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TELIS, Xoisey Yukovlevich; ZHEMUNOV, P.P., nauchn. red.; SI:,.V1n,A, S.L., red.; A8OL'v2.!OV V.P,.,, red. - 2 ~ - (Nelting of nonferrous metals and alloys] Plavka tsvetnykh metallov i splavov. Moskva, Vysshaia shkola, 1964. 318 p. (MIRA 17:5) GRUZDNV~ Aleksey Iiikolayevich; KOLOSOV, V.N., red.; ABOUNOV, V.P.; red. [Mechanized corainalcing for foundry moldal Mekhanizirovan- noe izgotovlenie sterzhnei dija litoinykh form. Moskva, Vysshaia slAkola, 1965. 293 p. (IIIHA a8:2) A.V- ABOjr Functional disorders of the higher and vegetative nervous function In the clinical course of certain diseases in children. Pe&iatriia, Moskva No.4:24-31 July-Aug 51. (CIRL 21:4) 1. Of Gorlkly Oblast Scientific-Research Pediatric Institute (Director- A.A. Prokoflyeva; Director's Scientific Assistant--Prof. F.D. Agafonov; Scientific Supervinor--Candidate Nediml Sciences N.I. Kosin. AIOIZNSKAYA, A.V.; XDZIN, N.I.; KOIDMSKAYA, O.A. Use of novocalne in a prolonged attack of paroxysmal tachyeardia in an infant. Vop. okh. rat. i det. 3 no-1:91-93 Ja-F '59. (XIBA 12:2) 1. 1z ryorlkovskogo T)ediatricheakogo nauchno-iseledovateliskii instituta Miniaterstva zdravookhranenlya RSFSH (dir. A.A. Prokoflyev). (ARRHYMIA) (NOVOGAINB) ABOLM-NMYA, A.T.; KOZIN, N.I.; IOLOMISKAYA, O.A. Use of novocalue In a lingering attack of paroxysmal tachycardia in a child. Pediatriia 37 no.9:90 S '59. (MrRA 13:2) 1. Is Gorikovskogo pediatrichaskogo nauchno-iseledovateltakDgo insti- tuts. Hinisterstva, xdravookhraneuiya RS7SR. (NOTOGAINN) (ARR"MIA) AR)LIPIN, I,P., Inzh.; BoRISENKO, G.S., lnzh, . Machine for marking hot pipes. HekbJ avtom.proizv. 18 no.31 14-16 Mr 164, (MIRA 17:4) ABOLINI, A* [Abolinat As] Mosses of the Latvian S.S.R. Izv,AN IatV.SSR no3.94-101 t63. (MIRA 160) 1. Institut lesokhozyaystvennykh problem I khimii drevesiny AN Latlyakoy SSR. (Latvia-.Mosses) ABOLINI G, P., PIX;"DE,11- YE, X.. A'-RQ-EVA, G. A. 2 4 L- -I- uInvestigating the ActionaC "331-730 DurIM Experimental Tul)crculosis", Izv. AN Iatv. SSR, No 3, 1953, 31-56. InvestiCn:ated the action of "IN-73" on experimental animals in- fectedvtth tuberculosis. Found that the preparation (isonicotinic acid bydrazide with additions of nicotinic acid IWdrazidc, cinchomeronic acid hydrazide, and 2,6-piperidinecarbo)Wlic acid IWdrazide) inhibits the development of tuberculosis in the internal organs. (RZhKIAm, No 3-1, 1954). SO: Sura No. 443, 3 Apr. 55 ABOLIV, J., otv. z& vypusk; VIGDORCHIK, V.A., tekhn, "ed. [National econopW of the Latvian S.S.R,; statiotical col- lection) Latvijas PM tautas saimniociba; statistisko datu krajums. Narodnoe khoziaistvo Latviiskoi SSR; statisticheskii sbomik. Riga., Valsts statiatikas izdeirniecibn, 1957. 22C) 1). OflftA 15!4) 1. Latvian S.S.R. Statistikas parvaldo. (Latvia-Statistics) ABOLIN, R.I. ABDLIN, R.I. 0snovy astestve"o-istorichaskogo raionirovaniia sovetskoi Srednei Azii. Tashkent, Izd. Sradne-Aziatakogo gosudnrstvannogo univeraltata, 1929. (J'tj Trudy. Seriia XII-a. Geograftia. Vyp. 2.) 75 p. DLC: Unolass. SN LC, Soviet Geography, Part II, 1951/Unolassified. -IT011IN A , Robert Ivanovich ADDLIN, Robert Ivanovich ... Voprosy zemledeliia Turlanenskol SSR; trudy pervoi konfer- entsii po izucheniiu proizvoditelInykh sil Turkmenskoi S'S' Leningrad, AN S53h, 1934. 45 P. (Akadrz!miia Hauk SSSH. Sovet po izucheniiu ~roizvoditellnykh ail. Sovet N.,.rodnykh Komissarov Turkmenskoi SSR). DLC: S471.R9A55 SO: LO, Swict Geography, Part 11, 1951, Unclassified ABOLIN, Ya. T. In -14ktv:Lan- - ABOLIN. Ya. T. -- *Gasification of High-Ach and Yoist Local Fuel in Tractor Gas Generators.* Latvian Lgricultural AcadeMr, 1951, In latvian (Dissertation fo.- the Degree of Cindidato of TechpJ,cal Sciences) SO: IMLatLya Ak, Nagk Lfitylyakoy SS , No. 9. Sept. 1955 ArIc-I I r t ) TAI. A 7720. Abolin', Ya. 7 Tserpn, 1. Sr-nvochnik traktortst.a. Pign, lvtgosJ7,rlntp 1954. 359s. s ill. 20sm. 10,000 ek z. Cr. 30K. v ppr.--)o~t. ul:a:-,qny v vyp. dan.-na latysh. Yaz.-(55-3605) 631.37t629.114.2(08) SO: K,,i!zhnaya Letopis', Vol. 7, 1955 ABOLIN, Yu.Ya.. Inzit. Dispatcher station of an izitEqrcnnnecVd j,ower nys.9m. Elek. sta. 36 no.1003-56 0 165. WIT4, 18110) AICLIT, Tu.Yx, Inthener. --ftPA*ft= ""Mom=d R"ducing personnel In fuel suDDly and boiler room operations of electric power stations. Enercetik 5 no.6:8 Js 157. (HLRA 10:7) Cllftctric power plant) A30LDIAP A*Te. (XVbyshev) Rehabilitation of the nonanbulatory in poliowqelitis. Klin ned, 33 no.11:65-69 N 155. (MM' 9M 1. Is ortapedichookogo otdoleniya (sav.-prof. A.P.Yovstropoy) kliniki gospitalluoy khirurgil (dir.-prof. A.Akzinsy) Kuyby- shevskogo seditsinakogo institute.. (POLIOKY]ILITISO rehabil.) (BIHA ILITATION. In various diseases, polio.) AIIOLINA A -,.- -.- New and rare speoies of =sci in the Latvian S.S.R. Vestia Latv ak no.8:63-69 161. 1. Latvijas PSR Zinatnu akadomijap BotanlskaiB darza. - A-L-OL-IR-A, A. ie. -- - - - - ABOURA, A. le.: "Dealing with various syrptorrx of poli-ryelitir." t,uybyshF,v State hedical inst. ruyLyrbev, (Dissertation for tha Degree of Candidate in hedical Sciences). SO., hnizhnaya I~Aopisl, ho 23, 1956 ABOLINA, A. Yo., kand. med. nauk; ZHUKOVA, A. V. Conservative treatment of congenital clubfoot in children Ortop., travm. i protez. 22 nn. 6:31-33 (MIRA 1~:12) 1, Iz ortopedicheekogo otdoleniya (zav. - Prof. A. P. Tevetropov) kafedr7 gospitallnoy khirurgii (zav. - prof. A. M. Axinev) Kuyb7obevskogo meditsinskogo institute. RJT (FOOT-ABNO LTIES AND DEFOWITIES) A, h Ju, , ;'.I! 11KOVA, It M, Use of exerall se thorapy d ~;rl ng the Fact tc;j,,rrti tvn 101 ~xi 1,C Ow Ng the rem6vul o~' the lacf-rw.ed rr,(,rds-ur, of tl,,~ k: on n Vor- k-ar., f I zl. ater. i lech. fiz. kul I ". "C', n,,,.. 1. Criop,~~jichaskoye otdelpnlye kallrp~ry (,zav, 1.rof. A.M. Fuylby~~Ii-vsk,y;-- 0 if v U 0 AS a 11 a 10 p up No alropf" coast" -1.0 Ix ~Wmmppl~ **A A _jK mr-K !.A_ S. A__j..j.A 1 1.8 A I(4rf!I jtj limic Aft. 10J), No. 2 111 7. - W%Ai- At tjg in watef AM oarml A the ".jultp 41 rjptr.,m the pfoW balance of Va. K Om ICIV, 1, IVI Ca atul X sad It, Cultuf with octs. 11w 1_1 yield *a,% obtained with 45-011: Ift A high Me content is knJuVioto. T- high a -IotfIlt (A Ca and K --about aim Auima. tmj noaa, injnVious as hen 80% of MS was inwwdcw. With th tncfmhrA outrVenta in t1w vordiumm. the wum elk itme tatoffmved .00 the A.h. .00 SOO 00 00 00 '90 Met! '00 '00 boo Ala SLA affUtOGOCAL W11114,11 CtOWIC6110% 44 4 'T-4 v i U 1; it I .-I I--- j I . It it It it 9 ad 0 a 0 1 it it ft 1 '14 ad 0 4 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 41 If ol 0 o 0 0 .6 a6 0 00 0 * 0 000 M u At a 4, of 46 Ad CA AT 'A $1 .39krufflil.1) WtvvlW I.xiallillf. fit o1w ~016 701_~A' t Z 00, 90-1 1 C, go of, V 'I ~l 00 so %V Allp) Ml 1"11 %MV-1 JUIVIII AlIV11111#1 qw% %itlw(,l 00 00. ~4 1 1.. 111"'mIll I's"' 431411"1111~ 441 1-,,, go - 111jollml III v trip -V 00, 110411a )o 114111*81A.-sm $'I -Joe," )m" WlLt) 111111'.1v Iss3oid Ir 00, 44) 111 s3aaassla lasaultu 16 82a"tIlusIA; so so 1, of 00 I) 'r -f of I I A, A I v t v -1 1 1 0 4 'd w a' .' Q Al , it , a 66 1. f. ;. . , A , A t . .. I , 0 ! ~00 11 0 0 * 0 0 0 -0 0 6 oe 00 o 6 1) 4 ~ ! 9 * * wo 00 0 0 0 0 is ABOLINA, G. I. 16302 Fiziologlya raivittya ozimay pahenitayna paru i us sterns. Salektolys 4 99fl,saGvod9tvo, 1949, 110, 11, a 17-41 SO: Latnolal Zhurnallnyldi Statey, No. 4q, 1-49 L ~ft P I To B i '-I .. (. R/0 I smigh an b a,* =Tlf~ in 161 In-4.74.a~i~ ~.d 2. ABOLINA, 0. 1. 27251. ABCLINA, G. 'I. - Rost I stroanie listlev u zlakov v myyazi a mineral 'n". ritaniam i vl(izhr,ost'yu 1,,ochvy. DoBady akad. Nauk seer, novays meriya, t. LXV771, 110. 1, 19L*9, a-lU-76 SO: Latopis' Zhurrial'nykh Statey, Vol. 56, 11040 A _3 -1111Y.2 G. I. "Physiological Reaction of Spring Whept to the Length of the Day," Dol.. AN., 67, No. 6, 1949. Karagandin Agricaltural Experimental ISVition. ABOLINVI -y-G.- is-- --- "The Growth and Structure of Grain Le:~ves in Connection with Mineral Nurtiment and Moisture in the Soil," Dok. AN., 67, No. 1, !949. Karagandin Agriclutiral Experimental Station. A. (-). ' ~-Ir - i. f % .0 %--~ 4_1 'j-') hj 079bilL , VP4-." No. 45 Abolip!~f 91.1, The blenificance 0l incres,sed phosphorous feeding during the varnaliAlition of wheat. 161.4 Alubdamilp Sank, S.S.S. R., Dokl*4, Val. 79, WO-1 I %if( f, I'- am-01ola" (Agriculture) - Var-liza- I Jul 51 tion "If-tect of increased Phosphorous Nutrition on Passage of the Vernalization Stage By Wheat," G. I Abolina -DOIL Ak Sauk SSSR" VOI 1 no -1, pp 161-164 PolloviDg similar exyte set up in 1948 &t. the 2 "v lant J!hye 4 _gr Expt! Stp~, vernal- CUP _O~j Xarmgapda A _rZ&tIOn Of 1643eii E*dil pii;6z~~ric ac:fd sait solno was investigated in 1-949. Results indicate that vernalimation In there solns br2ugs about qual -be- os producing accelerated development of plants 21M 9M/ Biology (Wiculture) Vernalize- 1 Jul 51 t ion. (Contd) and earlier start of various phases of develop- ment. The mu*er of grains per ear and the size of grains are iWoved. 21OT5 USSR/Mxltivated Plants. Grains. Abs Jour: Bef Zhur-Biol., 140 5, 1958, 2j236. Author G.I. Abolinn. Inst I r4o, t -gi v e n_.- Title Physiological Peculi--ritica in the Development of WinLer Wheat and the Dynamics of Nutriments in the Soil When Sowing in August on Non-Irrigated fand. (Fiziologi- cheaklye osobennosti razvitiya ozimoy pshenitay i dirra- mika pitatellnykh veshchestv v 1,ochve pri a-igustovskon poseve na bogare). Ori g Pub: Izv. Ali Uz 1956,, No 7, 19-23. Abstract: Under the conditions prevailing on non-irrigateed ter- min in Uzbekistan during 1953-1954, a study made of the effect of different sowing periods for winter wheat on the morphological clu-,racteriatics, the make- Card 1,2 USSR/Cultivated P.L.-jita. Grains. Abs .)'our: Ref Zhur-l-liol., No 5, 1958, 20238. up of the harveat, woter content, augnr accumulation in the root cell%r and chnngeo in the nitrate and hiumic, contents in the coil. 'The August sawing of winter wheat createn conditions favorable for the extensive developuent of vegetative wss; it increases the number of stems, the root lengthj leaf growth and wheat-err formation. Winter hardening took place most intensively in these plants. An increased sugmr content and lessened water content in the nodose root processes was observed. The yield was higher in the winter wheat sown in AugusL. A large accumulation of humus was discovered in the soil horizons of the fallow lav,~ prepared for August sowing. Intensive nitrate transformations were noted in soils which were well supplied with water. Card 2/2 USSR / Cultivated Plants. General Problems. M-1 Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Bioli, No 6, 1958p 24930 Author : Abolina. Inst :Adeaiffe_m~yof ~Scie"nces, UzSSR Title :The Effect of Dorogov's Biological Preparation on. Seed Germination and Plant Growth and Development Orig Pub: Doll. AN UzSSR, 1956, No 11, 49-53 (Resume Uzbek) Abstract: Foil the objects of the experiment one used soft summer wheat of the Karagandinskaya (Velyutinum), Millturum 321 varieties, durum-Gordeiforme 189, branched-Kakhetinakaya, the winter wheat was Alabasskaya and Erythrospermum 22297, as well as Persicum 64 barley, Lokhovskiy and Zolotaya Dozhd' oats, Poltavskaya 1774 and Bakhmallskaya alfalfa and zhitnyak No. 15 wheat grass. Aqueous solu- tions of the second and third fractions of Doro- Card 1/3 USSR / Cultivated Plante. General Problems. M-1 Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 6, 1958, 24930 Abstract: gov's preparation were used in concentrationa of 0.002, 0.001 and 0.0002. Besides this the liguid of the third fraction was first diluted in 96 ethyl alcohol (o.01). The soaking of the seeds in solutions of the preparation (momentarily, 1, 5 or 10 minutes) increased germination in wheat and oats, and had a positive effect on leaf and root growth in wheat. The Gordeiforme 189 was the most responsive variety. It was established that in the aordeiforme 189 and Karagandinskaya wheat varieties which were raised in the hothouse and in Al3basskaya winter wheat taken from the field in January, irrigating and spraying the plants with these solutions in the tillering stage brought about increased growth in the leaves and plant height, as well as in the length and number of Card 2/3 10 USSR / Cultivated Plants. General Problems. M-1 Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-131ol., No 6, 1958, 24930 Abstract: spikes and grains. Five minute soaking of alfalfa and wheatgrass Seeds in solutions of the prepara- tion brought about increased germination. This study was made at the Milyutinskaya Selection Station in 1953-1954. -- B. Ye. Kravtsova Card 3/3 ABOWNA, G. I. I- . vA - %I N- 4 ---2 ~-! P f E X %6:~. Studying causes of variations in the ripening of wheat kernels. Fizlolraet. 6 no.11102-104 Ja-F 159. (MMA 12:2) 1. Milyutin State Selection Station Uzbek S.S.R. (wheat) (Seeds) ix 1d0 Sci fl cuVeID: o; IT, n 1", El it I rrirat(A juj,,~,:, tion, f l'Ills"'itutc. Of !-:,ii z. ek 55111) (,'1, T?-60P 144) JXPLIKA, G.I. Role of certain factors in the formation of grain in different parte of the spring wheat car, Isy. AN SSSR. Ber.biol, no,2t 287-P-90 Mr-4 160. (MIRA 13:6) 1. ?be Milyutin State Selection Station. Samarltand Region of the Uzbek S.S.R. - (VRXA ) AJ3QLIHA,_G, 8kokhozyayi3tvennykh nauk,- FATYMLLAYEV, D.Z. J., kand.sel* Maynae-Soil composts for potatcas and vagetablea in Uzbokistane Agrobiologiia no.6:821-.826 N-D 161. (MIRA 15:2) 1. Institut ovoshche-bakficherykh kul-tur i kartofelya, Tphkent. INIJzbakivtan--Potatoo3-- -Fertilizers and mmmures) (Ilzbekist,an.-Vegetables.-Fortilizers and namwes) (compost) VM/63/000/001/033/035 D413/D308 AVTHORS: Ataullayev, 14. A., Abolina, G. I., Tursunov, S. and Abdurashi-tov,- K. TIMI: The effect of ultrasonic vibration on the development of melons PERIODIGAZ; Ref6rativnyy zhurnal, Blektronika i yeye primeneniye, no. 1, 1963, 16, abstract 1V 131 (Uzb. biol. zh., na. 2, 19629 25-29 (summary in Uzb.)) TEXT: The authors have studied the effect of ultrasonic waves on the seeds of th-o Kokcha type of melon. The melon seeds were first steeped in water for 24 ho4rs at room temperature. The ultrasonic treat,-,ient of the seeds was carried out at frequencies of 1 Mc/s, 1.25..tIc/s and 23 kc/e with exposures of 1, -41, 6, 9 and 12 minutes, The experimental r&sulls showed for examples that ultrasonic treat- ment )f the Beeds at 1414c/s for an expoeure of 3 - 4 minutes stimu- ;lates the growth and ddvelopment of the plants, and in individual cases raiseu the O~ /-Abstracter's note: Coo- produdtivity by 20 4 piete trans lati on. 7 Card I / 1- ABOLINA, G.I., doktor I~Nologicheskikh nauk; ATAULLAM, N.A., kand. biolog. "-T- `iik; MM MOVI na I A. Effect of water balance and fertilization on the physiol,)gical proces'ses and yield of melons in Uzbekistan. Agrobiolog'lift no.3s437-441 W-Je 163. (MIRA 16:7) 1. U4bekskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut ovoshcho-bakhehavykh kul'tttr i kartofelya, Tashkent. (Uzbekistan-MBIons-Fertilizers and manures) Ozbekistan-Maloits-Water requirements) JBILINAP G.L. dokior biologicheskikh nauk; FATOULLAYLY, D.Z. -.1-1.1"...", ...... Effectiveness of manure-soil composts in the Sierozems of Uz- bekistar.. Zemledelie 25 no.10:66-68 0 163. ORDU 16:11) 1. Institut ovashcho-bekhchevykh kulitur i kartofelya. ABOLINA,.-G.X.; BEREZHNOVA, V.V. -1 .... Effect of a growth promoting substance of petroleum origin on the growth, development, physiological changes in plants and the yield of potatoes in Uzbekistan. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. biol. no.6t862-870 N-D 1636 (MIRA 17:2) 1. The Uzbek Research InBtitute of Vegetable-Melon Field and Potato Cultures, Tashkent. J,,BOLINA, I.; PRASHCHININ, V. The R and RS now-design tires. Avt.transp. 40 no.U:38-41 N t62. (MIRA 15-.12) 1. flauqhno-isaledovateliskiy institut shinnoy proA~rshlennosti. (Tiree, Rubber) 1ABUTIN., A.L.; KLEBANSKIY A.L.; TSUKEFCIAN, R. Ya.; KARTSEV, VAITRUKE., Yu.V.; MALISHI14A L.P.; 60ROVIKOVA, N.A.; KARELINAp G.G.; ROZHKOV, Tu. F.1 Prinimali*uchastiye: SIORMY, K.S.;_ABOLINA, O.P.; KONSTANTINOVAp A.L.; SELIVAIIOVSKAYA, G.A. "Liquid nairit," a now material for rubberizing. Kauch. i ret. 20 no.6%5-8 Je 261. (MIRA llt6) 1, Vsesoyuznyv nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut sintaticheakogo kauchuka im. S. V. Lebedeva. (Neoprene) (Rubberized fabrics) SIVCHIK, B.S.; Y-WIN, A.I.; ABOLINA S Ya RAZW.GV, A.I. L-=~~tbj [Aod latvinn cattle] Buryl latvJiskil ?kot. Mos~va, Koloso 1965. 19"1 P. MIRA 19:1) CERLINA, A,; LASIS, A,.; WiRDS, V.; TILAKS, S.; IINTAITIS, E. ; KEIsis, z.; SAIV "JilS, A.; REINIKOVS, 1,: KOKLINS, J.~ 'ABOLINS. J.-, KULA. 1% MSANS, S.; JESPJNIIM~.D,-~ R KLAVINS, E. 1, rod. [Overall mecbaW.2alion -,%f dairy fsmsl Plena lopla farmu kompleksa mehanizacija. R-Iga, Latvi-*as Valsts Azdav- nioc.iba, 1964. 30,-~ p. [In Iatvivm] a18:7) Abolin rt, Y%. - "A ceri,---iln stiidv cn the question of us'ni~ fuel for Irotor and true)-.) ras rorr-i-,-,tors, It Tzvcstlyn (In Latvian, resume in liuss-an) i-erit and .-co'l as SO: V-4355) 14 August 53, (Letopis 'Zhuriml State.v - - AMIN USHI- -YA. 277FA. ABOLINISH, YA. - Primeneniye alaktropil m lasozagotovkakh v usloviyakh latyipsJoy SSR. Trudy in-ta lesokhos. Problem (Akad. Nauk latv. SSR). Vyp- 10 19499 C. ll(~-IO- Na latyah. 1 rue. yaz.- Bibliogr: 7 nazv. SO: IA)topis' Zhrunallnykh Statey, Vol. 37., 1949. PSR Zin&Vw Aw, Me-Waim "ssi 4, 213-17(1053)(in Wvian; Russian summary. 21?-20).-A prmedure and arrsnjement~ for intrimIttew carboninticon ot d wood 6 desci-&d. The car- bonizing cylindoz- Fk--.gth"3.5 rn., diatz. 0-a M., wall thick- peso 8 rpra) was made of steel and Ixed in an oblique posi- tiun The lower portion of The cylinder was covtrtd with tire 6rkke (thickness 2 cm.) with the object (.4 protu-cting against. the ac6on of fine-poInted flarnes. The volati!e products of carbonization were passed thrcnigh 9, tar sep. vbuc and 3 sixubbers filled with wo4)dens Yxeens, coke, and Wrtstane, resp., while trater wa3 rLastd counterour- rcntiy in the Ist an I I 23nd scrubbrr. Tbus a wood gas in a yield of 0.4 cu. m./kg. mobture-free birchwood or peat was 111vue vdith a caloric value of 3000-3,100 Leal./cu. m. at It nd:9 temp. and prem4re. I A lltuivA. fc- f 177. it t' T LF7 T 1 J,3 ',171 Zj Am, I - . 1. ~ I . P-,:~ 1. c-l-J c" 0 J "C' Ziratnii MdLla) LLtvia, Yo- 3, 1957. 1-:onthly list L)f Al:i-,;ot 1959. UnCIC . TT=r-- -, I-' -.- -I-- - - -r'kV/ .- - -- -.- -7-- -1 1 ( C-- ABOLINSI .I I' f. nour from fir needles and its preparation. Pe 12 (Fw1omju Latvijas Kolchoznieks) Vol. 9, No. 8, Aug. 1957, Riga, Latvia SO: YONTHLY INDEX OF EAST EUROPEAN ACCES-51LONS (EEAI) uG, VOL. 7, NO. 1, JAN. 1958 ATOLINS, J. - KAUNU2, A. Vitamin conifermis-needle and ha-.j flour for fatteninf- domcstic animls anc poultr I y. p. 3; BIOLO('ICI-ESIUIA NAUKA; SELSKOM11 L LESI.MMU MICKAISTU1. (Latvijas Fs~t Zinatnu akademija. Biolo;-ijas Zinatnu nodala) Rif.,a, Latvia, No. 15, 1958. In Russian. hOnthly list of East Bumpean Accessicns ('11I), LCj Vol. 8, No. P" August 1959- Uncla. AF~ ~OLDIS ~-J. Pneum,tic drier constructed by the Institute of Forestn, Problems for qiiick drying- of some vood and plant prod,,,cts. n, 7. I3101AXIMILSUIA 11AUKA; SEMUTIVi L U61101111 K)JO'Z'IA13TVU. (Latvijas PSR Zinatnu akaderdja. Diclogijas Zinatnu, nodala) 'LliCa, Latvila, No. 15, 1958. In Russian. Hontbly list of East European Accessions (!,EAI), U, Vol. 8., No. 8~ Aur,ust 1959. Uncla. AITLDISI J. Amoimt of the clearint- refuse in Latvia and possibilitic~s of its utilizz-ation. P. 177. BIOLU11CHESKAIA NAUKA; SELSKOYRT L USNO1,1111 KPOZIAISTVU. (Latvijas PSR Zinatnu akaderqija. Blologijas Zinatnu nodala) Ri,,-.a, Laivia, llio. 15,, 1958. In Russian. !-monthly st c.'1 East ruronean Accessions (mAl), J,C, Vol. P) No* 8) i - i~ 9, Tjncla. Abolins, J. Pneumatic drier constructed by the Institute of Forestrv Problems for quick drying of some wood and plant products. p. 191. FiIOLOGICHI~SKAIA 11AUKA: SELSHOM L UiSNOAU. (LATVITl.-S PSR Zinatnu Akade:aija Biologijas Zinatnu nodala) Riga, Latvia, No. 16, 1958- In Russian. Monthly List of East European Accessions (93AI) W, Vol. ~~, No. 8, August 1959. Uncl. BRAKSSp N.; (Riga); AUSNE, L..;:-.AWLINS.. J.; KALKINS, A. Humic acids of sapropels and peat as adhesives in utilization of wood waste. Vestis Latv ak Tio.10:101-106 160. (ME 10: 9 . 10) 1. Latvijas PSR Zinatnu akademija, Messaiviniecibas problema un kokenea kimijas institute. (Sapropels) I (Peat) (Humic acids) (Adbasives) ABOLINS, Janis; IEMIS, Imants; SKLENNIKSp C., red.; PILADZE, Z., red. (Processing of slash at Imbering campal Siko cirsanas at- lieku sastradasana nezimpniecibas saimniecibas. Nip., I~atvijaa PSR Zinatnu akademijas izdovnieciba 1961. 45 P. (MU 15:3) (!Atvia-Slash (Logging)i 57-28-4-26/39 AUTHORS: Gross, Te. F. . Abolin'sh, Ya. Ya. , Shultin, A. A. 1*_~~~__ TITLE;t On the Observation of the Optico-Acoustic Effect in a Liquid (0 nablyudenii optiko-,akusticheskogo effekta! v zhidkosti) PERIODICALt Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoy Fiziki, 1958, Vol. 28., Nr 4, PP. 832-835 (USSR). ABSTRACT: The authors here started from the idea whether it was not possible to utilize the optico-acoustic phenomenon for the determination of the duration of existing states of exci.- tation in the molecules of liquids and solids and to work out a method of investigation for condensed systems on the basis of this phenomenon. From these considerations ex- periments were performed in the authors' laboratory. In these experiments the optico-acoustic phenomena in liquids and solids were observed. In the course of these experi- ments in the year 1952, which were repeated in 1957*such phenomena were observed in water., methyl alcohol and ethyl Card 1/1 alcohol. A perceptible signal was only obtained in a small 57-.28-4-26/39 On the Observation of the Optico-Acouatic Effect in a Liquid range of the modulation froquancies at about 200 cycles. The optimum modulation frequency at which the acountic signal attains its maximum value depends on the geometric dimen- sions of the chamber and on the frequency-characteristic of the microphone whose membrane touches the liquid. The spectral dependence of the optico-acoustic signal was ob- served in liquid ethyl alcohol. The signal was obaerved in the domain of from A - 0,95 ~4 to 4,tt.where the maxi- mum amplitude was attained ar ~. - 2 (u, A comparison of the experiment- with analogous ones in which a gas had been investigal-ed shows that the acoustic signal forming in liquids is many times weaker than that forming in gases. By a certain perfecticn of the scheme it will be poshible to use.the principle of the gas analyzer by Veyng6rov'also for an analysis of li5.uids, At present the experiments for the observation of optico-acoustic phenomena in crystals are continued. There are 3 figures., and 7 re- ferences, 5 of which are Soviet. Card 2/3 Z_ . . 57 ... 28-4-26/39 On the Observation of the Optic -, -Acousf-i:., Effe--r- in a Liquid ASSOCIATION.! Leningradskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (Leningrad Stats~ UrivBrsity) SUEY'ITTED; Octobrr 29, '957 Card. 3/3 1()-22", 40 ro is F., Abolin1sli, Ya. Ya., A. A. T I T i. r, Optiral,icoustic Effect in Cryctals i,Opt,iko-akuqt,j(,heskiy ellf'ekL v krintailftKII) Zhurnal tekhniCheSKOY fiziki.Vol 28p Nr 10, pl) 22,~i-22~d (Us:~R)j 11' It 11, . lhe experiments, ot .,.hien thin paper an account- for tne tic-termination of the opticai-acoustic vil'ect were perf'ormed according to a scheme us-ed in work ~.itii fluid substances (Ref 1). These exparimentn Hubstanriated Lhe exi.,;Lence of such an eft*ect in crystal. It appears from thu information gained thaL a 1ji,ilization of' this effect in the, Jnveotipation 01' the .501id ,-trit on -1i of a substance. Is (iep,ndent ~.fiether ways and means are fn~jnd of improving ',nk- exn#,rinental t.t.chnin '~,ip, and the instrument Per,,4itiviLy. This paper alrio covers exoeri-n-iaq on piezoelectric Propertips, a iOChell#~-Stllt, crysl.aL ;erving as a ulimple. The oz,ri1!o;,,r.-ims ontained dPmonotrs4t(, Ln!~t tn~ ~)ntical-acousric effect in 4:ienvil-salt cry.,;Lals v4-ry ir,~,nsive Una compa- rable to thts optic-acoilutic ej*t'ect irl g1tges, It. was folind thut the optjQ-acOkj.;Lic et*1'ect al~~o occurs in t freo Racholle-salt C:,!.d 1/2 cry,;tal, w1ijen is not. citimped down. The intenc-ity in uoth cases, I cal cull-A fect in Crystals C V 2--i - I!,D - 24 0 the clamped down ana the free une, is the same. ~'n expianation of, thill eft'ect is advanced and It i~; the effect. in both cqoe!j is due to the same cuuoes. it was also found that the Jntensity of the optical-acoti,;tic effect gradually decreases after connecting the light source. This is considered to be due to a general increase in temperature of the -enile crystal and Lne grhdual approach of the upper Curip point. Tne optical- acoustic effect in the crystiil of Rochellp-salt is so intensive that it can be used for the sullition o:' a number of problems. The experiments deucribed in this paper are at preuunt cun- tinLked by investigating the qpectral distribution of the op- tinal-acoustic effect in Rochelle-salt cryetal.-3 and in other ferroelectric substances. The experiments pre~,zented in thia .):.-,Per art? only the first vtsge of' investigat.,ons o~ the optical- NCCUStic effect in crystals. Theleare ~ figures and 'I references, o of which are *-:oviet. July 7, 1958 2/2 OpI.-ical-'coustic Fffect in Crystals SOV/57--_;-8-10-22/40 Card 5/ 5 37909 S/05 62/000/002/005/012 Bi 63YB1 38 AUTHORS: Abolin'sh, Ya. Ya., Sokolova, 11. I.T., Shultin, A. A. 11,111LE. The spectral distribution of the opto-acoustic effect in Seignette's salt in the region 2000-6000 cm- PF7-:10DICAL; Leningrad. Universitet. Vestnik. Seriya fiziki i khimii, no. 2, 1962, 66-6a .L-):T: Earlier experiments by Gross, Abolin'sh, and Shultin (ZhTP, 28, 22515, 1958) or. the observation of the opto-acoustic effect with inter- ..ittent white light are extended to an investigation of its spectral distribution. crystal plate (X-cut) of Seignette's salt is irradiated ith r modulated infrared radiation from a globar radiation source through a Trism-spectrometer OXCI-6 (IKS-6) with a rock salt prism as monochromator. -7lectric charges appear on the faces perpendicular to the X-section when tna crystal is irradiated. The corresponding voltage, which varies with the modulation frequency, is amplified and the spectrum of the opto- accustic signal is recorded with a potentiometer 17CT11-01 (PSR 1-01). "he corrected for the spectral intensity distribution of Card 1/0 ? S/1054/62/000/002/005/012 Thei spectral distribution of the ... B163/B138 thet radiation source. It bas some distinct maxima which corr espond to optical oxcitations of intramolecular oscillations. This interpretation is consistent with the assuaption that the opto-acoustic effect is due to- non-radiative transitions from optically exciteft intramolecular oscillations to the lattice. The table givgs an interpretation of the maxima in the spectrum of the opto-acoustio signal. There are 2 figures and 1 table. SUB'Ll!"TED: January 29, 1962 C.ard 2/4 Call JNr: AF 1108325 Transactions of the Third All-union Mathematical Congress, Moscow, Jun-Jul '56, Trudy '56, V. 1) Sect. Rpta.) Izdatel'stvo AN SSSR, Moscow, 1956, 237 Pp. Myshkin, A. D. (Minsk). Abolinya, Ve E. (Riga), Zhaanovich, V. F. (Minsk), Kostyukavich, Ye_.a. Ifinsk , Lepin, A. Ye. (Minsk), 10iaritcnenko, P. I. (Minsk) and Shlopak, A. S. (Moscow). Mixed Froblem.tor Linear Hyperbolic Systems in a Plane. 61-63 ABOLINYA, V.& (Riga); MYSHKIS, A.D. (Kharlkov) Nixed problem for an almost byperbolic system on a plans. Mt. abor. 50 no.4:423-442 Ap 160. (KM 13:8) (Differential equations. Partial) 1. -2- 5 bl-1z 11V, Some Questions an Antiatmic Defense of Ships," by Q&ptuin P. Abolishin and Kqgineer-Captain-Lieutenant B. Perkauov, Problemy IspolIzovaniya Atomnoy Energii (Problems or the use of Atomic Energy), Moscow, Voyennoye Izdatel'stvo Minis- terstva Oborony Soyuza SSF, 1956) pp, 461-499 The following are discussed: characteristics of air) surface) and vnderwater bursts of atomic bonibs; the effect of shock wave, light radia- t0ion, penetrating radiation, and radioactive contamination on ships and pe-.17sonnel; and proposed protective design changes in ships, such as rein- ftreement, hermetic sealing, remote control apparatus, ans sprinkler sys- tems. Numerous references are made to the damaging effects on ships of the atrl xplosion at Bikini and to data appearing iii the "foreign P VMS U1 :1 WL 4 p m oil. !a V rW 3 $Q -3- 8V it ot % . . as jaw VE I;I . I I! PHkSE I BOOK MLOITATION Sov/6261 Kernonorgio und Flotte; Artlkolsammlung (Niiolear.,Energy and the Navy; Collection of Articles) [Berlin] Dautsoher Mllitarv6rlag E19611. 232 P. Errata slip inserted. 2000 copies printed. Translation from the Russian oft Atomna7a onergiya i flot. Translator: Erika Stauk, Lieutenant Cc-mmandor. Responsibility for Gorman edition. Claus Gruczka, lhrinoor; Ed.: Klaus Krumsiog. PUILPOSI;: This colloction. of articloo lo Intc-dcd for officers of the co:Lot guard, ana mcrehant rn=,inc. COWa~C:;: Tac boc.!:, a fro:j 'I-*,,- -*' - ., --, Cc:: ';a-lis 25 ar- C--allr3 vith tho -,pplicatic.i c.:,' 3 '~o t U - 1 -..,t --d with c.):)r-, iona. Clh-nptora 19 a;-.1 '7 5 c:- 1 data for this cdition. C.- of nu- c:--?IosIon3 ara dii3cutcod. '.v~ .1 to tho Protoction of porzonnol, ahi~o, ard aLainut nu- elcar. urcapons, cnd to tho prcl.Icnt . and f utuv,; of nuclear Pc~40r plants to shipping. No por:;cnalitioz aro tontiopcd. There ara 16 raforoneas: 10 Russian (including 3 translations from Zn-qliah-languago sources), I French, 1 Gorman,.1 English, 1 Amerl- can, and 2 elLhar English or Amorioan. Nuclear~Znorgy and the Navy (Cont.) SOV16261 5. Engineer Commander (Navy). Primary Penetrating 4diation- 58 6. A,_ALeknzndrqv Lieutenant Colonel, and 0. Kojztey L Engineer I Major Engineer. The "Foot Wave' and Its Damaging Effect 66 7. :~. Frolov. Ionizing Contamination 70 8. Parmimom, captain (Navy), and V._Y1&d1mi=, Engineer Captain (Navy). Protecting & Ship Against Nuclear Weapons 78 9. G. Migironko, Captain (Navy), Professor, Doctor of Engineer- fn_g7.-P_r_oFe-o-t1ng -a Ship Against Explosions 86 10. _Jt~ captain (Navy). Means of Protection Against u apons In Foreign Navies 93 11. P_,J9vkh1u, Engineer Captain (Navy), Candidate of Tech- nioal Sciences. Nuclear Protection of Light-Class Shipu 100 Card 3715-- 00 ABOLITS, 1. A., Engr - "knalysis of Some Frequency Changing Circuits." CanI Tech Sci, Moscow blectrical EngineerJ.n& Inst of Communications, Faculty of Telephone and Telegr&l* Communications, 1953-1954 (VS, Feb 55). (Brief abstract available) Suntey of Scientific and Technical Dissertutions Defended at USSR Higher Educational Institutions (12) SO: Sum. No. 556, 24 Jun 55 GUMV, Vadim Sergeyevich; OOLITS, I.A., rodaktor; BILIKOV,B.S., rodaktor SOLOVITVA, L.P., (AntorAtic control of power lovel on long distawto commuication limos) Aytomatichookoe reguliroyants uroynia peredachi n& liniiakh dallnel oviaxi. Moskva, Goo. izd-vo lit-ry po voprosam sylazi I radio. 1954. 47 p. (MLPA 8-8) (T'alecommmications) 0 AjRU2"iL&*Ow- Analysis of the regenerative frequency diTider vith a ring converter. Blektreavias' 10 ne.312l-31 * 156. MRA 917) (Electric current converters) A30LITS, laraill 4bramovicb. Prinimal uchastiye KIM, L.T., inth, B.K.9 otvored.; PETROVA, V.Te., rod.; SUM, Golop takhn.rad, (hanerator devices and apparatus for long-distance communications] Generatornya ustroistva v apparature dallnei aviazi. Koskya, Gos.izd-TO lit-ry po voprosam eviazi i radio, 1960. 47 pv (Knu 13:9) (Telecomimmication) (Oscillators (Electric)) ADOLITS, Israill Abraraqmu, dote,; BASIK, Illya Vasillyevich, -R-a-r-OEFY nauchnyy Botr,; REZVYAKOV, Aleksaodr Fetrovicho dots.; YUDINp Anatoliy Ivanovich, dots. Priniml. uchastiye BEMIKTOV,'G.A.j KOSHCHOYEV, I.A.t otv. red.; POPOVA, N.E.t otv. red.; DIKAREVA, A.I.p red.; MMOCHI K.G.p tekhn. red. [Long-distance commnicationel Dalluiala sviazI. (By] I.A.Abolits i dr. Moskvap Sviaslizdat, 1962. 621 po (MMA 150) (Telecommunication) M1LLYKOVLKIY , :31olomon Geraoimovich; NOW=, Arkadiy Petrovich; POLYAK, M.U... retsenzer.t; KfOiN, K.D., retzenzent; AbOLITS) I.A., otv. red.; UUNOVSKAYA, L.M., red. z,. (Long-dIrtance corx=ication and multiplexing of municipal telephone networksj Dal'niaia sviaz' i uplotnenie gorod- rkikh teleforwykh tsepoi. Izd-vo "Svia.-'," 196.!.. 357 p. WIRA 17:10) LURIYE, Boris YakovIevich; If _'~L,'OW S, I.Asp otv, rod.; -,A Ye.A., redo [Design of transistor amplifiers with di.-ect feedback) Proektirovanie tranzistoxrVkh uoilitelei. a glubokol ob- ratnoi sviazliu. Moskva, Sviazl, 1965. 149 P. (MIRA lFtrl) 2. 4. L 9. MontfjE List 2f Ruasian Accessionst Library of Congress, 1953. Unclassified. AJORE, M.(,Iliga.); STELLS, V.(Rigs) -4~OLKALNS, J.(Riga); F Remains of Dryas flora in the deposits of the third over-river terrace in the valley of Gauja. Vestim Latv ak no.8:99-106 160. (Em 10:9) 1. Latvijas PSR Zinatnu akademij&, GeologiJas un derigu Israktanu wtituts. (Geology) OV.,,, atolij Petrov 11h, Lev Anntollyevich; XONSTANTINOVA, N.;-SOBOLSVSXATA, Z.S.. (Dictionary of Japanese seogriiphical nameal 60.000 words] Slovnrl isponakikh geogrnflchookikh nazvenil. 60000 slow. Moskva, Gos.ixd-vo inostr.i natsionalInykh Blovnrelp 1959. 577 P. (MIRA 12t11) (Japan--Names. Geographical--Dictionpries) (Jap9nese language--Transliterstion) JMI&YASOV, A.F. [translator); TOLKACHEV, F.F. [translator]; TOPORKOV, G.N., red.1 GRUSHIN, A.V.# tekhn. red. -.1 (Typhoon is comingflIdeLl"IbI in . Z. -~~1-v* laqw, j4t-4-,%A"6 210 P. ,. ~7 '~ 7 -vr"w- 7~= , f W-A 17 11), ABOLMMVj G., Inzb9ner& Operation of pasteurizing apparatus. Moloch. prom. 17 no.6t 15-18 156, (MLRA 9310) (Pasteurizer*) A.BOLRASU'l. 0.. inshen"r. V"m rpm Separator drive wear d-w ta iwiroper rotattoa of the starting coupling. Moloch. i-roll. 18 no-6:17-18 '57. (KLRA 10%6) !. Leningradekly tekhtologicheskiy Institut kholodillnoy promysb. lannosti. (Crean sa-mrators-NIectrio driving) (C.,11-1 Int-3) A.BOLIMSOV, G,T. Starting period of the assembly engino - centriruC;;,TruOq LTIXHP 15:141-149 158, (KIRA I 1. YredstavlenA lafedroy tekhnologicbeekog* ot~orudnvanWu pisbehavykb prolayodstv Wnirgm4stogo tokhhologi chow skogo institute, kholodilluoy pro shleftnosti, (CentrIfugell 0 66162 3OV/1F34-59-4-6/18 AUTHOR: Abolmasov, O.F., Engineer TITLEt On the Problem of Aerodynamic Resistances of the Drums of Fluid N:,ptr- centrifuges PERIODICAL; Xhimicheskoye mashinostroyeniye, 1959, Nr 4, pp 13 - 19, (U33H) ABSTRACTt In fluid supercentrifuges. working with high-speed rotation of drums, the overcoming of the air resistance consumes 4U - 50% of Uie electromotor's power. The article gives some information on the physical nature of aero- dynamic losses in fluid.supereentrJfuges and reports on the main resultn of experiments carried out by the author. Usually, the drums of centrifuges rotate In a housing, Uierefore resistance can be caused by the air only within this closed system, Had the air in the housing a laminar flow, its resistance were dependent on its viscosity only and could be detenikined by the formula of Petrov [Ref 51. However, when a cylinder rotates Inside a stationary cylinder, the turbulence increases, and. the air flow In the gap between drLrn and housing becomes unstable already In the laminar stage and whirls arise, with their axes parallel to the peripheral speed. which rjtflte alternately right and left. The critical speed at which such whirls arise Card 1/6 can be determined by the formula of Taylor rRef 61. In separators with &n 66162 SOV/184-59-4-6/18 On the Pit-oblem of Aerodynamic Resistances of the Drums of Fluid Supercentr1rugell efficiency of 2,000 - 5,000 1A, with a drum radius of 20 cm, a gap of' I cm and kinematic air viscosity of 0.16 =2/sec, air turbulence occurs even at 15 rpm of the drum. By the same formula the safe gap, still securing the laminar air flow between drum and housing can be detarmined, namely 0.2 mm, at a peripheral speed of 115 m/sec. Yet, In praxia such a gap is impossible, first of all because the deviation of the drum from the geometric rotational axis exceeds this value at the critical number of re- volutions. Besides that, various protuberances on the drum and in the housing interfere with the lamInar air flow. 7bus the aerodynamic re- sistance of the drum depends essentially on the air viscosity and the In- 41ensity of the formation of whirls. The centrifugal forces of the air arising with the rotation are not counterbalanced by Internal pressure of the main flow, with the result that the air particles are being forced from the center to the periphery. Because of the continuous flow along the stationary walls of the housing a return flow towards the center &risen and the Intermixing of air particles follows curved trajectories (Figure 1) . As Figure 1 shows, the peripheral air speed drops from I on the dr= cIrcum- ference to zero on the housing circumference, roaching aome average value Card 2/6 of I. in the main flow. Consequently there Is a simultaneous friction, 66162 SOV/18)4-59-4-6/18 On the Problem of Aerodynamic Resistance of the Drums of Fluid Super.,entrifuges between the air and the rotating drum (I - 1.) and between the air and the stationary housing (1). 7be amount of motion which the air gains through friction against the drum Is lost through friction against the housing. The aerodynamic losses concentrate In this boundary layer. 3ince the co- efficients of friction increase with the roughness, the dr,= and the hCOU01ing surfaces should have the same clean finishing In order to reduce the nern- dynamic losses. The mounting of the housing on the drum reduces the nor*- dynamic losses. This is caused by reduction of the drum speed In relattan to that of the air rotating In the housing, as well as by the limiting; of the air mass set to turbulent motion. Thlis air mass Is proportional to Lo size of the gap, therefore a narrowing or the gap leads to reduction of the losses. Numerous studies [Refs 7 - 131 on resistance of the gas medium to rotors In turbines, electronotors and ventilatorn have shown the dependence of the friction coefficient on mmy factors, such as Heynolis Number, rough- ness of the surface, number of revolutions and form of the rotor and Its dimensional relations, fom of the housing and the character of the medlun flowing in it, the size of the gap etc. It Is evident that at such a com- plexity of factors the friction coefficent can be detemined only experimen- card 3/6 tally. The tests were carried out on milk separators with a capacity ov (56162 SOV/184-59-4-6/18 On the Problem of Aerodynamic Resistance of the Drums of Fluid Supercentrifuges 2,000 - 5,000 1/hour. Figure 2 shows typical drums of equAl efficiency. 7he tendency Is with type a) to secure the capacity at A smaller dIameter and a larger height, with type b) to lower the center of gravity (larger diameter and smaller height). Characteristics of experimental drums nre given in Table 1. The air resistance was detemineJ by the "run out" method. T he experimental arrangement Is shown on Photograph 3 with separator (1), electromotor (2), electromagnetic oscillograph (3), Photo- tachometer (4), tuning fork frequency electrogencrator (~i), amplifier (6), rectifier (7), gas consumption meter (6), and stroboscope (9). After the drum had been speeded up the driving belt was removed and an oscillogram was taken. The loss of kinetic energy F in the time t during which the drum speed decreased from nl. rev/sea to n2 rev/se~~ gave the total frictionil force at average speed. The vertical shaft was first tested alone, thon loaded with a drum. Results tire given (Figure 6, Cu:ntes 6 and 4). It proved that the aerodynamic resistances of the vertical shaft assembly and friction In bearings (Curve 5) amounted to 50% of the aerodynamic resistances of the drum (Curve 3) and to 33% of the total losses ((,6,rve 2). Painting influenced the losses more than other kinds of surface finishing, since the Card 4/6 unevenness of paint was about 0.5 mm. To detemine the losses at apeods 66162 sm/184-59-4-6/0 On the Problem of Aerodynaml,~ Resistance of the Drum of Fluid 3upercentrifuges exceeding the working speeds, the drum was speeded up to 9,000 rpm. Dia- gram 7 represents the influence of the housing and its rot%ghness. Cvrve I gives total power losses (aerodynamic, mechanical and hydraulic) In a dilm without a hood (Figure 2b, 3), Curves 4, 3 find 2' give same for a hood with- out ribs, with narrov~rlbs (10 mm) and with broad ribs respectively. Curve 6 gives total losses in mechanical gear. Hoods without ribs and with narrow ribs reduce the losses, compared with a drum without a hcod by 50 and 37% respectively. On Graph 10 the resistance coefficient of air is plotted against the Reynolds number. Evidently here, too, the name regularities are observed as were discovered by Nikuradze for round pipes. The author arrives at the following conclusionst 1. The general opinion that the aerodynamic resistances of drums In modem fluid supercentriNges consume: 50 - 40' of working power is a 2 - 3 fold nxaggeratlon. 2. Aerodynamic lcases essentially influenced by the shape of drum mid housing. At equal effi,:nnoy the losses decrease with the increase. of the relation "I. 3. The aerodynamlo and ,mechanical resistances of the vertical shaft D can amount to 20 - 30, and even more, percent of the drum losses, 4.. Aero- dynatnic, mechanical and hydraulic losses of the horizontal shaft assembly card 5/6 can exceed the drum losses; therefore the number of revolutions of the W-*"' 66162 SOV/184-59-4-6/18 On the Problem of Aerodynamic &,sistance of the Drum of Fluid Supercentrifugen driving shaft of a centrifuge is not without importance for the aggret.,ate efficiency of the gear. There are: 1 photo, 2 graphs, 5 diagrams, 1 oscillogrwn, 3 tables and 14 references, 12 of which are Soviet and 2 foreign (translated), a-,," Card 616 ABOLMASOVA, A. [translator] Incomprehensible generosity of nature (from "Nagaku-Amakhi," w,,12, 1961). Nauka i xhizn' 29 no.5t84-85 MY 162. (KRA (Nettles) Abolnick S.A. La prevention do I& tubercilose par le MAO' in U.S.S.R. The prevention of tuberculosis b.- B.C.(,* in the U,S.S.Ro Annalos do 111natitut Pastetw, Paris, 1947, 73/4 (373-378) Tables 6 Of 56996.1 children vaccinated at birth with BeC.0, in 1938 " l7pb69 controlop the martality from tuberculosis during the first six months or life was, about rive per lOjOO0 for both groups. During the second six months the mortality in the vaccinatal group was eight per 10,0C0 and during the second year it vu 10 per 10,,000. The corrosponding, rates in the unvaccinated group were about dcuble those figurese With the introduction of large-scale vaccination in big cities the mortality rate of infants from tuberculosis declined by 40 per cent between the years 1936 and 19LO. Wyss-Austin Sot Medical Microbiology and Hygiene,, Section IVj, Vole Ii #1-6 "OLINIK, S.A..,-- Matual aotivity of various oareinogenio agentB. Vop,onk. 6 no,2t 102-112 F 160'. MIRA 1412) (CARCINOGENS) ",-ABOLINIK, S. A.- . Surgical and radiological castration in cancer of the M&= gland. Vop. onk. 8 no.4:97-106 '62. (MIRA 152 (BREAST-CANCER) (CASTRATION) 1, Abo1'n1ko,,,, S. Y&., ~e.. The Yjuakh SSR tit the All-Union Ar-riculturnl FY.Wi4.ior., 1r,10 DY903-07 1. Knzf!kW.%n- 1. Rucanov, I.K. II.Siecht, Samen ~'riF-Orlevich. III. Kbollnikov, S.TA. ed. STRADINA, Pauline, kand. ekon. nauk; AVEKSE, R., otv. &a vypusk; OSIS, R. (translator]; SVEIDE, V.[translator); AKLS., J. (tranelatorl; VOLFS, L., tekhn. red. (Dovelopment of public dining facilities in Soviet Latvia] Sabiedriskas adinasanas attistiba, Padomju Latvija. Riga, "Padomju Latvijas kooperators" 1960. 55 p. (MIRA 16:4) (Latvia-Restaurants, lunchroomap eto.) gasketiv are Dlaicad tn !1,3 inInt nlnnA- A ~qh~~M im 7LIT tAlll~ t ga!~ ~;L-r prev(m, he -uag i 6iTitly Lit 01-utijornR the, Donee of hoMbSo Three wen &.,QL" d4p idW -oon-siNde-r-alian givent. "cons idr heating. An equition Is ievolved 00 ressors 17