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MEM71YEVA, 5.1,; U.M.; A.BDLI'-l1-1,i Newly detected properties of ve)enium of high purity. 17,v. .qsR, I riat. nauk no./,410l-lC8 164. Effo-C-L of oxyguit on trannport 1,11C t I I_,; 71,:!ylll Dokl. A14 Azorb. S:~f( 21 no-3-:LP-ll 1. Distitut Miki All A7,p-rS,--R. ACCESSIG'.. 111R: AP4039227 0 1 S/0249/64/020/002/002?/0031 AWNING: Abdinov, D. Sh.; AbduUayev,, Go B.; Aliyevp Go He TITLE: The effect of antimony admixture on derwityp heat conductivityp and microhardness of selenium SOUME; AN AzerbSSR. Doklady*.. v. 20, no. 2.. 1964, 27-31 .TOPIC TAGS: antimony,, selenium, recrystallization, selenium heat treatment ABSTIMM The effect of antimony a&ixtures on the physical properties of seleni= was studied. The samples consisted of antimony and selenium powders mixed in various proporti ns. These powders were poured into quartz ampules which were .evacuated to 10-4 run lig and sealed. In this state the samples were heated in an ovon at 850C for 8 hours ani cooled to romi temperature. At this stage the samples were amorphous. The of their beat conductivity and density were made before they were replacud i the ampules and allowed to crystallize at 90., 130) and 180C for one hour and at, 21,)C for 60 hours. Aftur each crystallization period the relation between the physical properties of every sample and its antimony content was studied. The variation of the heat conductivity coefficient of selenium with Card 1/4 ACCR;SION NR: AP4039227 respect to antimony concentration at 20-22C is shown in ng. I of the Enclosures; where the conductivity is aeon to increase during the transition from the amorphous to the crystalline state. It decreased with the increase in antimony contorit to 0.125,'V,, beyond which point it started risin~~ This behavior was explained bythe hypothesis of V. N. 1,ange and A. R. Regal' FTT. v. 1, no. 4s 1959) which states that small quant'ities or antimony distort the crystalline lattice of seleniums while larger amounts of antimony have the opposite effect. The variation in the mier"Ohardness, thermal conductivity, and density of crystalline selenium with respect to the antimony content is shown in Fig. 2 of the Enclosures. The micro- hardness minimum also 0.125% antimony content. In order to check the accuracy of tho experimental results, the variation of selenium properties was calculated according to the formula derived by A. V. loffe and A. F. Ioffe ("DAN SSSR11, 1954, v. 98, No. 5). The theoretical and experimental data correlated closely. Orig. art* hast I tables 2 figuresp arA 3 formulas, ASSOCIATION: Institut, fiziki (Institute of Physics) summnms l9jul63 DATE AOQ: O5Jun64 RiCLt 02 SUB COM Sa GG 1140 REP SM 010 OTHSRs 002 'Card 214 ACCESSION NRI AP4039227 '6 U Phr) 14 hr) 7wc1hr) (YO 1C /,' h r '7' ~IeniZ~ glass Cird ~/4 I ;ENcLowns 01 Fig. 1. Relation between heat conductivitY Of Selenium and the AntimOrW content. -Card 4/4 ACCE4SX04 NRt AP4039227 4.7 4.1 4.4 32, PLLO- V7. EXCLOSVRE 1 02 Fig, 2. Relation of microhardness (14)o heat conductivity (A), and density of selenium to the antimony L 329b2-.6� L;iT (m)LEW;-(t)/E.F I-I Ac~ ~R'i_A_P'6'0___1_7_0__5_6_- SOURCE CODE: UR/0233/65/000/004/0074/0079 AUTI HOR:Abdino v,D Sh Aliyev, G. M. JORG: none I Avi ITITLE: Effect of oxygen additions on the electrical properties of selenium SOURCE: AN AzerbSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fiziko-tekhnicheskikh i matematicheskikh nauk, no. 4, 1965, 74-79 TOPIC TAGS: selenium, thermal emf, Hall effect, activation energy, Hall mobility, current carrier, electric property 11 ABSTRACT: Measurements were made of the effects of Sb additionson the electrical con- ductivity a of Se before and after deoxygenation, after oxygena n as well as of the temperature function of the Hall effect in the solid a I , Itates. The work was carried out to fill a gap in the literature. The antimony was added as Sb and Sb2S83 in amounts of 0.05, 0.1, 0.125, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 2, and 5 wt %. ror ordinary Se (prior to deoxygenation), the a decreases with increasing content of Sb and at 0.5% it reaches a minimum; with further addition of ~b, it increases. The a was found to be the same for Sb2Se3. At 20-2200C, the a practically does not change. At the melting point, the a drops abruptly. After melting, (starting at 2400C), it rises exponential- ly with temperature. Activation energies AE, calculated from the slope of the Ig vs 1/2 L 32952-66 ACC NRI AP6017056 vs 11T curve, are affected little by small concentrations; starting at 1% Sb, AE gra- dually increases and at 5%, reaches 0.52 ev. In melting pure Se I the concentration of the current carriers decreases from 2.27-1014 at 2.6-C to 3.20-1013 cm'*3 at 3500C and it continues to decrease with further heating. Measurements of magnetic susceptibilit: in the solid and liquid states indicate a decrease concentration of holes during melt- ing. Temperature function of the concentration of the current carriers, determined from the Hall effect and the thermal emf, is about the same. At room temperature, the Hall mobility in pure So is equal to 10.45 cm2/v-sec and is in good agreement with li- terature data. The mobility of holes in pure Se grows insignificantly with tempera- ture in the solid state and in melting it drops abruptly, but in the liquid state, it grows exponentially with temperature. In conclusion the authors thank Professor G. B. Abdullayev for supervising the work and Ya. N. Nasirov, R. Kh. Nani and V. B. Antonov for assistance in measuring the Hall effect. Orig. art. has: 2 tables, 3 figures. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 06Jun64/ ORIG REF: 029/ OTH REF: 005 2/2 6- EPA (s) -2AM'T-1WA__FF_(1)/=/Z PF (n),') 1� I/E k zip W ; ACCESSION NR: AP5015450 UR/0249/65/021/003/0018/0021! AUTHORS: Abdullayev, 0. Bo, Abdinoy, D. Sh.1; Aliyev, G. M., ~ '7/1 :TITLE: Effe'at of oxygen o_n transport phenomena In selenium of bigb"4-1' purity 1SOURCE: AN AzerbSSR. Doklady, v. 21, no. 3, 1965, 18-21 ,TOPIC TAGS.e selenium, selenium rectifier, thermal conductivity, ,electric conductivity, thermal emf, Hall effect, carrier density, :Hall mobility ;ABSTRACT: The authors report results of investigations of-the influ- ~enceof_ ti ____y-impurity, which effectively compensates the acceptor, iaction of oxy in, on the electric properties-- of -crystalline -and------ y mg \~liquid seleni and on the thermal. canductivity of crystalline selen-1 I _71'uF -of p2LRIty r 9.9999 per cent bef re and after deoxidation and afte .oxidation. The deoxidation was by the method of P. T. Kozyrev (FT_ v. 1, 113, 1959). The procedure for measuring electric conductivity and the thermal conductivity as functions of the impurities and of th6-', Card 1/3 L 3.537-466 'ArDOESSION NR! AP5015450 e4z "temperature was described eariter (FTT v. 4, 1018, 1964 and elsewhere 'The Hall effect was measured-with direct current by a compensation. method in a magnetic field of 20,000 Oe. The article Includes a itable of the dependence of the electric conductivity, the thermal con 'ductivity, the Hall density, and the Hall mobility prior to deoxida- ,tion, and also of the electric conductivity and thermal conductivity 1 iafter deoxidation, as fiinction~ of the antimony content, and plots of the temperature dependence of the electric conductivity before and ;after deoxidation. The results show that the antimony has different ieffects on the electric and thernial conductivities before and after I !,deoxidation, and varies with the antimony content. Inie Jump In the ,conductivity occurring at the melting point also depends on the oxygen .content. The results have a direct bearing on the fact that various ,mechanical properties of selenium rectifiers and photocells are 'governed principally by their oxygen content. 'Orig. art. has: 2 ,~figures and 1 table. 'ASSOCIATION: Institut Miki AN AzerbSSR (Institute of PbysicsAN ~AzerbSSR),,~ Card 2/3 L 3537-66 .ACCESSION NR: AP5015 50 :,SUBDIITTED: 14Sep64 ENCLS 00 ;NR REF SOV: 013 OTHER: 002 SUB CODE: SS Card 3/3 L 96586-66 EwT(J)/EW!t(n)/ETC(I)/EWG(M)/D4P(J) IJP(c)' RDW/JD/RM '- -NA X cC NR, Ax'VVi1427 SOURCE CODE: uP/0M/66/167/(X*/b`rWO764_ AUTHOR: Aliyev,, Ge M!j~b~I.Rat D. Sh. ; bLe~eva&~_T. ORG: Iriatitute of FhYsics. Acadezmr of Scienceu-.Azerb$SR (Institut fiziki Akademiio nauk AzerbSSR) TITLE: _~bjgqum an a polyrter, semiconductor and the mechanism of its conductivity SOURCi-P An WSR. Dckiadyp vo 167p no, 4., 1W 1 782-784 TOPIC TW-S: seleniumo rolymer struturep semiconduotjiP7JZ=, memiconductor 000--_ ductivi _t tbermelectric powerp Hall .effect,, liquid statep carrier density, 4c4-it-_ jiRSTRACT.-'l In view of the fact that the mechanism of conduc~lvity of selenium has not been fvlly explained and-the experimental data contradictory., Mat the influence of different Impurities.. especially mWgen, on the electrical properties of selenium has not beezaclar1fied, nor'bas the melting of seleniLm and Its liquid state-been studied, the authors present the'results of a comprehensiw investigation of-the elec- tric conductivity., thermoelectric power, and Hall effect in solid and liquid selenium (from 20 to 4500), including the melting region. 7be experiments were made with very pure selenium type B5 (99.c,09999%) before and after reraval of oxygen, and with dif- ferent degrees of oxidation and with different wwunta of mWgen- compensating impuri- ties (Sb,, ca, Kn). The electric conductivity (a) of solid and liquid selenium In- creases 'with the temperature expon6ntially, and experiences an abrupt decrease during melting. The carrier density is found to be independent of the temperature (-1015 em7'3). The jumplike decrease in a on melting is due both to the decrease in the Ccrd 3/2 um 621.315.M-2: 546.23 ACC NRo A1:6011427 ;L concentration and a decrease in the mobility. The constancy of the carrier density indicates that the crystalline and liquid selenium are Jzpurity semiconductors and all the irqurity centers are ionitede Removal of the Oxygen decreases the conductiv- ity greatly and eliminates the discontinuity at the melting point. Similarly,, elim- ination of the oxygen eliminates allo the Hall effect. It is concluded that the elimination of oxygen is acconpanied by a decrease in the carrier density by -100 times and in the carrier mobility by -10 times. If is therefore assumed that the cxygen atoms in the polymer chain of selenium produce acceptor centers thus in- creasing the bole density, and decrease the intermolecular barrierso thus increasiN the carrier mobility. It is therefore concluded that selenium, like organic semi- conductors., is Yery sensitive to the method of preparation and heat treatment. The authors are grateful to Professor 0 B. AbdulWqv for directing the work and Doctor of Physical-Matbematical Sciences M. 1. &UncLer for valuable advice. This report was presented by Academician V. A. Kargin 23 ady 196~. Orig. art. has: 2 figures an 1 formula. 0TH MWt 009 L 07250-67--EWT(d) 101 W /9q P ACC NR - AP6028918 ijp(c)' JD/RH SOURCE Col AUTHOR: Abdullayevp G. B.; Mekhtiyeva? S. I.; Abdinov, D. Sh.; Aliyevp G. MO ORG: none TiTLE: New properties of high purity selenium SOURCE: AN AzerbSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fiziko-tekhnicheskikh i matematicheskikh naukp no. 1, 1966, 77-84 TOPIC TAGS: selenium., chemical purity, oxidation, thermoelectric power, heat conduc- tion, physical diffusion) activation energy~ semiconductor conductivity ABSTRACT: In view of the fact that many properties of selenium are still not under- stood, the authors,4iave checked on the hypothesis that many of them are due to the presence of oxygentInd oxygen complexesj#~~t%.e se~jnium. -The authors have investigated selenium of -sp-e-Mal. high purity (grades B4 and B!5,\ with purity 99.9999 and 99.99999%) before and after de-oxidation, anil -also -alter oRldation. The methods for oxidation and measurements are indicated in earlier papers (FTT v. 6, 1020, 1964 and elsewhere). The parameters tested were the electric conductivity, the thermoelectric power, the thermal conduction, the activation energy during self-diffusion, the density, the microhardness after introducing impurities, and the effect of oxygen-compensating im- purities (Cd, Sb, Mn, Tl, Na, S). The measurement results are presented in graphic form. Many of the phenomena are explained from the point of view that the oxygen im- purities produced in selenium acceptor levels, whereas the addition of the impurities 3/2 L 07250-67 FACC-kRi- which oxidize easily is equivalent to de-oxidation. The latter makes selenium closer to an intrinsic semiconductor. It is concluded that the p-conductivity of selenium, the fact that the thermal conductivity, the electric conductivity, the density, and the microhardness go through a minimum when impurities are introduced, the anomalously large value of the scattering cross section, the stron decrease in the electric con- ductivity and thermoelectric power on melting, as well as other factors are connected with the presence of oxygen impurities and its caaplexes in the selenium. Evidence in favor of this conclusion is drawn from a comparison of numerous experimental data by others. The influence of oxygen on the rectifying properties of selenium is also discussed. Orig. art. has: 6 figures and 1 formula. SUB CODE: 2'0~ SUBM DATE: 00/ ORIG REF: 032/ OTH REF: 017 Card 2/2 M~ - ABDINOV, F.R., Cand Agr ocl - (diss) "Peculiarit.3-es of tembryonic and nost-embryon-le development of' Al ~.Lj buf f lc~ Eirovabad., 195d, ?I pp (Illin of Agr USSR. Azerbaycizhan Agr ln-,t) 150 co;lies (KL) 2~-56, 1310 _ 80 USSR / General Biology, Individual Development. B-4 Abe Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol,j No 12) 19581 Ito 52392 Author : Agabeylip A~A.; Abdinovp FJIL Inat Leningrad Un:LV_Vr_6TVY__ ~_ Title Development of Internal Organs and Skeleton in Buffalo Embryos. Orig Pub Y sb.: Probl. sovrem. embriologii. L.y Un-t, 1956, 150-153 Abstract 98 fetuses were.studied (52 female and 46 male). A summary of the data on the weight of fetuses after 1-10 months of intra-uterine development showed that the fetuses of the bet- ter fed mothers weighed 30-40% more than from mothers on below-average nutrition. A summary is also given of data on the rate of growth of individual organs; during intra- uterine developmento there is particularly rapid growth of the cerebrum) esophagus) spleen, and slowest is that of heart, stomach, liver, internal fat and carcass; tho Card 1/2 KULIYEV, S.; YESIMAN, B.; ABDIVOVP Mq RASHEVSKAYA, T.A.; red.; BAGIROVAt S.p tekhi-.--red. (Problems in the 1Wdraulioa of clay and cement drilling fluids) Voprosy gidravliki glinistykh i teementzWkh ra- stvorov. Bak% Azerbaidzhanskoe gos.izd-vo, 1963. 139 p. (MIRA 17:3) ABDI".( V, !.'. -%. :',BT) -,I -,cv , ~' . !.. . , ?,('v3tl-,ZADE . .' . A. - Pr i mo nnnll.vo rr,)v ivni,i-c F, I 'tr,, v clulj-ry)cn- vkuqzhlnfi'r-h. Av:f~rl-,r 1:71:. nf-ft . Xhc:~-vo, I 04~', lI'c . 10, s . 1 (1-11 . Sc. Letrri r ' 7hurn- I 'nyk~-, St-tov , Vc 1 . 47 , 194F . ABDINOV N.A. -- '-- 1. - ~~ ~ -: Iffeat of the rate of rise of cement on the uniformity of the hardened cement. Izv.AN Azerb.SSR no.8:17-23 Ag'55- (Oil wells) (cement) (MIRA 9:1) ABDINOT, X.A,: YESIK&N, B.I.; MLML&DZI, R.I. Determining struotural viscosity of normal drilling mud solutions with standard field visoostmeters (SPT-5). 1xv. AN Azerb. SSR no.8r 23-29 Ag '57. (NLR& -10j9) (Oil well drilling fluids) (Viscosity) GULIYXV. S.M.; ABDINOV, N.A. Determining Lin hydraulic losses In drilling Arerbaijani with summary in Ruesian3. Aserb.neft.khos. 36 no.8:9-11 Ag '57. (M rRA 10: 11) (Oil wall drilling) KULITICT, S.M.1 YICSI W, B.I.; ABDINCY, N.A. -------- - Ibrperimental determination of the length of the initial sector in pipes of annular and eccentric section. Izv. vVs. ucheb. zav.* neft' i gaz 2 no-7:87-89 '59. (MIRA 12:12~ l.Axerbaydzhanskiy institut nefti i khimii im. M, Azizbokova i Azerbaydzhavskiy nauchno-iBeledovatell8kiy inbtitut po dobyohe nefti. (4draulics) KULITEVp S.M.; ABIDINOV, N.A. _ DGtormining spocific heat capacity of camant groate. Tzv. AN Aserb. SSRo $or. gool.-goolo nAuk no.3166-71 165. (MIRA 18s9) KULITFV, S.M.; TFS,MAN, Bolo-, ABDIFOVv M%A9 Nxperimental study of fluid flow in annular Pines. lzv-v7s- ucheb.zav.; neft' i gaz 2 no.12:109-112 '59. (MIRA 13:5) 1. Azerbaydzhanskiy institut nefti S khImii imeni M. Azizbedkova 1 Azerbaydzhan8k17 nauchno-Issledovatel'skly inetitut po dob7che nefti. (Pipe-Hydrodynamics) rJLIYZV, S.M.; A13DINDV, M.A,; YISIMAN. B.1.1 SADMOV, Tu.V. I Uperimental determination of hydraulic looses In bits. Azerb. neft. khoz. 38 no.6:12-13 Je 159. (MIRA 12:10) (Oil wall drilling fluids) ABDINOV, M.A.; ABDULLAM, N.M. Studying the contact between the cement stone and the well w&U. Trudy AzNII DN no*10017-327 t60. (KM 14W (Oil, well cementing) XUIYBV, S.M.; YXSIKAN. B.I.; ABDINOV, X.A. Experimental testing of the principle of lose ail tion in the flow of drilling mids. Dokl.Aff Aserb.SSR 16 n0-3:245-247 160. (MIRA 13:7) Is Inatitut energetiki AN AverSSR. (Oil well drilling fluids) KULIYEV, S.M.; YESIMAN, B.I.; ABDINOV, M.A. Pressure lose in turbulent flov in pipes having a circular cross section. Neft. khoz. 38 no.11122-26 N 160. (MIRL 1414) (Turbulence) ABDIROV, M.A. 5xperimental setup to determine the cohesive force between concrete and the w&Us of a well, taking temperature and pressure into account. 1xv. AN Azerb. SSR. Ser. fiz.-mat. i tokh. tauk no.6:155-158 160. (MIRA 14:8) (Oil wells) (Concrete) 1-0 11 ABDINOV, M.A. Deviation if the actual height of concrete from the calculated heif,ht. Izv. AN Azarb.SSR. Ser. fiz.-mat. i tekh, nauk 2:109-114 ,61. (MIRA 14:7) (Oil well drilling) (Concrete construction--Estimates) YESIMAN, B.I.; ABDINOV, M.A.; GABUZCV, G.G. Conversion formula for differential manometer readings in work with clay solutions. Izv. AN Azerb.SSR. Ser. fiz.-mat. i takh. nauk 21115-119 '61- (MIRA 14:7) (Manometer) (Hydraulics) At KULMIVJP S.M.; AVETISYUI., A.A.; YESIHAN, B.I.; ABDIWV, If,fi.; SADYKHOV, Yu,V, Determining hydraulic losses in EBSh drill pipe joints. Azerb. neft. khoz. 40 no.4:11-13 AP 263-s (MIPA 15t7) (Oil well drilling-Equipment and supplies) ABDINOV, M.A.; YESIMAN, B.I.; KkWHARLY, A.G.; SADYKIIIOV, Yu.V. < ---- --------- Effect of the flow properties of transported fluid and the eccentricity of a useful section on hydraulic losses in the annular space. A7,erb. neft. khoz 40 no.11:13-15 N 161. (MIRA 15;1) (Oil well drilling fluids) L*!.V p A . X. influence of tho tempf-,rature variations of the environment on the adhesion of cerorh to ti string, 1-.v. AN Azerb. SSR. Ser. geole-g-30g. llaill c V ~, (MIRA 17t12) j , I " 14. t4A 1" 21 f 1')0 oc) GUSEYNOV, G.M.,, kandesellskokhoz.nauk (Baku); ABDINOV,14.14. kand. sell skokhoz.nauk (Baku); ALIM, B.I.I.T-aspirifi-t-5~ Irrigation of cotton with the DDA-10014 sprinkler unit in the Kura-Aras Lowland. Gidr. i mel. 13 no.12:21-33 D 161. (MT-RA 14:12) (Kura Lowland-Cotton-Irrigation) (Sprinkler irrigation) 89oh4 3/04Y60/000/009/015/021 )6-4no C111 C222 AUTHORs Ab TITLEo Investigation of' Linear Singular Integral Equations in the L2 PERIODICALt Referativnyy zhurnal. Matematika, 1960, No.9, p.106 Abstract No-10462. Nauohn.trudy aspirantov.Azerb.un-t, 1957, vyp-1, pp-15-21 TEM The author investigates the nonlinear singular integral equation (1) U(X) B,U(8)30tg '-X ds -44 2 in the class of functions summable in the square. The existence and uniqueness of a solution in the L2(-lrl%') is proved by the application of the principle of the contracting mapping. [Abstracter's note3 The above text is a full translation of the original Soviet abstraot.) Card 1/1 ABDINOVA, Atp 41 -- ~.' Zxistence and uniqueness theorems for the system of nonlinear singular integral equations with Hilbert kernels, Uch.zapo AGU no.11:19-37 157. (MIRA 11:11) (Integral equations) ABDINOVA, A* B. Cand Phys-Math Soi -_ (diss) "Study of oertain systems of non- linear singular integral equations," Baku, 1959. 7 pp (Min of Higher and Seo6ndary Speoialized Eduontion USSR. Azerboydihan State Univ im S. M. Kirov), 100 oopies. Bibliography at end of text (11 titles) (KL, 52-59, 116) -2- 11-41-60 AUTHORs Abdinovap A.B. 89045 S1044J601000100910161021 C111/C222 TITLEs A Generalized System of Nonlinear Singular Integral Equations PERIODICALi ReferativW zhurnal. Hatematika, 1960, No.91 pp,106-107 Abstract NO-10464- Tch,zap.Azerb.un-ta.Fiz.-matem.i khim. ser., 1959, NO-3, pp.25-34 TEXT: The author considers a system of nonlinear one-diensional singular integral equations being little different from a linear one. It is assumed that in the system there appear not only the unknown functions /kk(to) and their singular integrals but also the functions/Ak(*(k(to)) and singular integrals for which the denominator t-t is replaced by 0 t- dk(to). Herec~'k(tc) are smooth functions each of which involvee a one-to-one mapping of the path of integration L onto itself with a retention of the orientation. It is admitted that in the equation there appear also the complex-oonjugate functi -_(t By replacing the oils JA k 7 - given system by equations resulting from the given equations by the transition to the complex-oonjugate terms the author obtains a new system Card 1/2 S/044/60/0RO0809/01 6/021 0111/0222 A Generalized System of Nonlinear Singular Integral Equations which is written as followst 1 (K.J(to,t) 1 (*Hv(to,t) n fA,(to) 5(aV(to))+BV(to) 3(t )+ ) 3(t)dt+ t)dt). 0 IFY J t-a (t 7ri j -7-t-$ L V 0 L 0 F(to). Here 3 and F are vectors with the components P1, ... jrnj - rilesel and Iv ... I~nf k4l"'I ~n I respectively# where the~Vk are nonlinear singule-7, integral operators. Furthermore A.0B~9H.,K,, are certain matrices depending only on the data of the problem. It is assumed that K Jt11O(j(t))- AV(t), HV(tj 0(1(t)) --B,(t), and that the determinants of the matrices A.,(+.) and B,(t) vanish nowhere on L. The author considers only the case n-1. some theorems on the existence and the number of the solutions of the considered system are formulated and proved with the aid of generally known methods. [Abstracter's note: The above text is a full translation of the original Soviet abstract.] Card 2/2 Al~ KULITEV, A.M.; ItBDIMVA, A.B. Synthesis of tertiary alkyl der'lvatives of urea. Uch.zap.AGU no-5: 47-5)' 1 58. (MIRA 12:1) (Urne, derivatives) (Alkylation) 26198 15'. 6 81081J611000101210261026 . qr)OC9 3103/B202 AtITHORS. Kuliyev, A. K., Orudzheva, 1. U., ZPynalovap G. A., Atallyan, A. A., kkhmed-Zade, D. A.s Levehina, A. M., Sadykhov*, K. I., Abdinov;a, A. ~B TITLE. Synthesis of organic compounds containing various functional groups and their upplicatione to improve the quality of lubricating oils PERIODICAL; Reforativnyy thurnal,, 1(himiya, no. 12, 1961, 530, abstract 12)4225. (Tr. 1-y Konferentaii zakavknzok. un-tov. Pqku, Azerb. un-tv 1959, 111-123) TEXT: The authors present the results of research work -which hao been conducted for many years in the Azerbayd-,hanakaya SSR concerning the synthest and the choice of addit.ves to lubricating oils. The following compounds ware synthesized and their prorerties were studied: mono-# di-t and trialkyl derivatives of benzene, naphthalene, tetraline, anthracene, and phenanthrenel alkyl benzene-, alkyl naphthalene-, alkyl phenol-0 and alkyl tetraline sulfonates of Ca. Ba, Sr, Pb, and Cul mono- and dialkyl phenolel mono- and Card 1/2 61 06 61100010!2' 261026 P /0 S~ 0 Synthesis of oreanic compounds ... B1,03 3202 3 dioulfidea of alkyl phenols and their Ba and Ca 9altal tri- (alkylphenol)- phoophitee and their mono- and disulfide dorivutiveol mono- and dialkyl uroas; condensation products of urea with aldehydee and alkyl pheilols. The deprenoor Amwki (Atnii) (dialkyl naphthalene , in which alkyls originate from chlorinated paraffin) from the year 1947, detergents for motor oils Aznii-4 from the year 1949 and Aznii-5 (both sulfanates) were industrially used. The multifunctional additives to the motor oils Aznii-7 and Aznii-8 (both salts of the alkyl phenol sulfides) and an additive stabilizing the mineral oil obtained by condensation of urea with aldehyde and alki-I phenol, were recommended for introduction into indu atry. [Abstracter's note; Complete translation.] Card 2/2 MILITSY, A.M.; ZXrXA.WVA. G.A.; AWIEDVA.-A.B. Synthesis of the products of condensation of carbamide and alkyl phenols with formldelWde and study of their stabilizing action on lubricating oils. Azerb.khim.zhur. no.2:29-38 159. (MIRA 13: 6) (Urea) (Phenol condensation products) (Yormaldehyde) (lubrication and lubricants) KULI-fr,V, AIDINOVA, A.D.; Z.-ANALOVAt G.A.; ORUPU,~,,'VA, Ul.". Effect, cf urea derivatives oi- the oxidation re.-itzmneo of lubricutIng oila. Azorb. khba.zhur. no.4:15-")O '59. (MIRA 14--l)) (Lubrication and lubricants) (Urea) 36933 S/08 62/000/007/025/033 Bi 6ayBi o1 AUTHORS: Kuliyev, A. M., Zeynalova, G. A., Abdinovaj--L..- B.- TITLE; Synthesis and examination of anti-oxidant additives for machine and other oils PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no- 7, 1962, 548, abstract 7M183 (Sb. '.~Prisadki k maslam i toplivam". M., Gostoptekhizdat, 19611 102-109) TEXT: Using the VTI methodq the authors investigated the oxidation resistance of mineral oils (transformer oil MK_6 (mx-6) and MK-8 (IM-8)) containing the following synthetic additives: condensation products (1) of I mole urea, of 2 moles CH20 and of 1 mole p-alkylphenol (alkyle: n-C 3if 79 tert-C4H91 tert-C 5H11, aec-C 4R9' sec-C6HW sec-C 8 H171 tert-C 8H 17 , C9H19P n-C1033 of the olefins from the 100-1800C fraction of thermal craoking), condensation products (2) of furfuramide with different alkylphenols and condensation products of acetaldehyde ammonda with 4 'arious alkylphanolB. The first condensation product, obtained from the 100-1600C fraction of Card 112 s/061/62/r,00/007/025/033 Synthesis and examination of ... B168/BI01 thermal cracking (addAtive 03HAo-11 (aznii-11 ))proved an effective anti- oxidant (at a concentration of 0.'I~o); at a test temporature of 1200C this product was oqual in offectiveneas to ionol and p-hydroxydiphenylamine and at 150 and 17OoC was superior to ionol. The second condensation product, obtained from industrial acrylphenol (additive cLi-AA-114 (aznii-llf)~ was also found to be an effective anti-oxidanti it was more effective than ionol (at test temperatures of 120 and 15000- [Abstracterte note: Complete translation.3 Card 2/2 L :12401-63 EWPOMEW(CMEWT(M)IMS AFnC/ASD/APGC Pe-4/Pr-),, ACGFMIM NR: AP3001668 S/0%5/63/000/006/0024/0028 AUTHOR g Ku4nv, A. M, t W-na-1-0va, G. A. ; Abdinova, A. B. t Kafarova, U. TA. Sulosmanova, F. G. Mamed-ov, M. TIM: Preparation of multifunctional additive based on condensation products with formaldehyde A A ~ k SOURCE3 Rhirdya i tekhnologiya; topliv i masel, no. 6, 1963, 24-28 TOPIC TAGS% Fuel addiVves., physicochemical properties, formaldehyde, alkylphenol ABSTRACT: The investigation of a multifunctional additive by the condensation ~reaction of formaldehyde with alkylphenol. and its comparison to other existing ~additives.has been completed. In the process of investigation it was established that the use of highly effective multifunctional additives in fuelsAis more economical and since all the functional groups are concentrated into one mol,scule, the e3-tviration of these additives is rapid as a result of its chemical inter- action with the metals at contact or adtiorption to the metal surface. The composition of the synthesA7~,ed barium salt of the condensation al~ylphenol and formaldehyde products- (WK)Nith other combination additives shoved that the BFK additive is more su-p-e-rFor to other additives. It prevents corrosion of the Card 1/2 L 12401-63 ACCEMON XR3 AP3001668 diesel fuels containing as touch as 1.2% of sulfur in their composition and to a large extent improyes its wetting ability. An industrial production of BFK based on the original data has been proposed. Orig. art. has: 5 tables. ASSOCIATIGN: IMP AN AMP. SURUTTEDs 00 DATE ACQ.- 08&163 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: none NO REF SO: 000 OTHERi 000 Card 2/2 ....... ... ABDIRAMANOV, T,B,,, Jnzh. In the Chimbai, Oil Mill. Maal.--zhir. prom. 29 no.8131 Ag 163. (MIRA 16;10) 1. Chimbaynkly manlorikspolJorny), zrivod. AEDIROV Ch.1 MRAZIZOVv-leNj RkMD40VA, I.V.; SAMSONOV,, P.F.; 'IERT'AYEV, Sh.N. Mioraflara of intraqrani&l otoganous abaceases. Med.shur.Uzb. no.8157-62 Ag 162. (MIRA 16:4) 1. Is kafedr7 mifrqtiologii (sav. - prof. P.F.Samsonov) i Wedry bolezney dha, gorla i nosa (tav. - prof. I.Yu.Laskov) Taohkentakogo gosudarstvennogo meditsinsk9go instituta. (BAR-,ABSCESS) PETROVA, K.G.f; ~DDJYEV, N.; KMBIZHANOV, B. Thromuiembolism of the large vessels in children with Icxic diphtheria of the pharynx and hemorrhagic syndrome. Zdzav. Kazakh. 22 no.6:33-36 '62. (MIFA 15:11) 1. 1z kafedry detskikh infektsionnykh bolezney (zav. - 3otsent T.N.Nikonova) Kazakhakogo, meditsinskogo, instituta, i Detakoy klinicheskoy infektsionnoy bollnitsy No.2 g. ALma-Aty (glavnyy vrach - F.S.Sakova). (DIPHTHFRIA) (EMBOLISM) (HEMDRRHAGE) WIROV, Charthubsy. C= Mod Sci -- "Deacription of Ou aaprophytio neu'oerles I - - -Ch=a ~s.' ~Tlklshke~nt# 1960 (Kazakh %tate Med Inst). (KL, 1-61, 205) -355- PETROVA, K.G., kand. med. nauk; ABDIYEV,N,; KHALIDZHANOV, B. Thromboembolism of the major vessels in children with toxic diphtheria of the pharynx with hemorrhagic syndrome. Pedia- triia 42 no.8:94--95 Ag'63 (MIRA 17t4) 1. 1z kafedry 419takikh infektalonnykh bolezney ( zav. - dotsent T.N. Nikonova) Kazakhskogo meditsinskogo instituta i Detskoy klinicheskoy infektsionnoy Bollnitsy No.2 (glavnyy vrach F.S. Sakova) , Alma-Ata. L 36400-66 EWT(m)/EWP(0AT1 54e~_NRe AP6018779 IJP(c) JD SOURCE CODE: UR/0070/66/0n/003/0471YO472 AUMOR: Vergunas, F. I.; Mingazin, T. A.; Smirnova,_Ie. M.; M~~evS. ORG: none V TITLE: Texture and electrical conductivity of cadmium sulfide sheets SOURCE: Kristallografiya, v. 11, no. 3, 1966, 471-472 TOPIC TAGS: cadmium sulfide, eiectric conductivity, crystal orientation, edbMmost -9= temperature dependence, photosensitivity ABSTRACT: The(Iffect of substrate temperatures on structure formation in photosensi- tive CdS films\was studied and correlations between electrical conductivity and the de- grejoef crystal orientation were obtained. Samples were obtained by vacuum sublimation (2- 5 mm Hg) where the substrate temperature (TP ) varied from 75 to 4000C. Cu was added to increase the photosensitivity by treating the surfaces with a Cd-CuCl powder and annealing for one hour in Ar. Indium electrodes were evaporated into the surfaces to measure the electrical conductivity. The structure and grain orientation of the films were determined by x-rays and by a photomethod. All of the films had a grain size of about 10-5 cm and were composed of a-modified CdS. In the temperature interval of 150-4000C, the crystals had their a axis oriented perpendicular to the plane of the substrate. The activation treatment (Cu addition) resulted in coarser crystals (2 to UDC: 548.0 : 537.311 Card 1/2 L 36,100-66 ACC NRs AP6018779 -5 0 and in a decrease in the orientation for all values of T except for 2500C, where P the orientation rose sharply. The electrical parameters measured the concentration of current carriers for bath dark and light conductivity. In all cases, the greater the orientation the greater was the conductivity, indicating an anisotropic conductivity mechanism; the conductivity was much greater perpendicular to the c axis than parallel to it. Along the a axis the barrier potential for current carriers was high, but de- creased with exposure to light. The barrier distance was estimated to be below 10-5 cm, indicating that the barriers slere acting within grains. Orig. art. has: 1 figure. SUB CODE: 13.,09/ SUBM DATE: 05Apr65/ ORIG REF: 001/ OTH REF: 005 ABDRAG114OV, N.M. Function of the liver in children following toxic infectious jaundice, treated with ACTH. Zdrav. Kazakh. 21 no.6:43-.1,5 161. (~LlIiA 15:2) 1. Iz kafedry gospitaltnoy pediatrii (zav. - profe33or A.I.Avenirova) Kazakhskogo meditsinskogo instituta. (WEILIS DISLASE) (ACTH) FRYI OVI ~, . ', . - `IIHENKO~ INI. I . ; ANAAFANt'NOV, G. S. ; C'. V. F,%lu,ing int#~nsive zone- uslrx ri hydrau-1.1c- Bu-,onl1c, no.'A.11-3~' 164, (PURA 18:5) -1 '7-.llrrMy neftyanoy ra-AI-hnr,--isoledovatell Iskiy institut, g. Burullmn I t.-e-it. 0". HYLOV, V.I.; ADDRAHIMANOVt G.S.; SUKHENKO, N.I. Use of drillable packers to exclude circulation-loss zones and cave-ins. Burenie no.7:8-10 16-1, (MIRA 18:5) 1. Tatarskiy neftyancy nauchno-iBsledovatellskiy institut, g. Bugulina. , ,:. .1 A 12 D. _,~ El * l,, i C' , "11. Abir --- kiiin-Iov, i.,. Z. ,ml N. ;. 'I!, new fim-linfr -f c~.-,-nus ,old J.-i L!.~e ~;Outllarn Oral 1 11 TrUJI1 "CrI10-f-,C~01. in-tzi (Alvid. naul, SS ;,, dral I skiy filic-, -), 14, 1948, 11 P. ( 1-(, . 'i . ) 4,11. 1 'S C: :~ -3C5' , 16 June 53, (Letopis "'I urnal Iri-Ali Statey, "o. 5, 1.9.'.9). MUSAKLILOV, Talip; ADDRAKIWANOV, A.1 kand.filolog.nauk, red.; KORoTovskiy,-'~i.p-.,-*XTimmLiNimTovA, S., red.; ROROKIIA,, Z.P., tekhn. red. (Kazakh-Russian dictionaryj biology terminologicheskii slovar'; termiry Pod obshchei red. A.Abdrakhmanova. Kazakhskoi SSR, 1962. 161 p. terms] Kazakhsko-rusakii biologii.[Byl TaliD MUSakulOV. Alma-Ata., Izd-vo Akad. nauk (MIRA 15:7) 1. Akademiya nauk Yazakhskoy SSR, Alma-Ata. Inatitut iazykoznaniya. (Kazakh 1=guage-Dictionaries-Russian) (Biology-Dictionaries) ABDRAMMNOV, A.A., kand.filolog.nouk; DOMME, G.I., kand.filolog.nouk; KAHNT3WA, Dzh.Kh., inzh.-kartograf; XONEMOBATSVp G.T-.p kand. geograf.nauk; ROROKINA, Z.F., (Instructions for the Russian transcription of geographical nones in the Kazakh S.S.R.] Instruktaiia po russkoi peredache geogra- ficheskikh nazvanii Kazakhrkoi SSR. Alma-Ata, Izd-vo Akad.nauk Kazakhskoi SSR, 1959. 13 P. (MIRA 13:2) 1. Rusaia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Glavnoye upravleniye goodezii i kartografii. (Kazakhstan--Fames, Geographical) BXXKUXHAKETOT, To.; AKANZHOLOV, S.A., prof., obahchiy redIrd"aased]; ADDRA)DWOOT,; BMM6T, To.,; IOLICHMO, T.T., reCt AYTMUKUKMOVA. S.. red.: ROROIIIU. Z.P.. (Russian-Kazakh dictionary of terms] Ruseko-kasakhakiittermino- logi~heskii slover'. Alma-Ata. Vol.l. 1959, 222 p9 Vol*Zo 1959. 342 P. (MIRA 12:6) 1. Akademiya nauk Xazakhakoy SSR, Alma-Ata. Institut yasyka i literatury. 2. Chlon-korrespondent Akademii nauk Kazakhokoy SSR (for Amansholov). (Kineral industries--Dictionaries) (Scienos--bictionaries) BATSALOV, S., KUDAYBERGINNOT, U.; TOKANOV, M.. otv.redt; INADRAUMMYI-A.W.; ROMMARG, TS.R,, red,; AYTXUXHAMBICTOYA, S., red.; RGROKINA, Z.P., [Russian-Kazakh terminological dictionary) Ruseko-kazakhokii torminologichookii slovar'. Alma-Ata. Vol.4. 1960. 183 p. (MIRA 13:4) 1. Akademiya nauk Kazakhakoy SO, Alma-Ata. Instlitut yazyka i literatury. (Runeian lanauags--Dictionaries--Kazakh) (Law--Dictionaries) (Education--Dictionaries) KRYLO'Jp V.I.; SUEHLNKO, N.I.; ABDRAHBYANOV G.3. Drillable packer with a volf-soalJng chamber, Burenie no,8s!0-11 104. (MIRA l8t5) 1. Tatarskiy naftyanoy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut, g,, Dugullra. ABDRiLKHMAN101" G.S.- KRYLOV, V.I.; SUKHENKO, N.I. y flydraulic exputider for Jncroaning Oic diameter of a well. Burenie no.4%3--5 164o (MIRA 1815) 1 I, IfItarskly rit)ftianoy nauchno-issledovatePtikiy infititut, g, Bucullma. ~.TS- IJI I 1. ;%" L.I.; SEVRYIJGIN, N.A.; BESPALOV, V.F.; APERAMNIANOV, K.; VOW)ZOV, MI.D.; MIKHAYLOV, A.P.; Bl~iYHANGV, G.O.; IIYAPICHEV, G.F. Fetiollitlons of tho &Izakils"n Potrograplil,~ rice. 17,v.AN Kazakh.&3R.Sar.gaol, 22 no.5196-103 S-0 165. (MlP,k 18-,12) ABDRAXRKANOV, K.A.; STROGANOV, A.N. jtPI-- Dikes in the rare-metal ore deposits of Kara-0ba, Vast, AN Kazakh. SSR 14 no.9:82-86 S 158. (MIRA 11:11) (Wap-Oba-Dikes (Geology)) I ABDUK."U] a _LOVj_K.A.,; 1,0:'.IIIEVSKIY, V,G. Feaudolouciten in Vin Irisu rmsrif (T, lao-Ala-Tati). Trudy Inst.Cool.naid: AIT no.03-11. 161, (:')2U 34: 10) (Irion rogior)-(Powidoloucito) - ABDRAKHM&NOV, XsA. Genetic characteristics of the alkali intrusion in of the Talaa Ala-Tau. Izv.AN Knakh.SSR.Ser.geol. (Talas Ala-Tau-Rocks, Igneous) the Irisu massif no-4:36-45 162. (MM 15:7) ABDRAKHMANOV K.A. Geologic and petrographic features of the in the Irusu Massif o? the Talas Ala-Tau. Ser.geol. no.4:31-49 161. (Talas Ala-Tau-Rocks, alkali intrusion Izv. AN Kazakh.SSR. (MIRA 15:3) Igneous)