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ABGARYA14,, M. literature on patents to inventors and innovators. Prom.Arm.4 no.1!79 Ja 161. (MIRA 14:6) 1. Zaveduyushchiy otedlom spetcialInykh -vidov tekhnicheskoy literatury Gosudarstvannoy Respublilcanskoy biblioteki im Al. 14yasnikyana. (Patents) ABGARYAN, T.B. Use of a new medium in culturing Treponema pall'idum and in preparing their antigens for serodiagnosis of syphilis. Uch. zap. Stavr. gos. med. inst. 12:176-177 163. (MIRA 17:9) 1. Kafedra mikrobiologii (prof. R.R. Gelltser) Stavropollskogo gosudarstvennogo meditsinskogo instituta. Rb&ul, 13 3243' IMP Someturr of Activated Carima apA Its Alpsor lion Pnoprrilre Taward DIllerrat Vaporl" Materials. T Itumisn.) N. ~,. API, 0. SI. IbIlialt. W M. Duldnin, Aiml A. V, ktm.k-%-. VoklbdV~ALadnnil Nauk SSW ro-w m-r. v. 'sit, ]"IV 21. IUSI, it. tll4m. Th,, a2mirigion lwopirrtics (if aanated carliup in rclatkaj to 4j[?.C 2JKJ UMIUMIAV Of PU"Aity -Avrv studied. Dalj ire dis- I liv"111. ubsitAlvd, Aix] charted. ABIAN7Sj, V. Kh. "Effect of a Radial Blade Osp on the Efficiency of a Oss Turbine.." 19J7 Mocoow Higher Teche Inst, in. Damman and the Aviation Industry Aced. ABIANTSp V, Kho "Aviation Oam Tutbines,914 1950 Mosew Higher Tech, School in, Bauman and the Aviation InduBtry Acad, rQ, V. PHASE I TREASURZ ISLAND BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REPORT AID 471 - I BOOK Call No.: AF641309 Author: AAT4!9TS,___V, M. Full Title: TIM6!~Y -00 OIATION GAS TURBINES Transliterated Title-. Teoriya aviatsionnykh gazovykh turbin PUBLISHING DATA Originating Agency: None Publishing House: State Publishing House of the Defense Industry (Oborongiz) Date: 1953 No. pp.: 216 No. of copies: Not given Editorial Staff Others: Gratitude for valuable assistance is expressed to Doctors of Tech. Sci., Profs. Inozemtsev, N. V. and Dmitrevskiy, V. I., to Cherkasov, Dotsent, Kand. of Tech. Sel. and Kasandzban, P. K., Dotsent, Doctor of Tech. Sci. TEXT DATA Coverage: The contents of this book correspond to the course in the theory of aviation gas turbines as taught by the author in the Moskva Higher Technical School im. Bauman, N. E., and in the Academy of the Aviation Industry. It contains fundamentals of the theory of aviation gas turbines, and the necessary data for the thermal and gas-dynami.c calculation of these turbines. The main chapters are devoted to '3 F-1 n.* Cfuttu_ 9 1 %-~ 1) X 0416 3, V5 It I4V, 10 3134 CA44 41 Teorlya aviatsionnykh gazovykh turbin AID 471 - I 1) energy transformation between the Inlet and outlet of the turbine, 2) the method of computing their characteristics, and 3) the analysis of losses occuring in the flow of gases between the inlet and the outlet. The level of this book and topics discussed may be compared with Cohen, H., and Rogers, G.F.C., Gas Turbine Theor~.- published by Long- mans, Green and Co. (London, N~W_Y_orTc, Toronto, 1951). Table of Contents Pages Preface and Introduction 3-6 Ch. I Concept of Gas Turbines and their Classification 7-21 1. Gas turbine as cne of the elements of an air jet engine; 2. Principle of operation of a gas turbine and the elements of velocity triangles; 3. Classification of gas turbines. Ch. II Ideal Heat Cycle of a Gas Turbine Engine 22-38 1. Representation of the cycle in pv and TS diagrams; 2. Equation of the conservation of energy and work of ex- pansion and compression of gas; 3. Work and the efficiency index in an ideal cycle; 4. The influence of the degree of temperature rise and the pressure increase ratio on the work and efficiency index of.the cycle. Ch. III The Real Heat Cyole of the Gas Turbine Engine 39-56 1. Losses in a real cycle; 2. Work and efficiency index 2/5 Teoriya aviatsionnykh gazovyk-h turbin AID 471 - i Faces in a real cycle; 3. Influence of the parameters of the cycle on its work and efficiency index. Ch. TV Heat Regeneration and Combustion in Stages in Gas Turbine Engines 57-75 1. Heat regeneration in gas turbine engines; 2. Combustion in stages. Ch. V Theory of Outflow and the Calculation of the Nozzle Unit 76-94 1. Adiabatic outflow of gas from a nozzle; 2. Outflow of gas from a nozzle -,-nit of a gas turbine when losses are present; 3. Deviation of the stream in a scarf and in the end play. Ch. VI Energy Transformation in Stages of a Gas Turbine 95-122 1. Setting the problem; 2. Change in gas parameters along the radius before and after the rotor; 3. Change of the direction of flow along the radius; 4. Work and efficiency at the preiphery of the rotor; 5. The power efficiency and the power of the turbine. Ch. VII Characteristics of a Gas Turbine 123-136 1. Method of calculation of gas turbine characteristics; 3/5 Teoriya aviatsionnykh gazovykh turbin AiD 471 - I Purpose: Approved by the Main Administration of Higher Education of the Ministry of Culture of the USSR as a textbook for aviation institutions of higher learning. Facilities: None No. of Russian and Slavic References: 11 Russian (1935-1950) Available: A.I.D.., Library of Congress. 5/5 ABIANTS19 V. Khe "Energy Transformation in Gas Turbine Stages." Chapter 6 of the book Theory of Aviation Gas Turbines, publ, by the State Publ. House for Defense Industry, Mfos-co`w~, ~53. TransUtion of pp. 95-122, 1023736 ABUNTS)l V. no 07hwry of Aviation Gas T=tinessO 1954 Moscow EUhsr Tech. Inst, im. Bauman and the Aviation Induetz7 AcadoW ABIAN Khristoforovich, kandidat takfinicheakikh nauk; I r Opmp""Ns I" ,wqfP'-?".K7redaktor; IYIITRITVA, R.Y., takhnichaskiy radaktor. [Jet engines] Roaktivuys dvigateli. Moskva, Izd-vo "Znanie," 1955. 29 p.(Veesoiuzn*e obahchostvo po rasprostrananiiu poli- tichaskikh i nPuchrVkh snanti. Ser.4, no.24) (MLRA 8:9) (Jet propulsion) SOV/25-59-1-4/51 AUTHOR: Abiants, V.Kh.- C ndidate of Technical Sciences TITLE: Gas Turbine (Gazovaya turbine) PERIODICAL: Nauka i zhizn', 1959, Nr 1, pp 0 - 16 and p 1 of centerfold (USSR) ABSTRACT: The principles of gas turbines, which had been constructed and tested for the first time by the Soviet Engineer P.D. Y.uzlmins',V, are described in general in this article. The advantages of gas turbines in aviation as compared with steam turbines are especially stressed. The Soviet scien- tist Professor V.V. Uvarov recently made an interesting suggestion in connection with gas turbines. He suggested to transfer the heat exchanger from the hot parts of the regenerator to the cooler. This would mean a much simpler construction than is the case with gas turbines with a re- generator. G.I. Zotikov, one of the pioneers of Soviet Gas turbine building, is mentioned in this connection. There are 2 diagrams, 1 photo, 2 drawings and I flow chart. Card 1/1 ~pp rg. ffll-glsoo- v c 4-1 " 1:11 ! --. a 111 0 Go" . 5z .141 a S a M-d i . IM j 1-jin. oar, "! -rl Ma hu'l PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/4029 Abiants, Viktor Xhristoforovich, Doctor of Technical Sciences Reaktivnm dvigateU I bol'shlys skorosti (Reaction Engines and High Speeds) Moscow, Izd-vo ftuaniye.," 1960"36 p. (Seriesi Vaesoyuznoye obahchestvo po ruprostraneniyu politicheskikh I nauchafth znaniy. Beriya 4, 1960, vypo 6. Naulm I teWmika) 46,500 copies printe&4, Ed*: T*F. Islanidna; Tech. Ed*: Ye. V. Saycheakoo PURPOBB: This booklet Is intended for the general r***r. COVMtA'GE: The author describes the-development of reaction engines, the growth of flight velocity and related phenceiena.' He explains the.principles of operation of plasma, ion and photon engineso The booklet Is based on Soviet and some non-Soviet materials. 3o personalities a" mentionedi There an 3 references, an Soviet. Cg**12-- 80953 S/024/60/000/03/015/028 Z(O' 1000 E194/E455 AUTHORs Abiants, V.Kh. (Moscow) TITLE: Reserve Capacity of Single-Stage Gas Turbinesp, ------- ~Y~' PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye tekhnicheskikh nauk, Energetika I avtomatika, 196o, Nr 3, PP 123-128 (USSR) ABSTRACT; An important property of gas turbines is that their outpu.t can be increased by increasing the pressure drop in the turbine and it is sometimes important to be able to do this. The possibility of increasing the output In this way is usually dependent upon the reserve capacity. This is the ratio of the maximum output that can be obtained from the turbine when operating with maximum expansicon, to the output under rated conditions, as expressed by Eq (1). DeterminAtion of reserve capacity in the case of critical or super-critical rated conditions in the turbine runner is then considered. In this caseg increase in the pressure drop in the turbine and corresponding increase in the output can only result from additional expansion of the gas in the runner, as the inlet velocity triangle is unchanged. The,.energy Card 1/4 equations for the critical and exhaust sections of the ~y 80953 S/024/60/000/03/015/028 E194/E455 Reserve Capacity of Single-Stage Gas Turbines Card 2/4 runner are given by Eq (2). 1'f the flow path is cylindrical and the process of expansion is isoentropic, the expansion in the turbine is greatest when the axial component of the outlet velocity from the turbine is equal to the speed of sound. In this case, the limiting expansion is given by Eq (3). Eq (5) is then determined for the peripheral component of the referred relative exhaust velocity and this expression together with Eq (2) is used to derive Eq (6) for the maximum reserve capacity of the turbine. Strictly --peaking, this formula is valid only for critical or supercritical conditions in the runner. However, it appears permissible to use the formula for velocities somewhat below the critical value; an estimate is then made of the corrections needed in Eq (6) in various particular case.,~. A procedure for doing this is explained; it does not involve construction of the turbine characteristics. Determination of reserve capacity when the runner conditions are sub-critical is considered in more detail. A number of equations are derived and are applied to a particular case to give the L-r 80953 S/024/60/000/03/015/028 E194/E455 Reserve Capacity of Single-Stage Gas Turbines curves of Fig 1. The figure shows the increase in turbine reserve capacity resulting from changes in the inlet velocity triangle. Fig 2 relates the increase in reserve capacity to the referred peripheral discharge velocity under rated conditions. It will be seen from Fig I that the correction to Eq (6) is increased by reducing the degree of reaction. Similarly, Fig 2. indicates that if the discharge peripheral velocity is 0.9 or more, the correction is virtually zero but at lower values it rises rapidly. Accordingly, for sub-critical conditions, Eq (6) may be rewritten in the form of Eq (61). Curves of turbine spaxe capacity af; functions of referred peripheral discharge velocity and of alteration in the inlet triangle plotted by the two formulae are given in Fig 3. Curves showing changes in the reserve capacity of the turbine as functions of the referred load and degree of reaction are plotted in Fig 4. As will be seen from Fig 4, single-stage turbines with referred work in the range 15 to 30 kgm/kg* absolute Card 3/4 have reserve capacity ranging from 1.2 to 1.1. Tests LIK 80953 s/oz4/60/000/03/015/028 E194/E455 Reserve Capacity of Single-Stage Gas Turbines made on a single-stage gas turbine with a designed axial discharge velocity of m = o.62 gave the results plotted in Fig 5. For technical reasons xt was not possible to determine experimentally the rcaerve capacity of the tixrbine but the general shape of the experimental curve confirms the calculations. In conclusion it is noted that a similar problem is encountered in the theory of steam turbines when the influence of alteration in vacuum on the turbine output is investigated. There are 5 figures and I Soviet reference. SU61-11TTED: February 1, 1960 Card 4/4 MITROKBIN, V.T.., kand. teklin. nauk; YERUKHWOVICH, TSJAI., red. (Theory of gas turbines for jet engines) Teoriia gazo- vykh turbin reaktivnykh dvigatelei. Izd.2,, perere i dop. Moskva) Mashinostroenia, 1965. 310 p. (MLIA 1826) L 46289-66 D4T(d)/EWT(M)/E.,T(U)/g,4P(t)/W(v)/T-2/FkrP(k) IJP(c) AlliNWIEN AN5019637 BOOK EXPbOITATION UR/ 629ol3t621,436#001,1 AbiAnts, Viktor KhristofoK2v ich 31 Theory of je~ engine gas turb1;r(Te6riya gazovykh turbin reaktLvnykh. d v i g a t a I nl. Moscow, lzd--vo "Hashinostroyaniye,P 1965, 310 pe illuseg biblio* 37.75 copies printed. TOPIC TAGS1 jet engine, gas turbine, gas turbine theory$ gas turbine thermodynamicep gas turbine design, PURPOSE AND COVERAGEt This book is intended foi designers~ and re- searchers in the field of gas turbines for varfous types of air- craft and for aviation students in higher technical schools. The basic aspects of turbojet-angina gas turbine theory and the nocp--. essary data for the parameter selection and gas-dynamic calculation of these turbines are presented. The main chapters are devoted to energy transformation in the turbine stagep analysis of hydraulic losses, and also to San dynamic calculation of turbines and plotting of turbine characteristics, Tits author expresses hie gratitude to Doctors 6f Technical Sciences He Hj-Haslennikoy and Card 1 /3 '&H50-19637 =--iCh, L L-6289-66 G. P. SvLshchev., Candidates of Technical Sciences Yu. No VaeiiLyslf and So He Shlyakht'anko, who rev'Lewed the manu- scr pt and made a number of valuable sugges.tLonso The author sloo expredses hit gratitude to K& Aa~8avenkoys*-mho made numerous,, calculations and graphes rABLE OF CONTENTS I" Fore.word 3 Introduction Cho to Jet-engLne gas turbines and their classification*.- 11 Cho-11# Gas turbine thermodynamics some 41 Ch. 111, Elements of tlTe one-dimensiortal. theory of flow. through cascades -- .55 XVo Theory of gas. turbine stages 74, card 24 L h6289-66 WWI"" -AM5019637 Ch. V. Hultistage turbines 120 ch. vi, Gas frow through turbine cascades 145 Ch* V11, -Losses in the turbine flov-through area III Ch* V111* Hethods of gas-dynamic calculation$ profilingo and experi- mental investigation of turbines 224' lCh. 1X* Gas turbine charactertati'es-- 2571..:,. Ch. X. Radial turbine@ -- 277 !Bibliography 30 SUB CODEs PR SMITTEN 31Har65 No, REF.SM 041 .01HERt 004 ISMIN, G.A.; AB-iDINA, T.G.; PETRUSHKINA, Z.'-. Contrast function of black-und-white and color photographic materials and aharpneno of tho imagal authors' abstract. Usp.nauch.fot. 10M-78 164, (MIRA 17sIO) ISTOMIN, G.A.; ABIDINA, 1.G. Effect of the developing proceos on thti photographic senaitivity and,sharpnesa of the image. Zhtm.nauoh#i prikl.fot. i kin, 10 no,3t2O&-216 'Yq-Je 165, (MIRA 18111) 1. Voesoyuznyy natchno-isoledovateltakiy kinofotoinstdtut. ADIDIMV, G.F. We have automatic nut runners but no spare rarts. El-.,'-., i tonl. tiagn 5 no.5:20 Ify 161. (MIRA 14:7) 1. Kaoter to.,Ilorozno~o depo ',;zq;ar, Taoh'4cnt,-,koy doroUl. (TIallm,cls-Ropair shops-Equiprent and supplies) /' eC " . .11-1 ". I ABIBOV, A.L., insh.; POPOV, V.A.. kand.tekbn.nauk Method for producing gas-entrained plastics of light-weight fillers for comDonents of airplane structures without pressing. Trudy MAI no.93:64-80 157. (UIRA 10:12) (Plastics) ABIDOV, A.A,,. aspirant Variability of the biochemical properties of dysenterial (Flechs- nor, types nos, Of") and Intestinal bacilli under the action of xtracts. Med.zhur.Uzb. no.Ilt67-70 N 158. WRA 13:6) : 0 Is Tashkentskogo nauchno-iseledovatel'skogo institute, vaktoin I eyvorotok (direkttr - kand.blolog.,nauk A.B. Inogamov; nauchnyy rukovoditell - chle-a-kDrrespondent ANN SSSR I AN UzSSR N.I. Khodukin [deceased]). (DTSEnW-T--BACTXR1OLOGT) (ISCHnICHIA COLI) ABIDCYV,, A. A., Candidate Med Sci (dies) _- "A comparative study of Ylexner dys- entery bacilli: typical, atypical, and 'variants obtained artificially". Tash- kent, 1959. 16 pp (Min Health Uzbek SM. Tashkent State Med Inst), 250 copies (KL, No 24, 1959, 148) ABIDOY AAo Tarlability of Tlernerle dysentery bacteria (types We* and Of*) under the influence of extracts of Ischerichis, coli and enterococcuB. Red. zhur.Uzb. no.1:50-53 Ja 159, (MIRA 13:2) 1. It m1kroblologicheskogo otde1A TashkentakW nauchno-iseledo- vatellskogo instituta vaktain i eyvorotok (direktor Icand.biolog. nsuk A.B. Inogamov, nauchnyy rukovoditall - prof. N.I. Khodukin (deceased]). (I)TSENTM-BACTUIOMOT) (ESCHERICHIA OOLI) (STRRPrOCOCCUS) ABIDOV, A.A. Comparative study of artificially obtained atypical strains and variants of dysentery bacteria and Zscherichia coli. Uzb. biol. zhur. no.3'.'3-8 '59. ( KRA 12:11) l.Tashkentakiy nauchno-iseledovateltakiy institut vaktoin i eyvorotok. (MORMA) - - (ISCHMMIX VOM) ABIDOV, A.A. Variability of Flexner (type "CIO) dysentery bacteria under the Influence of an extract prepared from Enterococcus. Trudy TashNIIVS 62233-238 161. WIRA 15%11) (SHIGELJA) (STREPTOCC)CCITS) MAKIMAMOV, G.M.; ABIDOV, A.A. Food an the intestinal microflora of man; a survey of literature. Trudy Inst. kraev. akpar. med. no.4%13-27162. OUNA 16t6) (RITRITION) (IPTESTINwmicRoarowa) ABIDOV, A.A. Specific bacterial keratoconjunctivitis. Trudy Tash. NIIVS 5;77-85162. (KMA 16:10) (KMATOCONUCTMUS) (CHIGELLA) (ESCHERICHIA COLI) ABIDOV, A.A. Directed change in the properties of dysentery (Fleomer's c and f types) and intestinal bacteria within the cec= of a rabbit. Trudy Tash. NIM 5t86-93162. (MIRA 16:10) (SHIGELLA) (VARIATION (BIOLOGY) (ESCHERICHIA COLT) ABIDOVj A.A. Variation in Flexnerla (types c and r) dysenterio bacteria under the inrluence of artracts prepared from the contenta of the large intestine of patients with acute dysentery. Trudy Tach. VIIVS 5:94-100162. (MIRA 16:10) (SHIGELLA) (VARIATION ( BIOLOGY)) ABIDOV, A*A* Variation of Bact. col-i commune under the infherce of patiento with acute dysentery. Trudy Tash. PINS 5:101-104162. (F.SCMaCHIA COLI) (VARIATION' (BIOLOGY)) (MIRA 16s10) KHAYRUTDINGV, Xh.Sh.; ABID(71,, A.A. Bacteri-idal characteristics of cattle rennet. Uzb.biol.zhur. 7 no.2:6-65163- (MLU 16:8) J,Institut krayevoy eksperiment<noy meditsiny AN UzSSR. (BACTERICIDES) (RENNET) ABIDOV, A*A* Higher nervous activity in dogn and tho sugar level of blood trader conditions of a changed pathway of the discharge of hor- mones of the pancreas Into the system of the porta]. vain. Uzb. biol. zhur. 7 no.3:42-" 163. (MMIA 16:9) 1. Institut krayevoy eksperimentallnoy moditsiny All UzSSR. ABIDOV, AaAe Genetic recombinations in intestinal bacteria. Uzb. biol. shur. 7 no.600-83 163. (MIRA l7t6) 1. Institut eksperimentaltnyv IdologJi AMN SSSR. I ABIDOT, A.A. Genetic recombinations in Intestinal bacteria. Report No,2: Study of the genetic structure of hybrids of dysentery bac- teria (biochemical properties and mot ility). Dul. eksp. biol. I med. 56 no.7t72-74 J1163 (MIRA 170) 1. Iz laboratorii genetiki mikroorganizmov (zav. - doktor biologicheskikh nauk A.P. Pekhov) Institut- eKsperlmm--talf - noy bAologii ( dJ-ro - profs I.N. Mayski;y) AMN SSSR,, Moskva, i Institute kra-yavoy i eksperi,,entaltnoy meditsiny (dir. - prof. G.M. t%kbkamov) AM SSSR, 7ashkent". Predstavlena deystviteltnym chlemom. AMN SSSR N.N. Zbukovym-Verezfmikovym* ABIDOV, A.A. Genetic recombinations in intestinal bacteria. Report No.41 Study of the genet',~ structure of the ?.--Crids of dysentery bacteria; relatior ;o phages and vini",,-:'ce. Biul. eksp. biol. i mod. 55 /i.e. 56/ no.IL')&65-66 0163 (M] RA 17:8) 1. Iz labcratoriJ. genotiki mikroorganizmor (zav. - doktor bio- log. na-ak. A.P.Pekhov) Inst-tuta eksper:brentallnoy biologii (dir. - prof. T.N. Mayskiy) AMN SSSR, Moskva, i Instituta krayevoy eksperimentaltnoy moditsiny ( dir. - prof. G.M. Makhkamov) AN Uzbekskoy SSR, Tashkont. Predstavlena deystv'Ltellnym chlenom AMN SSSR N.N. Zhukovym-Verezbnikovym. ABIDOV, A.A. Experimental keratoconjunctivitis caused by initial Shigella flexneri and their recombinations. aiul. eksp. biol. i med. 57 no.3:75-78 K- 164. (MIRA 17-11) 1. Laboratorlya genetiki mikroorganizmov (zav. - doktor biologi- cheskikh nauk A.P. Pekbov) lnstit-ota eksperimentallnoy biologii (dir. - prof. I.N. Mayskly) AMN SSSR, Moskva i Institut krayevoy eksperimentallnoy meditsiny (dir. - prof. G.M. Makhkamov) Al-21 SSSR, Tashkent. Predstavlena deYstvitelInym chlenom AN! SSSR N.N. Zhukovyin-Verezhnikovym. A fArLTV$ A.A . ! :~ 1 1".1 . ; V I YACW;NKO I _~. A. Gowitic r-f-combinati- (n Intestinal banteria. Report No.7. Hzb. bicl. zhur. 9 no.t~67-68 165, (MIRA 18s6) 1. Taslikentskiy nauchno-is sled ovate I I sk J.y Institut vakusin J syvorot*.O~.. ABIDOV,-A.A.; KALININA, Ye.F.; ABIDOVP A.Z. Preoorvation of standard atraina. Uzb. blol, zhurs 7 no-51 35-.19 '63, (MIRA 18M) 1. Inatitut krayevoy eksperimentallnoy meditsiny AN UzSSR. j--2915-66 EWVT(d)/EWT(1 )IEV(f (m)/EWP(w)/tPF(c)/EWP(f )/EiVP(C)/EeiP(V)/EWP(J)/T/EWF-(ik)/ ~_(_1)7~_Tc(m) JD1WW1EWRJ4 r4 AM40MI45 BOCK EVLOITAT 191 UR/ 629,136'01h.3.0diY1 Ablbovv Aahot Leonovich i~.Ptudies In the field of the manufacture of thre9-layer (vandnich) structures with light fillers (Inslokwaniya v oblasti izgotaY1*nIy& trekholoMkh konstr%xkts*, v legkimi snpolnitely*mt) Moscow, lzd-vo 00shinostroyeni"Op 1964, - 149-yo, illus., blbltoo, tables. 1700 copies-, lnt*d.--- (At -head of titles Minlotorstva or vy9shogo -I- sxvdnego, spatsial 'Pogo obra t ovaniya RSFSR) Rev i9wers t So A # VIg- dorchikp Oe As Bulatow; Publishing editors M, S* Anikins; Technical oditon 1, "* Tearov** Series -notat Mookovskly kriatslonW -Intiltut. Trudly,, vype 156 TOPM TAGSs avlation sandwich structure, foamed plastic filler, sandwich structUre I __ - 0 FURPOGi AND COVERAGEr This book was Intended for scientific personnel.. ongineors# :designers) and technicians. itmay be used also as an aid for course and diploma work in aviation vtuses, The application of light-neight fillers in different branches of technology is reTlowsd. The special characteristics of the t9ohnolo.. gical processes kwolved in the manufacture of sandlivich structures- filled with it Card 113 1, 2915-66 A4048243 light-weight thermosetting plastic foaw of T~rpov FF and FX are analyzed In deta:L11 the mathcdology of research is presented and the i_q_uipm*dt_n*ad*d is describodj. recommendations are given (,n the manufacture of technological equipikant of sand. j wich design; and example# &rv pireaent*d of the manufacture of aviation sandwich structures and their strength analysis. The author expresses his gratitude to V., A, Popov, Candidate of Tochpical Science V. P. Grjj ~tv,, Doctor of Technical! ScienceiF,__ind I.-Yu. Shoydaymn, Candidate o; T-oc-h-n-le-al Scienceso- Y. TADIA OF CONTFATSt Foreword 3 Introductich 4 'Cho 1, Uothods of Turnfacturing "idwich structures and the materials used One no Basic factors in the technological process of samifacturing sandwich structurts with Trps FX filler - -a 19 Cho 11L Basic roquAremento In the manufacture of sandwieh structures 98 Gsneral conclusions 118 ~Apps6dixss - - 122 'Literature - - 249 !Card 2/3 L 2915-66 A114048145 SUB CCMt AS OrHICRI M2 'SUBMZ=s 27F*b6l# NR RZF SOYt 035 C,rd 3/3 KALI?1!1NA, Ye.i.; GALKINA, V.S.~_ADIDOV, A.Z,; !,-_"3IClk,40VA, S.I. Efeect 0l, C060 , gamma irradiation on th.) vaccinia viru:3 and accompanyin.f.? OiLiA 15'.,',) AcrofLore_ Mad. zhur. Uzb. no.2:45-,',(') 0- 162. 1. Iz T,,iohknntskogo nauchno-lash-dovatell3kogo instituGa val7tsin i s~vorotuk (direktor - A.B.Inogwnov). (VACCINIA) (COBALT.-ISOTOPFIS) ,L 1819&-63 lffnQl~D ARA 'ACCESSION NR: Ap3oo5656 s OW63100010061066210063~5j~ 'AUTHOR: Kalininas Ye, F.; Abidov Z. A. jTITLE-. Action of Co-60 gamma rays on contaminating variolar vaccine, ~miorobes - !SOURCE: Meditsinski'y zhurnal Uzbekistana, no. 6t 1963, 62-63. ~TOPIC TAGS: variolar vaccine, Staph. albus, Bact. subtilis, Co-60 gamma radiation, dose, purification :ABSTRACT: This study was carried out to determine the minimum Co-60. radiation dose for purification of variolar vaccine from ,microbes without changing the basic properties of the vaccine, Bae ~Subtilis and Staph. albus were used for the experiment because they :are the most comnon contaminating microorganism's found in variolar ,vaccine, A mixture of sterile variolar vaccine (inactivated by g amma radiation) and microbe suspension were poured into ampules and vacuums :dried. The ampules were then sealed and gamna-irradiated (co-60) . i ;with different doses. 2-3 days after irradiation the survivability.of .microbe cells was checked b7 growth of colonies. For each microbe and ;Card 1/2 L 18196-63 t7 'ACCESSION NR: AP3005656 !eaoh radiation dose the mean results for ton Petri dishes wore talmn. ;The non-irradiated dried mixture served as a oontrol. Results show, !that a 50,000 r dose deoreasoa surviving Staph. albus oells almost ;two fold and a 900$000 r dose kills them off oom~plotely. Baot. subtilis are more resistant and require a 900,000 r dose to kill i60-651%*' and 1.5 mil r dose to kill oomplatel-y. Orig. art. has: none# 'ASSOCIATION: Tashkenteldy nauchno-isslodovatellaldy Institut valtsin 1 t sy*vorotok (Takhkent Soientific-Research Institute of Vaccines and A -Serums) ZUB=ED: o6Apr62 DATE ACQ: 03SOP63 ENCL: :00 SUB CODE: A111 NO REP SOV: 001 OTHER: 000 !Card ':ACCESO-ION NR: AP4035154 i 1AMHOR: S/0242/64/000/003/0034/0035 Kalininal Ye, F*;__AbLdqvj_.A, Z, iTITLE: Effect of Co-60 gamma irradiation on smallpox vaccine basic 1proporties I-SOURCE: Moditsinskly zhurnal uzbokistanap no. 3, 1961~# 34-35 TOPIC TAGS: amallpox vaecinop.'smallpox vaccine purificationp Samma irradiationp vaccine virulencep vaccine immunoGenic proporty ABSTRACT: Purification of smallpox vaccine with largo gamma radiation dosos (600,000 to lpOO00000 r) sharply reduces its virulence and irmiunogenic proportlen, Tho present study invostigatos smallpox , vaccine purification with'Camma radiation doses of 5000 r and 3000 rq,. ,.In a norios of oxporimonts groups of rabbits were inoculated with _,amma irr i-r adiated (3000 r and 5000 r doses) vaccinos and nonirradiatod vaccines, Contamination of vaccines was determined boforo and aftor irradiation by the number of bacteria In 1 ml. Vaccine virulence was tooted beforo and after irradiation by an intradormal titration method. Immunogenic properties were determined by Immunization* Ca-r-&-j 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AP4035154 Findings show that v ceino bacteria is reduced by 25% for a 3000 r dose and by 60 to 6R for a 5000 r dose, Irradiation affects the staphylococci. albus mostly and not the sporoforming bacteria, Vaccine virulence and immunogenic properties are not affocted by 3000 or 5000 r doses. Purification of smallpox vaccine with a 5000 r' gamma radiation dose (47 r/1300) sharply roducos bacteria without loss of virulence or immunogenic properties, Orig, art. has: 1 table, ASSOCIATION: i sy*vorotok serums) I SUB1,1ITTED.- 'P-2Apr63 INR REP SOV: TashkentskJ.-y nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut vaksin (Tashkent Soientifio-Researoh. Institute of Vaccines and ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: LS 000 OTHEH:. 000 Card. 2/2 ABIDOV, A.A.; KALININA, Ye.F.; ABIDOV, A.Z.,.,, Preservation of standard strains. Uzb. biol. shur. 7 no.5s 35-39 163. (MIRA 1811l) 1. Inctitut krayevoy eksperimentallnoy meditsiny AN UzSSR. , ABIDOV, G. Activo management agencies. Avt.transp. 40 tio.5:3-1-12 My l62. (KMA 15:5) 1. Predsedatell Uzbekokogo respublikanskogo komiteta profsoyuza rabotnikov pvyazis, rabochM avtomobillnogo transporta i ahosseynykh dorog. (Uzbekistwa.-Transportatior, Automotive) ABIDOV G Public participation in the work of telec-mication enterprises, Vest* sviazi 23 nool&6,;7 Ja 163. (HIRA 16:3) 1. Predsedatelf-Usbekskogo rsspu*x~ kogo korXteta profoosion&llnogo aoyuza ratntnikov avyao.,. rabochlEh avtotrazwporta i shollseynykh dorog. (Teleco-,nication--Employees) FEMLIN, L.Kh.; SHARF, V.Z.; ABIDUV,-._~~. GLUKHOVSTEV,, V.G. i Dehydration of methylcycloproporlcarbinol in tba presence of acid Walystse IzvwAN SSSR.Otd.khim.nauk no.10:1843-1849 0 1&,o (MIRA 15:10) 1. Inatitut organichdokoy kbi-ii im. N.D.Zelinskogo AN SSSR. (Methanol) (Dehydration~ (Chemistry)) (catalysts) FREYDLINJ, L.Kh.; SHARF, V.Z.j_A~~DOV, M.A. Cis-trans-isomerization and polywrizaticn of piperylene on acid-typa catalysts. Neftekhimiia 2 no.3t291-297 My-Je 162. (MIRA 15:8) 1. Institut organicheskoy khimii AN SSSR imeni Zelinskogo. (Piperylene) (Ieomerization) (Polymerization) FREYDLIN, L.U.; SHARFp V.Z.; ABIDOV, M.A.; GLUKHOTSEV, V.G. -a.. ~ Study of dimethyloyclopropylearbinol dehydration and accompanying converslona of the newly formed hydrocarboni3 on acidic catalysts. Zzy, AN SSSR Ser,khim. no.10:1824-1820 0 163. (MIRA 17%3) 1. Institut organichtskoy khimil. lm. N.D.Zellnskogo AN SSSR. FREYDLIN, ~Ah.; SWM, V.Z.; ABIDOV M.A. Isomerization, bf,Asopropenyleyelopropaw and aocomparqing. conversions of dienes on,catalysto of acidic nature. Naftolchiniia 3,no.l-.28-34 J~-? 163~ (MIRA 16:2) 1. Irstitut organioheskoy khimli AN Mot Amni Zelinekogo. (Cyclopropane) (Pentadiene) (C&W~Vsts) A.I;i!X~'V, M.A., GINAINI.SK.1Y, G.A.; SERYN110, Yo.,'). r-ce'Le-,ating tube. Nauch. trudy rO.~n' Fiz. miuPi no.22" 87--91 164. (MI PA 3.815) FRLY)MI! , L. 1,11. ; ~'PU V. lnvescU pn t I he ~3;hyd, c - n t n h nx ell e is in the ,-,f vc.21-108-313 Mr-AT)l (J, T f 8 1. if] vu.,itiff"i tl '11j" Ito Cory( ration or a,) penix, tie a] coh a 1.3 rin a I ul vst,~,. l.ef tekiiini a 1. n,-).4: 609-617 J I -A tt, 't)4. -34781-66 I~W"rr M) ACC NR. An05017210 SOURCE CODE: UR/0058/65/000/012/A0114/A044 AUTHORS: Abidov, M. A.; Go~ Berebro, Yu. D. 3 '/ te TITLE: Pulsed accelerating tube SOURCE: Ref. zh. Fizika, Abs. i2A4o4 REF SOURCE: Nauchn. tr. Tachhutsk. un-t, vyp. 262, 1964, 87-91 TOPIC TAGS: linear acceleration, ion acceleration, neutron interaction, ion beam focusing 9 IoW e4uRoce.-Vr AWTMCT; The described 1.00 -- 200 kV accelerating tube, intended to operate no a neutron generator or aii ion gun,.makes it possible to focus and accelerate ion cur-. rents with density up to 10 a/cm2. For focusing and acceleration use is made of Pierce electrode configurations with flat insulator. The ion source is of the PenninF type, and the high voltage pulse generator is a shock voltage transformer. The accel- erator tube does not require complicated adjustment and is designed for otable opern- tion In the pulsed mode. The working vacuum In the tube Is 5 x 10-6 mm Hg. 'Ahe cim- plicity of the construction and the small dimensions (the tube, together with the 1,u1] 2) ma:-, vacuum pump, oicupies an area of 180 -- 70 cm it suitable for school laborato- ries. B. B. [Translation of abstract). SUB CODE: 20 Cerd-1 - 41p_ ABIDOV, Z,; GAMCDO-LESNUH, G.A.; KOSHKINA, L.N. Some characteristics of the astroclimate of the Tashkent Astronomic Observatory. izv. AN Uz. SER. Ser. fiz.-mat. .J: 66-70 163. nauk 7 no.' (MIRA 16:8) 1. Tashkentskaya ast.-onomiche3kaya observatoriya AN UzSSR. PBIWV~ Z. Period of T1. Cygni. Per. zvezdy 14 no-~:493-500 .. ',~3- (NUIll i8:5) 1. Tashkeiitskaya astronomicheskaya obaervatorlyn A14 117,SSR. SULTANOV, A.S.; FUTDLIN. L.Kh.; ABIDOVA, M.F. Reduction of aceto-and benzophenone on a zinc-copper catalyst. Izv. All. Ui. SSR. Ser. khim. nauk no.4:85-90 15?. , (MIRA 11:9) (Reduction (Chemical)) (Acetophenone) (Benzophenone) APIPMA, Ghem ;ci -- (Oiss) of,~~ reactiolls of reduction o-' cerLain carbortyl co-T-potinds on skcli tofu catal.y. rs wiln zinc anri 7in-,-cooll~.-r.ll )-e of' Acad 11 pp (Acad )ci U,S,,:~. It!: t t;he7,.i.Ary) 1~0 co: ies (KL, 21-56 103) - 29 - AUTHORS: Freydlin, L. Kh., Sultanov, A. S.,4 Abidova, M. F. 62-53-3-:D-3/3o TITLEt Investigation of Catalyst Activity (Issledovaniye I.zbiratellnosti deystviya katalizatorov). Report 1. The Reduction of the Mesithyl Oxide and of Croton Aldehyde on a Zinc Catalyst (Soobshcheniye I. Vosstanovleniye okisi mezitila i krotonovogo alldegida na tsinkovom katalizatore) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademiii Nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye Khimicheskikh Nauk. 1958, tfr'.3, pp-378-380 (USSR) ABSTRAM The authors found that skeleton Zi1L0 under atmospheric pressure develops an important catalytic activity within the reduction reactions of aldehydes and ketones (in alcohols). In the hydro-- genation of unsaturated compounds, however, aceleton zinc 18 inert. It is reported thatthe zinc catalyst in C-0 and C-C compounds contained in the same molecule has the same selectivity. By means of the example of mesithyl and croton-aldehyde the authors found thatt a zinc contact has the same properties of catalizing the reduction of the carbonylgroup under atmospheric pressure and at low temperatures. The binary compound C-C is not affected Card 1/2 in this. At high temperatures the reaction is complicated in Investigation of Catalyst Activity. Report I. The Reduction 62-58-3-28/3o of the Idesithyl Oxide and of Croton Aldehyde on a Zinc Catalyst. consequence of theelsomerization, process (unsaturated alcohol in saturated keton . There are 1 figure, 2 tables, and 3 re- ferences, 2 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIMNONt Institut organicheakoy khimii im. N.D.Zelinskogo Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute for Organic Chemistry imeni N. D. Zelinskiy? AS USSR) SUBMITTED: December 10, 1957 Card 2/2 TRITUIN, L.1h.; ABIDDVA, M.F.; SULTANDV, A.S. 1--W%V-w*"WAftWOO Thermal stability, deactivation, and regeneration of a zinc- copper catalyst. Uzb. khim. zhur. no.4:41-44 '58. (MIRA 11:12) l.Institut organicheskoy khimii imeni I.D. Zelinskogo AN SSSR. Institut khimii AN UzSSR. (Catalysts) (Aluminum-copper-zine alloys) AUTHORS t Fre.,rdlin, L. Kh., Abidova, M. F., 62-58-4-17/32 Sultanov, A. S. TITLE. Mechanism of the Reduction of Allyl Alcohol on Zinc and Zinc-Copper Catalysts (Mekhanizm vossta. novleniya allilovo-o spirta na tsinkovom i tsink-med. nom katalizatorakh~ PLRIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR,Otde1eniye 4,hinicheskikh Nauk, 1958, Nr 4, PP. 498-500 05:3,0 ABSTRACT: Metallic zinc has an high catalytic activity in the reactions of aldehydes and ketones with hydroCen (at atmospheric pressure and at temperatures of from 50- 1500). The binary binding -C =C-binding (like hexene, cyclohexene) can not be hydrated on these conditions. In the investigation of the reduction of allyl alcohol on this catalyst the authors found that all~l alcohol converted into propyl alcohol already at 75 C. In the case of a raise of temperature propionaldehyde formed simultaneously with alcohol. This fact lead to the con- Card 1/3 sideration that in the given process hydrogen does not Mechanism of the Reduction of Allyl 62-58-4-17/32 Alcohol on Zinc and Zinc-Copper Catalysts follow the -C= C-binding and therefore the reaction jaust take place as followst 0 Cli~= CH-C11'O11Zjc1i -CH -C_/ . 3 2 -, H 0 CH 3-CH 2-C _~%Cfl 3- CH 2-CH2OH \H Zn in order to check this assumption a series of experiments was carried out in which only the isomerisation reaction could take place. As was to be expected proionaldehyde formed of allyl alcohol because of the lack of hydrogen. It showed that the isomerisation stage surpassed the re- duction stage. Furthermore it was founi that in both rem actions the zinc-copper catalyst was more active than the zinc catalyst. There are 2 tables and 2 references, 1 of which is Soviet, Card 2/3 Mechuninja of the Reduction of Alljl 62-56-4-17/32 Alcohol on Zinc and Zinc-Copper ~;utalyata AS20CIAT1011s Institut orCanichcakoj khimii im. N. D. Zolinskop Akudemii nauk SS~iR (In,,titute for Organic Chcmistry i~-.ciii 11. D. ""clinskiyIAS USSR) OLUE.11TTLD: October 28, 1957 AVAILABLE: Library of Con-reas u 1. Zinc eatalysts-4Uylejechol-Reductim 2. Zinc copper catalysts-41lyl alcohol-aeduction Card 3/3 kUTHDRS3 FrejIlin, L. Kh., Sultanov, A. S., 62-56-5-21/27 Abidova, M. F. TITLEs Investigation of the Efficiency-Selectivity of the Catalysts (Issledovaniye izbiratellnosti deystyiya ketalizatoroy) Communication 2. Reduction of Mesityl-Monoxide on Copper - and Zino-Copper Catalysts (Soobshcheniye 2. Vosstanoyleniye okisi mezitila na mednom i taink-mednom katalizatorakh) PERIODICALs Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR,Otdeleniye Khimicheskikh Nauk, 1958, Nr 5, pp. 64o-642 (USSR) ABSTRACT3 Zino has a rare propertyi Under atmospheric pressure it cata- lyzes - in the case of reduction reaction - the CnO-bond with- out influencing the C-C-bond. In accordance with this a re- duotion of the allyl-alcohol ort this catalyst does not take place immediately, but by way of the intermediary formation of propionic aldehyde. The zinc-oopper- catalysts behaves in the same waT in a given reaction. Therefore it was possible to assume that the latter-analogous to the zinc-catalyst- selec- tively hydrates the carbonyl-bond in the presence of the ethy- lane-bond. The following result was obtained by the investi- Card 1/2 gationt the zino-copper-contaot catalyzes selectively the :.-nyestigation of the Efficiency-Selectivity of the 62-58-5-21/C-7 Catalysts. Cemmunication 2. Reduction of Mesityl-Monoxide on Copper- and Zino-Copper Catalysts nydration of the C-0-bond in mosityl-monoxide, yet it re- mains inert with respect to the hydration of the C-C bond. The hydration on a copper-catalyst takes place just viceyersa. 2-methyl-2-pentenol-4 cannot isomerize at 1250 on a copper- catalyst. The efficiency-seleotivity of the zinc-copper cata- lyst is determinable acc,.,%rding to its zinc-component~ Compared with the zinc-catalyst, a lo:r activity of the reaction of iso- merization of the unsaturated alcohol into a saturated ke- tone is caused by the presence of copper in the catalyst. There are 2 figures, 2 tables, and 2 references, 2 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATIONa Institut organichaskoy khimii im. N.D. Zelinskogo Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute for Organic Chemistry imeni N.D. Zelinskiy AS USSR) SUBMITTEDt December 30, 1957 1. Zinc--Catalytic properties 2. Copper--Catalytic properti,,s Vara elz 3. Mes1tyl moroxide---Oxj.datior.--roduction reactions 79-28-9-5c)/6i AUTHORS: Sultanov, A. S., Abidova, M. F., JIL'aslennikova, V. A. W.-W - TITLE3 The Contact R~~Crion j~ 66zaldehyde (Kontakt.,oye vosstanov- leniye benzalldegida) PERIODICAM Zhurnal Obahchey Khimii, 1956, Vol. 26, Nr 3. PP. 787-791 (USSR) ABSTRACT- The present work inventigates the many times used reduction reaction by Devard in the reduction of benzaldehyde above copper-zine-aluminum catalysts. The results of this can be Been from table 1. They show that the best results in the reduction of benzaldehyde to toluene above the above mentioned cata- lyst can be obtained at within 200-3000 C. This reduction mechanism under the action of different catalysts is little investigated. According to Ipatlyev this reduction should take place above iron catalysts through benzy1aleohol. Thanks tz- tho fact that this reduction also takes place by means of other contact media at relatively high temperatures the hydr- oxyl groups of the intermediary alcohols can be substituted by hydrogon atoms. As the present reduction of benzaldehydo Card 1/3 takes place at rather low tempuratux-es (150-3009 and as the The Contact Reduction of Benzaldehyde 79-28-3-50/61 catalyst used contains metallic zincthe reaction above the Cu-Zn-Al-catalyst could lie compared to that by C1,2mer,s. The experiments carried o*.;:1. riled cit:zll the carbony1mechaniam of the reduction of benzaldehyde by Clemens, especially in its reduction to toluene. Therefore it can bc assumed th,,_t the reduction of the aldehyde rronp to the methyl f7roup takes place directly and not through the alcohol. The reduction of benzaldehyde and benzy'Lalcohol to toluene on the fused Cu-Zn- -Al-catalyst can also be obtained in the diffuoing system at usual pressure. In the absenci of hydrogen the benzyl- ard furfuralcohol can be dehydrogenized at the expense of the hydrogen separated durinC reaction to the corro.,3pondlng al- dehydes formitif; at ilia same. time toluene- wid s,-,_1-Yare. Thus the reduction of benzaldehyde, takiLs place directly and with- out the formation of benzy1alcohols on the above conditions. The alcohol formed in it is a product of the process proceed- ing parallel to thA. hydroGonation at temperatures below the optimum reduction temperaturea. There arc 3 tables and 23 re- ferences, 4 of which are Ooviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut khimii Akadetaii nauk Uzbekskoy SSR (Chemical Ir, Card 2/3 stitute,AS Tjzbek SS-R) ABID - M.F.j SULTANOV, A.S. ?PYA, -- -- Reduction of nitrocyolohexanee Uzb.I:him.zhur. no-4.67-69 161, (~Mu 1/+:8) 1. Institut khimii polimerov AN UzSSR. (Cyclohexane) (Rcduction, Chemical) ABIDOVA, M.F.; FITSARIS, V'.X.; SULTANOV, A.S.; FREYDLIN, L.Kh. Reduction of tdtrobensene and nitrocycloheiane In the presence of a tin catalyst. Uzb.khim.zhur. 7 no.lx6o-65 163. (MIRA 16s4) 1. Institut khimAA limerov LN UzSSR. (Nitrobenzene~o (Cyclohaxane) (Reduction, CheWoal) Abil"000 M..".; PjTSARIS, V.K.; SU1,TANOV, A.S. Preparation of a palladium cataly8t on a i)olJd carrier. Pokl. AN Uz. SSR 21 no.8:28-31 164. (MIRA 19:1) 1. ;nPt1tut khimit i tokhnologli khlopkovoy teellyulczy pri Gosplann SSSR. SubmAtted July 5, 1964. Jis.,;erlt.atio;.: "Jawidice of' t-he 1"uh)erry in tiiv ta ],-/ of of' tho ,n~rlxlydvlall _Z;'. and' for CoriLr~d-liti,, Thl:-m." C:lwi L~iol c-1. Az(-.-rb-kyfJz)i,'.m Aatl, 1; ". I.. ilirov, 54 . , ivdiucidy, i;,-ku, 5 4'.;iy 1"./.. jj4 ! .~O - -XI-i 264, 26 Nov 1954 77 --- 007kft IV U S 8 R Khm. 1034, No. el a no M Oikm- aiul tgo- 1131~-Vk-111 %ith C.11, and I'll Me III III, pr,. ii,e M-- -~- Ai give quima 0.01 g.-,jCm. A' prelmi fil!ng~, per mule cd jt%7Lmti*q was partly wmwmipanied by isom- irriWian -The reaction -4 apkarently putub t1trwo-tha formation of Al or Infer ---med6les such= RA10i and -RAICI-.- Cit. M.-Al 7lk BUNJP411 W It adtK1 WitUr wid :Iht Uarift- diopwiv- I I Otet thA *tart uilh-. -~-nou) ZtO g hemrd for 2 firs. at 70* VrZ .31% BUPh (i), N, I Of I 4W-'I), d. O.Wl, and "H,13u,. b. 178-240 1. Bud 1?4, C,11, 00, .nd Al 0.3 Nitiarionrif b, IV-4', mill, dm I X61. this with Su aud HCI produe-rd P-w- butylauflilit b-,n 244-3', K'n' d.,l 0 9770. p-se-butvi- amt-idide, in w,f P- hw, 9-0--flid, in 1,31 ff1vV Isilk:.1i'M, 1) t., I Q 1A.'YNI. d. 0.95J2 V,W' 12, 11hM., I II. il-! 15 hpat--d ia- I.:) III, ~! , 'iD, F, ", I, " " I , 6 , 2IC AmCl 11 5.C.H.w,, I A I 1--,l 1- 7,) ?tO . 4 t,ih- 2ij I .147~. C.I: , 1 1 A. t- Coutimmd 1.1 'a) , w, o J,h,cfi, bV , N, % Q-I~. 1 C.H. ,dJ.1 -,f A 2 hrI So' 7o P,J;t. I), i:,'4 4,U'0, lfc~rh ABIDOTA# Z.Kh.; TAMBOV, A,N.; USWOT, Xh,U.; KHCDZHAT]ff, G.Kh. ~ Paper chromatography used for the separation and determination of a-romatia acids. Dokl, AN Us, SSR no,*6.&29-32 157. (Nmu llt5) 1, Institut khlmli Ali USSSR* 2. Chlon-korrespondent AN UzSSR' (for Uamanov). (Acids) (Chromatographic analysis) I ABIDOVA, Z.Kh.; KHODZHAYNV, G.; DHITRIYEV, P.P.: BUROVA, Ye. G. Determination of the comoosillon of Isbaotent gasoline by combined v method. Ilob. kbims thur..nos 1:53-67 t58o (MIRA 11:7) (Isbaskent-Gasolins) ABIDOVA, ZJQ)~.; KHGDZHAUV. G. .W Synthesis of dibasic and tribaoic aromatic acids and their matV.l eaters. Uzb.khim.zhur. no*6:49-53 '58. (MIRA 12:2) I* Institut khimii AN UzSSR. (Acids, Organic) 1-7, ABIDOU, Z.Kh.; XlfODZHAYZV, G.Kh. Method for separating a mixture of mow-, di-, and tribasic aromatic acids. Dokl. AN Us. SSR no.7:28-31 159. (MIRk 12:10) 1.Institut khimil AN UzSSR. Predstavleno eked. AN UzSSR S.Tu. Yunusovym. (Acids, Organic) ABIDQVAq Z. Kh.; OODUAYEV, G. ---------------- Methods for separating the components of a mixture consisting of benzoic, phthaliep trimellitic, and hemimellitic acids. /MIRA Uzb. khim. zhur. no.1:69-70 160. % 14:4) 1. Institut khimii AN UzSSR. (Hemimellitic acid) (Phthalic acid) (Benzoic acid) I (Trimellitic acid) ABIDCVA, Z. Kh. Cprd Chew Sci - (diss) "Study of the individual hydrocarbon comp- position of izhaskent gasoline onrl the development of' n new metl,od of seprjr,itJiqx a mixture (if morio-, dl-, and tribl3siC bCn.~elw- carboxylic scids." Tashkent, 1961. 18 pp; 1 Doge of' diagrams; (Academy of Sciences Uzbek SSR, Ooint Acaalemic Council for Chem- istry of the Division of GeoloC-ical and Che,,%ical Sciences); 170 CODieS; price not Riven; (KL, 5-Ed sup, 1?5) KHODZHAYEV, G.Kh.; kB_~PMA__~Zn. Methods for the separation of a mixture of mono-, di-, and tribaoic benzenecarboxylic acids. 'Uzb.khim.zhur. 6 no.2:62-67 162* (MIRA 15:7) 1. Institut khimii AN TASSR. (Benzenecarboxylic acids) ABID.~HANOV, A. ABIDZHANOV, A.% Avertin (coenurosis) of sheep and the fii~ht agains t it. Tashkent. Publication of the Academy of Sciences of the Uzbek SM, 195? 0 11 pages with illustration. (Academy of Sciences of the Uzbek S3R, Insf"Lute of Zoology and Parasitology. Scientific-popular series). Price 15 kopeks. 2,000 copies. In Uzbekian language. SO: Veterinariya; 30; (3); March 1953; Uncl. TABCON a a A 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 ABTDZHANOV, A. Abtdzbanov, A. Me ecology of larvae and pupae of the sheep gadfly (Oeatrus ov's L-)", Sbornik po zootekhnit I DarazitologiJ, Tashkent, 1948, p* 1,44-64t - Bibliog: 7 items. SO; U-3261, 10 April 53, (Letopla 'Zhurnal 'nYkh Statey, No. 11, 1949). a U.V 7 C-1 31, C, ABIDZWOV# A.Ao: TOPILISNATAt IV- Studying chcken coccidia in Tashkent. Uzb. biOl. 2hUr. no-5:65-69 l6o. WRA 13:11) 1. Institut soologil. 1, parazitologii AIE UzSSR. (Tashkent-Goooldiomis) (Poultry-Diseasee and pests) ABIDZUAt.'GVt~.Sokhib,-BAMITIOV, I.V., J-nzh.-nor.Tirovshc!Jk; YJR1CHUKr A.S.; KOKOREV, V.A.; KUZNETSOV, I.F.; PAVLOVA, M.I.; dotsent; ZHUPIKOVA, D.14.j dotsent Consultation. Tekst. prom. 21 no-1:91-93 Ja 161. (MIRA 14:3) 1. Haster lento-rovinchnogl tvekha Kokand.-kogo chulochuno- pryadilinogo kombinata (for Abidzhanov). 2. Fabrika imeni Lakina (for Bazhitov). 3. Master remontno-montazliziogo otdela Barnaultakogo khlopchatobumazhnogo kombinata (for Kirichuk). 4. Vessoyuznyy nauchno- issledovatellskiy institut tekstillnogo i legkogo mashinostroyeniya (for Kokorev)- 5- Nachallnik tekhnicheskogo otedela Pa-v-.lov-.Pokrovskoy fabriki. (for Kumietsov). 6. Kafcdra tkachestva MoskovskogD tektsil'nogD instituta (for Pavlova~ Zhupikova), (Textile industry) ABIMOV, Zh.. na~hallnik Improvement of motion-pioture services in Kirghizistan. Kinomekhanik no.9; 5-7 S '51. OUA 619 ) 1. Upravleniye kinematografii pri Xinisterstve kulltury Kirgizakoy SSIL (Kirghizistan--Moving-plature distribution) (Moving-picture d13tribu- tion--Kirghizistan) 221.2y %. ~ Sj,~i. :~ I 1714OP:' ~1-1~lnmist-ov' V. P.., Abil'd - 1 - Li-ri~ ',) - -A-- 9 - I . . . I . : - t,; , - , : ..- : I ACCESSION "R. AP4049258 -~s ad~;usted in sucn a way rriat- L ,it- Card 2/3 1. 17886-65 ACCESSION NP! AP4049259 SoUBMITTED: 04Feb63 SUB COM NP NR REF SOV: 002 ENCL: 0 C) OTHER: 000