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TAMEYCHUK B.S.; SOKOLOV, S.V.; ABEZGAUZ, F.I.; POSTOWSKIY, I.Ya, j p - Sytthes'4 of derivatives of 1,2-benzanthracene. Zhur.obekhimo 33 n0.4.'1319-1322 Ap 163. (MIRA 166) 1, Urallskiy politekhnicheskiy institut imeni S.M.Kim+ (Benzanthracene) ABEZGAUZ, F.I.; SOKOLOV) S.V.; UDILOV, G.P. Amides and hydrazides of some cW--fluorocarboxylic acids. Zhur. ob. khim. 34 no.9.-2965-2969 S 164. (MIU 17; 11) 1. Urallskiy polotekhnicheskiy institut im. S.M. Kirova. S/058/63/000/003/071/104 A059/A101 AUTHORSt Fistull, V. I., Abezgauz, I. D. TITLE: Tine estimation of some conditions necessary for the formation of germanium p-n tunnel junction PMIODICAL: Ref erativnyy zhurnal, -Fizika, no. 3, 1963, 67, abstract 3E462 ("Tr.'Sove.shchani.ya po udarn. ionizatsii i tunelln. effektu v polu- provodnikakh, 1960", Baku, AN AzarbSSR, 1962, 151 - 158) 10C rn T; The calculation of the impurity concentration in the recrystallized region of the p-type wan performed or. melting In.+Ga or Sn+Ga into n-type Go. The calculated results are represented in the form of the dependences of the concentration of P on the porcentage of Ga in the fused-in In or Sn drop and on ~'Lhe temperature of melting-in. The diagraxis are valid only for equilibrium con- ditions of growth in the recrystallized region, i.e. for slow cooling after fu- sion. Thus, on melting in + 2% a& at Wc, the equilibrium concentration in p-region is shown to be 1019 cm-3. On fast cooling, the concentration in the p-region can be somewhat higher. A qualitative agreement was observed botween :r Card 1/2 S/058/63/OW/003/071/104 The estimation of some conditiona... A059/A101 the resUts of calculation and those of experiment. A. Kovalev (Abstracter's notet Complate traralation] 075/63/6w/ob3/01.1/021 7 V A052/AI26 'AUTHORS* Pietullp V9100 1TITLE& Evaluatiqn of some conditions necessary for the fornation of a germanium P-D junction with tunnel effect PERIOZICALs Referativnyy zhurnal, Elektronika. I yeye primeneniye, no- 3, 1963, 209 abstract 3P129 (Tr. Boveshchaniya po. udarn. ioni2staii i tunnelln. effektu v poluprovodnik&kh, 1960, Baku, AN AzerbSSR, 1962, 151 - 158) TEOM a Tunnel diode parameters depend essentiallyon the impurity concentration in n- and p-regione of the crystal. A ~thdoretical determin- ation was carried out of the concentration of fused-in impurity depending on fusing-in temperature, depth of fuaing-in and kind of fused-in compound. Diagramp were platted chowing the dependencesof In and Ga concentration on the fusing-in temperature for an In-G&-Go system, and also the dependences of Ga concentration on the fusing-in temperature for a Sn-Ga-Ge system. The plotted diagram& hold true only under equilibrium oondition'i of crystal- p-region growth, when the process of crystal cooling after fu3ing-In is Card.0 8/275/63/000/003/011/021 of soms conditionses, A052/A126 long enough. The diagrams make It possible to select an InGa or SnGa alloy of a corresponding composition and to evaluate the necessary fusing-in temperature depending on donor concentration in the initial Go. An ezperi- mental verification of the diagraze was obtained when developing a tunAel diode. p-a type junctions in high-alloy Ge were produced by fusing-in. The fusing-in was carried out kit 550-60000 in hydrogen atmosphere purified from moisture and ozygen. Fused-in InGa or SnGa represented fuse-I balls 50-1004 in diameter. Crystal dimensions were 0.8 x 0.6 x 0.2mm. After fusing-in the crystal was soldered on the crystal holder and, after etching in E202 and wafling, was mount;d in the casing. The crystal had a concentration of 2.5*10 "cm- and 5*101 cm-3. Volt-ampere chaxacteristios of the tunnel diode are given. There are reforonoes.::~ rAbstractert s- note t C.omplete Vranslation Card 2 126 it A S jo a 1 4A us, I'D mu mijolual Q., aice -00 ..o 4P 00 If ..Go RecovitrT of mroblas brom vablviatum at the max Miller Baku. 1) ('..1 1. :16 111111141ANS)VAMISOAl't. ("4.1 wtaiiii is uniatisfarlmy for wpg. Cir"Us f"Int jwtnilatmm twrAu%, 4 t&C'sSive little. latitt YW. of naphtha slid War temps. rrquivrd by this I'mN-m Cruttilligir. mv%t be Imix-fird, which litrelittles their U.C. The Weir fill-01M is The 111-1 pr,mlim.lx .00 The vo,,tk an ptutolatuni 66 (1.91 Vs. v4milty 2 (W Vital, t. fit I'll' (I lit. IAJ. ), Jur4 ,in 111mtent "I. (ut-11, 7317v. 11 104(k); pruetratkIn 160 at .,.%a alut Ilk I %. limit) Allow, 41 Mal the quality till kir-ir hr is linficwtiant. 1-iltration Is fasur with the mirt mr,h t atilt go 0 11, tir"ISIS are Itarmed. PrArful it)- It V A I X,%,c the Ct v St it I be t drih mus &A) Awe the 3' fir %hilir with the Wilt tirnip The fate of militig in ctild willing should lie oomm it can Iw 10' lit The quality (it crit-Sitt dolicluls on trillil, 410 11114111ily 4 coo dtluent. Morr;4"till all"Idd lie uu%f It% diln. is inirstasird 11%tth a 11111 1 eaft!Vistaeded The emanh can bt trarn, t atrd wit h-"it impamig it, efficiency. Poe *46 430 o Igo -10 oat Lwu GAV loss, 8 a a- 1; 40 it is 44 a a It it a An I I a ad 0 a 9 1 too is a st it Ink 0 0 0 0 O'o 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a a a as 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0;0 0 e f, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ::9000064604104 to -0-m-w-w-w- is it it is 14 11 " 11 11 " 11 v a )A :1 10 )# it Is V ~ I) to a Is $j is to $I al 11 a L-1 Is - JL_ J., A ~ 1. A to F 41 A1 .41, , LP 1 11 A I I AA v ft v 4 1 I t, C, I I, I. 1. Nanw ippacad" at Q*yj#m* d1tWoridit in tM do waiting at b4hly ViK1VUlI 005. D. C-Wdh~fllj~ Igsti! slid I.- -a ii 3 1 10 ti s 13 9 5. Margolis. AmrbQWShdIljko* Seff-sim No. 3. 74-81-21olid hytirmiarliZins tt*dlr in 8-C,1f4CjI behm 25' 1 he w4v. 4 '"1. in A. WWII dessends on then cliew. trorn.z the hqIwf the tem !,l beir tht %r di ts th ft i f p. e M. nviv ca ig content o . para #,I the fill. s-C.H.C), vannot he croi-trimemml bw rAlk ftuln ismIthalfir cirude alls tveauwr 44 low treet inX trnap Alld excvsdff* amt. 01 thli IMAVOW. JF-C,114CII V4418"Ot tie UU41 , i ' h-cme "ti itim the mi , It i t I 1 f, . s a v x% auw l twas for 1 llit, a t 1 Ir"rT of a vvilaill gloup 44 hvdf."Itmm~ Into Ili, Ivirstrolalum takespla", mid the vield,,l dritramt.41 I. thu- lowered mind the viworAty index dn-rt*%t-d. Vir hiAh, I s- CIII.Cis hotti4tv Adaintil in the residisr a- a irmilt 4 i 1 1 1 1 tI1 Odmitation nt the man. C.If, IMCIIAQ1 We %rrV -M w1ri-Ovir milvvula foA driwatins. Thus, 11irv prviiul 4.4"Vills out the Imum" at a fruit,. thil fwlow *.141 , YwId Itactions which have (aft As V hightl IKOUt INAIIII ChAtl IIIC 60 prix-cm trinp. sind wm . In irtudinary rentrifugm The tvfildns oath 11iR), wA ctay to cartied out Iv, the IjLst fk -lase. thus od, of hilther slattilitv Slid Irilri, "%I,W jr FAI, I- I.m.-red vd and the otaimaniplim.11 11 w" . , r A~ A 11,%hijuigi, V S ,4., "44., 0 * & 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0, 0 4 9 Oro -00 -409 00 see 0 0 %9e Lee keg a Is Is 5 At 4 3 1 1 did' 41 0 v * 0 it u 11 to 1) 4 IF is m a A 1. .4 11 V 11 4 M A 'A P It 0 r 6 IL 1, It I L W r r flit" CORC"tfatog torth D. Gol*db7 l -ftuz and i., mss,"jljut~twnzone th 4 & k ; se, dal , id. " ,, c 1W wzw- , : -- 94-Itt reAn'" with CJI-N(li 111,&Irmbly inl r Ii n%vs the Ipla p t? (if bright 9tack, 141, fFm Suralthallul am relt as fr,411 I hats-chult 00 w it)(1-1 and , Arfi"I fa%xwlII4)r on their %.I "wMng the C 00 onratittin C rMtent Inent can s treat* be Can" Out with unrrfwd -` 00 J_ I ,it. The yi-ld of th,, e;ith, cf~ - W" -oil of higher %jA_jty it Oil it In " bit on n d 1 00 e ,y IF" in. I I finic a 1h a certain talk) Of C N(41 - II 0 j . . w v u It w1mitt the prttql, 'it an CAI that (ion linin WI need mildni. tr. " excvp'a elsy '"'at 0 00 '"ent UP finProve the m1m. Tire Clay ""eat is --W out twit during tile di,tg. of tile '101"Ild. At 16 00 with 11% fl.q().and 114~ -- h" .. while at 31NI C 1 N( :;n 1 1 40 z 0 1 4 ~ . , h o !, , .r 4. tf .tent it required A 11 A 1 00 0 0 1 t . . . , * ' 4 *0 1 ~4, so* it WN'! i is 4 a a I[ K ct t, 11 o" re, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 6 1 0 * 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 q 0g e : 6 0 0 0 . 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 * 0 0 * 6 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 9 0 9 g 1 go 0 0 0 0 to 0 6ooooooooo&oo:::o log 0*0000&40000004000 "llp 8 c 0 0 6 1$ AS L a 0 Will UCT)IJIll UUM SIS a a p 40 41 a a a a pa a s 7. uw ill? as 0 s r1 I . go "(PONASIT" a Mn T a a 41;-, 1 IS.)*,; 'V' I'- 1 1-9 -%w it A so son v v p3q-p w9 )Jnp 00 j (-tj6 jo IlUi Sad) Goo .33oid atLL 'POPUJIUM10331 S! 119) 241 J, ol)iu 9-t 4qi slu"jqnl ualis!Aw Ja) Apga '110 jo 14'Pd XMI pun aq plnoqs wulm ja vind rr.-Usi-1139M alUlQuwInu ! Sa,)p jql Ul *pj)a-- aq AppKIOM Ifilul PlnO-l " Islql suo!pput)a Aj.)litj4.k JaPlin -)1!4$A 'PO t"1131ug 341 10 IUK4 jIUMI p3jf%3p 3ql M(niq . ~I-q.Wj IqFkNp "lln 00 343 Ul -d%u4jwSa3DA atil *q301% j%ivtXj SIR it" So Simi v *0 ivnp"~u pug 311111]W!P sullum4p al PM?ttiv QAt ipnpsw~Alw upi lua%pw awiJimp-juar"I bqk pus I-jwqq IFUIjtxMA 11 00 'of v 312t a OX'#f6 orpa"M "Shop 10 006YVIII003- prig 1-1p.1- so T 4, id#l d.-l- vv IF 3 0 a a it & .1 Off A 41 a, of a It a a it Q It a a it M 11 91 M (1 11 a 1 1 17 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0. 0 0 0 & 0 9 A A L A -1 is k 0 k v so 1. 61 U A I _A L L a 0 rItA 3 N It A I it a is i I AA It 0 k 6 1 1 b F tV '00 -00 certain from petroleum and Its purificadon. V. GA'- so rtik?, NO 61,;Ll- !!Nicandf. Alx'!44MA.,_f;i.,s"rIwA#j Nftis~ A I Its lit- vian 1. 11-i J~ 'I" tit III Ilse .4 0, 40.1 lia is 0., 1,11 It I it T., I h,AJ1 Is, a 1,1*1 till$ . I Is,. ld kOst the (112411(y Of till, cctv*ln prOdn't.d. 114 #tie thirr ivsclra~e of f the "Vcnt I h e arnt. o t . urd, i. C., inertme II he l,ttx-r%q lruljl~ and I"Cir) %in.. tile Wars is ulosil vill-lent ~ t i .00 iolOeth4th! With (he ilddtl~ Of till,'; Colls ifiCtCAU'll the I)K 11 ,u I tic cc. litaintA f i no* . n O le cric t Clilly and the IIIIII, O in tklaiwd hom crude IWIF014tuni tv,juntrit i f s trrv 1lung O sinaller stints. Of irsprils (tuin that oblaintif hoin ozot-vi- re itv. I'lle plovetv iq JCS~li;wd. A. A. ll,wbilingk 69 be j Ile ~ :too 11.0 uo 0 ' 4 O t 0 00 00 0 0 zo 0 0 0 0 & 0 0 sp 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 09 !lip AAIA Arn)f JVP 1) if w D b P v t-117 1: A 1 0 0 0 10 11 1) M Is it U 0 C" a I I 4, 0,01 w pro A 0 $A I , 1 11 P I CL 1111 tjk 4 j. 6. a 1 11,0 0 drocarboas in petrolatum. %' 4 1938 1 M. fftyU Pkb4 , , #gRusl. A IN 40C 4 it W.-Ttic tictu W.Ad will t. 44151ftl Mit t,V & Iffellf"Ifil -ill' dI twuscuc.(CHICII, alld SAVItIne-tolurne All Ihr t h la k -00 ac t uc raptsi.. aet dewrit" in detail - A. A. I See 0 jjt .60 00 coo 0 COO CID 0 00 0 see :2 : roe fill tree be* A A 0IL A ftl.llI,0fKAj kPIPAST01 CLOSOKSTION be* Vic., :me - AV torwitwit 1114 Its w 7 a 4 3 T 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 411 0 0 a 0 41 0 0 0 0 111 ABE7ZGAUZ, J.M.; KAPYRlN, Yu.V.; TREBIN, G.F. New method for determining the optical density of petroleum. Nefteprom.delo no.10:13-14 165. (mipul 198,1) 1. Vaosoyuznyy neftegazovyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut. ABEZGAlVZ, I.S.; GULTAIEV, B.V. --- -m-- ~ , Introduction or new designs. Promstroi* 1+0 no*70.2-3,4 1629 (MIRA 3.517) - 1. Uralgipp=z. (Metanurgical pluts-Design and construction) LINVAl V.A.; ABZZPA7JZV I.Z.; ICUOVAp A.I. Use of dry 1~nukhomor* fly-paper with chlorophos as q substance in fly control. Med.paraz.i paraz.bol. 29 94 It 330-334 160* tKM 3J:12) (INSECTICIDES) (FLIES-EMMINATION) C H&WTf AK, N. B;POIMVBKIT. P. I;JtBFZGAUZ, 11. 1. Biological valuA of blood prAanrved with added glucose and aucroem. Doklady Akad. nauk SSSR 84 no.1:109-112 1 May 1952, (CLUL 22:2) 1. Presented by Academician A. I. Oparin 18 December 1951. 2. Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfusion. VnWjRAD-KMMlj Mop prof.; ISONTOVICH, V.A.; _Apg~GAUZ,_N.N. Ise of antioytolytio substances as a'new method for pro3lbngimg blood preservation. Problogematoi perel,krovi 1 no,lt4l-46 3a-T 156. (KMA 14:1) 1, Iz TSentrallnogo ordena. lanina instituta gematologii i pereli- vaniya krovi (dire - oblen-korrespondent AHN$SR prof. A.A. Pagdaoarov) Hinisterstva Mravookhrtneni-ye. SSM (13LOOD-40LLECTIO.N AND PRMERVATION) ABEZGAUZ., R.N.; SUKHOVA, A.G.; DANISER., N.A. Method of blood preservation at room temperatire and the re- sults of its clinical use. Probl. gemat. i perel. krovi 8 no.5z47-52 My'63. (~MU 16.8) 1. Iz laboratorii konserviyovanlya krovi, (zav. - Prof. F.R. Vinograd-FizLkelt) TSentral nogo ordena Lenina, instituta gema- tologii i perelivaniyu krovi (dir.-dotsent A.Ye.Kiselev) Ministerstva, zdravookhraneniya =R i 3-y gorodskoy tuber- kuleznoy bollnitsy. (BLOOD-COLLECTION -OD PRESERVATION) A BEMMIZ, N.P.; 41411SOVA~ I A.A.; GORDINOVA, V.I.; MMEYDO, A.T.; 11ONTOVICH, V.A. Effect or C-vitaminizaticn of donors on thp pre-servation of the phapocytic reaction and the vit.,imin U levul in 1(wcocytes stored under refeigeratton. Probl. gemat. I perel. krovi 10 no.1:45-47 Ja 165. (MIRA 19:1) 1. Laboraturiya konservArovaniyu krovi (zav. - prof. F 71. Vinogrmi- Finkel" TSentra2lnogo instituta g ematologli i perelivaitya krovi Mnisterstva zdravookhraneniya SSSR i vitaminnaya laboratorlya (Zav. - prof. S.N. Mat.,iko) 1nqLitmta vitamitiologli, 14o!jkva. U-101-Mvi V.A.; ABiEFGA117, TeBt of some substrates and of carbcliyu.~-i~.te-t~liosr,~iorUI3 metabolism substances for prolonf7,ini, the viab-41-ity of leucocytes during their preservation. Probl. eci-at. i pcrel. krovi c) no.10.- 36-42 0 164. (MIRA 18:3) 1. laboratoriya konservirowniva kruvi prof. Vinograd- Finkel') TSentrallnogo ordena Lcnina institnta Cerriatolotii i pere- livaniya krovi (dir. - dotsent A."fe. 1KIsr-lov) 1-Jiiister3tva zdrlivo- okhruneniya SSSR, Moskva. ABZZGAUZ, V.D.; GALIPBRO, M.I.; GAROVNrKOV, V.I., inshener, redaktor; W~-- - 'ftTbd2tr, Yu.V.,redaktor; VOLKOV. V.S., takhnichookiy rodaktor. [Vibrator at construction sites] Vibrator Ra streikakh. Moskva, Goo.lud'vve lit-ry po strolt. i &2,khitvkture. 1955. 79 P- (Concrete) ABSZGAUZ, T.D., inshener 7 Cutting concrete products. Makh. stroi. 12 no-7:19-22 Jl 155. (MUU8:9) (concrete) . GALOPARIN, Kole. Inshenerl AMMAUZ. T.D., Inshener. Working frosen ground by means of the Impact of a diesel hamer vedge. Strol. prow. 33 no-94C~-13 8 155. (XLRA 9:1) (Proson ground) (Hammers) kri- I tekhnicliest.1.4', nwik; 4.1). , inzbeaer. :ce t(- breh:~Wg of litiestoce duri-4- cutting. Stroi. i dor. ao.i:20-22 Ar 157. (MLRA 10:9) (Limestone) GALIFERIN, M., kand.takhn,nauk; AEZZGAUZ, V., insh. Mechanized work on frozen soils. Stroitell no.11:12 N 157. (MIRA 10:12) (fteavating machinery) (Earthwork-Cold weather conditions) ABER GALIPUIN. R.1.; BESSXR, Ya.R., kand.takhn.nauk, nauchnyy red.; KRYUGIM, Tu.V., red.izd-val KEMINICIMKO, F.P.,, [Using vibrators in building] Vibrator na stroike. Izd.2-e, perer. i dop. Koskva, GoeAzd-vo lit-ry po stroit., arkhit. i stroit.materialaml 1938o 79 p. (NDU 130) (Vibrators) 41. GAL'mix, it., kand. tekhn. nauk; A13NZGAUS, V., inzh. Operations of vibrators. Stroitall no.1:27-29 Ja 158. (MIRA Ilr2) (Vibrators) ABRZGAUZ, V.D., inch. Automating control of stonecutting machines. Stroi. i dor. machinostr. 3 no.2:22-27 Ir '58. (MIRA 11:2) (Automatic control) (Stonecutting) ABICZGATJZ, V.D.,insh, 4;~er,requlred for trenching In frozen and stony ground. Stroi. trubaprov. 3 nog$:7~401 Ag 158. (MRA lltll) (Frozen ground) (Cutting machinery) ABEZGAUZ, V. D. Cand Tech Sci -- (diss) "Raising the productivity of rook- cutting machines of up to 1000 kg/Om2 strength." Mos, 1959. 16 pp (Ifintranastroy L*Vin of Transport Construotioy USSR. K All-Union Sci Res Inst of Transport Construction), 160 copies (KL, 43-59, 123) -37- GALIPERIN, Mark Isayevich; ABBZGAUZ, Viktor Davidovich; KAWJROVSKIY, A.A., retsenzent; CHMOVA, Z.I.,; UVAROVA, A.F., (Stonecutting wachineel Kashiny dlia rezaniia kamnia. Moskva. Gos.naucbno-tekhn.izd-vo mehinostorit.lit-ry, 1959. 283 P. (MIRA 12:12) 1. Chlen-korrespondent Akndemii stroitellatva i arkhitektury (for Namurovskiy). (Stone=tting) ABEZGALr4, V.D., inzh.; LrVSHITS. L.S.; SHIPRIN, M.A., tmnd.tekhn.nuuk Operating and improving the SM-5.15 stand. Stroi.i dor.mashinastr. ria.7:37-36 Jl 159. (MIRAI 12:11) (Prestressed concrete construction) ABZZGAU7.. V.D., inzh. Automatic food control of tunneling machinery..Transp- strol. 9 no.4:20-23 Ap 159. W~A 12:6) (Tunneling) (Excavating machinery) LIVWITS, Lev Samoylovich. inzh.; ABXZGAUZ. Yiktor Davydovich. inzh. (Anode-mochanical tools for cutting high-strength and hardened reinforcing steel] Anodno-makhAnichaskie pily dlia rezaniia vysokoprochnoi i uprochnennoi armaturnoi stali. Moskva, Gas- Stroiizdat, 1960. 18 p. (MIRA 1314) 1. Akademiya stroitellotva i arkhitaktury S=. Inatitut orgs- nizatsli, makhanizataii i takhnicheakoy pomoshohi stroitallatvu. 2. Nachallaik Mcaperimentallno-konstruktorskogo byuro Nauchno- issladova tallskogo institute po stroitallstyu (NII-200) (for Livshits). 3. Naohalinik konstniktorskogo otdola Ikeperimentallno- konstraktorskogo byuro Nauchno-inaledoyatellskogo, institute po stroi- tel'styu (NII-200)(for Abespuz). (Cutting moohines) (Reinforced concrete) ABXZGAUZ, V.# Insh.; LIVSHITS, L., Insh. Preparing wire bundles to be used in making prestressed con- struction elements. Strottell (Prestressed concrete) no.lslB-19 Ja 160, (MIRA 13:5) GALI?-~-* T!, : .1. , do'l:tor -.c-:Im.p-auk ll, of -develunir.- and ::achii,cs for iro-:~ing . ~j u frozen groune. Strop. i dor. 6 no*10;2.%"-20 0 161s (::m;. 1/~:10 (Fro.-or. gro.L-d) A13EZGAUZ, V.D., kand. takhn. nauk; GALIPERIV, X.I., prof., doktor L.K., ved. red.; ~ASIV.AKOV, GX., tokhn: red. [Working frozen ground in mochanized trench digging]Razra- botka morzlykh gnmtov pri mokhanizirovannom rytto transhoi. Moskva, Gostoptoklxizdatp 1962. 93 P. (KIRA 15:11) (Frozen ground) (Excavating machinery) ABEZGIUZ,, V.D.p kand.tekhn,nauk Forces of resistance to digging in the operation of wheel e=vators, Stroi truboprovo 7 no*6:12-15 A 162. (MIRA 15:7) (Ibcoavation) ABEZGAUZ V.D. kand.tokhn.nauk; SPIUKOV, F,FI., inzh. - I P Raising the efficiency of quarrying large blocks of natural stone by means of over-all mechanization of operations. Stroi. mat. 8 no.5:22-27 My 162* (MIRA 15:7) (Moldavia--Stanecutting) ABEZGAUZ, V.D., kand.tekhn.naak Operating systems ol machines with chain cutting units when cutting frozen ground. 14ekh. stroi. 19 no.9:14-17 S 162. (MIRA 15:9) (Frozen ground) (Earthwork) ,q-!DRDDINOVP Y.I., kand. tekhn. nauk; ADEZGAUZ, V.D., kand. tekhn. nauk retsenzent; OTDEL'NOV:7_V _,r'~'dMd=*a- DD.,'XINAP 0 y N.F.,, tekbin. red. [Wear-resistant tools for construction machinery] lznoso- stoikle instnmenty dlia stroitellriykh mashin. Moskva, Masbgiz, 1963. 153 p. (MIRA 17:1) GALIPERIN, M.I., doktor tokhn. nauk, prof.; ABEZGAUZ, V.D.., kand. tekhn. nauk; BELYANCHIKOV, P.P., inth., retBenzent; OTDELINOV, P.V., red.izd-va; ELIKIND, V.D., tekhn. red. f6tonecutting machines) Machlrq dile ro.,tinlia karnla. lzd.2.t perL:i-. i dop. !*.o:-Jna, Fluohgiz, 1964. 3:W p. (MIRA 1713) , . i :, --. . ~.. 4-, . . j .. .,,., . O,ktoi~ llu~JiA.Jvi.I. L , i, : .;. . A.A., mvlichn. ri-:1. f V ill-I FAt ~~Illitlt I'U~A ~ ~ V -' I I ,, i bri-T ,~ 7, ,, ,I .: Z. " ,.! ; , , : I I vi"'ll, . , 31. 1,,- 1 1Z.-lut , I ~, . po :,- . .. ABEZGhUZ, V.D. [Cutters on milling-type machines for working in ro~A or soil] Rezhushchie orgarq mashin frezornogo tipa dlla rat.-. rabotki gornykh porod i gruntov. Moskva, NaBhinostroenie. 1965. 278 p. (MIRA J.&4) of Got** 0 o W W - 11 1) 1) 4 Is Is 1y to a I L J3 x A J. A, J, v 11 0 b a 1, 6 A. A: .0 00 A A L. I A F AS a 7'* to 00 DOWIRINStim of &a SIN and dW bumbet of p"Wro In colloidal volutims. A. 4111141 1,.u. Atirms"Aa. J. Phys. Ck". (1). a. 8, R.) 2. 31?4-:17 (193 1).-. R "tilts .4,tame-4 fix A l l l w s ou s agrea th thn". it. Rall,litann -66 "11119 Lee n AV M) it a a it W a IS Of 11 n U 14 0 0 a 0 a 6 "'; ; " 0 0 0 0 0 t 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 6 2 0 0 0 0 0 04114 0 41 0 0 41 0 0 6 0 0 : 0 0 0 4 4 * 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 se e 6 'a 0 ABEZOAW, YE'. M*.' Cand. Physicomath. Sci. Dissertationt "t-ApIts of Tgnition of Cas Fuel Mixturev.ff Yloscow Order of Lenin State U. ireni N.V. toronosov. 5 Feb, 1947, SOt yechqrMXM Ugokvam Feb. 1947. (Project #17836) ABnGUZ. A.M.; SLIBORGUY, P.I. QpIck repair of sliding bearings of large c7linders. Bum.prou. 29 no.8:22 Ag 154. (MLRA 7--9) 1. Sageshokiy toollyulozno-bumashnyy kombiuat. (Bearings (Naahinerw)) GINTSBURG, Katvay Grigorlyevich; KOVALUKO, V.I., insh., ratsenzent; ABRZ1Y !I, D I., rateenzent; TIRM IYNV. V.D., doktor takhn. iia-uk, red.; NAKRIMSON, V.A., red.izd-va; TIMIANOV, A.Ya., tekhn. red.-, UVAROVA. A.F., [Motorcycles; construction and servicing) Mototsikly-, ustroistvo i obalushivenie. Moskva, Goo.nauchno-tekhn.izd-yo mashinostroit. lit-ry, 1959. 286 p. (KIRA 12:4) (Motorcycles) I VA 1. B:, Fy-)Fi(,!Il V. I., ill2b. IYZJ?.P A,:3:31 ve re I n.,-l -)f' ilfi:" N - .1 1 ?i , .. - " ra!iui . x hl~ -1 , f.ri3nal'. !., ( M J R A --~ ~,, - I .'- ABGAFOROVP VI.A., anopirant Calculating the needed aasembly unit stock for the repair of loading and unloading machinery. Vest, TSNII MPS 23 nw.7: 56-59 164. (MIRA 18:3) ABC,AFOROVA$ G.Ye.; SffuyKl-qt N.I.; lfLISKIYI I.F,. Synthesis of trialkyl derivatives of pyrrole and pyrrolldine. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. khim. no.4:734-736 165. (MIRA 18:5) 1. Instibit organicheskoy khimil im. N.D.Zolinskogo AN SSSR. SMM IN, N.T.; '!yn~ T .!,esis of' iyrrollne homolces. 1. inst-itut orl,,riniclitjoloy ~h.'ml' if... N.",. Zu 1~~o,-O It N ii -yrro Ics r,_nl,~ he! -I,,- ABGAROVO _Y11 FATALREVA, S.S.; ALIYEVAI F.A. Dose of ionizing radiations in roentgeno-diagnostic examinations* Mederad* 5 noe5133-37 160. (KM 13212) (RADIOGRAPHY) ABGAROVt V.I., dotsent; 11ALUKHMU# K." Activities of th6 Bak*u Society of Roentgenologists and Radiologiats in 1959. Vest. rents i rade 35 no. 4315-76 Jl-Ag 160. (KM 14:2) 1. Predsedatell pravleniya Bakinakogo nauchnego obahchestva rentgenologov i radiologov (for Abgarov). 3. Sekretart Fravleniya Bakinskogo obehohostva rentgenologov i radiologov (for Palatkhihova), . (BAKU-RADIOLOGICKL SOCIETIM) HAZEY V V.L. 0 A.M. ff,"terosalpingography as a diagnostic and therapeatic method in tabal sterility* 40 nooltV-46 Ja 163, (MIRA R60) 1. Tv kafedry rentgenologii i maditsinskoy radiologii (zavo - I dotsent V.I. Abgarov) Azerbaydzhanskogo meditsinskogo instituta imeni W. Nariranova (rektor - zasluahennyy deyatell naukit prof. BbAb Nyvazov) i ginekologioheakogo otdelenip (zare - A,M,, Mazey) bollnitsy imeni, Shaumyana (g2.avnyy vrach - zasluzhennyy vraob AZSSR Sh.I. Kasumov). (UTERUS-RADIOGRAPHY) (STERILITY) (FALLOPIAN TUBES--RADIOGRAPHI) ABGAROV, Y.O.. (Iota., ALIMA, F.A., m1wictent X-ray detection of fibromn of the rtomnch. Vent. rent. i rad. 33 no.4:71-72 Jl-Ag 158 (MIRA 11:8) 1. Is knfedryientganologii i rndiologil (zokv. - dotR. T.00 Abgnrov) Azarbnyd';hAnskogo maditainakneo inatituta Iment N.1larimanava (dire prof* B.AG Lyvazov), ('.TTOH,hCH NEOPLASMS. ding. fibromn. x-ray ding. (Run)) (FIBROMA, ding. stomach, x-ray diAg (Run)) ABGAROWIGZ, A. Typing of diphtheria bacilli in the Bydgoszcz district and significance of types in the course of diphtheria. Ked. doev. mikrob. 4 no.4:455-460 1952. (GLIG 23:4) 1. 0.11 the Natioma Institute of Hygiene Branch in Bydgoszcz. WA'WPZYNSKA, 14. ABGA%ROWICZ, A.; STACHOWSKA, Z.: ZASUN, H. Salmonella and ShIgella bacteria In etiology of Infantile diarrhea. Pediat.polska 30 no.3:251-25? Mr 155. 1. Z Wojawodzkiej Stacji Sanitarno-Ilpidemiolgicznej w Bydgoszczy Dyrektor: dr mad. M. Barciazewski; Bydgoszcz, Woj. Stacja, San. Epid. (SALMONELLA INFECTIONS, in Infant and child diarrhea (SHIGMLLA, infections diarrhea in inf.) (DIARRMU, bacteriolou Salmonella & Schigallabact. In atiol. in inf.) POLAND / &Illicrobiology. Human and Animal Pathogens. F Corynebacteria. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 2, 1959, 5635. ,kuthor ; "Volska, Kill Ab arow A.; Rozwadowska, Galazka, A.; ukiz, T. Inst : Not given. Title : Studies on Vaccines and Vaccination Against Dipth- theria in Poland in 1955-1956. 11. Confirmation of Diphtheria Immunity by Use of the Schick Test Cffolska, K.). III. Comparative Study of Six Dom- astio Vaccines by 'Epidemiological Tests (Volska, K.; Abgarowicz, A.; Rozwadowska, ".). IV. Com- parative Evaluation of Four Domestic Vaccines .', in Laboratory Tests (Abgarowicz, A.; Galazko, A.; Kukiz, T.). Orig Pub: Przegl. epidemiol., 1957, 11, No 4, 343-364. Abstract: No abstract. Card 1/1 WOISKL, Krystyna; ABUROWICZ, Ann&, pomoc techn. ROUADOWSKIL, Wanda Va--cines & anti-diphtheria vaccinatku in Poland during 1955 & 1956. III. Comparative evaluation of 6 vaccines In Polish epidemiological studies. Przegl. epidem., War8z.11 no.4:351-356 1957, 1. Z Zakladu lpidemiologii Penstwowego Zakladu Higiany w Warisawie. (DIPHT1 U, prev, & control vacc., comparative effectiveness of 6 vaccines in Polish child. (Pol)) ABGAROWICZ, Anne; GAIAZXA. Art-ar; KUKIZ, Tadeusz _WO~401111acclnes & anti.-diphtheria vaccination in Poland during 1955 & 1956. IV. Comparative evaluation of 4 Polish vaccines in laboratory studies. Przegl. epidem., Warez.11 no.4:357-364 1957. 1. Z Zakladu Epidemiologii. Panstowego Zakladu Higieny w Warazawie. (DIPHTMLRIA. immmol. vaccines. comparative effectiveness of 4 vacr~ias in guinea pigs (Pol)) ABGAROWICZ, Aima GALAZKA, Artur; KUKIZ, TadeusV Use of various methods in am attempted evaluation of the diphtherial and tetaxic component In 3 diphtheria-totasua-whooping cough vas- eives of domestic production. Przogl.epidem. 15 no.2:163-178 161. 1. Z Zakladu Epidemiologii Panstvowego Zakladu Higieny w Warazawie Kierownik: prof. dr J. Kootrzewaki. (TETANUS immunol) (DIPHTHERIA immunol) (WHOOPING COUGH immunol) (VACCINES) ABGAROWICZ, Anna, dr; GAIKKA, Artur; KUKI7, Tadeusz (Warszawa) Studies on the immunizing properties of the tetanus component of enteric tetanus vaccines produced in Poland. Zesz probl nauki Pol 23 241-21-)0 161. Ar 4V GALAZKA.,Artur; ABGAROWICZ,Anna Some observations on the epidemiological situation of diphteiria in Poland during the period 1960-1962. Pediat. Pol. 39 no.2s 191-199 F164. 1. Z ZELkladu Epidemiologii Panstwowego Zakladu Higieny w Warazawie; kierownik: prof.dr. J.Kostrzovski. 401, GALAZKA, Artur; ABGAROWICZ, Anna Evaluation of the i=unizing potency of diphtherJa-tetanus vaccines tested in school children and animals. Med. dosw. mikrobiol. 17 no.2:109-121 t65. 1. Z Zakladu Epideminlogii Panst-wowet.-o Zakladu Higieny w Warszawle (Kierownik Zakladu: prod. dr. J. Kostrzewski). F. ABOARMT07 "The sugar-beet leave3 as a source of fodder not fully utilized" page 72 (NOWE ROLFICTWO. Vol. 2, No. 9, Sept. 1933 SO: East MIC~Qpoalj_~, LC Vol.2, No. 12, Dec. 1953 A 1~1 11; Rolf." ICZ, I 1K. U:xlawa ros-'-ir liastei-rMch i rrz-.:,ch-w:rI,-!nic pis:L. -I;ar5zavra, izinstwowc Wydawn. Folnic-ze i Lesm, 10,55. 72 -... (Cultivation of pastures an! ur-~servation of fo,;d,~,r) DA Not in DLC AMICULTUR:4, 0 L-1. 1111) SO: '.:,~st ',itrop-l-n !,cc E-zUon, Vol. 6, *,'o- 5, ,:,'Y 1957 APGAROWICZ, Franciszek, prof, dr; BURZYNSKI, Bohdan; WISLINSKA, Irena; VITCZAK, Franciazek Fattening of young cattle using ammoniated dry sugar-beet pulp with a differing content of nitrogen compounds in the rations. Zesz probl post nauk roln no.41:101-106 163. 1. Katedra Zywienia Zwierzat, Szkoln Glawns, Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego, Warszawa. Kierownik: prof. F. Abgarowicz. ABGAROWICZ, FranaiBzek., prof. dr; KOTARBINSKA, Maria; CIIACIIULOWA, Jadwiga; WITCZAK, Fran3iszek Different protein levels in the fodder rations and the renults in the production of meat. Zesz probl post nauk roln no.4ltl47-151 163. 1. Katedrs. Zywienia Zwierzat, Szkola Glowna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego, Warszawa. Kierownik: prof. dr F. Abgarowicz. U?norp,y fec~iln., on the In pigs. 2(,nz Frohl. post nniil~: ruiri Papirt.mwit o -I' A r. i iTj,,i I F, ~k!, C f-,..fe (11' tAWr lc t'll re, ivlmrraw. liend: tr;-of,l Ab[!Firt-wi.--,, ir. Animtl Breeding, of ',.ni? Gontrai Collet~i-. lir!an cl AN Z 1 4,141 P-1 I'l Digestibl-lit,/ coefficients of corn silage witi: and withcut qrldition of' uren. -7esz probl post nauk roln no.54-87-8~4 '64. Dept-rtment, if Animal Feerillit" ot, t1w f;oTit'l-11 Gulltfqrt-~ Agriculture, OUMSW, A.B.; ABQ&RUN, D.A. "W"On, Katerials on the study of woods in the cotton fields of Oktamberyan District. Armenian S.S.R. Nauch.trudy grev.un. 64:105-109 '53. (MIRA 11:12) ..s ~ 1. lafedra botaniki Torevanskogo goaudarstvennogo universiteta, (Oktamberyan Diatrict-Weeda) ABGA.RYAIf R,T, - Dynamnelnctric aMlifters used aa romistance componmators and voltage converters for excitation circuits in synchronous generatnr models. Izv.AIT Arm.SSR. Snr.tpkhn.nnuk 11 no.4.'33-14 158. (MIRA 11&10) 1. Vo4no-energetichookly institut AN AmSSR. (Electric goneratore) (Electric circuits) (Inginnoring models) ABGAhYANJ, E T- ixtzh.; SUVARYILN, G.S., inzh. Design of large magnetic amplifiers. Vest. uIektroprom 34 no.6: 31,-37 Ja 163. (miRA 16:7) (Magnetic amplifiers) ABGARYAN, E.T., inzh.; ABOVYAN, V.O., inzh. Testing the heating of large magnetic amplifiers. Vast. elektroprom. 34 no.7:58-59 JI 163, (MM 16:8) ABOARYAN, E.T... inzh.; SUVARYANP G.S., inzhe USO magnetic power amplifiers. Slektrotekhnika 35 no.6s4-7 J'a 164- (MIRA 17: 8) SO V/1 24-519-2-2097 Translation from: Referativnyy ZhUrnal, Mckhanika, 1958, Nr 2, p 85 (USSR) AUTHOR- Abgaryan, K. A. T IT LE: Uo iT-rib-ution to the Theory of the Longitudinal Impact of Elastic Bars (K teorii prodollnogo udara, uprugikh sterzliney) PERIODICAL: Tr. MAI, 1955, Nr 43, pp 54-80 ABSTRACT: Examination of the dropping of an absolutely rigid body oil tile free end of a vertical homogeneous elastic bar, the lower end of which is rigidly clamped. Any transverse displacements of the particles of the bars are disregarded. The problem is solved in its entirety up to the moment of the bouncing back up of the dropping body. The paper does not contain any results that are new in principle. In an attempt to explain the "physics" of the phenomenon, the author makes an incorrect. assertion, narrely, that upon reflection from the clamped end the compression wave would turn into a tension wave (ref. bottom of p 74). N. F. Lebedev Card 1/1 ABGARYAN, K.A., kand. tekhn.nauk k Theory of beams with miji*um weight. prochn. no.8: 136-151 162. (11 Beams and girders) (K[RA 15:8) ACC NRs AP6011991 SOURCE, CODE: UR/0022/65/0?.r-,~Cij2/0003/i)CU:I AU'111OH: Abgaryan, K. A. ORG: 14s~_cow Order of Lenin Aviation Institute im. S. Ordzhonikidze (Moskovakiy ordena Lenina &,viatsionn~y insT1Tu_VT__- TITLE: Reducticn of a quadratic matrix to the quasi-diagonal form and expansion -,to components t i SOURCE: AN ArmSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fiziko-qratematicheskikh nauk, v. 18, no. 2, 1965, 3-14 TOPIC TAGS: mathematic matrix, mathematics ABSTRACT: This paper presents a quite simple method of reducing a uadratic riatrix to the quasi-diagonal fom, The ideas of the method have been prese ted briefry-i= a previous note. Here, the problem Is discussed in more detail and from a somewhat different point of view; nam*ely, the Justification for the method Is made vrLthout the use of Sylvesterts theorem for the expansion of a quadratic matrix into componvrkt.~6 Orig. art. has: 28 formulas. [JPRS1 SUB CODE: 1.2 / SU04 DATE: 16SeP64 / ORIG W : 003 Cnrel 1/1 ARZHARIKOV, H-S-; SADEXOVA.. G.S.; DUBASOV, V.T., ratoenzent; ABGARYAN,JLA,, retsenzentj PRATUSEVICH, G.M., red.; CA-VRIIfiV M., red. i, T.. (Supersonic flow about bodies of revolution) Obtakanie tel vrashcheniia sverkhzvukovym potokom. MoskN-a, Moak. avitatoi- onny~ in-t im. Sergo Ordbonikidze, 1962. 65 p. (MIRA 16:4) (Aerodynamics, Supersonic) I T F. e c 0 m 6 2 0 -.1 0 r 0 r c Cl a A R v n E e m o F I n e n r z r cl -P I n r o d% + fl n r. L ic-4697-65- ACCESSTON AP404C366 PR- signal or t'le automatic control 9ystcn, b(t) is a row natrix defining th,~ liv for the shr~rInp. of the si-gn;), , . - I I . , S 9 - i wel htlap ".a ictlloi, vi thu cc-nvrol system. u(t) is n x n matrix, and a(t) is j Icolumn matrix. Its solution to sought in the 8eneral case when ei- 1genvalues of tba matrix u(t) are close to eich other o z, even coincide'. FOT the solutl~3n of ( 1) a sys tan of in r o r o t a t 1 1 AM e T t 3re tiken f I w h I c Vli!. 11 il V t r, e t, C .1 r, p r-poil e V ~,l I. ~.&r lov ~-141 N. "'. DO&SLI yu~yp-., inen, r ela- r I on 5 a re de ri ve -by tic gns o f wb I ch th e -i Y 9 , ~, r n ct c, t) d f F fe r~n t 1 F, A 'e - !, 1 1 c d i r t r, r, - - '- ; : - - - -- r C m5 Tent i a~ c~qiiatlons F i n ;3 1 y , t h U 0 C' L t f'n L! S 'i t -2 n, d-ire :i to trio- soluti--)n of a ce r t a i n n u mt, i~ r rN i d e r c; r (I r t e f 6! 1 P~ CU I -quakovakiy bviatsionny*y Insti tut tn. S r,l zhonk I d 2a (Hoscow Av-atiov InfL JIUW SUBMITTED. 10 8 Ali r6 4 ATD PRESS - EN CL - 00 SUB CODEi HA NO REF SOV: C OTH E R t 001 2 12