., Dyulldina, K.A., Danilyan, T.A.MV/78-3-7-29/44 TITLE: Investigatior,3 of the Systam SrTe,-.FbTe (Issledovardye sistemy Sr,Ne-FbTe) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorganicheakoy kbimii, 1958, Vo' 3, Nr 7, pp 1632-1636 (USSR) ABSTRAM The diagram of state and the thermoeleotrio properties of the sys+m Sr1re,-PbTe, in which isomorphio wmpounds are fomed, were in,yestigateS. In the 'Zwrn~~n~ system Pb-Sn-Te continuous sex-les of soli'd nolutions fom on the sector SnTe-FbTe. The eleo- trlo oonduGtkq-Lty and the thermoelectric oonducti-rity of the alloys produced from SnTe and PbTe have the same type of oonduo- tivity. Modification of the properties of alloys produced from SnT* an3 PbTe U ocaplicated. Alloys which are enriohed with SriTe have a r&%Y1=xm of tbermoeleatrio oonduottT-lty of positive value, but alloya enrichq with FbT-,j hava a themoelectrio conduetivity of negati-t-e Bleotrio aondu3tiviiy passes through a minimum. Therv) are 7 figaran, 2 table.-i and U references. C&2'd 1/2 Inlrestigations of ths Syatem Sr2Te-PcYT,* -3""48-3-7-29/44 SOMETTED: 'Junt 26, '1957 1. Lerid -toll eri amtin systems -Analysis 2. Lead-telleriam-tin syst,~,ms--Electriaai properties 3. Lead-tf~llerium-tin systems --Tcmperabar;.~ factors Gard g/2 5(2) AUTHORSt Vasserman, k. M. 50'1/20-123-2-19/50 1 Foretakaya, L. V. TITLEs Investigation c:f the SnTe - GeTe System (Issledovaniya sisteiiV SnTe - GeTei' PERIODICAL: Dokl'lady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1956, Vol 123, Nr 2, pp 279 - 2N (USSR) ABSTRACT: In vaudo-binary systems for=,(,1 by semiconductor"tompounds with a s*;ructure of the type NaCl, i.q. PbSe-*?bTe and SnTe- PbTe, continuous solid solutiors (Rofs 1, 2) are formed. In the present paper a ternary system Sn-'Je-N in the range between 11nTe and Gegle was investigated. In both compounds the metal. propertleii are stressed. The phase diagram of the system Sn-Te is known 'Refs 3 - 6). The only chemical compound SnTe in thet syst6m milts with an oatapoken maximum at 0. o range of sol--d s:)lutions on a SdTe basis was found. Also in the system Go.-Ts. (Ref 10) the:re is only one comBound Ge-Te which melts after a peritectic reaction at 725 . The limi ')f the range of solid solutions on the Ge-Te ba--Ij on the tellurium aide is said to be located Card 1/3 (according to Ref 11) at the concentration of 50 atom% Te. Investigation of the SnTe - GeTe System SOV/2C.,123-2..19/50 The phase diagram of the syatem Sn.-Ge is of the euteotic type with a eutectic that 18 very close to thaS of pure tin. The melting temperatuze of the eutecl;ic is 232 (Ref 12). The authors melted the metals mentioned in thq title in evacuated quartz ampules and mixed them by shaking; finally they were cooled in"air, The allove were annealed at 320 0 0 for 320 hours (for the X-ray anEil,,9j.s a' 500 ). The results 0 of the thermal analysis aro givon "a figure 1. The liquidus- and eolidus vuryss pass a m.-nimum at a consentration r 0 of about 80% GeTe ard at 700 U.1 z-.ixves of the thermo- grams had a shape typical. of cUstallization if solid solutions. The -investigatica rf t!ia mJ'.,,,r~~Strvcture of the alloys showed the formatior- o.: a continuo;ia series of solid solutions. The X-ray aralynis rzt.,v1~.-I `.!~s results of either of the mentioned methodst the radiograms of annealed alloys showed a gradual transition of a face-centered cubic lattice of the compound SnTe to a face-centered rhombohedral lattice of GeTe. Table 1 gives the values of the oonstants of the crystal lattice of the alloys investigated. The above- mentioned investigation proved that in the system Sn-Ge-Te Card 2/3 in the range between the two non-isostructural compounds Investigation of the SnTe - GeTe System SOV120-123-2-1 9/50 SnTe and GeTa a continuous series of solid solutions with a minimum in the malting-point diagram is formed. There are 4 figures, 1 table, and 12 references, 3 of which are Soviet, ASSOCIATION: Institut metallurgii im. A. A. Baykova Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Metallurgy imeni A. A. Baykov of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) PRESENTED: June 28, 1958, by I. P. Bardin, Academician SUBMITTEDt June 24, 1958 Card 5/3 VOL, Abram Yetvgenlye-vioh; A(MYEY, N.V red.; ABRIKOSOV, N.Kh., doktor takhri.nauk, zod.; KORNILOV, 1:116, red.; OSIPOV, K.A., doktor tekhn.nauk. red.; GUSNA, L.K., kandekbLin.- nauk, red.; KIRGALOVSKATA, M.S., kaud.khim'.uauk, red.; SHKLOV- :XATA, I.Tu., red.; HURASHOVA, N.Ta., (Stru::ture ani. properties of binary metal systems.] Stroenie i svoistva dvoin;rkh metallicheakikh aistem. Poa rukovodetvor2 N.Y.Ageava. Moskva, (k)s.iiid-vo fiziko-matom.lit-ry. Yol.l. (Physicoaltemical propert'ies of elements; nitrogen, actinium, aliiminum, americium, barium, beryllium, and beron systoms] Fiziko-khimiohaskis svoistva elementov; Sistemy azota, aktiniiii, pliuminiia, ameritaiia, bariia, berilliia. bore. 1959. 755 P, (MIRA 13:3) 1. Ohlon-korrespondent AN SSSR (for AgByev). (metals) (Phase rule and equilibrium) Kt gg vi x v to Our 11 g~ p el P v F!,j ill lu iffia Fr EPI *i 1 N qv I a~g DUDKIff, L.D.; ABRIMOSOV, N.1h. -'- - '- "-'- - " ""'- - ' Alloying the seniconducting compound CoSb3- Fis.tver.tela 1 no-1:142-151 -Ta 159. (14IRA 12:4) (Semiconduotors) (Cobalt antimonides) 5(2), 18(7) SOV/78-4-7-29/44 AUTHORS: Yelagina, Ye. I., Abrikosov, N. Kh. TITLE: An Investigation of the Systems PbTe - Bi 2Te3 and SnTe - 3b 2Te3 (Issladovaniye sistem PbTe - Bije i SnTe - Sb Te ) 2 C 3 3 PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorganicheskoy Ichimii, 1959, Vol 4, Nr 7, pp 1638-i642.(TJSSR'j ABSTRACT: The present investigation was carried out with the intention of finding new semiconductors. No published data are available on the ternary system Pb - Bi - Te, the syatem Sn - Sb - Te has not been examined. In the alloys produced, microstructure was investigated, and the thermoelectromotive iborce referred to Cu at a temperature difference of 20'; as well as electric conductivity were measured. Moreover, X-ray pictures were taken. Figure I shows the phase diagram of the system PbTe - Bi Te 2 39 figure 2 the microstructure of the alloys, figure 4 the phase diagram of the system SnTe - Sb 2Te 31 and figure 5 the cor- responding microstructures. In the first mentioned system, the Card J/ 12 primarily crystallizing phase consists of PbTe. With increasing SOV/78-4-7-29/44 An Investigation of the Systems FbTe - Ili 2Te3and SnTe - Sb 2Te3 Bi2Te3 content, the crystallization temperature drops, until, finally, at 82-7% Bi 2Te 39 a single-phase coarse-crystalline structure is formed, which corresponds to the compound PbTe.2Bi2Te3 and which is located in the phase diagram on the ordinate passing through the inflection of the solidus curve, X-ray analyses confirm the existence of the ternary intermediate phase. Table 1 gives the interplanar spacings of the crystal lattice, figure 3 and table 2 give the thermoelectro~_,)tive force and the electric conductivity of the system. At 71-0 Sb2Te3 the Fompound ShTe.Sb 2To3 is formed. Both systems belong to the same type, the thermodynamic analysis was given by 1. 1. Novikov (Ref 17). There are 5 figures, 3 tables, and 17 references, 8 of which are Soviet. V 13 BUTTED: April 2, 1958 Coard 2/2 0 8 9 '(2) so -4-11-22/50 .5 V 78 AUTHORSt Abrikoso%r, N. Kh.,_Joretskaya, L. Y., Ivanova, 1. P, TITLE: Investigation of the System Antimony - Tellurium ?ERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimii, 1959, Vol 4, Nr 11, pp 2525 - 2430 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The phase diagram of the system Sb- Te was investigated by various scientists several years ago. The data disagreed. Publications by N.! S. Konstantinoy,and Y. I. Smirnov (Ref 6), S. A. Semiletov (Ref 10),,and F. I.-Vasenin (Ref 12) are mentioned in a short survey (Refs 1-1?-).. The method of melt preparat-ion is briefly described, and it is especially pointed out that the melts are equilibrated not before they have been annealed for several hours at temperatures somewhat below the flol-idus. Thermal analysis was made by means of N. S. Kur- nakov's pyrometer; the samples were sealed in Stepanov ampules. The thermoelectric force was measured on a PPTV-1 potentio- meter. Figure 1 shows the phase diagram according to data availab,le-so far in publications; figure 2 shows the diagram corrected by the authors. The solid solution of Te in Sb the ",ard 1/2 a-phase, attains a maximum content of Te (1~0') at 5000. The 05669 In,reativation of the-System Antimony - Tellurium sov/78-4-11-22/50 homogeneous range of the ~_phase is found within the range 111-38% of Te. Thep~ -phase is formed by maximum saturation with Sb due to a ritectic react-!'or. at 5500, by a peritectic reaction at 5480 on maximum saturation with Te, and at 32-' of Te it paeses through a minimum-in the melting diagram at 5380. Melts in the homogeneous range of thep~ -phase exhibit a distinct polyhedral structure (Fig 3a). The f~ ase resulting from peri- tE'Ctic reaction at 55-90 is found between 42-550,~, of Te. The 6-phase (Sb2Te ) crystallizes directly out of the liquit at 6160 and a Te content of 60.3%, and contains 61.1c; of Te which is a little more than would correspond with the stoichiometric ratio. The positive kind of conductivity found also by other scientists is to be ascribed to this tellurium excess (Fig 5). The -, -, and 6-phase were also shown by X-ray analysis (Fi~~14, Table 1). There are 5 figures, 1 table, and 13 refer- ences, 6 of which are Soviet. SUBMITTED: July 24, 1958 Card 2/2 5 (1, 2) AUTHORS: Beglaryan, M. L., Abrikos SOV/20-128-2-314/59 TITLE: An Investigation of the Bi N - Bi S System 2 3 2 3 PMODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 128, Nr 2, PP 345-347 (USM) ABSTRACT: Bismuth chalcogenides are semiconductors with high characteristics of the thermo- and photoelectric properties. They were investi- gated most thoroughly by P. P. Konorov (Ref 1). The above tornary syctem has hitherto not been investigated. It is interesting to investigate its phase compositiont the character of phase interaction, and the change of the physical properties of the alloys ":'creMinF, upon t1le composition. Tho samples wero producod by meltilig, 3J., Se, and s in the necessary ratio in evacuated quartz am.pules. The alloys viere annealed at 6000 in argon atmosphere for 3 months to establish a state of equilibrium. The phase composition was dotermined on the strength of the microstructure before and after annealing. This shows that 2 regions of solid solutions e~cist in the afore-me*ntioned system. The alloys between these regions of solid solutions had two phases ad a eutectio type. Card 1/3 By means of X-ray structural analysis it could be found that An Investigation of the Bi Be - Bi S System SOV/20-128-2-34/59 1 2 3 2 3 the alloys crystallize on the B12 Se 3 basis in a rhombohedral lattice, those of B12s 3 , however, in an ortho2h~mbic lattice. Thermal analysis was made by means of the pyrometer by N. S. KurnELkov. Figure 'I shows the phase diagram of the system under discussion. Herefrom it follows that the two solid solutions form a euteotic at a concentration of 28 mol-% B12s 31 The latter melts at 6680. The alloys in the region of the solid solution on the basis Of B12s 3 differ from those of Bi2Se 3 in eleetvical conductivity. Figure 2 shows the diagram of the dependence of the natural logarithm of this conductivity on the composition. The dependence curve of the thermoelectric force on the composition of the alloys is also plotted in the latter. At a content of 66,,7 mol-0/fa Bi2S3 which corresponds to that of the compound BiSeS21 singular pointo are visible on both curves. The alloy has maximum electrical conductivity compared with similar alloys. Accordingly$ the thermoelectric force has a minimum of its absolute amount when approaching the Card 2/3 composition B12ses2' Figure 3 shown the curve of the Ln Investigation of the Bi2Se 3 -Bi2S3 System SOV/20-128-2-34/59 dependence of thermal conductivity and miorohardneso on the composition. Here the maxima are visible which coriespond to the last-mentioned composition. V. P. Zhuzoi: and To A. Kontorovs, (Ref 6) pointed to a similar change of these two characteristics in nonmetallic melts. The formation of the compounds Bi,, So S and Bi 2ses within the region of the solid 1 2 2 solution on the basis of bismuth sulphide becomes clear when the crystalline structure of Bi2S3 (Fig 4, Ref 4) iq considered. There are 4 figures and 6 references, 3 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut metallurgii im. A. A. Baykova Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Metallurgy imeni A. A. Baykov of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) PRESEITTED: April-8i 1959, by 1. P-. Barding Academician SUBMITTED: April 7, 1959 Card 3/3 A 0 0 ('649 0 AUTHORS: Beglaryan, M..L., Abrikosov, N. Kh.. SOV/20-129,1-37/64 TITLE: An Investigation of the Bi 2To 3 -Bi2S3 Sy0tem PERIODICAL: Doklady ~kademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 129, ',,,Tr 1, PP 135-137 (USSTI) ABSTRACT: Chalco,~,,en compounds of the elements of the 5th group of the periodic table are used in thermochemical and photoelectrical, engineering. Por this reason the finding out of new semi- conductor substances is of.practical significance. The efficiency of thermocouples is proportional to the ratio between electric conductivity and thermal conductivity of both its branches. According to A. F. Ioffe (Pef 3) the value of this ratio owi be raised by using many-body eys,~ems consisting of heavy atoms. With regard to this possibility the thermoolectrical properties of the system Bi2To 3 -Bi 2S3were investigated. First, the phase diagram was examined'a'nd the diagram (Fig 1) suggested by M. Amadori (Ref 7) was corrected (Fig 2). Thermal analysis was carried out by means of the pyrometer according to 11. S. Kurnakov. Card 1/3 B 3".2To2S was found to be an intermediate forming a eutecti ~/ 66490 An Investigation of the Bi 2Te 3 " Bi2S3 System SOV/2U-129-1-37/64 meltingat 5810 with Bi 2Te3 and one melting at 6220 with B12s 3' The dependence of the electric conductivity-and the thermoelectric force on the composition'of the malt is shown in figure 3- In the eutectic interval Bi Te - Bi Te*~ the 2 3 2 2 electric conductivity deareases and the thermoelectric force increases with increasing Bi 2 S3content up to the interval of the intermediate Bi Te S. In the'eutectic 2, 2, 1 interval B12s 3 -Bi2Te2S an inverse 'eourse is observed. Measurement of microhardnese (Fig 4) yielded the lowest value of hardness'for Bi2Te2S. The lattice constants of Bi Te S, a - 10.1 1, and ct. 24 081, were obtained by means of 2 2 X-ray analysis. These values are in very good agreement with the values given for the mineral tetradymite (Ref 8). There are 4 figures and 9 references, 6 of which are Soviet. LK Caxd 2/3 66490 An Invectigation of the Bi 2Te Bi2S3 System SOV/20-129-1-37/64 ASSOCIATIONi Institut metallurgii im. A. A. 1~aykova Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Metallurgy imeni A. A. Baykov, Academy of Sciences, USSR) PRESENTED: June 20, 1959, by I. V. Tananayev, Academician SUBMITTED: June 209 1959 ca:ra 3/3 mall cr .01 IT! Cc 4 As ol, I n . a E v, ti9A Amj 91 Rh uE 11 , -Tqik cc J 2 F. Fr W,14 -z.N i-K TL aw 2 W 82630 s/lBo/60/000/004/025/027 E193/E483 AUTHORS% AbrikoSoyj N.K[h,, Lyan-Tszurt'-U, Shashkov, Yu.M. TITLEs On the Volatility of Boric Oxide in Helium and .aHydroge in the Presence of Water Vapour PERIODICALa Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye tekhnicheskikh nauk, Metallurgiya i toplivo, 1960, No.4, PP-156-159 TEXTt The rate of evaporation of boric oxide in dry and wet helium and hydrogen, at temperatures between 800 and 1400OCo was studied by the dynamic method. The results are reproduced in Fig.2 to 6. Fig.2 shows the temperature dependence of the vapour pressure P Of B203- Fig.3 (plotted in the logarithmic scale) shows the decrease in weight of B2031 per unit area (& , mg/cm2) as a function of rate of flow of helium (V, 1/h) of dry (-broken X curves) and wet (continuous curves) at various temperaturis, the partial water vapour pressure in wet helium being PH2o = 0.0313 atmospheres. Fig.4 illustrates the same relatiinship for dry (curve 1) and wet (curves 2 to 5) hydrogen. In Fig-5 the degree of saturation of wet helium with HB02 vapour is plotted against the rate of flow of the helium-water mixture at various temperatures. Card 1/2 82630 s/18o/60/000/004/025!027 E193/9483 On the Volatility of Boric oxide in Helium and Hydrogen in the Presence of Water Vapour Finally the temperature dependence of the vapo~~r pressure of HB02 at PH20 = 0.0313 atm is shown in Fig.6. The latter relationship in the 1133 to 1637*K temperature range is descr.-bed by = 5.043 - 43-490 log PHB02 4-575T J( The conclusion. reached was that the rate of evaporation of B20 in helium and hydrogen increases considerably in the presence oi water vapour. There are 6 figures and 15 referencess 1 Soviet, 11 English, 1 French and 2 German. SUBMITTED: March 22, 1960 Card 2/2 86699 s/1806o/ooo/oo6/009/030 12 7 S., It) L, 3EIll/E352 AUTHORS: Kh,, Lyan Tszunl-u and Shashkov, Yu.M. TITLE: Solubility of Oxygen in Liquid Silicon PERIODICAL% Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye tekhnicheskikh nauk, Metallurgiya i toplivo, 196o, No. 6t pp. 65 - 68 TEXT: The authors give results of their study of oxygen solubility in liquid silicon und-er steam-helium andc:tepam- hydrogen mixtures and of the influence on this of a e to impurities. A vertical zone-refining type of installation with H.F. heating was usedv giving a 10 mm fused zone with the 9-mm diameter silicon specimens. Required gas compositions were produced by passing purified helium or hydrogen through saturators and were checked; gas-mixture flows were kept constant during the experiment at about 580 me/min, 15 min being allowed for attainment of equilibrium. With the hydrogen mixture solidification was made slower to avoid pore formation through hydrogen evolution. Oxygen concentration in solid silicon was determined from the absorption coefficient Card 1/4 86699 s/i8o/6o/ooo/oo6/009/030 EIII/E352 Solubility of oxygen in Liquid Silicon in the infra-red region of the spectrum at 293 OK (Refs. 2, 3). Optical measurements were made with a type 14KC-IL~ (IKS-14) double-beam infra-red spectrometer. Fig. 2 shows the dependence of the absorption coefficient for p-type silicon on the concentration of current carriejs (determined by the Hall effect) at 293 OK (wave number 1106 cm- ). Special experiments showed the oxygen distribution coefficient in the crystallized zone to be uniform. Fig. 3 (left) shows the dependence of oxygen concentration on the steam/hydrogen ratio and Fig. 3 (right) on steam partial pressure in the helium mixture: the respective solubilities are 1.69 x iola and 1.8 x 1018 atoms/cm31 at a temperature close to the melting point, in good agreement with published data (Ref. 1). Corresponding experiments with boron-containing samples showed that this eloment does not effect oxygen solubility. Card 2/4 86699 s/i8o/6o/ooo/oo6/009/030 EIII/E352 Solubility of oxygen in Liquid Silicon C4, C U 15 10 Y 0 15 0 005 810 915 0211 /a z0 ja w 10 /a Ig" loll P,,D, MA( n CM-J PH,D/PRI Our. 3. 3AB11C)IMOCTL COAep)KIAMR X)tC.MDpOA8 U Ou. 2,3aimcit'JOCTI, K09#I'LtIICIITR )KIIAKOM XPCMVIIIII OT P)I,GIP,i. rm misme a P-T, or 110r.IDLLICHIIR KPCMIDIH na IMPOOMPOAH011 CMCCII (a) H OT P11,0 nPH rlJlaB- K 0 QC)ITP8111M HOC[ITCneA TOKa npit Ke B napormteEml emmi (6) Card 3/4 Domionom tmene 1106 cm-1 npit 293' K