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S/194 ~11/000/010/054/032
Selenium photo-cells ... D256/D301
photo-cells sho~,~.- a liiicar increase up to about 10,000 L and above
this value the linearity breahs dow-a. The photo.-cmf characteristics
show at low light intensities of 10-15 1, a liacar rise saturating
at 1000 L. The photo-cells have coinciding spectral characteristics
and a maximum in the region 0.56-0.58 microns. Incrcasing the tem-
perature from zero to 1000C the photo-emf shows a practically lin-
ear decrease, with a highest value of AV/At for CdTc-0.002 V/OC,
and lowest for CdSe-0.001 V/OC. The temperature (lopendence of the
photo-current is different for different layers, for CdSe in the
region 0-1000C the photo-current is practically indc-ocildent of tem-
perature, while for US the current at 1000C is 300/'0 highcr than at
200C. In samples of CdO la ers the photo-current reaches its maxi-
mum at 25OC; for CdTe at 60 C and then decreases a-Lid at 1000C its
value is respectively - 75% and - 50'i'0 of the r.-iaximum value.
11 references. Z-Abstracter's note: Complete translation.2
Card 2/2
Heat-resistant selenium photocells. Izv.AN Azerb.SSR.Ser.fiz,
matA tekh.nauk no.3t?9-84 160. (KERA 14:4)
(Photoelectric cells) (Selenium)
o( /3T ~~
AUMORS: B&khyshov, A. E., Abdullayev, 0. B.
TITLE- Some characteristics of selenium rectifying photoelectric cel-'s
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Fizik&, no. 12, 1961, 421, abstract 12Zh-,77
("Dokl. AN AzerbSSR", 1961, v.17, no. 1, 9-12, Azerb. summary)
TM-; The effect of electric fields and of light on the photocurrent
gene*:,ated by x-rays in rectifying photoelectric cells interlaminated with T12Se,
TlS, T12S, InSe, CdSe and CdS was investigated under both photodiode and recti-
fying operating conditions. Light intensity was selected so that photocurrenl
I, generated by the light would be of the order of photocurrent Ix generated by
the x-rays. It was established that under joint action of x-rays and light rays,
total current I - Ix + 11. It was found that selenium rectifying photoelectric
cells are 800 times more sensitive to x-rays under photodiode operating eendi-
tions than under rectifying operating conditions [Editor's note: something Is
missing in the original text.] device in which the receiver simultaneously
LrEditor*s note: something is missing in the original text.] photocurrent If
Is proportional to x-ray line intensity F. For high voltages if - ep~ where
CC < 1. The experimental results pertaining to the variation of photocurrent
with x-ray Intensity for constant applied voltage are interesting from the
standpoint of x-ray dosimetry.
AVMORS% Abdullayev, 0. B., Gasymov, R. 13., Bakirov, M. Ya.
TITLEi Selenium photocells with GeLSe layer
PMODICALs Referativnyy zhurnal, Fizika, no. 6, 1962, 25, abstract 60212
("Dokl. AN AzerbSSR", 1961, V. 17, no. 8, 677 - 680, Azerb. summary)
TEXT: The photocells under consideration have been produced with a p-n
junction formed on the contact of Se and GaSe. The presence of the latter was
proved by electron diffraction. Apart from the principal maximum (0.56/1), these
photocells display an additional maximum at 0.44 /j, the relative magnitude of
which depends on the thickness of metallic Ga applied to the Se film.
Ya. Oksman
[Abstracter's note: Complete translation]
Card 1/1
AUTHORS: ShakhtakhtinsRly, M. G., Kuliyev, A. A., Abdullayev, G. B.
TITLE. Investigating the tension of saturated vapors of some selenides by
the radio-isotope method
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, no. 2, 1962, 5, abstract 2A20
(V sb. "Vopr. metallurgil I fiz. poluprovodnikov", Moscow, AN SSSR,
1961, 38-42)
TEXT: The investigation was carried out by the Knudsen method. A
schematic diagram of the device Is given. With the aid of this device it is
possible to determine the vapor tension at various temperatures without disturb-
ing the vacuum. For a synthesis of selenides, Se, TI and Sb of 99.99% purity
were placed into a quartz ampoule which was evacuated to 10-4 mm Hg Each
compound was prepared twice with active Se75, T12O'l or SbI24. Vapor'.;tensions
of compounds TlSe, T125e and Sb2Se3, measured over both components, have equal
values. i.e. during evaporation of these substances, there is no dissociation in
the solid phase. The same agreement of values is observed for T12Se up to 200 0C.
It is supposed that T12Se3 dissociates according to the scheme Tl2Se-R--),Tl,Sef+2SeL
Card 1/2
Investigating the tension of saturated ... A006/A101
VaDor tension p as a function of temperature T is described by the following
equations; for T12Se lgp (5880-9/T)+ 9.8052; for TlSe lgp - -(6742.2/T)
+ 12.443; for T12Se3 19P -(7425-5/T) + 9.2481; for Sb~?Se3 Igp - -(6432.3/T)
+ 8.7906. Calculation of sublimation heats for the aforementioned compounds Ll~
yields the following values In kcal/g-mole: T12Se 26.905; TISe 30.845; oe
T12Se3 33.972, Sb2Se 3 29.589.
T. Kolesnikova
[Abstracter's note: Complete translation]
Card 2/2
AUTHORS- Abdullayev, 0. B., Bashshaliyev, A. A., Allyev, S. A., Aliyev, M. I.,
ie Fr,~.
TITLE: On the heat conductivity of antimony sulfide, selenide, and telluride
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Fizika, no. 6, 1962, 17, abstract 6B144
("lzv. AN AzerbSSR. Ser. fiz.-matem. i tekhn. n.", 1961, no. 5, 55
63, Azerb. summary)
TEXT: The beat conductivity (A) of Sb2S31 Sb23e3, and Sb2Te3 has been
measured in the temperature range of 80 - 4000K. ror all these compounds, abovr
200 - 2500K, the temperature dependehee of the lattice contribution to /-(is ob-
served to deviate from the A-l/T law by a sharp rise of A. The photon heat
conductivity is considered by the,authors to be the cause of this phenomenon.
L. Filippov
[Abstracter's note: Complete translation]
Card 1/1
Electric properties of selenium with a gallium admixture* Dokl,
AN Azerb. SSR'17 no. 3:191-196 161. (MMA 14: 5)
lo Institut fiziki AR Azert6SR.
(Seleniumm-Electric properties)
Some propertiev of antimony telAuride single crystals. Dokl. An.
Azerb. SSR 17 no.5:375-37~ 161. (MIRA 106)
1. Inatitut fiziki, sektor fizlki i matematiki Akademii nauk
Tadzhikskoy SSR.
(Antimony telluride)
A UTHORS Allyev, B. D Allyev, 0. M., Kerlmov V . .1.
T=.- Electric properties of gallium-doped selenium
PERIODICALl Referativnyy zhurnal, Fizika, no. 12, 1961, 359, abstrac# 12-F481
(Dokl., AN AzerbSSR, 1961, v. 17, no. 13, 191 - 196, Azerb. summaiy)
TE(T: The effect of gallium-doping on the electric conduc~ilrlty 6 and
thermo-emf o~ of Se 'was -investigated. Doping with up to 0. 125 wt % Ga cwuseE 6 of"
Se to increase almost 160 times, after which e slowly decreases with Increasing
Ga 0content. c~, of specimens with different. Ga content was measured In. the range?
20 - 20QPC, The sign of a always points to p-type conductivity. The tempera-
ture dependence of hole mobility~4p for different Ga content is plotted. In 5pe-
cimens containing 0.125 wt % Ga, /jp at first decreases sharply, then remairs Cor-
stant. In the rest of the specimens,/4p with temperature,
B. 01'khov
[Abstracter's note: Complete translation)
Card 1/1
C,:,; 7
A., 1~ I I , ra I ~ ; - A B-D L~11V~V, ~G. B . , KC C I i I N , S- I . ; A L 1)7-, V , M.. G ~
Saleni-xa ve-t-Liflera involving a higher current density.
I::v. A14 Az,-)rb.S3R,Sox~fiz,--m%t, i tekh. nauk no,4:51-63
; 61. (1-111% 14:12)
ew-run-1. roetifiers),
Rectifying selenium elements suited to currents of higher density.
Izv. AN Azerb. SSR. Ser.fiz.-'mat. i tekh.nauk no.5-65-73 '61.
(MIRA 15:2)
(Electric current rectifiers) (Selenium)
AUTHORS: Akhundovv G.Aev ~~bdullp~~~ Aliyeva, M.Kh., and
Efetdinov, G.A.
TME., Preparation and investigation of the semiconducting
materials AgTe~ A92Se, SnTe and CdTe
SOURCE: Soveshchaniye po poluprovodnikovym materialam., 4th-
Voprosy metallurgii i fiziki poluprovodnikov,, polu-
provodnikovyye soyedinteniya i tverdyye splavy,
Trudy soveshchaniya. Moscow, Izd.-vo AN SSSR, 1961.
Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut metallurgii imeni
A.A. Baykova. Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institute 104-106
TEXT: To explain the properties of thin films of binary W-f
compounds deposited on various substrates it is necessary to
investigate the bulk properties. Xn this paper the investigation
of thermal and electrical conductivities and the structure of the
following compounds are reporteds Ag2Te, A92Se, SnTe and CdTe.
These compounds were obtained by fusing together the c-omponents,
which had been weighed to an accuracy of 2 x 10-4 g~ The
synthesis was carried out by heating slowly to a temperature
Card 1/5
Preparation and investigation of S/5-7690000/000/013/020
somewhat above thp melting point of the refractory component in
an evacuated (10-4 mm Hg) quartz ampoule. This temperature in
maintained for about two hours and then further slow heating up
to the melting point of the compound takes placed This final
temperature is maintained for eight hours. Homogenisation is
achieved by maintaining a temperature about 2000 above this point
for two hours~ After this the material is annealed at 100-800 cC
for several hours and slowly cooled,to room temperature. The
material was uniform, A92Te and A92Se being n-type whilst SnTe and
CdTe were p-type. X-ray and ele,,.tTon diffraction giv~a -,,h~-
following resultst 1) Ag2Ta has a hessite struzi-are -~cntaxning
excess Ag. 2) A92Se has the naumannite ltru,-ture (5-phaee,),. and
appears from electron diffraction evidence to maintai 'n'this durtn;
vaporisation. 3) SnTe has a cubit. lattice ~a - 6,285 11 and
does not dis3ociate durin evaporation. 4) CdTe has d st)h&lerite
structure with a = 6.41 1, and does not dissacia':e daTing
evaporation.- Eleztron diffraction 3hows the ~ondensel
to be a mixture of polycrystals and orientated single crystaI3.
Thin layers (-0.5 u) are obtained by *--n glass
Card 2/5
Preparation and investigation of S/576/6i)0010101/000/013/020
substrates in a vacuum of 10-4 mm 11g. The densities were 8.o8,
7.50, 6.02 and 5.57 g/cm3 for Ag2TO, A92Se, SnTe and CdTe
respectively. Gold bands are deposited on the thin layers to
facilitate conductivity measurements. The room temperature
conductivities of 38 and 257 d'I-1 cm-1 of A92Te and A92Se were an
order less than the bulk values. This is explained by the
enhanced importance of the high resistance grain boundaries in the
thin layers. The temperature dependence of'the conductivity of
A92Te (curve 1) and A92se (curve 2) is shown in Fig. 1, where the'
conductivity in -(-L-1 cm-1 is plotted against 103/T, where T is
the temperature in OK. Similar curves are obtained for large
samples. The sharp change in conductivity is due to a polymorphic
.transformation. The results show that the p modifications of
A92Te below 1500 and A92Se below 1400 are semiconducting with
activation anergics of 0.13 'and 0.09 eV. Above the polymorphic
transformation temperature the conduction is metallic. This
change corresponds to a change in the '*)onding from covalent to
polar. The thermal conductivit-ics have not been reported in the
literature and are given in Fig.2, as a function of temperature.
Card 3/ 5
Preparation and investigation of S/576/61/ooo/000/0-13/020
A92Te and A92Se have minima at 140 and 1500, corresponding ito the
polymorphic transformation.
There are 2 figures and 2 non-Soviel.-bloc references.
Card 4/5
S-0 (14, B108/B138
AUTHORS: Abdullayev, G. B., Akhundov, G. A.
TITLE. Investigation of diffusion processes in selenium rectifiers
by means of radioactive isotopes
SOURCE: Tashkentskaya konferentisiya
atomnoy energii. Tashkent,
iq6i, 252-256
TEXT: The authors studied the diffusion
polycrystalline seledum; cadmium, tin, and
and of thallium and selenium in T12Se.. The radioactive isotopes
204, Sn113-123, In114,
po mirnomy ispolizovaniyu
1959. Trudy, v. 1. Tashkent,
Df thallium, tin, and indium in
thallium in a cadmium-tin alloy,
were used, successive thin layers were
removed from the initially 99-994% pure selenium. The diffusion coefficiat
in aelenium between 50 and 2000C are
DT, _~. Se - 1 -311,10-6exP(-0-35/kT) cm2/see
.DSn -iSe ' 4-78*10-a exp(-0-39/kT) cm 2/see
Card 1/3
Investigation of diffusion ... B108/B138
DIn --? Se 0 5.15-10- 6 exp(-0.39/kT) cm 2/Sec"
The low activation energies indicate that the atoms or ions of Tl, Sn, and
In are located in the hexagonal Se lattice and diffuse through the
intersticial sites. The temperature dependence of the diffusion coeffi-
cients of Cd, Sn, and Tl in a Cd-Sn alloy between 50 and 1700C are
DCd -~Cd-Sn a 4.43-10- 8 exp(-O~20/kT) cm 2 /Sec
DSn -*Cd-Sn ' 5-92-10- 7 exp(..0.29/kT) cm 2 /see
DTl --!P Cd-Sn "6.30-10-4 exp(-0.60/kT) cm 2 /sec.
Activation energy increases with rising melting point, and also with
atomic radius (linearly), It is suggested that a thin T12Se layer forms
on the upper electrode of selenium rectifiers with TI impurities, and that
it acts as a p-n junction in contact with the selenium~ From a special
investigation of rectifiers with a T12Se layer on various upper-electrode
backings, the temperature dependences of the diffusion coefficients were
found to be
Card 2/3
Investigation of diffusion ... B108/B138
DTI --.-,Tl2Se - 1.,17-10-3 exp(-0.61/kT) cm2/800
DBe -I# T12se ,2.25*10- 5 OXP(-0-56/kT) cm 2/Sec.
These data permit the suggestion that diffusion of T1 and Be in T12Se
proceeds through the sites of the tetragonal lattice. There are
6 figures and 2 non-Soviet references. The reference to the English-
language publication reads as follows: Nijland, L. M., Phil inp Rev.
Repts, 9, 4, 1954
ASSOCIATION; Institut fiziki AN AzSSR (Institute of Physics AS
A-,erbaydzhziriqkzi.yi1 SSR)
Card 3/3
.,:7 q, 2,~-" (/l/&- A0611A101
AUTHOM: Al--yarova, Z. A.,
TITTLEE. A study of the diffusion of some elements in 3clonium
PEXODICAL: Refcrantivnyy zhurnal, no. 2, 1962, 23, abstr-act, 21:220
("Tr. TashIwntsh. honforentsii po mirn. ispoll--ovaniyu atomn.
emorg1j., 19~-q. T. 1. TasIO.-.ent, PO UzSSR, 2-961, 255 - 259)
T:1~2: The effect of Br and Cd impurities on the diffusion of Fe and 3 in
6c, as well as on Se self -diffusion was investi-ated. The methA used was that
of atoriris tagged with the radioactive isotopez D5, FC59, and Se75. The diffusion.
coefficients wcre determined by taking off layqrs from cylindrical Se sampler.
It %..,as established that S has the highest rate of diffusion (110-9 C,--.~Isec). For
whe other elements it amounts to - '10-11 cr/sce. The rate of diffusion is very
sensitive to the presence of impurities in Se. The activation energy of diffusion
depends on the Bi, and Cd concentration considerably. The phenomena observed are
explained by the fact that impurities in different concentrations occupy different
sites in the Se.lattice.
LAbstracter's note. Complete translation
Card 1/1
B 0 4
Abdul layev, C, Al iyev, M, 1. and Akh,,zndovft, 4
~'he ef-~*c.-,-, of thallium upon t,-,,a ther-mai cjn-.i,, iv" v )1Y-
4ta liro% seleni-am
"OERILIDIC' izika tverdogo tela, v. 'A, no~ -!. 1961, 526-52"!
?h einv;~c-.tigation of the thermal conductivity cf anorphous %nd
at high and low temperatures had already formect thQ
subJect of it-veral papers (Refs.1-4~; also the thermal con-luctivity of
Tor custalline selenium, which contained iod4nc- , chlorin t_
nhous an-
b-.*.-.muth- or lead impurities was investigated (Refs.5-Q). In
or,.:er to study the affect produced by 'hallijir. upon the thermal con-
d,-,,~tiv~.ty of :-eleni,-Lm, specimens were produced wh;-(,h --ontaincd 0~01,-~,
14 U,
75, it and by weight of thal r,,
u c b m e L n g 9 99 6 % p u i -- s e I e n i u i n -x i ', I i T I~4zl ampoulf..3 a'.
1 4
~h(- Crder Oi 10 mm Hiz. after whicii they were ci~oled; ti-,e
CyIin ai!,i jn6 ~j
1. drical fOrLr, and had a of
C a r d
u i k; i i i :~i i .j~3,,w,:Aqo all" -il:-"
jo jolu..) -iq; U,', !,'-Z~s Uodll
'IV '11, 'Ir-P POEV"JOUT q,~ ~1 "101110 UO ru-,
I 'L 6 P ~,' U 73 D n S j) t: T 14-- T 11 V)J J 1.11 .1
U I C I P.').j j~ mil t I f 1~4 W11114
1W Ll! 1 1 L
-1; 4 ~q prM-!?T(;\~j -4q Xrtl! M .7 l~
j) Qj ,.I u o -va ; U;, J !1,; -,111 11 r 11 '-'1 n. U.1 T U T lL,
J c I Ica , L u I "LEI T uc
ul a 'Y u
p a AU T JU 13J tj U 1 L; I t .1 i)11T
I I U a Tjj j0 owapwidap a j I L,.I;) dul,
1l) uFjuy..! aqj u :q-1 --m 111; P.
s- I a r) U!" po i n c T4~4 Ll: E, I; m U I a
T U l". li,jtj ~ p1j,:1 ~j 3 U U
U., 01 Z -1: LO,r,:3 Tu,
VI) leo i~ . . . . uodn u:t,.-:. t 7 u1q., Z), i.: J,
The effect of thallium, upon... B102/B204
conductivity of selenium as a function of thallium concentration shows a
minimum. [Full translation]. There are 2 figures and 10 referencest.
9 Soviet-bloc and 1 non-Soviet-bloo.
ASSOCIATIONt Azerbaydzhanakiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. S. Yi. Kirov&
(Azerbaydzhan State University'imeni S. M. Kirov). Institut
fiziki Akademii nauk Azerbaydzhanskoy SSR (institute Of
"N Physics of the Academy of Sciences of the Azerbaydzhanskaya
SUBMITTEDt February 17, 1960 (initially) and October 6, 1960 (after
Card 34
37( P,2
70 DOO~/D102
AUTHORS: Aliyev, G.M., Abdullayev, G.B., Barkinkhoyev, M.G., et al.
TITLE: Electrical properties of pure selenium
PERIODICAL: Pr'*ehled technicke" a hospoda"hke' literatury. Energetika a elektro-
technika, v 19, no. 5, 1962, 199, abstract # E 621-2671. Ylaruizalar
Dokl. 7, no: 7, 1961, 569-573
TEXT: The author starts from the proven fact that the concentration of
holes in selenium decreases and mobility increases with increasing temperature .
This phenomenon does not conform with the semiconductor theory. The conducted
experiments show that this discrepancy is closely related to the cheldidal purity
of selenium. Diagrams show the curves of the dependence of electrical conducti-
vity of Se (99.994%), Se (99.996%) and Se with small admixture of Mg and Si.
These curves demonstrate that the decrease of electric conductivity with increas-
ing temperature depends on the degree of purity. The dependence of thermoelectric
force on temperature was also verified. The original article contains 4 figures
and 16 references. fAlstracter's note: Complete translationT
Card 1/1
7, Ll 3 /003/ S-49)
AUTHORSt Talibi, M. A,, Abdullayev, G.
TITLE, Concerning a correlation between ffte 1on!za'!.:,r-po*ent!a1 actIva".1on
energy of Impurities and the radius of the imp-r.1ty atom in semi-
PEJUODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Flzika, no, 1221, 1961, 357, at'strac". 12E459
(Dokl. AN AzerbSSR, 1961, V. 17, no. 2. P7 - 103, Azerb. s-.,mmary)
TEXT: The effect of doping Se with Ga, Pb, Ag, Fe ard S1 on the ele.:tric
properties of Se and of selenium p-n Junctions was investJgat~d, !I- was demon-
strated that the higher the first ionization potential of the Impurity (1) and the
smaller its atomic radius (r), the lower is the temperature at which impact ioni-
zation appears. At constant temperature, the lower I and the greater r, the lower
is the voltage at which impact Ionization appears, With decreasing atomic number
and impurity concentration, the impurity activation energy AE rises (with th'~- ex-
ception of Ga). AE is inversely proportional to the difference betweern I and r
of Se and those of the impurity. According to the data in *te literal.-Ire, the
registered correlation extends to a number of impurities in Ge and St.. while, in
Card 1/2
Concerning a correlation between... A05R/A1GI
binary semiconductor compounds of metals wIll, elemen-s of tne came group: AE of
the compound 1.5 directly propor-rional to t~--? dlffert--n,-,~ I and r 1,f 4ne
components. Binary compounds of the selenides and sulfidc--~- are an exception,-,
They evince reverse proportionality be4ween the c-ame
correlation holds for a number of ternary
V. Lev
[Abstracter's note-. CoMpl_-4-e translation]
Card 2/2
Heat conductivity of solid solutions Sb2S3-Sb2SO Dokl.
AR Azerb# M 17 noolO:877479 16L (;& 14:12)
:1. Institut fiziki AN AzSSR*
(Solutions, Solid-Thermal properties)
Antimony sulfides)
timony selenide)
---A -LAY
Konobeyevskiy, S. T:, Corresponding Member, Academy of Sciences
USSR, Reap. ~-4.
Deystviye vaderDykh izluoheniv na materialy (The Effect of
Nuclear Radiation on Materials). Moscow, Izd-vo AN SSSR,
1962. 383 P. Errata slip Inserted. 4000 copies printed.
Sponsoring Agency: Akademlya nauk SSSR. Otdelenlye tekhni-
cheskikh nauk; Otdoloniye fiziko-matematicheakikh nauk.
Reap. Ed.; S. T. Konoboyevskly; Deputy Reap. Ed.s 8. A.
Adasinskiy; Editorial Boards P. L Gruzin 0 V. Kurdymovi
B. X. Levitskly, V. S. Lyashenko (Leoeased~siu. A. Martynyuk,
Yu. I. Pokrovskly, and N. F. Pravdyuk; Ed. of Publishing
House: X. 0. Makarenko; Tech. Ede: T. V. Polyikova and
I. N. DorokhIna.
Acard 1/14
The Effect of Nuclear Radiation (cont.) sov/6176
PURPOSEt This book Is Intended for personnel concerned with
nuclear materials.
COVPMOH: This in a collection of papers presented at the
Moscow Conference on the Effect of Nuclear Radiation on
Materials, hold December 6-10, 1960. The material reflects
certain trends In the work being conducted in the Soviet
scientific romearoh orginlzation. Some of the papers are
devoted to the experimental study of the effect of neutron
Irradiation on reactor *aterials (steel, ferrous alloys,
molybdenum, avialgraphite, and niohromes). Others deal
with the theory of neutron Irradiation effects (phyaloo-
chemical transformationso relwtation of internal streadea,
internal friction) and changes in the structure and proper"
ties of various crystals. Special attention is given to
the effect of intense Y-radiation on the electrical,
magnetic, and optical properties of metals, dielectrics#
and semiconductors.
Card 2/14
The Effects of Nuclear Radiation (Cont.) SOV/6176
Pravdyuk, N. F., V. A. Nikolayenko, and V. Is Korpukhin,
Change in Lattice Parametera of Diamond and Silicon Carbide
.During Irradiation 184
"A ..Talibk, On One Method of Using
tdullayev, 0. B..,) andjL-A,
9dmi'am-SulfIA6 Photoresistors in Recording X- and Y-ray
Posim~zter 3.89
Konobeyevskiy, S. L. D. Panppley -ev, K.-P.
. --a-ev, and--V.,,-N. Kdnev. X-Ray 9) na-
Dubnovin,_ V. ~I. -Kittayt ciid
tion of Transformations in Copper-ti-nilff6y Under Neutron
Levitskiy, B. 14., and L. D. Panteleyev. X-Ray Examination of
the Relaxation of Internal Microstresses in Cold-Worked
Metals Under Neutron Irradiation 209
Konobeyevskiy, S. T., N. F. 'Pravdyuk, Xuj__X. Foki,,o"kiy, and
V.- I. Vikhrov. Eff eat of Neutron Irradiation on -Ifitellffal
'Friotion-l-n-Metala 219
Card 9/14
ABD-UIJAYBVj G.B., red. (Baku); RAGDATLISHVILIt D.., rod. izd-va;
1EIRXG-IM p M., tekhn. red.
[Transactions of the Conference on Impact Ionization and the
Tunnel Effect in Semiconductors]Truav Soveshchani~a po udar-
noi ionizatsii i tunnellnomu effektu v poluprovodnikakh, 1960.
Balcu, Izd-vo Akad.nauk Azarbaidzhanskoi SSR, 1962. 165 P.
(MIRA 15:8)
1. Soveshchaniye po udarnoy ionizatsii i tunnellnonu effektu v
poluprovodnikakh$ Baku, 1960.
L n047-63 EWr(l)1EMG(k)1BDS1EEC(b)-2 AFFTC/ASD/ESD-3 PO-4 AT/IJP(C)
ACCISSION NRi AT3002972 S/292-2/62/000/000/0005/0012
AUTHDR: Abdullgyev G. B.1 Bakirov,, H. U.; Gasy V2 ft. B.; Bakhy*sbov,, A. X.
TITM ~nvest_lgating the nature of P-n JunctioAn selenium-p
~ce n~s
(Report at the All-Union Conference 6n MirnnMuntnr Devices, Tashkent, 2-7 October
SOURCE : Elektronno-dy*rochny*ye perekhody* v poluprovodnikakh. Tashkent, lad-vo
All UzSSR, 1962, 5-12
TOPIP, TAGS: selenium photocell# p-n junction of photocell
ABSTRAM Although selenium photocells have been widely-used, many physical
phenozena transpiring In then are not entirely clear. Experiments have shown that
the Jvnction is forned at the contact of two different semiconductors (e.g., Se and
GdSe); the theory of such junctions has been developed. The article describes ex-
perizeiital studies of the p-n junction in and aging of selenium photocells. k1so
attempts to create a highly sensitive and stable photocell by coating Se with an
electron-type semiconductor are reported. Photocurrent and pboto-eaf of So coated
vith Alp Cu, Zn, Ga, Ag, Cd, In, Sn. Au, Hg, Fb, Bi vero mea9ured. Effects of
thermal and electrical forming on the photocell characteristics were investigated.
Card 1/2
L 1!04743
It was found that aging of selenium photocells is due to excessive thickening of
the selenide coating (over the optimum thickness of 5 x 10 sup -5 cm). Four sets
of artificial n-layer electrodes, S"aSe, Se-InSe, So-CdSe, and Se-'RgSe, were
investigated in detail. Current-voltage, sensitivity spectral distribution, and
illumination characteristics were deterr"ed for the above combinations (curves
given), as wall as all pertinent electrical and photoolectrical date (tabulated).
With a solar-radiation intensity of 10 millivatt per aq cn, current up to 3 ma per
eq cm, and emf 0.6 v (efficiency about 1 per cent, were obtained fcr Se-CdSe
combination. It is concluded that, in the selenium photocells, the p-n junction
can be obtained by coating selenium with a thin layer of an electron-type semi-
conductor. Orig. art, has'. 5 figures.. 5 formulas, and 1 table.
ASSMIATION: Akad. nauk SSSR(Acadeny of Sciences SM); Akad nauk UzSSR(Academy
of Sciences UzSSR); Tashkent3kly gosuniversitet in. V. I. Lenina (Tashkent State
Uldver ity)
kesiuk -
Card 2/2
----------------------------- .............. -------------------------------- -------------
L 1-1125-63 EWT(I G(k)/BDS/EE-C(b)-2-AFF-IC/ASD/ESD-3-
rz-,--.,T/-r 7M ( C
4 ~.A
AMSION KR: AT3DO2973 S/2927/62/000/000/001 V0017
AUTHDRi #bdull!Zav, qL be LT*Ubi, -H,,--A.
TITLE: Correlation in semiconductors between the activation enargy and the
ionization potential and atortic radius [Report et the All--Union-Canfarzaes-cm.
Semiconductor Devices, Tashkent, 2-7 Cetober, 19611
SOU=t Elektronno-4y*rochny*ye perekholy* v poluprovadnikakh. T6314ODt, Tsd-V0
AN UsSSRO 1962, 12-17
TOPIC TAGS: selenium rectifier, activation energy, ionization potential, atomic
AMRAM Studying -the effect of strong field on p-n transition U izpurity-type
selenium rectifivre in important as it may permit controlling the electrical and
thermal chKracteristl-.3 of these rectMers. The authors Investigated reverse
current-voltage chtracteristics of seli~nltm rectifiers containing Ga, Fb' Ag, Fe,
and Si as Impurities at the liquid -ni t:roean temperature. Uso the affect of
te=erature (-80 to +200 on the cutoff current of the above rectifiers was
determined. Experimental data is compared with the published data of other re-
searchers, and the following conclu3lon is drawn; the closer ionization potential
Cord 1/2
L 11195-63
and atomic radius of the inpurity to thDae of the semiconductor proper, the higher
is the activetion energy of the Impurity in the cemiconductor. Orig. art. has-
2 figures and 6 tables.
na SR(Aci&dwW
ASSOCIATILON: Akad. nauk SSSR(Acadeny of SdenceB SSSR); Akad. auk UzS
of Sciences UzSSR); Tashkentakiy goauniversitet im. V. I. Lenina (jas;~Lent State
SUBMTTED% 00 DATE ACQ: 15May63 ENCL:. 00
AUTHORS: Abdullayev, H. B., Aliyev, M. H.
TITLE: TaEEed atom study of electrochemical processes near the
electrode in selenium
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Xhimiya, no. 8, 19062, 65, ab!;tr.,ict
8D466 (Tr. In-ta fiz. AN AzerbSSR, v. 10, 1960, 25-29)
TEX T: .1 ti!in Se coatin,; (50 ~t) containine pure So (99.996 j~,) ar(i un
impurity of either radioactive Br (0.05 ~r by or Sv and ap;;liud to
a bismuthized Al backing was pol-arizec! in double-distilled *1120. 7.,l th
anodic polarization a stable increase in current tiime iG observed;
this is the r,.~sult of 1i2Seo3formation and acidification of the, solution.
7iith cathodic polarization the current passes through u minimum before
reucLin(; a steuay value. Under these conditionz- the Se does -01. dissolve, the Br im.,urity Coes over into the electrolyte. It is inferred that
cat*-odic treatment of the surface of the Se leads to loveling out of the
surrace layor and to the removal of acceptor impurity ce.-ters from it.
[Abstracter's z.~ te: Complate tran3latilon.]
P.272Q&6 EWT (m) jGS
ACCESSION NR: AT6023798 UR/0000/62/000/000/0189/0193
AUTHOR: Abdullayev. G. B.; Talibi, M. A.
TITLE! Method of using cadmium sulfide photoresistances In a recording x- an MA-
ray dosimeter 11
SOURCE.- Soveshchanlye po problems Deystviye yadernyk-h izluchenly na materialy.
Moscow, 1960. Deystviye yadernykh IzIuchenly na materialy (The effect of nuclear
radiation on materials); doklady soveshchaniya. 1zd-vo AN SSSR, 1962, 189-1V,
TOPIC TAGS: cadmium sulfide, photo rcs istaw- -,, r.-idiation dosimeter, x ray mcasurcment,~
gamma detector
ABSTRACT: The article describes a possible w-JhL"I of using cadmium sulfide photo-
resistances as sensing elements in a recording x- and ganitna ray dosimeter Including an
MOM-3 tube mcgohmmotor. Single-cryst al photores 1,-;' ances produced by the Ins Litut f Wki
AN USSR (Institute of Physirts, AN Ukr. 8S11) weve employcil In the experiments. The
dosimeter circuit permits a continuous successhre recording of the Intensities or rates of
rad~atlons directed on the working surface of each Individual photoresistance. Ilie proposeck
Cnrd 1/2
L 2730-56
ACCMION Mt.- AT5023798
flosiw- ter was tested witli a large number of pliotoresistances on URS-70, GUT-SO-400-1,
and RUM-3M units; the dose rate varied from 3 to 2000 roentgen/rain. Ile use of CdS
rrystals in combination with MOM-3 as the dosimeter presents a number or advantages,
since the calibrated resistances of the instrument cover a wide range. This twrmits
ineasurements over a wide radiation Intensity range and the plotting of calibration curves
for variouv photoresistances but the same MOM-3. Ile recalibration of the scale of M0114-
3 frorn resistance units to dose rate imits Is diecussefd in terms of the relationship betwer"
the resistance and the Intensity of the current passing throigh an x-ray tube with various
anodes (tungsten, molybdentim, Iron, copper). Orig. art. has: 4 figures, I table, aDd 2
NO RE F SOV: 007
Card 2/2
~7 1j, 7 9 to
AUTHORS: Guseynov, G. D., Akhundov, G. A., and Abdullayev, G. B.
TITLE: Electrical and thermooloc-.rical properties of TISe single
PERIODICAL: Fizika'tverdogo telap v- 4, no. 5, 1962, 12o6-1212!
T'--'XT: Electrical conductivity, Hall effect, and thermo-emf of TlSe single
crystals in the range 80-5700K were measured by a d-c oom~pensatibn method.
,Electrical conductivity and Hall effect were measured with molybdenum
probes, and the thermo-emf with the copper branches of thermocouples. The
probes and thermocouples were contained in an externally cooled,
evacuated glass tube (1o-3 mm Hg) with inserted quartz tube. The Hall emf
measured in fields of 1,800-10,000 oe varied from 0.02 to 13 mv. Figs. 4a:
and 4b show the measured temperature dependence of electrical conductivityl
and Hall effect in the range 80-5700K for specimens of 1,4y,28,130, and
1700 ohm-cm at 200C (curves 1-5)- In these specimens, intrinsic
a 0
conductance arises at 240, 18o, 6o, 35, and -65 Q. Below these tempera-
tureal.specimens 1-3 behave like metals, whereas 4 and 5 behave like
S/ 1 8y62/004/005/019/055
Electrical and thermoelectrical B125/B104 .
semiconductors over the entire temperature range. The temperature
deDendenco of electrical conductivity is chiefly determined by the carrier
co;centration. With risin& temperature the Hall constant R decreases
sharply in the range of intrinsic conductance without losing its positive
sign. The forbidden-Vand widths determined from the temperature
dependence of conductivity and Hall constant are similar for the specimen
with the highest resistivit,)r. The Hall mobility p of specimens 1-4,
determined by simultaneousfmeas ement of d and R, reaches a maximum at'
--,IOOOY and decreases as p T-VI with rising temperature. The Hall
mobility of specimen 5 decreases monotonely as the temperature rises from
100 to 57U 0K. The absolute value of the emf a decreases in the range of
intrinsic conductance with rising temperature. From 1700K downward a
rapidly increases with decreasing temperature. This abnormal increase in
the specimens with ths highest resistiVitiL3 indicates the entratnement of'
carriers by phonons. The effective carrier masses were calculated from
a and R and found to be m'~~- 0.3 m and m* - 0.6 m0. The temperature
n; 0 p
dependence of the forbiddent-band width (in ev) is given by
LE - 0.57-3.9-10-4T. Ther'e'Jl
.$Xe~6 figures. The most important English-
lanGuaLe reference is: P. Fillaing, G. Fisher a. E. Mooser. J. Phys. Chem.
Card 2/f
Electrical and tharimoele trical ... B125/BI04
Sol., 8i 434, 1959.
ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziki 0 AzSSR, Baku (InStitUtO Of Physics AS
AzSSR, Baku)
SUB'.'ITTED: November 9, 1961 (initially)
December 25, 1961 (after revision).
Fig. 4: Temperature
dependence of electrical
conductivity (a) and
Hall constant (b) for R
1,11lSe single crystals,.
1z -
Fig. +a-
Card 34
AUTHORSs Abdull Manatli, E.I., Talibi, M.A.
TITLEs On the effect of some impurities on the impact ionization
-Iz- -
neUmFism beleniAut
PERIODICALs -Referativayy 2burnal, Blektronika i yeye primeneniye# now 3P
1963, 22, abstract 3B137 (Tr. Soveshchaniya po udarn.
ionizataii i tunnelln. effektu v poluprovodnikakh, 1960. Baku,
AN AzerbSSR, 1962, 83 - 66)
TEXT: The effect of Ga, Pb, Ag, Fe and Si impurities on the inverse
branches of volt-ampere characteristics of selenium valves was inveatigatod
in the temperature range from room temperature to -1960C.. At low tempera-
tures a "free2ing" of thermal oscillations of the lattice takes place. A
thermal background weakening makes it possible to investigate more accurate-
ly the physical processes conditioned by Impurities. It is shown that in
tha negative tompers,ture range thi inverse current temperature dependence
changes considerably with the change of the kind of impurity. The rate of
inverse current growth with temperature and voltage is determined by the
Card 1/2
On the effect of some impurities ... A052/A126
value of the let ionization potential of impurity atoms. The lower the
value-of the lot ionization potential of the impurity atom the higher the,
rate of inverse current growth. The dependence of the conductivity of the
sa=ple on cutoff volt-age is conditioned by impact ionization leading to the
ionization of impurities. Ln Increase of Ionized Impurity concentration in
Be leads to a decrease of the p-n junction thickness. There are 6
(Abstraoter's noteo Complete translation.]
Caxd 2/2
AUTHORS: Abdul Bakirov, M.Ya., Gasymov, R*B*
TITLE: A study of the effect of thickness of p- and n-layers
on characteristics of selenium photocells
PERIODICAL: Akademiya, nauk Azerbaydzhanskoy SSR. Seriya fiziko-
matematichoskikh i tekhnicheskikh nauk, no.6, 1962,
TEXT: A selenium photocell consists of n metallic backing, a
layer of polycrystalline selenium and art upper electrode. The
thickness of semiconductors, such as selenium, is one of the main
factors affecting characteristics of photocells. Selenium with a
purity of 99.99999% was applied to an aluminum plate and -*0.11i'
thick cadmium layer served as the upper electrode. These photo-
cells were subjected to illumination of 5000 lux intensity it-
at"200C., , . The generated photo-emf V and photocurrent I
were measured. A linear growth of the series resistance R with
increasing thickness of selenium layer is observed. Both photo-
emf and photocurrent values pass through a maximum at 501' thickness
of selenium layer and then decrease. The effect of thickness of
Card 2/2
A study of -the of f o-ot E010/E420
an n-layor on the efficiency of selenium photocells was also
determined in order to study the nature of their ageing. A layer
of n-type CdSe was applied to the surface of crystalline selenium.
'-:easueements of the variation of photo-emf,
V and photocurrent,l ,
with thickness of the n-layer show;that the optimum value of the
latter is about 5 x 10-5 cm. Hence the nature cf the ageing
process of photocells is explained; the n-layer of CdSe increases
xvith time on account of diffusion of Se into the Cd layer and ~Vlhis
leads to the deepening of the p-n Junction resulting in the
reduced efficiency of the photocells. There are 5 figures.
Card 2/2
Effect of the thickness of p and n-films on the characteristics of
selenium photocells. Izv. AN Azerb. SSR. Ser. fiz.-mat. i tekh.
nauk no.6t69-73 162. (MIRA 16:6)
(Photoelectric cells) (Selenium)
S/249/62/018/001 j00 1 /003
AUTHORS: Mckhtiycv, R. F., Abdullaycv, G. B, and Akhundov, G. A.
TITLE: The technique of growing single crystals of GaSc and the investigation of some of their
PERIODICAL. Akademiya nauk Azerbaydzhanskoy SSR. Doklady, v. 19, no. 1, 1962, 11-15
TEXT: A review is given of ten papers on the influence of Ga and TI on the electrical conduc, ivity of Se,
on the photoelectric properties of Ga and other selenides, and on the preparation of GaSc single crystals,
A new method is proposed for the preparation of GaSe single crystals. The molten components in stoichio-
metric proportions ate heated in a quartz ampule at 600'for 20 hours.Thc mixturcis heated to 1060'C (GaSe
melts at 960') for ten hours. then coolrd slowly to room temperature.The X-ray patterns of the synthesized
Gasc are identical with those described in the literature. A special apparatus for gradual cooling is described.
The temperature is lowered first at the rate of 2*Cpcr hour until complete solidification, then at VC per hour
down to 900*C. and finally 25'C per hour down to 500'C. At all stages a constant temperature gradient is
maintained, Heating can be regulated without disturbing the furnace or the sample. The crystals obtained are
10 mm in diameter and 10 cm long. For both vertical and horizontal positions of the ampule, the
plane of growth was (001). At room temperature, the specific resistance and the concentration of holes and
Card 1/2
The technique of growing...
S/249162/018/001 /0011003
their mobility for GaSe crystals are p = 19, n - 2.1016 cm~, u = 16 cm2/sec, resnectivcly. The spectral
distribution of photoconductivity was measured at 300 and 78'K. Values of AE were 1.87 and 1.98 ev at
room temperature and liquid nitrogen temperature, respectively. The maximum photoconductivity shifts
toward shorter wavelengths with decreasing temperature. The dependence of optical density on wave length
is shown. There are 4 figures.
ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziki (institute of Physics) VK
SUBMITTED: November 12, 1961
Card 212
S/249/62/018/0041001 10W
AUTHORS Akhundov, G. A and Abdullayev. G B
TITLE~ TiSe point diodes
PERIODICAL Akadtmiya nauk Azcrbaydzbanskoy SSR Doklady. v lb. no 4, 1962, 1 1-13
TEXT. This communication gives the results of expel iments on tile -;ynthcsis and rectifying characteristics of
TISe with n-typc conductivity Four previous papers have dealt with the physical properties of Me crystals
with p-type conductivity. Single cry%tals of n-type 1 ISc were obtained from p-typc TISe by addition of 0. 1 wl
% Ge and Sri to tile melt. Tllcy wert grown by vertical and botizontal zone inciting Rectification at a point
%as studied by means of electrolytically shai pened probe,, made of 0 1 ~ turn tungsten %% itc I hc probe wa!i
attached to the polished crystal face, at 90' to the C planc. opposite the Au (it Sn base clecitodc. The voltage
and current were observed on the osciPogtaph screen at 50 cps and photographed under direct current The
samples were I x 2 x 2 mm parallelepipeds It wa& found that tile suply of voltage at tile point Contact 1,
assoc',tted with shape effects. The passage of a larger direct currerill improves the direct characteristic %%ithout
impairing the inverse These diodes arc rather stable but not very good Them ate 4 figures and I tabic
ASSOCIATION Institut kiki (institute of Physics)
SUBMITTED. February 10, 1962
Card 1/1
S/249 62/018/007/001/001
J o D25 X308
AUTHORS: Talibi, I.I.A. and Abduilayev, G.B.
TITLE: A method of eat mating the widt T-6f"'the forbidden
band in some semiconducting 3-component compounds
'PERIODICAL: Akademiya naule. i~zerbaydzhan SSR, Doklady, v. 18,
no. 7, 1962, 17-21
TEXT: The binary groups of the 3-component compounds in-
vestigated by Goodman (Goodman, C.11..L Phya. and Chem. of Solids,
6, no. 4, 305, 1958) and obtained by ;ubstittition of one of the
components by an element belonging to the some group of the periodic,
table, are considered. Folloi-ang the px-eviously reported observa-
tion by the authors (Abdullayev and Talibi, Trudy Vsesoyuznogo -
Soveshchaniya po P-n perakhoda& v poluprovodnikakh, Tashkent, t961,
;Ln print), that the difference of the ionization potentials and the
atomic radii of the components can be useful,for the estimation of
the width of the forbidden band it is shown that a direct correla-
tion exists betwen the widtl of the forbidden band and the differ-
C~rd 1/2
A method of estimating ... D256/ "308
ence of the ionization potentials. An attempt is made to estimate
the widths of the forbidden bands in some analogue three-component
compounds, asswing that the obnerved correlation doce not depend
upon the position of the substituted element in the periodic table.
ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziki (Institute of Physics)
SUMITTED: January 12, 1962
Card 2/2
Study of monocrystalline n-TISe and its rectifying properties.
G. A. Akhundov, G. B. Abdulayey,,,,I. G. Aksianov.
(Not presented)-]
Eiectro-physical properties of monocrystalline TISe. G. A. Akhundov,
G. B. Abdulayev, G. D. Guseynov) N. Kh. Aliyeva.
L:rv,:st:,3ation of the clucrical propcrties of 9cr-man.u.-ii telluride.
3. ^bdulayc.v, V. 3. .'knZonov, Ya. N. Nasirov.
~Or- sztjc.,*es of an.-~ SOMO PrOParties of monocrystalilne Ga7e and Gas.
G. A. Aknundov, G. S. Abdulayev, N. A. Gasanova, F. 1. isnallov.
f."rvestigation of soma physical properties of the monocrys-zalline
=-.Pounds CuSbS2 and CuSbSe2- G. B. Abdulayev, R. Kn. Nani, Ya. N.
dr-sirov, T. G. Osmanov.
2teport p-.o!7e-,,*,,-A at the 3-,d Ization.-I Confemncc on Semiconductor Compounds,
Eir,h.lnav, 16-21 1`3
to-ne properties of binary semiconducting compounds and generalized
moment. M. S. Saidov (10 minutes).
Experimental Investigation of the energetic structure of zonas of
semiconducting compounds. V. V. Soboley (10 minutes).
Investigation of the thermal conductivity of doped gallium arsenide.
M. 1. Aliev, G. G. Achmedli.
Concerning the thermal conductivity of solid solutions of Sb2 S3-Sb2SG3'
.G. 8..-AhduJ*V A. A. Bashmallev.
-CP-resented byM. 1. Aliev--10 minutes).
Report presented at the 3rd National Conference on Semiconductor
Compounds, Kishinev# 16-21 Sept 1963
kLITEVP A Prot., red.; DEMENTITEVA, Ya.,
red.isd-va; IBRAO Usa, H. , tekhn. red.
[Thermal conductivity of semiconductors] Toploprovodnost'
poluprovodnikov. Balm, Isd-vo AN Azerb.SSR, 1963. 145 p.
(MIRA 16:10)
(Semiconductors--Thermal properties)
AICCESSION NR: AR4041540 S/0137/64/000/004/1001/1001
SOURCE: Ref. zh. Metallurgiya, Abs. 412
AUTHOR: _Abdul1ayev,,.G...B..: Movlanov, Sh.; Shakhtakhtinskiy, M. G.;
Kullyev, A. A.
TITLE: Investigation of solubility of selenium and mercury in solid tellurium
and their influence-on electrical properties of tellurium
CITED SOURCE: Izv. AN TadzhSSR. IOtd. geol. -khim. i tekhn. n. , no. 2
(11), 1963, 13-22
TOPIC TAGS: selenium, mercury, tellur ium, solubility, electrical property,
retrogradation, electrical conductivity
TRANSLA71ON: Studies solubility of Se*in Te (in interval 320-400*) and Hg in
Te (in intervals 270-4400). Solubility of Hg in Te increases with increase of
temperature and attains maximum (4.1020 atoms per cubic centimeter) tit 3700
Ca~rd 1/2
and then drops, and at 440* becomes equal to 1.1020 atoms per cubic centimeter.
Solubility of Se In Te is greater than solubility of lig in Tc. In temperature
dependence of solubility of Hg in Te there is observed retrogradation, which
is absent in the system Te--Se , There are measured electrical conductivity of
alloys Te-Se and Te-Hg In Interval from -190* to -150* and the Hall effect at
li4uid nitrogen and room temperatures. It is found that Hg with a c6ntent of
,.-176 significantly increnaea electrical conductivity of Te, and Be almost does
not change it. Bibliography: 24 references.
Card 2/2
Selenium photoelemento with saturation current. Izv. AN
Azerb. SSR.Ser. fiz.-mat. i tekh. nauk no-30 .83 163.
(MIRA 16:il) -
ACC.PSSION Nit: AP4005130 . 3/0249/63/019/008/0009/0013
AUTFORS: Abdullayevp 0. B,; Aiiyeva G. M.; Barkinkhoyev, Kh. G.
TITLEt Effect of gallium impurities on the thermal conductivity of hexagonal
SOURCE: AN A-zerbSSR, Doklady% v, 19j, no. 8, 1963., 9-13
TOPIC TAGSt selenium thermal ccnductivityp saleniums thermal conductivity) hexago-
nal selenium, gallium impurity effect, galliun impurity, gallium, amorphous seleni-
um, metallic impurity, selenium valve, loffe formula, phonon mechanism) absorption
coefficientj crystalline seleniump nonmetallic impurityp crystal lattices netallic
galliwn impurityj selenium dopings phonon scattering
ABSTRUTT: The influence of metallic gallium admixtures an the heat conductivity
of crystalline selenium in the temperature Interval of 85-450K has been studied*
Cylindrical crystal agglomerates of pure selenium with 0, 0.25" 0.50, 1.0' 2.0, 3.4
and 4.0 wt % were tested. Their diameters were 10-12 mm and their lengths 10-13
Tests were conducted under static conditions. To avoid '-adiation heat losses#
lateral surfaces of the specimens were coated with India ink and-carbon black* It
Card 1/3
was found that at 299K A, reached its mnximm for the I.*' admixture. A study of
temperature- A relations for 3 samples brought out the existence of minima in the
300�330 ~%Orange. The eleo-tron component of A was estimated to be on the order of
10-~ -10- cal/cm sec degree. The phonon theory of heat conductivity indicates
that for the Debye temperatures and above, tk is inversely proportional to T:
maA (1)
em.ceg-ipad ',
The present experiments confirmed this theory for T between the temperatures of
liquid nitrogen and room temperature (with coe"icient a varying from 0.75 to 0.98
for different samplas). At higher temperatures (350K) an increase inA) reaching
25-30,09' at 409K, was observed. This increase is attributed to the photon mechanism
and to heat being conducted by electromagnetic readiation. The authors thank 0. G.
Xerimov, director of the heat laboratory, for his interest and valuable suggestions.
Orig. art. has, 3 graphs, 1 table, and 3 equations.
ASSOCIATIONs Institut fisiki AN AzerbSSR (Institute of Physics AN AzerbSSR)
Card 2/3
- - - - . .. - -- - .- ._.i -
OTHERs 004
Card 3/3
ABDULLAYEV, G.B.j doktor fiz.- matem. nai*; TALIBI, M.A., kand. fIz.-
mia-f-em. Eauk
Conference on the Study of Selenium and Tellurium, held in Baku.
Vest. AN SSSR 33 no.lN113-114 0 163. . (MM 16:11)
Effect of bismuth impurities on the heat condactivity and self-diffusion
of selenium. Trudy Inst. fiz. AN Azerb. SSR 3-1:5-10 163o
(KRA 16-4)
(Selenium--Thermal properties) (Bismuth)
-; AY
Some results of electrolytic cadmium deposition on a selenium plate.
Trudy Inst. fiz. AN Azerb. SSR 11:11-18 163. (MIRA 16s/,)
(Cadraium plamting)
3ome properties of CuSbSe2 single crystals. Trudy Inst. fiz. AN Azerb.
SSR 11:42-45 163. (MIRA 16:4)
(Copper-antimony-selenium alloys) (Crystallography)
Heat conductivity of some compounds of the type AIIIBV. Trudy Inat. fix.
AN Azerb. SSR 11:46-51 163, (MIRA 16:4)
(Semiconductors-Thermal properties)
Thermal conductivity of selenium. Fiz. tver. tela 5 no.12:3614-3615
D 163. (MIRA M2)
1. Institut fiziki AN AzerbSSR, Baku.
-- W-
Saturation currento in oelenium p-n Junctions. DAL AN Aserb. SSR 19
no.1&9-12 163* (MIRA 164)
1e Institut fisiki AN Az86R*
(Junction transistors)
ACCESSION*'NR-:"AP4027709 S/0213/63/000/006/0083/0066
AUTHORS: Abdullayev, G.B.; Nanij R*Kho; Naairov, Ya*Ns
TITLE: Investigation of the physical properties of ternary somicon-
ductor compounds* II. Certain properties of GuSbS sub 2 monocrystals'
SOURCE: AN AzerbSSR. Izve3tiya. Seriya fiz.-matem. i tokhn. nauks no.
69 1963, 83-86
TOPIC TAGS: semibonductor, ternary compound, physical property,
CuSbS sub 2, monocrystal, polycrystal, preparation, thermoelectric,
propertyl synthesis$ thermoolectromotive force, energy of activation#
zone melting, heat conductivity, electric conductivity
ABSTRACT: Samples of CuSbS polycrystals and monocrystals wore
prepared and their thermoolgetric properties investigated. CuSbS
was prepared by elementary,syn~hasis, and heating with agitation 3t
1500K for 8-10 hours under 10-4 MM Ng. vacuum. The material, re-
melted at 12OOK9 was uniform with no traces of crystals and showed
semiconductor pqpert~es. Its electric conductivity increases from
0.08 to 7.0 ohm--L cm-A with an increase 'in temperature from room
I-Card- 1/2
temperature to 700K while its thermoelectromotive force decreases
with temperature from 950 to 120 microvolts/OK from room temperature
to 700K. The energy of activation of the polycrystalline material
is,d E - 0.24 ev- CuSbS2 monocrystals were obtained by zone malting
under 2. atmosphers argon with supplementary heating in the non-U.. - ~ -
melting zone to 10-15K below the melting temperature of the compound.
For the mo iocryqtals at room temperatures electric conductivity is
0.024 ohm- cm-1 and thermo e.m.f. is 1200 microvolts/0K. Melting
temperature is 535C. It was specifically determined that tho electrii,
conductivity increases with temperature C E in the 300-500K range
0.8 ev.), and that the therino e.m.f. drops with an increase in
temperature; monocrystals and polycrystals follow essentially the
same relationship, It was further found that the heat conductivity
decreases from 80 to 300K and then increases; its minimum is at room
temperature. Orig. art* has: I table and 4 figures.
DATE ACQ: 17Apr64
ENCL: 00
j SUB C PH NR REF SOV: 005 OTHER: 002",
"Preparation and investigation of A III B VI single crystals."
paper submitted for Intl Conf on Physics of Semiconductors, Paris, 19-24 jul 64.
&~~ ~M ~ 'MMA
Development of physics in Azerbaijan. Izv. AN Azerb.SSR.Ser.fiz.-tekh.i
mat. nauk no.3tl9-30 164. (MIRA 1702)
Cap-kcitive and inductive properties of silicon diffusion diodos. Izv.
AN Azerb.SSR.Ser.fIz.-tekh.i mat. nauk no.3:81-88 164.
(MIRA 17t12)
,~ 1~ , - ~. ( ': I e 1, 1 c a 1 vAlue of the c-,cf f! "ent 'T r In P ryt a 1 p m f a t I c) w t e Tn v c r ir-
. - I., I - ~ A ~ i ; ~- c - " -
. -~ I . , - A - . .. - 14 , , - , , , , , r " . t -
r: n (I
NO RF V S C, 7
( 0"' 3,' 3
L n2l.-66 w (m)/Erc/m (m)/WP(t)/3?P(b) IJP(c) REW/JD/GS
ACCESSION NR.: AT5020474 UR/0000/64/000/000/0284/0289
AUTHORSi Abdullayev, 0. D.a Bakirov$ M6 Ya.1 Gaoymoy, R, Bs
TITLEt Investigation of surface contact phenomena in selenium in contact withal
cert&in metals
SOURCE: Mezhvuzovskays, na-gohno-tekhnichookaye konferentaiya yo fizikg
poluprovodnikov (RoverkhnosInUe I kontnk Lnyjp_n1_YAj,. -Tomsk,_1962-177
~2 q__!~tW2_ ,
Poverkhnostnyye I kontaktnyye yavlenJ.ya v poluprovodnika](h (Surface and oDntaot
phPnomena In semicoiiductors). Tomak~ Izd-vo Tomokogo univ.t 1964t 284-289
~_ T
TOPIC TAGSt selenium, photocellf photo current# photodiodep photoconductive cellt
group VI element, contact potential, cadmium, indium, merem-y- galliumt lead, zinc
z-/ z'7 -z '7 -t -7 ~t.? 17
ABSTRAM The mechanism of the aging process in selenium photocells was studied.
Cells made of So and the metals Cd, In, Rg, Ga, Pb, and Zn were investigated6
Eleatron-diffraotion photographs ot the bi=7 contact between Be and the various
metals showed it to consist of the eelenides CdSep InSe, HgSe, GaSe, FbSe and ZnSe.
The sensitivity of photocells was determined as a function of the time and tempera-
ture and is shown graphically in Fig. 1 on the Enclosure. The effect of the depth
of a deposited p-n junction an the response of So photocell is shown in Fig. 2 on
-the Enclosure. It in concluded that the aging process oonsiete'of the growth of an
-Card 1/4
L 1221-M
:n-la,yer on the surfacm of the photooollt Orig., art* has, 4 gmpbs and 2 equatims.
isuBmiTTEDs o6oot64
w0 MN sov i oo6
ENCLi 02
an 0=1 Im
Ccwd 2/4
L 3-121-66
Tiiao# hours
Fig. 1. Sensitivity of Be photooell as a funotionof temperriture and tize
Card 3/4
:ACCFMION NR: AP4028423 S/0181/64/006/004/1018/1022
AUTHORS: Abdullayev, G. B.j Aliyev, G. M.; Barkinkhoyev, Kh. G.; Askerov, Ch. M.;
Iarionkind, L. S.
TITLEt Electrical properties of crystalline and liquid selenium after d;o'xy&nation
SOURGEt Pizika tverdogo tela, ve 61 not 49 1964, 1018-1022'
~TOPIC TAGSt electric conduotivityg selenium, deoxygenation, thermoelootromotive
.force, solid liquid study
'ABSTRACT: -The authors measured-the electrical conductivity and the thermooleotro-
.motive force of three samples 'of So in the tempoiature interval 293-773K- The
;samp,las were characterized by the following impurity concentrations: 10-3~, 10-4%
and 10_5~ for the tILree samples, respectively. Measurements were made on all three
,samples before deoxygenation (ordinary SO and an samples 1 and 3 after deoxygena,
i,tion. Different jumps in conductivity were observed during fusion of all three
:samples of ordinary Set The activation energy of electrical coreuc-'V~ivity was found
I1to be 2-05 ov for liquid So of this type. In the solid phase, 'lie thermoolootro-
!motive force of sample I ordinary.89 declined with increase in temperature* During i
Card 1/2
~._p F~Tte "f7_q. -, r,.I--q a (,fill -mrpiL curren't was useo _nv mcrLzuu.--m-,--.,,
- z mid
AUTHOR: Abdullayev. G. B.; Iskender-Zade, Z. A. I Dzhafarova, E. A,;
Akhundov, G.
TITLE: Effect of electrothermal treatment on the properties of silicon diodes
SOURCE: Radiotekhnika i elektronika, v. 9. no. 7, 1964, - 1281 -IZ86
TOPIC TAGS: semiconductor. silicon diode, semiconductor diode, silicon diode
electrothermal treatment
ABSTRACT: The variation of a reverse current in Si diodes as a result of the
prolonged application of a d-c-reverae voltage at an elevated temperature was
experimentally studied. An Si diode was held for 6 hre at a reveise voltage of
150 v and a temperature of 448K., its initial reverse current of 2.8 n-la Aropped to
a stable value of 0. 9 ma with no variation in the forward current, The effect of
temperature on the reverse current was also studied. It was found that the
Cdfd- /7
ACCESSION 11R: AP4039227 S/0249/64/020/002/0027/0031
AUTHOPSt Abdinovp Do Sh.; k~dullayovp Go B,; Aliyev) Go He
TITLE: The offoct of antimony admixture on densityp heat conductivity.. and
microhardness of selenium
SOUPCE: AN AzorbSSR. Dolclady*, v. 20, no. 2p 1964P 27-31
.TOPIC TAGS: antimony) seleniump re cry-,; &-illiza tion, selenium heat treatment
ADSTIMT: The effect of antimony admixtures on the physical properties of selenitA.'
was studied. The samples consisted of antimony and selenium powdern mixed in
various proporti ns. These powders were poured into quartz ampules which were
.evacuated to lOi4 r= lig and scaled. In this state the samples were heated in an
oven at 850C for 6 hours anl cooled to roort temperature. At this stage the samples
were amorphous. The --d,,suriments of their heat conductivity and density were made
before they ware replacco -' i the ampulao and allowed to crystallize at 90, 130', and
160C for one hour and al, 21,)C for 60 hours. After each crystallization period the
relation between the physical properties of every sample and its antimony content
was studied. The variation of the heat conductivity coefficient of selenium with
Card 1/4
ACCR;SIOI; NRs AP4039227
respect to aatinony concentration at 20-22C is shown in ng. 1 of the Encl6suresp
where the conductivity is seen to increase during the transition from the amorphous
to the crystalline stateo It decreased with the increase in antimony contoA to
0.125%. beyond which point it started rising. This behavior was explained by.the
.hypothesis of V. N. Lunge and A. R. Rogelf-IM, v. 1. no. 4. 1959) which states
that small quantities of antimony distort the crystalline lattice of seleniumP
while larger amounts of antimony have the opposite effect. The variation in the
mi,c-r"Ohardness, thermal conductivity, and density of crystalline selenium with
xespect to the antimorq content is shown in FIg. 2 of the Enclosures* The micro-
hardness minimum also occurred-at 0.125% antimony content. In order to check the
accuracy of the experimental results, the variation of selenium properties was
calculated according to the formula derived by A. V. Ioffe and A. F. loffe ("DAN
SSSR", 1954, v. 98, No. 5). The theoretical and experimental data correlated
,closely. Orig. art* hast 1 tables 2 figuresp and 3 formulas-
ASSOCIATIONi Institut fiaiki (Institute of Physics)
SUBMITTM-s 19JU163 DATE AOQ i 05jun,64 ERCTa 02
SUB Gorr. I S.% GG NOW Bova 010 OTMRs 002
0. hr)
IJOC. hr)
h r)
selenium glass
Fie. 1. Relation between
heat conductivitY of
s9leni= and the antimon.
Cird 3/4
44 .1 1, j f J1 J1.
.&Card 4/4
Fjg.~ 2, Relation of microhardness (H)p
heat conductivity NO and density
of selenium to the antimony
ACCESSION NR: AP041486 S/0249/64/020/003/OOi7/0021
AUTHOR: Abdullayev, G. B.# Dshaforovap-E. A., Iskender-Zades Ze An
TITLE: effect of additional charged centers on the capacitance of the p-n
transitions In silicon
SOURCE: AN AzerbSSRe Doklady*, v. 20, no. 3, 1964, 17-21
TOPIC TAGS: semiconductor, silicon, p-n transition, p-n transition capacitance,
silicon capacitance, silicon Impurity, charged center, dielectric permeability,
capacitance voltage dependence, barrier capacitance
AIISTRACT; The authors first point out that the capacitance of the p-n transition
at baclward voltages greatly exceeding the contact potential difference Is deter
mii6d-by the volume charge of the excess Ion donors In the n-zone and Ion acceptors
In the p-zone. Hance, on theoretical grounds, the relationship between the barrier
capacitance and voltage Is determined by the disirlbution of electrically activ?
impurities, capacitance being propo, onal to V- with a linear distribution of
Impurities (NI),;,N,)= ax) and to V" with a homogeneous distribut-lon of Impuritle
(ND - N - con n , but being highly dependent on voltage If the distribution of:
ImpurIt?es Is exponential. Expirimental data r-elating capacitance to voltage at
emparatures (17-85C) showed that, following a slow initial decrease with
-'Y-" I 0YAt
Increasing voltage, capacitance Is,goportional to V"1*4 In the voltage range 6-90:
volts, becoming proportional to V- in the range 90-400 volts. This ano-nalous
dependence of capacitance on voltage in the range 6-90 volts was especially pro-
nounced at higher temperatures and could be correlated with the anomalous behavlor~
of the volume charge wIdth In the same voltage Interval. Howevei, as shown In the
Enclosure, the anomal disappeared after efectrical treatment of the silicon (200
v at 175C for 6 hours L The authdrs conclude that the anomalously high capacitance
of silicon in the low voltage range Is due to an irregular distribution of positive-
ly charged Impurities, which are eliminated by electric,s) treatment. OrIg. art*
has: 3 figures and 4 formulas.
isusmiTTED: 24Dec63 ENCL; 09
,SUB CODE: SS 140 REF SOV: 008 OTHER:.. 002
Figure I
Contlnus.tion of Figure 1.
f0 ......
-]Relaflonship between barrier capacitance In pF and baclward voltage, before (curve
and after (curve 2) electrical treatment at 67C.
.C 4/4
A B S T-R ACT -The alltnOl'S point out itiat trie m;jIr pnenomena oDservea in
I-- --s' --4. - F-11-
UL T.FIC FIV.Ll= rl-LYTIUIUIL.;T_j.V.LT-,ff -;Uzxx~~ ~~Y, .--
km. Ap4nnAlnl 0
I ~ -1. A
- - -, - .. W. r. A~s~ w t m w z 0, M., m FS M RE M M, 0 m I I I M Hl-~ li R It roll, v
ACCESSION XR:.AP4041385 8/0048/64/028/00611096/1099
!AtMIORi Abdullayev,G.B.; Nani,R.Kh.; Nasirov,Ya.N.; Osmanov,T.G.
TITLE: Investigation of some physical properties of :-.opper antimony sulfide and
.copper antimony solenide single crystals ZR-cport, Third Conference on Semiconductor
:Compounds hold in Kishinev 26 to 21 Sep 19627
,SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvostiya. Soriya fizichoskaya, v.28, no.6, 1964, 10964099
:TOPIC TAGS: semiconductor, semiconductor property, copper compound, antimony com-
.pound, sulfur compound, selenide compound, single crystal study
'ABSTRACT: CuSbS2 and Cu;9bSe2 were synthesized, single crystals were grown, some
;physical properties of the materials were measured, and the results are presented
graphically. The reagents were spectroscopically pure sulfur, electrolytic copper,
:99..999% selenium, and grado Su-000" antimony. Synthesis yas by molting In veouo
'with mechanical vibration. The molt was cooled slowly to 15000K and hold at that
temperature for 8 to 10 hours. The ingots 'Were homogenized by remelting at 12000K.
,Single crystals were produced by zone refining in an argon atmosphere with the use
of an auxiliary heater. Eighteen to twenty passes ware made at 12 mmj/houro X.ray
cam 1/~
Idiffraction studies showed the resulting specimens to be single crystals with
what distorted structure due, possibly, to the anisotropy of the thermal expan:oimoon
coefficient. The electric conductivity, thermal conductivity, thermal-cid and Hall
coefficient wore measured over various temperature ranges between 80 and 7000K. It
was possible to measure the Hall coefficient of the sulfide only at room tempera-
ture because of the low mobility of the current carriers. The electric conductivity
of both compounds incronsed with increasing temperature over the complete range in-'.
;.vestigated. The activation energy in the sulfide was 0.25 oV below 5000K and 0 75
oV abovo*this temperature. In the solonide the activation energy was 0.16 eV below
3500K and 0.43 eV above 400N. The slope of the rosistivity-tomporature curve for
the solenide was very small between 350 and 4000K. The increase of activation oner-,
gy at the higher temperatures was not observed in the polycrystalline IR%torials.
The thermal omf of both compounds decreased monotonicRlly with increasing tempera-
ture. The thermal conductivity of both materials decreased with increasing tempera-,
turo at low temperatures and -incroasod with increasing temperature at high tem-
peratures. Tito minimum occurred at 2730K for tfio sulfide and 3'OOOK for the selanido'-...
The bohnvior at low temperatures Is ascribed to Cu-Sb ordoringo and that at high
tompar(Lturoo to anorgy transpqrt by oloctron-holo pairs, Tito compound with tile lowffi~'
or molecular weight had the greator thermal conductivity, in accord with the'viows
Card 2/
ACCESSION N11t AP4041385
:of L.S.StUlbans, B.A*Yefimova and L.M.Stavitakaya (Fiz.tverdogo tola,l,1325,1959).
The mobility of the current carriers In the selenido was proportional to T*W2 at
the lower temperatures and to T-5/2 at the higher. 9 figures and I
!BUD CODE: 08, IC NR REP SOVt 008 Q=Rt 003
I C, r f 1 11 a 1 6!
r e
"acceptorp -,ro believed to result frota tDprmai axroam. i"6
1. - a V f f 1 1 0 rn a Th h I e m f V a 3
r ri a o r e i c t
r IL V 1 9 1 a U
. -4. ~ -- :~--
' -, 7'
p 11 F(-- I] ilis IA. V ,
omm"n" MOM