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ABDURAKHMANOV, F. ABDURAYMNOV, F.i "Djrnamic Changes in the Content of Pyruvic Acid, Proth- rombin, and Fibrinogen In the Blood in Botkin's Disemse as an Index of the Effectiveness of Vitamin Therapy." IeniWad State Order of lanin Inst for the Advanced Training of Physicians imeni S. M. Kirov. First Thera- peutic Chair. Uningrad, 1956. (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate in Yedical Science) Sot Knizhnaya latopial, No. 19, 1956, ARDURAKHWOVs F*A*q lrand,ved,nauk Dymmic changes in the fibrinogen content of the blood In Botkin's disease an an Index of the effectiveness of vitamin therapy, Ned, shur,Uzb, no.5,#23-24 W 158, (MIRA l3t6) 1. Is 1-y torapovticheslcoy kliniki (sav. - prof. B.N. Prosorov- skiy) Laningradekogo goeudaretvantogo institute usovershostvo- vantya . chey. OFDRINOGAN) (MMATITIS, INMTIOUS) (VITAMIN THERk") ABDURAKRMANOV, P., Dynamic changes in the prothrombin content of the blood in Botkints disease an an indication of the effectiveness of vitamin therapy. Ned.zhur.Usb. no.l12O-24 Ja 159. (XIRA 13:2) 1. Iz I torapeytichookoy kafedry (zavediWushchiy - prof. B.He Prozo- rovskiy) Lenirgradekogo goeudaretyennogo ordena, ranina inetituta unoverBhenetvovantya vrachey Iment S.M. 11rova. (BLOOD) (KIPATITIS, IMGTIOUS) (VITAMINS--I) USSF / Human nnd Anifral Morphology, Circulatory System. S-3 Abs Xour: Rof Zhur-Biol., No 14, 1958, 64835. Author Inst :Stalinabad Medical Instituto. Title :Concerning the Distribution ofhrteries in the Red Nucleus of the Human Brain. 01--,ig Pub: Tr. Stalinabadsk. Med. in-ta, 1957, 25, 241-244. libstract: The area of the red nucleus is divided into four sections described in detail with regard to the vascularization of each one. The basic sources of the arterial blood the red nucleus are the central artories of the proximal section of tho rear cerebral artery and the central branches of the quadrigerainal artery. -- S. Yo. Levina. Card 1/1 ABDURAKIDLUOV, P.A. (Dushanbe, pr.Lonina, 138, kv.22) Sources of arterial blood supply for the pineal body (epiphysis) in man. Arkh. anat.,, gist. i embr. 42 no.5:35-37 11,~y 162. (MIRA 15-6) 1. Kafedra noraallnoy anatomii (sav. - chlen-korrospondent AN Tadsbikskoy SSR zasluzhemyy deyatell nauki Ya.A. Rakhimov) moditsinokogo instituta. im. Abu ali Ibn-3iny kg.Dushanbe), (PINEAL BODY-BLOOD SWPPLY) AEDU -1? . - "S%, Rj - -- System of intraorganic blood supply in the human epiphysis. Trudy Dush. mad. inst. 57 no.21130-135162. O-ORA 16:10) 1. Iz kafedry normlinoy anatomii (zav. - chlen-korrespon- dent AIN Tadzhiksk-OK SSR Zaaluzhennyy deyatell nauki Ya.A. Rakhimov)o Tadzliik.Aggo gosudar8tvennogo meditsinskogo instituta imeni Abuali Ibn-Sino. (PITUITARY BODY - BLDOD SUPPLY) ABDURARK-UMV, P.A. Cholesterol metabolism Jn Voij. F~ft- 23 no.5t5"--55 ~00 164. (m"' a6' 5) 1. Gruppa klinicheskoy . Asperimentallnoy kardiologii (zav. - ~4 doMtir mcd.nnuk I.Ye.Ganellna) Instituta f4 ziol(yij imeril Pavlova' I'n n i ng -ad. ABDURAKIIMAN(V V.A. State of 11poid metabolism in thyratoxicosis and hypothyroldism. Probl. andok. i gorm. 11 no.4s6-13 JI-Ag 165. (MIRA 18tll) 1. Laboratoriya klinicheakoy i eksperimentallnoy kardiologli (zav, doktor mad. nauk I.Ye. Ganelina) Instituta fiziologii .4meni Pavlova (dir.- akademik V.N. Chernigovskly) AN SSSRw Leningrad. AFIDURMIRWINW, F. zo Abdum~ov, F. Z. "Arterial Blood Supply of the Red Nucleus of the H=an TlraL-1.11 Second Moscow State '111edical. Inst imeni 1. V. 5talin. Yoscow, 1955. (Disserta- tion for the Depive of Candidate in Medical Science) So: Ynizhnwra letopisl., No. 27, 2 July 1955 ASDULIbWiMANOV,, Gadi-r Aga ogly, aspirant Special features in the operation of a three--phaBe asynchronous motor for rectifier locomotivos fM by a traction subatation. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; elektromokli. 6 noJN12111-1229 163. (Min 17:1) ABDURAKEMMOV, Ibraim; SIDOROV, A., rod.; TYURYAYEV, M.p tekhn. red. (Potentials for reducing the cost of coal in Kirghizistan) Rezervy snizbeniia sebestoinosti uglia v Kirgizii. Frunze, Kirgizgosizdat, 1962. 57 p. (MIRA 17:1) ALTSFBAYEV D A nauchn. !otr.? GUSHCHIN, A.F nauchr. sotr.; AWMAIRIANOV, ., nau'chn. sotr., YELiNIKOV, A.A., nauchn. nAuchn. sotr.; D4ANALIYEV, M., nauchn. sotr.; YESIMV, WS., t)t!.-. nd,~. SEMIKINA, T.F., red.izd-va; POPOVA, M.G., tekhn. red. [Prospects for the development and distribution of the most important branch" of the Kirghiz Industry] Perspektivy raz- vitiia i raimeshcheniii, vazhneishikh otraslei promyshlennoisti Kirgiiii. Frunze, Iad-vo AN Ktrg..~R, 1963. 154 p. (MIRA 16:7) 1. Akademiya nauk Kirgizskoy SSR Frun2e. Institut ekonomiki. 2. Institut ekonomiki AN Kirg.SSR (for all except Yesipov, Semikina, Popova.). (Kirghizistan-,.,Industries, Location of) ABDURAKHMNOV inzh. Problems concerning the geometry 6E axial-flow adjustable- blade hydraulic turbines. [Trudy] LMZ no.10:210'-221 164. NIRA 18:1.2) BORODD, V.R., zasl. vetvrach Turkmonakoy SM; ABDURAKMWIOV, K., otv. red.; BERMEV, B... tekhn. red. [Protection of farm animals from bacteriological weapons) Zaabehita oel'skokhoziaistvennykh zhivotrqkh ot baktoriologicheekogo oruzhiia. Ashkhabad, M-vo sell.khoz. Turkmenskoi SSR, 1960. 29 p. (MMA 14: 11) (Domestic animals) (Bacterial warfare) SUKHORUK, A.K., inzh.; TISHOVICH, N.Ya.; IVANOVSKIY, N.Y., inzh.; NEI, OT, F.P., inzh.; ABDURAKHKANOV, K.A.; IVAHOV, I.I., red. ~Hydrologicml yearbook; 19551 Gidrologicheskii szhegodnik, 1955 g. Tom.00, vyp 04, Pod red. I.I.Ivanova. Leningrad, Gidrometeor. izd-vo, 195. '5$ P. (KIRA 12:5) 1. Russia (1W- U.S.S.R.). GIavnoye upravleniye gidrometearologi- pheskoy alusi2by. 2. Zhukovskaya gidrologichookaya stantsiya (for Sukhoruk, Tishkovich). 3. Krasnoseltakaya g1drologicheskaya stantsiya (for Ivanovskly). 4. Podgornaya gidrologicheakaya stantsiya (for Melekhov, Abdurakhmanov). (Hydramtoorology) ABDULRAKHMANOV, K.A. I , .1 ". Copper f6ss'es In an asynchronous motor w-irth current supply from a traction substation for electric mercury ctifier locomotives. za, tekh.prog. 3 no.10114-16 0 163. (VJRA 16:12) 1. Azerbaydahanskly institut nefti I khimii imeni M.Azizbekova. ~j C'j-, 1 rci !lt. , r-rof A BI 1 ylill,.~ ~'k of a y rr.- ;~rj s 1 1 cs rf t '-I, I vo"t. ?", vy,~ uchob. -,Wie; 9 no,1:31-36 I~A i9 I T,ofii i 7 " 1 V.,. ;',-;,-I.n*,,k-Aona kafedroy T- r, n - -uz- .'uly .ABDURAINWOVt Kh.F. Clinical manifestations of intestinal amebiasis. Zdrav. Tadzh. 8 no. 2:11-13 161.. (14IRA 14:4) 1, Iz kafedry infektsionnykh bolemey (zav, - dotoent D.M. Khashimov) Stalinabadskogo medinstituta imeni Abuali ibni Sino. (DYSENTERY) ADDIULUMUNOV, M.A.; RYABOVA., N.D. Nitrolreil bases of the lZbaskent ki oil, Khimsera-i azotnro,, oed od v gOK.y neft,,I.-m~Uprodo 3:207-209 (m.Lm 3.4:6) 1. Akademi7a, nauk Uzbekskoy SSRs, Institut khimii. (IzbELskentakiy regi,,n -Petroleub--Analysis) (RLtrogen ompounds.) ,-----Aj)j)UUM1HANOV. M.A.-v BIZINGER, N.N.; GALIPXUI, G.D. Determination of sulfide sulfur in solutions containing sulfur- nitrogen compounds. Nature of the sulfur in extracts of petroleum bases. Uzb. khim. zhur. no.1:77-79 161. (MIRA 14.-l) 1. Institut neftekhimicheskogo sinteza All SSSR i Institut khimii. AN UsSSR. (Sulfur-Analysis) (Sulfide) 2 GAL I FERN BEZINGER, N.N.; ABDURAKHMANOV, MtA_- G.D. Nitrogen compounds of petroleum. Report Jb.l. Nature of neutral nitrogen compounds. Neftekhimiia. 1 no.1:23-28 Ja-F 161.. (KIRA 15t2) 1. Institut neftek-himicheakogo sinteze. AN SSSR. (Nitrogen compounds) (Petroleum) B&INGER, N.V.; ABDUILWOMV H.A.; GALIPERN, G.D. =LL= Nitrogen compounds of petroleum. Report No.2. Separation of nitrogenous baves of petroleum from organic sulfides. Pert- ekhimiia I no.2:11+9-155 Mr-AP 161. (MUM 15:2) 1. Institut neftakhimicheal-ogo sintoza AN SSSR. (Nitrogen compounds) (Petrolom) (Sulfides) BEZINGERy N.N.; ABDURAKNMANOVI M.A.; GALIPERNI G.D. Nitrogen compounds of petroleum. Part 3s Neutral nitrogen compounds of Sakhalin oil of the Ekhabi field. Neftekhimiia I no.5:583-589 S-0 161. (KMA 15:2-) 1. Institut, neftekhimicheskogo sinteza AN SSSR. (Ekhabi.re_qion--Petroloun.--Analysis)(Nitrogen oompounds) BEZINGER,, N.N.; ABDWUK"OV)'4.A.; GALIPERN~ G.D. Nitrogen compounds of petroleum, Part 4t Group separation of concentrates of nitrogen bases. Neftekhimiia 1 no.5:589-598 s-o l6l. (MM l5t2) 1, Institut neftekh W chaskogo sinteza AN SSSR. (Petroleum-Analysis)(Nitrogen compounds)(B~ses(Chemistry)) BEZ1WERP N.N.; GALIPERNp G.D.; ABDURAKHMANOV, M.A. -------------- -.- - , 11 - Use of acetic anhydride as a differentiating solvent for a selective acidimetric titration of amines, sulfoxides, and amides. Zhur. anal. khim. 16 no. 1:91-95 Ja-F 161. (M~ 14*2) 1. Institute of Petroleum C;hemical Synthesis, Academy of Sciencest U.S.S.R., Moscow. (Acetic anhydride) (Amines) (Sulfoxides) (Amides) ABDTO9NkRQY,-9-~- Dissertation defended for the degree of Candidate of (lismical Sciences at the Institute of Hetrochemical Synthesis: in 1962: "Investigation of Nitrogenous GDmpoumle of Petroleum" Vest. Aked. Nauk SSSR. No, 4, Moscow) 1963s Pages 119-145 - A -0 -- Ap n- -, 40MI-A Conditions for the 'Lr7nill-.-n -inl ert~nct-~,n o#' -.n alterrnittlii,- -x,)nm,-ing arc. Izv.iJ; Azorb.S611 no. 4: 11P Pir 1~". (r.. .;, 1r):0 (LiectrIc,) ABDUR$kKHMANOV. H.I. Studying overvoltages due to alternating groundIng area in electric networks. Izv. AN Azerb. SSR no-8:3-22 Ag 157. (Blectric circuits) (Overvoltage) (NI-RA lOrq) ANDLWINANov, m. i. Overvoltage r;suiting from alternating grounding arcs in an asymmetric ci cuit [in Aserbaijant vith summary in Russian]. Dokl. AN Azerb. SSR 13 no.2:131-138 157. (MIRA 10:7) (Blectric circuits) ABDURAKIMOV, M.K. I- a study of the diet of collective famers in the Vakhsh Valley. Preliminary report. Zdrav. Tadzh. 7 no.4:24-26 Ji- Ag 160, WU 33:9) 1. Iz Instituts. krayevoy meditsiny Akademii nauk Tadzhikskoy SSR. (VAKHSH VALLEY-DET) ADDUMOMANOVt M.K. Nutrition of collective farmers in the Vakhahak qptlley. Vop. pit. 20 no./+:32-36 JI-Ag 161. (MIRA 14:7) 1. 1z Instituts, krayevoy meditsiny AN Tadzhikskoy SSR, StallAbad. (VAIGLSHSK VALLUDIET) ABDUitAMANGV, M. K. - - -- Vitamin A and carotene content in some products produced in southern Tajikistan. Zdrav. Tadzh. 8 no.6:52-54 N-D 161. 04IRA 15: 1) 1. Iz Instituta krayevoy meditsiny All Tadzhikskoy SSR. (ClUtOTM) (VITAXINS-A) (TAJIKISTAN-FAM PRODUCE -ANALYSIS) ABDURAKHMANOVI Namik Abdulla Ogly; ALLAKliVZRDIYFV, M.M., red. (Problems of coffibining branches on collective farms] Yoprosy sochetaniia otraslei v kolkhozakh. Baku, Izd- vo AN Azerb.SSRI 1962. 104 p. (MIRA 16:8) (Azerbaijan--Collective farms--Management) SHTSYMART, D.M. -, ABDURAXMQMV. R.Ao Planning residential dwellings to fit climatic conditions of Baku. Dokl.AN Azerb.SSR 11 no*3:221-229 155. MRA 9:6) l.Pr6datavlano daystvitellnym chlonom AN Azerbaydzhanskoy SSR MGAOUBOYAOTYDO (Baku--Building) Country : USSR m Catcaoryl Cultivated P-Ixjits. Fruit. Derrics. Is Jour: =I-Miol., 11o L!, 1958, no 49o76 As a result of investiontions on the fruit varieties under various cli:.iatic and soil conditions and through production tests, a standard sulection of fruit and berry cultures for the diffemnt horti- cultural zones has been elzaborated. Tho v.,-rotechny U I has also bout iror!;ed out, I-trticular is put on and the control of horticu-Itural pests. The visatlisfactory utilization aad care of wild fruit cultures are nentionud. -- V.D. El.iyalova Card 2/2 ABDURAKHMANOV, T. Multitest statistical sampling inspection control. Teor. veroiat. i mat. stat. no.1:5-12 f64. (MIRA 18:6) ABDURAKHMANOVp T,R.# aspirant Influence of infusions of tomentoua and platycalycine Lagochilus on some indexes of blood coagulation in dogs.. Mod, zhur. uzb. no. 9t74-76 S 160. (MIM 13 -- 10) 1. Iz kafedry farm&kologii (zav. - prof. I.E. Akopov) Kubamkogo meditainskogo instituta imeni Krasnoy Arpii. (IAGOCHILIJS) (BLOOD-COAGUIJTXON) ABDUR&KHWOV, T.R., aspirant Influenee of some types of plants of the genus Lagochijus on the vessels of an isolated frog's liver. Mad. zhur. Uzb. &.1006-37 0 160, (MIRA 13:12) 1. 1z kafedr farmakologii Samrkandskogo i Kubanskogb miditainskikh institutov (nauchnyy rukovoditell - prof. I.E.Akopov). (IAGOCHILDS) (LIVER) LEVINy Ya.L.;,,kBDURAKHMA.NUV, T.R. Effect of Lagochilus leaf infusions on the heart in frogs. FaLrm.i toksb 23 no-49347-348 Jl-Ag 160. (MIF(A 103) 1. Kafedra farmakologii (zav. - prof. I.E.Akopov) Kubanskogo medit- sinskogo instituta imeni Krasnoy Armii. (HEART) (InTiCHILUS) ABDURAKIMNOV T.R,, aspirant ~!J- Comparative investigation of infUBions from the Zeravs',mm, tomentous, and inbrians varieties of Lagochilus in blood coagulability in dogs. Med. zhur. Uzb. no.3t72-74 Mr 161. (MIRA 14:5) 1. Iz kafedry farmakologii (zav. - prof. I.E.Akopov) Kubanskogo meditsinskogo instituts. imeni Krasnoy Armii. (LAGOCHILUS) (BLOOD--COAGUIATION) ABDU,aKHWdIuV, T.A.; 410iia) A.G.; TSYBANOVA, V.A. Electrocardiographic study of the effect of tinctures of certain plants of the ganus Lagochiluo. Mod. zhiu,. Uzb. no.12:78 D 161. OUILI 15:2) 1. Iz kafedry farmkologii (zav. - prof. I.-I.Akopov) Kubanskogo meditsinakogo in3tituta. (IAGOORILUS) (ZMGThOCAiWIOG,W?IIY) ABDURAKHMANOV, T.R., assistent --------- Anticonvulsive aotion of some types of plants of the Lagochylus family. Med.zhur.Uzb. no.3259-60 Mr 162. (MIRA 15:12) 1. Iz kafedry farmakologii (zav. - pr-of. I.E.Akopov) Kubanskogo meditainskogo inatituta. (ANTICONVULSANTS) (LAGOCHILUS) A S I i Atl AUA.-'64-~ (-!4+ntimtl8hnaki-Y -M MKI ME MIK MOM L 40294-65 ACC-mSICW NR, AT5004661 -Tnotal iv o) p i bt. 1 1., Cc,d 2/6 L 44029~ Af, thO IiAit Qf htn P., P, '-)rl or six u apprnr av, c Ln 'V 10011 ,. mv~' L 40294-65 i('CP- T M A follaw2l . . ......... wrh a re A the factorl&l =ment of g~'x), deftried by L,40294mW - - - - ~ ~ t - . ~ - - - -.- i I I ~ . 1. .. . I - . ACCESSIOR Mit AT500466! - ..rt r~n g nnt Pro-A A - _c~cr, t fl or Nrot anti oef%4md Order If ctly the kh c -..x, 63,6't; 7-Y 1 P. (X) Card 5/6 402H;~4-68 A. !rV'XA4 f OQ w0 REF SCFV 1 002 EJCL i OTM 001 0 C) :0: lon:l. ov, t u t ABDURAKFIVUNOVY Yu. -A. N, ~- Q,: , ~.,-,(, 11 t, '', ~ 27861. Biologiya i promyslovoye zn,,chcniyc. k,-ssi)iyghogo usacha (barbus bra,-;hyceph- &Ius caspins berg.) Trudy zool. In-ta (aknd. muk azerbaydzh. SSR), T. XIII, 1949, s. 3-59. 14a azerbiyozh yaz--re-zyArne na rus.-Bibliogr: 50 nazv. SO: Letopist Zhurnallnykh Statey, Vol. 37, 1949 ABDURAMIMNOV, Yu.A.. kandidat biologicheakikh nauk (Baku) Fish in the Hingechaur Reservoir. Priioda 45 no.2:104-105 F 156. WaL 9 - 5) 1. Institut zoologil Akademli nauk Azerbaydzhanskoy SSR. (Mingechaur Reservoir-7ish culture) ABDURAMUNOV, Tu.A.; MBIYI',Vo A.I. Blologica terics of fishes occurring in tall watern of the, Mingachaur Hydroelectric Power Station and the effect of thr- regulated flow of the Kura River on their behiorior and popu- lations. Trudy Inst.zool.AN Azerb.SSR 20:5-69 159. (141Rit 12:10) (Mingechaur Raservoir region--Fishes) ABDTJRAKHHANOV, Tu.A. New form of barbel from thq lower Kura. Dokl. AN A?erb.SSR 16 no.8: 801-801 160. (MERL 11:9) 1. Predetavleno akademikom AN k-;erbaydzban8koy SSR A.N. Derzhavinym. (Kura River--Fishes) ABIXJRMMQMV, Tn.A. History of the formation of the present fresh-water fish populationfi of Azerbaijan. Trudy Inst. zool AN Azerb. SSR 21:156-81 160. (MIRA 13112) (AxerbaiJan-Fishes, Preah-water) ,-ABDURMEMOV, Tu.A. Biological characteristics of reproduction in fresh-water fishes of Azerbaijane ZOOL 2hur- 39 n0-5:734-742 W 160. (MIRA 13:10) 1. Institute of Zoology, Academy of Sciences of the Azerbaijan S.S.R., Baku. (Azerbaijan--Fishes) ABDURAKWANOV, Tu.A. Acclimatization of sedentary populatirms of migrator7 fishes of the Kura River in Mingechaur Reservoir. Izv. AN Azarb. SSR. Ser. biol. i mad. nauk no.7233-38 161* (MIRA 16t7) (MINGHCHAUR RESERVOIR-FISIMS) ABDURAKHMANOV) Yu.A.; DERMAVIB, A.N.9 akademiks red.; IWANOVSKIlp Got I -_-fed. izd-va; IWAILOV, To, tekbn. red. (Freshwater fishes of Azerbaijan] Ryby presn.~-kh vod Azerbaid- zhana, Baku, Izd-vo Akad,nauk Azarbaidzhanskoi SSR 1962. 405 P. IMIRA 15:5) Uxarbaijam~-Fishesp Freshwater) ABDURAKIIMANOV, Yu.A. Transition of migratory fishes of the Kura River into nonmigratory forms i~.Mingechaur Reservoir. Vop. ekol. 50-6 162. (MIRA 16:6) 1. Institut zoologii AN Azerbaydzhanskoy SSR, Baku. (Mingechaur Reservoir-Fishem) ABDURAKHMANOV, Yu.A.; KASYMOV, A.G. Food relations of fishes in the basin of the Kura River. Zool. zhur. 41 no.6:901-904 Js 162. (MIRA 150) 1. Institute of Zoology, Academy of Sciences of the Azerbaijan S.S.R., Baku. (Kura Valley-Fishes-Food) MUSAYEV, N.A., red.; KASYMOV, A.G., kand. biol. naukp red.; ARELR~- ~OVYu~.A., kand. biol. nauk [Hydrobiological and ichthyological studies in the southern Caspian Sea and inland bodies of water of Azerbaijan3 Gidro- biologichoskie i ikhtiologichoskie is'sledovanlia na IUzhnom Kaspii i vnutrennikh vodoemakh Azerbaidzhana. Baku, Izd-vo AN Azerbaidzhanskoi SSR, 1965. 168 p. (MIRA 18:6) I* Akademiya nauk Azerbaydzhanskoy SZR, Baku. Inatitut to- ologii. 2. Chlen-korrespondent AN Azerbaydzhans4oy SSR (for musayev). ABDWQXft11OV, Antitoxic function of the liver and the secretory Pinction ,purations. Izv.A1? Uz.SSR. of the stomach in pulmorary aim Ser.mod. no-3:62-~6 159. (HIRL 12:8) 1. 11-ya gorodskaya bnlInitap., Tashkent. (STO11ALH--SMCRXTIONS) (LIVER) (LUNGS--ABSCESS) No nF sov: olh OTHER: 003 ATD PREPSS: ~ --A -- ",-,1 -4 w/j I 1A1 a 4"I Zq J i A6 ~14R, I "CT 15 (N) SOURCE CODE': UR/030/6/ 2/0 00 04 667 0669 -A UTHOR: Abduraklimanova, A.A. -, Allyev, M J. ORG: Phvsics Institute. Acadotn of Sciences Azerb. SSR (Fizicheskiy institut Akadeynli nauk AzerbSSR) TITLE: Preparation and study of certain physical properties of solid solutiokIF; in the System Ga-Sb-Te SOUR6~' : AN SSSR. Izvestlya. Neorganicheskiye materialy, v. 2, no. 4, 1966 TOPIC TAGS: gallium alloy, antimony alloy, tellurium alloy, electric conductivity, Hall constant, thermoelectromotive force, thermal conduction ABSTRACT: The electrical conductivity, Hall coefficient, thernioemf,andthermal conductivity I of solid solutions GaSb-GaTe and GaSb-962Te, were studied In Vic SO-600K ternlvraturc I range. The dependence of these para ers on the compositlooAt 3GOK was also investigd,"I.~ r It is shown that the physi cal. propcrtle-'To~l these solid solutionslaYe determined to a consider- able extent by the characteristics of the initial tellurides. In the case of GaSb-GaTc, cr, t.,, and U remain almost unchanged during formation of the Fulld solutlon, but In tile case of GaSb-Ga2Tc,, they change substantially with the composition. The thermal conductivity, which Is determined mainly by phonons, decreases strongly with the composition. In tfw solid solution GaSb-GaTo,,, an additional scattering of phonons by the lattice vacancie.6 Card 1/2 UDC 546.3-19-68-86-24:541. 12 i~ -~2(149-66 FAC-C NR, -4116,0133-4-5 takes place, causing a lower thermal conductivity than in Ga8b.-GaTe. Orjg. art. has: 3 figures. SUB CODE: 11 / SUBM DATE: 25JuIG5 / ORIG imr: 007 / OTIl REF: 004 Card ABDURAKHMAIIOVA, A., delegat XII o"yezda profoo7uzov. r-------P-erfa-ctassistants. IITO no.5-.51 W '59. (KM 12:8) I.Direktor pryadillno-tkatakoy fabriki, g.Nomangan, UsSSR. (Namangan--Textile Industrv) ABSTRACT: CopoVraserLmation qf 0. 4-D, 6 mc) 3-mot-hyl 1-buterve. 0., 5 moL 2_-jnethyl-_t_-t_ butemc~- r-or'O. ene and of 0. 5~A. OQ moll 2-methyl-1-biatene .vitb 0.21-0.3 mcl propylene nt atmospheric pressure and 18-70C gave ,.,.,f; i te. hard polymers, irsoluble in or,ganlc -solvents 'it 90('- Titanium t,,tr,-3ch!-ri!ie Rn,i c Lh ",ilninum A-ere L,,,-ci -Lq rm-minsits, rlmp~~-t. i~ --i" 0, C I.. I AEDUPaIRWOVA Z, - YAKUBOVA, Yl. ~--- "-- ~x ~ P . Xffoct 'of water content. in leaves on the intensity of photcp- synthesis und respiration. Trudy Otd. fiziol. i biofiz. rest. AN Tadzh. MR no.3:1.3-16 163. (MIRA 16s9) HASYROV, YU.S.; AbDUfUK1U'-LN(JVA, ZJJ.; GILU-11, Yu.Ye. Interrelation between the photosynthesis and water metabOlfsm in plants. Trudy Otd. fiziol. i b1ofiz. rast. AN Tadz. SSSR no.3:3- 12 163, (MUtA 16:9) SHKOLINIK, R.Ya.;,-ABDURAKHMANOVA, Z.N.; DOMAN, N.G. Methods of isolating the products of an early stage of photosynthesis. Dokl. AN Tadzh. SSR 6 no.5:40-45 163. (MIRA 17:4) 1. Otdol fiziologii i rasteniy AN Tadzhikskoy S.13R. Prodstavleno akademikom AN Tadzhikskoy SSR K.T.Poroshinym. ABDIJLLAYEV, M.D%; AB~URAXIDWIGVA, Z.S. Combined effect of X rays and a growth substance of petroleum origin on the rat earcoma M-1. Vop. onk. 11 no.8t77-81 165. NIFk 3.8t11) 1. 1z Azarbaydzhanskogo nauchno-issiedovatellskogo instituta rentgenologii.. radiologii I. onkologii. 'I pctentlin Is wuri i,:, th~~ en,~.~ 111 u elorArodepcLi-ited in iLn 'ultrusevic flc~d. il!!,kl AN t;- no, !-l13&-38 l(v.. 1. T~'ishkentakiy gow-darstv;-Ywyy Lzeni. li ~ zard. Submitted Fehr. 4. 1963. MTEMIYANOV, A.I.; ABDUMBIJUDOV, K.S. Effect of the state of strain of a structure on the period of its natural vibrations. Izv. AN Uz. SSR. Ser. tekh. nauk 7 no.6t 41-49 163- (MIRA 17:6) 1. Institut mekhaniki AN UzSSR. MARTEM'YANOV. A.1.; AWURASHI Y,., DO Use of the instrument method In est!zating the stability of structures. Izv. AN Uz. SSR. Ser. tekh. nauk 8 no.2z 50-58 '64. (MIRA l7t6) 1. Institut mekhanik-4 a Vjohislitollnym tsentrom AN UzSSR. KARAYEVI H.A., dotsents kand. tekhn.nauk;.,; SHTMGEL'p A.S.j, red. izd-.,va; IIASIROV, N., tekhn. red. (Drill pumps for test drilling) burovye nasosy strukturno- poiskovogo bureniia. Bakuj, Azerbaidzhasnkoe os. izd-vop 1961. M p. ~VIIRA 1514) (Boring-Equipment and supplies) (Pumping machinery) ABDUIIP,SIIItWV, T . R, Abdurashidov, T. -- "Effect of the Complex of Nonsi,,gars of Itpfined Cane Sirup on the Solubility and Rate of Gr-ysLallization of Saccharose.11 Cand Tech Sci, Central Asia Po~ytechnic Inst, Tashkent 1553. (ReferativWy Zhurnal--Khimiya, No 1, Jan 54) So: SUM 168) 22 July 1954 ZELIKWI, I.F.; Ai!DURASqIDOV, T.R. Characteristics of honeugars of thoay,,ar-caae manufacture. Sakh.prom. 34 no.9:19-22 S 160. (HIPA 130) 1. SradneeLziatskiy politekhnicheskiy inatitut. (Sugar-By-products) AIPURASIIITCYVO Ch.U. Some data on oil and gas potentials of upper Cretaceous sediments in the northern slope of the southeastorn Caucasus. Izv. v7s. uohob. sav.1 neft' i gaz 3 no.9:13-19 160. (MIRA 14:4) 1. Azerbaydzhanskiy institut nefti i IdUrAit 3-meni M.Azizbekova. (Caucasus-Patrolem geology) (Caucasus-Gasp Natural--.Geology) ABDURASHITOV, Ch.U. Possible factors determining the accumulation of oil and gas in Cretaceous sediments of the TenginsR-Beshbarmak strip (Caspian-Kuba region). Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; neft' i gaz 4 no.5:3-7 161. (MIRA 15:2) 1. Azerbaydzhanskiy institut nefti i khimii im. M.Azizbekova. (AzerbaiJan--Petroleum geology) (Azerbaijan--Gas, Natural--Geology) ABDURASIIITOV , Uh.U. Special feature3 of the geologipql development of the Tenginsk- Bashbarmak zone of the Caspian Kuba region in the Cretaceous .s.ucheb.zav.; neft' i gaz 6 no. 12:13-15 163. period. Izv.vy (MIRA 17:5) 1. Azerbaydzhanskiy institut nefti i khimli im. M.Azlzbekeva. ATAULLAYEV, N.A.; ABOLINA, G;I.; TURSUNOV, S.,- ABDURASHITOV, K. Effect of ultrasound on the development of melons. Uzb. biol. zhur. 6 no.2:25-29 162. (MIRA 15:4) 1. Gosudarstvennyy pedAgogicheskiy institut imeni Nizami. (PLANTS, EFFECT OF ULTRASONIC WAVES 011) (MELONS) GAF1JROV, A.T.; AYFHODZ11AYEV, T.T.; ABDURASmT TURSUNOV, S,; NOVALISKIY, N.I.; MULLORAN R.N.; RE17NIE, G.F.; YAYUWV, t.Y,. Change of certain characteri#tics of cotton and kenaf under the action of ultrasound. Prim. ul'traakust. k issl. veshch. no.14: 121-127 161. (MIRA 14:12) (Ambary hemp) (Cotton) (Ultrasonic waves-Industrial applications) -AUTHORS: Ataullayev, N. A., Abolina, G. I., Tursunov, S.-and Abduraahitov, K. TITLE: The effect of ultrasonic vibration on the development of melons P.ERIODICAL: Refeirativnyy zhurnal, Blektronika 1 yeye primeneniyev no. 1, 1963, 18, abstract 1V 131 (U7.b. biol. zh., no. 2, 1962, 25-29 (summary in Uzb.)) -TBXT: The authors have studied the effect of ultrasonic waves o;.,L the seeds of the Kokcha type of me-lon. The melon seeds were first steeped in water for 24 hours at room temperature. The ultrasonic treatment of the'seeds was carried out at frequencies of 1 Mc/s 1.25 Mc/s and 23 kc/a with exposures of 1, 3, 6, 9 and 12 minutes. The experimental resull .a showed for example, that ultrasonic treat- ment of the seeds at UWE; for an expoeure of 3 - 4 minutes stimu- latea The growth and d_ velopment of the plants, and in individual cases raises the produdtivity by 20-40%. CAbstracterle note: Com- ___ ete 'ranslatio Pi n Card 1/1 ~'T r) A T k in r, w IF ~ IT% 4 ACC NRs AR6o?3331 AUTIM: I'lirbabayev, V.: Abdurashitov. Y.; Tursnnoy, S. TITLE: Stabilization of tho dimonsions of KAnron in an iLltrasonic field SOURCE; Ref. zh. KhImicheskoyo i khnlodil'noyo mashinostroyoniyo, N)s. 3.47,408 FEF SOURCE: Tr. I-Y I-'iozhvuz. nauchn. konforentsii po primoneni molokul. akust. k issled. vothchestva i v nar. kh-ve. Tashkent, 273-275 TO?IC TAGS. ultrasonic irradiation, Yw~~ ABSTRACT: The paper gives a brief description of the method and r9sults of, the uqo. of an ultrasonic novice for stabilizing the dimensions of bushIgg22f K-21PKapronl1gy treatment in an ultrasonic field in a machine-oil medium. 'IE6 thermal trG&tm0FF0f the bushings was carried out at vibration frequencies of 23.5 Kc, a temperature of 130 :~ 50C, and exposures of 5, 15, and 25 min. The experiments showed that thermal treatment in an ultrasonic field sharply reduces the duration of the heating, which anounts to 5-25 min instead of the 2-4 hr required in the absence of ultrasound. An increase in the stability of the dimensions of the bushings as compared to ordinary methods of treatment, and also an improvement in the plasticity and strength of the parts were observed. However, the studies showed sin inadequate stability in many cases. 14. So1ov'YeV* (Translation of abstracq SUB COM. 1 11 Card 1/1 MLP 01) LIRA-S Hi R)V,, R.F. Comparative chemical and Immunologleal evaluation of the results or traftting anute dysentery with tetracycline and a combined Sov. red. 27 .nothod (tetracycline, vaocine ard pento)ql). no.12:47-51 0 164. (MIRA 18ill) 1 A, K&fedra infektalonrqkh boleznay (zey.- profe K.V. Bunin) I Moskovskogo ordena Lenina meditainskogo Instituta imeni Sechenova na btize 7-y Moskovskoy klinicbeskuy infektalornoy bollnitty. AWUPJ,Sb.lTOV, R,IP* DynamIcs of the ilterz cX ra-Ev;.-rtivt~ ani.ibodies and the hemag- gj,,t,imticn rbaction in scii% under conditione. of 'ma ..iothtrapy and trcst-mrt' wl'.Vi Zhur, mikrobicl.,, epid, i iffumm. 42 nc,.7*.72-?C, :1. '65. (MIRA 18:11) 1. 1 MoFkovskiy md:LLE-lr~ kiy iv-ktitit i MoskoTakays gorr,dskayh kllmic--~oskap-, bvilnitsa. MAL--'.DOVI Mq)erilnental investigation of tho effoct of cmillary over prcssures on the flooding of nonpolar I i(lidis a pmml,-) modia. 1z-7. vys. uchob. zav.;.neft' i uazz '.' no.5.73-77 161+0 (MIT YA 17 -.9) 1. Azerbaydtlianskly institut nefti i :,hL-xU ia. ". Azlzbolova. - ____ - - -I- ABDURASHITOV, S.A.; TUPICHENKOV, A.A. Experimental determination of losses in pipelines during the flow . of liquified hydrocarbon gases. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; neft' i gaz 4 no.5:1.17-122 161. (MIRA 1~-2) 1. Azerbaydzhanskiy institut nefti i khimii im. M.Azizbekova. (Liquefied petroleum gas--Pipelines) V USSR Cultivated Plants. Cereals. Abs Jour : 2ef Zhur - 3iol*, go 8, 1958, No 34643 Author : Abdueashitovi S. A. Inst :096t given Title : Raising the Resistance to Cold in Corn b, Lieans Y of Pro-SoWing Treatment of Seedn with Solutions of Tracer Elements, 0 r ig Pub : Botan. zh., 1957, 42, i4o 7, 1099-1106 Abstract : The study dealt with the effect of tracer ele- ments on physiological processes in corn plants under sandy cultivation. In the tiaree-leaf phase, plants were subjected during 3 hours to the action of a tomperature rangirG from 00 to 0.50C. Considerabky smaller damaEe by low tem- peraturen was observed In plants raised from seeds treated with 0 C' ' r%,. - Card 1/3 USSR / Cultivatod Plants, Corcals& Abs Jour Rof Zhur - Biol&, N'o 8, 1958, No 34643 variant3 with application of 1-1o, Za and CLI. The increase of resistance to cold under tho effoct of tracer olements appears to bo the consoquence of tho increaso in thQ contontin carbo-hydraten, homicalluloso and ascorbic acid in plants, and also of tho intonalfication of the acidifying rogonoration procomi. -- I. '."I. "failkina. Card 3/3 lisp t A 0 to It is 16 Ad a a If IN is a T., A IL 2 C.1 solulng va"Ols har gfuds, oil It -s. A. Aklat.Atfo, f Ahol. 1930. No. K;41 41. chvillAt -miffs ,=y4 plate mtkmW when the Ltudc oil i, snoving .,Wfrttic&Uy. The islet shmki tic muffing-I on the liothall mA the oil sbmW be distributed utfifunoly. The qualitv of thr frock and thr rEvAntry dirpend sho to a strat ~%tqnl :0 Ulkfll Jh4PVUnAIlUtli0ll0l 113C All.-hatilt ltIIJ-*W 0 r tormled to arrange the dow1wSt pipra undarvid 'v ofri I lie discharge wivA. The inkc And thwhatitc %cl-Itics Sht" not TICMf 10 rap.; mV. The Iftigla o( life mttl,-f niust ncit be "i than 0.6 to( its diatti. A. A. ll~ T Ala It& clASSWICA7000 too., 'jjf-,gj~jT 3 U An If , ... 4"D 0" 0 0 0 0 0 00 ; 9 0 lop 00 0 0 100 00 106 0 *0 0 : : 0 1~ :go S a tio --ci, -W-v -i far Iii 5 'i i 3 9 * e * * a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a go 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 * go -00 800 go* see see lie 0 ::: I lips. 10 0 0 000000 0 0 0 0 1110fee ~;Wvlqwe. of ~'?F 0 ",.a in A In A A 4 1 4 01 A A, 14 ? AA Ill 1: I V, A .0 00-W go Oil A Inflipme of orgisclit: solvents on the Altratiess fate of I-bees crusloss o& in an cid-beariag Watum. I 9 AbdurnoWtov, Pudy Eartgel, last. sni. I. G. -72 9d" AwpbaldsUss. S.S.R. 7. M I IWIIJ, It han been aussetted that injection III Al mi- II.- Al naphlbroate (11) into, oil-hearing strata I W1 th e VIKGWIY anti Surface iril"Ots of oil anti thercloy f4dUlate flow of oil toward the well. To verity this, rd I or U.Mb-0,417; of It in the forits ol a lit', or 26"- solo.. ftsop., wits sidded Ili 4 diffrivul ctole e 0 a M. insist 5W Ilooku 661*. Tabul4lison of trualls &how% it '00 Plight snerraw in *4, Sr. aoll tusal aml.ty. light mkiortion Ila Wi"Nuity withill OW tauso- UNII t2A most A dight chantle In asulacr tritwoo aillt ?%Nvn-l lot aii an-I "Atel. 77w Ifiltraticict rate throtich a Layer oil Alo)-walsiv) i to 'P 0 0 Ills 6-0000 I. is I 'A"" ) v 0 S. I j " 01,010 - ~ 11 IF I Xt 1-00 :00 see 300 000 000 too 0 roe mudissursirsorhat hislitt uilbland lowrr with 11,1-Intilwit'll 11"1" 10 (it alone. Thus too loplorftial.1c fit is I,. tie i-s- 170 lot loorried in praelk-r. Itruno C. Mcisn" - 0 14~ tie 0 T I LA 4,4IAt&L*6KAL 1.111INA11011 CLASWK&T" boo '- *- ,, -- - - Joe it u in so, so -as AA I I a oli-C i'_1 W In 9 so 2 0 it to it 110 01 a It W 11 u it It 'o 0*00000000000000**** :r!0 004046000006 4111111111111 ~440 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .. 0 0 0 0 & 0 0 Sit 0 0 0 0 & 0 0 W* 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 g a 0 0 0 & 0 ABDURASHITOV, S.A., Profeseor; KAPRIM4V, S.G. Hydrnulic losses in drill casingo. Trudy Aserb. Ind. inst. no.8: 31-41 154. (Oil vall drilling) (KLRA 9:10) ABDMiASHITO I S. A. Cand Biol . 0i -- (diss) "Tho importnnce of mlorooolls 'o, 0, C I I . C/A I - I ..- rl and inoreas oold-resistnnee, Len, 1950, 24 ))p 15 ?It, -, 4mo"O A 11 (Acfxd Sci ITS.,-',R. Botanioal t im -1. L. Komarov), 135 oopies (KL, 1,.,;-58, 9,1). -29- SHKOLINIK. M.Ya.; ABDURASHITOV, S.A. Effect of trace elements on the synthesis and translocation of carbohydrates [with summary in Nnglish). Fixiol.rast 5 no.5:393-399 S-0 158. iMIRA lltll) 1. Botanicheskiy institut 'imeni V.L. Nomarova AN SSSR, Leningrad. (Plants, Iffect of minerals on) (Plants, Notion of fluids In) (Carbohydrate metabolism) SHKOLINIK, M.Ya., doktor bial. nauk; ARDURASHITOV. S.A., kand. biel. nauk. Xffect of trace elements on seed germination and on cold resistance of corn shoots. Zemledelie 7 no.12:69-70 F 159. (MIRA 12:3) (corn (maize)) (Plants--Frost resistance) ABDURASHITOV, S.A.; KARATXV, M.A. 11--!~---- , Gorrect number of supporting rollers in the installation of "Burvod 3' sucker rods. Izvo vys, ucheb. zav.; neft' i gaz no.I: 157-162 158. (MIRA 11:80% I.Azerbaydzhanskiy industrial' institut im, M. Asiabakova, (Sucker rods) ABDMSHITOV, S.A. Hydraulic losses in perforations of tricone bite used in explora- tory dr13ling of oil traps. Isv.vys.ucheb.sav.: neft' i gas 1 no.12:105-109 158. (MIRA 12:4) 1. Aserbaydsbanskiy industrialinvy Institut in. M.Azizbekova. (Oil well drilling fluids) (Boring nachinery) ABDURASHITOV, S.A. . It-I.I.. 00 ficient of local resistance in parts of the circulating 9)rstem of drilling equipment. Izvo vyeo ucheb, say.; neft' i gaz no.4:33-36 158, (MIRA 11:9) l.AzerbaVdzh&nski7 induatrialln.77 institut im. M. Azizbekova. (Oil well drilling fluids) DULVAGABGV, A.I.; GURDZHB'YAIT, L.D. Filtration of petroleum products through sawdust. Izv.vyssucheb6zave; neft' i gaz. no-7:91-93 '58- (MIRA 11:11) 1. Azerbaydzhanskly inatitut Im M. Azizbekoba. (Filters and filtrntion) ABDURASHITOV..,S,4.; TARTAKOVSKAYA, M.D.; ABDULVAGABOV, A.I.; GURWHINTAX, LoD. Studying-hydraulic para&riers~'Of oil rectifiers. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; neft' i go 2 noo5:99-106 '59. (MIRA 12:8) I.Azerbaydzhanskiy institut nefti i khtmii im. M. Azizbekova. (Pilters and filtration) ADD13RASITITOV, S.A.; ABDULVAGABOV, GURDOMAN. L.D.; T;JINKOVSKATA, -- Testing an indiistrial model of a fine purification filter. lzv.vys.uchnb*zav.; neft' i gaz 2 no.9:89-91 159. (MM 13:2) 1. Azarbaydzhanskiy instittit nefti i khtmil im. H.Axisbakova. (Filters and filtration) ABDURASHITOV. S.A.: VERSHININ, I.M. Results of experlivintal tosting of vortex punpat Izvevyno ucheb.zav.; neft' i gas 2 no.11t107-114 '59. (MIRk 1):4) 1. Asarbaydzhanakiy institut nefti 4. khimii im. M.Asisbokova. (Pumping machinery) ABDURASHITTOY, S.A., dolaor tokbn.nauk, prof.; KiiIATEV, M.,k. , kund,tekhns - nauk; ALLSUMV, A.M., insh. Centrifugal preRsure regulator. Izv.vye*ucheb*zav*; anarge n0-1:100-105 Ja 160. (141R& 13:1) 1. AxerbaydOnjiskiy institut nofti i kbimii Im. IA.Azizbokova. Predetavlana kafe4roy gidrayliki i gidravItchenkikh cashin. (ftensure regulators) ABWMSIIITOV, S.A. Pbysical parameters of reservoir waters recommended as a circulating agent for oil wells. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; neft' i gas 3 no.2:69-71 160. (MIR& 13:6) 1. Azerbaydzhanskiy iustitut nefti I khimii im. K Azitbekova,. (Oil field brines) (Oil well drilling fluids) ABDURASHITOV. S.,A., doktor tekhn. nauk prof.; KARAYIV. M.A., kand. tekhn. nauk; ALESKICROY, A.M., Inxh. Power used by the central pressure regulator. Izv. vyo. ucheb. Env, energ. 3 no.2:99-102 7 160. (KRA 13:2) l.Aserbaydzhanskiy institut nefti i khimii im. H. Azizbekova. Pred- etavlens. kafedroy gidravliki i gidravlicheakikii mashin. (Pressure regulators) ABDURASHITOV, S.I. (Baku); KARAYEV, M.A. (Baku) - ......I... Determining the capacity of water conduito with oval cross section. Vod. i san. tekh. no-5:9-11 My 161. (KIRA, 14:6) (Water pipes) ABDURASHITOV, S.A.; ABDULVAGABOV, A.I. Relationship between the coefficient of hydraulic resistance and the Reynolds parameter during flov. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; neft' i gaz 4 no.3t9l-97 161. (WRA 16: 10) 1. Azerbaydahanskiy institut nefti i khImii im. M.Aziabokova. ABDURASHITOV, S.A.; VERSHININ, I'm. Possibility of establishing operating characteristics for vortex pumps. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; neft' i gaz 4 no.6:117-121 '61. (MIRA 15:1) 1. Azerbaydzbanskiy institut nefti i khimii imeni M.Azizbekova. (Pumping machinery) SHKOLINIK, M.Ya.; ABDURASHITOV, S.A. Effect of trace elements on the development and oxidation- rodu--tion processes in corn during ontogenesis. Fiziol. ,-ast. 8 no.4:425-433 161. (MIRA 14:11) I* Komarov Botanical Institut., U.S.S.R. Academy of Scienceso Leningrad. Corn(Maize)) Trace elements-Physiological effect) Plants--Respiration) ~ .A.; VEIR~IIINII:) I.M. ing tho tif t*i,r,- I pr, "! -. I-.It" i., /. :i. .-I! ~-,- : .!7a'-::~.. - ',,~ kn. jr.fom. I i_ -j 0 J6.8j, 1. Az~-rt-4.tyd-,-,hanvk!y tt-t I 1 1 1'r. IV.AzIZI,~k-wi. KWYEV, M.A.; ABDURASHIT,OV,-S-.A. Determining the volimb of the compressible element in a compensator-damper of hydraulic hammer. Izv*vys,ucneb.zave; neft' i gaz 5 no.2t95-100 162. (MIRA 15:7) 1. Azerbaydzhanskiy institut nefti i khimii imeni M.Azizbekova. (Pipelines-Hydrodynamics) ABDURASHITCV, S.A.; LYAPIN, Yu.N.; GAFARCV, B.S. Propor-Uming DN-2 Imlop.; - lsv.-Vys.u,-heb. zav., ref t I ~' gitz 5 nc, 12: 17-79 162. (MIRA 17:4) 1. Azerbaydzhanskiy institut nefti i khimil imen'. Azzlzbokova i Nauc-.hri(-~-i-,t,locit)vRtel'skiy i proycktiyy inatitut. "Noftckhlmavtorml,". SYROMYAnlIKOV, I.A.; MAMIKONWITS, L.G.; HAMEWV, A.M.; KULI-ZADE, K.W.; ADWRASIUIQII, S.A.; DZHUVARLI, Ch.M.; RUSTAUZADE, P.B.; GUSEMIOV, F.G.; FCMIDI-ZADE, A.A.; ALI-ZADE, A.S. D.P. Allbitakii; obituary* Elektricheotvo no,l2t88 D 162, (MIRA l5tl2) (Allbitskii, BDris Petrovich,, 1887-1962) AEDURASHITOV, S.A.; WISHININ, I.M. Method for converting the characteristics of vortex pumps from water to viscous fluids. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; neft' i gas 5 no.087-91 162. (MMA 16sl) 1. Azert*ydzhanakiy Institut nefti i khImii imoni Asisbakova, (Oil well pumps) kBDURASHITOV, Suleyman Abdulkhairovich; TARTAKOVSKAYA, Mariya .. . "DaIddovna; -KAWEVI-M.A.t red. [1.-,anua:L for laboratory work in the general course of )Wdraulice) Rukovodstvo dlia laboratornykh rabot po ob- shchemu kurou gidravliki. Bakus Azeruchpedgiz, 1962, 122 p, (MIRA 17W ABDURASHITOV, S.A.; THNENGOLITS, S.M. Investigating hydraulic parameters of the filter for purifying sea water from mochanical admixtures. Za tekh.prog. 3 no.801-34 Ag 163. (MIRA-17:1) 1. Aserbaydzhanskiy Institut neftl i khimit imeni M.Azizbekova (for Abdurashitov). 2. Neftepromyslovoye upravleniye imeni, XXII sllyezda Kommunisticheskoy partli Sovetskogo Soyuza (for Tonengollts). ABOU RASH ITOV 9 ~%f.hod for corivurtirg the --LaracViri~tl - r-T bl:idi frca wat,t-r to vls,~ouvi fluld. 1z,l. vyu. ucholb, zav.; neftl I pz 6 no.7.-! 13-13 8 63. (MYRA 17.,8) 1. Azerhaydzhaiiskiy lnsM4.,,,' r.-.-ft! i kh':%'.* inRni Y,.Azizbekova. ABDURASHITOV,_,~.~.j TUPICHENKOV, A.A. Limits of condition zones in movement of low-viscosity fluids in steel pipes. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; neft' i gaz 7 no.10i 75-78 164. (MIRA 18t2) 1. Azerbaydzhanskiy institut nefti i khimil im. M. Azisbekova, ABDURASHITOV, S.A.; AVANESYAM, V.G. Experimental investigation of the physical properties of emulsion oils. Izv.vys.uchab.zav.; neft' i gaz 7 no. 107- 80 164. (MIRA 170) 1. Azerbaydzhanskiy institut nefti I khimii imeni M.Azizbekova. Controiltrig nit i0s, vs in w!,.,~(j wat/~!,-~ of Jzv.vys.u-zhcb.zqv.j neft, i gaZ 7 10 1. tzf-,rhiyJzhfm-klv lnstd-~v.. n--,11. i 1~1.j MAICDOVp A.K.; AMORASHITOV, S.A. ,-,, J.", I - - -,- -- . Mochanlam of the single-sided mixc-d displacnnent of nonpolar 4 fluids from a porous media. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.,, liert, ." gat 7 no.9t83-88 164. (KH4 l7tl2) 1. Azerbaydzhanskiy institut neft" I kh-'mli ~M. M. Azizbekova. SAILOV, M.G.; ABDURASHITOV, S.A. Invoitignting the hydraulic paramet(irs oil' tho vqlvei of piston direct-action steair, pumps opern'Ling on viscous fluidl. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; neft' i gaz 8 n0.403-77 165. (MIRA 18t5) 1. Pzerbaydzhanqk1y institut nefti i khirAi Im. M.Azizbekova. GUI)NIS, N,14.,, WRAYEV, MJ, Pussiblllty or prodIcting tho conditions for ni-cticn 0.1" offsl,ore oil field purnping in conn-~(,tion with tho drop in the lovel of tho Caspinn Sea. Tzv~ .,-vs. uilnol% zdv.; 11oft' -1 gaz 8 noA80-90 165. ~~URA 18t7) 1. Azorba.~dzhar!,k'-y Inst-Itut, nvf*ti i khimit im.. ff.Azitto~cva. ABDURASHITOVO S.A., doktor tekhn. nauk, prof.; VERSHININ, I.M., inzh., STREL17SOV, V.P., inzh. Converting charaoteriBtice of centrifugal pumps from water to a viscous fluid. Vest. mashinostr. 45 no,lt26-28 Ja 165. (MIRA 18s3) IWIr J ACC NRt AF6oz8ogl+ SOURCE CODE: UH/0314/66/ooo/oo6/om/oon, !AUIHCR: Abdurashitav, S. A. (Doctor of technical sciences); Belotskiy,_D. G. .(Candida 'MOHEWXY-sefincesh Gudnin, N. N, (Engineer) CIRG: none 'TITIZ: Effect of the roughness of working rotor (Eir4yineerh 2h channols on the characteristics of a - . ~ ~Y' Khimichoskoye i neftyanoye mashinostroyonlyo, no. 6, 1966, 10-11 TAGSt centrifugal pump, surface roughness ABSTRACT: The aim of the work was a quantitative determination of the magnitude of the s in head, H, &;)d the power required, N, as functions of the roughness of the ~individual surfacer of the channel of the working rotor. At the start, experiments -3Kv!6,I-ELmR? 1~ The working rotor was carefully cleaned of ~were carried out on a Type 't pa.bit, after which tho roughnessTff--the channels was dotonninod by the impression thod. Ibo charakiteristics of the pump were then dotorminod on a plant testing unit. decroaso the ro.:ghness of the surraces, use was made of a specially desi&nod and i~c`-',nsLructed unit (':--%o Fig. 1) Lcl-ld 1/3 uDc:- 6zi.671-001. ACC NR: J-6028OVi :With reference to the figure, the abrasive slurry, consisting of an Abrasive'in water !at a volume ratio of 1;7(1:10) Is fed onto the piece boing treated by rubber lined ielecLric pumps 1, Type TsNFV-12/65-Gum, through lateral 3, and upper 4 jets. 1ho ,piece being treated is placed in chamber 2, and rotated at a speed of 4 rev/min. Aft 1polishing of the rotor on the unit described, the characteristics of the pump were !again determined. The article gives curves showing the change in the characteristics lof the pumps as a function of the degree of treatment of the working rotor. It is Card 2/3 L~-- - Fig. 1. Hydrojet abrasion unit p.' ACC NR: AP6028094 demonstrated that reducing the roughness of the surfaces of the channels makes it ;possible to reduce the expenditure of electric power. Orige art, hast .4 figures* SUB CODE: 20/ -SUBM DAM none/ ORIG REFt 004 Card 3/3