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3321140 S/089/62/012/002/012/013 Criticality stand tests of a B102/B138 18+0~50C throughout, and its density was 99-710,05~. The lower part of the reactor core was provided with a thin reflector which meant that a correction had to be made for the effective height of the core; it was calculated by B. 1. Illichev and L. A. Martsimova and was almost the same for all types of channel. The addition AH to the critical level due to thic correction and to the existence of the reflector, was 6+1-5 cm; the addition ,NR to the core radius was 3�0-5 cm. The geometric;71 parameter was calculated from the relation u2 H 11 )2 + ( 2,405 )2' where + H R + R H in the height of the core up to the heavy-water level and the tank radius R . 150 cm, a2 was plotted as a function of lattice pitch for five types of rod. The curves were similar in shape in most cases the a2 maximum was at a pitch of 24-26 cm, in one case at 23, in another at 27 cm.-. S. Ys. Nikitin is thanked for help, B. 1. Illichev for discussions. There are 3 figures, 2 tables, and 3 Soviet references. SUBMITTED: Julie 17, 1961 Card 2/1 332h() S/089/62/012/002/012/013 Criticality stand tests of a ... B102/B138 Fig. 'I. Test stand for criticality experiments. Legendt (1) inner tank 3-5 m. high, 3 m in diameter coated outside with 0-5 ma Sd. (2) outer tank, (3) connecting pipe, (4) reflux valve, (5), (!*) electrically operated gate valves, (6) pump, (8) water shedding valve, (9) dump tank, (10) water gage glass, (11-), (13), (15) hand-operated valvea, (12) "breather" line, (14) metering tanks with heavy water; 16 ;ontrol rods (2 scram rods, I regulating rod), (17) neutron source, 18~ *Doron neutron counters. ~ Fig. 2. Working channel. Legendi (1) Steel attachment for uranium rods, (2) surrounding (Aviall) tube, (3) shielding Avial tubes, (4) remote Avial lattice. Card 3/j ABOV, Yu. G.; KRUPCHITSKIY, P. A.; ORATOVSKIY, Yu. A. "On the existence of internucleon potential. nonconeerving space parity." report.submitted for Intl Conf on Low & Medium Energies Nuclear Physics, Pcrls, 2-6 Jul 64. J000, ABW, Yu,.G.; KRUPINITSKIY, P.A.; ORATCVSKIY, Yu.A. Existence: of an intermicleon potential not maintaining spatial parity. TAd. fiz. 1 no.3t479-489 Mr 165. (KIRA 180) 1. Institut te~reticheskoy I eksperimentallnoy fiziki Gosudarstven- nogo komiteta-'po '.spolizovaniyu atomnoy energii MR. NRI A:P6,G24675 SOURCE CODE: Ull/0070/66/011/00-1/0695/'0698 AUT11OR:-,.Ahov., Yu. G.; Aleshko-Ozhevskiy, 0. .; Yermakov, 0. N.; Yamzin, 1. 1. 4~ ORG: Institute of Crystallography, AN SSSR-(Institut kristallografli AN SSSR) '5-0 TITLE: The generation of a beam of polarized monochromatic nimtrons A6 SOURCE: Kristallograflya, v. 11, no. 4, 1966, 69 5-698 1 TOPIC TAGS: neutron beam, react= =06*0, neutron polarization, nuclear reactor ce-: componerit --LxA =BST ACT: In recent years, investigations of magnetic properties of a wabstance have made extensive use of-polarized thermal neutrons. Heretofore, the Soviet Union had only installa- tions on'which the polarized neutrons were generated by reflection from a magnetized cobalt mirror. However, many problems require a polarized beam of monochromatic neutrons. In this article, the authors describe an assembly developed at the ITEF GK 16.E.Lointly with the Institute of Crystallography, AN SSSR (Institut kristallografti AN SSSR). The circuit of the installation is show In Fig. 1. There Is sometimes a need to have a beam of neutrons wild an opposito polarization. The authors used the radlofrequency method for the reorientation of spin ori(mtatlon. A value of 0. 98 + 0. 02 was obtained for the spin reorientation probability., 1/3 L A "- i ACC NR, 4 . . . 1 i. ;I.- L reactor Welding 112)l ochromator mon M31 shielding 1 1. of ,m of two diffrac- tion nicters un a react('A' channel. A stage of replaceable monoehromators B -magnet of the crystal -polar i ze r C -first section of the driving Ileld D -diapbragm, or "shim" E -second section of the driving field with a radiofrequency coil F -magnet of the analyzer crystal K, L -small diffraction meter N1 - neutron. detector of the large diffraction -neter Card L 42814-66 CC NA: AP6024675 3 Measurements of the polarization and of the probability of its reorientation in the center axid at tho edge of the beam (+ 15 mm from the center) agreed. The authors ex-press their sincere gratitude to V. A. Lyubinitsey. P. M. Shishkin, and S-, F. Dubinin for assistance in making the measurements and assuring the operation of the equipment. Orig. art. has.- 4 figures and 2 formulas. [261 SUB CODE: 18/ SUBM DATE: 14Nov64/ ORIG REF: 006/ OT11 REF: 005/ ATD PIZESS: 11-Pard 3/ 3 ACC Nt,-AP6030l56----- -- SOURCE-CODEi-UlVO120/66/()oo/oo4/0195/0196 (A) AWHORs Abovs Yu. G.; Bulgakoyj M. I.; Gulikol A. D.; Yermakovp 0. N.; Krupchitokiy P. ii.; 6ritov'skiy, Yu. A.; Trostinp S. S. ORG:i Institute of Thooretical and Experimental Physics GKAE, Moscow (Inatitut teoreticheskoy i eksperimentallnoy fisiki GNAE) TITU: Production of polarized beams of thermal neutrons by means of a pile of co~&].t mirrorn SOURCE& Prilbory i telchnika eksperimentap no. 4, 1966p 195-196 TOPIC TAGS: neutron beam, thermal neutrons nuclear research reactors cobaltj neutron polarization, collimator ABSTRACT: Aunit for the production of polarized neutron beams needed for experi- mental Ourposes is described. The unit, shown belowp consists of a collimator and a pile of cobalt mirrvra. The collimator, consisting of 10 convergent slits sepa- rated by vertical steel plates, is placed in the horizontal channel of a reactor. Each of the cobalt mirrors-is backed by glass and the length of each mirror in made up of three separate units 350 x 125 x 3 m3 in size. The top and bottom ends of tho mirrors are fitted into 10 slots 'bored through the connecting strips and clamped wil.h wedge clamps ~oo t)k%t. each mirror hae a corresponding alit in the collimator. Card 1/3 - UWs 539.1-078-539-125.5 -'- --- - 06i56--- NN AP60 The pile of mirrors is set into an electromagnet. The mean angle of beam incidence on a, corresponding mirror is 7.51 and all neutron beams reflected by the mirrors converge at a distance of 4.5 m from the pile of mirrors. The incident and reflect- ed beams. are separated by means of a sliding screen system made of boron carbide situated near the target. The flc~ of polarized neutrons on a specimen with an area of 3.00 x 10 MM2 n amounted to 3 x 10 neutrons/ijec. The degree of neutron beiui polar- ization amounted to - 90%. and the polarizatfton efficiency of 95%. The authors tharLk V. A. Beketov- and N. S. Shatlovskaya for making the cobalt mirrors, Yu. Ya. Garrison for assemblUg the pile of mirrors, and A. I. Savushkin, V. X. Riss-Ahint 0. M. Svetlovp and It L. LuTikhin for helping with the measurements. Orig, art. hast I figure. Card ACC NP4 ikP6030156 1. upper magnetic Falet 2. wedge clamp, 3. upper connecting strip, 4. side wall (brass)p 5. cabalt mirror, 6. lower connecting strip, 7. lower magnetic pole SUB COM 2D# IS/ SUBM DAM 3ljul6V ORIG REFt 001/ OTH REFs 002 coca 3113 IACC NR, AP6030156 -----------------SOURCZ-CODF,.~-'UIV0120/66/000/004/019,-/Ol9.6 (A) AUTHOR: Abov, Yu, Gzj Bulgak,,~VL - I.; qi4lko, rmakov, 0. N.; Krupchi _tj_ - Yo ~ki P. A,.; Oratovskiy, YH:._A.; Trostin,_�. ORG: Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics GW, Moscow (Institut tooratichoskoy i eks ~,,kf A 0Y TITLE. Production of polarized beams of thermal neuLrons means of a pile of i cobalt mirrors SOURCE: Pribory i tekhnika. eksperimenta, no. 4, 1966, 195-196 TOPIC TAGS: neutron beam, thermal neutron, nuclear research reactor, cobalt, neutron polarization, collimator ABSTRACT: Aunit for the production of polarized neutron beams needed for expori- mental purposes is doscribod. The unit, shown below, consists of a collimator and a pile of cobalt mirrors. The collimator, consisting of 10 convergent slits sopa- rated by vertical steel pli4teal is placed in the horizontal channel of a reactor. Each of the cobalt mirrors-is backed by glass and the length of each mirror is made up of three separate units 350 x 125 x 3 =3 in size. The top and bottom ends of the m.~rrors are fitted into 10 slots bored through the connecting strips and clamped with wedge clamps 'so that.eaoh mirror has a corresponding alit in the collimator. UDG: .1.078.539.125.5 ACC NRt The -ile of mirrors is set into an electromagnet. The mean angle of beam incidence on a corresponding mirror is 7.5' and all neutron beams reflected by the mirrors convorge at a distance of 4.5 m from the pile of mirrors. The incident and reflect ed b;)ems are separated by means of a sliding screen system made of boron carbide situated near the target. The flol of polarized neutrons on a specimen with an are of 100 x 10 MM2 amounted to 3 x 10 neutrons/see. The degree of neutron beam polar ization amounted to 90%, and the polarization efficiency of 95%. The authors thad-c V A. Bekotov and N. S. Shatlovskay for making the cobalt mirrors, Yu. Ya. Garx-lzo for assembling the pile of mirrors, and A. I. Savushkin, V. K. Rissukhin,- 0. M. Svetlov, and 1. L. Karpikhin for helping with the measurements. Orig. art. . - . ..... -... : ACC NRiAP6030156 I I SIMONOV, Ya.P.; SALEPOVA, A.I.; WIRNOVA, A.I.; SYRTSOVA, Ye.M.; ABOVICH,..F.B.; AYZENBERG, M.M.; MIKHAYLOVA, K.L.; USHAKOVA, T.V., red.; SERGEYEV, A.N., tekhn. red. (Handbook on agricultural climatology in Zaporozhlye Province) Agroklimaticheskii spravochnik po, Zaporozhskoi oblastil. Le- ningrad, Gidrometeoizdat, 1959. 111 p. (MIRA 17:4) 1. Ukraine. Upravleniye gidrometeorologicheskoy sluzhby. 1. ABOVSKIY, A.P., ENG. 2. USSR (600) 4. Stoat Boilers 7. Dead water phase of circulation In steam boiler circuits. 2) noo9,1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, January .1953. Unclassified. QOV;x1y#, Ver., Inzhaver; VMXLN, A.K., Inshener; VOLKOV, V.M., inshener; KATYSXK, G.V., Anzhener. Unsolved problems in designing industrial buildings for regions with Intensive snowfall. Stroi.prom-32 no.11:30-31 N 154. (Siberia-Factories-Design and tonstructiob) (HIaA 7:11) ABOVSKITO V.P., inshoner; Now Naking poroum conspruction v stroi. 17 no. 1041 15, (C*norete) IBOVSKI -- 4 zhener. lr~ On admissible speeda of -)ressure chAnge in steam boilers. Teplo- energettka Is no.q-87-fj,) -1 57. ()AL-RA 10:8) (Steam boilers) SOV/143-58-10-22/24 AUTHOR: Abovskiy, A.P., Engineer TITLE: Lettere to the Editorial Board; The Methcd of Cal.- culating the Ilea 4, Exchange 4n Steari Boiler Par_v_oes PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vy8shikh uchebnykli zavedeniy, En.ergetika, 1958, Nr 10, p 150 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author crit'icizes the article of L.T. Kudryaohdv and B.I. Sheetakov, published in E'rier,rclika, 1958, 0 1 ,Nr 6, in which a method 'lie heat ex- change in steam boiler rxv:.q.;eeki .'tas :explained, based on one universal factor b. This factOT' is the ratio of the thermal load of the radiation surface of the stoker and the heat liberation of the stoker volume. However, the universality of this factor disappears, as soon as the authors compile the dependence for/i using statistical data. The factor depends on the type of fuel,'-the burning process, degree of shield- ing, etc. If'even the influence of some parameters is neglected,,then the accuracy of such a method with -Card 1/2 a univeral factor will be small. Additional factors SOV/143-58-10-22/24 .-Letters to the Editorial Board; The Mcthod of Calculating the Heat Exchange in Steam Boiler Furnaces are therefore used in the method of TsKTI-VTI whereby the calculation is made more accurate. The authors present in v,~in the en1culation results for different types of furnaces according to their method, comparing it with data, obtained by the standard calculation method. These results convince immediately that the universality of the suggested factorp has vanished. ASSOCIATION: Odesskoye otdeleniye NTOEP (Odessa Branch of the NTOEP) Card 2/2 ADDVSKIY, A.P.; VOLKOV,, N.F.; GELLER) Z-I- Concerning the mthodology for designing a concentric pipe-tYPe air preheater. I"rum. energ. 15 no.7-48-50 Jl 160. (MIRA 15:1) (Air preheaters) ABOVSM, B.TS.; VOLKOV, Ye.P.; ROZIMERG, A.Ya. Xethod for determining the completion of the destruction In a single viscose apparatus. Xhim.volok. no.4:62-64(,,159. IRA 13-'2) 1. Mogilevskly zavodo (viscose) ABOVSKIYO B. T$.; SMTKOVA, B. A. Continuous drying and packing of rove-formed staple fibers. Xhim. volok. no.6:53-55 162* (MIRA 161l) (Rayon--DiTing) DAROCHINA, B.Ya.: YATUSHKIN, V.P.; MINSTER, V.Sh.;..ABQV3KIY, B.TS.; , ALEKSANDROVICH, I.r.; 7ERNOV, P.N.; SORINA, Y-3.M.; DOLGOVA, I.M.; POZIN, Z.S.; SMYKOV, B.A. Recovery of carbon disulfide from tho steari-ai- mixture from centrifugal machires. Khim, volok. no.4-.69-70, '64. (MIRA 18t4) 1. Vsosoyuzny-.v nauchno-issledovatol'skiy institut iskusstvennogo volokna (for Barochina, Katushk1n, Minster). 2. Mogilevskly zavod iskusstvent,ogo volokna (for all except Barochina, Katushkin, Minster). 124-57-2-2351 1'ranslation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1957, Nr 2, p 123 (USSR) AUTHOR: Abovskiy, I. P. ,rITLE: On the Calculation of Continuous Bearns Resting on Elastically Potating and Elastically Displaced Supports (K raschetu neraz- reztiykh balok na uprujjo-vrashchayushchikhsya i uprugo-pere- meshchayushchiklisya oporakh) 'PERIODICAL: Tr. Novosibir. inzh. -stroit. in-ta, 1955, Vol 5, pp 231-244 ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry I. Bems-Mathematical analysis Card 1/1 AFX)7sxiyt NOPO [Abovelkyi, W.P.J (Novosibirsk) Using the method of consecutive disjunction in investigating the stability of beams on elastic supports. Frykl. makh. 5 no.3:247-256 159. (MIRA 13:2) I.Novosibirckly inshonerno-stroitellnyy institut. (Girders) ABOVSYIY, N.P. (Novosibirsk) Rigidity if wmpressed bars 3n elastic supports. Strol. mekh. i rasch. wzpor. 3 ni.3:30-32 161. (MIRA 14:6) (Girders) YMMAN A.M., Inshener; ABOVSXIT, Y.P.-, SHURTGIN. A.A. Manufacturing prestressed reinforced concrete elements. Iov.tskh.1 povqd.op.v strol. 19 noo4:6-9 Ap 157. (MLRA 10:7) (Prestressed concrete) ABOVSrTY, A.P, insh. Overturnitog the ciraulatIon in low-pressure steam boilers. Izv. vys, ncheb. say.; energ. no.4t84-90 Ap 158. (MM 11:6) 1, Odesekoye otdeleniya Naujahno-tekluAcheekogo obahchostva energeticheskoy pronVehlonnosti. (Boilers) AFIETC S/124/63/000/004/040/064 AUTHOR; Abovskiy, No Pa M JOIJIMPRMW ~ j TITIS: Computetion ot solid plates by the lattice-point method 'k ~ MIODIC.A.L.: Referativnyy 2hurnal, Mekhahi~m.,-no-.-4-, 1963, 13, abstract 4V98 (Izv. vyssh. uchebn. zavedeniy. Stro-vo i arxhitekt., no, 2. 1962, 24- 32.) TEXT: Tho author makes a study of solid plates on rigid supports. The angle of in- clinatio-i for the n-th intermadiavile support for the primary field is described in finite (Lifferences thus: 179142 'in ;12 3 1 . + 4w n-1 --w 4- ""n O?x D, n-2 0 -3) Here., is the lattice constant; I~n is the support moment; wn_l ... respectively ,le of inclina- are the sags of the angles of tho primary fiolde Analogously., the ang tion Ifor the n-th suppoTt of the second field is described., by sags of 'the angles of the seccnd field. The equations necessary for the solutions of the problem are coa- venient2y solved w:Uh the use of prepared tables for load sags and unit moments for Card 1/2, L 16746-63, S-,/=/63/000/0()4/040/064 Computation of solid ..... a basic system - for "araple, of the corresponding rectangular plate. 7he author discus:;os the possibility of utilizing and enlorging presently available tables. He ,11-1ves tables of coaffiAents for a square hinge-supported plate. A numerical exaniple is citea. P. '"'. Vamak, [Abstractervd note: Complite translation.] Card 2/2 GORENSHTEYN, B.V., kand.tekhn.nauk; CHINEMOV, Yu.V., kand.tekhn.nauk; ABOVSKIY V P inzh.; GUTOVSKIY, E.V., ihzh.; NOVIKOV, V.S., - rn-zr.T'A`SIH,kT`J, I.G., inzh. Use of long,cylindrical precast prestressed concrete shells. From. otroi. 40 i.e. 411 no-4:13-17 Ap 163. (MA 16:3) . *(Roofa, Shell) GAYSANYUK, Vasiliy Fedorovich, AWVSKTY, Vladimir Petrx.-iLch,: YEROFEYEV, Valentin Ivano,;ich, kand. tekix.,. triuh; NIKIFOROV, Yurly Yefirovirh, dots. [Improvement in the preparation and as-3ej%bling of lar,-~3- panel buildings; practlce5 of the Korkinokli Construction Combine in the city of Kiasnoyan-k] shenstvovanie proizvodstva i -montazha zdanil; opyt rnboty Korkin.-,koF-,o dorlostrol tel nata v g. Krasno4..arske. !~oskv.-., Stroiizdnt, 1. Moscow. Nauclino-issledovatellskiy institut mekhanizatsii i tekhniche.,ikoy pomoshchi TSentrallnoye byuro, tokhnicheskoy informatsii. tell nachallnika Glavnogo upravleniya po grazhdanskomu stroitellstvu v ~,orode Kra,,nioyaI-~;k- Abovskiy). 3. Glaviiyy iDzhener nogo kombinata v worode Krasiivyarske'for Gftycali.~.I!k). 4. Nachallrffl Korkinskogo &).,nostroitellnogo gorode Krasnoyarske (for Yero" Yov). politaklinicheskly institut (for 141~-tforov). ABOVYAN, A.V. Some problems of the epizootiology of the infectioLz atrophic rhinitis in swine. Izv. AN Arm. SSR. Biol. nauki 15 no.3:93--91 162. WILI 15!4) (SWINS-DISEASES OD PESTS) ABOVYAN.. G., inxb. Vibration resistant push-button-starter. Prom.Arm. 5 no.11:40-43 N 162. (MIRA 15:12) (Electric switchgear) SOV/124-58-1-1157 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, I-Aekhanika, 1958, Nr 1, p 149 (USSR) AUTHOR: Abovyan, G.A. TIT LZ-----I-nv-e-s-tig-ation'of the Stress Distribution in Rigid Joints of Welded Frame- works (Issledovaniya napryazhennogo sostoyaniya zhestkikh uzlov svarnykh ram) PERIODICAL: Sb. nauchn. tr. Yerevansk. politekhn. in-t, 1957, Nr 14, pp 21-41 ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry Card 1/1 S/173/51-9/012/04/01/003 AMOR: Abovyan, G.A. TITLE;: Load Test of Welded Frames With Curvilinear Rigid JoInts _1~0 40 V PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk Armyanskoy SSR, Ser:.ya tekhnicheskikh nauk, 1959, Vol. 12, No. 4, PP. 13-22 Mr Results of tests carried out on two models of 17-shaped welded 1- -secticri frames (Fig. 1) in order to determino the Influence of stiffening rib? on -*-,he stress and bearing capacity of welded curved frame joints are described. The frames were of equal shape and dimensions but 1he joints of frame No. 2 (Fig. lb) were reinforced by radial, stiffening ribs. Yhe frames were madp of St--3 sheet steel and welding was performed by hand with E42A ele,~trojes. All tests were carried cut by a 2.5-ton press. The experimental nl.anl Is shown In. Figure 2. Deformation of frame No. 1 (Fig. Is) was measured at loads (P) of 250, 500, 750 and IYOOO kg and deformation of frame No. 2 at ~;00, 1,000. 1,!500, 2,000 and 2,500 kg. The meAsurings --carried out by 101 a:na a) mm wtr(, p�ck,aps and a 20 mm !ever tensiometer are shown in Fia-;ure 3. Fig,ires 4 - 7 -chow the stress disirlhation diagrams in various points. Frame No. I (Fig. 4a) showed plastic defo-mations in points; 10. 11, 12 and 13 at a 1,150 kg load% t'-`c Card 1/3 3/17-1/59/012/04/01 /003 Lead Test. of Welded Frames With Curvilinear Rig'-d. Joints frarroxi No. C*1 (Fig. 1110 showed plaptic deformattions at 2,XO kg. StreEs tion In the frame Joints is ehown in Figuro 8 and determined avording to FormiA- !a 1 ir. which the following sym~,,ols are used- modul,.)-:; of elasllcill~y (E), Poisson ratio (V), Telative deformations !n tangen,lal and radial dire,t!on (9 mp E 1, rela4 'ive deformations at. an angle of 450 40 and reilevar.', ~--tr gentlal. End radial s4-re23eq (6 ~ T- ,,). Deformekfda d a~for fram-~~ No, I eu,d No, 2 given ir, Tatle 1 show cleg'rly 41~alw deformation-s in frame No. I'Were n-F-al 1y twice as great as in fram4 No. 2. A diagram for tt,,q calculatior, of frame joints Is shown in Figure 9. The Irregularity of st.ress distriloution. a~ro-S thE inn,~r flange is taken into coniideration by 1--troduc-Ing lt~~ giver, wll~h ltnp - fbn (Fig. 9b) Into the assumed section. "'he *ransverse 8tri4z of flange determined by. 5 bend - k6',, with k denoting the tran-,rerse :(,,efficient according to Ref. 3.[Abstracter's no,.e~ Snbpcript bend 1,.:% a !rwi--l.a4ion of the original %3 ('zsib)j. The results obtained ty calc,ilatiors ace-ording to for.- mulae 2 are shown in Figure 8 (dotted llne),.~ compared to experimentt,.1 data (unbroken line). there is only a slight divergence. Tests have proyed thal, al- though radial stiffening ribs -'end to increaRe 4he Irregul-irity c,,.r Sirf~Es dis- trib-utlon In the ourvilinear t-rslt, they alQc tliE; rtgldl~y v.A ~irrylng Card 2/3 11~c S/173/59/01?-/o4./01/()03 Load Test of Welded Frames With Curvilinear Rigid Joints capacity of corner Joints. There are 9 figures, 1 table anti 5 references: 3 are Soviet, I English and 1. Italian. ASSOCIATIO14: Yerevanskiy politekhnicheskiy ivistitut im. K. Marksa (Yerevwx - Poly-technical Institute Imer-i K. Marx) SUBMTM: March P-3, 1959 k----C,-- Car'J 3/3 ABUTWI, K. X. Armenian species and varieties of oleaster. Izv.AII Arm.SSII Biol.nalild 12 no.5:77-83 Hy '59. (14IRX 12:9) 1. Ariorunnldy sell aIcokhozyaystvenny-.y institut. (ARMilk-OIXA&MR) GYULIBUDAGYAN, L.V.~ -ABOVIAN. Kh.V. 6-OXY- And 6-alkoxy- deriyatiYes of 2-methyl-3-( ~ -chlorecrotp)-4- oxyguiuolines Report Ks.2 (in Armenian with sum ry in Russiauj. Hauch. trudy Brev. un. 60:59-66 '57. (MrRA 11:8) 1.K&fedra orgautchaskoy khluli Yerevanskogs goBudarstvannego unlyarsiteta. (Quimolins) USSHYGencral. lli%~blor,.s f - Tuuvws. Tu:ors. Abs J.-~ur : Ref 7-hur - Bi--1., IL, 2, 1959, 8856 Author : Ab:)vya-,i, M.M. I113t : Title EvnIvi-itiou )f Treatment -)f of tl:e Skin with Ridii.-i wnd Radi)activa Malt Grir.; rub V sb.: Rah i -,lrcclr,.ik.)vyyc zabAmaniya kjzhi i .,Uby. Yorovai;, 1956,, 196-201 Abstract M abstract. Card 1/1 'q80v Ykv, MA YANARDZHI&, V.A., professor; ITANDARYAN, K.A., kandidat meditsinskikh nauk; PCPGTAN, S.A., kandidat maditsinakikh nauk; ABOVITAR,.M.11., nauchnyy sotrudnW. -L~w ~- - ~' - , 1. Modifications of iardiac function in gamma-irradiation of the brain; roentgeaokymographic and electrocardiographic cludies. Vest. rent. i rad. no.4:55-5? JI-Ag 154. URA 7:10) (BRAIN, effect of radiation. on gamma rVe,, 100 & kymographlo changes of heart during irradiation) (HEART. physiology, eff. of gamma-irradiation of brain, IGG & kymography) (RADIATIONS, effects, ga=a, on brain, 2CG & )Wmographic changes of heart during irradiation) ABOYTAN, S.B. Stratigraphy of Socsne deposits of the northeastern coastal region of Lake Seven. Dokl.AN Arw.SSR 23 no.1:35-40 '56. (MLRA 9:11) 1. Institut geologicheakikh nauk kkademii nauk Armyanshojr SSR. Predstavleno I.G. Ylagaklvanom. (Sevan. Lake--Geology, Stratigraphic) ABOVYAN, S.B.: ARUTTUNYAN, G.M. Magnesito formations from ultrabnaic rocks in Armenia and their origin. Izv,AN Am.SSR.Ser.geol.i geog.nauk 10 no-1:37-42 '57. (MIRA 10:10) 1. Institut geologicheakikh nauk AN Armyanskoy SSH. (Armenia--Magnesite) ABOYTAN, S.B. Some physical properties of the chrome spinellides of Armenia. Izv. AN Arm. SSR. Ser, geol. i geog. nauk 10 n0-3:21-29 '57. (MIRA 10:12) 1. Institut geologiohookikh nauk AN ArmSSR. (Armenia--Spinals) ABOVOTAN, S.B. Nay minerals in Armenia connected with ultrabasic intrusive rocks. Izv. AN Arm. SSIR. geol. i geog. nauk 10 no.4:47-56 157. (MIRA 11:2) l.Inatitut geologicheskikh nauk AN ArmSSR. - (Armenia-Mtneralogy) y . SHIRINYAJI, K.G.; ABOVTAN, S.B. Pyroxanite debris found In lavas occurring in the gorge of the Arpa-Chay River and its geological significance. Dokl. All Arm. SSR 26 no.1:47-51 '58. (MIRA 11*5) l.Inatitut goologichaskikh nauk Akadamii nauk Armyanskoy SSK. Prodstavlano I.G. Magaklyapom. (Arpa-Char Valley--PYroxenits) ABDTYAN. SB. Garnierite-halloysite from the Amasiya antimon7-areenic deposits ix Armenia. Dokl. AN Arm. SSR 27 no.2:113-116 '58. (MIRA 11:10) l.Institut geologichaskih nauk AN Armyanskoy SSR. Predstavelue I.G. Magaklyanom. (Amastya District-Halloysite) -------------- ~,nian I W. ABOVYAN,_-�Igp-m--Bg-r-OZQmigb-L-PAK'ViGOLITS, K.11.1 otv. red.; VARTANF.WVAA, A-A-p rede.izd-va; WMAN, P.A., tekhn. red. (Geology and minerals of the northeastern ahore of Lake Sevan) Geologiia i polezrWe isk-opaenVe severo-vostochnogo poberezhIia. ozera Sevan. Erevanp Izd-vo AW. nauk Armianskoi SSR, 1961. 260 p. (NIRA 15:3) (Sevan Lake region-Ore deposits) - ABOVY~N., S.B. I Anorthosites of the Shorzha and Dzhil-Satanakhachakogo gabbro-poridotite massits in the Armenian S.S.R. Izv.AN Aam. SSR. Geol.i geog.nauki 14 no.5:13-22 161. (MIRA 15:1) 1. Institut geologichaskM nauk AN Armyamkoy SSR. (Amenia-Anorthosite) AMVYAN, S.B.; HALKHASYAN, E.G. Rare case of the eruption of a Quaternary volcano through grano- syenite intrusion in the Armenian S.S.R. Dok1. AN Arm. SSF 32 no-5-231-234 161. (MIRA 14-9) 1. Institut geologicheskikh nRuk AN Arwienskoy SSR. Predstavleno akaderdRom AN Armyanskoy SSR K.N.Paffengolltsem. (Bazarcbay region--Volcanoes) (Rocks, Igneous) A13OVYAN S B - ELAGDASARYAN, G.P.; KAZARYAN, G.A.; KARAPETYAN, K.I.; E.G.; MELIKSETYAN, B.M.; MNATSAKANYAN, A.U..; GHIBUKIICHYAN, Z.O.; SHIRINYAN, K.G.; MELKONYAU, R.L., otv. red.; CHAKIIALYAN, TS., tekhn. red.; NUNYAN, S., tekhn. red. [Chemical composition of igneous and metamorphic rocks in thi Armenian S.S. R. ]Khimicheskie soatavy izverzhennykh i metamor- ficheakikh gornykh porod Armianskoi SSR. [By)S.B.Abovian I dr. Erevan, Izd-vo Akad. nauk Armianskoi SSR, 1962. 433 p. (MIRA 16:2) 1. Akademiya nauk Armyanskoy SSR, Brivan. institut geologiche- skikh nauk. (Amenia-Rocks, Igneous-Analysis) (Armenia-Rocks, Crystalline and metamorphic-Analysis) ABOVYAN, S.B. J Gebbro-pegnatites in the ophiolite formation in the Armenian S.S.R. Izv.AN Arm.SSR. Geolei geog.nauki 15 no-5:35-46 162. (MIRA 11:10) (Armnia-Pegmatites) ABOVYAN, S.B. Nickel and cobalt potentials of ultrabasic intrusive rocks on the northeastern coast of Lake Sevan. Zap.Arm.otd.Vses.min.ob-va no.201-87 163. (MIRA ABOVYAN, S.B. Age relationships of ultrabasic and basic intrusive rocks in the ophiolite formation in the Armenian S.S.R. Zap.Arm.otd.Vses.min. ob-va. no.2tl56-162 163. (MIRA 16t10) .", I i 6 ~~ *Y.", . , i ~ -a sc.,3 of f I nding (""r0"" I t0 'A' ZILticri It m ~rq' 1,!ii, rr, .,IAJ -il.3LVollita.,j of t Iw Anwonint, ~,: , '. I n. 1,*-,ukl j 18 110-2:40-45 165. 18:7) 1. .1 1.-, t..! tl~ t t."t: ~,)! oq7-, in~. j J, I) " ;," *, ~ -!:- . KUKUYNT, L.A.; ABOYTAN, V.A. %6*w ~.i w*-'*'. Critical remarks on certain view on the localization nose (Brain. 1953) Zhur.nevr.i polkh. 54 no.4:362-)63 (CONSCIOUSUSS, *localization of (BRAIN, physiology, *localization of centers in brain) consciousness centers) of consious- Ap 154. OMU 7:5) ABOVI"V14...- Impregnation of brain call@ with silver b7 using direct current. Blul.akep.biol. I mad. 42 no.8:78-80 Ag 156. (MLRA 9:11) 1. In laboratorii taitoarkhite'.ctoniki (zav. - prof. Ye.P.Xoaonova) Institute mosga (dir. - deystvitellnyy chlen AMN SSSR prof. S.A. Sarkisov) AMN SSSR, Moskva. Predstavlena deystvitelInym chlenom AMN SSSR S.A.Sarksovym. (BRAIN, anatomy and histology, 11 Ilver impregnation of brain cells with constant current (Ras)) (SILVn, imprngnation of brain celloo with constant current (Rue)) USSR / Human and Animal MorphoL)gy (Nomal and Patholcgical). S Nervous System. Central Nervous System. Abo Juur : Ref Zhur - Mologiya, No 9, ic,,5&, No. 407,64 Ant'lior : Abor%n, V. A. Inat Title : The Particularities of Develop"mnt of the Cellular Structure of the Cortex cf tha Middle Temporal Area in Yan Crig Pub : Zh- nevropatol. i psikhiatrii) 1957) prilozheniye, 37-39 Abstract : It, was demonstrat3d that the develcpwnt of the cortex of the middle temporal area is characterized 'by slow maturation and complicated differentiation of its concti- tuent elerents . Card 1/1 IMM. Use of aminaziua in spastic paralysis following insultus [with su=ary in French]. Zhur.nevr. i PaUdi. 59 no-2:182-184 '59. (MTRA 12:4) 1. Laboratoriya patologii nervnoy sistemV cheloveka (zav. L&A. Kukuyev) Inatituta. mosga AM SSSR I nevrologichikoya otdoloniye (Xav, NeVs Pa-11tavayg) bollnitay No. 23 im. Hadeantrud, Hoskva. (CHLORPROMAZOE, ther. use, spastic paralyals (Rua)) (PAnLYSIS, ther. chlorpromazine in spastic paralysis (Rug)) MKUEV, L.A.; MATVEEVA, T.S.1 JUQVI~4NI V.A. Pyramidal tract in the i3yotem of the motor analyzer. Zhur. nerv. i psikh. 60 no. 2:129-134 160. (MIRA 104) L Laboratoriya patologii nervnoy sist~3my cholt,vaka (zav, L.A. Kukuyev) Instituta raozga (dir. - prof. S.A. Sarkisov) A14H SSSRt Moslcva. (PMUMDAL TRACT) (MOMENT (PHYSIOLOGY)) IMMEV, L. A.; MATVEYEVA, T. S.; ABOVYAN, V. A. Two types of disorders in focal vascular lesions of the brain beyond the limits of the principal focus. Nauch trudy Inst. nevr. AM SSSR no.1:450-456 160. iHIRA 15:7) 1. Laboratoriya patologii nervnoy sistemy cheloveka Institute, mozga P14N' WSR, direktor - prof. S. A. Sarkisov. (CFMBROVASCULAR DISME) ABGARYAN, E.T., inzh.; ABOVYANp-V.O., inzh. S- , Testing the heatingof large magnetic amplifiers. Vast. alektroprom, 34 no.7:58-59 J1 163. (KMA 16:8) Al AUTHORS: Kazachkov, 1I.K. and Abozhik, I.N. 66-12-9/25 TITLE: From Experience of Changing Anchoring Installations on Operating Coke Oven Batteries.(Opyt zameny ankerEtzha deystv- uyushchikh koksovykh batarey) PERIODICAL-. Koks i Khimiya, 1957, No.12, pp. 27 - 28 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The procedure adopted for replacin- tLe armouring frames of brickwork and straighteninE of the anchoring columns on operating coke oven batteries of the Chelyabinsk Metallur ical Works is outlined. (Chelyabinskiy Mictallurgicheskiy zavoT There are 3 figures. ASSOCIATION: Koksokhimmontazh AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 1/1 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 *1* Ors'We"'W"m v-W-A-S-# 9 4-0 04 u 0 11 16 It Is 10 a 0 X--L a it Q a I I- IP A a W.K k b -jk- A~I-L- 11-4 P IL 9 r %*,,CI of I vvc.1.1,16 -Lr.- 0: 06 A! 00 gi Abqrs. 1). N. uott V. Cs. Atvvin. Imus. Lemonlrad (Im.-Virth, JxjI. 1, the 00 piece of WM4 to be partially cattonived! to test tut plant 00 admixtures &TV fattened a numbec of unall pkts of cotton cloth which then go through the whole cosIxmintiou The copper nos. of the cotton pkN 4D 9 f;mw"u -v% as detd. by y nxtbod arc a measum of the degrm d cartmani. of r' ration 4 the woolen cloth. and of tlw unifunnity of treat- 00 j Pirnt toldiffeitnt parts of the material. F. It. H. 00 0: 00 III, q $I 0 L P-oo 1-00 *0 :0400 00 -00 -00 -00 goo coo coo goo too a** WOO coo *00 *so nee will 0 We* A OCIAMINGICAt UIENAMOVI C(SISVICATION I'- I-a3- -, 8~11. a.. jet Om. it. as u 10 ;11 qu 04 lull tgkKwn IIIA 006000000000000000000es 0000006000600000000 00*000iogegooooosooooooe::iooooofoeoo4p*ooooooo* **A 00 4 so c 008 00.6 *04 4 0*0 0*4 OOU 1430" go vow owl a 0 a 1 2 WIR ~ MMXWICN OF M MGM 0 MCMSATICN* T*,CLa-0oXift Orme- L"Ingred am"-T** bwt'S is"* I* US-M) C0410i (2g. ce wrowlted u4 wwomrbod valarkd are mosiod In 091% IL 6!0~. aul VrAw wt Be tMt 200 Vt!,% of rombe ftblort~ode Bawl** Ik" (eves) at W tior I bre ead Ce moo* ere determined. The ratio ce the ft a"* to tM eriterim at nomri"tim. Longer dryixg Swerewme both Cu *as., Wt levere fte ratice. Ch. Abe, ~-oo 00 -0& lose 1.000 moo see see 400 Iles Iles wee ~111 %vow* "via 0941-6 -3,10 9 Tho lakvWW of wW "d cattom wtth the sodlum ults V. of I"" W20"deftrUst, 4 oft M Ahmin. Aw?. The electropietric analysis of Indigo vain pmnit. quirk and wmrute dein. of the arnts. of indigo, free dithlonite. unit sulfite. The use of pbosphatr buffers in the dyeing of wool Is recommended. Throrin previou%ly famulated by Poral-Koebits (cf. C.A. 29, IMI) are confirroed. Aarshall Simir YEL'TSOV, A.V.; ABOZIN, V.G. Study of the substantive properties of vat sols. Report No. is Dyeing of cotton with indigosol 04B and indigosol Grey C. Trudy LTI no.60:159-166 160. (MIRA 14:6) 1. Kafedra tekhnologii organicheskikh krasiteley Leningradskogo tekhrologicheskogo instituta Imeni Lensoveta. (Dyes and dyeing--Cotton) (Indigo) YELITSOV, A.V.; ABOZIN9 V.0. Study of the substantive properties of vat sols. Report No.2, Equilibrium sorption by cotton of some indigosols, of anthrasol. Yellow V' and )f the vat sol, Gold-Yellow ZhKh. Trudy LTI no.60: 167-182',6o. (MIRk 14t6) 1. Kafedra tekbnologii organicheskikh krasiteley Leningradskogo ,tekhnologicheskogo instituta imeni Lensoveta. (Dyets and dyeing--Cotton) YEL'TSOV, A.V.; ABOZINp V.G. Study of the substantive properties of vat sole. Report No. 3: Equilibrium dyeing of cotton with N-methyl derivatives of the indigosols 04B and Grey Co Trudy LTI no.60:183-189 160. (MM 14:6) 1. Kafedra tekhnologli krasyashchikh veshchestv Leningradskogo tekhnologicheskogo inatituta imeni Lensoveta. (Dyes and dyeing--Cotton) ABOZIN, V.G.; RDMANOVAv M.G. Redox abaracteristics and dyeing properties of vat dyes, derivatives of benzanthrone. Zhur.prikl.khim. 35 no.4!843-849 Ap 162. (MIRA 15.4) 1. Kafodra tekhnologii organicheakikh krasiteley Leningradskogo tekbnolo icheskogo instituta imeni Lensoveta. Mes and dyel-ng) (Benzanthracenone) 'AB~OZ-U; V.0.1 ROWOVAp M.G.; BLOKHt N.V.1 GRKBENKINA, L.G. Kinetic study of the dyeing of cellulose fibers witn vat dyes under various alkalinity conditions of the dye bath. Izv,, vys, ucheb. zav.; tekh. tekst. prom. no-4:108-115 ,63. (Kga 16 ill) 1, Loningradakiy takhnologioheskiy institut imeni, Lensoveta. ADOZINI V.G.; ROMMOVA, 14.0. Effect of the pH value of leuco solution on the redox characteristics of vat dyes. Zhur.prikl.khim. 35 no.4:850-89~ Ap 162. (IJIRA 15:4) (Dyes and dyeing) (Oxidation-reduction reaction) (Hydrogen-ion concentration) ROMANOVA, M.G.;_A~aZlNj V.G. DeAermination of the dissociation constants of antbrah;ydroquinones in nonaqueo4,Aedia. Zhur.prikl.khim. 36 no.2:435-440 F 163. (HIPA 160) 1* Leningradskiy tekhnologicheskiy institut imemL Lensoveta. (Anthradiol) (Ionization) ROMMVA, R.G.; ABOZINt V.G. Acid-bave properties of leuco compounds of vat substances and simple dyes, Zhur,prlkl,khim, 36 no.2:441-446 F 163. (MRA 1613) I& Lenlngradskiy takhnologicheakiy institut imeni Lensovets., (Dyes and dyeing) KARMV, V.V.;,.ABDZIN, V.G, Sorption of leuooindigo aM leucoth-4oindigo by vari3us su"llrata. Zhur.VKHO 9 no.ls117-119 16,4.. M Wk .17 s 3) 1. Leningradskiv tekhnologicheskiy institut imeni Lensovetat. ABO-"!N, V.G.; KARPOV, V.V. Methods of investigating the acid-base characteristics of vat acids of Indigo and thioindigo. Zhur. prikl. khlm. 3? no. 4: 880-885 Ap 164. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Lenizigradskiy tekhnologlcl)eskiy institut imeni Lensoveta. ir KARPOV, V.V.; ABOZIN, V.G. Effe(-r. Oi-c-on-s-t-iTrun7a'on the disaoclation constants and spectra of leucothioindigoiia. Zhur.prikl. khIm. 37 no. 5s 1165-1168 MY '64. (WRA 17t-4) 1. Laningradskiy takhmlogicheakiy institut imeni Lensoveth. r G )a r o d 6-1-227S - I "I.G.; AB02IR V.G. Dissociation constants of free leuco compounds of certain vat dyes of the dib=zantbrone series in 513 molar percent diocare. ."hur. prikl. khir~. 37 no.12:2709-27115 D 16',~. OURA 18:3) 1. Lexiingradskiy tekhnologicheakiy ins--itut. imeni Lensoveta. ROSSIN, S.A.; ABOZINjL T Now drug tropacins and its use In treating neurological diseases. Zhur. nevre I palkhe 35 no.it4PP-49 Ja 135. (HLRA 1.312) lo Klinilm norynykh bolesney (say. prof. S.A.Rossin) Savero- Gestinakogo maditsinskago Inatitutas (NERVOUS STSTIM. diseases, ther., muse* relaxnnt tropacins) NUSCIA RELAXANTS, therapeutic use. tropacine in nervous syntax dis.) JABOZINI Yu.V., Inzhener-kapitan I-go ranga 11 t' 11 -- Me hods of activating the counitive activlt~, of c'Ludents at a lezison. Mor. sbor. 49 no.11:41-45 N 165. (MIFJ, 18:22) USSR/MJ-crobiology Antibiosis and Symbiosis. Antibiotics F-2 Abs Jour Referat Zhurn - Biol. no 16, 25 Aug 1957, 68479 Author Abraam, E.P., Nyuton, G.G. Title Som-e-Meim-Mcal and Biological Properties of new Antibiotics of the Penicillin Group. Orig Pub Khim. Nauka i Prom-st, 1956, 1, No 4, 394-405 Abstract No abstract. Card 1/1 37 - Investij-,-tior-- of the- Vmcl-~nicl rn, Klnt~'jc!i of 4~ r-,ict.,iral Trnnsformostion!! in en, or. Nlcl~nj- ,AUCr4~ ion USS--'. Forcow Grdo~,r of Chrome." Min Rif-'ler L-,I:or ,'ed Lryi-er Ir..4 ()f -3tepj i!-!.ri I No'lcow) 1956. (Div!f~rf.atinr- for ll-r, D-f- - of C,:~ndidato in Technictl Science) r.- nmya Lr-toypinl, l7o. 16, 1956, So: K .1 zh ABRAAMYAY, A.G. ,Njuly revealed astronomical tables of Ananii Shir~akatsl. Iz ist. eat. i takh. 1:50-73 160. (MRA 16t12) ABRAAMYAN, JA.G., Prof.; AVAKYAN, sa.q rsdjWsd-;Vaj-TZTIWIAH,,,_,4.B., red.-Isa-vaj OVASAPYAN, A.A., takhn. red. [Arania Shirakatails lunar tables] TablitBy lunnogo kruga Ananiia Shirakatsi. Podgotovil k pechati A.G.AbrOkmsjc*W:%. Erevan, 1962. 108 p. (MIRA-16.8) (Moon-Tables) (Astronomy, Armenian) PRIPROSYM, G.B.; ABRAMAN A.G. tEuclidee.n Ceometry) Geometriia Evklida. Takst podgo- tovili k pechati G.B.Petrosian i A.G.Abrannian. Erevwl, lzd-vo AN Arm.SSR, 1962. 285 P. (IMIA 16:12) 1. Akader.iya rauk Armyanskoy SSR, Erivan. Sovet po istorii yestestvoznaniya i tekhniki. (Geometry) SMARINOV, L.P.1 SHUSTEROV, S.I.1 ABRkAMYAN, AA Zoning the area of a nitrogen fertilizer plant. Prom, strol. 42 no.4t23-25 165. fMIRA 18:4) ABRUMV,11, G.S -.---- - Syunik (ZangeEur) as a phyaicogeographical region and its rogiowlization. Izv.AN Arm.SSR. Gool.i geog.muk! 14 no.5: 55-60 161. (MURA 15: 1) 1. Sovet, po isuchanivu proizvoditeltny,Kh sil AN Armyanskoy SSR. (Armenia-Physical geography) ALEKSANDROV, LV.; ABRADUSHKIN, Yu.S. Derivatives of 3-aminophanol. Part 2z 0-banzenesulfonyl and 0,11--di (banzenesu2fonyl) derivatives of 3--aminophanol and its homologes. Zhur. ob. khim. 31 no. 11:3610-3614 N 161. 04IRA 1,1%.11) 1,, Nauchno-leislodovatollskiy institut organichoskikh poluproduktov i krasiteloy. (Phenol) ALEKSANDROV, I.V.; ABRADUSHKIN, Yu.S., GLAZUNMA, O.V.; UTKINA, V.V. Analyzing the formation of azine dyes ir color development. Pdrt 3: Reaction capacity of 3-aminophenol deriva-,ives unde-- color development con-ditions. Zhur.nauch. 1 prikl.fot. i kin. 9 no.2s 102-108 Mr-AP 164. OURA 1724) 1. Nauthno-issledovatellskiy institut organichaskikh poluproduktov i krasiteley (NIOPA). ALEKSANDROV, I.V.;ABRADU~HKIN, Yu.S. Derivatives of 3-minophenola. Part 13 N-acylaminotoluen-BoUfonyl and NpO-~Ii (acylaminotoluenesulfanyl) derivatives of m-mainophenol and its homologs, Zhur. ob. khim. 34 no.110723-3730 N 16.1,. (MIRA 18sl) 1. Eauchno-isaledovatellskiy institut organicheskikh polupro- duktov i krasiteley. USSR/VirolcLW - Human and Aninal Viruses. E-2 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., Ito 8, 1953, 33602 Autb-,r : Mishkoltsi, D., Talki, 0., Vender, V.j Abrapm, Al., Veyttsug, R., VaGner, K. Inst : - Title : k)ilerdc of Viral H:)squito Encephalitis of Smmer's End and Aut=z, Obscrvc,-' in Tyr(p-Muresh in 1955- (Epidemiya virusnogo komarinoC:o entsefalita kontsa leta- oseni, nablyudavshayasya v Tyrgu Mureshe v 1955 rodu). Orig Pub Rum~msk. med. obozrcnic, 1957, 1. No 1, 50-62 Abstract No abstra2t. Card 1/1