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Analytic method for determining the locations of gas leakage in gas
pipelines. Izv. vys. ucheb. zhv.; neft' I, gaz. 8 no.5s85-88 t65.
(MIRA 18:7)
1. Azerbaydzhannkiy polltekhnlc~heskiy instit.ut I Vseso)'Uznyy neuchno-
inslodovatel'skly prirodnogo gaza.
21 EWT(1)IEWT(mdYMtc).ITIIUP~t)IEWP(b)-... T.JP(iU) ..-JD/JW/W
HAs AP~014~73 UPf 01 01/6~/097/WO/1739/1742
fAUTHORs Ouseyncy, He
ITITLEs Rotation of the plane of polarization In tetragonal crystals with -!92
type structure 17,71,
SOUROEt Fisike, tyerdogo tolat v- 7, no. 6# 19650 1739-1742
;TOPIO TAGSt antiferromagnetion,, ferromagnotlem, spin system# crystal lattice
!ABSTRAGTi In view of the noticeable influence exerted by ferromagnetism on certain
~smgnetia properties of such crystals even when they are In the antiferromagnatio
istate, the authors calculated the rotation of the plane of polarization In tetra-
~gonal crystals capable of exhibiting wmk ferromagnatism, in which the prizzipal
iaxis of the crystal couples the spine of different magnetic sublattices. The
!calculations show thatp In spite of the fact that the system In in a puroly unti-
forromagnetio state# In the frequency range ~~v 3-66 0 161.
(MIRA 15:1)
1. Iz gospitallnoy khirurgicheskoy kliniki (zav. - zasluzhennyy deyatell
nauki Dagestanskoy ASSR prof. M.T.Nagornyy) Dagestanskogo meditsinskogo
instituta na baze gorodskoy bollnitsy (glavnyy vrach B.E.Kot),
. 4.,,(Makhachkala, Dagestanskaya ASSR, Sovetsk
ABDULT*~ aya ul., d.3,
ww"~ ,Y)",
Everydny accidents measures for their prevention. Ortop., travm.
i protez. 25 no.1.4,9-53 Ja 164. NIRA 17:9)
1. 1z kliniki gospitallnoy khiriirgil (zav. - prof. M.T. Nagornyy)
Dagestnnskogo medLtsinskogo Institut (rektor - dotsent M.M.
Recent data on prospective oil resources of the extreme southeastern
structures of the Chatmino-Geokchay anticlinorium. Dokl.AN Aserb.
SSR 18 no.lz27-30 162. (MM 15:3)
1. Institut geologii AN AzSSR*
(Gookchay region-Petroleum eology)
(Radioactive prospectingi
Distribution of bitirnons and organic carbon in Sarmatian sediments
in the zone of the Chatmino-Gookchay anticlinorlum. Dokl. AN Azerb.
SSR 20 110,051-53 '64, (MIRA 17:7)
1. Institute geologii. AN AzSSR. Predstavelno akaderd-kom AN AzSSR
Sh.F. 14ekhtiyevym.
USSR / Human and Animal Morphology (Normal and 3-2
Pathological). The Peripheral Nervous System.
Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 10, 1958, '45533
Author : AbduUM61,-.M.S.~ Oadzhiyev, G.A.
Inst :Azerbaydzhan Medical Institute
Title :Variants of the Innervation of the Cutaneous Nerves
Orig Pub: Sb. tr. Azerb. med. in-ta, 1956, vyp. e, 188-193.
Abstract: The anterior cutaneous femoral nerves (FN) depart
in the first place, from the lumbar region (5
cases); in the second place, from the common trunk,
together with the external cutaneous FN (6 cases);
and, in the third place, from the femoral nerve
(31 cases). The variants of the lateral cutaneous
femoral nerve are divided Into five groups. The
most frequently encountered group is the one, where
the nerve departs immediately from its lumbar plexus
Card 1/3
USSR / Human and Animal Morphology (Normal and S-2
Pathological). The Peripheral Nervous System.
Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 10, 1958, 45533
Abstract: (28 cases), where-upon It starts usually from the
anterior branches of the 2nd lumbar nerve. The
posterior cutaneous FN is derived from the
anterior branches of the lst-3rd sacral nerves.
In two cases, it starts together with the inferior
gluteal nerve. The cutaneous femoral innerva-
tion varies greatly. In two cases, the anterior
subcutaneous branches of the FN innervate just the
superior and middle part of the thigh; in four
cases, the decrease of the Impregnated zone of the
lateral cutaneous FN takes place at the expense of
the ilio-hypogastric nerve; and, in five cases,
the decrease of the impregnated zone of the anterior
branches of FN takes place at the expense of the
lumbar inguinal nerve. The zonal increase of the
Card 2/3 34
USSR / Human and Animal Morphology (Normal and S-2
Pathological). The Peripheral Nervous System.
Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 10, lgr-$3$ 45533
Atstract: innervated anterior branch of FN is uncommon.
-- N. G. Turkevits.
Card 3/3
USSIVEuvan and Animal Morphology - Nervous Systen. S
Abs Jour: ]Ref Zhur-Diol., No 15, 1958~ 69603.
Author _;__Abdullayev, M.S.
Inst : Academy of roTe-ffm AzerbSSR
Title : The Histostructure of the Submaxillary Nerve
Orig Pub: Dokl- AN AzerbSBR, 1956, Vol. 12, No 7, 499-5o4.
Abstract: The submaxillary gangUon, in the human is com-
posed of ganglion cells and surrounded by loose
connective tissue which forms a capsule. The
ganglion cells also have a capsule surrounding every
two or three cells. Between the capsule and the cells
there is a space filled with liquid. The ganglion
cells are distributed uniformly in the ganglion.
They are round or oval. With respect to the distri-
Card 1/2
USSR/Human and Animal Morphology. Nervous System. 8
Abs Jour: -Bet Zhur-Diol., No 15, 1958, 69603.
bution of their chromatophilic substance, which
can be demonstrated with thionine stain with tar-
trate, three types of nerve cello can be dis-
tinguished in the ganglion: (1) with cytoplasm
filled with chromatin granules; (2) with chromo-
philic substance distributed only around the nuclei;
(3) with no chromatophilic substance at all. Using
the saw stain, medullated nerve fibers can be
seen in the ganglion, which are evidently part of
preganglionic fibers which connect the ganglion
with the lingual nerve. -- V.G. Zaytsevskaya.
Card 2/2
Method of dissecting vmscles and nerves of the orbit (in AserbsiJafti
vith surmary In Russian]. Dokl.Aff Azerb.SSR 12 no,10*.759-762 156#
(min 10 11)
(Dissection) (Orbit)
USSR / Human and Animal Morphology. Nervous Systom. S-2
Peripheral Nervous System.
Abs Sour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 3.4, 1.956, 64771.
S. "skerov, R. A.
I a GV ,
Author !-ib~~
Inst Not; given.
Title On the Question of the Nervo Portae of the Muscles
of the Eye ball.
Orig Pub- azorb. Tibb Zh,, 1957, No 4, 15-18 (&'Lsorb.) 65-68.
Abstract: There is a direct rolationship betwoon the density
of the small trunks of the nerves~~and tho size of
the individual musclus of tho eyoball; tba largor
the muscle, the thicker its irinorvating nerva.
The nerves approach all the muscles of tho'oyeball,
with the exception of thu inferior obliqutis o2
the muscle, at a very sharD. angle, i.e., Tb:!:[-!y
parallel to the muscle fascicles; while to tho
Card 1/2
USSR / Human and Aaiimal Morphology. Nervous Systems S-2
Peripheral Nervous System.
j%bs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 14, 1958, 64771.
Abstract: inferior obliquus of the musclo, tho approach
is almost perpondicular. The nerve portae of the
recti muscles of the eyeball, as well as of tho
superior obliquus of the muscle from the source
to tho block, are located on the border between
their rear and middle thirds; the nerve portae
of the inferior obliquus of the muscles are
located at its center. -- Ye. V. Ryzhkov.
Card 2/2
USSR / Human and Animal Morphology (Normal and S
Pathological). Nervous System. Peripheral
Nervous System.
Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biologiya, No 4, 1959, No. 16937
Auth or :.Abdullayev 11, So
Inst :-InstItut ti-perimental, MorpholoSy
Title : On Connection of the Submaxillary Ganglion
with the Hypoglossal Nerve
Orig Pub :Tr. In-ta eksperim. morfol, AN GruzSSR,
1957, 6, 37-41
Abstract :On 100 specimens from human cadavers of
various age and sex It was shown that the
connection between the submaxillary ganglion
and hypoSlossal nerve is constant. In 24%
of cases this connection is direct; it is
realized by a branch with a thickness of up to
Card 1/2
USSR / Human and Animal Morphology (Normal and S
Pathological). Nervous System. Peripheral
Nervous System*
Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biologlya, No 4, 1959, No. 16937
0.3-0o4 mm and a length of 15-20 mm. In 76,15
of cases the connection Is realized by
Inalredt arlaatomoses. The peculiarities of
direct aAd indirect conxiection of the sub.
maxillary ganglion and hypoglosaal nerve
are described.
Card ~-,'2
Substitution for the innervation zone of the lateral cutaneous
nerve of the skin in cases of its absence. Azerb.ned.zhur.
no.6:76-77 Je '59. (MEM 12: 9)
1. Iz kafedry normal'noy anatomii (zav. kafedroy - zaalush.
doyatel' nauki, prof.X.JL.Bulakishiyev) Azerbaydshanskogo
gosudarstvennogo meditainskogo institute, in. 11 -liar imanova.
Intrastem stmature of some peripheral norres.
no.lt24-29 J& 160. WRL 13'.5)
Topographical and anatomical peftliarities of the onlomotor nerve
apparatus, Report no, 1. Aserb. med. &bur. no. 8t)0-35 Ag 160.
(MIRA 13 t 8)
1, Is kafedry normlirloy anatomii (zav. - zaal, deyatell naukil
prof, X.A, Balakiehiyov) Azerbaydzhanskogo gosudaretvannogo
meditoinskogo instituta im. P.Narimanova.
Connections between the first branch of the trJgeminal nerve
and the oculomotor nerve. Report No.l. Anerb. med. zhur. 41
no.3t27-33 Mr 164. (MIRA 17tIO)
1. Iz kafedry operativnoy khirurgii a topograficho3koy anatomiyey
(zav.- chlen-korrespondent ANN SSSR, prof. A.N. Maksimenkov)
Voyenno-meditsinskoy ordena Lenina akademii imeni Kirovs, i normal'-
noy anatomii (zav.- zaslusbennyy deyatell nauki, prof. X.A.
Balakishiyev) Azerbaydzhanskogo gosudarstvennogo mediteJ skogo
instituta imeni Narimanova.
-1-1-1 ... 1-1 -
Pl'Aottolkl aignifiallneg of tho ohnrnotariatlam or thp atructure of the
Abdunant nerve, Vants khir, no,?W-61 JI IN, (MIRA 1814)
1, It kafedry opmUmnoy khlrurgli L toputtrAftchankoy aknottomii
(nuhRlItilk - pror. A.N.MAkolmoukov) Voytinno-wditainakoy ordona Unina
akadomll litoni Kirova,.
ABDULLAYEV, H.S. (Leningrad, K-156, prospekt Yngc11sa,28,kv.132)
Interrelationships of the nerves of the oculomotor apparatus.
Arkh. anat., gist. i embr. 48 no.l17O-77 Ja 165. (MIRA 18111)
1. Kafedra operativnoy khirurgii i topograficheskay aratomil
(nachallnik - chlen-korrespondent AHN SSSR prof. A.N.
Maksimenkov) Voyenno-meditainakoy ordena Lenina akademii
imeni Kirova, Leningrad. Submitted Jan. 31, 1963.
Connections of the optic nerve with the trochlear and the
abducens nerves. Report no. 2. Azarb. med. zhur. 41 no.8t
27-32 Ag 164. (MIRA 18i11)
1. Iz katodr), operativnoy khirurgil. a topograficheskoy
anatomiyey tzav. - chlen-korrespondent AMN SSSR prof. A.N.
Makeimankov) Voyenno-meditainakoy ordena Lanins, akademiA
imeni Kirova i kafedry normallnoy anatomil (zav. - zaslu-
zhennyy dayatell nauki prof. K.A. Balakichiyev) A2erbaydzhan-
skogo gosudarstyennogo moditsinskogo Instituta Imeni Narimanova.
Submittad April 1, 1964.
AffereA conductors of the nerves of the oculomotor apparatui
Azerbe mede zhur* 41 no. 110-16 N 164. (Min 18,U)
1. Iz kafedry operativnoy khirurgli i topograficheskoy amatcl~ii
(xvichalinik - chleu-korrespondent AMN SSSR prof. A.N. Makaimenkov)
Vo7anno-maditainskoy ordena Lenina akademii imeni Kirova.
Submitted May 8, 1964.
ABIULIAM, M. V., Cand Agric Sel (diss) -- "Agriciiltural and certain Molo ca
iz A I
features of hybrid sheep with variotis feed levels". Moscow, 1959. 16 PP
(All-Union Acad Agric Sci Am V. 1. lenin, All-',Inion C~ci Rev, Inst of Animal
Husbandry), 150 copies (IU,, No 9, 1~~)O, 126)
. ~ ;..v
When the main thing In the work to fourd. Sov. profsoluzy 3 no.2:
28-31 7 '550' (KUU 8M
1. Prodeedatell Usbakskogo reopublikLuskogo komiteta profsoyuza ra-
bochikh I olushashchikh sellskogo khosyVetva I sagotovok.
(Cotton growing)
Isochrontem in nonlinear ose 4 ~~ !,,' . Trudy Tadzh,
( tj T I-, fi I - "I I
3:129-155 155.
(Hath wrirt,:, r," physics)
ABDULLAYEV, N. A. Cand Phys-Math Sol, __ (disso "On isochronism during non-linear
~ I ud"-At It -n" ."
bG*4,U&ti=8-" Samarkand, 1956. 5 pp 21 am. (Min of Ifigher Eduostion USSR,
Uzbek State U im-Alisher Navoi), 100 copies
(KL, B-57, 108)
Treating 9048108 in children at home. 17 no.11:43-46 N 133.
(MM 6: 1' .1 )
i. Is kulinskoy rayonnoy sanitarno-opidemiologiahol3koy stanteii Dagestan-
skoy ASSR.
Evalugtion of the quality of petroleum demulsification. Azerb.-
khimt4hur. no.2s59-64 162. (MIRA 160)
(Petroleum-Refining) (Emulsions)
~ --j- -
New locality of Danian sediments in the Kazakh trough. Dokl.
AN Azerb. SSR 20 no-914l-44 164. (MIRA 18t1)
1. Kavkazakiy institut mineraltnogo syrtya.
HEM ?r-~Feb ijikc) JDIFUM
i V . L~. t 11.V-! - -I + - -1 - - ,
I - . - - - I - 1 11 ll~ 4 4
L 00887-66 EATT (m) Pr- (c '/F,7.rp (j Rh
!ACCESSION NR; AP5020083 UR/0079/65/035/008/1348/1350 .1
'AUTHOR: Shikhiyey N. D.
A.; Abdullayev,
TITLE: Investigations on synthesis and reactions of unsaturated organoBerinanium''
.compounds. XXV. Synthesis and certain reactions of monohydric y-gemaniuriethyne
Zhurnal obshchey khimli, v. 35, no. 8, 1965, 1348-1350
jTOPIC TAGS, organogermanimn compound, organomagnesium compound, alcohol, acetylene
!ABSTRACT: Reaction of magnesi=alcoholate of dimethyl- and methylethylethyne carbi-I
nol with germanium tributyl chloride was studied according to the following scheme
M 11)
(1) R. R'= CM,: (11) KMs. RO Callp
,Presence of a hydroxy-group in the reaction product (I, II) was proved by preparing
'(III, XV), by-using acetalizat'lon reaction (compounds V and
;chlorine derivatives
Card 1/3
L 00867-66
ACCESS1011 NR: AP5020083
using cyanoethylation reaction (compound VII), and by preparing a siloxy-deriva-
tive (VIII) according to the following scheme
6 RR'CCICMC-Ge (a.-CiHO)s (HI, 17)
OH C1f1-CH-0-C-CMC--G9 (9--C4119)3 ty- VO
0 HRIC-CMC-Ge (K.-CjH*)3 (VU)
0 Rfj1C-CmC-G9 (x.-Cj11p)3 (VIII)
!The above compounds were synthesized in the following yields (in wt. I and II--!
126.6, 111 and IV--80, V and VI--35# VII--52, and VIII--28.: Boiling points (in OC
junder vacuum), specific gravities, reftective indices. and chemic*al formulas (from
jultimate analysis) were' determined for compounds I- VIII. An excellent agreement
!Card 2/3
L 00387-66
4CCEs,*SfbN NRI AP5020083
was found betveen the elemental contents determined analytically and those calculat-!
06 from the chemical formulas. Orig. art. has: 1 table,
ASSOCIATIONt Institut neft0hinichaskikh pzvmssov AkademLi nauk Azarbaydzanskoy
!SSR (Institute of Petrvchemico -Processes, Acadeff of Sciencesp Azerbaydthan SSR)-tr
.NO REF SOV: 002 OTRER: 000
Card 3/3
L 34103-6t E4T(m)/Ev1P(j) RM
A(;(; NR: AP6008712 SOURCE CODE: UR/0079/65/035/011/2026/2028
;~21 S,
AUTHOR: Shikhiyev, L A.; Abdullayev,~L._ D._; Allyev, M. L; Akhundova, G. Yu.
ORG: Institute of Petrochemical Processes, AN Azerbaydzhan SSR (Institut neftekhimL-
cheskikh proteessov AN Azerbaydzhanskoy SSR)
TITLE: Studies in the field of synthesis and conversions of unsaturated organosillcon
compounds. Part 26: Synthesis of organosilicon formals of the acetylene series
SOURCE: Zhurnal obshchey khimli, v. 35, no. 11, 1965, 2026-2028
TOPIC TAGS: organosilicon compound, acetylene compound
ABSTRACT: The reaction of certain acetylenic-organosill on _a1cohols1with a-chloromethyl
alhyl estmr-lin the presence of sodium hydroxide was studied. It was found that the reaction
produces the corresponding acetylenic organosilicon formals as follows:
R C=C-Sill' CIGIT,OR... 11 C=CSIR'
">C< - 3_ R)C