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?4(0),17(10) SOV120--124-4-55167 AUTHORS: Bel'govskiy, M. L., Abeleva, E. A., Potakhina, N. A. TITLE: The Nature of Dependence of the Frequency of Lethals Arising at Various Stages of 3permatogenesis on the Dose of X-Rays (Kharakter zavisimosti chastoty letaley, voznikayushchikh na raz- nyk.h stadiyakh sparmatogeneza, ot dozy rentgenovskikh luchey) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 124, Nr 4, pp 922-924 (US:3R) ABSTRACT; The concept of the mutagenic effect of ionizing radiation was formed primarily according to the nature of dependence of the frequency of various mutational types on the kind of radiation, their dose and diatribution in time. Already in the thirties it was observed that the frequency of recessive lethal mutations in the case of Drosophila is independent within very wide limits (IL-rays up to X-:rays with 2.2 2) of Wave-length and distribution of the dose in tijue. It is proportional to the amount of dose, Therefrom it was concluded that "either the individual ionizations or activations, or their individual bundles are used to play a mutagenic part" and "these mutagenic agents do not interact with one another on the formation of point mutations (tochkovyye mutiftsii).11 Card 114 Thus, the conclusions drawn on the mechanism of the mutagenic effect SOV/20-124-4-55/6-,, The Nature of Dependence of the Frequency of Lethals Arising at Various StageEi of Spermatogenesis on the Dose of X-Rays were based on the -above mentioned nature of dependence on the dose as one of the most important facts, However, the correctness of these conclusions was doubted later since the genetic changes (of the recessive lethal mutations) are irregular. Scientists have dis- agreed in this respeot up till now (Refs 1-3,5), and there are some additional complications in the corresponding interpretation, At the beginning of the fifties it was found that various stages of the development of Drosophila sperms differ in their sensitivity to radiation; furthermore it was observed that the increase of muta- tional frequency is not linear in this case (Refs 6-9), In order to clarify the above mentioned dependence separately in mature sperms, spermatids and sper~atogonia the authors irradiated hybrid F 1-males with 1000 and 4000 r X-rays, which were not older than 24 hourz and had been crossed from 2 in-breeding lines (Algerieche and Ebrero). They were immediately brought together with unimpregnated females of the lly--Meller~511 line with two inversions and recessive yellow and apricot genes, t%ey were kept here for 48 hours and were copulated with other unimpregnated females every 2-3 days. The Card 214 offspring F, from eggs of these females which were impregnated SOV120-124-4-55167 The Nature of Dependence of the iTequency of Lethals Arising at Various Stages of Spermatogenesis on the Dose of X-Rays during the lat-2jid, 7-8th, and 15-16th day after irradiation, was preserved. The females were individually crossed with their brother.% If a lethal was produced in an irradiated chromosome, no males of the wild type appeored in the P 2 culture. The frequency of lethal formation was calculated according to the percentage of ouch culturea. 3 portions of F 1 offspring originated from sperms during the above mentioned stage of development. It follows from the results (7tille 1) that the age-conditioned irregularity of sperms does not play an important part in the study of the total mutability of sperms. The data obtained by this irradiation virtually characterize only the mutability of mature sperms. The conclusions drawn from the experi- ments carried out without exact age examination of the irradiated sex cells must not be regarded as being useless because of lack of such an examination, provided these data refer only to mature sperms, In conclusion, the authors discuss some supposition3 which are to explain the abovo mentioned phenomena, but reject them. Thus, 'the causes of laoking linear dependence, of the frequency of recessive Card 3/4 lethals in the spermatids require snother explanation. There are S/560/61/000/01O./Oog./016 27 lz.~D ~298/D302 AUTHORS: Glembotskiy, Ya., L Lapkin, Yu, A,, and Parfeno'v,tIX._Ya TITLE: The effect of cosmic flight factors on the occurrence frequency in Drosophila Melano- gaster of recessive lethal mutations in the X-chromosome SOURCE: Akademiya nauk SSSR, Iskusetvennyye sputniki Zemli, rto,, 10,. Moscow, 1961, 61-68 T'E'XT-, Reference is made to early studies of mutagenic changes under the effects of ionizing radiation. Experiments on yeast and drosophila pointed out the minimal effect of cosmic radia- tion on the natural mutation process, Further studies on droso- phila confirmed the insignificance of cosmic radiation in spon- taneous mutation, More recent stud-ies have been undertaken by the authors on two strains of Drosophila Melanogaster---the )k-321. Card 1/4 S/560/61/000/010/009/016 The effect of cosmic... D298/D302 Muller-5 method was used for this purpose, The F 2 (second gener- ation)culture percentage with no grey-red-eyed females was taken (D-32) and (D-18)--to determine the mutagenic effect after a cosmic flight on the organism,, The flight of the 2nd Sputnik, lasting about 24 hr. and conducted at a height of 300 km, was used to study the effects of cosmic radiation on the heredity of the drosophila. Two types of tests were carried out. (1) to determine the occurrence frequency of recessive lethal mutations in the X-chromosome (sex-linked), and (2) to determine the occurrence frequency of dominant lethal mutations causing death in the early developmental stage of heterozygous organisms in these mutations, The mutability of the two spermatogenic stages was compared--that of the spermatid and that of the mature sperms. The frequency of induced mutations was studied, depend- ing on the frequency of spontaneous mutations, Cross-breeding of the flies which underwent cosmic flight was performed in Au- gust. 1961 to determine the sex-linked recessive lethals. The Card 2/4 33311 S/560/61/000/010/009/016 The effect of cosmic ... D298/D302 as index of the occurrenoe frequency of recessive lethal muta- tions in the X-chromosomes of the females which had been in cosmic flight. In both strains (D-32 and D-18), it was found that the mutagenic effect is characterized by a statistically valid increased frequency of sex-linked recessive lethal muta- tion8 whereby the D-18 strain (Y;ith a higher spontaneouB muta- bilit;) appeared to be the more sensitive to mu~agenic effect. The dotted nature of the induced mutations (20 tested cytologi- cally) and the elevated frequency of mutation of the spermatid, as compared to the sperms, indicates their possible stipulation by cosmic radiation. It is emphasized that an accurate deter- mination cannot be made o1 '' the role played by cosmic radiation in the mutagenic effect noted during relatively short cosmic flights. Further experiments to clarify the mutagenic effect of vibrations, acceleration, and weightlessness should be carried out, There are 1 figure, 1 table and 11 references: 2 Soviet-bloc and 9 non-Soviet-bloo. The references to the English-language publications read as follows: 0. G. Pahmy, Card 3/4 t/t Pan tg6t 'C Pew :aalliwans f .6~6t 'Z N '5V 'YSft *TOS OPUOV -!~VK '001a '88AI *1 'a !096L 'CLL 'L '*90H '4-Quan .Rm-q-eg 'I *yj zmr/96z(r ... OTMSOO jo 439ija Qqj qto/600/OLO/000/L9/099/(r Tlff~ GLEF30TSKlYl Ya.L.; ABELEVA, E.A.; IAPKIN, Yu.A. Effect of fractionation of the gamna-ray dose 6h mutation frequency in spermatids of.Drosophila melaupSkster. Radiobi,oloeiia 1 no.l: 119-122 161. (MIRA 14:7) 1. Institut biologichoskoy fiziki AN SSSR, Moskva, (GAMA RAYS-PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECT) (ZOOLOGY--VARIATION) ABELEVA, E.A.j BELIGOVSKIY~ l4sL. (deceased); POTIM1111A, N.A. 1-ktations in unirradiated chr=osomes of egg cells fertilized by irradiated male gawtophytes. Radiobiologiia 1 no.ltl23-127 161. (MIRA 140) 1. In:~titut biologicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR, 14odkva. (X RAYS-PHYSIOLOGIGAL a-FECT) (ZOOLOGY-VARIATION) 42696 3/747/62/000/000/.020/025 D243/D307 AUTHORS; GlembotBkiy, Ya. L., Abeleva E. A. and Lapkin, Yu. A. TITLL: The el*fect of small doses of ionizing radiation on the frequency of occurrence of sex-linkedg recessive, lethal mutations in Drosophila SO-URCE: Radiatsionnaya genetika; sbornik rabot. Otd. bial. nauk AN SSUR. Moscow, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1962, 300-311 T~"XT. The preliminary results are givert of experiments carried out froru 1959 to 1.1arch 19bl, to study the effect of 20 r doses of ra-- d-Lation on the frequency of sex-linked, recessive lethals, in rela- tion to a) type of radiation- rrays or.high speed neutrons; b) ra- diation intensity - single or repF)ated doses; c) gamete development - mature sperm or spermatido; d) interstrain differences in spon- laneoue mutat-on rate. It is stated that little work *has been done L 6n the effects of oub-25 r doses, especially as regards the exist- ence of a threshold and accumulative effects. The experiments were carried out onA-19 and A-31 (D-18 and D-32) Drosophila lines, dif- Card 1/ 2 3/747/62/000/000/020/025 Thq effect of small D243/D307 fering considerably in thespontaneous rate of mutation. Spontaneous. and induced lethals were detected by the Huller-5 method. Co 60 r rays wure delivered at 0.93 r/min. !~Xperimen-ts with high-speed neutrons bouan in 11-lay IquO, using a IOJO kv reactor, the dose intensity be- u /11r. 1.21, ,C! reSU14-U ing 115 r refer only to experiments with D-32 line. 0 .eh 1 e authors founu t1hat 5-r doses of r radiation increased the fre- quency of recessive lethala in uperm and spermatids and repeated r radiation produced a CU-11IL1111tiVe, mutar'enic effect. The relative fre- quency 01 recessive le-Chalnqy per radiation induced by repeated 5 r ,il radiation agrecu with the data of other authors using higher sin,,le doues. 0The nutagenic effect of high-speed neutrons is 1 1/2 - 2 times sreater than that of ~' rays. Spermatids had a higher.muta- tion. rate than operm, with both types of radiation. No threshold offect demonutrated and it is suggested that, should a threshold be du-ioczed, i-. will L)e specific to the type of radiation, type of mutation, sta-e of gametogenesis, and the organism. The danger to of human ,erninal cells low doses of 6rays, and especially, high- ~~i,?)ccd neutrons i6 stressed. There are 3 tables. __:,6S0CIA'.OION: Inalitut biologichtskoy fiziki AN SSSR, Moskva (Inati- lute of Biological Phybics, AS USSR, Moscow) Card 2/2 42697 8/747/62/000/000/021/025 D243/D307 AUThOR6: Abeleva B d Potekhina, N. A. TITLE: The radiation sensitivity of various stages of spermato- genesis in Drosophila melanogaste.r 6OURCE: Hadiatsionnaya genetilca; sbornik nabot. Otd. biol. nauk AN S3~;H. Moscow, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1962, 312-316 j T!-'XT: The frequency of dominant lethals on repeated irradiation~of Drosophila sperm and upermatidu was studied to elucidate the re- veraibility of physiological damage and the mutagenic effects of t--' repeated low dose radiation. Male F1 hybrids of Algerian and strains (24 hours old) received (1) 2400 r in one dose or 3 x,800 r at 1 112 hour intervals, and (2) 400 r and 1200 r in a single ~ dose or 3 x 400 r at 3 hour intervals. In (1), since no difference was discerned between single and repeated doses, the interdose interval was increased to hours and the doses were changed to 1200 r maximum and 4U0 r minimum. As anticipatedg repeated radiation -did not'affect the frequency of dominant lethals in the sperm. In Card 112 1 3/747/62/000/000/021/025 The radiation sensitivity D243/1)307 spermatids the rate fell b5' 4.55,0', sugge.;ting recovery of the dam- a-ed chromosomes. The absence of effoct after repeated radiation is not conuidered a decisive I-CfUtation of Ruosell's hypothesis. A li- near reiationship between doue and the frequency of dominant lethal8 is JhOlln to eXiS-U LZ,) to 1000 r, and the similarity in the frequency patter.r~ ol* dominant and receszjive lethals is pointed Dut. The sper- n--tid-&,,urm inutation rate ratio increases with dose reduction, chang-~nf, from 3:4 at 1000 r to 4:5 at 400 r and to 5 at 20 r. Small doses exert, Iherofore; a large effect on upermatids. These effects are discussed in relation to man and the length of the various Bta- ,-,,es of u,)erwatogenelis. The danger of damage during very short, but highly radiosensitive stdges is emphasized. There are 2 tables. 0 ASjOCLLTION: In6titut biologicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR,'Vioskva (In- stitute of Biological Physics, AS USSR, Moscow) Card 2/2 GIZMBOTSKIY, Ya.L.; ABELEVAI E.A.; IAPKIN, Yu.A.; PARFENOV, G.P. Effect of space flight factors on the frequency of the appearance of recessive lethal mutations in the x-chromosome of Drosophila melanogaster. Proba,.kosm.biol. D219-231 162. (MIRA 15:12) (SPACE FLIGHT-PUSIOU)GICAL EFFECT) (VARIATION (BIOLOGY)) I ARF.T VAS E.A.; FARFENOV.. G.P.; LAPKIN,, Yu.A. Crossing-over of Drasophila, Malanogaster males caused by the space flight factorc. Isk,sput.Zeme no,,13:119-122 162. (NM 15.7) (Space biology) ABELEVA, E.A.; LAPKIN, Yu.A. Interdependenco of the frequency of dominant lethal mutation and the dosage of radiation by fast neutrons in the spormatids of Drosophila. Radiobiologiia 2 no.2t293-297 162. (MUZA 15:4)' 1. Institut biologichaskoy fiziki AN SSSR, Moskva. (RADIATION-DOSAGE) (FRUIT FLIES) L 11243-63 --EW(I)/En(~l,,(BDS--AFFTC/AMD/ASD--Aft/K ACCESSION MRs MOM007, B/0205/63/003/003/0420/0421 AUTHORs Abeleva! 9- &.1 Lapkin, ju, A. TITIEs Frequency dependence of gence of recessive sex-linked lethal mutations in spermatogenesis of Drosopbila on ast neutron dose/d SOURCEt Radiobiologiya. v. 3,, nD, 3. 1963., 420.-421 TOPIC TAGS: mutations., fast neutron dose ABSMCT: Barlier Inve3tigations.oonducted to determine the frequency dependonce Of thO energe=0 Of dominant l0t~hal mutations on fast neutron dose as compared vith gama rays did not offer conelwive resultse Therefore, recessive sex-linked muta- tions were used in this study, Male Drosophila were irradiated with an IRT-100C, reactor in doses of 1000 and 20DD x-" Absorbed fast neutron doses were measured by an Ionization method with a dDS6 PaWW of 725 rad/mir- Comparison of data with earlier studies Indicates that the relationship of mutation frequencies in sperna- tids and sperms with neutren Irradiation of 10DO rad dose is approximately the save as for ga=a radiation of 10DO r, Fast neutron radiation for sex-linked lethal mutations is approximately one wid a half times more effective than gama radiation but the general nature of regaUrity is entiroly analogous. Orig, art* has: 1 Card V2 L 11243-63 ACCWSION NRs AP3001067 tabl e6 ASSOCUTIONs Imtitut 'biologichtskoy fitiki AN SSSR9 MOSCOW6 (Institute Of BiOlOg- suBmrTmot o6Yeb63 SUB CODEt OD ch Cord7 2/2 A - -~ -kt-- , A -2-- . -. . a DATE ACWs Oljul63 EJELs OD WD REF SOW 002 OTHEls 002 A , 1. 4 A A A A -1 A A 13-F 11 A'A , I` - A r 11:11 cif Ojf.- nal.iirr~. c f- ral i a I I r-,,,- 1 ~: t i-n in cpqr-ri ?, .,ir, I .,I~ .: -LL:t; I I of Dro.-nphila onder the of' argin're. " " ') .'. -) / no.3:426-431 IC-4. ( ~ I T , . 1 ; 7 . 1 " ) 14 . .. . I - - I -: ~ 12 t ~ *, 1'. t r) _4 C. 1 C) -j f ( - l-, (-. -1 , . () y f 1 -,, t, - I r ~ I , :, S " F, , 7 -, c , 'a , I . . z, - cf c:;'' ?,nc irms lur I z, rje..-:-,'., Facj A,; c", o~_! oL FW~7( /FW-T(m) Pa- 4/Pb-4 S$D/'~SD/ FMVASD(a)-5/AMD A ACCIUSSI,IN N-i: AF4043215 9/1,205/64/0,)4/004/0569/0574 AUTHOR- Aboleva, E, A TITLE, An analysis of th4b anomalous dependence of mutation f'requencios on Iq in s~>errnattds S 0 U1 ~,_' R : Radlabiologiya, v. 4, no4 L,, 1964, C T A'j S - Drosophila, riidlation 6ffoct, mutation, fertility, r.r.:-21.mosoma-1 0-,ezrratlon, qporm A ',-A~'!! Of !-JaJO "rOSO~,)hj1.G W!D70 CIL7-7rS-!--ad !&ter] Wittl a r. kr o o.9 e s t o r. c) m pa-r o t f4 e f q S'_' - r".1o .-v an! or" tv. A -i, e r 7t -q e 1 1 -1 ~D v 0 r, B:.,)w that up 1.0 tne "'t. -,a-; 41: u-t-es up thu qrLmntes which iad a haploid number at Dime of irradlatior'lo L 16624-65 ACCESSIOE NR: AP4043215 thus, spermlogenesis enbrarles a period of 4 to 7 dayB after irradia- tl-n an! the Ath day corresponds to meiotic divis-lons. The mutabllity -j~' "re S a z0a 1tv r-u-vf'q !,.j t a*, e e,.c y "i S Fi~ ;>;c~ f i-I sLo a s 1;7,nl~* Ic allL reCUCL -,')n 11, sterl a-'~arantlv' 1"I i a 11tv !r. males, mutation frequar~cles &ro I 17': v q a q v v -a." s S an IB ne C r e ad .9 e mat~-U-k t S 'n. -9 3 9 - Co,d 12/3 AC,"FISSION Nil: AP4043215 S."ll-MITTE-.: 071-1-qrA3 El 17 1, no Card 3/3 =Mmmsa~ ADHIUVA) --- El I A I Fff,--ct of arginLne o,: the radiation 1-ri.jury of opormatidu and spermatocytei) ti Drosophila. Genetika no. 62115-119 D 165 (MIRA 19t1) 1. Institut biologicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR, Moskva. A.Aq ARrA24IYZVv U.N.; VIASOV, A.P.; GALIPERIN, A.S.; YEVSIKOV# A A-.V-.,--VANOV, G.P.; KOROLKV, N.A.; LKVITSKIY, I.S.; LIVSHITS, L.G.; MFJMV, M.P.; NAZARGVp N.I.; NOVIKOV, M.P.; POPOVt V.Ya.j TBTIDVt A.G,; BAKRARRVp A.P.9 inzb.9 retsenzent; SAVELIYEV, Ye.Ya.# red. izd- va; MODEW, B.I., tekhno red,; BLIKINDI V,D., tekhn. red. [Technological aspects of the repair of crauler vehicles) Tekbnolo- giia remonta. gusenicbrX7kb mashin. Moskva, Gos. naucbno-tekhn. izd- vo mashinostrolt. lit-ry 1960. 466 p. (14IU 140) (Grauler vehicles--Maintenance and repair) . AMMIGH, L.; GIRONIMUS. 11. Now ideas in denigning automobile repair plants. Ayt.transp. 35 no.3t23-25 Mr 157. (MLRA 10:5) l.Giproavtotrans. (Automobile~--Repairing) ABELEVICH, L.. inzh. Design of a standard automobilo repair shop making up to 1000 overaaule per annum. Avt.tranop. 35 no.11:18-19 N '57. (MIRA 10:12) (Automob:Lles--Repairing) ABILICTICH, L.; XATS, A. Uontinuous overhauling of motorbuses. Avt. transp. 36 no.10:56-57 0 158. OIRA 1311) (Xotorbunex-Maintenance and repair) L., inzh. of holvitingand checking equipment. Avt. tranip. 36 no.118 27-28 N '5 ' (Service 6tations-Squipment and supplies) ABELSVICH. Lev Abramovich.; DIYAKOV, N.Y.,red.; MALIKOVA. N*V.,takhn. red. - --' [Zqnipment for tenting motor vehicle parts In repair shops) Oborudovenie dlia iopytaniia agregatov ma avtoremontnykh sovodakh. Moskva, Nauchno-takhn. izd-vo avtotransp. lit-ry, 1958. 157 P. (MIRA 11:12) (Automobiles--Apparatus and supplies--Testing) ABBLIVICH, L.; SHAKHNXS, M. -,-Vs , --;s of automobile service stations. Avt. transP. 37 no*5-.20-21 My 159. (Ser,rice stations) (MIRA 12:8) - ABELEVICII, L.A.; YEFRACT ~ If.V.,, prof., doktor tekhn. nauk, red.; M.V.., red.; TUNTSYNA. L.A., red.lzd-va; YASWKOVA, N.V.., tekhn. red. [Running-in and testing motor-vehicle units in overhauling] Prirabotka i ispVtanie agregatov avtomobilei pri kapitall- nom remonte. Pod red. V.V.Efromova. Hosvuzizdat, 1963. 42 p. (MIRA 16:12) (Motor vehicloa-Maintenance and repair) ACC NRa A11602 9195 (A) Monograph Ult/ Vereshchak', Fedor Polikarpovich; Abolevich, Lev Abramovich 11andbook for a mechanical engineer,- design of automobile repair shopt (SpravQchnik inzhenerA-mekhanika; proycktirovaniye avtoremontnykh predpri'yatiy) Hoscow, Izd-va "Transport," 1966. 333 p. illus., biblio., tables,'l fold. chart (insert) 10,000 copies printed. TOPIC TAGS: automotive industry., mechanical engineering PURPOSE AND COVERAGEt This handbook is intended for engineering pe'rsonnel of automobile reconditioning plants and design organiza.- tions. It may-also be useful to students of secondary schools and of schools of higher education specializing in automobile repair. The material-co.-itained in this handbook is based on an analysis of methods.used in designing automobile equipment and also on scientifi( research and experience gained in modern automobile reconditioning enterprises. Chapters 1, 2, 3 and 6 were written by candidate of technical sciences r. P. Vereshchak and Chapters 4, 5, 7, 8 and 90 .~y Engineer L. A. Abelevich. -ACC-NR, A*M60 2-91-9 5 TABLE OF CONTENTS [abridged) Foreword -- 3 Ch. 1. Types, capacity, departments and structure of organization 5 Ch. 2. General provisions and basic data on planning automobile- repair plant -- 19 Ch. 3. Planning of principal production sections -- 22 Ch. 4. Auxiliary services, air-supply, and laboratories -- 58 Ch. 5. General stores handling -- 85 Ch. 6. Grouping and planning layout -- 100 Ch. 7. Transportation facilities within the plant -- 176 Ch. 8. Principal provisions for unification of sizing and planning layouts --- 243 Ch. 9. Fire pre,~rention, sanitary precautions and power supply sat-up 253 Appendix 282 1. Weight and size of automobiles, assemblies and principal parts -- 282 .2. Non-standard equipment (for dismantling, assembling and testing of automobile units, subassemblies and for lifting and trans- porting) -- 286 3. Non-standaTd equipment (for washing, boiling out, costing, heat treating, ate.) -- 301 Card 2 / 3 ACC NRi AM6029195 automobilas 324 4. Standard special equipment for repairing 5. Production implement* -- 330 Reforancos -- 332 SUB CODE: 13/ SUBH DATE: 05Mar66/ ORIG REF; 022 I )V, -1 British Abst. A III Aug. 1953 Ductless Glands, Excluding Gonads Motoxic littive%ws lit experimental hypeirthymosis.' 1, I . 1953. 323, 4-16 451~ Animal (v!k t1w to lrm~cr vo tain ammints ~f thvr..xm,- inat five ; 116% pt,yeTty iq pattictilarly mark,li %T% -A"A m bilt II'll S., lit ollilli- ati'l i-'trm-xmv~ 1tv S11-t ilit'~Tvlls littritip" dw t'f tm~ th, I rr of tit,- NAv itlav N,,1 asul %it, t, viA A-. a i% ult t1w wilmak (ait I., k(.I.t alm. ift pra, 11CAIN tolllwfi~m %'1111 wilt, a 'hijit1v Ili( I k1m, Ili, all't m inctva', .it "."'flmo t'. Oixt-Oll. 1, 1'. 11 A V;. ABELIOVICII, Yu.I. inzh. I-:,- .-- Use of turbine conderiBero in the capacity of principal boilers. Elek. ata. 33 no.1000-31 0 162. (MIRA 16:1) (Steam turbines) VATLAUA I G. S. XA-,AYOV 1. ABELISHVIII G.V. :3)!Vl' A 2. TISSR (600) 4. Soil Percolation 7. Field method of determining the filtratinn coefficient of coheetv soils, GMr.atroi. 21 no.12, 1952. 9. Monthly List of RujRjaXj AQCeFIRions Library of Congress, April IQ51, iinclasn. "al rin'-, nn, 3 1 in -)r -..,!r to -1 wal -i i', i r~ )n cr ,,!i ,~4 Ins' 15-57-8-11605 Translation from: Referativny zhurnal, Geologiya, 1957, Nr 03, p 221 (USSR~ AUTHOR: Abelishvili, G. V. TITLE: Consolidation of Cohesive Structural Soils Used as Impervious Seepage Barriers (Nekotoryye voprosy uplotneniya svyaznykh strukturnykh gruntov v tselyakh sozdaniya protivofilttratsionnykh ekranov) PERIODICAL: Tr. Gruz. n.-i. in-ta gidrotekhn. i melior. 1956, Nr 4(17), pp 218-233 ABSTRACT: The author presents the results of laboratory investi- gations of' moisture content, water permeability, and stability of consolidated soils used for the purpose of constructing impervious walls along the sides of canals and reservoirs. Two types of undisturbed soil were used: a heavy structural argillaceous soil, and Card 1/3 a macroporous, carbonate medium-argillaceous soil. The 15-57-8-11-6G5 Consolidation of Cohesive Structural Soils (Corit.) soils were consolidated under laboratory conditions by means of being rammed. The impacts were produced by a drop ham"mer iAth a weight of 7 kg to 16 kg, falling freely from a height of 40 cm to 50 cm, depending on the impact impulse used. The number of impacts varied from two to 14. The article describes the methods used for testing density, moisture content, water permeability, stability in water, and aggregate composition. The structure produced as a result of consolidation was evaluated by means of conventional criteria. 1) the degree of consolidation was determined by the equation: a,. fraction(%) 5mm after consol.- fraction(%) 5mm before consol. fractionM 5mm before consol. The increase of al indicated the formation of compacted lumps made of the fine aggregates. 2) Stability of the coml,,acted lumj.s in water was evaluated by the equation: a2 ~ fractionM 5mm in wet screening Card 2/3 fraction(5Y 5mm in dry screening Consolidation of Cohesive Structural Soils (Cont.) 15-57-8-11605 The increase of a2 indicated an increase in stability (in water) of the compacted lumps formed from the aggregates. 3) The stability of the structure in water was evaluated by the relation: number of specimens not diqintegrating a3 number of tested specimens The increase in the absolute value of a3 indicated an increase in the stability (in water) of the structure formed. The author concluded from the tests that creation of a proper soil structure in the im- pervious wall by impact consolidation is insured by proper selection of the moisture content of the soil at the time of consolidation. This moisture content should be equal: a) for heavy structural argillaceous soil, to W 0 = WM+W PI b) for macroporous medium-argil- 2 laceous soil, to WO = Wm. Here Wm represents the maximum, molecular moisture capacity, and 111p represents the lower limit of plasticity. Card 3/3 E. G. Borisova ABELISVILI, G.V. Technical and economical evaluation of seepage preventing measures. Trudy GruzNIIGiM nc,.20:98-103 158. (WRA 150) (Seepage) (Irrigation canals and flumes) ABELISHVILI, G.V. Factors in the impermeability of soils. Trudy Gruz NIIGiM no.21:113-120 160. (MIRA 16:1) (Soil percolation) ABBLISHVILi, G.V.; VASILIYEV, V.V.; KERNER, N.A. Underwater antissepage screening in reservoirs. Trudy Gruz NIIGiM no.21:309-316 160. 1 (MIRA 16:1) (Reservoirs) fSeepage) ARKLISHVILI, L.G. Empirical equation of the electromechanical dutracteris tics of the running spaea of D.C. traction motors. Soob.AIT Gruz.SSR 8 no.4:223-226 147, (MIRA 9:7) l.Akedemiya nauk Gruzinskoy SSR, Inergetichuskiy saktor, Tbilisi. Prodstavlono daystvitelInym, chlenom Akademii A.I.Didebulidze. (Electric motors, Direct current) ATIFLISHV17:1. 11- G. A"belishvill. L., G "Empirical equation of the nlectromech:in4c-l rnrfor.:,-,.nce suced of direct-civrrent traction mrlnes,"' Tr,.6,y Ercrgcq. ~1,-t, (A~rt4. nauk Griz. 54), vol. IV, 10' ~" P. OQ-1N, . ( In Goor.,ipn, renzia In Ructra(m) SO: U-1-93,;. 29.Oat'53, (Letopis 'Zhurrn-l 'nykh Stntcy, :10. 1*L', 19.'~'-). Abol!phylli, L. G.- "The, C:,lcu'Pttoi of th~ torque-rvvirt.-nce T.hrres :~f d1rect c,,-I-re:-,t cloctric 1 -o.-o!jotives, 11 Truey Fner-~et. in-tit (Akrw. rimik Cirliz, SP), V-;I. IV, 19- P. 107-11~. (:,j, Geor.-inn, rerr.-ne in SC: LJ-1-031!, 201 Oct ~:3, (Latopie 'Zhunvil 'ny'-h St- tey, "to. l-, 191-9). E Abf-lishvill. L. G.- "'he equivalence of the rysten of molile loads. of clectric rnllvr,~rs i-Ith n conr tant dis r r lbution lono, " Truey Ener -et. -i n- tr (A':-ad. naWc Gruz. SSR), r Vol. IV, 191-9, P. 115-20, - (.n GeorCian, resime 'Aii-Rustian). SO: 29 Oct 193, (Letopis '"hurrail 'ny!-.h Statey, Nlo. 16, 11 ABELI-cWTLI, L. G. 20039 ABELISHVILII L. (,. Padeniye napryazheniyao opredepyayusheneye ekaploatatsJ.onnyye izmeriteli elektrifitslpovannopo uchastka /-zheleznoy doropi7. - V ogl i A. G. Abelishvili. Sooschch. Akad. nauk Cruz. ~ZR. 19h9, No. 1,-s. h14,2. SO: LETOPIS ZHUML STATEN, Vol. 27,, Moskva, 19149. ABELTS'71U. L. . 0-pr,:,,1raL.-T'i.,-u vrc~:,;.d !:;-o 'a -1 11 nal 11-~-anl 1-111 ya. ,c, S37, 1114L), ::0. ABFILISRI~I, L. . Idat tokhnicheakikh nauk, dotsent. Calculating tho elements of internal power supply for electric railroads by means of average load curves. Trudy TbIIZHT no.22: 337-386 15o. (MIJU 9:11) (Blectric railroads) I ABELISHVILI, L.G. -- 1 1, 1. C-., Calculating the weight of electric trains by the heating of their traction motors. Trudy Energ. inst. AN Gruz. SSR 8:129-136 153- (Blectric railroads) (MIRA ll.-IO) ABEUSHVILI, Levan Grigorlyevich Tbilisi Inst of Engineers of Railroad Transport imeni Lenin, Academic degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences, based on his defense., 28 May 195hj, in the Council of the Moscow Order of Lenin Power Engineering Inst imeni Molotov, of his dissertation entitled: "Method of Diagrans of Medium Traction Loadings and Its Application". Academic degree and/or title: Doctor of Sciences SO; Decisions of W, List no. 9,, 16 April 55, Byulleten' 1,110 SSSR, No. 14, Jul 56, Moscow, pp 4-22, Uncl. JPHS/NY-429 ABELISHVILI."-L..IG.-. T1UPAIDZE, L.T. Magnitudes of the preparatory time and braking force in the braking of freight trains. Soob. AN Gruz. SSR 21 nool:77-8Z JI 158, (14IRA 11110) 1. Tbilisskiy institut inzbenerov zbeleznodorozhnogo transporta im. V.I. Lenina. Prodstavleno akaAsmikom X.S. Zavriyev7m. (Railroads-Brakos) ABBLISHVILI. L.G., prof., doktor tekbn.nauk (Tbilisi) Time in which investmentsin railroad electrification pay for thnmeelves. Zhol.dor.transp. 40 no.4:42-43 AP '58- (MRh 13:4) (Railroads--Bloctrification) (Railroads--Finance) 32(3) AUTHOR: Abelishvili, L. G., Professor, Doctor of SOV/105-59-6-7/28 --T6c-fffftUNr-SUT5-nces TITLE: The Dependence of tba Indirect Expenses of Electrical Railways Upon -the Parameters of the Electric Supply System (Zavisimost' uslovnykh ekspluatatsionnykh raskhodov elektricheskikh zheleznykh dorog ot parametrov sisterV elektrosnab;-.heniya) PERIODICAL& Elektrichestvo, 1959, Nr 6, pp 28-3o (USSR) ABSTRACT: The economical calculation of the traotive system of electrical railways is basically dependent upon two variables: the overhead wire oross-section and the distance between the substations, For ordinary transmission lines such a o&lculation has alreadybbenaL=ied .out by V. 11. Khrushchov (Ref 6). The indirect expenses, which should become a minimum, gather the costs for the following items: a) construction of overhead wire system. b) power loss in the overhead wire and in the rail circuit. c) reduction of train speed due to voltage drop. d) expenses for the construction and the operation of substations. The relaiion combiming all these terms is differentiated with respect to q (cross section) and 1 (distance between substations). Under consideration of the fact, the. the Card 1/2 optimum values cannot always be realized (viz., because of The Dependence of the Indirect Expenses of Electrical SOV/105-59-6-7/28 Railways Upon the Parameters of the Electric Supply System standardized conductor siZes), a formula is derived, Aich describes the increase of costs above their as a function of the deviations of the variables from their optimum va-lues. By negleoto the formula due to V. 11. MiruBlicbov can be derived from it. If the two formulas are compared, it appears that according to the new formula the increase of costs as a function of the deviation from the optimum is smaller by a factor of 2.5-3. Hence the determination of the most economical design of electric traction systems makes sense only if the cross section and the distance between the substations are taken into account simultaneously. There are 2 figures, 3 tablesand 8 Soviet references. I ASSOCIATIOM Institut energetiki AN Gruzinskoy SSR (Institute of Power Engineering AS Gruzinskaya MR) SUBMITTED: January 12, 1959 Card 2/2 ABELISHVILI, L.G. Operational expenditares of electric railroads an a function of the electric power supply system. Soob.AN Gruz.SSR 2.3 no.2:181-185 Ag 159. (MMA 13:2) 1. Inatitut snergetiki in. A.I.Didebulidne AN GrusSSR. Tbilisi. Predstavlenn abdemikon K.B.Zavriyavym. (Electric r ailroade--Current supply) AWLISHVILIj_;tsl~~,_ doktor t ekhnicheiskikh nauk; ROYNISJIVILI, N.M.. dok-tor takhnitheskikh muk Lcouracy of calculations for determining the weight of trainee Zholedprtransp. 41 n0.12:41" D '59. (XIM 13:4) (Railroads-Traim) AEELISHVILI, L.G.; TRAPAIDZE, L. T.; PICHKHADZE, I.P. Study of the carrying capoity of electric railroads taking into account traction current supply systems. Soob. AN Gruz. SSR 3-1 no. 3;661-668 S 163. (MIRA 170) 1. Grus~inskiy politekhnicheskiy institut imeni Lenina. 2. Chlon-korreepondent AN GruzSSR (for Abel-tshvili). ABELISHVILT, L.G.,, prof., doktor teklin. nauk (Tbilisi) Comparison of locomotives by the specific capacity. Zhel. dor. transp. 47 no.6:64-65 Je 165. (MIRA 18:6) ABELISHVILI, L.G.1 GABASHVILI, N.V.; KAKABADZE, D.R.; KARUMIDZE, I.G.; kl*~A,' A.K.; KURDIANI, I.S.; LOGUA, Sh.S.; MACHAVARIANI, I.V.; MSKHIp H.Sel MIKABERIDZEs A.S.; SEKHNIASFIVILI, G.M.; TOIDZE, M.Z.1 TOPCHISHVILI, I.A.; KREVSURIANI, IM.A. In remory of Stepan Petrovich Kirkesali, 1890-1937, Elektrichestvo noo5t9O-91 My 165, (MIRA 18t6) 'ACC Nit, AP7009M SOURCE CODEt UR/0105/66/000/008/0095/0095 AUTHORt Abelishvi 11, L. G'.; Alotgauzen, A. P.; Baycher, M. Yu.; Gabashviliq N. V.; Dididre, M. S.; Yefroymovich, Yu. Yo.; Notlya, A. K.; Kupradzeq G. D.; Kurdiani, 1. S.; Netushil, A. V.; Nikollakty, L, Ye.; Razmadze, Sh. M.; Svenchanskly, A. D.; Smelyanskly, M. Ya.; Tkeshelashvill, G. K. ORGt none TITLEt Professor Grigorly Artemyevich Sisoyan (on his 70th birthday) SOURCE; Elektricheptvo, no. 8, 1%6, 95 TOPIC TAGSs electric engineering personnel# electric furnace, academic personnel SUB CODEt 09 ABSTRACTs G. A. Sisoyan graduated from the Moscow Power Engineering Institute In 1931. In 1932 he went to* work at the Georgian Polytechnical Institute In the theoretical and general electrical engineering department. Sisoyan has worked and published many works in the area of electric furnaces. He has also worked in the area of Investigation of electric spark action. He has published over 50 scientific works. He has also been actiye in %miversity level teaching. Orig, art, hass 1 figure. LiMs 38,3367 UDCs 621.36 ABBLISHVILI, L.T. Calculating the elements of oleotric-railroad power supply systems by means of average load diagrams. Soob.AN Gruz.SSR 9:53-60 148. (MLRA 9:7) 1.Akademlya nauk Gruzinskoy SM, Snergatichaskiy institut, Tbilisi. Prodstavlano daystvitallarm chlenom kkAdemii A.I.Didebulifte. (Electric railroads) ABELISHVILI, T.L.j GACIIECHILADZE, T.G.; HDIVANI, O.M. Angular distribution of neutrons in the reaction C13 (d. n)N'4, Zhur. eksp.i teor.fiz. 38 no.2:631-633 F 160. (MIRA 14:5) 1. Tbiliaskiy gosudaretvennyy universitet i Izwtitut alektronikio av-tomatiki i tolemekhAniki Akademii nauk Gruzinskoy SSR. (Neutrons) (Paclear reactions) ABELISHVILI, T.L.; SITENKO, A.G. [Sytenko, 0. H.] Electric polarization of deuterons due to 11 cattering by a Colulomb field. Ukr. fiz. zhur. 6 no.1:3 _11 Ja-F 161. (MIRA 14:6) 1. Khartkovskiy goaudaratvennyy universitat im. A.M. Gorikogo. (Deuterons) (Polarization (Electricity)) S/Oq6/61/040/0',~5/015/019 s-0 0 B109/B212 AUTHOR: Abel i s-hyj1i,.-T_,_L,_- TITLE: Neutron transfer in nuclear collisions PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoretichookoy fiziki, v. 40, no. 5, 1961, 1440-1445 TEXT: The calculation of neutron.transfer in nuclear collisions is based on papers of A. I. Akhiyezer and 1. Ya. Pomeranchult (J.Phys.USSR, 0 ' 41 471,1945); here, a calculation is done for the case where the effect of the Coulomb field is considerable. According to Ref. 11 (K.A. '2er- I the amplitude of the neutron transfer '~artirosyan. ZhETF, 29, 713, 1955), reaction is describe-dby 11 (p,) VI-1 V (p) y, (p) drdp. 01 kj ki where denotesthe radius vector of the neutron mferred to the residua*. nucleus A1 - 19 tile radius vector of the neutron referred to the residual nucleus A2 in the nucleus A 2 + 1; ? and 7~1 th e radius vertor of Card 1/ 5 S/056AI117~640/005/015/019 Neutron nuclear collisions B109/B212 the center of mass of the nucleus A 1 and of the residual nucleus A, referred to -4 the center of mass of A ; g the reduced macs of the colliding nuclei; 11(t) the interaction poteniial existing between the neutron and the residua nucleus A 1; Ij the Yave function of the neutron having momentum 1 in the nucleus Al; Y~1(1)(r-') the Coulomb wave function of the relative motion of A and A wave vecvor ki); the Coulomb 1 2 wave function of the relative motion of Al 1 and it, + 1.(Wave vector k,): %+)(r) - exp(--!7tyji + ik,r)r (1 -4- i1qj) F(-I-ql, 1: 1 (kir - kir)), h1j) F (iTil, 61; -1 (ktr' + k (r)'- exp nilt + ikir') r (i ,r I1i;;T,z 01r, V*, > 1, ill -Z 1Z 2e Iftl > 1. Assuming that 1.1 R)(H - radius of A denote 0 1), C., ~, , , the angle of (V the angle of -r+-'), '.he following expression is obtained from (1): Card 2/5 2L 7 1 S S105616 1 Neutron transfer in nuclear collisions D109/D212 t - N, M,-rtpVoBl I- 1:~l ~,pj P (r) k, ((xr),tL*) (r) Yl..- (0. T.) Yi. (0, T) dr, (8) 2jT' YTX ( t k Bi- R 1*2,1.(%R) dIj.% (aR) -(aR) -~- Jt, y. (,IR) il ~+M W dR U - where TVV: L denotes the binding energy of the neutron 0 captured by A,, I A+j (A) the modified BaoBel function, k,(x) the 1)AcDonald spherical harmonio, u a ~F27WA, ~ I the binding energy of the neutron captured by A 2 + 1. The integral occurring in (8) ic; calculated by using the approximation L + which is commonly applied for encrgies having the order of magnitude of the 'Coulomb barrier. Neglecting the thermal effect, which is small com- pared to the kinetic energy of the colliding nuclei and setting .'~ R El -S and 2 ~+Ijf>> 1,))f -)jj