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(Selenium, tellurium and their applications] Selen, tellur
I ikh primenenle, Bakup led-vo AN Aterbaidahanskoi SSR,
1965. 166 P. (MIRA 28:7)
I* Akademiya nauk Aterbaydshanakoy SSR, Baku, Institut f1siki,
. pComm" ~--Mmlwmdm . . Ml,~* -
. Jfm
353U=j-k EPA (s)-2/Vrr(m)/EPF
ACCESSION NR: AP5015450 UR/02'49/6'5'/021/'003/0018/0,321
AUTHORS: Abdullayev 0. B 0 Abdinov, DO Sh. Aliyev, 0. M. r7
TITLE: Effe'et of oxygen on transport phenomena in selenium of highl)i
,SOURCE: AN AzerbSSR. Dokiady, v. 21, no. 3, 1965, 18-21
TOPIC TAGS: selenium, selenium rectifier, thermal conductivity,
.electric conductivity, thermal emf, Hall effect, carrier density,
:Hall mobility
~ABSTRACT: The authors report results of investigations of the influ-
~ence of antim y impurity,, which effectively compensates the acceptor
~,!action of oxy n, on the electric properties of crystalline and
\v-, liquid aeleni and on the thermal conductivity of crystalline selen-
-Tu-mof purityk9.9999 per cent before and after deoxidation and after
'oxidation. The deoxidation was by the method of P. T. Kozyrev (FTT
v. 1, 113, 1959). The procedure for measuring electric conductivity
and the thermal conductivity as functions of the impurities and of the
Card .1/3
L 3537-46f,
'temperature was described earlier (FTT v. 4, lo18, 1964 and elsewhere:
:The Hall effect was measured with direct current by a compensation
.method in a magnetic field of 20,000 Oe. The article includes a
Itable of the dependence of the electric conductivity, the thermal con-
,ductivity, the Hall density, and the Hall mobility prior to deoxida-
,,tion, and also of the electric conductivity and thermal conductivity
;after deoxidation, as f(inctioA of the antimony content, and plots of
,the temperature dependence of the electric conductivity before and
:after deoxidation. Ube results show that the antimony has different
!effects on the electric and thermal conductivities before and after
;deoxidation, and varies with the antimony content. The jump in the
;conductivity occurring at the melting point also depends on the oxyger
,content. The results have a direct bearing on the fact that various
mechanical properties of selenium rectifiers and photocells are
,governed principally by their oxygen content. ,Orig. art. has., 2
figures and I table.
ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziki AN AzerbSSR (Institute of PhysicsAN
Card 213
:NR REF SOV: 013
OTHER: 002
; Card 3/3
State of an Ma impurity in Se. Drjkl. ANI Azerb. SSR 21 no.403-16
165. (MIRA 18:7)
1. Institut MIM AN AzerSSR.
-.1, ;~, "." - I . " ~. ., -. :., -----'-,. 11- - ~ 4'... . '~- , ~ -.7. .. 1. 1 lil- I. - , f~:',7 , ,a
- I -I i .--
i . \ , i- ., 7 ---N ;~-, " i ~--N , 1~ '. T - -, .'- I.; - - ~ -1 .. -i I - - I , I I '. . , - I.- .1 ~ I
P~~ --- - - I - . . r- .. N - I
L 16505-66 g4T(I)ISiT(M)ILTC(f)IFic,(M)IFip(t) lip(c) liallalodsla
.ACC NRz AT6001334 SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/65/000/000/0085/0094
AUVOR: Abdullayev, G. B.; Bakirov. M. Ya.-,,Talibi M. A.; Gasymov, R. B. 6PP
:ORG: .-IkuO-V~ e341 t
:TITLE: Photoeffect in selenium n transitions
iSOURCE: AN AzerbSSR. Institut lZikL Selen, tellur i ikh primeneniye (Seleniumt
te- lluri um and the ir ut I I i zat ion --Bak u-9- AN - AzerbSSR 196 585-94
JOPIC TAGS: selenium, InTermetallic compound, impurity conductivity, semicondActing:
,material, spectrum analysis, temperature dependence, diffusion coefficient, metal
%A 1 5:
IABSTRACT: Photoelectric pmerties of selenium photocells containing Cd, Pb, Ga,
'In, Zn and HS as contact films were studied. Diffraction analysis of the junctions
ishowed that the selenide interimetallic compound formed in each case; these junctions
.exhibited n-type conductivity and caused photovoltaic effects due to pn transitions.
ISpectral characteristics are given for Se with CdSe, InSe and HgSe, showing primary
s:and secondu7 maxima for relative photocurrent (%), the secondary maximum being de-
;pendent on the type of element. Photosensitivity showed a dependence on time$ ample
iCard 1/2
L 16505-66
:ACC NR: AT6001334
.;thickness and temperature.. At constant temperature, the initial sensitivity rose,
,reached a maximum (about 2 ma) and then dropped sharply with time; the sharpest
changes occurred at the higher temperatures. This held true for different thicknes-
.ses: the maximum was at 0.5m. The thickness of the n-type layer was expressed by
It = OVOI/2 , where D is the diffusion coefficient and t is time, To prevent aging
;of the photocells it was recommended that the optimal thickness of the n-laver, be
:Rept at 0.5 to I u and the upper electrode have a small difiusion coefficient; aging
,was eliminated in CdSe or US by using elements of 0.5p with Au of O.Iij thickness
,for the upper electrode. For zero illumination the temperature dependence of the
,volt-ampere curves was determined for Junctions of 99.99999% Se. The density of re-
!verse current decreased with increase in temperetu~e and attained saturation'in the,
1353 to 4130K range. Activation energy UW) was obtained from lnI vs IIT plot since
:1 = cxp(-MlkT) and came out to 0.6 ev. The volt-atperv characteristics wtire also
given for different amounts of illuminntion at 3730C where the current increased
proportionally with illumination. These photodiodes were rated superior to stand-
selenium photoelements on the basis of sensitivity and response. Orig. art.
has: --- 6 -figuz--ea j- 6 - fomulas.
,SUB CODE: 11,09,20/ SUBM DATE: 1OHar.65/ ORIG REr: oio/ OTH Fxr: on
High ourity, SE
:Card 2/2 IP
L 17729-66 UP(c) WM/JD/GS
AM-Mr-7-M001336 SOURCF CODE: UR/Or,00/6%/000/000/0115/0121
AUTHOR, Abdullayev, G. D.; M;knafil- r.--L-.; Talibi, M. A. 57
TITLX: The effect of certain impurities on the capacitance of transitions In
SOURCE:' All AzerbkSR. Institut fizlkl. Selen, tellur i ikh primeneniye (Selenium,
tellurium and their utilization). Baku, AN AzerbSSR, 1965, 115-121
TOPIC TAGS: selenium, cadmium selenide. capacitance, impurity conductivity, tem-
perature dependence, selenium compound, oxide, carrier mobility, diffusion transis-
tor, metal physics
ABSTRACT- The changes in capacitance were given as a function of voltage displace-
ment at both 200 and 800C for Se-CdSe elements made with impurity additions of Ga.
Fe, Pb, Ag and Si. The temperature dependence of capacitance was presented for
these impurities and for constant voltage displacements of 9, 15 and 25 v. A sharp
decrease in the temperature coefficient of capacitance was observed for the higher
Card 1/2
L 17729-66
ACC MR: AT6001336
voltages at about 1000C; above 1000C it became constant. An exception to this was
Ga which made its transition at 1250C. These data were correlated with oxide forms-
tion, diffusion effects and ionization potentials. Because the ionization poten-
tial of Si was closest to Se it was least effective in raising the capacitance.
However, increases in concentration (9. g., 0.0001% to 0.1% Fe) lowered the capaci-
tance.. The diffusive capacitance rose sharply with direct voltage at 20`1C) where-
as at 1250C it did so only for Ga and Fe; the temperature dependence of this ef-
fect was given for 0 and 0.3 v. A relation for this capacitance was given as fol-
101,M: 0 = (el/W)i,
where e is the electron charge, i is Boltzmann's constant, T is absolute temperature,
I is direct current and T Is the lifetime of carriers. The dependence of the ef-
fective lifetime T ef is given as a function of temperature and impurity content.
For Ga and Fe i ef the dependence was weak compared to pure Se, Ag and Si and the
A -5 -6 sec. Orig. art. hast 10 figures,
alues of Tef were calculated to be 10 -10
1 fomulao
SUB CODE: 11, 20/ SUBN DATE: l0Nar651 ORIG REF: 005/ OTH REF: 007
Card 2/7TS,,
L 17731-M W(m)/WP(t) LJF(c) JD/GS
A& NR: XT6 01330 SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/65/000/000/01.25/0128
AUTHOR: bdull G. B.- Talibi, M. A.; Mamedov, E. G.
ORG: /8 7-
TITLE: The effect of Hn impurities on the rectifying properties of transitions in
SOURCE: AN AzerbSSR. Institut fiZai Selen, tellur i ikh primeneniye (Selenium,
te1lu7MG__a_n_S -their utilization)- Baku, AN AzerbSSR, 1965, 125-128
TOM TAGS! selenium, cadmium selenide, temperature dependence, pn transition,
manganese, metal physics
ABSTRACT; A study was made of the effecta of Mn on trap formation for transitions
in Se-CdSe. The Mn had an unfilled 3d shell and two 4s electrons. Static volt-am-
pere characteristics for one of the samples were given as a function of temperature;
a typical Se inversion in the temperature dependence on reverse current was ob-
served. For Se-CdSe junctions without additions and for additions other than Mn the
saturation of reverse current occurred below 130OC; with Hn, saturation took place
Card 1/2 -;z-
L 17731-66
ACC NR: AT6001338
at 1500C. This was explained.on the basis of the longitudinal traps characteristic
of Hn impurities in Se, which are wore effective in capturin, charge carriers at
temperatures above 120 to 1300C. The direct and reverse values of the differential
resistance (ohms) were given as a function of the applied potential W at 1500C.
Up to 1500C, all samples had normal rectification values. AT 1500C and above, ano-
malous rectification took place up to 3 to 4 v; the reverse resistance behaved line-
arly, whereas the direct resistance was higher up to 4 v and exhibited a maximum at
3v. This behavior was compared to a similar one in Si-SiO2 at -1960C. The Mn im-
purities formed deep traps In the region of the pn charge transition in Se-CdSe
which resulted In an expanded temperature range for current saturation and anomalous
rectification at low voltages and at 150 to 1700C. Orig. art. has: 2 figures.
SUB CODE: 11, 20/ SUBM DATE: IOMar65/ ORIG REF: 002/ OTH REr: 006
Card 2~~2
L 39587-66 EWT(m)/EIIP(w)/ETC(f)/EWO(M)/T/EWP(t) IJP(C) RDW/JD'J
ACC MR: 'AT6001329 SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/65/000/000/0020/0026
AUTHOR: Abdullaygv: G. 0 Tagivey, K. KI.; T41ibi., M. A.
on: j
TITIX: Effect-of sodium Impurities on the optical properties of selenium
SOURCE: AN AzerbSSR. Inatitut fiziki. Selen, tellur I 1kh primenenlye (Selenium,
tellurium and their utilization). B u,--Izd-vo AN AzerbSSR, 1965, 20-26
TOPIC TAGS: selenium, ultra high purity metal, sodium, Impurity conductivity, oxy-t
gen, optic transmission, radiation spectium, crystallization, metal physics,
absorption coefficient
ABSTf,.%"i: The present work was undertaken owing to lacunae in the literature on
the properties of high purity selenium and the effect of Impurities on the disper-
sion of selenium. The experimental procedure was described in an earlier work.
Formulas for the coefficients of absorptiong r1fracticni transmis3lon and ieflectiod
are given. The experiments were done on ff=jU?and U_-_kL?8GctrophotcMeters1 for
samples with Na Impurities and pure So (99.9999%) at 3000K. Sample thickness (rang-
ing from 1.4 to 2.5 p) was carefully controlled since it was a primary variable In
Card 1/2
LW 1W/kWT(P0/T/'bWP(t)/STI I.JP(,-,) JD,'v'C-/AT
L 04976-67
ACC NR' AP6030801 SOURCE CODE: UR/0249/66/022/005/0012/0013
AUTHOR* Abdullavev, G. .,- Nasirov, Ya. N.; Feyziyev, Ya. S. _21-7
I Akc,&" --&, '.~F
ORG: Institute of Physics, Azer R (Institut fizikiA AzerbSSR)
TITLE: Effect of partial substitution of lanthanum for tin on the thermoelectrics
properties of SnTe A -IV 7
SOURCE: AN AzerbSSR. loklady, v. 22, no. 5, 1966, 12-13
TOPIC TAGS: tin telluride, lanthanum telluride, telluride,thermoelectric property
ABSTRACT: Thermoelectric properties of homogeneous, single-phase specimens of
(SnTe]j_x-jLaTej alloy, where x is equal 0.02-0.08, have been investigated. The
curve of composifion dependence of thermal emf, at room temperature, was found to
have a maximum of about 49 pv/*k at x - 0.02 compared to 20 pv/*k for SnTe, where
the concentration of holes drops to a minimum of 3.47-1019/cm3 compared to 2-1021 cm-i
for SnTe. The lattice heat conductivity changes correspondingly from 6.2-10-3 Cal/cmj
deg-sec for SnTe to 5.4-10-3 callem-deg-sec. The hole mobility reaches a maximLun
of 1080 cm/v-sec at x - 0.01, compared to 25 cmlv.sec for SnFe. It is ass
partial replacement of tin by lanthanum brings about a recovery of the SnTe lattice
and simultaneously generates the new defects in connection with formation of
SnTe-LaTe solid solutions. Orig. art. has; 3 figures. [WWI
SUB CODE: l1/ SUBM DATE: l2Mar65/ ORIC REF: 001/ OTH REF: 003/
Card JL/1 /I"-
L 07575-67 EWT(m)jw I ijp Up
ACC NRs AP602,B891
SOURCE CODE: E~0~ ~91OV02~3100ivoolq
AUTHOR: Abdullayev G.~,'~.jNeslrov., Ya. N.; Osmanovy T. G.
JRG: Institute of Ph~Lsics (Institut fiziki) L
TITLE: Investigation of electrophysical properties of certain solld solutions in
SnTe-Sn(S.1s.F) a
SOURCE?! AN AlerbSSR. Doldady,, v. 22, no. 3) i966j 17-19
TOPIC TAGS: tin compounds telluride, thermoelectric power, Hall effectp thermal con-
duction, solid solution, carrier density, crystal lattice defect
ABSTRACT: The authors report*an investigation of the thermoelectric properties of
tin telluride when small amounts of tellurium are replaced with surfur and selenium.
The tests consisted of measurement of the thermoelectric power, the Hall emf, and the
thermal conductivity at room temperature as a function of the composition of the solid
solutions. The compositions used were [SnTe],-x - (SnS)X and (SnTe],-x - (SnSe)x with
the values of x ranging from 0.02 to 0.08. A plot of the thermoelectric power against
the composition of the solid solutions shows that when tellurium is replaced with
sulfur and selenium, a maximum is obscrved in the region x - 0.04. At the'same tine,
the carrier density decreases first rapidly and then slowly, from 2.1 x 1021 cm7'3 for
the SnTe to 1021 cir3 in the case when sulfur is used, and to 1.2 x 1020 cm-3 wilen
tellurium is used. Ath anomalous behavior of the thermoelectric power rema-ins the
same at all temperatures. A maximum of thermal conductivity is observed at x - 0.04.
- 1~ -93575--47-
ACC NRt AP6025891
It is proposed that partial substitution of sulfur and selenium for the telluriurn re-
sults simultaneously in two processes: healing of the lattice defectsp vhich leads
to a sharp decrease in the carrier density and in the thermal resistance of the lat-
tice.. and formation of a solid solution,, which increases the number of defects in-
herent in solid solutions of these systems. Orig. art. has: 3 figures.
SUB CODE: 2o/ Sum DATE: 1qNov65/ OTH REP: 003
[Card 2/2 LA
1. _Q7091=~7 EWT(m)/E?y~_(t)/
~~j Jjp (r
, ) jDIWI
,ACC NR. AP6019007 SOURCE CODE: UR/0109/66/011/00611151/1154
AUTHOR: -AbdUll&Xev. g. B. Chelnokov, V. Ye. I Iskender-zade 0 Z* A*;
Dzhafarova, E.
ORG: none
'TITLE: Effect of junction -metal -type impuritles on lifetime of minority carriers
in n-Si
.SOURCE: Radiotekhnika i elektranika, v. 11, no. 6, 1966, 1151-1154
TOPIC TAGS: carrier lifetime, semiconductor research, semiconductor carrier)!
rnivoNlry 'O'gRal-cle PV %.TvA1Cr10A1 IV# (!keA- j, MF-7,9Z_ DI rrusloqj
ABSTRACT: The results are reported of an experimental study of the effect of Nt
on the lifetime of minority carriers contqdned In the n-base of Si p-n junctions
produced by the diffusion alloy process A The p-n junctions were prepared by
introducing Al into Si having 20 ohms- cm. Plots of hole lifetime vs.
Cord 1/2
UDC: 539.Z99.52.011.25-621.315-592.2
L 07091-67
~ACC NR: AP6019007
Jemperature and vs. injection level are shown, at; are plots of hole lifetime vs.
temperature t easured (at a low injection level) with specimens that contained
some TaVW, nd Ti.41t to fou,nd that the introduction of Ni bluntsthe action of
more efficient recombination centers having a Et a 0. 55 ev. Nil' (orns diffuse in
nd shield other impurity or dislocation centers./ 10'The authors wish to thank
JSi a
V. M. Tuchkevich for his attention to the work and his valuable comments.
Orig. art. has: 3 figures.
;SUB CODE: 20, 09 SUBM DATE: I lAug65 ORIG REF: 004 OTH REF: 008
L 07250-67 FEW P
A 0230/'R
'AUTHOR: Abdullayev, G. B.; Mekhtiyeva, S. I.; Abdinov, D. Sh.; Aliyevj# G. M*
ORG: none ~?r
ITiTLE: New properties of hiRh Purity selenium
SOURCE: AN AzerbSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fiziko-tekhnicheskikh i matematicheskikh nauk,
no* 1, 1966, 77-84
TOPIC TAGS: selenium, chemical purity, oxidation, thermoelectric power, heat conduc-
tion, physical diffusion,, activation energy, semiconductor conductivity
ABSTRACT: In view of the fact that many properties of selenium are still not under
stood, the authors,4iave checked on the hypothesis that many of them are due to the
presence of oxygen't. b-nd oxygen complexes#r~the selinium. The authors have investigated
selenium of -ap-ec-Tal high purity (grades B,, and BSY~ with purity 99.9999 and 99.99999%)
before and after de-oxidation, anif -also -after ok1dation. The methods for oxidation
and measurements are indicated in earlier papers OTT v. 6, 1020, 1964 ard elsewhere).
The parameters tested were the electric conductivity, the thermoelectric power, the
thermal conduction, the activation energy during self-diffusion, the density, the
microhardness after introducing impurities, and the effect of oxygen-compensating im-
pirities (Cd, Sb, Mn, T1, Na,, 8). The measurement results are presented in graphic
form. Many of the phenomena are explained from the point of view that the oxygen im-
purities produced in selenium acceptor levels, whereas the addition of the impuritie's
which oxidize easily is equivalent to de-oxidation. The latter makes selenium closer
to an intrinsic semiconductor. It is concluded that the p-conductivity of selenium,
the fact that the thermal conductivity, the electric conductivity, the density, and
the microhardness go through a minimum when impurities are introducedi the anomalously
large value of the scattering cross section, the stron decrease in the electric con-
ductivity and thermoelectric power on melting, as well as other factors are connected
with the presence of oxygen impurities and its canplexes in the selenium. Evidence
in favor of this conclusion is drawn from a comparison of numerous experimental data
by others. The influence of oxygen on the rectifying properties of selenium is also
discussed. Orig. art. has: 6 figures and 1 formula.
SUB CODE: 2'0~ SUBM DATE: 00/ ORIG REF. 032/ OTH REF: 017
2/2 -el;
"via% III
106 C I.FCO, Li-i-I W-
.j!dul-12ev., G.'B.; Nesi ovp Ya. N.; 0smanov., T. 0,
ORG: Institute of Mysics (Inatitut fiziki)
TIM: Investigation of electrophyaical properties of certain solid solutions 1A
GnTe-Sn(sj's.~) ' ystems
SOURCi?l AN il IrbSSR. Doklady, Y. 22, no. 3, 3966., 1T-:Lg
TOPIC TAGS: tin compound.. telluride, thermoelectric power, )[all effect, thermal con-
duction, solid solutionj carrier donsityp Matal lAttioa dorcot
ABSTRACT: The authors report'an investigation of the thermoelectric properties of
tin telluride when small amounts of tellurium are replaced with surfur and selenium.
The tests consisted of measurement of the thermoelectric power, the Hall emf, and the
thermal conductivity at room temperature as a function of the composition of the F-olid
solutions. The compositions used were (SATe]I-X - (SnS]X and (SnTe],-x - (SnSe]x Vith
the values of x ranging from 0.02 to 0.08. A plot of the thermoelectric power against
the composition of the solid solutions shows that when tellurium is replaced with
sulfur and selenium, a maximum is observed in the region x - 0.04. At the'same timep
the carrier density decreases first rapidly and then slowly, from 2.1 X 1021 ci& for
the SnTe to ID21 cW3 in the case when sulfur is used, and to 1.2 x 1020 cnr3 when
tellurium is used. Ath anomajous'bebavior of the thermoelectric power remain the
same at all temperaturese A maxiiava'of'theizal conductivity is observed at x - 0*04*
Card 3/2
.L -975.75--6-7-
ACC NRt Ap6028891
Et is proposed that partial substitution of sulfur and selenium for the tellurium re-
;uIts simultaneously in two processes: healing of the lattice defectsp which leads
~o a sharp decrease in the carrier density and in the thermal resistance of the lat~-
Uce,, and formation of a solid solutionp which inereares the number of defects In-.
ierent in solid solutions of these mystems. Orig. art. has: 3 figures@
DATE a IqNvv65/ OTH RM 003
ACC NR: AP6023882 SOURCE CODE: UR/0109/66/011100711336/1337
AUTHOR: Abdullayev, G# B*; Dzhafarova,- E. A.; Badalov, A. Z.;
Iskender-zade, Z. A.; t"h_e_1_n'o'kov, V. Ye.
ORG. none I
TITLE: Reactive properties of reverse-biased silicon p-n junctions
SOURCE: Radiotekhnika i elektronika, v. 11, no. 7. 1966, 1336-1337
TOPIC TAGS: semiconductor device, pn junction
ABSTRACT: The reactive properties of low-volt (6 v breakdown) p-n junctions
made from n-Si with a resistivity of 0. 03-0.05 ohm- cm were investigated.
Measurements were made at temperatures of -196-130C and at frequencies of
0. 4-600 kc. Plots of junction capacitance vs. reverse bias at room temperature,
for 5-100-ZOO-400-600-kc. are shown. In the far -from -breakdown region, the
Card 1/2
UDC: 539.293.011.41
ACC NR: AP6023882
capacitance is independent of the small-signal frequency and decreases when the
bias voltage increases, approximaiely as C - U,,C-T . Ih the breakdown region, at
lower frequencies, the capacitance rapidly increases with the bias voltage; at
higher frequencies, the capacitance drops to zero and turns into inductance. A
physical explanation is offered. Orig. art. has: I figure.
SUB CODr,,: 09 / SUBM DATF.: OIApr65 / ORIG REF: 003
ard Z/Z
I-C - . - - - - __
L 08336-67 EWT1(m)/EWP(t)/ETI IJP(c)
ACC NR, ARGO171119
SOURCE CODE: UR/0275/166-/.000./00i-/B 0061/B006
'AftHOR: Abdullayev, G. B.; Bakirov, M. Ya.; Gasymov, R. B.
TITLE: An investigation of contact phenomena between selenium and certain metals
!SOURCE: Ref. zh. Eloktronika J yeye primeneniye, Abs. IB44
REF SOURCE* Sb. Poverkhnostn. I kontaktn. yavleniya v poluprovodnikakh. Tomsk,
Tomskiy un-t, 1964, 284-289
iTOPIC TAGS: selenium, selenium compound, selenium rectifier, semiconducting material$
!semiconductor band structure, semiconductor research
4 . 11 ~ 'I ". -1 1, --; j -^I
TRANSLATION: The contact phenomena between selenium and Cd, In, 11g, Ga, Pb, and Zn
were investigated. Electron probe analysis of the layers adjacent to contacts sh6-w-
that some chemical compounds, e. g., CdSe, InSe, HgSe, GaSe, PbSe, ZnSe, exhibit n-
-type conductivity and produce an ordinary p-n transition on contact with So. The
width of the forbidden zone, specific conductivity, concentration, mobility, and the
!carrier lifetime differ significantly between these compounds and selenium. Using ar-
1ificial surface deposition of n-layers of varying thickness, it was determined that
Itherimal forming of selenium rectifiers actually means thickening the n-layer. The in-
icrease in thickness of the n-layer beyond its optimum value, leads to a decrease in
Isensitivity, i. e., to aging. 'the higher the temperature, the more abrupt is the aginj
;B CODE: 07,09,20
rscard 1/1 _not -------UDC-*539-293*.5-46.23
ALC NRe --AK)026211 SOURCE CODE: 0
AUTHOR: Abdullayev, G. 13.; Nasirov) Ya. N.; Osmanovp T. G*
ORG: Instii-- - -
ute of Physics'(Institut fizihi)
TITLE: Influence of partial replncemerit of tin by Si) Gep and Fb on the electric and
thermal properties of SnTe
SOURCE: AN AzerbSSR. Dokladyj v. 22, no. 21 1966p U-13
TOPIC TAGS: tin compound, telluride, semiconductor carrier, thermoelectric powerf
temperature dependence, impurity centero carrier density, solid solution
AILSMACT: Die purpose of the stu4y was to determine the effec 't of Impurities on the
anomalous behavior observed in the toncentration and temperature dependences of the
thermal emf (m) of SnTe. The inves,sigationsvere carried out on single-phase and
homogeneous samples of composition (SnTe],,-X-[SiTe]xp [BnTe)l-x-[GeTelx, and [SnTe)X.
-(PbTe]x with x - 0.02 - 0.08. Aeasurements of the dependence of the thermal emf on x
the composition'at room temperature show that for an three substitutions a mmx1mum in
observed at x ft 0.02. With increasing x) the thermal emf first decreases and then
rises again until it reaches at x > 0.1 a value correeponding to the solid solution of
the corresponding system. A simi]Zr behavior is observed in the dependence of the
carrier density (n) on the composition at room temperature, which exhibits a minimum
at x -.0.02. The higher the atomic weight of the substituting element,,. the lower the
carrier density, which decreases from 2.1 x 1021 ca'3 to 6 x 1019 ce3 vhen the tin iii
-L 10335-57
~CC NR- Ar6O28213.
replaced with lead, An anomalous extremum Is observed also at x - 0.02 in the depen-
dence of the thermal conductivity of the lattice on the composition at room tempera-
ture. The results are attributed by the authors to a simultaneous filling of the
vacancies due to the tin as the tin is replaced by the other substancess and to the
formation of a solid solution of the type AIVBYI - A1VBVIj which occurs simultaneously
as a result of partial substitution of the tin. At values x < 0.02) the predominant
process is that of filling of the vacancies) while at 0.02 < R < O.1D the predominant
process is formation of the solid solution, which leads to 7in Ancreane in the con-
centration of the effects. 7he maxima on the dependence of the lattice thermal con-
ductivity on the composition are due to healing of the defects. Slight differences
occurring when lead is'used an the substituting substance are the large
mass and the ionic radius of the 3attero Orig, art& has.' 3 figures.
SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: l9liov65/ OTff REF: 003
Car4_2/2 ;"O__
AP6033369 soum CODE, tmio249/66/022/004/0026/0028
AUTHOR: Abdullayev, 0. B.; Nasirov, Is. M.1 Osmanov, T. 0,
'ORG: institute of Physics (Inatitut fiziki)
TITLE: Thermoelectric properties of certain solid solutions of SnTe-Cu(Ast 8b, Di)TG 2
ISOURCE: AN AterbSBR. Doklady, v. 22, no. 4, 1966, 26-28
TOPIC TAM thermoelectric property, solid solution, tin oompoundo telluride
ABSTRACT: The authors study the behavior of SnTe in solid solutions of (SnTel I-x-
(CuSbTe2l., and [SnTe3i-x-[CuBiTe2 3x at x=0.01-0.10., The ratio between the components
is based on molecular percent. These same systems can be considered as SnTe-Cuge-AS 271
(Sb2 , B'2 )Te2solid solutions. All of the specimens used in the study were homogeneous
and single-phase. The results show that two processes can take place in forming a
system of multiple solid solutions using SnTe as a base with a small amount of the
second component, specifically Cu(Asj Sb, Bi)Te 2: 1, atoms or g.roupo of atoms reduce
defeat concentration from lead in SnTe which Is explained by the reduction in current
[ Car'd l/
ACC NRs AP6033369
carrier concentration and a certain increase in the thermoelectromotive force; 2. nev
defects appear during solid solution formation and are related to solid solution
type. This produces an increase in current carrier concentrat16n and a reduction in
the thermal conductivity of the lattice when the second process predominates. Orig..
art. hast 3 figures.
ISUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE i l9Nov65/ on REr. 002
Card 2/2
- -D-11-T-7 I I
"154. KhJyn)r~-ich,~.nkoy,- lechenlye, trakhotrV/ i ;,,eyn Nauch.
11pul, 11~~SSII 24-2~ yariv. )~-IIP
svssiv,~ TaAhnt, 1~;4190
s. 3-8
SM: Lx~to,, is' Lfmrn-JInykI, Statey, Vol. 39, I-Ioskvu, 19149
Khirur(jchyeskcye Lyechyeniye 'IrrAhar..., I Yeye Cs1c.~hnyeniv l7vyestiya ".lad I'laul'.
TT233RP 10,40P No S. 107-11 - Rye7,yiu-11re Nla - U.!byek Ya-
Some problems in the clinical aspects and diagnosis of substernal
goitor, Azerb. mad, zhur. no. 8:7-13 Ag 160. (MIRA 13:8)
1. Iz gospitallnoy khirurgic-haskoy 624nilri (zav. - deyatv.
chlen AMI SSSR B,V, Petrovskiy) Lachebnogo fakullteta 1-go
Moskovskogo ordena. Lenina. meditsinskogo instituta imeni
I.M. Suchenova.
Cand Med Sci - (diss) "Surgical treatment of substernal goiter."
Moscow, 10,61. 19 pp; (Academy of Medical Sciences USSR); 300
copies; price riot given; (KL, 7-61sup, 256)
Seleotion of an approach for the eicision of iatrathoracic goiter.
Xhirurgiia 38 no.10 1106-1-10 0 162. (MIRA 15S121)
1. Iz gospitallnoy khirurgicheakoy kliniki (zav, - deyotv-ltellnyy
chlen AMN SSSR prof. M. Petrovskiy) I Moskovskogo ordena Lenina
meditainakogo instituta imeni I.M. Sechenova.
ABDULLAX,.EV,.,G.I., kand. sad. nauk; KARAMOV, K.S., kand. mad. nauk;
GUSEYNCYV, I.A., kand. nod. nauk; GADZHIYEV, A.A.;
Some problems in the diagnosis of stenosis of the left
atrioventricular orifice and indications for mitral commisau-
rotovW. Axerb. nod. shur. 4.1 no.9s8_16 S 164. (MIRA 180-1)
1. Iz otdela grudnoy khirurgii Institute. eksperimentalinoy
i klinicheskoy meditainy AMN SSSR (dir. - chlon-korre5pondent
AN ,AzSSR prof. Efendiyev, F.A. (deceased)) i iz kafedry
propedevtiki vnutrennikh boleaney 1-go (sav. - prof. G.Kh.
Baynheva-Zeynalova) Aserbaydzhanskogo meditsinakogo instituta
imeni Narimanoya (rektor - prof. Kh.A. Gaaanov).
Reactions of chloromethyl ethers of alcohols with salts of nitrous
acid. Uch. zap. AGU. Ser. fiz.-mat. i khim. nauk no.4:81-84 161.
(Ethert) (Nitrites) (MM 16:6)
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geologiya, 1957, Nr,8,
P 148 (USSR)
AUTHOR: Abdullayev, G. K.
TITLE: Morphological Types of Pyrite Crystals and Their
Relation to Genetic Characteristics of the Sulfide
Deposits of Azerbaidzhanskaya SSR (Morfologicheskiye
tipy kristallov pirita i ikh svyazt s geneticheskimi
osobennostyami sullfidnykh mestorozhdeniy AzerbSSR).
Author's abstract of his dissertation for the degree
of Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences,
presented to Azerb. industr. in-t (Azerbaidzan
Industrial Institute), Baku, 1956
ABSTRACT: On the basis of study of pyrite crystals of various
deposits and comparison of the obtained data, the
author attempts to show a relationship between the
morphology of crystals and the various conditions of
formation of pyrite; that is, he attempts to show a
Card 1/3
Morphological Types of Pyrite Crystals (Cont.) 15-57-8-11209D
dependence of formation of simple forms and their combinations on
the physical and chemical conditions and depths of formation of the
deposits. As a result of detailed goniometric measurements of
pyrite from 20 different deposits of the Azerbaidzhanskaya SSR, he
establishes the presence of 113 simple forms, of which almost 100
forms are described for the first time and 31 forms are new for
pyrite crystals in general. He arrives at the following conclusions.
Depending on the geological-mineralogical characteristics of the
deposits, morphological types of pyrite crystals which have the
largest number of forms are formed under average temperature and
average depth conditions, and also, in part, in transitional con-
ditions. In high temperature hydrothermal, and also in contact
deposits, the number of observed forms of pyrite crystals decreases
to two or three, and in some cases, as many as five or BiX forms.
These crystals are modifications of the cubic habit; the octahedron
and pyritohedi'-on habits are more rare. In low temperature deposits,
the number of simple forms decreases to the minimum; the form of
Card 2/3
Morphological Types of Pyrite Crystals (Cont.)
crystals is either that of a cube or pyritohedron. The author
believes that the reason that in some deposits of hTdrothermal
origin (basically in average temperature conditions- morphological
types of pyrite crystals with diverse forms are developed, with
predominant development of certain forms, lies in the physical and
chemical characteristics of the mineral-forming solutions, as well
as in the presence in the solution of various admixtures. The
difference in time of entry of portions of the mineral-forming
solutions also affects the variation in form.
ASSOCIATION: Azerb. industr. in-t (Azerbaidzan Industrial
Card 3/3 1. V. Kunayev
USSR/Organic Chemistry. Synthetic Organic Chemistry. E-2
Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Khimiya, No. 8, 1957p 26681.
3-methylpentane, n-hexane and 2,3-dimethyl-
hexane were separated. Surmises concerning
the mechanism of formation of n- and iso-
olefins are expressed.
Card 2/2
The Morphology of Pyrite Crystals From Karalar Village in Kedabekskly
fill] , 12101, and f4301 . and less commonly by f 100] and 12111.
The growth of the faces of the various forms and of the stria-
tions and vicinal forms accompanying them is described in de-
tail. After studying pyrite crystals from different deposits
in the Az SSR, the author concludes that the crystals with the
greatest wealth of forms develop in the medium temperature range
of the hydrothermal process. 'Correspondingly, it is stated that
the pyrite crystals studied, which are characteri.zed by an abun-
dance of crystal forms, grew in'~ medium temperature environment.
Card 2/2 a 0, V. Karpova
USSR/Physical CheTdistry - Crystale. B-5
Abs Jour : Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 1, 1958,-2,(4
Author : G.K. Abdullayev.
Inst : Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan SSR.
Title ; To The question of The Connection Between the Crystal
Morphology and The Conditions of Their Formation.
OriG Pub : Me'ruzeler. AzerbSSR elmler Akad., Doki. All AzerbSSR,
1957, 13, No 1, 43-48
Abstract : 225 Pyrite crystals fiom. 20 occurrences in the Azerbatlihan
SSR were measured and about 2500 crystals of the same des-
cription were inspected. The presence of 113 sirmle forms
war, established, of rhich 29 forms were re',isteral for the
first time. The comparison of the morpholoMr of crystals
with GeoloLjcal-mineralogical peculiarities of Lhe occur-
rences permitted to assume a connection of Lhe or,,-stal
Card 112
Horphologic types of pyrite crystals
genetic characteristics of Azerbaijan
Azerb. ind. insto no.17:23-36 157.
(Azerbaijan--Sulfides) (Pyrites)
and their relation to the
sulfide deposits, Trudy
(MIRA 11:9)
~_~ /~ r) C
Morphologf6il characteristics of pyrite crystals of the Bitti-
Bulakhak field. Zap. Vsea* mine ob-va 86 no*4:481-485 157.
(MIRA 11:1)
(Kedabek District-Pyrites)
Goniomstric study of pyrite er7stals from the Faragachay deposit
[in ksorbaijani with summary In RussiatL lzv.AN Axerb.SSR.
Seregeole-geogenauk no,2:93-101 138, (MIR& IWO
(Paragachay Valley-Pyrites)
Crystallographic study of Chiragidzor pyrites [in Azerbaijani
with summry in Russian]. Izv. AN Axerb. SSR. Sers geole-geoge nauk
no-3:95-102 058. (MIRA 11:12)
ABDULILA . I-Zag-, 1 ~. , ~
Goniomatric study Of Pyrite Crystals in the UrWschay deposit
[in Azarbaijani with summary in Russian]. IzvkN Azerb.SSR.
Seredeole-gaog.nauk no*5:85-92 '58. (14IRA 11:12)
(Urumyscha,v Vallay-Pyrites)
Crystallographic study of pyrites from sulfide deposits in the
Nagorno-Karabash Autononnus Prnvince. I%v.vyn.uvbnb.ra ; Oole
i,razv. 1 no.9:64-71 S 158. (HUM 12:95
1. Kafedra kristallografti I wineralogii Azerbaydzhanskogo induat-
rial 'nogo instituta in. R.A.Azizbekova.
(Nagnrno-Karabasb Autonomous Province--P~rite crystals)
Collecting properties of rocks in horizon No,l of the J~mrovdag
producing area. Aserboueft.khos. 37 no.8:10-13 Ag 158.
(KIRL 11:11)
(Kura lowland--Rocks, Sedimentary-Analynis)
I 1 0 ~ 0
-13DIULTAT", , G.Y.; -,.i"IDO", I? `
P~,ritpr, in z ol- OrCii-abn,'. Di!-trict. Inv.t.17 AZC2.b. so.
- I . (? I" . ],.,: l 0
a ~1- . '(I ~-s I.-, 7jn, *. lnulz no. .' : I I I Rli
LitholoV and reservoir properties of rocks in the upper part of
prcducing formation in the Kura Lowland. Izv.AN Azerb.SSR.
Ser.geol.-geog.nauk no.6:79-89 159. (AURA 15:4)
(Kura Lowland--Oil sands)
Lithological and reservoir properties of rock-a in the upper part
of the Hishovdag oil producing formation Cin Azerbaijani with
summary in Russian). Azerb.neftekhoz* 38 no.1:4-7 Ja 159.
(MIRA 12:4)
(Hishovdag region-Petroleum geology)
Striation on pyrite crystal faces. Zap.Toes.min.ob-va 88 no.4s465-
467 159. (MIRA 12:11)
1. Xafedra krIstallografii i mineralogil Azerbaydzhanskogo Industrial'-
nogo inotituta im. M. Asizbekova. 2. Daystvitelln" chlen Voesoywnogo
mineralogicheekogo obshchestva.
(Pyrite erystala)
Characte'.Astics of arenaceous and silt reservoir rodca in the
upper ppxt of the productive series in the Kyuroydag and Kiehov-
dag oil fields. Izv. AN Azerb. SSR. Ser. geol.-geo nauk no-3:
83-94 16o. fM*IRA UtIO)
(All-Bayramlyl)iBtriet--Petroleum geology)
Lithological apd reservoir characteristics of sand and silt rocks
in the Maikop series of tbD Caspian wnocline. Izv. AN Aserb. SSR.
Ser. geol-goog.nark no.6:71-81 160. NIU 14-3)
(Caspian Sea kegion-Rocks, Sedimentary)
Condenuation of phenols with bydrobenzamide. Uch, zap. AGU,
Ser. fiz.-mat. i khim. nauk no.2t53-59 161.
(MIRA 16:7)
Reservoir properties of rocks of the lower Maikop in the Amirkhanly oJ3.
field. DokI. AN Azerb. SSR 17 no. 31213-218 161. (MIU 1415)
( Amirkhanly regiorL.-Patroleum-Geology)
Changes in the lithological composition of lower Maikop, deposits
of the Tertiary Co4apian monocline in the Amirkhanly, Saadan, and
Siazan'-Nardaran areae. Dokl. AN Azerb. SSR 17 no.6:489-493 161.
(MIRA 14:8)
1. In3titut khimii AN AzerSSR. TSekh nuuchno-isuledovatollskikh
proizvodstvennykh rabot I;eftei)romy3lovogo.upravlaniye. Siazantneft'
Predstavleno akade%$k* Q( AV*rb"dvbmkQy SSR A.D. Sultanovym.
Efficioncy of ropoated hydraulic fracturing in fieldu of tho
Oil Fiold Administration of tho SiazanI Potroloum Trust. Azerb.
noft. khoz. 40 no.9:26-27 S 161. (MIRA 15:1)
(Siazan' region-Oil fiolds-Hydraulic fracturing)
* -
Role of tectonic factors ih the-formation of oil pools in the
Caspian Tertiary monooline. Azerb, neft. khoz. 42 no-134-6
ja 163. (MM 16:10)
(Caspian Sea region-Petroleum geology)
CrystaIline structure of magnesium diborate. Azerb.khim.zhur.
no-4:101-104 165- (MIRA IS-.12)
1. Institut khimii AN AzSSR. Submitted July 2. 1964-
Urilidull.fuLlor? of ph-A-rialt; with lie xai-,,(., th:;k~nt-,,d amine In the presence
of par-aform.. zap. IiGU. Ser. khim. nauk no-4:31-40 163,
(MIRA '.'7:11)
Cryotal etructure of the complex conpour'
CIIDrosl.,)fat,e. ICU0I('CH2'~'fl2!JF2)2 (H20)41SC4-
Miur. itru4. kkm. 6 no.1:17-i-.1.72 Ju-F 165.
Rhimii f,11 !z,-,r-bayd7.L-ins'l~c,v LSR. Submitted
61 196,
USSI-,/Gull-,~~2:-,-l Dirdc)~. Gc*.,c-ml HistGlo."-f. D-3
NO 20, 195-3, 90334-
Dalltsin, M.S., Tcrc*.tu'yo,.,.n, E.I.,
Fayllolitoy'l, P E.
.Oitlo Thr,~,-.~I)oqt,-tcs Studied with the F-loctron llimvoscl-~')O.
Ori . I~ilb: DYU1- loiccl. i :,ccl-, 1957, M, iT,-, io, lilt-116
(res. E"',':.)
'Ibs bract: The tllro:.b,-c,,tQs (T) ~,f licnlt'iy an.1 ~14i(zu nfflict,~!(l
with lcuke:Lia and al~ilas-.-ic and hypr,j)),astic were
studico, with a--,. clectron .:dci-Lsccl,r-. 2ia,,jx.,, a
ti(,'.' ')f 7000 X. In the contor (if thu of hc~~Itlly illdi-
.rldualr, (:IQ clist.i.r.,-,ul.s:it~s :,. [,-,raii),y cm
the --cripliery a lr,-al, -,.L-re consisting: a nol-l -I)f iitcr-
t-ulninL-1 fibrils, fc-nd:iL; nu:~crous lbranchinGs
Cartl 112
ACC Nk,-' AP60.34404---- -SO'URCE-CODE';-UR/024,0-166'162'i/oo6/6oij/ool
XUTHOR: Abdullayev, G. B.; Nasirov, Ya. N.; Feyziyev, Ya. S.
ORG: Institute of Physics, Academy of Sciences Azerbaydzhan SSR (institut fiziki
Akademii nauk AzerbSSR)
TITLE: Effect of partial replacement of germanium by lanthanum on the thermoelectric
properties of GeTe
SOURCE: AN AzerbSSR- Doklady, v. 22, no. 6, 1966, 13-14
TOPIC TAGS: germanium tellurium alloy, germanium base alloy, tellurium containing
alloy, thermoeleLtric property, 414,V'rHqAJL)nj
ABSTRACT: The effect of partial replacement of germanium by lanth-num on the thermo- of GeTe has been investigated an specimens of ',GeTe)j_x-(LaTe) .X
system alloy, where x is molar portion of the initial compounds in the range
x - 0.01-0.08. The maximum thermal emf, maximum lattice heat con..uctivity and
carrier mobility, and minimum carrier concentration were found in -.lloys with
x - 0.01. It was established that the hole concentration at x - C 01 decreases from
about 6-1020 cm-3 for GeTe to 4.5-1020 for compounds with x - 0.01 with a simul-
taneous increase of carrier mobility from 50 cm2/v-sec to about 6( cm2/V.sec. The
lattice heat conductivity is similarly affected by the composition The authors
presume that with a partial replacement of germanium by lanthanua Ln the alloys
with x - 0.01-0.08, the defect concentration in Ge of GeTe takes lace simultaneoual
.Cord- Ili-
ABDULLOW. G.M. (gookya)
Glinical application of tranefusion of blood prepared with solution
no.10 of the lenin Central Institute of Blood transfusion. Klin.
mod., 33 no.11:45-48 N 155. (MM 9:7)
1, Is kbirurgichookoy kliniki (say.-prof. Do)4oGTozdov) TSentrall-
nogo ordens, Lonins institute, gematologit i perelivaniya krovi
(dir.-chlon-korrespondent AMN SM prof. A.A.Bagdaeorov)
preservative solution containing glucose, citrates, &
quinine bisulfate)
EMUTA 12DICA Sca.9 V61.12/4
text) Abdullaieff G. M. - PROBL. GENIATOL. PEREL. KROVI 1957, 1
(42-45) Illus. 2
The method of preparation of blood based on the principle of ion-exchanging absorp-
tion, without chemical stabilizers, was studied. The principle o! the method (Stein-
berg, 1944) is that part of the calcium is extracted from the blood with the aid of
cation -exchanging pitch. The blood thus losses its capacity of coagulation. The
pitch does not affect the morphological components of the blood. The cationized
blood was given to 65 patients, in whom 487 transfusions were carried out. Out
of 25 patients 16 showed hypoplastic or aplastic anaemia, and in 14 a favourable
effect was cbserved. Out of 10 aplastic anaemic patients, 9 were discharged in
a state of remission. The positive results persisted in haemorrhagic diatheses,
also after transfusion of cationized blood. The increasing thrombocyte count lasted
short and was reduced after 3-5 days to the initial value. There was no recurrence
of haemorrhage. When splenectomy is impossible, viz. in Werlhof's discase, this
blood should be transfused. 14 references. Dikhno - Krasnoyarsk
Survival of erythrocytes in the organism of the recipient after
preparation b means of ion exchange adsorbents (with summary in
Anglish, p.41. Probl.gemat. i perel.krovi 2 no;5255-57 S-0 ,57.
(MIRA 11:1)
1. It TSentrallnogo ordena Lenins Institute gematologii t pereli-
vaniya krovi (dir. - daystvitallnoy chlen AM11 SSSR prof. A.A.
Bmgdessrov) Ministeretva zdravookhranoniya SSSR.
erythrocytes prepared with ion exchange adsorbents,
acclimatization in system of recipient)
(ION ]MCHANG11 RES INS, of f .
treatment of blood for transfusion, off. on erythrocyte
acclimatization an recipient)
f 71
"Experience of Mroatment and Prophylaxis of Radiation Disease with Leucooyte
and Thrombocyte 1-hases."
paper to be presented at 2nd UN Intl. Conf. on the peaceful uses of Atomic Enurgy,
Geneva, 1 - 13 SOP 58-
lit I I I
Separation and preservation of a viable thrombooyto mass. Probl.
gemat. i perel, krovi 3 no.601-45 N-D 158. (MM 12:7)
1. 1z TSeutrallnogo ordem Lenins, institute, gematologii i pere-
livaniya krovi (dir. - deyetvitelinyy chlen ANN SSSR prof. A. A.
Bagdasarov) Hinisterstya zdravookhrananiya SSSR.
Treatment of acute radiation sickness with concentrated thrombocytes.
Probl.gemat. i parel.krovi 4 no-8:3-7 Ag 159, (MIRA 13:1)
1. Iz TSentrallnogo ordena Lentua, Instituta geratologii i parellyaniya
krovi (dir. - daystvitel'W chlen AMN SSSR prof. A.A. Bagdasarov)
Ministeretva zdravookhrananiya SSSR. 2. Devatritelinyy chlen AMR SSSR
(for Bagdaearov).
Some anpocts of the clinical course and treatment of acute
radiation sicknees In monkeys. Med.rad. 4 no.9:17-24
S 159. (MIRA 12:11)
1. Is TSentrallnogo ordena Lenina inatituta gematologii
porelivaniva krovi Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya SSSR.
Cytochemistry of blood platelets in acute radiation sickness.
Med.rad. no.9t29-34 161. (MIRA 1521)
1. la tsitologicheskoy laboratorii i radiobiologicheskoy labora-
torii TgentTallnogo ordena, Lenina institute. gematologii i pereli-
vaniya krovi Ministerstva, adravookhraneniya SSSR.
'57`~" "'," ' A - -, MMIT IYE,'IYA, Ye. ', . - P 0..".
I, , ~ , 11 . - . . I . .. ~,
Lle,%tren inicrOscor-c of ti-,v Jr, do.-Is
follourIng the of rad"iFitic-n ~riury. Rad-Ic-
bicIr-glia 2 r!c.1:87-"Il Ja 162 (MIRA 18;1)
RUT113"RO, R~ A, : IIALTYR, A,R. ; AW'UM,11YEV, G. M.,.,Lon of anlihe.mcpnllli~. globulir, in pre:-,ervi3d
Prob!. gc-mat, i perel. Krovi 8 no.Q~19-2,, .13 V.I. fl~IRA 17:1-1~
1. 1-.-. Iriboratorii fraktnlorlrovanlya belkov (zav. - p-nf~ G.YFI.
A07enberf-) i k1dr,,irgicheskoy kliniki (zav. - prc-f. M.Grozdov)
I'Sentrallnogo ordena Lenina Instituta gematoloigli perelivanlya
krovl' (dir. - dotsen'. A.Ye,Kiselev) Ministerstva zcIrRvoolchranenlya
s S) IT I .
rtm.3fur,! cn r.
I T,t re k! 9 ri~-
12-11: n o v r. T, ra
I ioro Ord t-na "I ~t; t pc 'van.,oi ((11 r.
Experience in obtaining high yields of tomitoos at the Lenin
Collective Fame Konsei ov*prome 16 noe3129-32 Mr 161.
(MIRk 34 -3)
1, Kolkhoz imeni Lanius. Narimanovskogo rayons. Astrakhanskoy
oblasti (for Abdullayev). 2. Astrakhanskiy sovnarkhoz (for Voronov).
(Astrakhan Province--Tomatoes)
APD't_IT,T,AYF,V, '. Ya. k'and B101. F .1ai.,zall
'Ci. (diss) -- tIlp p Aon rntf- and
yeild of cotton by applying,, red-iced tc-mp~rat~ires to spro'.ited se,-A". Kirovabad,
In(-O. 17 PP (Committe- on H1,Llipr and Tntr,r Sppo 7i&;c of Vho Co,incil of
Ministers Au-rb 2SR, Az(,rb AZrIc Trist), 220 copir-s (KL, NO ILI lc?!~O~ 12(?,)
... R q _4j *A W
Effect of c7lindrical profiles on the removal of cotton ball$ by
means of forced air. Dokl. AN Us. SSR no,8:5-7 157. (MIRA 11:5)
1.InBtitut matematiki i makhaniki im. V.I. Romanovskogo AN UzSSR.
Fredatavleno akad. AN UzSSR Kh.A. Rakhmatullinym.
(Cotton-picking machiner7)
Some problems In the organization of control measures for
virus Influanxe, in 1horesu Province. *d.zhur.Uzb. no-5:
50-52 W '5B. (mmA 13:6)
Some features in the prevention of viral influenza. Sayesdrave 17
no,1101-32 X138 (MIRA 11110)
1e Iz lboremskogo oblzdravotdala Uzbekskoy SSR*'
- (INTLURM, prev. & control.
in Russia (Rub))
CHMASP A.A.; wu=wal 11 111 i
Conditions deteridning the consumption of pumping Jack V-drives.
Azerb. neft. khoz, 41 no.9t47-48 S 162, (MUU 16W
Belts and belting)
Oil well pumps)