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DIKOV, V.A., Ot. inzh.,- KOLKOTIN, N.M., at. inzh.; KUVYRKIN, N.I., at. inzh., LITOVCHENKO, Ya.A.:, at. inzh.; SULOrSKrY, B.P., ,4_JQ1,,H,j at. takhnik; SHIROKOVAI G.M.; at. takhnik; APPLINA red.izd-va; MIKHEYEVA, A.A., tekhn. red. (Instructions W 5-62) for tho major repair of machinery used in construction) Ukazanila po kapitallnomu remontu ma- shin, zaniatykh v stroitellat,re (U 5-62). -Moskva, Gosstroi- izdat. No.l. [Requirements and general technical specifica- tions for the major repair of machinery] Trabovanlia i ob- shchie tekhnicheskie usloviia po kapitallnomu remontu mashiln. 1962. 14 P. (MIRA 16:3) 1. Akademiya stroitollstva i arkhitektury SSSR. Institut orga- nizatsii, mekhanizatsii i tekbinicheskoy pomoshchi stroitellstvu. (Construction equipment-Atintenance and repair) DIKOV, V.A., at. inzh.; KUVTRKIN, N.I., at. inzh.; LITOVCHENKO, Ta.A., at. inzh.; SULOTSKIY, B.P., at. tekWki ABDULINA,__~~14., at. tekhnik; ZAYTSEV, B.D., otv. za vypusk; SHIROKOVA, G.M.p red. izd-va; MIKHETEVA, A.A., tekhn. red. (Instructions U5-62 for the major repatr of machinery used in construction] Ukazaniia po kapitallnomu remontu maahin, %a- niatykh v stroitel'stve (U 5-62). Moskva, Gosstroiizdat. No.2. [Technical specifications for the major repair of truck- mounted cranes and loaders; the K-32 LAZ-690 and K-51 trunk- mo,!nted cranes and the T-107 loader] Tokhnicheskie usloviia na kapitaltnyi remont avtomobiltriykh kranov i pogruzchikov; avto- krany K-32, LAZ-690 i K-51 pognizehiki T-107. 1963. 119 p. (NIRA 16:6) 1. Akademiya stroitel'stva i a.rkhitektury SSSR. Institut orga- nizatsii, mekhanizatsii i takhnicheskoy pomoshchi stroitellstvu. (Construction equipment-Maintenance and repair) DIKOV, V.A., at. inzh.; KUVYRKIN, R.I., at. inzh.; JZTOVCHENKO, Ya.A., at. insh.j SULOTSKIY9, B.P., at. tekhnik; IBDUL~NA,_ "h., at. tekhniki SHIROKOVA, G.M., red. izd-va; MIKHEYEVA9 A.A., takhn. redi [Instructions for the overhauling of construction machinery (U 5-62)] Ukazanila po, kapitallnomu remontu mashin, za- niatykh v stroitelletva (U 5-62).- Moskva, Gosstroiisdat. No.3. [Specifications for the overhauling of road machiner7 ( D-144 and D-265 motor graders, D-159B and D-271 bulldozors, D-211 and D-260 motor roUers, D-183B and D-222 scrapers)~ Te*Khnicheakie uslovila na kapital'Ayi remont dorozhnykh ?&- shin (artogreidery D-144 i D-265, bulldozery D-159B i D-271., katki motornys D-211 i D-260, skrepery D-183B i D-222). 1963. '109 P. (MIRA 16:8) 1. Akademiya stroitel'stva. i arkhitektury SSSR. Institut or- ganizataii, mekhanizataii i tekhnicheskoy pomoshchi. stroi- tel'stvu. (Road machinery-Maintenance and repair) THAli I the :r,-,wnrofract.()r!c,,; All-Union u6ne'upory 30 65. (ilill-"A 18:8.) sluz)ibc VYDRINA, 2I.A.; KONDRATIYEV, S.N.; ABDULINA, M.A.; SIMONENKO, F.N.; 'A' AKSFLIROD, L.M.; summ, i. Efficiency of using finely milled powders for repairing and fritting hearth bottoms of open-hearth furnaces. Stall 24 no-11:989-991 N 164. (141RA 18: 1) ABDULI M ODZHAYEV, Z. Yaq "Data on the Treatment of Brucollosis Patients." Cand Xed Scij Central Inat for the Advanced Training of Physicians, Min Health UM, Moscow, 1954. (KL, No 3, Jan 55) Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher Educational Institutions (12) SO: Sum. No. 556, 24 Jun 55 ABDULKILBIROVA, X.A. ; STROUVA. X. N. 1-bamad"W"WOW-MLM-- Igo of the W'ba graaltio intrusioas. Izv.AN Xazakh.Sa.Ser.gool. ao.19:40-50 055. (XLRL 9:8) (Ullia R&W-Rooks. Igneous) [-~ZDUI_"JL'J~Ovt~' CO, 43, SATFAYNT, K.I.; BORUKAINT, R.A.; AEDWDSAYIN, U.M.; BOX, I.I.; KUSHBY, G.L*; SIRGIYEV, N.G.; SHLYGIN, Ye.1).; SUGEMBA, G*N.; MONICH, V.K.; LOMONOVICH. I.I.; LAVROT, T.V.; MXD07XV. G.TS.; NOVOKHATSKIY, I.P.; BARBOT-DE-MARNI, AoV.; GALITSKIY, V.V.; KOLOTILIN, N.F,; ZHILINSKIT, G.B.: KAYUPOT, A.K..- XAZAHLI, D.N .: SATPAYEVA, T.A.: ABRULX4B)AQT M.,ko: GAZIZOVA, K.S.; VIYTS, B.I.; MUUMUU. D.Va.-. MLUMAHMHANOV, S.M.; CHOLPANKULOV, T.Ch.; PARSHIN, A.V.; TAZHIRAYMVA, P.T.-, YANUIOVA, M.~.; BYKOVA, M,S.; VOLKOV, A.N.; BOLGOV. G&N.; MITRTAYIVA, N.M.; 0110KItBAYXV, S.Ye.; KMYIIV, D.S.; YARINSKATA, H.A.; RIBROVA, T.I. Tireless explorer of the depths of the earth's crust; on the 65th birthday and 40th anniversary of the scientific engineering ac- tivities of Academician M.P. Rusakov. Vest. AN Kazakh. SSR 13 no.12:96-97 D 157. (MIRA 11:1) (Rusakov, Mikhail Petrovich, 1892-) ABDULKABIROVA, M.A. Thorium in certain granitoida of the Kalb& Range and Altai Mountains. Izv. AN Xazakh. SSR. Ser. gaol. no.2-.78-91 158. (MIRA 120) kKalbakange-Thorium) tAltai Mountains-Thorium) ABWIKABIROVA. M.A., kand.geologo-minaralogicheskikh nauk Iocation of metasomatic iron ore dcposits in nortbern Ke6zakbstan. Vest.AN Ka!zakb.SSR 16 no.209-59 F 160. (KIU 13: 6) (lazakhst&n-Iron ores) III &DVLXAB1RQVAgJ1,A.; ALEKSANDROVA, M.I.; AFONICHEV, N.A.; Dj'JTAJLL'fOV, S.M.; 1,611ALOV, V.F.; BOGDANOV, A.A.; BO':OVIKOV, L.I.; EORSLT, B.I.; DORUKAYEV, R.A.; BUVALEDI, A.K.; BYROV11.1 E'.S.; DVORTSOVA, K.I.; DIZIDO) T.M.; ZOKOV, M.A.; ZVONTSOV, V.S.; IVS110, N.K.; KOPYAT"-VICHO R.A,; KOSTEWO, N.U.; KWAN, A.S.; fX11YUKOV, K.V.; LAVROV, V.V.; LYAPICK"i, G.F.; W.URKEVICH, M.V.; 14IKW,YLOV, A.Yo.; MIKHAYLOV, N.P.; KYCHHIK, H.B.; EIDLEX0, U.N.; ~IKITIN, I.F.; NIKIMROVA, K.V.; NIYOIJLYL'V, N.I.; PUPYHEV, N.A.; RASKATOV, G.I.,- REEGART2,11, P.A.; SAVICHLVA, A.Ye.; SALIN, B.A.; SMYUGIN, N.A.; S124aOV, A.I.; CREPINYAKROVSKIY, A.G.; CEUKOVA, V.G.; SHLYGIH, Ye.D.; SHULIGA, V.M.; ELIGER, E.S.; YAGOVKIN, V.I.; NAI,IVKIK, D.V., akademik.. red.; PMIINOV, S.V., red.; MAKOSHIN, V.A., (GeoloGical structure of central and southern Kazal:hstan] Geologicheskoe stroenie TSentrallnogo i ITJzhnogo Kazakhstana. Leningrad) Otdel nauchno-tokn.inforratsii., 1961. 496 p. (Leningrad. Vsesoiuznyi geologicheskii institut.'Ka-terialy, no.41) 0 (Kazakhstan--Geology) (MULk 14:7) A6DULKABIROVA, M.A. Distribution of ultrabasites and basites in northern Kazakhstan. Izv. AN Kazakhe&iR. Ser. geol, no.6:13-26 162, (MIRA 16-5) (Kazakhstan-Rocks, Igneous) ABDULIKASIMOV, A. ~ reptiono of the Fergana N~i-x-`I. 7a;,- - - J , Vor. otd. Geog.,,71-.'6 '63. i\! 11 PA 1 '11, 9) GASANCV,T.A.; ABDUIXASUNZAIM. X.R. `-""""- ...... `- , , History of stratigrephic investigations of Jurassic northeastern part of the Lesser Caucasus (Azerbaijan Azar b. SSR no.6:23-3) J6154. (GaucaBus-Geology, Stratigraphic) deposits of the S.S.R.) Izv.AN (mlm 8:11) A33DULKASURZADE, M. R, "Materialo on the Stratigraphy of the Upper Jurassic Period of the Lesser Caucasus.* Dokl. AN Azerb. SSRI Vol 10, No 39 pp 179-182, 1954 (Aterbaydzhani resume) The author discusses the Upper Jurassic deposits of the Kad&bekskiy region. These deposits form a belt which extends Into the territory be- tween the rivers Shan'rhorchay and Dzegamchay. The author distinguishes two kinds of deposits In this belt, those of the Callovian and Oxfordian stages. Full descriptions of the components of each type are given. (RZhGeol, No 2, 1955) SO: Sum, No 606, 3 A119 55 ABDTlT.,.lA-lU-"~JU,E, -e A-BrU-L'-WU"7.ADE R. - 11"llie Fauna and Stratii7mOi-,, of th .,.er Jurassic Depos,.t-- of t,he 'Torthealstern Pnrt-Icn of the Lecser Cauca-,:v (A-,e-.bavd2,.han).l' Published by the Acad Sci Azerbiyd:~han Acad Sci Azerbay~zhan SEMI- Illsi, of Geolory imeni Academlcl~n J. ". (iiblkin. Pa~-ii, 1l',55. (Dissertation for the Derree of Candidate in ~~eoluicminmral-.rinal Sciences) SOURCE Krillzhnaya Letopis', ',lo 6 1956 IN 15-1957-7-9054 Translation from: Referativn y zhurnal, Geologiya, 1937, Nr 7, p 32 (USSR5 AUTHOR: Abdulkasunizade, M. R. TITLE: A New Species of the Genus Perisphinctes From the Middle Jurassic Rocks of the Little Caucasus (Azer- baijan) [Novyy vid roda Perisphinctes iz sredneyur- skikh otlozheniy Malogo, Kavkaza (Azerbaydzhan)] PERIODICAL: Dokl. AN AzSSR, 1956, vol 12, Nr 2, pp 107-111 ABSTRACT: On the southwestern outskirts of Kushchu, in the northeastern part of the Little Caucasus, Upper BaJocian ammonites occur in a fine-grained tuff- conglomerate which overlies quartz plagioclase porphyry; the species are Phylloceras heterophxl loides Opp., Parkinsonia parkinsoni Sow., and Peri- sphinctes cf. demuissiumus Siem, A new species Card 1/1 Perisphinctes alieNT-f-sdescribed. V. V. Drushchits ABWIJU X.R.; GASANOT, T.A. 'VI..W A1,494 A - - PP -- - - Upper Jurassic Pelacypoda from Mount ly&W In the. Iesser CiLucasus. Trudy Inst.gsol,All Aserb,SSR 18:33-63 156s (MmA 10:1) (Caucasus-1,amellibr4nahlata, lessil) ABDULKASMIZAM, M.R.; GASANOV, T.A. Bajocian ammonites from the Hakhichavan A.S.S.R. Izv. AN Azerb. SSR. Ser. geol geog. nauk no.4:27-40 '58. (MIRA 11:10) iqN,akhichavan A.S.S.R.-Ammonoidea) GASANOV, T.A.; ABDULKASURZA18, M-R- 1-1--- --- Upper BaJocian ammonites in the Kushchi-Chovdar area in the Azerbaijan S.S.R. (Lessor Caucasus). Trudy Inst. geol. AN Aterb. SSR 19:72-94 '58. (MIRA 12-10) (Aserbaijau-Ammonoidea) ABDULKASUMZADE, M.R.; CASANOV, T.A. Kelloway ammonitee in Kodabek District, Azerbaijan. Izv.AN Azerb.- SSR. Ser.geol.-goog.nauk i nefti. no.4:25-38 '61. (MIRA 15:1) (Kedabek District--Ammonoidea) ABDULKILSYWADE, M.R. senoe of Barremian deposits in the Nagorno-Karabakh AutonomouB Area (Lesser Caucezue), Dokl.kN Azerb.SSR 16 no.D35-38 162. (MIRA 1513) 1, Institut goologii AN AzSSR. Predstavleno, akademikom AN A2SSR M.M.Aliyovpo (Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous Area-Geology, Stratigraphic) -AbDUIAA5UMZADEj M.R.- ALIYEV, M.M., akademik., rod.; KOSTYUKOVSKAYA,Ye., red.izd-~va.!, ILEAGIMOVp M., tekhn. red. [Stratigraphy and fauna of Upper Jurassic depositt; In the northeastern part of the Lesser Caucasus (Azerbaijan)) Stratigraftia I fauna verkhmiurskikh otlozhenii auvoro- vostochnoi chasti. Malogo Kavkaza (Azer bald zhan). Baku, TL7d- vo AN Azerb.SSR, 1963. 114' p. (MIRA 17:3) GASANOV, T.A.; ADI3L'LYASL,,'VADLI, M.R. Age of the volcanic sedimentary formation of the northerr margin in the Nuzger Plateau. Dokl. AN Azerb. SSR 21 no,1:24-27 165. (MIRPS 18:5) 1. Inatitut geologli AN AzerSSR. Off. _/002/0 /00 ACC N1,. Ai,7009559 SOURCt_~ UR/a3~/66/660 035 AUTHOR: Abdulkerimov, L. Sh.; Yakubov, S. Ya. ORG: none 'A--,T!S-. Investigation of Cauchy's problem for quasilinear differential equations of parabolic type in a Banach space SOURCE: AN AzerbSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fiziko-tekhnicheskikh i matematicheskikh, nauk, no. 2, 1966, 35-42 TOPIC TAGS: Cauchy problem, Banach space SUB CODE: 12 ABSTFACT: * 7he article considers Cauchy problems for first and second-order 'quasilinear differential equations of the parabolic type. The authors begin with the first-order equation (t) + A (t, u (t)) u (t) f (t. u (t));' U (0) UOV vinere u(t) is an unknown function with values from the co lex Banach space E. A theorem is formulated and proved showing that problem (17 has a unique solu-, tion on [0,T]. The article then considers the second-order equation u(t)+A(t,u(t).u'(t)) u'(t)=f(t.u(t),jj1(t)), jj(0).U0,U,(0).U1j (a). and proves the existence of a unique' solution to problem (2) on the segment [0, to]% where to E (0,T]. In addition, it is proved that problem (2) also has a uzique solution on [O)Tjo The article concludes by applying the results obtained to a mixed problem for a class of quasilinear, partial difforeatial equations. Orig. art. has: 14 formulas. IJPRS: 39,8483 LCord 1/1 UDG: none 0730 0 ff_~r BT 0 OVO USSR/ Cosmochemistry. Geochemistry. Hydrochemistry Abs Jour : Referat Zhur - Khimiya) No 4) 1957) 11562 Author : Kadyrov V., Abdulkhairov R. Inst : Institute of Wat!r agement and Power Engineering of the Academy of Sciences Kirgiz SSR Title : Some Data on Chemical Composition of Water of High-Mountain Rivers of Northern Kirgizia Orig Pub : Tr. In-U. vod. kh-va i energ. AN KirgSSR, 1956, No 3 (6), 113-117 D. Abstract : Presented are the results of an investigation of chemical composition of water of some high-mountain rivers of Northern Kirgizia, carried out in 1954. The rivers are slightly mineralized (sum of ions 75.6 - 260.7 mg/liter) and appertain to the calcium hydrocarbonate type. Mineraliza- tion of the water increases downstream, over plain stretches, due to ex- tensive evaporation, presence of saline soil and influence of ground vaters: in the river Naryn, from headwaters to a distance of 874 km mine~- ralization increases almost fourfold (by 450 mg/liter). Card 1/1 GAVRZSH, A.; ABDUMNAKINOT, Shameudin gembers of tho All-Union Ypluntoor Society for Assistance to the ArcV, Airforco, and Navy organize the use of equipment on collective farms. Za rul. 16 no. 5.02-4 My 158. (MMA 11:7) 1. Pradgedatell komitnta pervichnoy organizateii Dobrovol'Dogo obahchestva sodoystviya armii, eviataii i flotu kolkho7.a Imeni V.I.Ienina(for Gavrish). 2. Pradsedatell pervichnoy organi2ataii Dobrovollnogo obahchostva sodeystviya armii. aviateit i flotu k-olkhoza *Leningrad.0 Stalinabadakiy rayon. Tafthikskaya SSR(for Abdulkhakinov). (Colloctive fame) ABDUIKMOV A. Hn"AKHMDINOVA, T.S.; KIVVA, Mla.,- GERSHKOVICH, V.I.,, E2L_A-A.j vraoh Comoilo of medioal nurses* Medoseptra 22 noo2251-55 T 163. (HIRA l6t5) 1e Predeedatall moveta moditsinskikh seater, ot&rshVa maditsinskays. seetm Detbkoy bollmitsy Wo.3, BiLmaul, Altayakly %ray (for Eo3A>- mutitsa)..2. Predeedatell soveta maditsLnekikh seater Moskovskoy gorodskoy k;iniah6skoy bollnitay No.64 (for Vasi-1176T) 3. Predmedatell sova+*a meditainskikh seater Foltavskoy bolasinoy bollnitay (gor Kivv~). t (NURSES AND NURSING): ./~I ABDULKILUOVA, G. G. Cand Med Sai -_ "Dat 4M the differential diagnosis of non-diphtherial diseases of the pharynx and the larynx in children." Frunze, 1961 (Kirgiz State Med Inst). (KL, 4-61, 207) 3 1-Y W_ BARLYBA)EVA, II.A.; ABDUMIANOVA, G.G. Clinical characteristics of the course of rhetmatism and its treatment in children of preschool age. Vop. okh. mat. i det. 7 no*5;27-30 My 162. (MM 15:6) 1. Iz Kazakhakogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta okhrany materinstva i detstva (dir. - zasluzhe=yy vrach Kazakliskoy SSR A.B. Bisenova). (RIIELHATIC FEM-1) ,ABDULKHASAN Nurse Z.A.Latypova. Mod'o' sestra 19 no.9;40 5 '60. (HIM 13:9) 1. Glavnyy vrach Uch-Korgonskoy rayonnoy bollnitsy. (LATYPOVA,, ZARIGA A.) ABDULKHASANOV, A. F) (selo Uch-Korgon Oshskoy oblasti) Kamilia..&butalipova, feldsher and midwffe. Fell.d. i akush. 25 tio.8:61 Ag .'.60. (ABUTALIPOVA, K&MLIA) (MM 13:8) NRt AP6021892 (A. SOURCE CODE: UR/0358/66/035/003/0287/0290 AUTHOR: Abdulkbassnov, As ORG: Kyzyl-Kiya Hospital (BoAitBft g. Kyzyl-Kiya) TITLE-. Epidemiology of tick-borne spirochetonis in the Uch-Korgm District of Kirghizia SOURCE: ~bditsinskaya parazitologiya i parAzitarnyye bolezni, v. 35, no. 3, 1966, 287-290 TOPIC TACS: epidemiology, humn disease, disease vector, spirochetosis, tick, environment stucbr, 411~ /104!-444- ABSTRACT: Tick-'borne'spirochetosia in the village of Uch-Korgon during the last 15 'years reaches tvo semiannual peaks, in April and in September-October. ,This corresponds vith,4the seasonal activity of Atectorobius tholosani ticks...,, Old buildinp harbor the ticks in this village. Tick infestation also de--. pends on taWamture't vhl:cb affects. the activity of the carriers. Isee ri g. . . ........... card 7 AP6021892 K 'r Ar Ar I U IF -W a M4 Fig. 1. Mbnthly incidence of tick-b(ime spirochetosis from 1951-195T in Uch-Korgan in Ninters are very cold and summers quite warm. Much of the populatton r'emai nis indoors most of the time, and among these the incidence ot spiro- ,chetosis is highest. Those vbo work outdoors in gardens have leav contact with the ticks. People an infected by other people who harbor V t-ka, and ,also pick them up in infested barns and storage places. Children vho work 'during the cotton-picking season are susceptible. Corrective measims were :taken beginning in 1951, and by 3.957 the autu= outbreak was very it.Light. The people vere instructed in proper measures for destroying tick mservoire,l YUch.enabled them to contain the tick population. -Orig. art. has; 1.f igure.: [W.A. 5C; GM No*, 101 ----A1DU1LAB3KDTT46Avv4mad1d&t ated.nauk influence of oulfaullamidom on,mddatloa-reductlou prooesses In patients with hepatooholecystitle, Aserb.zed.shur. to.2136-39 7 160. (NM 1335) 1. In 1-3r kafedry Coapitalluoy terapii (say. - prof, S,A, Vared- sade) Aserbaydshanskago gasudarstyannogo med1talualrogo InItituta Im, W, 1krimanova. (SULPORMIDIS) (OnDATION, MSIOLOGICAL) (GALL BLAIDDIR--DISUSIS) ABDULIABEKOV*, G.A. Influenco of biomycin on oxidation-roduction procosaaa In hepatocholecystitis. Azerb. mod. zhur. no.9:26-29 S 161. (MIll 14' 9) (AUREMMIN) (OXIDATION,, PIESIOLOGICAL) (LIVER-DISEASES) ABIDULLABIEKOV) (,.A.p laLrid. med. nauk Effect (-f tetrai~ycl4np an the oxidat -redur, 'Ill, ou processes in hepatocholeeyst-it's. Azerb. mod. zhvr. rc).9-.261-30 1.1 162 (MIRA 18:1.) 1. )z kafedry 1-y gospitallnoy terapii (zav. - prof. S.A. Pzmadzads) i kRfedry bic-'ihinii ( -,a,,r,. - !,~-qJUXYemiyy deyatell naukl, Frof. A.S. Ifis,,uiov) Azerbaydrhans~(.lgu Liorudarstvamioer, miditeinckoea stituta !jnf.- I N. Narinnaxiova (rektor - zarluzliennyy deyatell nauki pref. B.A. b~rrazov). t- )6839 -66 ACC NRj AP60241148 SOURCE CODE: GE/0030/66/ol6/002,/0205/0208 I AUTHOR: Abdullaev, G. B.; Guseinova, E. S. Tagiev, B. G. Jr,/. ORG: Institute of Physice,_Icademy of Sciences of the. Azerbaidzhwi SSR, Baku TITLE: Electrical conductivity of p-GaSe singi crystals t lectric fields tn s rong e SOURCE: Physica status solidi, v. 16,Ao'."1, 1966, 2()5-2(.)8 TOPIC TAGS: electrical conductivity, gallium selenide, dielectric constant, diele breakdown J,4-r-'erR1V_ A7JU0 ABSTRACT: The electrical conductivity of p-GaSe single crystals was measured in strong electric fields UP to 3 x 104 v/cm. The duration of the pulses was 4 Psec and the repetition rate 50 cps. When the field was about 1600 v/cm, Ohm's law was not obeyed and the conductivity increased with the field according to Fren1kel-'s law: a = 0 0 e0 'T, where o = Vle3lk TFc and c is the dielectric constant. From the temperature dependence of 6 the value of the dielectric constant of p-GaSe single crystals was established to be approximately five. The hole acLivation energy, de- termined from the temperature dependence of the conductivity, decreased with the increasing field,thus agreeing with Frenkel's theory. By extrapolating the Ig o = f(l/T) (straight lines) a thermal brealtdown temperature equal to about 25,OOOK was found which can be referred to as the metallization temperature (T in ). It was established that kT, '~' 2 ev is the thermal energy gap at absolute zero. By extrapo- lating the 1g a = ~Tvfi (straight lines) a breakdown intensity Eb, which characterize L 36839-M -- -- --Vj 6 .1 ACC NR. J~PC022 46 . Ithe electrical strength, was found to be ',,107 v/cm. Ilie width of the energy gap AE9, obtained from the expression: AE, = 2 e 44--/c appeared to be about 1.9 ev. IOrig. art. has: 2 figures. ICS) SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 07mar66/ ORIG REF: 0061 UM REF: 005/ ATD PRES!" ?d.3sl L 10010-67 Eap (t)/ET I __Ijp.(c ~_jD/jG/ ACC NR1 Ar6036323 SOURCE CODE: GE/0030/66/018/011/KO29/KO31 AUT11OR: Abdu laev G- B,--L~1alsagc?y,__A. __q.; Clazov,-Y__~.. ORG: Institute of Physics,_Aca-demy of_Sciences of the Azerbaidzhan SSR V)o-A%3 [TITLE: Thermoelectric power of AIBII'C2V1 type compounds in the solid and liquid .state iSOURCE: Physica status solidi, v. 18, no. 11, 1966, K29-K31 !TOPIC TAGS: copper Icompound, seleni ompound, tellurium _.compound, um c jeompound, indium compound, thermoclectrit power, thermocouple ,ABSTRACT: The thermoelectric power of CuGaSe 21 CuGaTe2, CuInSe2, and CuInTe2 as a. ifunction of temperature between 100 and 1200C was measured in the solid and liquid- istate of the compounds. Measurements of the thermal emf were carried out by the 1contact method in an inert gas, and readings were taken from several samples of each :particular compound. The investigations showed tiiat in the case of CuGaSe2, CuGaTe21 land CuInTe2, the thermoelectric power rises with temperature up to a certain Ivalue and then decreases monotonically up to the fusion temperature. In the liquid !phase the emf decreases linearly with temperature. The thermoelectric power of CuInSC2 increases only tip to 180-200C and then falls almost linearly. An abrupt dro; occurs under fusion conditions, probably due to the growth of charge-carrier concen- ! Itration and a decrease in the difference of electron hole mobilities. All compounds I Card W~ L 10018-61 XC NP% AP6036323 0 lexhibit an abrupL increase in thermoelectric power if a heavier element is substitute, for the anion. Orig. art. has: 4 figures and I table. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 05oct66/ ORIG REF: 002/ OTH REF: 003/ ATD PRESS: 5105 i Card 2/2 egk /,TDZ,7,G T, SOURCE CODETV 0 Z XP6012809 '- * ', 3 ALL NX, G /0 30/61/014/002/X127/K1 0: AUTHOR:- Abdullaev, G. B.; Hekhtiev, R. F.; Mamedova, A. Z.; Guseinova, E. S.. ORG: Institute of Physics, Academy of Sciences,Azerbaydzhan SSR, Baku TITLE: Investigation of hotoconductive relaxation in p-Ea .~e single-crystala SOURCE: Physica status solidi, v. 14, no. 2, 1966, K127-Kl3O TOPIC TAGS: relaxation process, majority carrier, minority carrier, photoconductivity ABSTRACT: 'Photocdnductive relaxation in p-GaSe pi-oduced by short light pulses was. studied in order to determine the lifetime of majority and minority carriers. Photo- conductivity decay terms indicate the presence of two exponential components with dif- ferent time constants. It is shown that the time constant of the high speed compo- nent is almost independent of temperature within the range 150 to 355*C while the low speed component changes. This can be explained on the basis of recombination through traps having a high concentration. It is concluded that the high- and low-speed compot nents are associated with the electron and hole components of photoconductivity, re- i spectively. orig. art. has: 3 figures. I SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 27Jan66/ ORIG REP: 008/ OTH REP; 001 -ABDUUaHODZHAYBV,, A.A. Idthofaoies division of Jurassic Topogeol*Usb. no.21105-3-13 161. (Angezm regiork~--Geologyp sediments in the Angern region. (MIRA l5tl2) Stratigraphic) ABDULL,I=DT,j G.A., Cmd Fharm Uci--(dics) "Di ch lore thanc, it~ forenni x homical dttootian ,aid B%ku, 13 Pi, Giner- baydzhan Stato led Inst im I's. Barimanov), 2,50 cc;-,ief3 CKLOO-52,134) ABDULIAKUDOVA, A. Through efforts of ths cultural section of the factory committee. Sov. profsoiusy 7 no.16:42 Ag 159. (NIRA 12:32) I.Zaveduy=hchaya kullturno-massovym otdolom soveta profsoruzov Uzbekskoy SSR. (Tashkent--Communist education) PETROV. II.P.; IIUIWTOV,,I.V.; CHZRMVSXIT. N.N.': ABDULTAKHODMONT, A-A- 11somannito from;brown coal and kaolins in Uzbekistan. Dokl. AN Uz.SSR no.1:17-20 159. (HIRk 12:4) 1. Inotitut goologii AN UzSSR. P~redstavleno akademikom AN UzSSR A.S.Uklonskim. (Uzbekistan-Ilsomann'ite) ABDULIAXHODZHAYEV, A.A.1 PETROV, N.P.; RASUIOV0 Sh.K.; KHAMRA13AYEV, I.M. . Weathering surfaces of Uzbekistan. Kora vyvetr. no 6s?31- ~~, 240 163. iMIRA: 170) 1. Inatitut geologii AN Usbekskoy SSR, Tashkent. .4 1% v,ed -'ci - ol" certain prot(Arn .5u osta. tees in tht~ u,.Cl*0!3tnct.vxtd cu~nt-ov.otoo anal.-,Eor ot' a rabbit in Ontoj-t~..L-sis 19),-J.. 1E PI) (Jtca,;oq~ of .-Odical S.,. it!;,C,-z UL)~)I%) khL, 39-uU, 110) ABDULUMODUMVIt M. Amomt of protein SII-grou~s-in the microstructures of the dermomotor analyzer and in t1a effaotor neiLrons of the spirial cord and cranial nerves of the medulla oblo#gata of the rabbit in antogenasis. Mad. zhur. U&b. no. 1&29-35 JA 160. (MIRL-13ig) 1. I2 laborhtorii gist-kh'mJ4.Institut&.mOZg&.AMN SSSR (dir, - prof, S.A. Sarkioovp zik*r, laboratorley - prof* M, Portugalov) i kafedry gistologii (mv. - dotsent Kju, Usmanov) Ta'shkentakogo meditsinskogo Instituta. (HERCAPTO GROUP) (NMVOUS SYSTEM) AWULLMMWMMAI M, Histochemical study of the proteins in microstructures of the skin-motor analyzer of the rabbit in ontogeoesis. Mod. zhur. Ui;b. no.12s60-65 D 160, (MnA 3.48 1) 1. Is laboratorii gintokbivnii (zav. - Prof. V.V, Port*JMIOV) Lwtituta AM &SSR i kafedr7 gistologU (sav, - doteent, "OTTasbkontskogo gosudarotyennogo meditsinekogo instituta, K.Yu* Ufmanov (PROtEINS IN THE BODY) (SftvOUS SMT34) 7' A,E D,kLL rZ USSR/organic chemistry, Synthetic Organic Chemistry. E-2 Abs jour: Ref Zhur-Rhimiyal 14o 61 1957) 19051- Author Mamedov Shankhalp Abdullayev A. Inst Title Synthesis of Simple Glycol Ethers. 25. Synthesis of Dialcoxyderivatives of Dimethyl Ethers of Tetraalkyl Substituted Ethylene Glycole. Orig rub. Azerb SSR elmler Akad. neberlerip Izv. All AzSSR) 1956, 14o 5j 49-56. X~stract: The authors synthesized alcoxyderivates of dimethyl ethers of tetraalkyl substituted Slycoles of the type CR2C(OCH20RI)7 (1) according to a previously described method (Tr. In.?aimiyi All AzSSR) 1946, 6) b the action of CICH OR' (II) on 02C (OMgX)7 (III~ a product of the interac?ion of P14a with ethyl either of succinic acid (ether solution) time of reaction 4-5 Ca::d 1/2 ABDULLAYEV, A. Resistance -if some varieties and perennial forms of cotton to verticilliosis. Uzb. biol. zhur. 9 no-4:60-64 163. (MIRA 18:10) 1. Institut gonetiki i fiziologli, rastaniy AN UzSSR. ABDULLAYEV A.A., aspirant Urinary calculi. Nauch. trudy SamMI 22t39-43 163, (MIRA 17;9) 1. Iz kafedry fakulitetskoy khirurgii Samarkandakogo meditsinskogo instituta. or U.33,R/Qultlv.,.bed Jorrion. AbB Jour R`f 10, 195-~ 442'4 J Author A',-Yllillayev, A.A. III E3 t iz'- 1 c 'ior` iculturint Tio Acllj:,ve::.,ont s of lu'.-,,) -2,,.d j i"i u ,~.rd of Ori- Pub 3ad i o3o.-od, 1957, i-o 10, 45-43. Abstract iio abstract. rd 1/1 ABDULLAYHY A red.1 STARITS, R., red.; POLTORAK. L. (In the pavilion of the Vajik S.S.R.; progressive praotiess #f participonts in the exhibitiox] T pavillene Tadzhikskoi SM; peredovoi opyt uchastnikov Tystavki. Stalinabod, Tadshikskoe gas.ixd-ye, 1958. 149 p. (KIRA 12:6) 1. Moscow. Yeasoyusuays sallskokhosymyst"nnaya vystsykag 1954- - (Tajlkistan--Agriculture) (Moscow-Agrieultural exhibitions) RAERWOV, R.R.; ABVJLLAYET, A.A. Iffect of growing conditions on the oil and gossypol content of cotton oeedso Dokl. AN Uz.SSR no.2:47-50 159. (XnIA 12:4) 1. Institut genatiki I fisiologli rastenly AN UzSSR. Predstavleno akademikom AN UzSSR A.S. Sadykovyw. (Cottonseed) ABDULIATIV, A.A. Effect of different fertilizing rates on developmental phases and productivity In some representatives of Gosaypium hiroutum. Uzb.biol.zhur. no.4:32-39 159. (141RA 13:1) 1. Institut genettki I fiziologii raeteniV AN UzSSR. (Cotton--lartiliz6ro and manures) ABDULLAYEV, A. A. Cand Biol Sci - (dies) "Study of the behavior and economic evalua- tion of collection samples of various kinds of cotton plant at contrasting agrophones." Leningrad, 1961. 29 pp; (Ministry of Agriculture USSR, All-Union Order of Lenin Academy of Agricul- tural Sciences imeni V. I. Lenin, All-Union Scientific Research Inst of Plant Growing); 170 copies; price not given; (KL, 5-61 sup, 182) /BDIJj.T,jtY~'V, A., kand.blolug.nnak ...... .-, - -- - - - Resisonce to wilt. of some cott3n forms and variet"as. Agrobiologlin no. 3%374-378 V;-Je 164. (RD4 1. Inst-itut genodki t rastonly AN Tashkent. L 4AS9~;46 EA1j'~Mj'/9WE.(Jj RM ACC NRt AYWZb4Z9 SOURCE CODSI WOO79166[0-361063-/012/09 AUTHORI Shjkhj3Mvj_I. A.; AWgUayevp N. R. ORGI Institute of Petrochemical Processeal Ac!~M of Sciences, Azybaydzhan SSR (Institut neftekhimichookikh proteSessov Akademit nauk Azerbaydirtanalcoy MR) TITIZi Syntheaia and conversions of organosilicon compounds. Report No. 30- Synthe- Isis and certain conversions of silicoacetylenic formals SOURC31 Zhurnal obahchey khinii, v. 360 no. 3t 1966j 912-914 TOPIC TAGS1 organosilloon compound# alcoholy etherg acetal ABSTRACTS The reactivity of primary, secondary, and tertiary ailicoacetylania alcoholi toward various a,-ohloromethyl alkyl others was studied. The reactions were$ (A1k)IC-C-=C-S1Rj' (Alk)jC-C.~C-SIN OC112-on, n = rly C It AM: H; A, k If: 211 It*,. C.113;. Alk (tv it - Cnll~h' Alk C A I k If If'; 313 Alk ::m. CH'Tl I~ R" It, ellob-111" Att elf, Colts A 'I k Clio, 0,116 If no "1"t4 It,= ClIt'hCalls.A no -.0 1 It3ont Cot A k: Cite. 01110 it.. ?3' Alk =CH. .0 , I W at, it"' ~C I.)ZH,. A k - Clio. no L ACC ?no structure of the allcoacetylenia formals obtained was determined speotroscopicaUvj and by an exchange reaction of one representative with organomagnesium compounds$ C113 Br C'II'-CII'-OC4"rvL C113-~-C'MC-SIPWICIIII+ mg/ C113 \C'11 C113J-CMC-SI(CI13)&CI"& Eleven representatives were thus obtained for the first time and were characterized. It was found that a-chlorowthyl alkyl othera!Ir"ot more vigorously with tertiary organosiUcon alcohols than with primary or i-econdary alcohola. Orig. art. hast I table, SUB CODES 07/ SUBM DAW 03Apr65/ MM REFS 001 ABDULIAYEV, A. PA 165T52 Ltwit/Muclear rb"Ics - mesons Aug 50 "Origin of Secondary Slov Mesons in the Atmos- phere," A. Abdullayev,, G, Zhdanov, Yu. Kamenet- skiy, A. Naumov, A. Khaydarov, Phys Inst imeni Lebedev, Acad Sci USSR "Zhur Eksper i Teoret Fiz" Vol XXI. No 8, pp 6T3- 683 Authors reveal and discuss experimental data ob- tained,by them on properties of slow mesons vith lifetime of 2 micrO3eC. Of several possible assumptions on mechaniam goVerning: generation of such mesons in the atmosphere, most probable is dec:y process of other mesons.-pQssessing greater azd:emaller lifetimes. Submitted 9 Feb 50. -"a 165T52 ~ejjj L-L-KI obobnk ad I ap"n by f" Ndbod ad do .vslow feb'dionow" AaAKAlr4 0. ZKD~. AV. a M4, L KokAuLav Am A. KnAbAsov. iwimZLEkqw. Tom. 1W 21, 107OLM (No. 9. 1"l) In AwAimm. 7U $WbM d$MCW4M 10 PMW MRS thit WPCOW- mom in the wAtbod of dd*yW colpLidenm %%Iik-b tky W&o&p)od in thdr wramm Fm the Inwookw tim of *a abowsm gwodmd by c a 1, rkvL Ttwk Wo to mWale was wmra* &W rvtW* the f m of do pwtida appawft or a mWt of the obdm dWoqpWkm &nd WaIMMOM mumd by do lwmWrq pulicks (mm the thirwi tftxwds or IM bitter. W. L SAMMY A ";D : T Tj Y.;VAI ~ I- I . ~.. V ,.. 1%. - -(:'O'Is IY At~dullapw, A. A. -- "An lriv;:rti.-,ation of the Procer7r~s Df -tif %, - - V-i3 "`Xthod of 3-Aincidences 4-ith A ~1.-)doscope." Cznd Nys-:-lath Sci, -'! -- ys i c s k - -.- I . , ~) ---Ft, t~c;~dl ~~Cl LS'i, MaFzcovi 1?53- (.qei'c r,-.-L; vflyy Ziil Jan tA, ~ ~10: 'I" If ', 22 July I ~5)i .-PMLA UI-y"'A ; DLTKOV, V.K. , red.; FFMOVA, A,F., takhn.riffi-i A,, 0; (Raergy of the atomic nucleus] Snergiia atomnogo iadra. Moskva. Goe.uoliabno-pedagog.izd-vo 14-va proov.RSFSR, 1958. 135 ps (MIRA 12-11) . (Itomic energy) uy,_Abakar Abakarnvjrh,.-_DMOT, V.K., rod.; F.SDOTOVA, A.F., - --- [Inerig of the atomic nucleus] Inergiia stomnogo iadra. Moskva, Gos.uchebno-peds6og.izd-vo K-va proev.RSYSR, 1958a 135 P. (MIRA 13:11) (Atomic energy) ABDULIATIV, A.A.; LOB"OV, TeX; KHLITOV, B.Z.; XELATDAROV, A.A. Uos of the tritium radiolootope In studying the dynamice of underground water. Izv*AN Us.SSR.Ser.fiz.-mat.nauk no.6t 82-83 '59. (MMA 13: 6) 1. I4stitut yadernoy fisiki AN U05L (Tritium-Iootopes) (Water,Underground) LLA A TU,~AhIJLOV, ~a.Hh., doktor biolog. nauk, otv. red.; ABDU 'Kand. fiz.-mat, nauk, red.; ABDURASULOV, I M.-I.,doktor mod. nauk, rod.; ARIFOV, U.A., akademik.. red.; BORODULINA, A.A., kand. biol. nauk, red.; IVASIIE-V, V.11., red.; IOMOVA, G.S., red.; KIV, A.Y., red.; LOBAFOV, Ye.M., kand.fiz.-mat. nauk, red.; I-IIKOIAYEV,. A.1., kand. med. nauk, red.; EISMOV, D., krind. khim. na-ak, red.; SADYKOV, A.S., akademik, red.; STARODUBTSEV, 3U., akademik, red.; TALANIN, Yu.N., kand. fiz.-inat. nauk, red.; GORKOITCY, P.I., red.; GORIKOVAYA, Z.P., tokhn. red. [Trar-.&ctions of the Tashkent Conference on Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy] Trudv Tashk-entskoy konforents1i po rirnoru is- pollzovan-~iu atormoi energii, Tashkent, 1959. Vol-3. 1961. 5CI P. (NDA 150) 1. TaoWrentskaya konferentsi,.-a po nirnomu ispolIzovaniyu atom- noy energii, Tashkent, 1959. 2 Akadcriya nauk Uzbekskoy SSR (for Arifov, Sadykov, Starodub4cv). (Atomic energy-Congresses) S/16 60/000/004/005/008 C1 1 1Y0222 AUTHORSt Abdullayev. A.A.. Lobanor, Ye.M. Novikov, A.P. and -g-aydarov, A.A. TITLEs Radioactive Analysis of SkarnV(Silicate Contact Gaugue) of the Ingichka Occurrence PERIODICALs Izvestiya Akademli nauk Uzbekakoy SSR. Seriya fiziko- matematicheakikh nauk, 1960, NO-4, pp. 65--74- TEXT: The paper contains results on the practical measurement of the concentration of W, Mn, Ka, Al and Fe in the skarns of the Ingichka tungsten occurrence. The measurements were carried out according to a method elaborated by the authors (Hof-3) which permits to prove simultaneously several elements in a test without destoying of the test. For this aim the tests were radiated by neutrons; that led to the origin of radioactive isotopes. Then the identification of the elements in the test was performed simultaneously according to the half-Jife and according to the energies of the g-radiation. Here the half-life curves were traced for every element in a special region of energy being characteristic for the element. The experiments have Card 1/2 S/16 60/000/004/005/008 C1 1 1YC222 Radioactive Analysis of Skarne of the Ingichka Occurrence confirmed that the method proposed by the author in (Ref-3) for the identification of several elements in a test is possible without a separation of the elements. The method is suitable for radioactive well logging. There are 9 figures, 3 tables and 8 references3 6 Soviet and 2 American. ASSOCIATIONt Institut yadernoy fiziki AN Uz SSR (Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Acade my of Sciences UzS-ekskaya SSR) SUBMITTED# March 6, 1960 Card 2/2 LL ~,i aroc ub t ol:,n, Aca--,7'y 0~ C': s -L: 17- Tranpactions of the Ta~hkent (Cont.) SOV/5410 c~.najdnuo of viyeica and Mathemat1ca; Ya. Kh. 'ITuralculov, Doctor of Blological S,,lienoen. Ed.: R. 1. Khamidov, Tech, W, : A. 0. Babakhanowi. VLMIC~BB ; ~:-he publi,--ation Is inter-LIed for vicrkeri and c-picyA it) rxAJcnC'-.jw Irotcres ,,r,J nuclrar rallint-len are wed fcr rr.-i~-arch in rhr-mical, goo- irgicrk;' and We huo logical flulds. u-Z: 1.7hiz collection o! -J3 articlei rcpz-,~~nnlt tho.) accond of the T.-an,.a^.tInn3 of the Ta.--hkcnt Conf(~r,nce on the r,~E,-cfta unen of Atomit. fnerzf. The indlvidua2 arti~lci deal vltli a %,-Ide range of problc-n-i in tho field of nuc.,:a~ radiation, in.r-lvding; prc~dizetfcn and chcmianal ana2y!--1.-3 cf raitca,tive !..-,rtcpcs; inv-~.*tigatlon of the kinctIcs of chemacal r-~actions by r~cLn3 o--:' isotcpas; application cf ipec,%tral pnalyji.-~ for the ranuractur-Ing of radioactive pr(!paraticnq; rxlloa-~rilve methoda for deter-mining the content of elements In the and an analysis of methods for obtaining puro substances. Certain Card 2/2o Transactions of tho Tashkont (Cont.) SOV/5410 inntr-j7-Dnta used, such as autc7atio roralator-o' flol~nntorz' level 1-w~;ca, and hi&h-acncitivity arc dcoci~lbed. No pero.-,nalitio3 are mentioned. Rufarencel folloir individual artic1c.l. TABLE OF CONTMITS j RADIOACTIVE ISCTOPES k,,D NUCLEful RADIATION IN 107D GEOLOGY Dobanov, Yc. M. (Inatitut yad,,~rnoy fiziki U-SSR - Institute of Nuclear Ph.:o1c; "'S UzSnR]. of Radioactive Isotopes and Nitelear Rtidintion In Uzbelclotan 7 T:~!.sar, 1. 11., and V. A. Yanuchkovoliy (Inatitut fiziki A:7 Latv Institute of Physics kS Latvian SSR]. Problc,,.,.s of the -;'flication of Autozzatic-Control Apparatus Bxscd on the 7joa of Ra('Ioactivq Isotopes 9 Card 3/20 Transactions or the Tashkent (Cont.) SOV/5410 jQi,-,vihc1,cv, V. Q., A. S. Lcpilln, U. Ya. Marculis, S. M. Stepanov, 1'. 1. kly, T. V. BronberZ, and V. G. 1,iliyev [ I:ini.-,try of Y-alth US.511;. Industrial Gr,-,ma-Plant for Sterilization of ,:cdical ;'aterlala 170 Khruch0m) V. Q.j B. A. Rub1n, L. V. Mntlitskiy, A. 1. PLytov, N. 11. ClayainI U Ya MarMilis, V. S. Gramma.Likati, V. G. Vlasov, and A. V. Petro; b1inistry of Health USSR). Gmma-Flant for Ocntinuous Irradiation of Potatoes 182 irckoflyev, N. 0. (Institut ek'nomiki AN SSSR - Inntitute of Ec~onomics AS USISR]. Economic Efficiency of the Use of 1;2~gh- Capacity Gamma-I'lants in the LiFht and Food Industry 192 Abdullaycv_A. iL., Ye. D1. Lobanovo A. P. Novlkov, and A. A. or Nuclear Physics AS TUSSR1. Uise of a 1.1'altichannel Scintillation Gamma-Speatrometer for the Analysis of Rock Specimeno 199 Card 10/20 it Tran,_iactlcna of tile Tashkent (Cont.) SOV/52110 Abdullayev, A. A., A. P. Novilkov, Ye. 111. Lobanov, M. 44. Rc-mnov, (Inatitute of Nucloar Physics AS UzSS111. of Indium Content in S haleritea by the Eethod of p Ra-allouctive Analysia 203 T~)t,anov, Ye. M., 0. 11. Romanov, 11. M. ro-,.anov, and A. A. ZTiaydirov. Doter.-Lination of Copper and 1,'an[:ane--e Content In A'I;ialyk Ore Deposits by the 14'ethod of Ncutzrn Radioactive Analyz;is M~kcrmqn, A. F., P. L. Gwika, and D. K. Knipov (Inotitute of Nuclear Physics KazSSR]. Application of i:onto Carlo ;'f-thod for the Investigation of Go-,..,7.a-Qaanta Passage Through a Svbstance eruTbkov, A. P., and 0. S. Sc".nov [Inatitut gcologii I raz- rabotki Zoryuohikh iakopayc-.Vkh A11 S'SR - Inatitute of GeoloZy ard rrc!lu,,tlon of Mineral ruels AS USE]. Radiometric Appara- tus Used In Proepecting for Oil and Gaa Card 11/20 203 212 220 T:-an:%actlonn of the Tashkent (Cont.) SOV/5410 (.f .1c,,oloCical Sp?cinens S. A. Bibinov, Ye. N. Lobanov, A. F. Novilcov, A. (Institute of Nucloar 11hylico AS UZ0311). of Lead Percenta'p;i., in Concentrates v. B. G., D. F. Dc-palov, L. 14. Bondarcn1co, L. R. Vc'~t.jk' N. V. Porcv, A. I. YJau3tov, Yu. S. Shirelevi,-h, A, S. "'jll-i 11n9titute of Geology and Productlon of 1-uneral F~zols Rc--xxlt,1 of the First Induatrial Tests of a Ncutron -io.ilt rator in Oil Wella lin'. i. 11., V. N. S-,,drnov, and L. P. Starchik (in- -.itut ('-la All' SSSR - I-lining Dintitute AS USSR]. Uac of of Poal* for the Qtantitative Control of En- r1:1irwnt Frcducticna Containing Beryllium, Boron, Pluorine, and Alurnlnum Srapnnyimts, R. A., and B. B. Nefedov [Vncaoyxznyy n.-I. inc-ti- tut mckhanizatsii sel'skogo khozyaystva - All Union Scientific 277 282 285 293 Card 14/20 3/16 60/000/005/004/008 C1 1 1Y0222 AUTHORSs_Abdullayev, A.A., Lobanov, Ye.M., Noyikov, A.P., Khaydarov,A,A,, an,47115`551-H-5 -v,--M. M. TITLE: Analysis of Activated Samples of Ore With the Aid of Scintillation Gamma-Spectrometers PERIODICALs Izvestiya Akademii nauk Uzbekskoy SSR, Seriya fiziko- matematicheakikh nauk, 196o, NO:5, pp-48-56 TEILTt The authors propose a method permitting an analysis of multiple- compomant-materiala.without a radioehemieal separation of the isotopes. The analysis of the samples radiated with neutrons is carried out with the-aid. of a multi-channel scintillation gamma-spectrometer which records the total spectrum of gamma raaiations of the mixture of radioactive isotopes. In order to separate the radiations of the single isotopes the timely change of the intensity of the different spectral lines being characteristic for the isotope in question, is considered. By such a modification of the usual method it becomes possible to identify the elements according to the half-life as Nell as to the energies of thq gamma lines of corresponding radioactive isotopes. Thereby it becomes possible, for complicatedly composed ores to prove the single elements Card 1/5 s/166/60/000/005/004/008 C111/0222 Analysis of Activated Samples of Ore With the Aid of Scintillation Gamma- Spectrometers qualitatively as well as quantitatively. The quantitative proof is carried out by a comparison with known standard samples. The authors report especially on the application of the method for the analysis of the In-content in afalerite ores and of the Cu and Mn-content in granitic ores. A diagram is given for the decrease of the aotivity of the elements appearing in afalerites Card 2/5 S11 6Y60/000/005/004/008. CI 11 C222 Analysis of Activated Samples of Ore With the Aid of Scintillation Gamma- Spectrometers Card 3/5 PIK. 3. PaMTHMe XPIIIINC C113Aa aK- THB110MI SUMQ1110H. S11661601000100510041008 C111/C222 Analysis of Activated Samples of Ore With the kid of Scintillation Gamma- Spectrometers Fig. 3. Calculated curves for the decrease of the aotivity. The diagram fig.5. serves for the determination of the % content of In in ores with a different content of ZnS. 2 h, 3 .15 10 ;114 .12 2 . . . . . . . . Zn X 0.2 ab zo ~s 18 ;,2 2s ?q Puc. 5. lfomorpastma xisi onpeieiciing npo- UNITHoro coiepwamtfl In 11 PRAU C 1)33.11119- Card 4/5 utim upoiteuritux Mtepwittitest ZnS . S/166/60/000/005/004/008 C111/C222 Analysis of Activated Samples of Ore With the Aid of Scintillation Gamma- Spectrometers Fig-5- Nomogram for the determination of the % content of In in ores with a different % content of ZnS. There are 4 tables, 5 figures and 5 references: 4 Soviet and I American. ASSOCIATION: Inatitut yadernoy fiziki AN Uz SSR (Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Academy of Sciences Uzbekskaya SSR) SUBMITTEDt March 6, 1960 Card 5/5 S/075/6o/ois/006/010/016 B020/B066 AUTHORS: Abdullayev, A. A., Lobanov, Ye. M., Novikov, A. P., --roman-ov,-M-.-)d.-,-atTd-Khaydarov, A. A. TITLE: Determination of Indium Content in Spbalerites by Radio- activation Analysis PERIODICAL: Zhurnal analiticheakoy khimii, 1960, Vol. 15, No. 6, pp. 701-705 TEXT; The authors made an attempt of developing a method for the indium determination in sphalerites by means of direct measurement of the energy spectra of the test sample by a y-scintillation spectrometer. The produc- tion of radioisotopes Of indium according to the reaction (npl) was used as a basis for the method. The nuclear cliaracteristics of the elements occurring in sphalerites are given in Table 1. The device applied consists of a special lead casing (with the spectrometric monocrystal NaI(Tl)) 40 mm in diameter and 38 mm high, which is connected with a photoelectron- ic multiplier of the (D3Y -1C (FEU-1S) type; a single-channel amplitude analyzer with amplifier, a computer, and a stabilized high-voltage recti- fier. The energy scale of the analyzer in the energy range of 0.3-1.5 Mev Card 1/3 Determination of Indium Content in Sphalerites S/075/60/015/006/010/018 by Radioactivation Analysis B020/Bo66 proved to be linear (Fig. 2). The activity of elements contained In the sphalerite was calculated from data given in Table 1, on the basis of which the curves for the activity decrease were lotted (Fig. 3), accord- Ing to the equation I - nPON 11 - exp(-0,693t/T)f , where n)) denotes the neutron flux, a the cross section of neutrons of the elements, N the number of nuclei of the activated element, t the time of irradiation, and T the half-life period. The analysis of the curves given in Fig. 3 suggests a period of 5 minutes to be an adequate interval between the termination of irradiation and the beginning of measurements. The sphalerite standard samples were bombarded with slow neutrons from a polonium-beryllium source with an activity of 35 curies for 3 hours and 35 minutes. The authors investigated the change of intensity of the photopeaks of the energy spectrum with time, and identified the isotope both with respect to the characteristic bands of the spectrum and the half-life period. The activity of the indium isotope was measured within two half-life periods, and then the degradation curves were plotted (Fig. 4). Table 2 gives the results obtained for the activity of standard samples of different indium contents. Fig, 5 shows the activity as a function of the percentage indium content at an interval Card 2/3 Determination of Indium Content In Sphalerites 5/075/60/015/006/010/018 by Radioactivation Analysis B020/BO66 of measurement of 5 minutes and with a 5 g sample. On the basis of Fig. 5, a nomograph was plotted to determine the percentage indium content in samples of different weights (Fig. 6). After calibrating the device and plotting the nomograph,the indium concentration was determined in sphalerites from some deposits of the Uzbekskaya SSR (Table 3). The dif- ference between the results is, on an average, not more than 7%, and the statistic error not more than +3%, whereas the characteristic error of the method (due to unequal conditi-ons on bombarding and measurement) is � 2 - 3%, at an In-content in the order of magnitude of 0.1%. Finally, the authors thank S. T. Baladov for providing an analytical sample. There are 6 figures, 3 tables, and 6 references: 3 Soviet, 1 Austrian, and 2 US. ASSOCIATION: Institut yadernoy fiziki AN UzSSR, Tnighkont (Institute of Nuclear Physica of the AS Uzbekskaya SSR, Tashkent) SUBMITTED: August 25, 1959 Card 3/3 STARODUBTSEVp S.Y.p otv-. kand. fiz.--mat. nauk,, red.,- ABDURiSUIDV, DA, doktor ry~d. nauk~ red.; ARIF'OVr, U.A., akad.p red.; BORODULINA, A.At kand. biol. nauk, red.; IVASHEVD V.N.9'red., IKRAMOVAv G.S,,p rvd.~ KlTv A.Ye., red. IA)BANOVp Ye.M. p kand.-'fiz.-mat. rAmkp red.; NIKOLAYEV9 A.I.p kand. mad.epaukp red.; IIISHANOV 9 D. 9 kand. khim. nauk v rt)d. j SAM KOV ~ A. S, . alrad. , red. ; TAIANINq, Yu.N.9 kand. fiz.-mat. nauk, red.; fiRAKUL6V, Ya.Kh., doktor biol. naukv red.; GAYSINSKAYA, I~G., red.; GOR-'KOVAv-A, Z.P,p tehhn. red. (Transac-tions of the Conferen.,e on the PeacefO Uses of Atomin Energy hold at Tashkent in 1959] Ti*u4 Konferesntsil po 111irnomu ispollzovaniiu atomnol energiip Taohk"nt, 19501. T~Lshkent, Izd-vo Akad. nauk Uzbekskoi SSR. Vol.l. 1961. 410 p. (MIRA 14:9) 1, Konferentsiya po mirnomu ispoll--ovaniyu atorimay energii. 2. In- stitut yade'rnoy flziki All Uzbekskoy SSR (for St-arodubtsev,, Arifov). 3. Institut flziki AN Uzbekskov SM (for Abdul2ayev). 4. 6hl,3n- korrespondent AN SSSR i AN SSR (for Sad-ykaw). (Atomic energy-Congresses) ABDUIJAYEV, A.A.; BIBINOV, S.A.; LOBANOV, Ye.H.; KHAITOV., B.K,,; JUIAYDAROV) A.A. Using radioactive isotopes as indicators for studying the dynamics of underground vatern. Uzb.geol.zhur. 6 no.1:57-61 162. 1. Akadomiya nauk UzSSR. (FIRA .15:4) (Water, Underground) (Radioisotopes) ABDIJLIAYEVp A.A.; KHAnov, D.E.; LOBANOV, Ye.M.; KHAYDAROV, A.A. Measurement of the activity of tritium in water samples* Izv. AN Uz. SSR. Ser. fiz.-mat. nauk 6 no.5:40-44 162. (MIRA 15:11) 1. Institut yadernoy fiziki AN UzSSR. (Tritium) ABDUILL ~YEV, A~.A.,- VOLKOV, V.P.; GZYWS, V.A.; ZAKIfIDOV, A.Sh.,- KHAITOV, B.K. Use of tritium in hydrogeological studies. Izv. AN Uz. SSR. Ser. fiz.--aAt. nauk 6 no-5:45-1+9 162. (MIRA 15:11) 1. Institut yadernoy fiziki AN UzSSR. (Tritium) (Geophysics) JACCESSION NR#, AP4038421 8/0166/64/000/002/0056/0058 I. I AUTHOR: Abdullayev, A. A.; Khaitov, B. K. iTITLE: Investigation of the performance of self-quenched counters !SOURCE: AN UzSSR. Izv. Seriya fitiko-matematichookikh nauk, no. 2, 1964, 56-58 ITOPIC TAGSt counter plateau, electron drift, electrical field, voltage potential, Igas pressure, proportionality coefficient, gas mixture, plateau region, gas filled counter, self quenched counter, counter performance, Geiger Mueller counter ABSTRACT: The purpose of this paper is to study the characteristics of a counter, filled with a mixture of ethylene and hydrogen in the presence of oxygen, water vapor, and chlorine. A counter plateau was obtained having a large slope (-60%) ani relatively short duration. The rate of electron drift in the electrical field was directly proportional to the voltage potential applied to the electrode and inversely proportional to the gas pressure in the counter. Although the investigation was performed at various pressures, optimal performance was obtained at 10 and 70 mm Hgp respectively. Such a correlation of gas mixtures produced a plateau region with a duration of up to 250 v. its slope did not ei~ceed 7%, and the performance of the!- first and second counters was within a range of 1100-1300 and 1050-1300 v, respect-, ivelys The background of the various counters r-ined-.coijetant; i.e., 18-40 1" ard 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AP468421* imp/min. Origs arte has% ~3 figures. ASSOCIATION: Institute ya4anoy fixikt. AN UzSSR (Institute of Nuclear Physics$ AN USSSR) SUBMITM 26Aug63 UTZ ACQ: 26un64 ZNCL% 00 SUB ODDS: ND REP SOV: 004 OTHXR: 002 Card 2/2 'DDUl,UYFV i'.,A.; ZAKHIDOV, A.Sh.; LOBANOV, Ye.M.; KHAITOV, B.K. Moi-.3on of varlou: indlqm"rs 4n underground water currents. ]-,,v, AN Uz. SSR. 6er. fiz.-PiaL. nauk 8 no.6:43-47 164. (MIRA 18:3) 1. Institut yadernoy fiziki AN UzSSR. ABDULAYEV, A.A. Abdulayev, A.A., "Automatic Regulation of Are-welding.2 Traktaty Sektisii po nAuchnay razrabotke problem elektrosverki i elektrotermii Transbetions of the Section on the Sciertific Solution of Preblems of Electro- welding and Electrothervo. No 1, 1953, Hoscow, Acaden7 of Sciences USSR, 140 pages, figures ani bibliogrAphy. ABi)uLAYEv, A.A. Abdulecvev- A.A., "Automatic Regulation of J\wbines,n in the book, Ispol'zavaniye vodnoy energii L7be Utilization of Water Powerj. Pqrt 1. 1953, pages 312-3143, Moscow, Sellkhozgiz; 26 figures. AFDULAYEV, A.A. Abdule-yev.-A.A., "Automatic Regulation of Groups of Compressor Holes Connected by a Master Feed line, P, Avtomatika I telemekhanika LAutometion and Telemechaniqs7 Volume XIV, No 3. 1953. pages 283- 293; seven figures, bibliography, five Items. C*At~ka 0--L C-~ - USSR/Ziec-c.ric.ty Regulation FD-1667 Card 1/2 Pub. 10-3/11 Mthor : Nadzharov, E. M.; Abdullaycv, A. A.; and Fxementulo, Yu. V. (Mo.9cow) NWMPNNMD: Title : E),Tcrimcntal investigation or the self-excite& oscillations in the internal circuit of a pneumatic regulator Periodical : Aytom. i telern., Vol. 16, 27-42, Jan-Feb 1955 Abstract : The authors describe procedw -e anti results of an experimontal investigation of the internal circuit of the pneumatic regulator type 04. They point out tbe influence of hydraulic resistance and capacity of the feeffback line, AE coefficient of amplification (quantity proportional to the range of t1irottling), capacity at re,-,qLlator output, supply pressure, regulator's cutput pressure, diameter of the nozzle of ree.~ulator's secondary relay, all namely upon the frequency and amplitude ofself-excited oscillations and upon the character of the course of transient processes. They indicate the possibility of applying the self-excited cscillwtory regimes of the ,2newatic regulators for improving the transient process. Tlwee references: V. L. LoGulyevskiy) Principles of autanatic regulation of technological processes (in Russian), Oborcingiz (Defense Press), 10,150. V. V. Solodovni- kov, "Frequency method of arwlyzing the quality of autorratic regulation systems," Ornovy avtomaticheskogo regulirovani-~,a (Princii,les of automattic . . . - FD-1667 Card 2/- regulation), editor V. T Solodovnikov, Mashgiz (Machine Press), 1954. V. V. Petrov and G. M. Ulanov, "Stabilization of nonlinear servomechanisr=, ibid. Institution : -- Submitted - June 16, 1954 4w_1U_RRrEr1rgfneering - Regulation FD-i745 Card 1/1 : Pub. 1o-4/12 Author : Abdulb!yev, A. A.Ipku) Title : Automatic regulation of groups of compressor wells connected through a general feed main. II (Part I, ibid., Vol. 14, No 3, 1953) Periodical : Avtom. i telem., Vol. 16, 158-171, Mar-Apr 1955 Abstract - The author considers the nmtual influencesof regulated compressor wells connected through a genera feed main. He derives the equations of such a connected system for various assumed schemes, and demonstrates the operating capacity of these schemes, which are given comparative evalua- tions. References: F M. Wadzhafov. "Investigation of compressor wells as an object of automatic-regulation," Dissertation, 1952. V. V. Solo- dovnikov, "Application of trapezoidal frequency characteristics to analysis of the quality of automatic regulation systems," Avtom. i telem., 10, No 5, 1949. Institution : - Submitted : September 25, 1953 A13OLILLRYF-V, 19. Iq USSR/Automatics ana &eiemechanica-pneumatic regulator FD-275-1 Card 1/2 Pub. 10 - 2111 Author : Abdullayev, A. A.; Vayser, 1. V.; Nedzhafov, E. M. (Moscow) Title : Equations of the pneumatic regulator 04 Periodical : Avtom. i telem., 16, SeP-Oct 1955, 431-453 Abstract : The authors derive the equations to pneumatic regulators of the type 04 (factory "Tizpribor"). Inspite of the fact that these regulators are issued serially (tens of thousands of them in the course of several years) and have been utilized in various branches of the national economy, the designing and computations equipped with regulators of this kind have been made difficult, the authors note, by the fact that up til now equations have not been derived that describe the processes in the regulator and numerical values of the parameters entering these equations have not been determined. They conclude that the derived equations of type 04 regulator and numerical values of their coefficients cor- responding to various static regimes permit one knowing the remain- ing elements of the regulation system (object, final-control mecha- nism, sensitive element) to write down in numerical form the equa- tions of motion according to final formulas and graphs immediately. FD-2757 Card 2/2 One reference: V. L. Lossiyevskiy, Osnovy avtomaticheskogo regulirovaniya tekhnologicheskikh protsessov (Principles of the automatic regulation of technological processes]~ Defense Press, 1950. - Institution : - Submitted ; July 14, 1954 ...... Aagknav noly; IIADZHAYOV. Xnver Homed ogly; ATZVMN# M.A., 7707 professor, doktor takhnichookikh nauk, redaktor-, GONCHABOY, I.A., redaktor Izdatel'stva CAutomatic control in oil extraction using compressors) Aytowtichs- skoye regultrovanie v kompresaornoi neftedobyche. Baku, Azerbaid- shanskoa gos.izd-vo aeft.t nauchno-tekbn.lit-ry, 1956. 242 p. (Automatic control) (MWA 10:9) (Petroleum engineering) L USSR/Processes and Equipment for Ch-xdcal Industries - Control and Measuring Devices. Automatic Regulation, K-2 Abst Journal: Referat Zhur - KhlniYa.. No 19.- 1956) 64ooB Authari Hadihafov, E. M. Institutions None Title: Procedure for Calculation of Spontaneous Vibrations in Pneumatic Regulators Original Periodical: Av-tomatika i telemekhanika, 1956, 17, No 3, 195-210 Abstract; A procedure has been vorked out for an approximate calculation of spontaneous vibrations in pneumatic regulators of 04 type. Simpli- fied models are proposed for the investigation of spontaneous vibra- tioDE, in these regulators. Card 1/1