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ABEN) Kh.X._ [Aben, H.) (Tallin) Using photoelastle coatings in investigating -hells. Izv. AN SSSR X- Mekh. i mashinostr. no.6:106-111 N D 164. (MIRA 18:2) M, L 2691-66 M-rr W/E lyr W/E WP (W)/EWP ( v)/EWP(k )/EWP (1 )/EVIA (h )/ETC" M) WW/E ACCESSION NRI AP5021711 UR/0373/65/ODO/004/0070/0076 AUTHORi Aben) Kh. K. (Tallin) 4D ~ TITLE: Quasi-principal stress rotatio.-I in irmostigation of cylindrical shells by the photoelasticity method SOURCEt AN SSSR.. Izvestiya. Nekhanika, no. 4. 1965, 70-76 jTOPIC TAGSi cylindrical shell theory, photoelasticity, stres ordinary,differential equation ABSTRACT* A method is described for deteraining stresses in cylindrical shelles, including the affect of quasi-principal stress rotation. The schamtic of the cylindriciLl shell is shown in Fig, 1 on the Enclosure. The shall ia trans- :illuminated tangentially along the z-axis,, and the various bending~ circumferen- i tialp and tangential stresses are expressed by sin* 0, GV (3,1Y, TX-j =TrV C-03 After some rearrangements., the stresses perpendicular to the z-axis take the form Tv C,,d j13 L 2691-66 ACCESSION NRi AP5021711 These expressions are then substituted into equations of photoelasticityto yie]A the following first order differential equations with a unitary matrizwt !L'!- iozj21,, iv (I E,~ dr'. x1l) E., + b5z,'E, dtj d; These equations are integrated by the Pickard method, and the resulting transcendental equations are solved numerically. For the angle C>(, ~ 0 (angle between the x-axis the initial characteristic direction), the effect of quasi- principal stress rotation is included, A nomogram is constructed such that, by calculating 0~~ and the phase difference 49 , the stresses T and icr can be determined. Some experimental verification is obtained for this method. An alternate method is described for measuring the stresses, stsxting from the shell equilibrium equations. This method is shown to be less accurate than the one described above. "The author expresses his gratitude to M. Fateraon for iprogramming the algorithm for the nomogram and to A. Saar for carrying out the experiment." orig* art, hass 22 equations.and 3 figures, ASSWIATIONt none SUBMITTEM 24Feb65 EMM 01 SUB CODE '44 ME V1 009 OTHERs 008 8004.w2n L 2691-66 ACCESSION MR# APS0217U ita Fig*I Card EWWSM 01 c) ABEN, Kh.K. (Tallin) Optical phenomenons in phot.oelastIc coatings used in invest- igating shells. Izv. AN SSSR. Mekh. no.6:86-87 N-D 165. (MIRA 18:12) 11.) Ileasuring, the phase difference in photoolustic com"ings. I-.v. AIN Est. SSR. Sor.fiz,mat. i tehh.naulc 31, no.2:233- 2 3 6 165. (MlRA 1?:1) 1. InsLltut R'Lbernetiki AN Estow-loy SSR. Submitted July 6; 1964. ACC NRi AT7002115~ CM "SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/66/000/000/0305/0309 iAUTHOR:. Aben, Kh. K.; Saar, A* Yu. ORG: none TITLE: The determination of thermal stresses in two-layer, round shells using the photoelasticity method SOURCE: Vsesoyuznaya konferentsiya po polyarizat:sio~no-opticheskomu metodu issleAo,- vaniya napryazheniy. 5th, Leningrad, 1964. Polyarizatsionno-opticheskiy metod issledo. vaniya napryazheniy (Polarizing-optical method of in~,estigating stresses); tmdy kon- ferentsii. Leningrad, Izd-vo Leningr. univ., 1966, 305-309 TOPIC TAGSi stress analysis, thermal stress, bending stress, photoelasticity, glass property SMM ABSTRACT: The stresses in two-layer round light fixture domes were analyzed using polariscopic techniques, the effects of individual stress components investigated, and mathematical expressions for these components derived. The stresses in the domes Iin which the inner layer consisted of opalescent glass, and the outer layer--common structural glass, can be considered to be axisymmetric. These stresses were deter- mined by tangential transillumination of the domes immersed into a tank. The diffi- culty of this method is that only the outer layer can be penetrated by light, though ACC NRs AT7002115 stresses in both layers have to be measured. ror the particular geometrical dome con-' .figuration only the nonal outer layer Strei-Ises in the direction tangential to the . meridian, and the tangeniial stresses produ(te optical effects. The normal stress con- sists of the following components: 1. chain 4resses, distributed uniformly through- out the thickness of the outer layer; 2. bendirl stre0ses, varying linearly through- out the thickness of the outer layer; and 3. strvsses~due to tempering distributed throughout the thickness of the whole shell accomIng;to the parabolic law. Investi- gations showed that the tangential stresses are neglijible, as are the stresses due to tempering of the particular product. Mathematical expressions for the bending and the chain stresses are given. These formulas can:be used knowing the elasticity modulus, the Poisson coefficient, and thickness of th~ layers in the shell. Once the chain stress is found, the difference in the linear tbermal expansion coefficients for the two types of glass can be calculated. Orig. art. bat: 2 figures, 12 fomu- las. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 14Jun66/ ORIG REF: 005/ OTH REr: 004 1 TOKERI N.I.; ABEND, L.K.; KRATNEVA, E.P. Pbysicochemical investigation of asbestos from various deposits. Nauch. trudy VNIIasbest no-3:62-103 162. (MIRA 16:11) ACCESSION NRI AR4015698 8/0081/63/000/023/040810408 SOURCEI RM Mimiya, Abe. 23M247 AUTHORt Toker, N. I.; Ab~end,,Ls Ko~; Yxaynavap Be pe i TITLE: Physico-chamical investigation of asbestos of various origins CITED SOURCE: Nauchn. tro-Vaes. n.-L. in-t asbasto prom-stit vy*p', 3, 1962# 62-103 TOPIC TAGS: asbestos ABSTRACT: Results are presented of analyses of asbestos fiber of various origins by the physico-chemical laboratory of the NIIAsbest (Asbeet'os'Instituta). The re as ults obtained can serve reference material for certain physico-chemical con- I :tants for asbestos, and also facilitate the identification of the asbestos fiber during the study of now sources of asbestos. The methods of roentgano-chemical and thermal analysis are also described. He S. DATE ACQt 09Jan64 SUB COD39 M- EMCM, 00 !Card 1/1 :Z:~ Cl) 6(0) F11AU I DWK =rLOZTA?ICW SWASW am. xwst*"tva svy&zI. Tekhalebaske" upravle.nlye XOTY" rasx*botki PO organizatall pochtovoy mvyazl; Inforust- mionnyy sbornlit (Mae Developments in the organization or postal Communlestionj Collection of informational Articles) Moscow, svyaz-izdat, 19 166 p. (Sarless Takholka avyasl) I Brvata nal# inserted, 9.1-600 copies printed. Addltlossa Spocsoring Agency: 0331. RInlaterstva svy&zl. Tsents,al'u" aftuchn*-14mledovatellskly instItut. Xest Zd.s A. Is. Vasexan; Zd.s R.A~ Kas4d=l Tech. Ed.s G. FAXtftb. PMLP=s 21aft -1 is intended for pant office workers. COMONt This collection of articles discusses efforts of the Central Scientific - Research Institute or ComwAsleatione VrPDU* &W machanize work processes in postal service establishments. It describes the orl;mnlzatloa of postal functions and ways tu determine the efficiency or meehanued operations. So" azt1cles 41scuss future development of the postal service. Xo personalities am mentioned. Tbare are no references. "a--- V.- ~ Overvaf xachanizat ice or postal Operati ao Madved and A_Ljftatax_ Methods of Calculating _n!~. U and Kcanowle Zff1cleney of Xecbmalzatlon Facilities in Postal Service Istablistopents, 100 V, AjZoetallation, With Severna ZMgre*o or 3slect- IvIty ror Sewl-AutomatLe Sorting of Parcels 1-10 Barsuk, V. A. Xethod or Determining t2w Efflelency of --1WcUwffrNT Pareal Sorting 130 lostroutna A 0 aod X. D. X*6*novlch. System or 'R*cMnlxlng Fr*duetl*n Frocoss4a for ImpedItIng Periodicals in Large ]Postal Service Zatabllsh- seats ATAIIAWAs Library or congress (a W37 R85) Card 4/4 ia/mnb 1-6-60 ABENE, Vladimir,Andrevevich; ZAAKHAROVA, N.Y.,; FEDOROYSLATA, - L.N., red.; KARABILOVA, S.F., tekhn.reds (Blocking relay devices for two-party lines) Blokiratory dlis sparennogo vkliucheniia telefonnykh apparatov. Moskva, Goa. izd-vo lit-ry po voprossm eviazi i radio, 1959. 26 p. (min 13:6) (Telephone--Equipment and supplies) Al-f-ITHAILI, P. P. A new loom with a tricot t.echazdsm. -r. from, 'yssian. p. 12. 101. t'$ 1"o. lCf Oct. 1916. '7`.LTSl(.I%'.2iZATSI!A. T.'.CM, CLC'CY Softia, Lulgaria SO: --ast H'Uro~:ean Accession, Vol. 6, Ko. 3, Mnrch 19~7 ABENOVA, H. . ~ V Derivation of integral equations for the first boii-dary value problem in the mathematical theory of elasticity fLur a hemi- sphere. Vent. All Kazakh. SSR 20 no.8:66-71 Ag 164. (MIRA 17: 11) L 01101-66 EVIT W/91 IT (m)/FUP (W) IJP(C.) EM j'ACCESSION NR: A1150193;.70 I M/0 124/65/000/007/VU04/VO04 SOURCE- Ref. zh. Mekhanika, Abs. 7V22 AUTHOR: Abenova M e o mathematical theory of JITLE- Integral equations in the first boundary value probt r the $elasticity (or a half-space in a cylindrical system of coordhintes ;CITED SOURCE: Sb. nauchno-lealed. robot.. Tashkentsk. tekstflln. In-t. Ser. matem. vyp. 19, 1964, 161-174 TOPIC TAGS: first boundary value problem, Green function, integral equation, coordinitte system TRANSIATION: Green's fimcUon to used In writing Integral equations for cubic expansl()n and curl In a cylindrical system of coordinates for the case of a half-space with an elastic disoacement, vector assigned at Its boundary. Ya. S. Uflyand SUB CODE: MA, AS ENCL- 00 IC.rdl/l NIKITINA, Te.A.; ABINOVA, M.U. Studying microbiological conditions of soils influencingplant growth on reclaimed virgin and idle lands of the turf-Podzolic zone. Trukv Vueso inst. vellkhoz. m1krobiol. 16:5-14 160. (MIjRA 13:9) (Soils-Bacteriology) (Reclamation of land) NaiLe: ABEM, F. Diseertatim: Visual aide iii teaching grades 3 and 4 of the general 8choul; based on material for teachinL!, aritIvietic and explanatory reading Cand Ped Sci Degree: Icow SLate PedagoCical Inst Jiaeni V. 1. lenin Bei*sse Date, Place: 1556, Moccow Source: Knizimaya. Letopis', 140 51, 1956 YAMPOLISKIY, S.M. IAmpollolkyi, S.M.], prof.; VENGEROVSKIY, Ye.O. (Venherovalkyi, IB.O ], vrachl ABER, S.Ya., dotsent; SILELUDIKO, Ye.l. (Sheludlko, B.I.J. I vrac~; KllODOVA;-X.-Z-.-,-Vrr-tlr- In memory of O.M.Fedotova. Pod., akush. i gin. 23 no.6:34 161. (MIRA 15*4) (FF-DOTOVA, OLENA MTKHAILIVNA, 1884-1960) ABSR, Y-Ya., dots. Endocrinological caro in 1956. Yracb.(ielo no-10:1071-107-5 0 157. (NOOCRIIIN GLAIMS-DISNASES) (MIRA 10.112) ABER, V.Ya., doteant (Khnrlkov) r-" "- ' *Zndenic goiter in the Ukrnine. Probl.endok. i gorm. 4 no.2:47-52 Vr-Ap 158 (MIRA 11:5) 1. Is %=ainakogo inatituta ekoperimentalinoy endok-rinologii (dir. - kAnd. mad. nauk S.V. Mnksimova) (GOITER, statistics endemicity in UkrAine (Rue)) ABER, V.Ya., dotsent Surgical treatment of goiter patients in the Ukrainian S.S.R. Probl. endok. i gorm. 10 nc.1:40-41 Ja-F 264. (M1RA 17:10) 1. UkraInskly institu", eksperjmentallhoy andokrino2ogii (dir. S.V. Maksi-mov). AMMI, V.A., dots. (Xharikov) Sixth ten-day session on endoerinologyo Vrach.delo no.8:887 Ag 158 (XKDOCRINOLOGY-CONGRESSES) (MMA 31:8) *,~ ~V.Ya~j** (Xhhrlkov) Problems in the organization of surgical services for goiter patients. Vrach.delo n0,11:1197-1199 W158 (MIRA 3211) I* Ukrainskiy institut eksperimentallnoy endokrinQlogii. (GOITER) (UV.AnW,--TMOID GLW-SURGERY) ABER, V.Ta., dotsent (Mmr'lCov) Seventh ten-day andocrinologr conference In Kharkov. Trach.delo no.lltl2l7-1218 1 159. (MIRA 13-4) (EMOCRINOLOGY) AIM- V.Ya.q doteent (Kharikov) I Two co~o"-Suroencea on eiidocrinology; Yrach.tdolo no.8.t246-147 Ag 6o. (EWWRBOLOGY) (HIRA .13:9) --ABER;,-V.Ya.--- Methode for the eradication of endemic, goiter. Probl. endok. i gorm, 6 no. 5:73-77 160o (MIRA 14:1) (GOITER) ABERv V.Ya. ... Prospects for the control of endocrind diseases in the Ukraine. Probl. ondok- i gorm. 6 no.6:101-105 '60. (MIRA 1412) (UKRAINF--GOITFR) ABER, V.Ya. Some data on the prevalence of endocrine gland diseases, Trud 11~ Ukr.nouch,-isel.inst.eksper.endok. 18s11-1-119 161. (KERA 161, 1. Iz organizatsionno-metodicheskogo otdela Ukrainskogo institute eksperimentallnoy endokrinologii. (ENDOCRINE GLANDS--DISEASES) AB'~J1,;. Jr; dir. EXCERPTA )m-DICA Sec 16 Vol 7/12 10ancer Doc 59 1 *5179. Functional heart changes seen on kytnogram of lung cancer patients (Russian text) APERVIANE1. F. 1".. iCI-ZCII 011CO; 11m., Mim-ow F"JIT. OilAd, 1( 519 ~274- 279) 11% Isla %Wdy (if 74) male patierits witli cmicer J 111c 111119: 47 Ce"tral 1111110"T'N a')d 23 peripheral. Normal kymo rams were ohtaiticd ,It U2 CaSM. III It cases * elotigatiori of Ilie left vclitric2a'r zone was ol)%cr'-cd, %d6le i 11 2.1 patirots functio" disturbances orthe right ventricle were found,a\1% ritle iri cornhiiiatioti with char." in the left ventricular zorm The results of surgical therapy mid flic postopcra, i c course %howed a clear cort-clatiort.with t.11C k-\- ilogrilglic filidirigs. 116% Ineth(A of examiiiation is of value in preparing paui ical operatim. (XV 1, t 5, 18) .-At - - ABERBERG, 0. A. -- "Variation in the Heights of the Points of the Water Gauge Network of the City of Riga.' Latvian Agricultural AcadeiV, 1954. In Latvian (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences) SO: Itvestiya Ak. Nauk Latylyakoy SSR, No. 9, Sept., 1955 L 09103-67 EWr(d)/r--,WT(1) ACC ;TR' ARG034745 (14) SOURCE CODE: UR/0276/66/0001007/BO80/BO80 AUTHOR: Abqrkiyev, S, M, TITLE: Series of axial flow microturbines SOURCE: Ref. zh. Tekhnologiya mashinostroyeniya, Abs. 713491 REF SOURCE: Tr, Kuybyshevsk. aviats. in-t, vyp. 22, 1966, 22-26 TOPIC TAGS: axial flow turbine, turbine design, pneumatic device ABSTRACT: A series of axial flow microturbines was developed in order to obtain! a series of type dimensions of pneumatic turbine motors for the operation of manual pneiimatic drills and other mechanisms with a high number of revolutions (n > 20, GOO revollmin). Research resulted in the selection from the series of turbines of a single-step axial turbine of the active type with .1 belt and cylindrical nozzles with a rounded rim. The turbine has the smallest specific air consump- tion, the smallest diameters and the simplest (drilled) nozzles. Six figures, 1 table. The bibliography has one reference. L. T,,khonova. 'Translation of abstract) SUB CODE: 10, 13 UDC, 621. 9-184. 4-85 Physlco-chcm Ica I p rope rtics and s tructurru of monocrys -,a I I ine Sam? ,Cs 04 ZnSiAS2. A. A. Vaypolin, N. A. Goryunova, E, 0. 05m1nov. Investigation of macrocrystalline ZnSiP2. N. A. Goryunova, A. A. Vaypoiin, Yu. V. Rud'. CA Some properties and zone structure of the ternary compound UG s2- F. M. Gashimizade, N. A. Goryunova, E. 0. Osrznov. Electrical proporties of monocrystalline samples of ZnSnAS2. N. A. Goryunova, F. P. Kesamanly, 0. N. Nasledov, Yu. V. Rud'. investigation of, properties of ZnG(:?2 and CdCeP2. N. A. Goryunova, .N. K. Takhtareva, .1. 1. Tychina. On the question of the existence of homoSeneous riany-camponenE tetra- hedral phases. G. K. Abcrki7ev,~, A- A. Vaynollin, N. A. Goryunova. X-Ray investigation of certain compounds of the type A113IVC2V1 A. A. Vaynolin, E. 0. Osmanov, Yu. V. Rud', 1. 1. Tychina, A. F. Lindin, X. A. Goryunov4, A. F. lyevin'sh. Af-,EP.h(,V, I-i. ', ADE,',t:(.,V, V. -- ',F'f:RATj0II Cf i. or ~,IATJC-u; IN MO-',KC)VSKAYA ('-,LA,'-T." suv 13 JuAt.- 5~, P`c, rcw IN,T or ~Tr~iAniZATION AND ELECT:-' I FICAT I Cli OF' AG,-~JCL'LIV,iE imr.Ni V. '-!. fl!CLOTQV (Dt!;!:ERTATiotj rei-" -~,E f)CGF,FE GF CANDIDATE jN TE:ct,r.#cAL Scir.-;ct:5) '-~C : VEChfQNAYA 13.0,RVA, JANUARY-I)CCEPICUER 1`52 STIRSHGHEYSKIT, Bronislay StaAislayovich- ABZKOT X.Ss, red.- AMNOVSKIT, B,N., red j BANTAM. A.T. , red.,; GLUX0, T.G., red.; GORCONTS, P.Z.i recl:; DMUMTRA. A.P., rod.; T213=t AsVo. red.; XISJrAWo I.I., red.; KOGANOV, A*B.. red.; KWRATITV, N.A., red.; KMMSECP. V*Aol red.; KWAIFOV, A.L. red.; RMATIN. M.D.. red,; ?I=, Nal-9 red.; LVEW, B*Ya., red.; MAKHOTA. N,N., takhn. red.; GORIKOTA, Z.D., tokhn, red, (Utilization of tractors and machinery] Bkopluatatelia mawhinno- traktornogo parka. lzd*3.. perer. Xookva, Goo. izd-vo oel'I*ow. lit-ry, 1958. 66o p. (XIRA 11210) (Agricultural mehinery) ABERKO S dotsent Effect of open furrows on the yield increasing the total yield of grain. (Plowine) of field crops and measures for Trudy MD1ESKH 6:123-178 159. (MIRA 14:5) ~ ABEUOV, M-S-,-kand-tekhn-nauk, dotsent Zffectiveness of using reversible plows. Izv. TSM no.6sl67-172 16o. (MMA 13:12) (Plows) ABERK _-MMI-Nae-I Lightweight compression device. Stroitell no.5:9 Ply 161. (MIRA 1416) (compressors) (spray painting) -ABERKOY_,_Yevpniy MikbayjQvicb.. inzh.; ZIIELUDKOV, Vladimir Ivanovicb,, J zz AIAKTIONOVp A.A*j nauclWy red.j TELINGATER, L.A., red.j S.) MSON, M.N., tekhn. red# [Yanual for training and raising the qualificatioro of plasterers] Posobie dlia podgotovki i povyshenila Inralifikateii shtukaturov. Moskva., Proftekhizdat 1961. 191 p. (M3RA 24slO) (Plastering) A '~~X -RPTA 1:7MCA 'sPc 6 Vol 13/0 Internal Led. Auj- 4107. FOUR CASES OF UNTOWARD ACTION OF PIIENYLBUTAZONE N,'~gy pheniIbutazon-sz6vi5dm6nyes esetr8l -._Al_ejr I e L. and V a r g a F. llajdu- Bihar Megyei Tandes K6rhAza, H. oz. Belos-ztlT-Roxl. - ORV. IIETIL. 1958, 99/ 13 (449-451) One case showed an erythema multiforme syndrome. a second gastric perforation, and in the other 2 an ulcer was activated. The pathogenesis of phenylbutazone complications to discussed and the possibility of prevention of side effects to pointed out. E~;)' Otto, dr.; ABYRU, lajoa, dr.; BAN, Andras, dr.; HLRASZTI, Antal,dr. Two cases of pannyelopathy caused b7 drugs. Orv hatil 95 no.16: 446-447 Ap '54. (NEAL 3:8) 1. A Debreconi Varosi Tanace Korhaza (igasgago: Maranyi Klara dr.) Belosztalyanak (foorwoo: Aborle Lajoa,-dr.) as a debraceni Orvoutudominyl Ngyatem I, as. Balklinikajonak (Igasgato: Fornet Bela raf.) as Korbonctani Intesetanak (igazgato: Kellner Bela prof.~ kozlomnnyo. (BONN WNW$ die. *pannVolopathy, caused by bydantions & oulfathiazoles) (HYDANTOINS, inj. off. SULTATHIAZOLI, inj. off. opmWelopathy) *pannqelopathy) m IAJOCPw-Ab=2e, Dr.; VARUA. Ferenc, Dr. Four cases of complic9tion in phanylbutazone therapy. Orv. hatil. 99 no.13:449-451 30 Mar 58. 1. A Ha.idu-Bihar Mogyei Tannes Korhaza (igazgato: Manyi Geza. dr.) Il. az. Beloostalyanak (foorvos: Aberle Injon dr.) kozlemanyo. (PIMNYMUTAZONB. W. off. cane reports (Hun)) ABIRLI, Injon, 11r.; HAJDU, Jeno, Dr.; VARGA, Ferenc, Dr.; SZOOR, Joseef, Dr. Experiences with the complex therapy of peripheral vascular diseases. Orv. hetil. 99 no.46:1613-1615 16 11ov 58. 1. A Hnjdu-Bihar Megyei Thnacs Korhaz (1gazgato: Manyi Ge2a dr.) IL sz. Beloazta 4anak (foorvos: Aberle lajos dr.) kozlemenye. (y.kScullul DISEASES. PERIPHERAL, ther. intra-arterial drug ther. as adjuvant of ourg. evaluation (Hun)) AMM14, Bffectivineos of therapeutic pneumothorax. in conbination with antibacterial preparations; inmediate results. 19 no.10:47-50 0 '55. (MIRA 8:12) 1. 12 dispansernogn tuberkulesnogo otdelaniya (nach.A.A. Abi~rrwn) Dornzhnoy bollnit8y no.2: Yugo-zapadnoy zhelatnoy dorogi (nach. G.I.Zubko) (UMBRCWSIS, PULMONARY, therapy pneumnthorax with chemothor) (PNW.IOTHORAX, ARTIFICIAL with chemother. in pulm.tuberc.,) (CHENOTHERAPY. in various diseagos tuberc.,jmilm., withprtif. pneumothorax) IM.AEOV, M.A., prof,', ABKRJWAN9 A.A., XSHANOVSKIY, S.A., PRZHFVALISKAYA, L.A. RH VUL I , R. M. Causes of failure and outcome of prolonged antibacterial therapy of cavernous pulmonnry tuberculosis [with summary in French]. Probl.tuh- 36 no.6:16-28 158 (MIRA 11:10) 1. Iz Ukrainskogo instituta tuberkuleza imeni F.G. Yanovskogo (dir. dots. A.S. Mamolat). (TUBERCULOSIS, PUI&IONARY, ther. chemother. in cavitation, causes of failure (Rus))) '--ABIRMANS A.A. Immediate results of treating patients with newly deteced destruc- tive pulmouary tuberculosis. Pat., kliu.1 terap,tub. n0-81139- 143 158. (MM 13:7) 1. Is dispausernogo tuborkulesnogo otdoleniya Dorosbnoy bolinitay No.2 Yugo-Zapadnoy shelesnoy dorogi (naeb. - M. Zubko) nauch"y rukovoditall prof. X,,A* Xlebanov. ABIRMIX, A.A. Hxperiencee with the organization of outpatient chemotherapeutic services for tuberculotic patients. Probl.tub. 37 no-5:6-10 159. (MIRA 12:10) 1. Is protivotubarkuleznogo dispaneera Yixgo-Zapadnoy zhelesnoy dorogi (Kiyev). (TUBIRCULOSIS - therapy) .ABERMANp A.A. (Kiyev) Organization of treatment for patients with the first signs of destructive pulmonary tuberculosis. Vrach.delo no.10:95-99 0 160. (MIRA 13:11) 1. Dispansernoye protivotuberkuleznove otdeleniye Dorozhnoy bollnitay No.2 Yugo-zapadnoy zheleznoy doragi (konstulltant - prof. M.A. Klebanov) (TUBERCULOSIS) KISBANOV9 M,A,g prof* (Kiyav)j prinimall qphaotiy-et BF.RkZITSKIYp A*Vo (KIYOV);' FEMIt P.P.; SAVMOTI D.I.; TARLNENKO, M.I~_; 19=4Mp M.A.; BORSHCHEVSKIY, M.L.-Odessa); VILINYANSKIY, L.I. (Kharikov); KULAKOVA, A. tS SOKOLOVAv Yu.I. (KharIkov)j,.A_UW S imoferopoll); FUKS, R.A. (Dnapropetrovsk); BEZNOSOVAp Zh.A, (Vinnitsa); PMUP N.P.Uhitomir); SIDORENKO, G.P. (Chernovits'.T); DIYACHENKOj N.S. (Stanislav). Reduotion in the periods of therapeutic'pneumothorax foUowing its use-in combination Ath antibacterial theppy, Irach. delo no.' 12: 36-40 D 160. (MIRA 14:.1) 1, Ukrainskiy institut tuberkulema imeni F,G*Y ovakpgo (for Klebanov). 2: DJ.sp&mer Yugo-Zapad4ykh zheleznykh dorog ( C A~erman). A (PNEUMOTHORAX) (TUBERCULOS~O) ABERMO) A.A-j A Effectiveness of treatinj, destructive pulrow,11- tubcrculosls diagnosed for the first time. Probl. tub. 42 no.9:32-35 164. (MIRA 18:12) 1. Tuberkuleznoye otdeleniye dorozhnoy bollm.tsy No.2 Yllf:,O-Zapadnoy zhele7-noy doroj_j, Klyev. ABEWMP L. 0.; SAVIN, 1. V. Safety pipe wre4ches. Mashinostroitel' no.12:21 D 162, (MIRA 16:1) (Wrenches) AMRNANO L.O. --- Attachment for cutting screw threads on lathes. Mashinostroitell ~ no.6s2l A 162. (MIRA 160) (Lathes-Attaciments) ARKRMLII, Ye.;S.; ROYZMAIT, Ye.Ya. . ........... Rvalu tion of Wassermann's reaction with dried serums. Vest. vener. no.2:28-29 Mar-Apr 1951* (CLML -~0:9) 1. Of Vinnitea Oblast Sanitary Epidemiological Statior- (Head Physician-A.A. Zubehenko)o GABOVIGHt R,D,j ABEBYANO Te*S* 0staphylococcal food intoxications" by A.I. Stolmak va. Reviewed by R.D. Gabovicht E.S. Abormamw Vop. pit. 19 no. 6t88-90 N-D 160. I (HIRA 13: 10) (FOOD POISONING) (STAPHYLOCOCCAL INFECTIONS) (STOLMAKOVA, A.I.) t)-/92I /EXP (k) L ),56521-66 -ze e 1117,4P ACC KAt AU7HCR: Abermann, Laszlo; Hollot Tiborne ORG: noni TITLEs Mea"ement of the syscific surface Wya of re SOMCE: Kohaszati lapok, v. IOP 1965, 466-471 TOPIC TAGS: powder metallurgy, metal. powder ABSTRACT: The following subjects are discussed: Theory of the determination of specific surface area through the measurement of perm-ability; practical methods of measurement and experience with the Blaine apparatus; determination of the apparatus constar.te,, li'mits of measureny nt and obstacles to measurability. Orig. art. has: 1 figure and 31 formulas. [-.3ased on authors' Eng. abst.) UPR501 SUB CODE: 11. / SUBH DATE: none / GRIG REF: 005 1 Card 1/1- fv UDC: ~ 74. ABEqn"-.A-- Carrying out our pledges* Kons.i ov.prom 17 no.12:5-6 D 162a I (MIRL 35 02) 1. Namanganskiy komorvnyy mavod. (Namangan-Canning industry) 0 1 1 i A 1. 1, Inth.) SEGAL, Ye.j., filzIl. Rectitying device for switching-on high-voltttge bvitches. Prom. energ. 20 n0.1111--15 Ja 165. (MlRA 18:4) ABERT, Dageniusz; WASYUJK, Januen Bretylium toluene sulfate in the treatment of arterial hyper- tension. Pole tygo lek, 20 no-4tl36-138 25 Ja 165 1. Z IT Klinik-1 Chorob Wewnetrznych Studium Dookonalenin lekarzy w Akademil Medyoznej w Warsz-&wie (Kierownik: prof. dr. mad. E. Ruzyllo). GRITSUN, M. (Sumskaya oblast'); ABXR'YANOV, M. (Moskovskaya oblast'). Protect the apparatus from premature wear. Kinomekhanik no.4:38 AP '53. (MLRA 6:6) (Moving-picture projectors) BAKUMME. A.K.; ABESADZE, A.I.;,SIKHARULIDZE. A.1. j7 Role 0 and stomach nerves in Inhibiting the secretory function of the stomach during strong StiMUI&tiOnB Of Stomach wechanoreceptors. Soob. AN Gruz. SSR 19 no.6:717-722 D '57- (min 11:6) l.Tbillaski3r gosudaretvennyy meditsinskiy institut. 2. Chlen- korrespondent AN G?uzSSR (for Bakuradze). (STOMACH-SECHSTIONS) (STOMACH-INNERVATION) (YAGUS NERVE) USSR/11man and Aniual Physiology. Digestion. The Stomach. T-7 Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Diol., No 12, 1958) 55713. Author ',Jb~esadze~- Inst Title The Role of Receptors in the Secretory Activity of the Stomach. Oria Pub-, Dyul. eksperim. biol. i meditsiny, 1957, 44, 110 7, 30-34. Abstract: In dogs vith an isolated Pnvlov or Goydenhayn ~ 11cidenbain-7 ventricle) a strong irritation of the stonach's mehanical receptors by a rubber ball or by an instantaneous ingestion of large anounts of food, caused inhibition of gastric juice secre- tion. An instantaneous ingestion of large amounts Card V2 USSR/Humn and Animl Physiology. Digestion. Vic Stomch. T-7 Aba Jour: Ref Zhur-Diol., Wo 12, 1958, 55713. of food inhibited the conditional reflex sharply. It also inhibited the unconditional reflectory saliva secretion. Card 2/2 99 KIKHADZE, V.D.; A1111,;SADZE, A.I.; DOLIDZI,',, F.r. (Tbilini) Role of the liver in the blood coagulation system. pat. fiziol. j eksp. terap; 5 no.6:6i-62 11-D 161. (111 15 '- 4) 1. Iz Instituta perelivaniya krovi imoni akademika G.Mukhadze Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya Gruzinskoy SSR. (LIVER) (BLOOD-COAGULATION) AMSADZE, Avtandil Josifovichj SIKHARULIDZE, Aleksey lvanovich (Effect of blood transfusion on tbe functional activity of the principal digestive glands] [Mianie perelivaniia krovi na funktsionallnuiu doiatellnost' glavnykh pishchovaritell- nykh zhelez. Tbilisi, Izd-vo "Sabohota Sakhiirtvalo") 1904. 11,8 p, [In Georgian] WIRA 1715) A-i.3ESAM'E, A.I. Some problems of the mechaiism of the effect of blood transfusion on the secretory activity of the stomach. Soob. Ali Gruz. SSR 229 no.2:209-214 Ag 162. (MIRA 180) 1. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy Institut perelivaniya krov-1 imeni akademika G.M.Mukhadze, Tbilisi. Submitted February 9, 1961. ABESADZE, A.I. (Tbllisi) Effect of blood transfusion and its curponents on the seerstwry activity of the stanaoh. Pat, fdziol. i ek8p. terap. 6 no.3s 53-57 Itr-JO&Z (MIRA 17t2) 1. Iz NaucIr-o-iseledovatel'skogo institata perelivsniya krov-i imeni akademika G*M. Mukhadz" ~Linisteratva zdravookhranemiya GruwW-R (direktor - kand, med. nauk Sh.17.Epatnmhvi3~'.). ABESADZE, A.I. (7bilisi) Ft-;M-U-ift-t,-1n-'g' effect of blood transfusion on the secretory %t:- tion of the stomach. Pat. fiziol, i eRap. terap. 7 no.3:33-36 My-Je'63 (MIRA 170 1. Iz nauchno-issledovatel'skogo instituta perelivaniya krovi imeni akademika G.M. 1+jkhadte Hinisterstva zdravookhraneniya Gruzinskoy SSR. ABESADZE, A.I. Change in the secretory activity of the stomach following blood- letting and blood tVnsfugion. Probl. gemat. i perel. krovi 8 no.llt45-49 N 163. (MIRA 17:12) 1. Iz Nauchno-iseledovatellsko o institute. perelivaniya krovi imeni akademika G.M. Makhadze Idirektor Sh.V. Egnatashvili) Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya Gruzinskoy SSR. TKESHEU.SJ1V1L1v T.V.; KEVLISHVILI, G.Ye.; ABESADZE, A.1. , Significance of plasma substitute made from gelatin in the complex therapy of acute radiation sic)mess. Soob. AN GruzSSR 371 no.2:475- 479 F 165. (MIRA 18:3) BABIV,DZE, , A.' -k.-,and r IN ko I avev 11 ",; an-, c I i. kle?sey Ivanovich - 11 [GIvu,ges in the functional stato of the alimentary center in starvation and satiat-Ionj ImmenenUit funktvionallnogo :3ostoianiia pishchavogo tsentra prI golode I visy:;hchenil. Tbi.lisj, Metsnleroba., 1965. 110 1). 1s-10) lk-LVI-L-Wiv"I, U.- YC..WINATA;AIVILIJ 6h. V. '.- ABEWSADUZE11 "The preservation of humui bone marrow and its use in the treatment of radiation sickness." report submitted for 10th Cong, Intl Soc of Blood TranBfusion, Stockholm, 3-8 Sep 64. A MUM, B. 1. DECEASED 1962/7 c. ig6o COAL IMMIG see ILC ,~)J of G ron-ir, n S'R. i Tr !),-Free o" VAKRANIYA, Ye.K.1 NIK-URhDZEt G.N.;.~BESAD~~, D,0_14.01 GEGELIDZE, K.I. Possible oil and gas occurances in Mesozoic sediments of western Ge6rgia. Trudy VNIGNI no.15:66-78 159. (MMA .14:6) (Georgia-Petroleum geology) (Georgia-G&O, Natural-Geology) NANITASHVI-1.1, G.V, Pro-ip,jets for finding oil iml gas In the Mesozoic rind '.cwor J-11(jogenic sedintints of the Troargh rticordirp to hydrogeolcgit, dpt.q. N~3fttyaz.gnol. I geofiz. no.2.,,'7_12 164. (.mjqk 17;.',) 2. Fe-.,nplekshayq laborato-zlya Vsoaoyuznogo nauchno-issledovatel'skogo neftyanyo institutu GruzS.'-'.R. IJIKURADZE, G.N.1 ABMADZE, D.M. Comparative obaraoteriatios of the correlation of the strumtural stagea of the Yesozole and Cenozoic of the Kolkhida Lowland. Neftegaz. geol, i geofix. no.lltl6-19 164. (MIRA 180) 1. Gruzinakaya kouplekan4a laboratoriya Veasoyuznogo nauchno- issledovateltakogo goologorazVedochnogo neftyanogo inatituta, Moakva. Country : USSR Cate3ory: Cultivatcd rlan~s. Grains. j'.bs Jour: RZhBiol-, Nc, 11, 1958, IR,4M t.ut' or 1,besadze C; I Inst ChjorgffLl~tr-~iltural Inst Title SOLIO Maturials or, hybridization of Com Varictiee in Guoral-,. Orig Nb: Tr. Gruz. in-ta, 1957, 46, 89-98 Abstrnrct: No abstract. Ca ixI 1/1 M--38 - ABESADZE, M.B.; SHENGELIYA, D.M. Ancient sedimentary metamorphic roe(a of the Khram crystalline massif. Soob. AN Gruz. SSR 26 no.3:527-530 My '61. (MIRA 14:8) 1. Geologicheskiy institut AN GruzSSR, Tbilisi. Prbdstavleno akademikom G.S. Notsenifte. (Khram Valley--Rocks, Crystalline and metamorphic) CHOGOVADZEq G.Lp red.; GOMLAUR19 N.G.f red.; DZHCtIARDZHIDZE, G.S.9 red.1 GABUNIYA, A.A.p red.; CHIAYEVt I.S., red.; GANGIAj A.K.v rod,; ABESADZE N X red*; YAM-OVA, A., tekhn. red. (Forty years of Georgian industries, 1921-19611 PromWshlonnost' Gru- zii za 40 lotp 1921-1961 g.g. Tbilisi, izd-vo "Zaria Vostoka 1961. 253 p, (MIRA 1081 1. Georgia. Ekonomicheskiy administrativnyy rayon. Sovet narodnogo khozys-tystva. (Goorea-Industries) T ACCESSION NR. AP4033104 S/0120/64/00010OZ/0043/0046 IA U T HO R: Ab e gAd Doydzhashvili. 0. L; Lltvin, D. F.' Lvaihchcnko, D. G.; Protopopov, N. N.; Chikobava, V. S. T ITLE: Universal UvJ~c for neutron-diffraction structure an.,-lysis SOURCE: Pribory* i tekhnika eksperimenta,/WO. 2, 1964, 43-46 ZOPIC TAGS: neutron diffraction, structural eivilyzols, neutron diffractim analysis diffzactometor, neutron collimatprp neutron monochromator ABSTRACT: A newdevIce combining the features of those described byBorfit ond Stailor (Rev. Scient. Instrum. , 1953, 24, 141) and Wollan and Koehler, (Phys. Rev., 1955, 100, 545) consists of three mechanically.independent compo- I nents: a neutron collimator I (see Enclosure 1), a crystal monochromator 2, and adiffractometer. The collimator ifi formed byH50 -alloy 0.1-mm sheets with Z-mmgaps. The monochromator includes a Pb 10x80x200-m=plate cut fro.-na 1/3 IACCESSIONNR: AP4033104 single crystal and fastened to a goniometer. The diffractometer can be adjusted to any wavelength from 1. 5A to the "white" radiation. Proportional c6unters filled with BF, at 400 torr with up to 8616 B` are used for neutron detection. Three neutron-diffraction curves are shown; design details are supplied. "The assembling and testing of the first laboratory model of the devlwwere carried out by V. I. Gomanskov, N. V. Grin)kin, S. A. Vyaxevwkiy, D. F. Lity-In, A. A. Loshmanov, and B. G. Lyashchenko. Orig. art. has: 4 figures. ASSOCIATION: Institut metallovedeniya i fiziki metalloy TsNIIChM (Institute of Metal Scienoe and Physics of Metals, TsX11ChM)i Instiltut fiziki AN GruxSSR (Institute of Physics, AN GruxSSR) SUBMITTED: 30may63 ATD PRESS:- 3046 ENCL: 0 1 SUB CODE: Np NO REF SOY; 001 OTHER: 003, 2/3 ACCESSION NRt AP4033104 ENCLOSUREs 01 Figs Is Universal device for neutron-dLf fraction studies I - Collimator; 2 - crystal monochromator; 3'- channell 4 - womgear; 5 - stage; 6 - support Plate; 7 - console; 8 - detector; 9 - electric motor; 10-electromagaetio clutch. Card. 3/3 Pop, "Mit m Pm. mum ~ z i: ni r, i ~~,,:n, ; -,;, -1 E ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ v I' 74F F - , , ri -. L 2ZqZj-66 E'NT(d)/FSS-2 GS/JXT~CZ) ACC NR1 M6012356 SOURCE CODE: Up/ooo0/66/OO0/Oo0/o24q/O252- AUTHOR: Abesadzep T4. B. MftlikaAz!~ IN. L. ; Chkbeidze, M. V. Shekrilafte., V. 1. ORG., none TIM: High-current converter of 1~wvoltage levels into a code q 6/7 SOURCE- Nauchno-tekhnicheskayA kc;nferentsiya po sredstvam prou7shlennoy telemekhanin . Moscow, 1963. Pron7shlennaya teleme6anika (Industrial telemechanics); materialy kon- ferentaii. Moscowp Izd-vo Energiyap 106, 249-252 TOPIC TAGSt coding) binary codej, analog digital encoder, optic communication, fiber optics ABSTRACT: In view of the sensitivity of low-voltage levels to extraneous noise and the concomitant need for the use of amplificwtion in each individual channelp the authors have developed a converter in which the level is measured by adeflecting-beam instriunent,. and in which the beam def2ection Is converted Into a digital signal by means of a light-sensitive instrument (Fig. 1). The accuracy of such a converter de- pends both on the accuracy of the meter employed and on the minimum, distance which separates two neighboring light-sensitive elements. If several light-sensitive ele- ments are installed at each scale divisionp and if these elements are suitab]'y ar- ranged in columns,, it is possible to code the results of the conversion In accordance with a prescribed law. A standard meter with sensitivity of several millivolts per scale division can be used. If an electrodynamic meter is used, it is possible to lob- tain in discrete code the amplitude of sinusoidal oscAllations at any instant of timep Card V2 L 2,(,o?4-0'6 ACC NR: AT6012356 something which cannot be done with any other ermerter without the use of a regtifier. The code mask is placed on the surface of the focusing member of Artment, and the scale can be the ins printed photographically. Methods of eliminating the scale nonlinearity have .been developed. The use of fiber ikoPtics can improve the resolution and the accuracy. Different types of op- tical fibers, with length of 30 em, were tried. Types FW-27 and FEU-31 photomultipliers were tested., and the latter turned out to be more sensitive. A scale of 100 divisions (10 binary Fig. 1. Diagram of converter witb digits) with measurement accuracy 0.1% focusing mirror. calls for the use of an optIcQl nAsk of 0.336 x 0.6 m area, and a maximum width of the light beam of 136 The actual width chosen was 80 p. A signal of the order of 0.5 volts was obtained in all digitia. Orig. art. has: 1 figure. [021 SUB CODE: oq/ sm rATE -. o8jan66 / ATD PRESS: y Card 2/2 TAVADZE, F. N.; SAKVARMIME, T. N.; ABESADZE, TS. N.; DVALI, T. A. Making iron in ancient Georgia by bushening. Trudy Inpt. met. AN Gruz. SSR 11:95-108 161. (MIRA 14:10) (Georgia-Wrought iron) AT ESSATC,'..'CV. 1, 5, Candidute of Vatt.-rir,,,.ry O'clenc..,s EUTYRINA, S. Junior Scientific Coworker, (msk Scir.-nt!"Ic RoBarrch V-~!terinnry Institute. An attem-A. at treating mating disetso of hors.-as with sovaroen. Source: Voterineriya; 25; 6; June Ic,)/.S: v-ncl TAECC-N ABETOV_.__Ye.M. . Typas of Upper Jurassic cross sections in southwestern spuri of the Gissar Range and their zonal distribution. Uzb.geol.- zhur. 6 no.4:0-52 162. (MIRA 150) 1. Ttishkentakiy politekhnicheskiy institat. (Gissar Range--Rocks, Carbonate) ABSTOV, re. M. Structure of the Upper Jurassic carbonate fomation In the southmotern M=a of the Giamr Range and some data on the paleogeographlo conditions of its fornation. Uzb. geol. shur. 6 no.5132-39 162. (KIRA 15:10) 1, Tanhkentskiy politeMniobaskiy inetitut, (Gissar Range-Rocks# Carbonate) MUMNOT, B.V., kEtndid&t biologichookikh nauk, uchitell biologiij ABBUIWO Repetitive test lessons in zoology. 31ol. v shkole no.5t43-45 3-0 157. (XLRA 16:0 1. Srednyaya sbkola No.54, Allm-Ata (for N-*hanov). 2, Alma-PAtinakiy gosudarstvenn" pedagogichookiy inatitut (for Abeyev). (Alma-Ata-Zoology-Study and teaching) ANNFNKOV, G.; ABEYDULINA, V. Determining the index of the level of mechanization in the enterprises of the confectionery industry. Biul.nauch. inform.: trud i zar. plata 5 no.3:26-30 162. (WRA 15:3) (Confectioners) ANRENKOV2 G.V.; ABEIDULINA2 V.A. Method of deternining the mechanization level of production in confectionery enterprises. Khlebei kondoprom* 6 no.6:17-21 is 162. (MIRA 15:7) 1. Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy institut konditerskoy promyehlonnosti, (Confectionery-Equipment and supplies) ABEYDVLUIA,,,.V.A.; ANNENROV, G.V.;YEPKHIYEVA, L.G.; VOROB11TVA, L.I., red. [Methodology for determining the level of production mechani- zation in confectionery enterprises] Notodika oprodelonila urovnia mekhanizataii proi,-,vodstva na predpriiatiiakh kondi- terskoi pronWshlemosti. Moskvap Izd-vo "Pishchevaia prou7sh- lennost'," 1964. 1`9 p. (MIRA 17:4) 1. Moscow. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut kon- diterskoy promy.-hlennosti. 2. TSentralInyy nauchno-issledova- tellskiy institut konditerskay promyshlonnosti, otdol ekonomiki (for Abeydulina, Annenkov, Yepkhiyeva). VIASOV I I.I.0 kand. istor. nauk, dote.; APjqDU44Ns-~,,K.,'Aand. ist.naukv dots. polkovnik; KOVAM", S.S.,, kande istonauk., dots., polkamik; SHMAYEV, M.G.. kand. iet.nauk, dots., polkovnik; SHCHEDEMIOV., V.F., kand. ist:nauk, dots.; CHEBUSHKV, I.V.p polkovnik, red.; KUZIMIN, I.F., tekhn. red. [Party and political work in the Soviet Armed Forces; a textbook for military schools] Partiino-politicheskaia rabota v VooruzhenrWkh Si- lakh SSSR,- ,A-hebnoe posobia dlia voenrWkh uchilishch. Monkvaq Voen. Izd-vo M-va oborony- SSSR, 1961. 291+ p. (MIRA 14-12) (Russia-Armed Forces-Political activity) A.". 36469. Sluchay Mclieniya r'ionne-v- I motoral-sa. Vyp. 5, S. 5-,-57 StrentoTrItsinom Kolibatsillyarnor7o 's Vorrosy Pe(iia*rii I Okhrany Materinst-va I Det tva, 1949 SO; Letorls' Zhurnallnykh Statey, Vol. 49, ',,!oskva, 10,49 ROMM, R. L.t AMMUZg A. M. Importance of prothrombin determinstion in the blood for evalua- tion of liver runction in certain children's diseases. Vopr. pediat, 18t4p 1950. p. 34-9 1, Of the Departwnt of Hoppital Pediatrics (Head--Prof. A, F, Tur),, Lanir.1grad Stato Pediatria Medical Institute (Acting Director-Prof. IV. A. Kotikov). CLML 192 58 Nov.0 1950 UVV, Momeation of det!rMina6m Of Abe, U, (p.0111pad ',jatt Pvdwtl~ ~ i~ I 10kh,a"Y Y41 P'T fed Pe its C%I,ts. hal't shown 20. ,a. 2. 4 5- . wh,g to deficiency Of the %' factug tar has no effect w the ~-~d phaw that Lkck of 11104-4 el"TI&C tion "I thrombin. can,wcilf and that the of Clotting. It I, effective only In lumn he obtAined from SatisfAct mdard thrombollutin C2 f ljo~rd by Insc- human In Sbu, defatting by celltrifugifig- 0 ed with tivati4m for 11 Min - at 58-. This (0.1 MI.) J4 l"At 0.1 nd. of CaCt, man. and kept 10 wc *at 37.2-7.4'. tbtn las" is added a.d CkAting tinm detd. 0. 1 nit of test Ko-oupoff 11me Is 23-5 sec. . .. - I- 1."J ABN,UUZ, A.M.;ROZKIU, R,L, Determination of prothrombin time in liver function test in certain diseases in children. Vopr. pediat. 20 no. 5:28-33 3OPt-Oot 1952, (GIKL 23:3) 1. Assistant for Abosgens; laboratory Physician for Roskina. 2. Of the Department of Hospital Pediatrics (Head - Honored Worker in Science, Prof. A. -7. Tar. Oorresponding Plember AM)$ Leningrad State Pediatric Medical Institute (Director -- Prof. N. T. Shatoya). 1. ABEZGAUZ, A. 2. ussR (6o')) 4. Ilemophil ila 7. Case of hemorrhagic diathesis r-~sulting from "prothrmbinasell insufficiency. Klin. ned. 30 no. 10 1952. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, March 1953. Unclassified. -, . A ': K mi, -- - ~ i MR M10 W-POTMAW'"M WIA ABZZGAIM, A.M., kandidat meditsinskikh nauk. Clinical aspects of sodoku disease In children. 17 no-Il-33-38 N '53. (K6U 6: 12 1. In kafedrv gospitallnoy pediatrii (savedayushchiy - daystvitellmy chlen Akadesil seditsinakikh nauk WSR professor A.F.Tur) Leningrad- skogo pediatriahookogo meditsinskogo Instituta. (Children-Diseases) (Fever) ABXZGAU7,. A.M. Treatment of diffuse glomeralonsphritis of tuberculous etiology In children. Pediatr1la no-3:MY-Je '55 (KMA 8:10) 1. 1z kafedry goopitallnoy pediatrii (zav.daystvitol'ayy chlen Xkademit meditsinskikh nauk SSSR zaaluzhomW d eyatell nom, I prof. A,F.Tur) loningradekogo pediatrichankogo meditsinskogo instituta ( N.T.ShutoTa) (GIDYGMAWCPHRITIS, in Inf. and child CO.-Used by tuberculosis renal) (TURMEMMIS, RINkL. in inf and child cmaiv,-, diffuse glomerlilonephrit'.w) ABEZGAUZ, A.M. System of hemostnBis nnd hemophilin; review of liter,,ture. PedlAtrlia 16 no-3:88-95 Mr 156. (MIRA 11:3) 1. 1% knfedry gospitallnoy pedintrii (znv.-daystvitel'nyy chlen AlIll SSSR nrof. A.F.Tur) Leningrndskol-o pedintricheskogo meditsinskogo institutn (dir.-prof. N.T.Shutovn) (HEMORRHAGE) (HRMOPHILIA) AREWAM, A. M.: Doe Wd Sci (diss) -- "Hemorrhagic states In children and as- pects of blood coagulation In them". Leningmd, 19559. 18 Dp (It3nlw~lma Pediatric Wd Dist), 250 coPies (KL, 110 15, 1959, 118) ABEZGAUZ,, AlsksoMr Itoiseyevich for Doc*IW of MedAO&I Scl; me" on the basis of dissertation defended 30 mar 59 in Um G ouncil of *W LenUomA Pediatric Uedtm3r Insti*k*ep entitleds "Hemorrhagic Conditiono 0 in Children and ZLO14M f LOSfiUj&tIOn 0 0 ir, Ift (Euvisso USSRt 2-61, 19) ABE20AUS, A.M. Peoudohemophilia as a result of an insufficiency of factor VII (convertin) in a newborn girl. Pediatriia 39 no.307-79 Mr 161. (MM 104) 1. Iz kafedry gospitalinoy pediatrii (zav. - deystvitel'My chlen AM SSSR prof. A.F. Tur) Leningradskogo pediatricheakogo meditainskogo instituta. (RDtOPHILIA) (INPANTS (NSWBORN)-DISLASES) ABEZGAUZP A.-M.; KUCHFR, L.S. Familial and congenital forms of hypoconvertinemia in childhood. Vop.okh.mat.1 det. 7 no-9:31-35 S 162. (MIRA 15t12) 1. Iz kafedry gospitallnoypediatrii (zav. - deystvitellnyy chlen AHN SSSR prof. A.F.Tur) Leningradskogo pediatricheskogo me4itsinskogo instituta (rektor - dotsent Ye.P.Semenova). (CONVERTIN) (HEMOPHILIA) ABEZGAUZ AlekpandrjjQ~qeyev h -.-prof.; VOLDVIK, A.B., red.; .49 VX* ' - - - . _j iiiDk , G.T., tekhn. red. [Hemorrhagic diaeases in children] Gemorragicheskie zabolevaniia u detei. Leningrad, Medgiz, 1963. 306 p. OURA 16s5) (HEMORRHAGIC DISEASES) (CHILDREN-DISEASES) AEiEZGAUZ, A.I~,., prof.; BUBNOVA, M.M., prof.; GUREVICH, Ye.50Y Prof.; ZHUKOVSKIY 11 A at. nauchn. gotr.; KARYSHEVI, K.A., kand. ';e;;edj; FIA7URIN, A.V., dots.; Nji med. nauk tde ()Scjv, S.D. prof.; IIIITVICII, N.I., prof.: RAYTS, N.M., prof.; SOKOLOVA-PONOMAREVA, O.D.; SiUDE111KY, I.I.Ya., dotq.; TOKAREVICH, K.N., prof.; 311IRVINDT, B.G., prof.; DOXIN',OVSKAYA, YU.F., oty. red.; OS'rROVERKHOV, G.Ye., prof., glav. rec. [multivolume manual on pediatrics] 14nogotomoo rukovodstvo po pedintrii. Moskva, Medits1na. Vol.6. LInfectious diseaoes in children] InfektsionMe bo1eznA v detskor, vozraste. 1964. 680 p. (MIRA 170) a. Deystvitellnyy chlen W4 SSSR (for Dombrovskaya, Sokolova-Ponomareva) ABEZGAUZ, A.M. prof. Amotional examination of the thrombocytes in some diseases of the hematopoietio system in ohildren. Probl. gemat. i perel. krovi 8 no.60.8-21 Jet63 (MIM 17:4) 1. 1z kafedry gospitallnoy pediatrii ( zav. - deystv-itelinyy chlen AMN Wn prof. A J. Tur) Leningradskogo pediatric%ea kogo moditsinakogo instituta. ABF,2GriU- A.M.; Mu-CHUR111AP L.S. -,-- -i~ - Atypical forms of hemorrhagic blood coagulation ;i1sorder"I. Vop. gemat. v pediut. no.3:",'7C-3F,) I (M-Mi 18:7) A 11-4-,~~-GAU It. M.; A NTJ 111,1111 Incidonce of Vol). gemat. v j.odlal- n'-3:4.1. SADOV, F.I., doktor teklm. naukf prof.; CHAPLINA, N.D.; IVLIYEV, V.G.; LU"YE, A.L.; ABEg2q~, A.Ya.; DYI'11-., F.M.; ESKITI, I G.V.; GALIPERIN M.M., retsenzent; ~.L.; V~~ILIYEV) I WINSKI11, N.S., ratsonzent; EORYGABOV, F.V.p doktor tekbn. nauk, prof., retsenzent; 1.'OSHKIN, V.I., retsenzent; RUDAKOV, D.N., retsenzent; TSVETKOV, M.N., ratsenzent; DUKBOVNYY, F.N.# red. [Design and planning of finishing factories for the cotton industry) Proektirovanie otdolochnykh fabrik khlopchato- bumazhnoi promyshlennosti. Moskva, Legkaia industriia, 1965. 355 P. (MIRA 18:7) tm_ IFIFAMM I Up'"MR191-1w