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Publication Date:
December 31, 1967
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AUTHOR: Abelev, B.; Berlinblau, Ys. (Zap.~rozhlye 7 - 15 9 - -1
TITLE: MeasurinC; the Output Voltage of Ferro-resonance Stat4jjZC7::
(0b ismerenii vykhodnogo napryazheniya forrorezonansnykh
PERIODICALt Radio, 1958, Nr 7, p 29 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: In measurint, the output voltage of forro-resonance
zers fitted to television sets, the results are cftPr,
than the maker's guaranteed voltage. The auThcr explains
this phenomenon by the type of ni:!asuring instrument
ly used. The Ts-312 volt-ammeter *, the AVO-3M, TT--', an.i T,r--')
ammeter-voltmeter-ohmmeter yresupoosqo a dal vo:~ai-:~
curve, whereas the voltage curve of the ferror,?scnance stw
bilizer is stronCly distorted and it9 for.-i factcr is here
not equal to 1.11 but approxim-_,1,1y to unity. Th J_ -- r e -, - u 11
in the intruments recording a too hi(;!-, voltage. The recom-
mended type of instrument 4-n this ca3e is ar. astati,,
magnetic voltmeter in the 0.5 ac2urac.;
1. Voltage stabilizers--Test equipment 2. Television--Equipment
C--.rd 1/1
GOYDENKOY P.P.Y inzh.; AHEIZV, B.I., inzh.; GERSHUN, I.D., inzh.
Automatic voltage regulator for synchronous generators. Elektrotekhnika
35 no.4:44-45 Ap 164. (MIRA 17W
u MIRAV itruillwas d tudear material at -OWhi
Celli. A. N. beJoutskil and G, 1. Atwlrv
VtOvik MOAPP. Usip. 10, No. 9, SrF Al. Mal
Nnxk Nu~ 0, 103-80DW-Structura! riucl-prvscm k-xtd.
I"xn wheat gcrn, hy mp~,Av~t trratmcut in the c-ld uith A(
NmCl~ gtoplAmuic emA hy mcms
il '
141( N
n tit
tsal"d. Tic kimcm 4 tl,e Ist 'hill, 0 21A, If,! t' ~P-t':-f
' -Wt'j Ixml
" txt Will, Nfl."ll ~)
word "j, P. -A
tir , II l'- ~'-- I;-,! grim a
tl-ll M ~'l On hl't, l" I I pr m,alni will, CM -'i,
Save fairly #,mt 'lr(o 1 0 ( I)NA) 'o'd i J-oo.
cvIltit. 16,t,j 11 ll~ Iryplop~:-o. I !-
prott-in am! On. hj~iojte ~c-tc ioptioi)xro aim I)iv omtcrit~ of
argitfille, ly"itle, histidil'o, a:;41 mono-
allkillo acids mtrc dvid. p" -, f -~T .. wed
Tilt 'AlIC3t 9CM WtKUMAI Ut!d-V-tli~ tf-Ul
coutaiqed 25-337, I,i~t ..... .Z-W~ DN \. -,w1 IS 20'-~
protein ('I the Nghcr ord'.r. 1 1,11 sj'~'fm nkmt
40% JMA-nud-ty otd,, Al,;,,r.
tntly the f 1'"ton' il'j-d-m thr V"Ilj~llj .I It\:
RIM (tie comt-ol "r Iii! !,,I , - '." , ),!! 'n
Emil.. Th't" Ot., I"i '11. 1, It '~I" I !~'I- I
-xr- r 11),rita or, thri Stuly of CortaIr Fractlorin of I'm or TIt, no.
.1d Piol Sci, o ',-nst ~iv-n) Acr-0 I ~ed Scl USSR, I nscov, Y64 (Y,[,, No
Feb 55)
SO: Sum. Yo. 631, 26 Aug 55 - Sume,,r of Scientific and Tecmical Dis-rertations
Dnf,~nrlerl at USSR 'ligher *,~ ducational In.3titutions (14)
All V. G.1.; SOLOVITIV. M.$.
Kethod of preparing specimens for electron microscopy from salt solutions.
Mikrobiologila 32 no.6:707-708 N-D 153, (HLBA 6:12)
1. Institut spidexiologii I m1krobiologii im. N.r.Gamaloya Akademli medi-
tainakikh nmuk SSM
(Ilectron microscope)
US!:R/ Medicine Viru:jolo,,_cjr
cardi/I Pub. 22 - 35/52
Authors Zillber, L. A. Hemb. of Acad, of I-led. 'Sc. U5,5R.; Nartsis,'ov, 11. V.,
and Abe
Title ft2-4' -
LIVII~A.L 1 1.11 U.LVII UP pacific Antjg(115 .111 SWOUVII US:110-3
Periodical i Dok. AN SE-311 100/2, 331-334, Jan 11, 1955
Abstract I Experiments were conducted on rata Lo detumine tht~ itflr~iloglcnl act-.v-
Ity of fractions (antigens) extracted swollmj Albumina
from mitochondria and microsomf,- and the first globul..n Iraction dc'mon-
strated ma)Limum serological activity. A much lesser serolojical ftcLi-
ity was sho-wri by the secono glol)Ulill 1'1',-LCtiUIj ~Iljd Cell IjbU'jtfjt. 1,11
clectrophoretic study of ell fraction., which were subjected to ser-
ological test showed that the active lractioyi:; wt--re analo,,,ouo in thi,~iy
composition. Three referonces: 2 U:Z14 and, I U,;A
Intititution i Acad. of Med. Sc. =')R, The 14. F~ Gauxileya In-titutQ of F;pidcmioloL~13i
and Microbiology, Virusolol-_Y Faculty.
Submitted July 23, 1954
X, -lj~
----- -- ---- - -
Antibody formation in primary rat sarcomas induced with carcinogens.
Neoplasm, Bratiel, 6 no.4:353-360 1959.
1. Department of Immunology H. F. Gamaleya Institute of Epidemiology
and Microbiology, Moscow. USSR.
(SARCOMA immunol.)
170) SOV/20-124-4-60/67
AUTHORS: Zillber, L. A., Member of the Academy of Medical Sciences,USSR,
Abelev, G. I., Avenirova, Z. A., Engellgardt, N. V., Baydakova,Z. L.
TITLEt On the Differences in the Antigen Structure of the Cytoplasm
Granulae of the Liver and of the Hepatoma in Mieq (0 razlichiyakh
antigennoy struktury tsitoplazmaticheskik),gra=1 pecheni i gepaitomy
PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 124, Nr 4, PP 537-939 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Malignant tumors contain specific tumor antigens (Refs 1,2), the
isolation and study of which is at present among the most topical
problems. The evaluation of the precipitation reaction in the gel
(Ref 3) combined with the 'chemical separation of tissue antigens
proves appropriate for this purpose. By this method, the number of
the individual antigens in the system can be determined, and these
individual antigens can be compared with each other. Said reaction
has several advantages over other reactions. The authors studied
its applicability in the gel, in order to clarify the antigen dif-
ferences of tumor and normal tissues. Contrary to previous papers,
an investigation was made, not of the protein fractions, but of the
cell granulae, as they undergo antigen changes on malignisation
Card 1/3 (Refs 7-9). For the purpose of a comparative evaluation of the
On the Differencesin the Antigen Structure. of the Cytoplasm Granulae of the Liver
and of the Hepatoma in Mice
results obtained by different methoda, the anaphylaxis reaction with
desensitization was employed. The work was carried out with the on-
twisted heparomata of strain C 3HA mice (Ref 10) and with the livers
of these mice. The granulae mentioned in the title were isolated
from the perfused liver by means of a separator, from a 10 %-homo-
genate in an isotonic saccharoue solution. Electron microscope!
analysis showed the granulae fraction to consist of a mixture of*
mitochondria and microsomes. Rabbits were immunized ( a) with a
lanolin depot, and (b) without a depot. For the purpose of a better
clarification of the qualitative and quantitative differences bs-
tween the preparations to be compared, the reaction was carried out
'in the following way: homologous sera and the antigen were placed
at opposite angles of a square (Figure 1). The antigens common to
the systems to be compared yield a uniform spectrum. ab, which is
situated between the alveoles with heterologous antigen and serum,
Antigens that are characteristic of one system only show bands
running along the diagonal of the square, their ende touching the
containers of the heterologous systems (cd, 2f). Figure 2 gives the
Card 2/3 results of the comparison between the protein fractions VmP and MmG.
On the Differences in the Antigen Structare;, of the Cytoplasm. Granulae of the
Liver and of the Hepatoma in Mice
The results attained in the agar medium by the method of precipita-
tion were compared with those obtained by the method of anaftLixis
(with desensitization), Table 1 shows that the two methods yielded
identical results (of. Refs 6,9). Thus the two above mentioned
methods lead to the detection of a specific antigen in the heparoma
granulae in mice which is but absent in the liver. At the same time
antigens were found in the liver granulae which disappear on cancer-
ization. The method described facilitates the evaluation of tho be-
havior-of individual antigens in complex systems, and operg neir
ways of their chemical. isolation.-There are 3 figures, 1 table, and
11 references, 7 of which are Soviqt.
ASSOCIATIONs Institut epidemiologii i mikrobiologii im. N. F. Gamaleya kkademii
meditsinskikh nauk SSSR (Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology
imeni N. F. Gamaley of the Academy of Medical Sciences, USSR)
SUBMITTEDs September 4t 1956
Card 313
'AUTHORSt Abelev, G. J1,., Avenirova, Z. A., SOV/20..124-6-40/55
1'ng-e-T-gurdt-,~. V., Baydakova, i. L., Stepanchenok-Rudnik, 0. 1.
TITLEs An Organospec'-fic Ant-f.gen of the Liver Absent in the Hepatoma
(O=ganospetsificheskily antigen pecheni, otsutstvuyushchiy v
PERIODICAL-. Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR. 19r-9, Vol 124, Nr 6, PP 1328-1330
ABSTRACT: The problem of the antigen simplification in malignisation
ariesd when it was proved (Refs -1-3) that mitochondria and
microsomes of the liver are losing the organospecific antigen
in the experimental canceration. This simplification was
confirmed (Ref 4), but at the same time an organospecific
antigen was found in the hepatoma. Yet the question is not
so'-7ed in meny respepts (Rc-.f 5). The authors investigated this
problem on -,ytoplasmic granulae and on a hapatoma transferable
by vao,%lination by means of prrilpitation in agar (11of 6). For
this purpose the hapatoma and liver of C 3HA mice and other
mles spe,.i6s were used. The preparation method of antigens of
Card 1/3 the m!tochondria and m-11crooomea from Aho liver OWL) a-id from
Ar. Organospe--iflic Antigen Df the Liver Absent in the SOV/20-~24-6-40/55
tha hepptoma (MM) and the performance of the reaction were
pre-1-ously dAscribed ('Ref 11), The fact of antigen simplifii-.sticn
:~f the MML -ompared with MMH, as such becomes very clear
(Fig ',)~ The bands of the lost antigens can be seen in. all
pTppara,-,~:ns (up t3 4 antigens in the protein fraction of the
MMI', It wag of interest to chqok the organospecific,'~y of the
1,2B~. antigens.. For this purpose the anti-MMP serum was part-ly
TkOlltra'117ed by ts solution of renal. MM, the preoipitatE, 'SaEi
remcore4 and the ser-am obtained was determined with antigens of
llv-~,r, hepat.)ma, kidney and splgen. It was found th8t; the
antigen bsnds m~asing in the h9patoma are also missing in the
Me L.-,-,O the k!dni~-j and spleen. Apparently the antigens deto~!ted
VY the atith:-,rs aro SD9--Jf"C Of the liver only. Thus the dEtta
.b,'~a'ned by the auth:,rs tby a different method and from a
llffer~ni tumo-r) "Onfirm ~,he results of Weiler (Refs 1-3~. The
question of the no-urrenee of organospecific antigens in the
hepa"loma, remalne unoolved~ The authors succeeded in isolating
of '*:hes;; antigens (AO) and in investigating its immunologic
xpecif:!Oityc This 5.Bolatinn is based on the fact that AO is
most. ccoznneet-ed with the MML-wall and is 'Left thero
Card 2/3 after the ertra:,t-,'on. cf the other agents.
An Organospecifir; Antigen of the L.Ive~~ Absent ir the SOV/20-424-6-40/55
One -.f the methods of AO isolation is described. Its reactions
are prei;ertod in the fig,jies 2-4~ The authors were thus able
to Isolate one ,f the organospecific liver antieens which are
absent In the hepa~oma, The investigation is continued with
regard to the explanation of its chemical nature, localization
within thG cell et.-., There are 4 fig-ures, I tab3c, and
9 rpferences, I of wfaoh is SDr'Aet.
PRESETITEDz Septemter 27, 1956, by V, A. Engpllgaret.,Academician
SUBMITTED; September 27-, 1958
Card 3/3
Isolation of precipiting antibodies to specifio antigens of the
liver and mouse hepatoma. Vop. onk. 6 no.6:57-62 Je 160.
(MIPA 1413)
isolation of specific antigens of tranaplanted mouse bepatoma by
means of an immmofiltration method. 7op. onk, 6 no.6.'62-72 Je
160. - (MIRA 14:3)
Elution and purification of an organ Bpecific antigen of the liver.
Vop. onk. 6 no.7143-49 Je 160. (MIRA 14:4)
Modification of the method of precipitation in agar for a comparison
of tuo antigen-antiserLm systemB. Biul, ekep. biol. i med. 49 no.3:
1.18-120 Mr 160. (MIRA 14:5)
1. Iz otdola im=nologii i or*ologii (zav. - daystvitellnyymishlen
ANN SSSR L.A.Ziltber) Instituta epidemiologii,i mDu-obiologli
imeni N.F.Gamalei (dir. prof, N.S.Muromtsev) AMN SSSR, Moskva.
Predstavlena deystvite~lnym chlenom AMN SSSR L.A.Zillberom.
"Isolation of the Specific Antigens of Neoplastic and Normal
Tissues by Methods of Preparatory I)mmunoelectrophoresis and Immunofiltvationn
Report presented at the 5th DWI Biochemi.,,try Congress.
Moscow. 10-16 Aug. 1961
"The method of isolating specific tumour antigens."
report cubriitted for the European Conference an Tumor Biology VCC),
Warsav, Poland
22-27 MY Irk"d
Abelev, ' . T. -Gamleya Inst. of Epidemiology mid Microbiology, M. Schukinskaya 13,
Moskva, D-182
Sensitivity threshold of the method of precipitation in agar.
Biul. eksp. biu-. i med. 52 no.12:107-111 D '61, (I'MIA .14: 32)
1. Iz otdola immunologii, I onkologii (zav. - prof. L.A.Zillber)
Instituta epidemiologii, I mikrobiolegii imeni N.F.Gamalei A."M SSSR.,
Predstavlena deystvitellnym chlenom. 024 SSSii L.A.Zillberom.
ZILIBER, lev Aleksandrovich, prof.; ADUEV, Garri Izrailevich;
GELISHTM,, V.Lt red.; ROKM. it
[Virology and immology of cancer]Virusologiin i L-Tunologiia
raka. Moskva, Medgiz, 1962. 457 p. NMI 15: 8)
1 Deysivitellrwy chlen Akademii meditsinskikh nauk SSSR (for
ABE;!~V,__", kand. mod. nauk; BUXRINSKAYA, A.G., kand. mad. nauk;
GELITSER, R.R., prof.; GOLINEVICH, Ye.M., prof.; "UHDANOV, VA,
prof.; ZDRODOVSKIY, P.F., prof.; KALINA, G.P., prof.; KAULEN,
D.R., kand. mad. nauk; KIKTENKO, V.S., prof.; KRYLOVA, O.P.,
kand. mad. nauk; KUCHERENKO, V.D., kand. mad. nauk; LOMAKIN,
M.S., kand. mad. nauk; MDSING, G.S., doktor mad. nauk; PERSHINA,
Z.G., kand. sellkhoz. nauk; PEHOV, A.P., doktor biol. nauk;
PESHKOV, M.A., prof.; TIKHONENKO, T.I., kand. mad. nauk;
TOVARNITSKIY, V.I., prof.; SHEN, R.M., prof.; ETINGOF, R.N.,
kand. mad. nauk; KALININA, G.P., prof., nauchnyy red. toma;
prof., zamest. otv. red.; TIMAKOV, V.D., prof*, zam* otv. red.
BARDYAN, O.A., prof., red.; KALINA, G.P., red.; PETROVA, N.K...
tekhn. red.
[Multivolume manual on the microbiology, clinic, and epidemiology
of infectious diseases]ltiogotomnoe rukovodstvo po mikrobiologii
klinike i spidemiologii infektsionnykh boleznei. Moskva, Medgiz,
Vol.2. [Generol microbiology]Obshchaia mikrobiologiia. Red. V.M.
Zhdanov. 1962. 535 p. (MIRA 16:1)
(Continued on next card)
The antigenic structure of mouse hepatomas. 1. Organ-specifio anti-
gens of the liver and immuno-electrophoratic study of their ocourence
in hepatomas. Neoplasma 9 no.2:125-130 162.
1. It otdola immunologii i onkologii, Instituta epidemiologii i
mikrobiologii im. N. F. Gamaleya AM, Moskva, SSSR.
(HEPATOMA immunol) (NEOPLASMS immunol)
Connective tissue antibodies in monospecific antitissue sera.
Biul. eksp. blol. i.ped. 53 no.5t94-98 My 162.
(MIRA 15:7)
1. Iz otdela immunologii i onkologil (sav. - prof. L.A.
Zillber) Instituta apidemiologii i mikrobiologii, imeni N.F.
Gamalei AMN SSSR, Moskva. Predstavlena daystvitellnym chlenom
AMN SSSR L.A. Zillberom.
SHABAD, L.M., glav. red.; VERMELI, Ye.M.,, prof., zam, glav.
red.; KONOPIZV, V.V#,.* zwo glave red.; AB=Vj,.,G,I.., red.
toma; IRLIN, I.S.p red. toma; SWOYLOV, V.I., red. toma;
SBABAD, L.M., red.; GONCHAROVA, T.I., tekhn. red.
[Transactions of the Ei ht International Cancer Research
Congress in six volumesl Trudy v shesti, tor-akh. Moslnra,
Medgiz. Vol.3.[Problems in the virology and immunology of
cancer. Correlations of tumor and body] Voprosy virusolo-
gii i inammologii raka. Vzaiawtuosheniier opukholi i organiz-
ma. 1963. 518 p. (MIRA 17:3)
1. International Cancer Research Congress. Sth, Moscow.. 1962.
2. Deystvitellnyy chlen ANN SSSR (for Shabad).
AN17LEV), G.I., kand. biolog. nauk
Immnocherdstry of tumors.
Zhur. VrJiO 8 no.4:459-467 163.
(MIRA 161l0)
Antigenic structure of mouse hepatomas II. Preparation of monospecific
antibodies to the orgar*pecific liver antigens. Neoplapma 10 n0.2:
121-126 163.
1. Department of Immunology and Oncology, N.F. Gamaleytt Institute of'
Epidemiology and Microbiology of the U.S.S.R. Academy of Medical Sciences,
Moscow U.S.S.R.
,Lntiganic structure of mouse h6patomas. III. A study of the organo-
specific liver antigens in the hapatomas with the aid of monospecific;
antibodies, Neoplasma 10 no.2:127-131 163.
1., Department of Immunology and Oncology, N.F. GarAaleyp Institute
of Epidemiology and Microbiology of the U.S.S.R., Acad6my of Medical
Sciences, Moscow, U.S.S.R.
New data on the virology and immunology of tumors. Vest.
AMN SSSR 18 no.3:4-15 163. (MIRA 17:10)
Alphfi globulin of embryonic serum and It3 synt.hes'L.3 by transplanted
hppatomas in mice. Blokhimila 28 no.4:625-634 JI-Ag 163.
(MIPA 18:3)
1. Institut epidemiologii i mikrobiologii Ameni Onnalei
AMN SSSR, Moskva.
11.104c,j) , Jon, linz.; di%).Y, Ji.,!
Procticul test.,3 (if UiA o-.jul ;n li,e Y.-,;. ri,,
'), F
FGjArny Enterprit.e. Pal,tr a cf.-litic:vt -,(~ n,.-;,-: )J.-~j
1. Krkonos3ke puVirn.N,, flostAnne.
Conotruotion pile foundations, Stroitell no,6zlS-19 Je 161.
(MIU 14:7)
(Piling (Civil engineering))
AHZIXV, M.M., inih.
Finishing the internal surfaces of equipment made of acid-renistant
steel. Xbim. mash. no.4:41-45 Jl-Ag '59. (MIRA 12:12) ~
(Steel) (Grinding and polishing)
/60/000/03/07/0 10
AUTHORS: Abelev, M.M., Galitskiy, B.A., Konovalov, A.R., Engineers
TITLE: The Manufacture of Double-Pipe Coils
PERIODICAL: Khimicheskoye mashinostroyenlye, 1960, No. 3, pp. 31 - 33
TEXT: The development of experimental equipment at NIT KhIMMASh necessitated
the manufacture of double-pipe coils of 320-520 mm diameter from heat- and acid-
proof steel tubes. After bending, the ovality of the pipes must not exceed 50%
of the tolerance for the outer pipe diameter. The space between pipes of a
finished coil Must hot be less than 0.7 mm. The liquid flow In a double-pipe
coil must be at least 120 1/h between the pipes and not less than 220 l1h
thro'jgh a pipe of 10 mm diameter at 2.5 kg/cm2 input pressure'. -To fix the
inner pipe in respect to the outer pipe, the outside pipe wall is indented by
heated steel balls at experimentally predetermIned distances. The coils are
manufactured using the following method: the inner surface of the outer 16 mm
pipe and the inner and outer surfaces of the 1U = pipe are cleaned by washing
in aviation gasoline. For degreasing the pipes are placed for 4-5 hours into
boiling electrolyte, consisting of 1% trisodium phosphate and 0.3% of the "On
Card 1/2
The Manufacture of Double-Pipe Coils S/ i84/60/ow/03/07/0 10
(OP-7) -lashing agent, are washed by hob and cold water, and the remaining dirt is
removed from the internal surfaces of the pipes by felt rods. Then the pipes are
pickled for 15 minutes in a solution of nitric (18%), sulfuric (9%) and hydrochloric
(5%) acid, heated to 650C, are washed with hot and cold water, and are cleaned by
wooden rods. Finally, they are washed in alcohol and are again cleaned by rods.
Subsequently the indentations are produced in one operation on a bending machine
with the inner pipe inserted. A special device is used for this purpose, con81h$-td;ng
of three rollers (Figure 3) arranged at an angle of 1200, and having 5 mm steel
balls fixed to their working surfaces. The pipes are fed Into the device at a
rate of 17 m/min. Metallographio studies did not reveal any cracks, shears, or
dangerous deformations in zones of iddentations and in the adjacent areas. The
inner pipe and the space between the inner and outer pipe is filled with molten
metal (Wood's alloy type). Then the pipes are bent on the same bending machine
on which the indentations were produced. It Is also possible to perform the
bending on a lathe using a special mandrel (Figure 5). The coil is heated to
300-3500C and hot air is blown through to remove the metal filler. This is the
most labor-consuming and unproductive operation, since It is not always possible
to clean the space between the pipes completely. In such cases the coils are
pickled in a 30% solution of acetic acid. The technological process of manufacturing
double-pipe coils with a relative ovality of 1.5-2% is simpler, since no metal
filling is required. There are 3 photographs and 2 diagrams. aK
Card 2/2
- ABELEV M M inzh.; GLLITSKIY, B.A... inzh.; KONOVALOV, A.R.,, :Lnzh.
-~ ~~ s
Manufacturing Idouble pipe" coils. Khim. mash. no. 3:31-33 My-Je
160. (MIRA 14: 5)
(Beat exchangers)
GALITSKIYO B.A., inzh,j ABEIEV, M.M., inzh,
System of universal sectional jig attachments. HIRRIWISH
no.330-23 160. (MIRA 15:5)
(Chemical engineering--Equipment and supplies)
C?ontrifuge rotors with welded grate sieves and the technology of their
manufactur6o Khim.mash, no.2:38-43 Mr-Ap 161. (MIM 14:3)
S _1C
-3/1,~_-i',/,52/000/006 '00i - 0
~%"JTHC)7's: Abelev, Galitskiy, B.A., Kolosova, L.P., _En,-ineers
I-- ____ -
T'_~TLE: Desim and fabrication techrolo- of tit,-.nixm rolls
3-1:-, 7: i Q
bICAJ.: Khinichoskoye mashinostroyeniye, no.6, 1962, 26-29
r'-XT: Ii_'TKhI'.,7."Sh has developed a desiCn a~nd fabricat-on lechnolof- for
I L _1 - Cly
threc- kii-'~,7 of' hollo-.,rl all-titanium or titaniun-coated steel rolls - the
~,io.-k roll and the sheeting roller of a COA r', (30A.I.) sinClo-roll dryer,
and the f ini3hing cylinder of a ountinuous '~T HI (PI.Sh-160I) machine
uced for producing viscose rayon. The rolls tire described end illustrated
in drawinCs and photographs. All fEtbrication-staGes are described in do-
nil: the blaniing of Br 1-1 (VT 1-1) sheat litan4ur, and the machirin~,
alio-~,.ances; argon aro or automatic submor~~ed-arc .%clding of the roll sec-
tions with the use of snacial ANT-1 flux developed b:, the Irn' i-
tut n1ektrosvarki im. ~e.O.Patona ('21ectric V.'eldin_f- inztitute ir.. Yo.O.
Paton); threadin,- of holes in the and faces of the roil--, includinla do-
tails on the geometry of the taps and the cuttinU fluid uoed in tapping;
S/1z:; 62/000/006/006/00b
De3ign and fabricat-ion tLohnology ... D040YD112
fine turning with hi,,,,h s7,oed and low feed and cuttinLr,- Oepth, includinc,
detailo of the carbide-ti-p-pod lathe tool Cecmetry, "he tip material
,~ivin- the best sureace :inisht and the cuttinC fluid for turning. 71c
results of the oxperinenti; wore checked under chop conditions. There
are 6 fiGures and 1 table.
Card 2/2
"4020394 BOCK EXPLOITATIM 8/0763
Galitskiy, B. As; Abelevo U. U.; Kolosova,, L. P.; Toropov-p V. As) Shevelkin., Bo We
Titanium and its ~al~lqyain the chemical engineering industry (Titan i ego ap]Avy*
v khimichaskou mashinostroyanii) Moscowp Mashj1z, 1963. 263 P, illuf,6)
biblio. 2500 copies printed, Reviewer: Domba, 14, L; Editort Skvortsov,,
Ye. Ye. (Engineer)j Deputy editors Ry*bakova, Vs 1, (Engineer); Editor of the
publishing houses Tairova., he Lo; Technical editorst ElIkind', Ve Do
Makaroya, Lo Aol Proofreaders Piryazevp Po A,
TOPIC TAGS, Titanium, titantitu alloy , chemical engineering,, machining of tita. :1
. I
niam, forming of titanlua, welding of titan"
PURPOSE AND COVERAGE-. Thin book was written for engino~r"a and technicians at
industrial establishments,, design Wreaus, and scientific-research institutes
connected with the cheuical engineering industry, as well as for engineers and
technicians in industrial establish=ents utilizing chemical apparatus and eqaip-
=ant, It may be of use alBo as a study aid for students in machine-da3ip vusen
and technimso The constraction of chemical equipment made of titanium ie
IC76 -rd- 1/2
analyzed, and the apeclal characteristics of the machiningp formlngg and welding
of titanium and its low alloys utilized in the chemical engineering bdustry sme.,
Foreword 3
Cho L Titanium and its alloys used in the chemical engineerihg industry -
Ch. Ila Designs of chemical apparatus and equipment made of titanlum'4'M -a 39
Ch. ITL Hachining titanium and its alloys 106
Cho IV. Forming titanium and its alloys 239
Ch, Ve Welding titanium ard its alloys - - 185
Cho VI. Special equipment used in the manufacture of chemical apparatus 232
Literature - - 260
OnMRt 016
AB-VI,FV, M.M., ',rzb.
Belt grinding of the par's of chamIcal ApWatuis. Kh1m. i
nefL. mashirontr. no.503-36 N 164 (MIRA 1.8.,2)
695-66 EvrWIEWN QATI/Ewr- W I-Jr(c) J Df'Hw'
AUTHOR: -Abelev, H. M. (Engineer) 01
OPG: none
TITLE: Study of grinding.titanium ith an abrasive belt
11 91 ~
SOURCE% Vestnik mashinostroyeniya, no. 1p 19661 69-72
TOPIC TAGS: titanium, hardness, grinding, grinding rkichino, corundump lathe,
abrasive material/ VT1-1 titanium, IK62 lathe
ABSTRACT: The results of a study of titanium grinding with an abrasive belt are
given. Rollers of VT1-1 titanium with a diameter of 05 mm and a length of 450 mm
were ground with an sive belt. The work was done to establish optimum
endlot% abra
conditions for obtaining a precision cylinder with a surface smoothness of 7--8.
The work was done on a 1K.62 lathe having an abrasive bolt 1630 mm, long. -White
corundum with a grain size of hO and 25 was used. When grinding titanium with
electrocorundum, the optimum speed of the belt is 12-14 M/sec (see Fig. 1). White
electrocorundum with a grain size of 25 was found to be best for polishing parts
to a smoothness of 7 (see Fig. 2). The optimam hsrdness of the rubber coating of
Card 1/2 UDC: 621.923.001
L 32695-66
ACC NRt k-6016277
v $41M ruv
to IV )0 40 w . to rmin
Fig. 2. Smoothness of polished surface versus
operating time of belt with contact roller
covered with rubber with hardness of 75 units.
Fig. 1. Removal of metal versus belt
speed (belt width 70 mms S - 1.3 mm/revolutions
the contact roller is 55--W units, Orige art, has: 1 photograph) 5 graphs, and 1
Card 2/2 L -C4
Building on water saturated incoherent clayey soils; All-Union
Congress in Tallinn. Osn.p fund. i makh. grun. 7 no.5:30-31 165.
(MIRA 18:10)
ABELEV, Yu.M., doktor tekhn.. naukp prof.,-.A4~4
,~.j M.Yu.p inzh.;
BAKEOLDIN, B.V., kand. tekhn. nauk; BEREZANTSEV, V.G.,
doktor tekhn. nauk, prof.; VYALOV, S.S.., doktor tekhn.
nauk,- GODES, E.G., inzh.,- GORBUNOV-POSADOV, ~'.1., doktor
tekhn. nauk,, prof.; DAIRATOV, B.I.., doktor .tekhn. naukq
prof.; DOKUCHAYEV, V.V.j kand. tekhn. nauk; KRUTOV, V.I.,
kand. tekhn. nauk; KSENOFONTOV, A.I., kand. teklin. nauk;
MARIUPOLISKIY, G.M., kand. tekhn. nauk; MORAaSKUL,N.N.,
inzh.; P&UM , Ye.M.) inzh.; SAVINOV, O.A., doktor tekhn.
nauk,- SIDOROV, N.N., kand. tekhn. nauk; WORODINSHY,
N.,., kand. tekhn. nauk; SOKOLOV, N.M.,, doktor teklui.nauk;
F) iDKIN, A.Ya., inzh.; SHASHKOV, S.A., kand. tekhn.nauk;
M.L., inzh.; YAROSHENKO, V.A., kand.tekhn.nauk,
J,eceased]; KHALIZEV., Ye.P.p kand. tekhn. nauk,,
tMar,ual for the designing of industrial plants, apartment
houses, and public buildings and structures; foundations)
Spravochnik proaktirovshchika promyshlenrykh, zhilykh i
obshchestvenyWkh zdanii i sooruzhenii; osnovaniia i funds-
menty. Leningrad, Strolizdat, 1964. 268 p.
(1-URA 18:1)
AcckzsioN NR: AP039829 S/0225/64/000/003/001-1/0024
MTHORS: Abelevp Me Yuoj Toyftoviolip No As
TITLEs Problems of applying the seepage oonsol4d.Ation theory to strongly
compressible saturated clayey eolle
SOURGE: Onnovaniyaj, fundamanty,* i mekhanika gruntovo DO* 3s 1964,, ii-l4
TOFIC TAGS: soil,, soil behavior, soil consolidations clay, saturation condition,
permeability, compressibility., Darcy laws porosity
ABSL'RACT.- The validityof the seepage consolidation theory as applied to saturat9d,
clayey soils with a compressibility coefficient a > 0.1 cm2/kG was investigated at
Kafedra "liekhanika gruntoyt oonovaniya i Audamenty" Hoskovekoga inshenerno-
stroitelinoeo instituta imeni V. V. Kuyby*shova (Department of Soils Mee
Bases and Foundations at the Moscow Structural Engineering Institute)* The work
was undertaken because of the conflicting opinions published on this subject. The
tested specimens (2s 4; 60 83 10, and 3.2 om high) were made of loose c2sy and loan
and of undisturbed loams All wiperiments were conducted under water* It was
Card 1/4
=ESSION NRt AP4039829
maintained up to the
determined that under a pressure of no lose than 1 kg/=2
iconsolidation of 75-W the period of consolidation is directly proportional to
the squares of the specimen heights. A strong deviation from the seepage conaol-
idation theory was noted at loads below 1 kg/=2. The experiments proved that t~e
structural compressive strength represents a definite and measurable quality of i
:strongly compressible soils and that it is independent of the duration of pressure I
: application under water* Numerous tests with vertical 3oads showed that the
shearing strength of these soils is independent of their saturation and is deter-
mined bjY their structural cohesion c.). Compression testa revealed that the
!loads were resisted by the Boil skeleton without any increase in the intraporo
pressure. The relation between the coefficient of porosity and the coefficient of
:permeability was found to be logarithmic (see Fig, 1 on the Enclosure), It wits
'determined that at the beginning of consolidation the permeability of the soils
!tested followed Darcy's low., but at a certain porosity (typical for every soil) the'
'permeability deviates from this law. Further experiments showed that after the
i -completion of settling the intrapore pressure does not drop to zeroo The remlaa
ressure was 001-0425 ks/w%2 and did not chmp Ln the course of 34 "t, Zu *Uak
Zers it was found to vary with the depth and breadth of the soil 2AYW, iWroasug
Card 2/4
with the dist
aliq from the draining surface* For design work its mean value may b9
calculated fro,.A the formula urgm. - Ioh&Bx where uramn. is mean remnant intrapore,
pressurep 10 is the original pressure gradient, h is V2 thickness of the larir of
strongly compressible soil# AB is density of water. The investigation of tho
,effectiveness of Band drains in consolidation of saturated clayey soils was otirried,
out with drains 4-8 cm in diameter in soil layers 50 cm in diameter and 50 cm thickp
under the pressure of 1.5 ki/cm2. The specimens rested on a !;-cm base of Band*
Intrapore pressure and settling were moamwed at 10 point4 throughout the depth of
each layer. Similar experiments without the use of drains provided the contrca.
.data. Small drains were found less effective than the large ones beoause of 1.
rapid filling with loamp but all drains proved highly effective in expediting the
consolidation of weak soils. Orig. art, has: 5 graphs and 1 tablese
AWOCIATIONi Kafedra "Mekhanika grtuitov, oanovanlya i fundamenty" Hoskovskogo,
inzhenerno-atroitellnogo instituta. :Uneni V. V. Kuyby*sheva (Depw-tment of Soils me-:
chanics., Bases and Foundations, Moscow Structural Indn Bring Inxtitute)
SUBK=ED: 00 DATE ACQ3 26jun64 ENCLs 01
Card 3/4-- ---
AC&SSIOk NRI AP4039829
I I Mot
Fig, 1, Relation between the coefficient of permeability and the
coefficient of porosity. I- river loan (city of ArkhwWUk)j
it 2- organo-mineral loam (city of Riga)) 3- river loan (city, of
Card 4/4
Applying the theory of filtration consolidation for highly
compressible water saturated clayey soilz. Osn., fund. i
mekh. gruno 6 nos31ll-14 t6J,, (MIRIA 170)
A L-'Fl,Fvt ." I ),-I "k, I ~ I J ~." ,,ii I N'. (1,
I Dic, i Con -A '% ' 7",V~ Ku ~ 1.5 slit!v Im, -.14, 1 ~ ~- . ~. -
'-r,gJneerir.p, In )"L.-i3. ! -r u. ~. h . g r ui i , 6 -, c, ~. ~. ~ ,- ,
~o I G~ . ~ IM: *-'., ., "~ I"- ":
USI-Rpla therva ties - Chaplyjin's method
Card 1/1 Pub. 22 - 1/45
Authors Abelev, N. V.
Title i About one sufficient condition of the applicability of Chanlygin's method
to the solution of higher order (diff.) equations.
Periodical % Dok. Ali SSSR 99/4p 493-494, Dec Is 1954
lbstract i A case is considered to which Chanlygin's method of differential inequalitieq
used for approximate integration of higher order differential, equations, can
be apTilied. The ap!1licability of such theorem under certain conditions, is
proved. One Russian reference (1953.).
Institution - Moscow Hachins-tool. Institute im. I. V. St-alin
Presented by: Academician S. L. Sobolev, September 23, 1954
- - L-1.".)
J~- . %yuril I-I't,4cVich.
Basic plannit r and con-StructiW; Oll ,
.0 (49-51"03)
morizdat 191:6. "702', 2 1). k-
Jul 48
10- 4 1 A 4
Building Code
,Principles of Designing Foundations on
Xatural Bases in Macroporous Grounds," Prof
ju. X. Abelev, laureate of Stalin Prize, 5 pp
OStroitel Prce. No 7
Xin of Constr of Heavy Ind Enterprises will in
Vw near future approve building of new
Industrial and civic buildings and constructions.
Solution of the problem of the Bagging
(31~Lracteristics of microporous bases was
Wficuli. Standards under Building Code
IM 64/49T42
VM/Engineering (Contd) Jul 48
4-41 do not guarantee security of foimdations
VWch have been dampened. Presents new
Owulards for revision of building code. Gives
Several illustrations.
40FO 64A9T42
APIM. 7u.M., professor, lmireat Stalinskoy preaft; BOGAYICVSKIYI B*A., Inshener.
Irecting an industrial building on filled-in ground. Strol.prom. 31
no.11:13-16 If 153. (MLOA 6112)
(Industrial build.ings) (Foundations)
AB", Tu.K.. professor, laureat Stalinskoy pramli; XANBYSKIY, S.B., inzhenfir.
Axperience in using water-saturated loses soils an foundations for
blast furnaces. Stroliprom. 32 no-3:6-11 Mr 054. (XLRA 7:5)
(Blast furnaces
ABIWv YU.N., Professor, laureat Stelingkoy previl.
Xxperiment in deep packing of unstable water-clogpd soils.
Strol.prom. 32 no.7:9-15 Tl 154. (MLRA 7:7)
(Soil stabilization)
ABIUMsTuaK., professor I SHYMS.V.D., insherAr
low method of preparing the soil under foundations of buildings
an& struatures. S' - mat. o, nov. tekh. v stroi. 17 no-5120-22
155. ..'3oil stabilization) (MM RtQ
AIIPjMVv Yue)(op professor,
Building 2-3 story buildings on macroporous clayey soils. Sbor.
mat. o nov. takh. r strol. 17 no-10:10-17 155. (XW 9s2)
(Boll mechanics)
V T- T- r
KMIMIN,P.G., kandidat tekhaichookikh nauk; SHULTAPIN,R.S.,
kandidat takh. nauk; XMIMOT.O.U.. inshener: MLLTSHRV.M.I.,
prnfasRor; RCDSHr=,A.G.. kandidat takh.nauk; GMIDSHr=,H.v
professor; ABXLIV.Tu.X.,profes9or.
- wmww~mffmw:
Discussion of the problem of building on coarsely porous mottling
aoile. Strot. prom. 33 no.5:40-45 Fq 155. (HLRA 8:6)
(Boll mechnnics)
ABBLEV,Yu.9., profeasor; YRIDKAN,I.S., Inzhener
Uperience in building on filled groun. Strol.prom-33 no.6:17-20
Je'55- (KLUA 8:10)
1. Nauchno-issladovatellskiy institut oan siniy i fundamentov (for
Abelev) 2. Belorusakiy iuBtitut proyek-tirovaniya gorodov (for Frid-
(Minsk-Stadiums) (Foundations) 6 , OUDOYS13T. P. TO.
Insuring the stabillty of an existing building by the placement of
adjUcent deep foundations. Stroi.prom. 34 no.4:41-42 AV 156.
(KERA 9:8)
, , professor, redaktor; SHKINNV, A.N., inzhaner, re ktor;
AaW JA.J" In
PETROVA, V.V., redak"tor izdatellatys, KILINICHINKO, F.P.,
tokhnicheskiy redaktor
[Norms and spicificatione for planning and erecting buildings and
industrial structures on sacroporous and yielding earth) Normy i
tokhnicheakis usloviia proektirovaniis i strottellstva zdanii i
promyshlennykh soomthenit na makroporistykh prosadochnykh gruntakh.
(NiTU 137-56). Mosivra, Goo. izd-vo lit-ry po stroit. t arkhttaktura,
1956. 52 p. (MLRA 10:3)
1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Gosudarstvennyy komitat po delam
(Building) (Zarthwork)
na, Jril
ABIM, Yu*M..,,.profe9uor,-.KRUT-OVj V.I., inzhaner. PRTROV, A.I., Inahener,
ding on fill. Strol. prom. 35 no-5:16-20 Ky 1570 (KIRA iotO
1. easovuznyy nauchno-isaledovatel'skiy Inatitut o9novanly i
nndsomnykh noori2haniy Akademii stroitelstva i arkhttektury SSSR
(for Krutov), 2. Proyaktno-konstruktorskove byuro zavoda imeni
Illicha (for Petrov).
(Youndations) (Soil mechanics)
ABBLEVI Yu.H., prof.; SMINSKIT, Te.V,, kand.tekhn.nauk; GALITSKIY,
-Inzh.; MUNI2S, A.P., red.izd-va; TMEINA, Te.L.,
[Instructions for the deep stabilization of macroporous
sagging (loose) soils using soil piles in constructing
foundations of buildings and structures] Instraktaiia po,
glubinnomm uplotneniiu makroporistykh prosadochnykh (lessovykh)
gruntov gruntovymi evaiami v oenovanii zdanii i sooruzhenii
(SH 33-58). Moskva. Goo.izd-vo lit-ry po stroit., arkhit. i
stroit.materialamg 1959o 35 p. (MIRA 13:7)
1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Gosudarstvewqy-komitet po delam
(Foundations) (Soil stabilization)
ABIUV, Tu.,H.,,prof.-. KRIPIOV, V.I., kgnd.takhn.nauk, mladshiy nauchnyy
sotrudniki NOVITCIRKKO, X.H.# inth., re4.
[Practices in constructing buildings on fills] Opyt stroitel'stva
2danii na nasypnykh gruntakh. Moskva, 1959. 36 p.
WRA 13:6)
1. Akademiya stroltel'stva i arkhitaktury SSSR. Inatitut organi-
zataii. makhanizataii i takhaichaskoy pomoshchi stroitalletyu.
Byuro tekhnicheskoy informatsii, 2, Rakovoditell laboratorii
stroitalletva as lessovykh prosadochnykh gruntakh Nauchno-issle-
dovatellskogo instituta onnovaniy Akademii stroitel'stva i arkhi-.
tektury SSSR (forAbelav). 3. Nauchno-iseledovateliskiy institut
oanovaniy Akademli stroitel'stva i arkhitektury SSSR (for Kratov).
Phenomenon of settlement and its characteristics concerning
macroporous clayey (loses) soils. (Trudy] NIIOSP no.37:5-25
'59- (MIRA 12:11)
(Foundations) (Soil machanice) (Loses)
Problems in using names "loose,' "loosslike loam, H and *macroporoas
cla.vay soils" in ostablishing the nomenclature of soils. [Trud.71
HIIOSP no-37:41-,51 159. (MIRA 12:11)
(Icess--Name) (Soils--Terminology)
- -- -------
Answers to readerml questions. Oan., fand.i. mekh.gran
2 no.4:9 160. (MIU 13:7;
Doe Tech Sci - (diss) "Features of construction of buildings
and industrial installations on subsiding soils. (Paper on
materials published by the author in the period 1931-1959
in seeking the academic degree of doctor of technical sciences).
Moscow, 1961. 45 pp with illustrations; (Academy of Construc-
tion and Architecture UESR); 150 copies; rice not given; list
of author's works on pp 42-44 (36 entriej-, (KLI 10-61 sup, 211.)
Study of the effeot of the plane shape and dimensions of foundatioM
on the extent of settlement. (Trudy) NIIOSP no.46:5-19 161.
(MIRA 15s2)
(Soil mechanies)(Foundations)
Study of the deformation of a foundation compacted by sand pilep
Osn,, fund. i makh - grun, 3 no.2s2-5 161. (MMA 1-4:5)
(Piling (Civil engineering)) (Foundations)
ABELEV, lu.K.; BRAYT, P.I.j yjiU'TUV, V.I.; SMOCHAN, Ye.A.
Deformations of a large-panel
with artificial wetting of the
3 no.6:12-15 16L
(Apartment houves) (Foundations)
apartment house
footirj~. Osn.,
on sagging so.U,
fundoi mekhol,rune
(MIRA 15:4)
ABEIAT, Yuriy Mordukhoviobp profj KRUTOY, Vladimir Ivanovich, kand.takhns
naukI SMSHUXCVAp H.A.p red.izd-val KASIMOV, D.Ya.p tekhn.rede
[grection of buildings and structures on filled grmind] Vozvedenie
zdanU i soorushwil. na nasypr7kh gruntakh. Moskva, Goo.izd-vo
lit-r7 po otroitep arkbit. I. etroit,,materialam,, 1962. 347 p.
(MmJ, 15:5)
To.-A.; EYDUK, R.P.
Testing a series 1-480-P large-panel apartment house erected on
settling soil. Osn., fund.i makh.grun. 4 no.213-5 162.
(MIRA 15:8)
(ZaporozbOye-Apartment houses.-Testing)
ABELEV,ju.M.p doktor tekhn. nauk, prof.; ABELEV, M.Yu., inzh.;
BAKHOLDIN, B.V.p kand. tekhn. nauk; BEREZANTSEV, V.G.,,
doktor tekhn. nauk, prof.; VYALOV, S.S., doktor tekhn.
nauk; GODES, E.G... inzh.; GORBIJNOV-POSADOV, E.I., doktor
tekhn. nauk, prof.; DAIP.ATOV, B.I.., doktor tekhn. naukp
prof.; DOKUCHAYEV, V.V.# kand. tekhn. nauk; KRUTOV, V.I.,
kand. tekhn. nauk; KSENOFONTOVY A.I., kand. tekhn. nauk;
MARIUPOLISKIY, G.M.0 kand. tekhn. nauk; MORAAESKUL,N.N.,
inzh.j HALEY, Ye.Fl.$ inzh.; SAVINOV, O.A., doktor tekhn.
nauk; SIDWOV, N.N.j kand. tekhn. nauk,- SKORODINSKIY,
N.',., kand. tekhn. nauk; SOKOLOV, N.M., doktor tekhn.nauk,-
F1.1DKIN, A.Ya., inzh.p- SHASHKOV, S.A., kand. tekhn.nauk;
S'EYKOV, M.L., inzh.; YAROSHENKO, V.A., kand.tekhn.nauk,
(aeceased]; KIIALIZEV, Ye.P., kand. takhn. nauk,
[Mar,ual for the designing of industrial plants, apartment
housesp and public buildings and structures; foundations)
Spravochnik proektirovshchika promyshlennykhp zhilykh i
obahchestvenrWkh zdanii i sooruzhenii; osnovaniia i funds-
menty. Leningrad, Stroiizdat, 1964. 268 p.
(MIRA 18:1)
LALETIN, Nikolay Vasillyevicb; TSYTOVICH, N.A.., zaal. deyatell
nauki i tekhniki RSFSR, prof.,, doktor tekhn. nauk,
retsenzent; ABRIM Yu.M.j prof., doktor tekhn. nauk,
[Foundation-beds and foundations] Osnovanlia i fundament
Moskvap Vysshaiq shkolas 1964. 379 P. (MIRA 17:11~
1. Chlen-korrespondent AN &IRSR) gukovoditell kafedry Mekh
niki gruntov, osnovaniy i fuMagkitov Moskovskogo inzhene
stroltellnogo institats, im. VS. Kuybysheva (for TSy-tovicf.
Experience in correcting the tilt of a largc-panel 1-480-P
series apartment house Rfter the oagj~lng of the foundation.
Osn., fund. i mekh. grun. '1 110-3:23-25 165.
ADELEV, TwIly 1-:or-dulbovieb, doktor to:,-khn. nauk; 11jWIPOV, VIrjdII,%ir
Ivanovich, kand. teklui. nauk; ENDUK, hudollf Fctrovich, St.
nauctm. sotr., irizh.,; r-IjLUJNJ%VA,V. 1. , inzh. , nauchn. red.
[Freparation of foundation lx~as and the layinr of foundations
of large-pinel apartii.erit. hc~uses on sagging soil; practices of
the Research InAitu'L,e for Founintion beds and Underi-round
Structures of the State Co:rAttee cn Ccistruction o" the
Council of Mirlilter.,; of tLe U.S.o.f,. and of the. ZaI3011-0711 ~-e
Housing Construction Tmot, am-l the Eikcpoll
Foundations Trost] Fodgoto-vka c),movanil i usin.-L-Avo funda-
mentov krupnop-nellnykh zhilykl; durov na prosandoclu- -, ntakh;
~ J1. y1 11 gru
iz oFyt-a 1.111 oxiovaiiii i pcdzei-a-,~-kh st-oruzhenii Gosstroia S-S-SR,
-Lrestov tlZapcrczhzI,J.l,-t roil' i "Nikopoll--troi.11 1,'o.,-kva, Stroi-
izdat,- 1965. 19 UILUI 18:9)
1. Rukovoditell IaLywatorh stt-oitellstva na IrosadacYaVkh
gruntakh lia-aellinc,-is.~iledoviii.ellskoCD inStitut~i Cor.Ovanly i Fod-
zemwkh (for Abelev). -!. J,aIx)rato,-Aya :Aroitallstva
nu post.,doelliVkh gruntakh I,* mw) o I ed ovate I ls~-Oi-o instituta.
osnuvaniy i podzenr*,kh scoruzheni~, Moskiwa (foxt-Outavs Eyduk).