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L 32222:!~~ EWT(d)/EWT(1)/1
AP6019487 (N)
SOURCE CODEt UR/0392/66/oOO/Oq3/0073/0074
.1~p I-
AUTHOR: Abdyushev, Sh. Ye.
ORG: DMqrtment of Lq-bor Hxgiene'~(Kafedra gigiyeny trude).,
Central Scientific Reseercn tow t�rstory.,_ Kazan Order of the Red Banner
sentrallneya Yo-u-c-Fno--isii-e~d-6v-ififl-s-k-eya laboratorlys Kozanskogo ordena
udovogo Krasnogo Znezneni meditsinskogo instituta)
TITLE: Some shifts in irfdites of nitrogen and chloride retabolism in persons
working under conditions of darkness
SOURCE: Kazenskiy meditsin skiy zhurnal, no, 3s 1966P 73-74
TOPIC TAGS: biologic metabolismp nitrogen, chloride, light biologic
effect, working condition
BSTRACT: An experimentol group of 19 persons working under conditions
f constant darkness and a control group of 21 persons working under
stural or artificial (21-22C I-
light conditions temperature and 60%
8% relative humidity) were studied to detmrffine nitrogen and chloride
etabolism, shifts. Oxygen in the urine was measured by Kanits' method,
blorides in the urine were determined by Mohr's method,and residual
NRt AP6019487
nitroEen was determined by a bypobromide titration method (S. D.
Balakbovskly, 1953). The coefficient of incomplete oxidation
representing the ratio of oxygen to nitrogen was also found. Findings
show that oxygen levels of the urine and the coefficient of incomplete
oxidation are essentially the some for the experimental and control
groups, However, the nitrogen levels show a marked differences The
chlorine level is 18,12 mg for the experimental group and 13-93 me for
the control group The nitrogen level of urine for experimental workers
is also higher: 6.33 9 as opposed to 6.07 g for the control group.
Comparative date on nitrogen and chloride levels of urine collected
during working hours of the experimental group and then collected during
nonvorking - hours under light conditions for the same persons show that
itbe chloriae levels become stable upon exposure . to light. -
The nitrogen levels also become stable, but are still bigber than those
for the control group, The nitrogen and chloride metabolism shifts are
considered'a part of a complex adaptive reaction to conditions of
darkness. [o6l
CODE: 059 06/ SUBM DATE: none/ ATD PFaSS:6i27
tekhn. red.
[Concise Englioh-Russlan dictionary for chemists) Kratkii anglo-
russkii slovarl dlia khimikov. A2=-AU,, Kazakhskoe os. uchebno-
pedagog. izd-vo, 1960. 97 p. MRA 14:11)
(English language-Diatioraries-itussian)
"Alfalfa provides cheap fodder for swine in sunmer and winter."
p. 542 (Sotsialistlik Pollumajandus) Vol. 12, no. 12, Dec. 1957
Tallinn, Estonai
SO: Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EZAI) LC. Vol. 7, no. 4v
April 1958
V. V.
Study of the electrochemical v.-ictliod of fasteiiing loans an(I clays.
Trudy Alt. GMNII AN Kazakh. SSR 15:4V-52 163, 1713)
,AT ~.ultivut.(jd j I Tro" Lcc,
ADS. lol;M. Ns.U,, 1'5k1
ll.ZhBi 0l
T 1, -F of "i tras 'n,
Pooplolt, hopubl'Lo.
GRIG. FUB. 'x~ -i r.
IL -,ood
o;-, jr*l:~-!-2,3 t.:~:l i3riri-.3 4--u
I.,ifair oiza decroas~,, E. .7i --ic su3-
to a.-y r,' L. -'or
C-3rd: 1/2
CA T ~rXM, Y
Oultivat4l Plants - Subtropioal, Troploal. M
start of their fruit boaring. Th,) maTh-x1 with Une funnel
consists In that during the period of maxim= sap flow,
in spring or :In stu=er, a twig is seIeoted on Vie southern
side of the tree; from the twig, a ring uf bark 2-2.5 Oil
ia width is removal. A cone 25-35 xna in lea,,,th. &tade or
tin. is fastene.-A to t-he plaoo wher-a t.,,e lijark hml 6.tan re-
iiv)vw4. Loose so.11. to poured !Ato the co--e. '4atji-ing is
perfonzod eveny 3-5 dkvs. After a yabx, ti,a twig forms
roots etnd a sapling is obtained in t-lils uumier. Yo. V.
Ca r ki /2
ro,.)tstoc,k Is trifoli%to. Cltvi~i pl!Iata are al:io proirt;nted'
w4.Vi cuttin.,As &nd In fiLnnels (1,~tr,-oLo) which apo".15 u.) Lhe
Inerpasing the capacity of pipelines for transporting nor-
Newtonian petroleims. Izv. vys. uc'a9b. %Rv.; neft' i gaz 6
no.2t75-80 163. (HIRA 16:5)
1. Moskovskiy institut neftekhimicheskoy i gazovoy promyshlennosti
imeni akndemika I.M.Gubkina.
(Petrolexun--Pipe lines)
L 35262-66 EWP(t)/LTI 1JV(c) j D/."'
ACC N'R. -AP604697 SOURCE CODEI Cz760j8/65joo6j6jaj6W?/04W
Aurbiom Abel, Emil$ Mayer, J -Maier, Yae: ItLuchan, Eugon-Glukhanto E,
ORG: Hygiene Research Institute, Bratislava (Vysk=" ustav hygiony)
TITILt Cesium 3,pases in the thermal treatment of samples
SOURCOs Jaderna onergie. no. 12, 1965, 447.JM
TOPIC TAGS: calcination. cesium compound, thermal of feet, radioactivity measuromont
ABSTRACT: The article reports on the investigation of cesium losses due to the
calcininG of soma cesium compounds (chloride, nitrate and sulfate) at various tompe-
ratitross The results indicate the need to observe the proper conditions with respect
to the calcining terVeraturo and time In the thermal treatment of swVles to determine
cesium-137 as well as the nood to determine total activity. This article was-,P"-
sentod by M, Fore, Orige art* has: 3 tables* fBased on authors' Engo abst.L/
fjPRS: 34,66J6
SUB CODEt 18, 20 / SUBM DAM none / ORIG REF: 003 / SOV REFs 007
07A REF: 002
Card 1/11-1,4, UDC
FODORP 0. , prof.; SURIANU, P. , dr.; BARBAPJNO, F. , dr.; PAXAU, N. , dr.;
ABLI Ch dr.
Investigations of the immunological component of hypersplonism.
Med. intern. 14 no.10:1189-1198 0 162.
1. Lucrare efectuata in Clinics, a III-a medicala I.M.F. Cluj (director:
prof, 0. Fodor).
ABEL', Faina Kla-simovne; BRATTSRTA, Tntlyana Llvovrw; POTOIA)KOV.S.I.,
spot-Brad.; ITSKOYICH,V.A., red.; FORKALINA,YeA.,
Use of polymeric materials in the packing of fishery products)
Primenenle polimernykh materialov dlia upokovki rybnoi produktaii.
Moskva, TSentr. nauahno-isel. laborstoriia tary, 1960. 4z p.
(MIRA 14:5)
(Fishery Products-Pookaging) (Plastics)
ABEL, 0.
"Fifteen years later." p. 15. (MAGYdi RADIO, Vol. ), no. 20, lia:~, D53, Judape'st.)
"We rreet our Kcssuth Prize winners." p. 193. "For bettcr quality production.ft
,P. 19L. (MAGY,LR T-ECHINUKA, Vol. 8, no. 11. Apr. 1953. JuLtnes,..)
SO: Hon-,hIv List of zAst "I'uraoean Acces-.;iosn, Vol. 2, d"i, Li~n-ar~~ of
hufrustj 1)53, Uncl-
ABELASHVILI, Sh. A. Cand Agr Sci -- (diss) "F-Pfeat of *hook-raw sawing upon
the yield of corn with varyingsfertilization background." Tbilisi, 1959.
23 pp (Min of Agr GSSR. Georgian Order of labor Red Banner Agr Inst), 100
copies (KL, 48-59, 116)
ADPqrptus for the horizontal bending and tempering of Stek. i ker. 18 no.6:9-11 Je 161*
(MIRA 14:7)
(Glass manufacture) (Autoviobilep-4indows and windshields)
ABEL', V.V. (Moskva)
Torsion of a prismatic bar with an arbitrary trapezoidal cross
section. Inzh.zhur. 3 no.4:682-68Q 163. (MIRA 161l2)
iwi of the
lbod:; Tells"lon -,ri r C -
iloation. '.15S!71. '-'ti:-cow urnlr of 11:20trencth
11-j'aterinhill. cow ',1 -1 for tlle Dc".roe of Con-
Olida-t.e in Tcchrdc.-il Science).
Knl7hanay 3etor.lsl
No 2, 195~6
ill, :21 1 J: J.
1 V. SOV/84-59-10-45/53
-- Abell, V., Candidate of Technical Sciences
TITLE: -----
Scratches on the Fuselage Cover
PERIODICAL: Grazhdanskaya aviat8iya, 1959, Nr 10, p 31 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The author explains the importance of having the
Tu-104 fuselage cover free of scratches and other
external damage, because of the arising of stress
concentration at damaged places, caused at highe'r
altitudes by pressure from within the hermetic com-
partments, and aggravated by repeated pressure
changes. In order to work out the optimum admis-
sible tolerances of such external damage to fuselage
covers of the Tu-104 and An-10, GosNII GVF, together
with design offices, conducted a apecial.investiga-
tion. Typical flat samples of-rivetted butts and
large portions of smooth fuselage cover were invest-
igated. The depth of scratches inflected by cutters
was gauged by an indicator and with a microscope.
Card 112 It was found, that scratches and abrasions on the
Scratches on the Fuselage Cover SOV/84-59-10-45/53
fuselage cover to 0.1 mm in depth do not call for
reinforcement, yet they injure the plating layer and
lower the cover's corrosion resistance.
Card 2/2
ABEL',, V.V. (Moskva)
I I .,.-
Integrating harmnic and biharmonic equations In curvilinear
coordinates. Inzh. zhur. 3 no.13169-173 163. (MIRA 16t1O)
(Hamonic functions)
ABELIP V.V., (Moskva)
General solution of the plane problem for a wedge. Inzh. zhur,
3 no.3t575,-578 163. (MIRA 16t10)
aul, V.V. (Moskva)
Torsion of a prismatic rod with an arbitrary hexagonal ercss section.
Tnzh.zhur. 4 no.3t495-503 164. (MIRA 17,10)
ABEL 1 f V.V.,'P dotoont
Torsion calcualtion of prismatic shafts with an equilateral
trapeze or parallelogram cross section. Vest.mushinostr. 44
no.12:122-13 D 164. (MIRA 18:2)
~--- ABEL', V.V. (Moskva)
Bending of a plate of arbitrary trapezoidal shape in the plane.
Inzh. zhur. 5 no.5%883-894 165. (MIRA 18:10)
Proper fertilization in gardening.
p. 21 (Padomju Latvijas Kolchoznieka) Vol. 9, N'O'g 8, Aug. 1957, Riga, Latvia
ABFIX, X., nauchrqy sotrudnik; KAL1117111SH, 0.[Kalnid,Oj, rwuchr" ootrudnik
Fertilize hothouse crops correctly. Nauka i perod.op.v nallkhoz.
9 no.1:61 Jn '59. (MIRA 13:3)
1. Latviyakiy nauchno-isaledovatel'Bkiy institut zemledeli7a.
(Fertilizers and manures) (Greenhouse management)
AB&B. L. inzh.1 TROITSKIY, Tt insh.
Office of technological innovations in comercial aeronautics,
Grashd. av..20 no.3t27 Mr 163. (MIRA 16:4)
(Aeronautics, Commeroial-Technological
Rkpansion of the ameociation Cepheus II (with summry in Ingliah).
Astron. xhur. 35 uo.1:82-85 Ja-F 158. (MIRA 1113)
1. Astronomicheskaya observatoriya latviyakogo rosudaretrannogo
3 10 0
AUTHOR: ,A4qle., M. K.
TITLE: Application of Long-Focus Cameras to Determination of
Coordinates oll Faint Artificial Satellites
PERIODICAL: Astronomicheskiy zhurnal, 1960, Vol Nr 1,
pp 14o-145 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Photographic observations of' artit'l(' Ial
usually made with fast short-fOCUO cameras W-.1. ch E, Iv c
an accuracy from 5" to 15", and regIstered time errors
from 0 003 to 03,010. But some problems require
greater accuracy. The author describes two devices
introduced at the Latvian Observatory. if' the satellite
Is brighter than 8th magnitude, it Is possible to
obtalTi Its livages by Interrupting the exposure:3, or
by sliding the plateholder pe!~Ilodlcall~,, by as much as
3 rnTp. .Such a plateholder was constructed all rhe R1,_-a
Station of the Observatory. In bet-,-~een May
Card 115 and May ",0, eleven photogi aphs o,,' I I te
Application of LorlL-Focus Cameras to -1
Determination of Coordinates of Faint SO V/_~".-" - -1,7 - I - 2 1 /3 1
Artificial Satellites
Card 215
were obtained with an objective Telemar (F = 7
5 c TT,
D /F 75 Of these, 7 were E,00J, e!10UW'
_,,I f or
measuring and redUCIng. The time vjas recorded
simultaneously with a chronograph. it 1.3 not necessary
to have a fast shutter, with this plateholder,, and
unnecessary vibrations are avolded. ln,,,tead of the
plateholder, sliding by steps linearly, sinosoidal
vibrations inay be used for the same purpose. This
devIce has also been tried at the same place. One of
the advantages of this second device is tnat the time
Is registered with an electron oscillograph; no
mechanical parts are Involved, and all re~ar~atlons
are obviated. Photographs of rocket 1958 1 were
obtained but the camera lens was not large enough to
get satellite 1958 2' When either of these attach-
ments were used, the errors in measured positions did
not exceed 2" and the errors of recorded time were
leso than 0B001. Tlieve are (; flguves; and *,~ teferences:
Appllcat;lorl 01' Lari6-Fo~:u:3 0 1
D,~~termlnat~lon of CoordI!,.atu.,3 of' F,jl!)t 's ()v -'sy - I - ", I
Artificial Satellites
5 Soviet, 2 U.S. rhe U.S. reference3 are: K G. Henize.,
Sky and Telescore, 16, 108 (1957); Sky and Tialescope,
17, 6 (1957).
ASSOCIATION: Astronomical Observatory of the Latvian State University
(Astronomicheskaya observatortya Latviyskogo gosud-
arstvennogo universiteta
SUBMITTED: September 5, 1959
Card 311,7,
AME, M.K. (Rip); LAPUSHKA, K.K. (Rip)
Obeervatidhe of artificial earth satellites with a triaxial, -
guided camera. Biul.sta.opt*nabI.iok.eput.Zem* no,290-17 161.
I* AstronomicheBkaya observatoriya Latriyokogo gosudarBtramogo
universiteta im. Petra Stuobkie
(Artificial satellites-Tracking) (Aztronamical. photography)
AM M.K Uiga); LAFUSHKA, K.K. (Riga)
Electronic computer for automatic measurement and processing
of negative plates with the UIS41 microscope. Biulesta -
nableiAosputAme no.2927-12 t62. jHOPMtk 16%2)
1. Astronomiaheskaya observatoriya Iatviyakogo gosudarstvennogo,
universiteta im. Petra Stucbki.
Nleotronic computers)
7- r~' C
F I A -lbreg-axi a au totiat i c phot Ogranhi C Ca.-me 7-a for gatellIte
t r 8 C 'K In F
5 p 'F a I vude n i y A i s k us s C v e In n v 4 7 -
ABSTRAM The article _doperib
08 -in detail a camera Cf 75 cm
-3A) a A I tt
d-ensity-O-A - Method ol compensa t-Ing o r the speed
of the satellite tv movement of t~,.e p'notpgrarh!r 71a-,
;e on the iimt, on ;! i, n I) i, Pi
"YU UVI Of Ene baKer-Nunn camera 'sv~y ~nt: To ~o 6rCi~~
1957, 108) was utilized, with certain modifications, to eliminate the
Co-.--J 1 / 3
I r0
t e r al i n -, d c n t ') ~ ~, 4 .4 1 q 0 f P 0 9 1 t i -- 7. s ') f -, ~; p : ( , e - . 11 k. - - ~ I ~ ~ I i - .
M -1 3 1 1 ~- 1 1% L L U 11 1 n u n 45
3 ~ I`
__L-_h53lo_66 &4T(l)*/-EX-(10-2--GW---
XCC NRi AR6016279 SOURCE CODE: UR/0269/66/000/001/0013/00-13
AUTHORt Abele,_ 141 KL_,~~
TITLE: On calculating the ephemerides of the AN14A I-B satellite- and the Echo
satellite carrier rocket
SOURCE: Rof. zh. Astronomiya, Abs. 1.51.96
REF SOURCE: Byul. st. optich. nablyudeniya iskusstv. Bputnikov Zemli., no. 41# 1964p
TOPIC TAGS: artificial satellite, satellite motion,
ABSTRACT; A simple and convenient method for calculating the ephemerides of a
satellite.yith a small eccentric orbit is reported. Transcendentaf-eju-ations,
solved by'hequential approximation, are established for finding the points of satel-
lite culmination. To facilitate solution of these equations, graphs have boon plot-
ted for the relation of the argument of latitude, the azimuth, the moment of culmina-~
tion, and also the angular velocity of satellite movement in the celestial sphere at
the moment of culmination to the hour angle of ascending node of the orbit. Such
graphs are produced for the ANNA I-B satellite,ond for the Echo carrier rooket,
Bibliography of 6 titles. Yu.'__K._ Zrranslatio of abstract7
SUB CODE: 01-:12L,
Cord 1
UDC: 5210.:629.1954__._~
P11K)PLIGHKO, I.G. [Fidoplichko, otv. red.,- VcIN_7rVFX3KIY'
F..A.[VoAn!3tvcnsIkyi, M.A.), doktor blol. nauk MITI. otv.
red.; KIS'TYAKIVSKIY, O.B.tKIstiakivsIkyi, 0 i3 ], doktor
biol. nauk, red.; EAMUGA, F.M.[Mazhuha, doktor
'biol. nauk, red.; LO&L-ENTSEV, V.G.[Alxilientsev, V.11.10
kand. biol. nauk., red.; SIIARPILO, L.D., red.
(Terrestrial vertebrates of the Ukraine; ecology, distribu-
tion, history of the fauna) Nazermi khrebetni UkrafiV; eko-
logiia, pozkyrennia, istoriia fauq. Kyiv, 14aidkova dunika,
1965. 123 P. (MIRA 16:9)
1. Akademiya nauk URSR, Kiev. 2. Chlen-korrespondent Ukr.SSR
(for Fidoplichko). 3. Institut zoologii AN Ukr.SSR (for
Abelentsev, Voinstvenskiy).
AMnTMff , V.I.
W"m Wm
Bats In Tranecarpathim, and other western provisoes of the Ukrainian
5,6.)R, Nsuk.A&p.XIov xmo9 z99,609-74 1509 (HIM 9110)
"Distribution of Rodents in Youw, Shelterbelts xi~ in :,.terlyinC 'Fields
of Crassland~ Grop "lotation on the Ltoppe of t'.e Truly Tnst 79o1, A','
.,A luly 11952
.1. 1.
,y of , Damage Guased by,, and Uie : ~easurcs Ta~:cn A; ai;-,z t, Uiv : ole-11tat
in SlielWrbelts and in the 'Fields, 11 Trudy Inzt. Zool., A". z-AS:', 6., 1Q,~-l
EUIA July 1952
IDOPLICHKO, 1.0., doktor biologichnykh nauk, professor-,
B*M. deceased]; BIIANOYSIKlY. I.D., doktor biologichnykh
aouk, redaktor; XASIUNMO. Y.G,., akedemik, redaktor; MARJQ;VIGH,
O.Ps. redaktor; SINGHBUKO, O.S., redaktor vidavnitstva; ROZIMTSVITG,
Ye.N.. tekhnichniV redLaktor
[Pauna of the Ukraine: in forty volumes] Vauna Ukrainy; v soroka
tomakh. Xyly, Yyd-vo Akademit nauk MSR. Vol. (Kammalal Ssavtsi.
No.l. [General characteristics of mammals; insectivores, bate)
Zahaltna khanktar7styka asayteiv, komakholdni. kazhany. 1956.
44,5 p. (KW 1013)
(mammals) (Ukraine--Bats) Nkraina--Insectivors)
"ELONSICV, V.I. [Abolientsev, V.I.]
Rconomic importance of bate, their conservation and attrac-
tion to forost stands. Mcr. no.l:
117-126 158. (MIRA 13:3)
ABILBST5XV. V.I. [Abolientsev. V.I.]
Kateriale on the food of the stone marten [with summary in
English]* Nauk*zap*Nauk*-pryrod.muz.AN URSR 6:147-158 '58.
(MM 12:1)
-ABBLINTSEY, Y.I.0 utarehiV nauchnyy sotrudnik
Beite for rat control on stockbreeding farmB. Yeterinartia 36
no-3:65-66 Mr '59- (MIRA 12:4)
le Institut zoologii AN USSR.
(Ukraine-Rat.baits and repellents)
ABiLuTsm. v.1. Dbomowtenww ~-IdrRUDYSHIN, M.P. [Rudynhyn, M.P.]
Zoology of Cricetulus migratorius Pallas in the Uicraines lauk. zaps
Nauk-pryrod. mus..An L%= 8:104-119 160. (MIRA 13:11)
ABICLINTST, V.I. [Abellentsev, V. 1.]
Scological features of the occurrence of rats on stock
farms in the Ukraine. Pratei Inst.sool.AN URSR 16:43-49
160. (91RA 13:7)
"Experimental investigations of natural intraspecific hybridization in
free-living mammals in Russia."
report presented at the Intl. S:rmpc-sium on 1,8--thods of ThertologIcal
Inveatigation. Brno, Czech.,
XP - Wept. 196o
A3,2LM, A. S.
mar 4 9
Hydroelectric Plants
"Tha Use of Ordinary Spillway-Bank Constructima
to Protect a Structure From Being Undermined,"
A. S. Abelev, Cand.Tech Sci, 3 pp
RGIdrotekh Strol" No .7,
Spillway bank was constructed on basis of model-
dam experiments by Prof 1. 1. Levi to prevent
undercutting of dwns for hydroelectric stations.
This spillway bank deflects the collected stream
avay from the wall.
U=/TAgiW*rIMg - Looks, Tbrottle Sep 49
"Resistance of Throttle Looks," A. S. Abelev,
Cand Tech S043 PP
"Gidrotakh Strai" No 9
Presents method for establishing a :tmotional
relationship between the coefficient of reeist-
ance of a look and the degree of its opening.
Calculates several values for coefficient of
resistance for -various openings of the look,
using different formulas, with results in four
ABELEV, A.S., doteent, kandidat takhnichrookikh nauk.
- .
Colculating hydraulic resistances In butterfly gates. Izv.
VM IG no.40:134-148 149. (MLRA 10:2)
(Sluice gates)
ABELIV, A.S.. dotsent, kandidat tekhnichaskikh nauk.
0-000~~Using~ljolllwmy curve to protect structures from scour
wbere the spillway front in very narrow. Izv. VNIIG no.40:
154-156 049. (MLRA 10t2)
I - AB-SUIV, A.S., dote., kand.takhn.nauk
Deep-seated water gates with efficient hydraulic and mechani-
cal operational characteristics. Izv.VIIIIG 48:56-68 '52.
(MIU 12:5)
(Locks (Hydraulic engineering))
__AB.EIZV, A.'S., dots., kand.tekhn.nauk
Using two tandem gates for diesipatiob of energ7 and prevention
of vibration and cavitation phenomena in penstocks. Izv.
VNIIG 50:180-196 153. NIM 12:5)
I-ABEIAZY, A.S., dote., kand.tokhn.muk
DeterminIng the type for deep-neated water gates for water
conduits of locks. Isv.V.NIIG 48:43-55 152. (HIRA 12:5)
(Locks (Hydraulic engineering))
-'PELEV, A. ,
Reducing the Brosion Action of a Stream by a Special Construction of
Spillway Dam Nozzles
The authors describe the results of a laboratory investigation of a
hydropa-yer station mado up of an earth dam, a concrete spillway dam about
70 meters high, a hydroelectric strttion, and a lock for s1hips. 'Ziey
describe the modeling apparatus wed but do not Indicate its size. There
are no calculations indicated. Reference is made to an earlier article
by A. S. Abelev in a 1949 issue of the same periodical. (RZhYekh, No. 6.
3955) -Izv. Vses, n.-I. in-ta GidroteMiniki, Vol 52, 19549 96-103.
SO: Sum. No. 744, 8 Doc 55 - Supplementary Survey of Soviet Scik-ntific
Absir,~cts (17)
A$MLU, A&S., doteent, kandidat takhnicheokikh nauk.
Baelc problems in calculating and investigating vibration of
the gates of hydraulic structures. Isv.VNIIG no-54:106-125
155- (KLRA 100)
(sluice gates)
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1958, Nr 8, p 54 (USSR)
AUTHOR: Abelev, A.S.
TITLE: Results of Hydraulic Investigations of the Mechanical Equip-
n-ient of Hydraulic Structures and an Account of Studies Made
of Water-gate Vibration (1togi gidravlicbeskikh issledovaniy
mckhanicheskogo oborudovaniya gidrotekhnicheskikh sooru-
zheniy i voprosy izucheniya vibratsii zatvorov)
PERIODICAL: Tr. Nauchno-tekhn. soveshchaniya po gidromekhan. oboru-
dovaniyu GES, Moscow- Leningrad, Gosenergoizdat, 1957,
pp 101-126
ABSTRACT; This it; a brief survey of hydraulic investigations that have
been made of various types of subsurface water gates used on
hydraulic structures, and it includes a description of the basic
results obtained from a laboratory study of the hydrodynamic
load borne by a plane water gate. A rigid model of a water
gate was fastened to flexible cantilever supports, which enab-
led the author with the aid of strain-gage pickups to measure
the vibrations produced by pulsating hydrodynamic forces
Card 1/2 vertically and horizontally at several points on the water gate.
SOV/ 124-58-8-8733
Results of Hydraulic Investigations of the Mechanical Equipment (cont.)
Included also are oscillograms showing the extent to which the vibrations
at different points on the gate correlate with the conditions of flow past the
gate. The maximum fluctuation of the total load intensity was 6-7% of the
mean load intensity. On the basis of the measurements n-lade, the formu-
lac of gravitational similarity are used to estimate the hydrodynamic loads
to be expected under full-scale conditions. Frequency spectra are given
for the most powerful vibrations, and the question is raised as to the pos-
sibility of resonance and the means that could be employed to prevent it.
Bibliography: 26 references.
B.A. Fidman
Card 2/2
ABELL7, A.S., doteent, kand.tekhnerauk
Investigating the Pulsations of a hvdrodymmic gross load
as a basis for calculating the vibration of flat submerged
gates. Izv.VNIIG 58:26-51 '58- (MM 13:7)
- ABBLICY. A.S... doteent. kand.takhn.uauk
Model studies of the pulsation of a hydrodynamic gross
load on flat gates. Izv.VNIIG 61:3-16 158.
(Sluice gates) (Hydraulic models)
ARR.IAV. Alokuandr.Solomonovichi kand.tekhn.nauk; ARAVIN, V.I., prof.p
doktor tokhn.nauko red.; IOFINOVA, M.A., red.; BARANOVA, LeGov
to Um. re d .
[Rural water supply and principles of hydraulics) Sel'skokho-
zisistvannoo vodoonabzhenia a o6novami gidravliki. Pod red, V.I.
. Aravins. Moskva. Gos.i2d-vo sallkhos.lit-ry, 1959. W6 p.
(MIRA 14:1)
(Water supplyo Rural) (Hydraulics)
TITLE: Investigation of the pulsation of total hydrodynamic
loads acting on throttle scalo
PERIUDIC,~L: Referativnyy zhurnal, liekhanika, no. 1, 196.3, 60,
abstract 13372 (Izv. Vses. n.-i. in-ta gidrotekhn.,
1962, v. 69, 21-44)
TLEXT - In order to find disturbing loads applied to throttle
seals, the author invostigated the pulsation of the total hydrodynamic
torque 1.!' actin[, on thesc acals. The experimental method and install-
ation were the same as in testing depth'scals (see Izv. Vscs. n.-i.
in-ta gidrotehhn. 1958, v. 58,)26-51; 1961, v. 68, 33-68 - RZ*h1.:ckh.
1960, no. 1, 573; 1962, 1IB42 . The paper gives data specifying the
installation for the present investigations. The pulsation character-
istics are functions of the following independent variablqs: maximum
;74nplitude P' :c(v2 2g,~,) - f(11,41), maximum amplitude Imax
Card 112
Investigation of the pulsation ... D234/0308
1-* (v 2g, Af (H, dominating f re q f
x1ency N
H beings the drop in the water level, q the angle of rotation of the
seal, v, the mea-zi velocity in the sections passing through both
edge s o .the seal. Universal design dependencies for the devermirla-
tion of these qua-atities are plotted. 9proximate lii-,iits for the
frequency spectr-am are recoruended; ~1max ~~ 2.2 "U'd and "min ~~ 0 - 30
N It wa established experimentally ttiat the maximum amplitudes
oFthe pulsations reach their largest value at T, '= 77.50'and the
dominating frequencies for these seal openings are characterized by
their lowest value. 9 references.
Z-1,.bstractter's note: Complete translation2
^ .4 -W /n
%J ar%.k -/ ~
TITLE: Investioation of the pulsation of total hydrodynamic
loads acting on segment depth seals
PERIODICa: Rcferativnyy zhurnal, 1'ekhanika, no. 1, 1963, 60-61,
abstract 1B373 (Izv. Vses. n.-i. in-ta gidrotcl,.hn.
1962 v. 69, 45-70) 'itr-
T EX.7: The experimental method and installation are des-
cribed in previous papers by the author (see Izv. Vses. n.-i. in-ta
gidrotelchn. 1955, v. 54, 106-125; 1961, v. 6b, 33-68 - RZW.Iekh., 1956,
no. 12, 8662; 1962, 113427 and IB372 in-the present number). Data
specifying the installation for the-present investigations art given.
The pulsation characteristics are functions of the following indepen-
dent variables: the maximum implitude of the total hydrodynamic force
1,1LX . f(v~/2g,nl) = f(H,n,)
and the dominating frequency
Card 1/3
Investigation of the pulsation ... D234/D308
"d - f (v1 , n, f n1)
where H is the drop in the.water leve, n = a/h, is the relative seal
openina (a is the height to which the lo&r edge of the seal is rais-
ed, h is the height of th-~i orif ice covered by the seal). The authbr
gives graphs of the universal design dependence for the variation of
,maximum pulsation amplitudes of components of total hydrodynamic
.forces along x, and y axes transferred to the supporting axis of
the seal, and of the 6mponent of"such forces along the k, axis trans-
f erred to the lifting rod of the seal. A graph for the dcte=,diiation
of similar three components of Nd = f(nj) is also given. The upper
limit of the frequency spectrum is Im. x
.1x 2.5 Nd I Nmaxy 2.3 Ndyl
1~maxl, - 3 - 0 1~dkl Ithe 1. lower limit is Nmin.. - 0.20 Ndx3., 1~miny ev
~l S.1 1
0.20 Ndyl, 14min Itl ',A .0.27 Ndk It is pointed out that to decrease
the pulsation loads and consequently the possible vibration of the
Card 2/3
Inveatigation of the pulsation ... D234/i)308
seals it is necessary to secure stabilized operating conditions with-
out Dressure in which the jump is outside the water pipe, or for stab-
ilized operating conditions with -.)ressure. 20 references.
Z-Abstracter's note: Complete translation2 -
Card 3/3
) * 0
Mikhail Evgontovieh Krorre. Gidr. stroA. 32 no.5: My 162.
(MIRA 15t5)
(Knorre, Mikhail Evgentevich, .1876-1962)
iiL 956
if D234/D308
AUBIOR: Abclev A.S.
TITUE: Relation between pressure pulsation at separate
points of the seal and pulsation of the total
hydrodynamic load acting on the seal
nlao~ic;,L: Referativnyy zhurnal, I'elchanika, no. 1, 1963, 60,
abstract JB371 (Izv. Vses. n.~i. in-ta gidrotel),.hn.
1962, v. 69, 3-19)
T*.'-.>,T: As is stated in a previous work by the author (see
Izv. Vscs. n.-i. in-ta gidrotellchn. 1955, v. 54, 106-125), during the
operation of the seal there can Iv vibrations of the span structure
as a solid body, and vibrations of the seal as a 1,effiole, non-deform-
able solid body, owing to the deforniation of supports and suspensionii.
The author had previously investigated the pulsation of total hydro.-
dynamic loads acting on vibrating models of depth seals (see Izv.
Vses. n.-i. in-ta gidrotekhn. 1961, v. 68, 33-68-112W-Aekh. 1961,
11B427). But this method does not make possible the deternination
Card 1/3
Relation !>etween -LDrcasure :...
of the value of point pulsation required for estimating the vibra-
tion of the seal as an elastic body, nor the design of its separate
elements dynamic loads'. * CAring to this, the author has investi-
,gated the con-ncetion between pressure pulsation at separate points
oi the seal and the pulsation of the total hydrodynamic load acting
on the seal. A model of a flat depth seal was used, with di-fLerent
relative opcnings (n - 0.2 - 1.0), difterent heads and flow rates.
It is established that for these openings there is-no avcra-,_,iikc,, of
pressure pulsation over the area of the lower end face of the seal.
The dominating pulsation frequencies of hydrodynamic pressures and
of total hydraulic loads acting vertically on the seal were found
to be approximately equal. The transition coefficient k character-
izing the averaging of pulsation of hydr~odynamic pressures over the
area of the head face of the seal can be determined from the equa-
tion k = 1 + 3.3 U - n). The cockficient of nonuniformity of the
distribution of maximum, amplitudes of the pulsation c.-LE hydrodynamic
,pressures along the height of the seal is characterizedby C - I +
0.532 U - n). For the recalculation of the dominatii-q; frequencies
of the mcwimum pulsation under investigation, the author establishes
Vard 2/3
. S/124/63/000/001/021/080
Relation between pressure ... D234/0303
a transition coefficient X - 3.2 n 1.46e-1*17n. If there are data
on maximum amplitudes of point pulsations, obtained by recalculation
according to the above equation, one can find extremal values of
hydrodyna.-Ac pressures acting on different points of the seal from
the formula
11 ext ~ 17 ! 0.5 P
where P- is the averaged hydrodynamic pressure at a given point and
I is the corresnonding, maximum amplitude of hydrodynamic pressure
I'max -
pulsation. 12 references.
Z-Abstracter's note; Gomplete translation2
Card 3/3