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s/186/62/oo4/003/022/022 E075/E436 AUTHORS: ~D. _Grachova, Ye.G., Yershova, Z.V., Zverev, V,S., Maslovskaya, V.V., Rudaya, L.Ya. TITT Preparation of long-lived Bi210 1"'AZIODI.CAL: Iadiolihimiya, v.4, no.3, 1962, 377-378 TENT: To confirm the investigations with isomer Bi210 reported by L.I.Rusinov, it was essential to obtain a s~mplo of Bi containing a large quantity of the isomer and a minimum quantity of other radioactive admixtures. The-metallic Bi subjected to irradiation was thoroughly purified from Po and the elements activated by neutrons Zn, Ag, Cd, Co, Sr, Sb,. So, To. A sample of Di enriched ill B1210 was obtained from the purified Hi. SUBMITTED: May 29, 1961 Card 1/1 ABELISKAYA N B GRACHEVA, Ye. G.; YERSHOVA, Z. V.; ZVEREV, V. S.; V. V.; MJDAYA, L. Ya. Preparation of long-lived B12lO. Rediokhimil& 4 no-3:377-378 162. (MIRA 15110) (Bismuth-Isotopes) ABILISKAYA . 0.. zzz-~~ Relations between word and imge in the appraisal of a game situation. Vop. paikhol. 3 to.4:80-89 JI-Ag 157. (Km lotg) 1. Kafedra polkhologii Instituta fisicheakoy kallt-ary iment, P.P. Iesgafta. Imningrad. (speech) (Sports) BEYDER, A, V.; KLEBANOV, G Ya.; ADEL'SKIY_,, I VAYNER, S. V.; VLASIi, V. S.; GOLODFEDER, Ya. M.; DUDKINA, D. F.; ZHUTtAVLEVA,, L. D.; KANE, D. B.1 KUBALNOV, M. L.; KOLODEZHAYA, T. B.; KUTASNIKOV, V. Ya.; SOLODOVNIKOV, B. M.; STROYM, L. A.; SHUY-KOVA, N. S. Results of dispensan, treatment of occupational dermatoses in the clinics of Leningrad. Vest. dorm. i ven. 36 no.6:58-.62 Jo 162. (MIRA 15:6) 1. Iz kozhno-vanarologicheskikh dispanserov No. 1, 2, 3, 5, 1, 10p 11, 22, 13v .14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 22 (nauchnyy rukovoditell chlen-korrespondent AMN SSSR prof. P. V. Kozhevnikov) (ISNINGRAD-OCCUPATICINAL DISUSES) (SKIN-,-DISEASF.S) V.Ell ,; , ' ' Yp '- . t. AbelLkii, 17. E. FindinZ; thQ Cptimum-zone in Gravitcit',~-nrtl Varll~=,ters and IIS-20.11 Problerly krktiki, L-,nin,,rad, !lo. 6, Y"40, 1--,p. 72-79. ABUISKIY M.Ts SAMSONOV, N.N.; ANDRICTIT. B.A.; GOLORB. V.I., '&A. To.I., rodAktor; POPOV, N.P., tokhnichookiy redaktor. (Course in the gravitational method of prospecting for technical schools of geological surveying] Kura gravirasvedki dlia goologo- rasyedochnykh tekhnikamov. Moskva. Goo. nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo lit-ry po geologii I okhrans nedr, 1954. 357 P. (Microfilm) (Prospecting-Geophysir-al methods) (MLRA 7:11) .A-F I avi- . , - I IIRO,~Illt~ '), G, ~.otl Ic. I ror,-,oct 1: ~., r'. - I ;:. L t i ~: , ". ~-1) - --', .."..'j, 11 3:-, a Do-oo~li ~ 0: Yol:- - ~ .1 .:, &',,ia i C-!,'.-xi';- I -, , - - - I;i-' -'-' - , I 19 1)-: SO: !;-31 ~~, 2 se- 55 Circulation technique for pouring over the compensating fluid in the SN-3 gravimeter. Razved.i okh.nedr 22 no-7:6o-62 Jl 156. OMBA 9: 11) 1. Leningradekly gornyy institut. (Graviveter) ABW1-;71-T._F.Ts. Results of using gravinetric surveying methods for geological mapping In eastern Transbaikalia. Rasved.i okh.nedr 23 no*3t 40-44 Mr 157. (HLRA 100) (Trausbatkalia-Geological survays) AUTHOR: Abellskiy, M.Ye - -- --- SOV/49-5,0,-r,)- ll/ 16 TITLE: De t'c.*,-r-m-'Av-na.t ion of the MumetiL of Inertia and Voment of Rotation of the Gravitational Varionicter ~Tjpe S-20) V (Opredelenlye momenta in-rtsi.i i tsentrubezhnogo nomenta krutil'rVkh vesov Uravit&Lsionnoeo vari,)wet-ra S-20) PERIODICAL- Izvestiya Akademii 11auk SSSR, Seriya Geofizicheskaya, 1958, ar 7, pp 921 - 922 + 1 plate (USSR) ABSTRACT: Numerical values for the above coefficients appear in calculations for the second differential-s of 11-le Eravi- tational. potent--al. Thej can be det-rmined from measure- ments of the beam, etc. before assemblage. The present article describes a method i-,hich does not necessitate such measurements and enables the a-.aratus constants to be measured directly. K , the moment of inert-la, is obtained fron visual observations on the period of the beam, and 12 , the rotational. moment, is obtained from K usinC transition coefficients. These coefficients are obtained fror the basic integral equations for K 3nd Y, K 1~d x dm =~ (x2 _ Y2)dn cardl/5 "I )o of tLf-~ Viji- I jrt(j c. !V,1 T 1) c-1,z-axis liec; in L11c )f tllic t j' c poiiit-s vt,~rtic.,lly do,..-mv~ i,d,~ atid t1.-,0 i 5 ir~ -perpendicular to z,:-~d z ~FiC-uro 1). A nc~-.7 c-.- .-rdinate s1,,,.,Aem (x) z) is nov: inti-iduced, iaiciii: V.1, angle cx %~.,ith the previous system. Ec,.(l) is nov,; rLS cribcd into the new co-ordinates. It is ac-,umcd that the --mLs of the rot,,,,tinL sysUem in S-20 is oituatcd aloq- axis K and 11 are ob`U.~ined in the '1,Drin (3). TInc ~,lation between X 0and V is LI-iven by (ii) -.-:1-lich, on substitutinC. a = 56 18.5 ve s the nUL.C- )-clationshi.p. To determine 1. tLe ocriod T1 urid tL~c L-L litude w of dar:ped oscilicitioz-- is observed. T' is ,p U observed visually by a mirror i-lic reflects iilht fro.,-1 U--e oscillatinc beam. into a tc1czco--,e - the ti:!-e beir..-- m,-~-vsurcd on a stop-watch. w is. gocillation amplitude of tl;c becii- (F1,.1-,irc 2). A coittitluu!j~;, ~Iio'.-IoL;raphic recordi is obtained by 'Ulc- !.c4AoC, dcscril-)cd iii Ref 1 (para.78). TI-e fi re usV hc~d a torsloil coefficient 't = 50-90 EcH, /sec-- . (;,---rd2/5 Al;,,oroximate calculations of K and V arc sade froi-! DcIU-c-,.-4,inr,tion ~Df thie Moment of Inertia and ],:oj,,.enlu- of bo-le 'TrLlvitational Variometer (Type S-20) L,vcrcjt~e vc.lues of T and of (-) (usinL, Uric t I Ii , Ii+1 Wi4 1+ Wi+2 o,,AzAzic6 in experizicilts oi) voriortz!ters type 1Tr C '35 0, = 89.314 Lem 2 /sec-2). These values are approximc:tely equal - 62.80 and 1.35 see for beam I az~O 62.40 cnd 1.74 --c for beaza II - so that the period of free oscillotions ca: le calculated. Fran, the formula: K -C T2 2 41Y 2 2 iL; obtained: K 8 850 Ccm KII 8 '/30 LCPJ and fro-- (5), lif 13 250 Lcm M 17, 010 GCM2 Fui:-rtjlw.- for calculatinG K and L. from mcasurcment,,, 3", 51 - yj C i., 1, Z y 1,,'Ve 1~ ]~U'1)14 I icd T~ C-? coil 1,0 - I_- 110 t I:.,I' C V Lsl - .0 obtained frori Bo.(2). PoL~r c:)-~):~-CirLtcS (i:,, :,,, , I ) ~ixe introduced v,_JtI, centre 0 ( F I L- -, u r 1 ) - TI C, I lies alor4r- bl- e beaL) ii-i tLe dir-cti,:.)1! of 'L.:,c lo-, or , e` L~I,'-; v lies .S 'I I - L. - -1. U in a plane pas-in, throu-I 0 116 2: 1~) e i-i (I i c u 1 --1 rt 3 and the xOz plcrie; is c i i 1 fr~;.. t:-r-. perpendicular U.:) the x-Oz Is U plane. These ti t ~)_ IVC: Xi y, = rcos~p, z = i:- _,Ji.ti, ~), dj: ur dr dL cl,,,) Formula (2) thei) traiAsforns itito (C) c r i:3 Ic 11; iraner diameter of the tubc nnd x- i c, t 0 1 r diameter of the beari tube; a,-.,d ~. 1:~ C t j fi 4, C L2 I f r a i 0 c o r r e s p o nd i n L t o t c u c 1 1 o c; i c 3 f C hts. T t I i f, if, a ;.3 s 3 f t Al, e t u I-, C, ;-.a--s 0 e 10 the Moment of Inci-Lia aria;' L Variometer (Tame S-20) i,_ :J~I.uincd for the tube Si-iltirly, Eos.(Q Z; u;: t i L) I I :, f K and '7 *-".T.,c 2 f i6ures and 1 ED: J,1;111~:rY 7, 1957 and 1.1i Soviet 1-1d, 1-;r-. _`D3. t-'_ '1' -C- i (10) ~Lvc obviousl~~ reference. IP- --Performance 2. Variometel-s--~liLtlitiTia'LlicaI 1. Variometers ana),ysis 3. Bodies of revolution--Moments 4. TerreistrIal. magne t 1. su- -Mon sureme n t Ili I t"I I 3/16 62/000/009/040/120 D228YD307 AUTHOR: Abel'skiy, M. ~ I ~Vs k ~yj M ~.Y TITLE: Some improvements of the I-AK-3ff(GAK-ZM) gravimeter PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnalt Geofiziia, no. 9, 19629 35, ab--. stract 9A234 (In c.ollection: Razved. i promyel. geo- fiz., no. 42, M.f 1961, 72-76) TEXT: The following improvements were introduced into GAK-ZM gra-- vimeters in order to increase their quality: 1) Careful temperature calibration of the quartz system, which allowed the tem erature co- efficient to be roduced to 0.3 - 0.5 mill~gal/degree; 2~ increas- ing the syutem's heat protection and the framole.heat capacity; and 3) increasing the strength of the gravimeter's design and'de- creasing its weight. The improVemente fulfilled allowed a survey- ,ing accuracy of +0.06 milligal to be obtained under complex condi.- tions on traver86s with an average duration of 5 hra. Z Abstrac- ter's note: Complete translation.-7 Card 1/1 ABELISKIr, M.Ye. Some improvements of the geofiz. no.42:72-76 161. GA&ZM gravimeter. Razved. i prom. (MIRA 16:11) f-a'2 VWG(v) Fo-4/Ps-5/Pj-4/Pg.4 OW i*(E;SIO14 NR M047285 BOOK EXPWITATION S/ Va ~~qva, Inn& lAonidovnaj Verada S28ge Vasillyevichi Orachava N. P.j 6ik P- ~):uA~Mq. L, H.t.Nnumtn]co-1Fon-aWr-6 o, .1 PoddubnZj.-K~Aej OTTKITI H. TE; Devices, repair, maintenance and operatlon or MULmqtr1q- apparat" (Uatroyotyop naladka, remont I ekopluntattlyn gravirnotrichookor apm~pwwarat oscow, Izd~vo "Nedra"p 1964j 223 pe inue.p bibltoo TOPIC TAOSo gravimetrio equipments geophysIce, gtLrUaW PURPOSE AND COVERAOEi This book describes the principles of tuning, regulation and error elimination of graviretric equipment used In gravimetric exploration and oth9r rravimetric work in tha Soviet Vniont quartz rround and bottom graviretera, gradientome tarsi varloosterap and donsitometere. In addition, It describes the equipment of a quartz shop and metbods of mkiug and repairing the quarts eystem of quarts &static gravimterso The book is intended fer engineers and technicians concerned with field gravinstry. It will be useful to students studying gsophysics* TABIE OF COMM [abridged)# Cord 2/2 41 L ACCMICN NR A*OL7285 Forewwd - 3 Ch. I. Asaembly of quarts astatic gravimterB - 5 Ch. IT. Regulation and determination of the oonetarce of quarts sotAtio gravimotere - 33 Ch. ITT. Brief information on the repair and building of astatia quwu eyw.ems - 71 Cn. TV. Bottom quarts gravimetwe KDG-11 and EDG-11I - 85 Ch. V. Gravitation YvAometers - US Ch. VI. Gravitation gra4iontowater GRHK-2 - 165 Ch. VII. Leveling 6omplax VIM In iCh. VIII. Densitmeter - I" ApNndix - 205 Bibliography - 221 SUMUTMI 09MArA SUB.COD&I got so 110 RU SOV# M9 OTM e ODI Card 2/2 ABEL' SKIY,Sh.Sh.; YANOVIW,V.A. ;1'.- Additional resistance of ferromagnsts in a magnetic field. AN URSR no.2:143-145 '55- (MIRA 8:11) 1. Chernivetalkiy dershayniy universitet. Predstaviv diyaniy chlen Akademii nauk URSR Y.X.lashk&rlov. (Ferromagnetism) S/126/60/010/006/001/022 113111.~ 7 14935 E032/E414 9,41306 (37-03) 16 ..'~..Sh. and Turov, Ye,A. AUTHORS: _a2~ A~sk i TITLE: On the Theory of the Temperature Dependence of Electrical and Thermal Conductivity of Ferr-onuignetics at Low Temperatures PERIODICAL: Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, 1960, Vol,10, No.6, pp.8ol-8o6 TEXT: The scattering of conduction electrons on spin waves ("ferromagnons") is a contributing factor to the electrical and thermal conductivity offerromagnetic metals, Owing to its specifi,: temperature dependence, this part of the conductivity may, under certain conditions, exceed the conductivity associated with scattering on phonons. This problem was considered by the second V of the present authors in Ref.3, where it was shown that the temperature dependence of the ferromagnon part of electrical resistivity PT can be written down in the form of two terms, namely: PT =' a1T + a2T2 M Card l/ 7 S/126/6o/oio/oo6/ool/O22 E032/E414 On the Theory of the Temperature Dependence of Ele,~tri-:al. and Thernia.1 Conductivity of Ferromagnetics at Low Temperatures where a and a 2 are constants independent. of the teiaperature T The first term in Eq.(I) takes into account electromagnetic interactions between conduction electrons and the magnetic field produced by spin waves (11spin-orbit interaction"),, the second term is du.e to exchange interaction between conduction electrona. and electrons responsible for the ferromagnetism (the "s-A exchange interaction"), Experimental studies of the temperature dependence of JPT have shown that Eq,(l) is in qualitative agreement with the experimental data for ferromagnetic metals at helium temperature. However, further development of the theory (Ref.5) has shown that the linear term in Eq.(!), i,e, the term due to the spin-orbit interaction, is lower than the experimental result by two or three orders of magnitude. In the presont paper, the temperature dependence of JPT is re-examined in detail, with special reference to the s-d exchange interaction effects. The dispersion relation for the conduction electrons Is Card 2/7 S/126/60/010/006/001/u22 E032/13414 On the Theory of the Temperature Dependence of Electrical and Thermal Conductivity of Ferromagnetics at Low Temperatures taken in the form Eka E(k) + 2aI(k) (4) where E(k) and I(k) -are arbitrary functions of the modulus of the quasi-momentum it and a = + 1/2 (spin quantum number of the electron). In addition, the pa-rt of the thermal resistivity of the ferromagnetic metal which is due to the scattering of conduction electrons by spin waves is also computed. The electrical resistivity is calculated using the method dev6loped by Kubo in Ref.11 and applied to the calculation of resistivJties by Nakano (Ref.12). In this way, it is shoifn that the electrical resistivity is given by Pr %= cO (T. In -" +T + c. TO. (9) J.'r - e2y_l r,t r Card 3/7 s/126/6o/oio/oo6/ool/o22 E032/E4i4 On the Theory of the Temperature Dependence of Electrical and Thermal Conductivity of Ferromagnetics at Low Temperatures This formula includes three parameters, namely To$ c and c2. To is the critical temperature below which exchange efiects can be neglected; cl and c can be obtained from the dispersion relation given by Eq.R). When T)!~ To$ Eq.(9) reduces to 2T 1 ix2 2 P-T ~ c 1(ToIn To ) T - ff c2T0T +--Tc2T whilst for T ,,n, li.], ~arld.tekllll.wtllk Exrorimental. dett,~rminatic)n of the [Arameter.9 of' --c-,mT,Iex cptlcal syslxr4q. Izv. AN Fst, SSR. Se-. fiz.-!,iftt. i tekh.nawk n(I.-14:329- 343 164. (MIRA 18;41) 1. Academy of Sciences of the Fstonian S.S.R., Institute of Gybernetics. Country UjISTI, i f-s J 2"Do. Jour Tu Author I I Inotitut. Title IY"-C, Jilt'. (~C,; C, rl f,~ r v3 Ori,r Nib. r77 Abstract Card: -.-AEEN, Kh.. (Aben, H.) Use of the photoolastialty method in determining an axisymmetrical state of stress by direct illumination of the model. Izv, AN Est. SSR. Ser. fiz.-mat. i tekh. nauk 14 no.3:428-434 165. (MIRA 18:11) 1. Institut kibernetiki AN Estonskoy SSR. A~ITHOR Y Aben. 0 23-58-1-1/10 --pi. ~K E The Elastic Stability and F,,st-,Buckling Behaviour of a Long Cylindrical Panel Under Shearing (Ustoychivost' i zakriti- cheskiye, deftrmats-ii d1innoy tsilindricheskoy paneli pri sdv -1ge) PERIODICAL; lzvestiya Akadonii nauk Estonskoy SSR, Seriyatekhnialieskikh fi~,,ikc,...mla4emritictic-,,kikh nauk, 1958, Nr 1, pp 5-6 (USSR) ABSTRACTs The article deals w1t1h, the problem of a long cylindrical. panel which is being subjected to longitudinal shearing. In order t~, determine the maximum load, the author i syster. cf lint= equaticns, and the results of comp,-,ta- are rreserted graphically in curves of post-buckling behavic=,. There are 2 figures and I table. C' a rd 712 23-58-1-1/1-0 The Elastir Stability and Post-lqvckling Behaviour of a Long Cylindr---.a'- Pane'. Under Shear.-,ng. ASSOCIATION,. irstitul e,-.eTget-ikl Akaiemii nauk Estonskoy SSR (Institut-- ~f Power Englreerlne, sf the Estonian SSR Academy of Scien- ~~es) SUBMITTEDs August 33, 1. CyUndrical surfaces--StabiUtyneory r,' a r d el/ 2 fit L IL IP r jig ol 4;. Jill; fit E7 lp. pit Tasiiti 542 r S/023/60/000/002/001/003 C 111/ C 333 AUTHORt Abenj 9Candidate of Technical Sciences TITLE: n the Complete Determination of the Three-dimensional State of Stress by Photoelastic Methods PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk Estonskoy SSR. Seriya tekhnicheskikh i fiziko-matematicheskikh nauk, 1960, No. 2, pp. 134-144 TEXT: The author proposes a new method for the complete deter- mination of the three-dimensional state of stress in frozen slices of a photoelastic model. In his preceding paper (Ref-7) the author has shown that a normal and two oblique transillumi- nations of a slice with simultaneous determination of the phase difference are sufficient to determine five independent compo- nents of the stress. Now he useB the formulas obtained in (Ref-7) for the complete determination of the state of stress. Besides the application of the usual polariscope the author considers the application of the general method of Ye. S. Fedorov. By an example the accuracy of the method proposed is verified. The author thinks that he can conclude that his method be very effective for the complete determination of the state of stress. S/023/60/000/002/001/003 0 111/ C 333 On the Complete Determination of the Three-dimensional State of Stress by Photoelastic Methods An advantage of the method is the possibility of an independent determination of the state of stress in every point. For the determination of the stresses in a plane only one slice must be investigated. The absolut phase differences need only be measu- red for a normal transillumination of the slice. The proposal of measuring the phase differences is due to B. M. Zuyev (Ref.11) who constructed a special interferometer for this purpose. The author mentions V. M. Kraenov and Ye. S. Fedorov. There are 11 referencess 3 Soviet, 2 American, 2 German, I French, 1 English, I Swiss and 1 Czech. ASSOCIATIONs Institut energetiki Akademii nauk Estonakoy SSR (Institute of Power Engineering of the Academy of Sciences Estonskaya SSR) SUBMITTEDi June 10, 1959 CiLrd 2/2 67967 ;2*13300 S/023/60/009/01/004/011 D031/DO03 AUTHOR: Aben.L K~.j Candidate of Technical Sciences TITLE: The Application of the Method of Oblique Incidence in Photoelasticity PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk Estonskoy SSR, Seriya tekhniches- kikh i fiziko-matematicheskikh nauk, 1960, Volume IX, Nr 1, pp 33 - 46 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The method of oblique incidence represents one of the most effective means of separation of principal stresses when examining the state of plane stresses by the method of photoelasticity. In case of a three- dimensional stress this method permits to determine the tangential stresses and differences in the normal stresses.. The article systematically expounds the me- thod of oblique incidence. Formulas for general and Card 1/3 some speoific states of stress have been derived. It 67967 S/023/60/009/01/004/011 D031/DOO3 The Application of the Method of Oblique Incidence in Photoelasti- city is assumed that by oblique incidence retardation va- lues as well as parameters of isoclinics are deter- mined. In addition to the use of common polaris- cope the application of the universal method of Fe- dorov is examined. The author also deals with the problem of determining data for the numerical inte- gration of equilibrium equations. For the plane state of stress an analysis of the errors of various oblique incidence methods is presented (Table 2). It is shown that in this case the formulas derived (42) are the most effective. There are _2 t-ables and 20 references, of which 9 are Soviet, 8 English, 2 French and 1 German. ASSOCIATION: Institut energetiki Akademii nauk Estonskoy SSR Card 2/3 67967 S/023/60/009/01/004/011 D03l/DOO3 The Application of the L'Iethod of Oblique Incidence in Photoelasti- city (Institute of Power Engineerin of the Academy of L~ Sciences of the Estonskaya SSR5 SUBMITTED: Lay 6, 1959 Card 3/3 ABEN, Kh.K. (TaIlin) Optical phenomena in laminar photoelastic models. Izv.vJ SSSR.Otd. trkh.nauk.MekhA mashinostr. no-5:108-111 S-0 '61. (MIRA 1419) (Photoelasticity) --W.--[Aben--- H -AM kand.teklm.nauk Optical phenomena arising in '-he passage of light through a pile of birefringent plates. Besti tead.akad.tehn.fMs. noltl6-23 162. le Academy of Sciences of the Estonian S.S.R., Institue of Oybormetiose ABENS Xh.K. Theoz7 of the nonideal. circular polariscope. Opt.i spektr. 13 no,2t256-258 Ag 162. WIRA 1511l) (Polariscope) ABENf Theory of a composite quarter-wave plate. Opt.i spek-tr. 13 no.5s746-750 N 062. (MIRA 15212) (Polarlecope) ABEN, _t~.JAben, H.), kand.tekhn.nauk Method for measuring phase differences by means of a eynchrono,,w polariscope. Usti tead eked tehn Ams 11 no.3:167-171 162. 1. AcademV of Sciences of the Estonian S.S.R., Institute of C7bernetics. ABEN, Kb.K. (Tallln) , Nomogram for the Interpretation of photoelastic phenomena in case of a uniform rotation of quasi major directions. Izv. AN SSSR. Mekh. i mashinostr. no.6:174-175 N-D 163. (MIRA 17:1) AEEN? Kh. [Abonx H.10 kand. tekhn. n&uk Complete determination of stresses in layered photoelastic models [with oun-A y in English], Izv, AN Bet, SSR,, Ser, fiz,-mate i takh. nauk 12 no.l-.38-43 163* (MIRA 16:5) l9 Academy of Sciences of the Estonian S,S,R,., Institute of Cybernetics. (Photoolasticity) (Strains and stresses) ABEN., Kh. [Abenx kand. tekhn. nauk Use of the generalized Senarmont method in measuring double refraction in a flow. Izv. AN Est. SSR. Ser. fiz.-mat. i tekh, nauk 12 no.4:369-375 163, (MA 17:1) 1. Academy of Sciencee of the Estonian S.S.R., Institute of Cybernetics. s/051/63/014/002/009/026 E032/Eli4 AUTHOR: Abon, Kh.K. TITLEt An approach to the determination of phase differences' with the aid of phase plates PERIODICAL: Optika i spektroskopiya, v.14, no.2, 1963, 240-246 TEXT: Various methods.for the determination of phase differences- with the aid of phase plates are reviewed from the point of view of the theory of characteristic directions as given by the author in a previous paper (Izv. AN ESSR, ser.fiz.-mat. i tokhn.nauk,11,1962, 16) " The following methods are considered: 1)'the method of Se"narmont (Ann.chim.phys.,v-73,1840,337), 2) H.L.Tardy's method (liev.0pt.,v.8,1929,59)yand 3) the synchronous polariscope method in which the crossed polarizer and analyzer rotate in synchronism. A new generalization of de Se'narmont's method is given. It involves the determination of-the polarizer orientation for which the light leaving the phase plate in linearly polarized. The method is similar to that given by H.T.Jessop (Brit.J.Appl.Phys.,v.4,1953, 138). Some useful practical formulas are also given for the synchronous polariscope method. There is I figure. SUBMITTED: April 17, 1962 Card 1/1, AERN, PMOKO Scme problems of superposition of two birefringent plates. Opt* i spektr. 15 20.5s682-689 N 063. MRA 16M) ACCESSION NR: AP4043888 S/0179/64/000/004/00,40/0046 AUTIIOR- Aben, Kh. K. TITLE: Investigation of three-dimensional photoolastic models SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Mekhanika i mashinostroyenlye, no. 4. 1964, 40-46 TOPIC TAGS: elastron spectroscopy, stress measurement, photoelastic stress measure- ment, pbotoelastic model, light transmission, light refraction, birefringence ABSTRACT: General equations for the photoclastic method are evolved which are not as complicated as those in the literature. For example, in publications by V. L. Ginzburg, the passage of light through an anisotropic nonhomogeneous medium is described by d3 Wi *. . I' -Ds- 0 C3 where E and D are the vector components of voltage and inductance, W is the angular velocity and z is the direction of light transmission. By transformations: !;17 dD, (2). s_ 16 !C(Tions" W 4 - ic(yskBl 7- ico'bi Card 1/4 ACCESSION NR: AP4043888 These equations are the general ones for the photoelastic inethod when light oscillations are described in fixed coordinates. If we now consider that the quasi-predominant directions form arl angle Q(z) with the fixed coordiniitos: Bl'iin q), B,-B (3) L'Bin + Coiv, Substituting relaUonshiy (3) in equation (a) dip sin (p. + B Cos 1P + COS T 172,21.1-sin (4) I Vs- d& 4- jCu,j (Bt' cos tp - 83' shl + XV.7 (111'ain T + fl,' cos 1p) Multiplying the first equation by the sirib of the angle afia the second equation by the cosine of the angle, and then subtracting: d(P R dBal (6) d, _d. This equation is closo w tno ones published by R. D. Mindlin and L. E. Goodman, but differs significantly from Those evolved by R. O'Rourke and V. M. Proshko. 7`he author then proves the equivalence of this equation to the Neumann equations, which are the classical approximations in the photoelastic theory. Soving equation (6) in a different C,rd 2/4 ACCESSION NR: AP4043888 way, the Neumann equations are obtained. Several Individual cases are considered in the paper. First, a uniform stressed condition is transformed and solved. 71ten, quasi-predominant stresses are allowed to change arbitrarily with a fixed direction. Finally, the uniform rotation of quasi-predominant stresses at a constant value Is considered and solved. According to R. C. Jones, when polarized light Is passed through photoclastie models, the components of the light oscillations at the exit point arc linear functions of the components at the input point. The characteristic direction method for optical systems Includes integration of a matrix botween the stress components and certain parameters. For uniform rotation of quasi- predominant directions, numerical solution of the differential equations yields: CO-3 sp +is.-Isinv OrIg. art. has: 36oquations. ASSOCIATION: none Card 3/4 i ACCESSION NR: AP4043888 ' SUBMITTED: 16Jan64 I SUB CODE: OP. ME ENCL-. 00 NO REF sov: oil OTHER: Oil I i I i i I I Card 4/4 4