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Subject USSR/)31ectricity Card 1/2 Pub. 26 - 6/3o AID P - 1379 Authors Abashidze, A. I., and Branovskiy, M. A., Mfid's'- o - Ted .-S ci. Title The performance of turbine foundation frame- structures under dynamic load. Periodical : Elek. Sta., 2, 18-25, F 1955 Abstract : The authors performed a series of tests with eight types of turbine J."oundations, most. of which were built between 1947 and1949 (one was built-In 1933 and another in 1936). The aim of the"tests was to study the character of vibr4tionB of the foundation as a whole and of its separate parts, and,, in particular, to AID P - 1379 Elek. Sta., 2, 18-25, F 1955 Card 2/2 Pub. 26 - 6/30 determine the speed resonance of the system: turbine and foundation. The author graphically represents the eight typea. of frames, presents diagrams of the shape of vibrations,'and gives a table of numerical data of the results of the tests. 2 tables, 5 diagrams. Institution: None Submitted : No date ABASHIDZE, A.I. doktor tekhn. nauk; KAZANDZHYAN, A.T., Inzh. 0 -v- Precast reinforced concrete foundations for turbin-3-generator units. Energ. strol. no.41:3.-7 1641. NIRA 17:2-l') 124-57-1-985 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1957, Nr 1. p 137 (USSR) AUTHOR: Abashidze, A. I. TITLE: On a Method for the Determination of the Frequencies of Free Vibra- tions (Ob odnorn sposobe opredeleniya chastot sobstvennykh kolebaniy) PERIODICAL: Izv. Tbilissk. n. -i. in-ta sooruzh. i gidroenerg. , 1955, Vol 9, pp 137-149 ABSTRACT: The equation of the flexure line of a single-span beam of constant rigidity is written in the form y=f(x), where f(x) is a function the form of which depends on the nature of the supports. This function contains also parameters that characterize the static loads. The author approximates this function in the form of a trigonometric or exponential series which converges for the free vibrations of the beam and, for the determination of any one of the frequencies, assigns therein terms that correspond to a given form of the vibra- tions. Assuming a harmonic character for the vibritions, the static loads in the initial equation are replaced by the inertial forces arising in the vibrational motion, whereupon the frequency of the free vibrations is determined from the equation. Examples Card 1/2 are adduced, confirming the sufficient accuracy of this method 124--57-1-985 On a Method for the Determination of the Freq%.iencies of Free Vibri,tions (cont. ) - with a considerable saving in labor - as compared with the exact solutions. V. P. Shidlovst6y 1. Beams--Vibration--Frequeney determination 2. Beams--Vibration--Mathe- matical analysis 3. Approximate computations--Applications Card 212 14AURIMS, A.I., kandidat tekhnichaskikh nauk. Dynamic loads taken 'Into account in designing foundations for turbine installationm. Blek.sta. 27 no.4:19-21 Ap '56. (WM 9:8) (Turbinet) (Foundations) ABAI5HIM Andrey Ivanovich; ARRI TM, S.A., red.; VORWIN. K.P., [Dynamics of steam turbine foundational Dinamike fundamentov parovykh turbin. Moskva, Gos.energ.izd-vo, 1960. 132 p. (Steam turbines-Youndations) (MIRA 130) I/ WON ~ffiv W&P S/205/63/0D0/0D2/003/012 AO52/A126 AUTHORs Abauhidze A.I. TITLE: On the problen of dynamic calculation of turbo-generator f owndatione PERIODICALt Referativnyy zhurnal. Otdellnyy vypusk- 49- Turbostroyeniyet no. 2, 1963, 7, abstract 2-49-42. (Iz7. Tbilisek. n.-i. in-ta, sooruzh. i gidroenerg, it. 14 (IS)i 1962, 133 - 137) TEXTt A calculation method is suggested according to which the foun- dation amplitude depends on the Tigid.ity and mass of structural elements and not on the mass alone as was assumed by the previously adopted T311 (TEP) method which resulted in an oxcessive vaterial outlay. By the proposed meth- od fxequenoie~).of ftatural horizontal oscillatione were determined on a 1 t10 soale model of a foundation for a 150,000 kw turbo-generator. The rated frequency v&lues almost coincided ;Fith the experimental ones, There are 7 references. (Abstracter's notes Cokiplete translation.] Card 1/1 . ABASHIDZE, Andrey Ivanovicb; BEMSliTLMI, Semen Abramovich; SAPOZIO.IhOV, Fedor Vasillym4ch; SHTAYEI'04AN, Yu.Ya., prof., red.; LARIONOV, G.Ye.j, tekhn. red. [Foundations for steam turbines (turbogenerators)] Fun- damenty parovykh turbin (turbogeneratorov). Moskva, Gos- energoizdat, 1963. 334 P. (MIRA 17-3) ABASHIDMI? A.I.,, doktor tekhm waukl LITVIR, I.S., Insh. Study of the vibratton conditions of a precast reinforced ec!5crete foundation oft 200-M. turbogdnerator. Etiarg. strol. no.137-12 165. ()URA 180) 1. ARASHINE, A. T. 2. ussp 6oo h. Plant Lice - GeorCia (Transcaucasia) 7* Materials for a study of the aphids of Georgia, Soob. AN' Uniz. SSF, 12p No. 7) C~ 19.q. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions., Library of Conj-:rpss, Apri.l,, 1953.. Uncl. Pl,m c i, i -,,rm ~,:-.,~J an .1, 1' 0S 0 1 'A I W'. t 1, 4 11-1 G :,c t, T of spr yi g r~x ix a i~ i c T,io C, %C', 'I ,'.I A I k h a ",I :I hv i I I A I ~a s i i. i d A. r. C O'l I'M i~, I Ce,TZGO!lY GENERAL&SPEC.ZOOLOGY. INSECTS x,nS.. jOulZ R"f Zlilir -Biologiyn I Nc,. 2 , 3959, No - 7054 TITI.-F L).-(l Grua ~CT of Lplc on Cillorop,.t pumiliori.4 is noted: 65.7%f of its puphe perished (!ti tho control only ZN). Fri..1lowilig the chistiz.g of the. sec~rls with WIC at. Vie rat,,~ nf' 1 2 icK/hectAve, the daily denth -riAtt- of i'-abruet tanubvioidca reached end ths! productivity o -- tho bv 111 e%j)eViLments (in boxes)* at tho ruta of 2 kg/centn'... of DHC-501"i of th6 lirvap of Labrits tenctirioldon dj.fid, In a dry ooil the sowings witla thoi dtv--,LeLl scedn were ABASHIDZI,_B.K,-,, The concept of readiness (lustanovkay). Top. paikhol. 2 no.4: 21-33 JI-A,- 156. (MA gao) 1. Inititut palkhologli Imeni D.N. Usnadse AN Gruzinskoy SSR. (Payebology) PRANGISHVILI, A.S., red.; KHODZHAVA, Z.I., red.; ABASHIME, )3,X., red.; BOCHORISHVILI, A.T., red.; BZHALAVA, I.T.- , - r-e`a',;'4 "WAAAMM, R.G. 9 red.; NORAKID23, V.G., red.; SORGULASHVILI, M.I., red.izd-va; KHOKHIASHVILI, V.M., red.izd-va; DZHAPARIDZE, N.A., tekhred. (Experimental studies on the psychology of attitude] Rksperi- me I lggAal nve isoledovaniia po psikhologii ustanovki. Tbtlisi . 398 P. MIRA912:11) 1. Akademlya nauk Gruz nako SM. Tiflis. Inatitut peikhologil. (Attitude Nhyllogy)) I ABASHIDZE, G. G;. Doc: Mod Sol -- (di a) "The Extmploural. !;,:~ ma"tau-I Pneumothorax and Oleothorax in Puimq~~bevovAoedx- Patients I VA ; no 11 i~ wt, Vxpandod Pnoum4ysis. " Tlbiliskq 1957. 30 pp 21 am. (Tbillsi State Medical Inst), 200 copies (KL, 17-57, 98) - 56 - ANTELAVA, N.V.; AWIIIDZE, G.G. Experience in using a mechanical suture in lung resection. Trudy NIIEKHAI no.5:28-30 161. (MIP-k 15:8) 1. Iz 1-y khirurgicheakoy kliniki Tbiliaskogo institute. usovershen3tvovaniya vrachey. (suruns) (LUNGS--SURGERY) ABAMIDZEs G.G. Itmg reBection in cammous tuberculosis* Trudy Thilo GIDUT 62193-202 162o (MM 16t2) (LUNGS-SURGERY) (TUMMCUU)SIS) AIMIUDZE, G.G., uref.; DZHIKIYA, O.A... asilatmnt. Role of uneumoperitansum in aurgery of pammary WIxmrculc3:13, Probla. tub, 40 noo6t99-100 OE2 (MIRA 16t'I'II-) 1. Iz karech-y 1-y kMrurgii (zav. - cILIqr-korrespand4,-n4I ANN SWR zasIu7,hc-nnyy deyatell nauki prof. F.V. Atelavs Thill,"ke- go instituta usovershenstvovenlya vracbsy (dir. - prof. G.R. Mamdadz-f) na bame I-y Gorodskoy tulxi~~Iemoy bultnitzy (Clavn),v. r),-ach A.1e. Besaliya)., Tbilitd. GVERDTSITELI, I.M.; MIKHEM), I.F.; FIDLER, Kh.N.;.ABASHIDZE, G.S.; KIJBLASHVILI~ M.V.; IJGRE191ELIDZEO D.S~- Technological processes for obtaining molding materials based on tung cake, Plast.massy no.3.lt49-50 161. (MIU 1440) (Tung nut) (Blastics) i.G.; ABASHTDZE, G.S. Effeot of trip concentra Lion of alkidl solut-Auns or, the ~iiyrl,-~c- mc!~~hanlxul propertles of glass plastics. Flast. maeoy nO.11R 39-41 '64 (MIRA 38,.") e: I w d prol~e- t c~, co tt)er- i ass SWIRCE: Nastichieskive ma5sy*, no. I I i qi~4, 39-14 1 TOPJC TAGS: berglass, fibergIzss strenq:h, phe-ial h'nder q , pciyester fiberglass, phenol flberq;ass, furyl f1berglass / KAST-V lamInate e P F a a Iowev 6 SuE.MITTED; 00 NO REF SOV: oo6 ENCL: OU OTHER: 0`,5 Cord 2/2 SUB CODE: MT OC --- -------- - - - - - - - Vol ACCESSION VR: AP5001263 S/0072/64/000/012/0010/0013-. AWITOR, llomanenkov, 1. G. (Candidate of tecbnical sciences): Abashitize, F. Per -at T OPI C T AC: p I as 5 f i 9 1 n- fi - ~.Ualvu. Inc :~4 1 C,4 I V i-j sUffa)-l IL 410 1 OAw-2/FdT(m)/E_PP(c) /-PRY pATT) i),'T D ..4g~0.1 Al"CESSION IR A f-,-)0 6 '~ 6 1 S/01 9, c -,CV) -tnl rIvI)I'j ()C)/4 I A u~a h I d t ect !d cQncentrat ion on the SL!~,~JLhl of xiass-reinforcced plastjCo SOURCE: Flastiche9kiye massy, no. 3, 1965, 39-41 TOPIC-TA.CS: f1berglasaD 'gIrse -reinforced plastic, polyester, phenolic binder, glass f iber strtn8t%, arid tr"t-ment AMRACT* In a 2-part study, the authora lift-westigated (1) the effect of 240-hro treatmeni at 18-22C wIth H 2 S04 (to 501) M)O-, (to 60%) and RC1 fro 1 11) on the v'~v c I c a, q tid me( han 114 propert i eF - f KkS-T ~ n F i 11C LUMPQ 5 It 4 A Coro 1 40,"0-65 A('(-.ESSTON N-.R: AF5006561 arid cau-ing t~ir sampic to swell , whilp eLL. EtIz ruallstani;,e to mincral acidz vas generally bltg~er in YAST-11 phenclic Z~T n~ I AS OC LAT TON: N,jnf, S UFN =ED Ou EN,:L: '~)fj SUB CODE: MT INO IM SOV . 003 OTHER: OID2 Card 2/2 R%IANENKOV, I*G*p kandstekhnsnauk; '~*,W.SHILCi:j, G.S., Irizh. Effect of the concentration of aggressive media on the sti-ength of glass filmuents, Stekoi ker. 21 no.321:10 D 164. (MIRA 180) 1. TSentraltnyy nauchno-Issledovatellskiy institut stroitelInykh konstruktaiy. ,_ABASHIDZEo 171*4~-,, IVANOV9 Tu. [transaltorl; MIKAV, N, (translator] [On the banks of the Ganges. Translated from the Georgian] Na beregakh Ganga. Tbilisiq,Zaria Vostokap 1959. 81 P (MI;U 3.4,S) (India-Description and travel) 7-1 too a* -oar Jos "nowworm cc q...C.a tg.&r CF.998.0% -519 "d.. ....d- . d.S dV ..YIAAd 'S't7 'lr6I Ma -cf I I 1 -0561 v"-49" a Qt. q C " a 9. 1,r, 'tw *L,c "61 cn S. 1.410n,c.t -Yxpe -r+u -Z t -t 1 00 -Cp -its CIO -Adj -3L9 .11) "61 If oer..Asv rure 19 111 .9"1 "" -Z "r-" ..ago, VF i-9 ar-ar t. -Ell vic 16061 -a-E fi d -IrWF -ary --w 3 va '6ftI -WI-a I-CO 96 -6"1 q"ep-vp-s " 44 aac vep ..Zrq. 41.1. -11-403- I-CC-OF UP-L-1- '110 vavw- ~&* ON (o "Ve"aw ft%-K"mw to . ........ On z ,L - _:- .I-, - T T SUBJECT SSR / F-HYSICS CARD 1 / 2 PA - 1297 AUTHOR 9ACKULOV,O.A., KEBULADZE,N.A., ANDRONIKA5VILI,E.L.jABA61DZE' K.A. TITLE A New Type of Decay of a Heavy Meson ? PFURIODICAL ~urn.eksp.i toor.fis, 31, fase.1, 167-168 (1956) Publ. 7 / 1956 reviewed 9 / 1956 In the summer of 1955 1.1. GUREVI~ and hie collaborators exposed an emulsion chamber with 45 layers of a photoemulsion of 400 ^ thickness of the type P in a height of from 25 to 27 km. The emulsion chamber remained in this altitude for 2 hours. Hereafter the emulsion chamber was placed at the disposal of the authors who found the following three cases after a microscopic examination: 1.) A charged particle of unknown mass has P, range of 2000,~k- in the emulsionj it then comes to a standstill and decays into a positive pion with a trace of 365/L length. The positive pion in turn decays into a positive myon with a trace length of 630/x , and the latter decays into a positron. The entire as- quenoe of decays takes place in the plane of a photo emulsion. 2.) A charged particle of unknown mass is ejeoted from a star with 4 black and 3 relativistic traceal after 5600 p it comes to a standstill and decays into a negative pion which then forms a 6-star. The decay sequence is in the plane of a photo emul- sion. 3.) A charged particle of unknown mass comes to a standstill after 650OIA- and decays into a positive pion. This act of decay and the following ones W -> 1A 4positron) are in the plane of a photo layer. All three cases have the existence of a pion trace with 357 /-4- + 2% in common. As all these pions are monochromatic, the + particle of unknown mass most probably decays according to V Zurn.eksp.i teor.fis, ~1, fase.1, 167-168 (1956) CARD 2 / 2 PA - 1297 a two-layer scheme. Such two-particle acts of decay under participation of a 3,4 MeV pion have hitherto not been known. Here only some decay schemes with the addition of the masses of known particles are taken into account: Possibility I: ?1 -4 n! + no+Q. In this case its mass is: m! - 560 m , Q - 6,8 MeV. ? e Possibility 11: ?t + Qo+Q.with mt - 1260 m , Q - 4,4 MeV. 7 e Possibility III: ?I --tx! + ~' + Q with m� - 350 m , Q - 33,4 MeV. ? e Possibility IV: A X! meson with a mass of 970 me decays according to the scheme K! ---t n! + ?o + Q. In this case it is true that mo - 680 me and that Q - 4,8 MeV. The following must be added to the above% The possibilities I, II, and III result in now measuring values of the charged primary particle, and the variety IV re- sults in a new value of the mass of the neutral secondary meson. In one of the cases, the negative particle, after being decelerated in the emulsion, is not captured by a nucleus, but it decays into a negative pion, whichp in turn, forms a cr-star. Direct measuring of the mass of the primary particle is being continued. INSTITUTION: Institute for Physics of the Academy of Science of the Grusinian SSR. ~ 11 , :,MPR-.rM M i t I ", I I I I 111 1 ARASHIDZE, K.; KOKOCHASHVILI, V. Kineties of ethyl acatate formation depending on the solvent Lin Georgian with summary in Rvasianj. Trudy Tbil. GU no.62:183-188 '57- (MIR-A ll*.7) l.Tbilteekly gosudaretvennyy universitat imeni Stalins., kafedra fizicheskoy khimii (Ethyl aceta;e) (Chemieal reaetion, Rate of) BOGDAVADZ: A. -;, N. V.0 CHM;TiA;)Z.L,. T. D., ,IWULI--HVILI., and WAKHARIA, V. V. "Neutron Activation Analysis of Marq-,anese Ure" paper presented at the All-Union Seminar on the Application of Radioactive Isotopes in Heasurementzi and Inutrument building, Frunze (Kirgiz SSR), June 1961) So: Atomnaya Energlya, Vol 11, No 5, Nov 61, PP 468-47,j ABASHID2E, K.A. Kinetics of oxidation of a bivalent manganese ion by ammonium persulfate. Soob. AN Gruz, SSR 33 no. 2025-330 F 164. (MIRA 170) w 1. Institut fiziki AN GSSR. Prodstavlano chlonom-korrespondentom AN GruzSSR D.I.Bristavi. ABASHIDZE, K.R. Some characteristics of deaths from the actIon of electric-Ity neconiing to autopsy materials from the city of Tiflis. Vop. elektropat.i elektrotrav. li5a.-36 161. (MIRA 15:10) 1. ZnvediVushchiy otdelom Byuro glavnoy sudebno-meditsinskoy ekspertizy 10dnisterstva, zdravookhraneniya Gruzinskoy SSR. Iz kafedry sudebnoy meditsiny (zav. dotsent V.S.Shanidze) 'Ibiji5skogo gosudarstvennogo meditsinskogo instituta. (TIFLIS-ELECTRICITY, 1NJURIES FROM) (DEATP-CAUSEZ) K.R. I'lisorders of cerebral circul,ition as a resilit (;I' An -inj-irj of Lim large cervical blood vessels. Sud.-nmci.ekspcrt. 7 no.2! 54-55 Ap-je 164. (MIRA 17:7) 1. huAledra 3udebnoy ireditainy (zav. - dotaer" V,11),3hantdze) Tbllios~ogo meditsinskogo institlita. A;ASHIDZ',--,,- N. A., -~'73TRITY, 14, F. and ~3AKEIIIAIDZS, T. K. "The Utilization of Neat Pydrolysates in the Froduction of a Baeteriophage", i4ork of the Tbilisi Scientific-Research 1nstitute of Microbiology, and Bacteriophages", Jol. 2, 1,,r- 103-106, 1950. 3/1 37/62/000/00,~/,`-17,11 1+,. .j A A052/A101 A--.7 hOR Abashidze, N. F. Spectro-hemical investigation of the distribution of rare an4_ -T11" element-, In ores and ore-bearing rocks of the Upper Rachi gro-ap) r Z T 10 D I AIL Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, no. 2, 1962, 4, abstract 2KI'17 ('Yezhegodnik Kavkazsk. in-ta mineral'n. syr'ya za. 19157 g.", Mcn:ow' Gosgeoltekhizdat, 1959, 47-48) L-K7 Methods of the spectral analysis of rare and small elements in.anti- mr,,-.y deposits of -hveshur group are worked out: the quantitative determllna+ior for. Sb within 0.003 - 1A with the relative error of + 3%, for Bi within 0.0 P- with thet relative error of + 1%, for Sn within 0.00~__- 1% with the relative error of 4 1%, for W within~'b.004 - 1% with the relative error of + 2.5%; thin seiriquantTitative determination for Co, V, Zr, Ag, As, Cd, Ga, In, 7 and Ce, An invtstigatlon of the process of evaporation of ore and mineral powders ha!~ shown that the method of spilling powders by the air flow has a number of advantages over the method of evaporating samples from the ch&nreis of oarbon Card 1412 S11371621000/002111 37/! 44 :.i I invest Igat I or, A052/A101 E- r -A T*hrte advantage!- area no fractional evaporaticn of in 'hr 'he P-~Itl,'_'Ity of selecting any elemer" as Bn internal star.-dari. and accuracy In the determination of elemen+S. ThE- ~ffs- cf tt~ ^MPoZi'-ion of samples on the shift of calibrating curves is lnves,,ISated, i:-.j -he regularity in the shifts depending on the degree of sulfidity of !Fample.- L. Voroblycva L lstrac~er's no-le; Complete translation] ~,_ a r d ~ /,-, ABASHIDZN, H.G. (g. Akhaltsikhe) " Rectal injection of alcohol solution in surgery. Xhirurgiia noo2: 59 Y '55- (MUU 8:5) (ALCOHOL,*WHY , administration, rectal, anseth.'adjunct.) (ANISTHISIA,l IWAL, potentiation, rectal ethyl alcohol) PKHALADZE, G.M., prof.; MACHAVARIANI, S.N., dotsent; TSINISADZE, A.N.; MMMADZE, K.G., dotsent; POCHKHUA, P.E.; CHOCHUA, D.V., kand. med. nauk; KOTARIYA, V.G., kand. med. nauk; KADAGIDZE, K.I., kand. med. nauk; GURABANIDZE, T.A., kand. med. nauk; PKHAKADZE, A.S., kand. med. nauk; AMIRIDZE, M.V., kand. med. nauk; KAVTARADZE, V.A., kand. med. nauk; KUTALADZE L.A., kand. med. nauk; TSAGARELI, G.G., kand. med. nauk, [decoaBed); KENCHADZE, I., kand. med. nauk; ABASHI N.G., kand. med. nauk; KHMALADZE, T.I., kand. med. nauk; DZHAfFZHANIDZE, D.V., kand. med. nauk Effectiveness of the treatment of' inff-ctiq ,pa syphilis (stage I and II) with bicillin-1 and bicillin-3. Vest. derm. i Yen. no.1:56-61 165. (~nRA 18:10) 1. Tbilisskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy kozhno-venerologicheakiy in-stitut (dir.- dotsent S.N. Machavariani) i kafedra kozhno- venericheakikh bolezney (zav.- prof. G.M. Pkhaladze) Tbiliaskogo instituta usovershonstvovaniya vrachey. ABASIIIDZB 8"- Prolonging tire life. Avt. trA.noP. 36 no.3:15 Mr 158. (MIRA 11t3) (Automobile s--TI roe) ARASHIIZZ, S.D. Dquipment for heating oil in a container. avt. transp. no.4:37-38 160. (MIRA 13i12) (motor vehiclos-Lubrication) ABASHIDZE, S.D. Device for vulcanizing tires in molds. Obcy.~ek' avt.transp. no.4:43-45 160. (MLRA 13.012 ) (vulcanization) Country : US3R CataGory: Virolo(W. Bacterial Viruses (Mmama) Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 23, 1958, No 103507 Author Popkhadze, M. Z., AtnaliAze, T.C. Inat Title Characteristics of Drucella BacteriophaC;t; Isolated in the Tbilisi Scient-.O'Xic Research List'.tlr~e of Vaccines and Sera Orj._ Pub: Sb. DakteriofaC;iya, Irb*',.lisi, Gruz;Vdt;iz, 1957, 321-325 Ab s t ra c t. Fron the liquid i-mum, and sewage of a cow barn in which cases of brucellosis of long-horned cattle had been observed fcxjr races of phage were .solated. The mthod. of enrichnent was used in the isulation of the phages -- D. abortus and B. rel-Aunsis cult-ares Card 1/2 Yliufobiology Rof Zhur-Biologiya, No.4, No. 14932 Abaahidze, T.G. 11ro. 14932 Epidemiological Contrbl for the Effective- ness of Live 6rucella Vaccines. ORIG, PUB. 1%. miltrobiol., opideniol. i iLuawiobiol. 19581 110-19 114-119 AW- TRA6CT A 3-year study, conducted in 8 districts of Georgian SSR, on t1te effectiveness of dessi- cated antibrucelle, live vaccine of the VA j Acaderu showed that among those r (Veterii~ , , vaccinated k?_69.,~ pe.-sons) who had come in contact with animals sick with brucellosis 0.1% had the infection, and among the control non-vaccinated group - 22.6~6- Incidence a- mong the people was frequently registered in April - June in the period of bitth and lac- CARD: 1/3 c 0 T."IN f I b AM. JOLR. AT'V:, 0 H ORI G. RI P. ABSTW,LCT cination strengthened all the im.,-vrziolo,7icll reactions rrevailed -70r. 1 1/2 - 2 ye"Irs. 0;, IRD 4 zh ~himiva Abs ',Slf AUTHOR: Melilcad,te C 1 dze . T ACC NRi AT7002555 SOURCE CODE: UR/2552/66/000/047/0107/0119 AUTHOR: Abashidze, V. G. ORG: none TITLE: Thermal effects in GAK type silicon gravimeters SOURC1,: Moscow. Vsesoyu~-.nyy nauchno-Issledovatel! -skiy institut geofizicheskikh metodov razvedki. Prikladnaya geofizika, no. 47, 1966, 107-119 TOPIC TAGS: Pravimeter, measuring instrument, temperature dependence A B Si-,RA C T :Investigations of astatized silicon gravimeters of the GAK-3-, and ~';AK-4,-l types were made under laboratory and field conditions. In particular, the dependence of the zero drift on temperature, stability of thermal coefficients in time, the behavior of silicon systems in the presence of periodic and stepped temperature var-, i iations, and changes in the scale value of the instruments were considered. The I zero drift was measured in a thermal chamber of various temperatures. The zero drift: was found to increase with an increase in the temperature. This effect was attri- buted to a growing creep of elastic elements in the silicon systems caused by the temperature rise. In order to determine the effect of temperature on the scale value of the gravimeters, measurements were made at temperatures ranging from 0 to 35C. Various temperature levels inside the gravimeters were maintained over a period 'Lasting 1.5 to 2 days. It was shown that as the temperature inside the gravimeters Card 1/2 ABASIUAV , V.G. Results of determining temperature coefficients and zero-point dis- placements In quartz gravimeters with liquid temperature compensation. Trudy Inst. geofiz. AN Gruz. SSR 18:173-186 160. (MIRA 13:10) (Gravimeter (Geophysical Instrument)) Studi~23 of gravitational field ... S/169/62/00o/00/ol5/090 E202/E192 The survey was based on 41 supporting points which are linked through the initial Tbilisi point with the Potsdam grid. The results of survey (1902 points) were completed by 57 pendulum points and 1393 points collected by industrial organisations. ~!ethod of survey in difficult and inaccessible mountainous regions is described. The errors in the determination of the anomalies are described. It is shown that in order to increase the accuracy of the gravity force reduction in mountainous regions, it is of greater importance to determine more accurately the density than the elevation of the point. The &2g (Buge) anomalies are strongly deformed by the effect of the topography and hence for all the 3400 points the effect of the topography was taken into considera- tion within a radius of 200 km. Brunce and Zhongolovich (iongolowicz) corrections were incorporated in the observations. A brief description of the gravitational field of Caucasus in the "free air" (Faya) reduction 61g, and local topographic jj~~-2g (Buge) reduction is given. Simultaneously with the survey, studies of rock densities were carried out which showed that the belt of density changes (if-creases with the increasing age of the ruckb, and Card 2/3 ABASHIDZE, V.G. Mcperimental study of the dyrAxic temperature effect in quartz gravimeters. Trudy Inst. geofiz. AN Gruz. SSR 21:205-211 163. (MIRA 18:12) ABASHIDZE, V.G. Standardization of quartz gravimeters. Trudy Inst. geofiz. All Gruz. SSR 22:135--152 164. (WRA 18:12) 7. _. V. S. - "On -he :-,Alom of -,he of ti-.0 llruar ~,tf the vertebr~ite,ll Trud:,, in-t;i. eksperim. :.orfoloLil %-a~- G~-a7. 33R), 1, 19,48, Zp. 175- ~~q - In Griui~.~. 1~n~.-a.z;o - Resun,,o -4n I-Imssion - Bill-lioc': 11 items I SO: U-~:1)00, '0 JdY '3, (Loto it, lZ'l,.urn_I S"t.tey, N 0 C, 1 C) ~ rj) AUSHIDZZ, V.S. Structure of the brachial plexus in amphibians and reptiles. Soob.AN Gras.SSR 17 no.2:169-175 156. (M13A 9:8) 1. Akademiya nauk Gruzinskoy SSR, Institut eksperimentallnoy morfoT logii, Tbilisi. Predstavleno deyetvitellnym chlenom Almdemli A.I. Natishvili. (BUCHIAL PLLUS) HATISHVILI, A.W. [deceased]; ABASHIDZI, V.S. Changes in the intramural nerve plexuses and in the mucoug membranes in ilioooloplasty. Arkh.anat.gist.i etobr. 37 no.9137-W S 159. (14IRA l3rl) 1. Iz Instituta okeperimentalluoy morfologit AN GSSR. Adree avtora: Tbilisi. Institut okeperimental'noy morfologii AN GSSSR. (COLON transpl.) (ILIUM trauspl.) NATISHVILI, A.,W. [deceasedjj_~: .-Y,~., -. Q%Wgcs in the waU of the smaU intestine of a dog fol4owing X bodiation. Trudy Inst. eksp. zorf. AN Gruz. SSR 80-19-3-16 160. (14RA 14: 10) (X RAYS-PHYSIOLOGICAL MIXT) (INTESTINESI A,BASIIIDZE, V.S. Structure of spinal neuroplexuses in bats (14yotis oxygnathus). Trudy Inst. eksp. morf. All Gruz. SSR 8:127-129 160. (MM 14'.10) (BATS) (NERVOUS 3YSTEM-M-24ALS) ABASHIM, V.S. .S.tructure of spinal neuroplexuses in the hare (Lepus e. caucasicus). Trudy Inst. eksp. morf. AN Gruz. SSR 8:131-133 160. (MIRA 14:10) (HARM) (NERVOUS SYSTEI-L.-I-M-MIS) ABASHIDZIL. V.S. Structure of spinal neuroplexuses in the squirrel (Sciurus persicus amomalur.). Trudy Inst. eksp. morf. AN Gruz. SSR 8:135-137 160. (~MU 14: 10) (SQUIRAELS) (NERVOUS SYSTa"WMALS) ABASHIDZE, V. 6. Doc Med Sci - (diss) "Comparative anatomy of spinal cord nerve plexuses and sympathetic nerve cords of vertebrates." Tbilisi, i961. 31 PP; (T~ilisi State Med Inst); 180 copies; price riot given; list of author's works on pD 30-31 (21 entriE.s); (KL, ?-61 sup, 254) LEZIUVAI A.S.; ABASHIDZE. LS, Conference of readers of nArkhiv Anatomii$ Gistologii i Embriologii* in Tbilisi. Arkh. wat. gist., i embr. 40 no-3:116 Mr 161. (MIRA, 105) (ANATOMY-PERIODICALS) ABAS~H~.V,I,lj,.PZHAVAKHIS.'.'VILIt N.A.., rod.; KOBIDZE, L.K., red. ------- TROKERZY4 N.D., tekhn. red. izd-va,- [Comparative anatmV of cerebrospinal nerve bundles and sympathetic trunks in vertebrates) K 8ravniteltnoi arAtomii spinnomozgovykh nervnykh spletenii i simpaticheakikh stvo-, lov pozvonochrWkh. Tbilisi, Izd-vo AN Gruz.SSR 1962. 151 P. IMIRA 17t2) ABASHID:~F, YA. L. 25111 AIRASHIME, YA. L. Rost 1'. Razvitiya Evkalipt,ov V Zapadnoy Gruzii V Svyazi S Ekologichaskimi Faktorami. Trudy in-ta Lesa (Akad. Nauk Gruz. SSH.) T.11 1949, 5.39-106 - Na Gruz. I Ru3. Yaz - Sibliogr:42 Naz~r. SO: Latopis', No. 33, 1949 A - I ~'i 6 5=1 Z'- " , *--'A . 1, . ;_ucalyp"'.Is Probleri of (-,-" oucalypt,,,s seeds. L--s. 4-1. st,~,pl Il, no. -,., l')"2. 'J' 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Uncl. I IT USSR/Forestry j-4 Abs Jour : Referat Zhur - Biologiya, No 16, 25 Aug 1957, 69u8 Author :-Abacth I d Me,_X6,. I,. Inst Title : Types of Forest Cultures in Georgian SSR. Orig Pub : Tr. In-ta lesa AN GruzSSR, 1956, 6, 27-40 Abstract : In order to increase the effectiveness of forest cultiva- tion the territory of Georgia was divided into 3 forest- growing districts with subdivision of these into vertical belts (as noted). In conformity with these 50 species of forest cultures were developed and an assortment of woody and bushy species are recommended, which include 49 kinds of primary and 33 of secondary woody species and 24 bushes. Card 1/1 - 38 - ABAS91M, Ya. L. - Doc Agric Sci (diss) -- "For-st crops of the coorgian SSR and the r.)utlook for their development". Tbilisi, 11)5k'-1, by the G'-'Ori,,,ian Agric Inst. 56 I)p (Min Agric USSR, Ceorgtan OrJer of Labor !',ad llalln.!r A,gric Ilist), 100 copies (KI., No 13, 1959, 108) ABASHIDZE, Ye.M. Karst of the Shaora Basin. Nov.kar.i spel. no.2:44-52 161. (MIRA 15:9) (Shaora Valley-Karst) A.R.'-SHIDZE, Zh.V.; T.G. Spec trojrzqr~il -i d0i~--mlitut-lon ,.f le-~ L.-, ale trolytlo f~lxcr-,Wm. Soob. All Grur. 35-i 34 n,~.395t:4 J,~ ',',! (MIRA 18t1) 1. Sulniti;-.1 Wtober 5-. 190. r,:") A:M,0113 j.' i V . I PC-t. r 0 V.M. PC I lil-c'v-L S.v G.I.: V.F.and L.N. TITLE: o--" the cf R-~e-ni *um in the Ru,;-,ctiiiL o-l' izrl u Fluidized-Red Rouster tLx.,--~-heniye po-,re-lexiiyu i reniya pi~i obzMge molibdenil ovylvh v 1) 1 PEDLIODICI,L: T2,!e`U-.yye Met~illy . jS15" , AESTRACT: T'ne, ion, lil some m alyl)danite concz~iitrl-ite 1,11 fr~~m czec of ir.-Idnly 1 CK,-~ C,114~ Of the oovr-es, of elerae-nt Ir; l9ft; a ~netuizl the oomposition of ~:. 1-1-toh nf' L.e-;:IL ilo. 35.4--4,' S , 0.7)-' Cui 2-~f"'r Fc; C',C) S-~O-) )("" cu 0 . - , ? 0.?21" 77, 0.02r,(,. RQ, ().033,)! S.-, f, 0"", 1] 0 I - .. .1i * . $ 4. c- I- e r't Tlie -I.Ot~lry kFln !t',4 : o0mirion -I-ro:14-~t-C; Ire C. i 0, jamples 1) Shc,-..,r a alitAillailcm riienium in SY 3S- -5 1-9/21 Stud..vy- of t~.e Behavioi.Lr L~rCl Reccj-,,ery of R!_,e,.niun in fco., t~,::- tl--c - ~ t,-1, -,-J VSI'j dc-ci~,nea by (f i~;.l -',.'.Ie 17US tc, A respect to r1l."t-ni-ifl, 1*00-ct of' tho qz--ntity t-7,C.pped "bOlly i;,. i-J"e forlp. Of -cnj,curd,,-,, tlie. losses Of ll(y,,did i,rom lltw -1-0-wn tc~ be 11:Lo to in ont- patrL~ rn, r, f ila I -. fro In t I -L) I'l t I. v rC-: r e a n, be 30 cc) 0.15 0.30 Tl-:e Luzt-ullation fl.,,-iidiza(~ ro:.,tc~~r (fiL;.') V;:I~- used 1)61,t.kviour of ,-nA its rr.,Overy e rc,-Clti3t~ of' Ic r(6ce lr~ 2 (10.5% Me, 17.5% S -'!-P,.3-Lc,.' Sio" 4.06~~ cu, /3 C- 8 3 k-. - 5 --- - I I - 9/2 1 -Stud'y of the a,.y~ Ret~,,-.ery of Rlazmii:2-3 in ~Ie R~,,,Asting- of Volybdcr,ite Con-7ex-ftrutes in ~, Fluidized-Red, Rouster 0.?11" 1,7, O.OAe Re) 0 1 .60c,,'* C-cLO, 7.165' Pa, p Lt 590-630 c I ar Z-~a U11 0-ir velocit, in t I-Le s t;; e. -1r of ~-g cm/E,ec (givirz ai-i hourly rrod-Li-c-tivitv of 75-J,O I,:ITLZ sf Leu.-te, area). materials I.Iz2ance (iuble 3) fOr LL 12 Lour run shows tl~,,.~t tI--te method ic, -uccessftl viitt such concentrates; t',-- distill,tior, of rr~lerjinm ~3.2% o-Lr' the quantity in tile ccuiclimtrate. ThE:re JIre 7,;res al!d 3 tables. Card 3/3 PHASE I BOOK E(PLOITATION SOV/4805 Abashin, Georgiy Ivanovicb, and Grigoriy Murado.vich Pogosyan Tekhnologiya polucheniya vollframa i molibdena (Tungsten and Molybden= Pro- duQtion Processei"0 Moscow, Metallurgizdat, 1960. 259 P. Errata slip in- serted. 2J.150 copies printed. Ed.: A.F..SInyakov; Ed. of Publishing House: O.M. Kamayeva; Tech. Ed.: .A.I. Karasev. PURPOSE: This is a textbook for training foremen and skilled workers in the field of tungsten and molybdenum pr4Muction. COVERAGE: Methods of _producing tungsten r-ad molybdenum metal suitable for manu- factaring rolled products are revisited in the book and the PhYsicochemidal properties of tungsten and molybdenum and their compounds are described. Principal mqthods of processing raw materials and equipment used for this pur- pose are presented. Safety and dust removal techniques are discussed. All the chapters were written by G.I. Abashin except Chapters IV, V. and IX, Car*-r/7 Tungsten amd Molybdamm Production Processes sov/4805 which were written by G.M. Pogosyan. The authors thank O.Ye. Kreyn., L*V. Belyayevskaya,and A.F. Sinyakev for their comments in reviewing this book. There are 18 references)all Soviet. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Foreword 3 PART 1. TUNGSTEN Ch. I. General Information on Tungsten and Its Cclipounds 5 1. Historical data 5 2. Properties'of tungsten metal 6 Properties of tungsten compounds 8 4. Fields of application of tungsten 13 5. Tungsten (containing] minerals, ores, and ore concentrates 14 6. Survey of methods of processing tungsten concentrates 17 Ch. II. Processing Tungsten Concentrates to (Ybtain Tungsten Trioxide 19 7. Decomposing concentrates by sintering 19 Cml-Q~r I.- ASASHIN, G. I. Regeneration of rheniun from rhanium-tungeten alloy wastes, Tsvet."t. 33 no-5369-70 Yr 160. OGRA 13: 7) (Tungsten-rbsnium alloys) (Rhenium) sIr"),11r, I "'0o0/000/00". /0 1 a D2215/wo AUTHORS: Zolikman, A. H. Bibikova, V. I., Petrov, V. 11 Pc .7 Abanhin, G. I., Pritulo, V. P. Niki- tina, TITLE i Study of the behavior and recovery of rhenium durinj; the ronsting of Kndzhara and Xoundvid molybdenite concen- tratoo in a layer SOURCEt Akademiya nank SSSR. InBUtut motn11urj711 im. A. A. Bay- kova. Inctitut nineralogii, geo~hlmtl I krietallokhimil redkikh elementov. Me:,.hd!ivedomE;tvvnnaye komls-;iya p~ xodktm metallam. Vnenoytiziloye i3oveoliclinn1ye pa problems renlya. Moncow, 1958. Heniy; trudy voveohchanlya. Hoc- cow, Izd-vo All 33SR, 1961, 42-50 TEXTt The authors preoent the reaultB of their ctudy oft (it) the distribution of He In the producta obtained from rotioting Kad-zhara molybdonite concentrates in a boiling-Inyer furn "cc, (b) the re- covery of Re from wacte gases of a boilint;-layer furnace by means Card 1/ 3 Study of the behavior . . . of n. bubb I ing un It. it it (I (c ) t I ic I, Orr., to r of Re (I iii- I ri(~ ~ )w wi I c In In P. of Younlrad concentratev In tilt) type of fui-n--e ,,lid th- E'N- traction of lie with a vimilar bul",ling unit. A ti,ntnlive in also cujCested for reproceDsinr bubbler ptilp to obtaill Ve. It An notv.,d that recent ress--arch tit the Inotitut tovetnyXIi notalloy im. It. 1. Kalinina Onntltuti~ of Non-Ferrout, el,?talo In, 71, 1. Kit- linizi) httu indioated the ii(tvitntagen of the fur n"C0 no compared with tubular, ntifflit, iijil reverberatory typer'. 1)1!jJ,,rr11ntq illautrate the dunt-colloction system ef the boil inj,- Iiyer furn.'I.-*, the bubbling unit deaiCned by the Ginttivetmet (I;t;itn Infititutc of Non-Ferrous Metallurey) fur the recovery of furnacs, 1~nvcn, and the laboratory model of-the bolling-Ittyer furnw~e rmploye4 by the vu- thorn In their teats. The Ito distribution in the rwititine, products of Xud--hara concentrates, the lie content of bubbler pulp, and thn Re balance for both the bubbler and the furnace tit! a wh,le fire E;I- veri ia tables. Conclusions: 1) The roasting of Kad.-lukra concent- rates in a boiling-layer furnace ensures the fullent vublination of Re; 92 _ 96% of the Ro in sublimated In thin type of furnace Oard 2/3 1,iA, I /,ooo,/oo()/o04 101(3 Study of the behavior an compared wilh only 90 - 67't In rliffle mid tij'Oulitr ra-zin - -ceL. 2) The exinting (Junt-collection I',;- bollirj-lwy~r furnace doen not ruarzint,:-c a trktinfivtor.", dt,i~~vcu of R~, Since tile loaq of netal III %."Iste j;,wPr, ni.-imizit:1 tt~ al;out 00,', Tn~- lowering of the tonperature of thf., Cottrell Mter to 55 - 80') dc,~p not reduce this loss on account of the condenr-:0jon of 11,'!04. 3) I-1.Uch better results can he obt,,tined with the bubblini, unit, and Ah- bubbler's efficiency with respoct to Re is otated to equ 'a I Wj - 96;4. 75 - 921p of the metril in the bubbler pullp to in solution, ind th 7 concentration of dissolved lie risen nt; the durition of th,:! bubblinr lengthens. It ii) recommended that the pulp be removed from the. bu~bb- ler when the Re conen. an(] acidity of the coluttrut, Is 0-115 - 0.3 and 30 - 50 g11 reopectively. 4) The hirh dejr,~e of Re vublim-ition (92- 93.2~1,) from the ash of Koundrad concentrate vhowFj that the nitme technique can also be Rplwl.iod to this matcriil; there in no diffe-' rence in the behavior of He during tile roartinr of both coilcentra- tee and the processing of their ganeoun products in the bubbling unit. There are 3 figures and 4 tnblea. Abstracter's notes p.48 of the photootnt cDpy in illegible.-7 Card 3/3 35083 3/697/61/000/000/005/018 JD, 3 100 D228/D303 AUTHOR: Abashinp G. 1. TITLE: Preparation of potassium perrhenate and metallic rhenium SOURCE: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut metallurgii im. A. A. Bay- kova. Institut mineralogii, geokhimii i kristallokhimii redkikh elementov. Mezhduvedomstvennaya komissiya pe redkim metallam. VeeBouznoye soveshchaniye po probleme reniya. Moscow, 1958. Reniy; trudy soveshchaniya. Mos- cow, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1961, 51-55 TEXT: Thb author describes the technology of the proves s whereby V41 KReO is prepared from Mo concentrates and reduced to metallic'Re. In tfie first stage, dust'from gas flues and the Cottrell filter in leached twice with hot water in the presence of crushed pyrolusite. This is followed by the solution's neutralization with lime in a diabase-lined reactor at a pH of 11 - 12, which eliminates most of the Mo, Cu. and Fe. KReO4 is pptd. by concg. the solution in a stain- Card 112 S/697/61/000/000/'005/016 Preparation of potassium ... D228/D303 less steel evaporator, adding more lime, and treating the filtrate with 25r,"o KC1. Details are given about the distribution of Re during these three operations. The perrhenate is first reduced in a three- zone electric furnace at 480 - 6000C, after which the powder is sub.- jected to further reduction in an electric muffle furnace at 10000C. In the sixth stage the dark-gray Re-2 powder is moistened with a glycerine-alcohol solution, extruded in a hydraulic press at a pres- sure of 4 - 5 m/cm2, sintered at 10000C in a muffle furnace, and welded with U,.)n-22-3 (TsEP-223) equipment to yield compact metal with a up. gr. of 13 - 15 g/cm3. The author also recommends a procedure for compressing and sintering Re-1 powder and notes that the main problem of Re extraction metallurgy -- the increase of metal output at the expense of introducing bubbler apparatus and ionite columns -- is being studied at his plant in cooperation with the Institut giredmet (Institute of Hydroreduction Metallurgy) and the Institut tsvetnakh metallov im. M. I. Kalinina (Institute of Non-Ferrous metals im. M. I. Kalinin). /-Abstracter'B note; Parts of pp.51-52 of the photostat copy are illegible.-7 Card 2/2 f-! rherulim. welding Pr al~; L ACCMMON MR: AT5002767 the phosphertin volstilized during welding-, Us content in the final rlhentmn bv-r6 wm 0. 57, of Lhe origLnal amount. A&SOCLkTJON: nore I U U U U U %7 11 W a ;I %I f V 3, a V A d 0 It i A b -1 9 h i n k; -SOURM.- Vst".-o7 j znoyv--alovc n hl-t~nlvc-- -p7o p rot,- leme; rowly- -',d- - n I u r u,,i - O*!;p at it 0 D A KAU I I Liju ctjLj:cv-i; u;L Kuuu%;rioii aug bLat;aring r-onu-lr,,ion5 on unp. A i. iti, & q- j3 iw r, r! 4- -t-V - b -mg hp ~i a c I J! 1 ~j oo u fin 10 1 d I n f v o n I L L 23351-65 A v - r r. c-, -7 1; 1 ft' d L m e t miaximum conta.,.& of X. Also, More Lhar. 903 X can he ng-L U-V-G-- t ab lia Iyi.- As 8 V~ ne 'N' .j"P. ABASHIli, 11. 9 "-re aeveloping the manufacture of articles from poultry feathers. Was. Ind. SSSR 28 no.61-55-56 157. (MIRA 11:1) 1. Moskovekly ptitookombinat. (Yeathere) (Artificial flowers) ABASHIN. N. ` - ' Mechanized cleaning and disinfecting of dropping screens and beardsi Was. ind. SSSR 29 no.2:48-49 158. (KIRL 11:5) 1.Moskovskiy ptitsekombinat. (Pomltry plants --Zquipmnt and supplies) ABASHIN, No; BOIKO, I*. bukbgalter-ekonomist. rdiilua staff in ths coal induatrv. Fin. SSSR .1-9 no.6.-63-64 Je 1~8, (KIRA 11W 1. laohallaik Kadiyovskogo goroaskogo finansovogo otdela, (for Abashin). (Kadiefta-Coal mines and mining) --- Equipment for paraffin-raoin pluckiDg of waterfowl carcasses. Mias.ind.S= 33 no.2:15-17 162. (14M 15:5) 1. Makovskiy ptitsokombinat. (Poultry planta-Eqidyment. and supplies) S/081 62/000/012/059/063 B158/B101 ;,UTNOR~;: Abauhina, R,. F., Gridunova, Ye. B.,'Lysenkot A. Ve TITLE. Effect of synthetic resin additives on the physico- mechanical properties of ebonite eBRIODICAL: Referativnyy.. zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 12, 196~, 615,' abstract 12F302 (Tr. N.-i. in-ta rezin. prom-sti, sb. 7, 1960, 52-66) T.,M: Results are given of investigations into the effect of the followin,~ resins (R) on the physico-meohanical properties of ebonite mixtures: polyvinylahloride (rIXT 3119-46 (GOST 3119-46)), polyethylene (TY N,(7-4138-53) (TU YXh? W8-53), high-atyrene R (imported), i;olyisobutylene (TII M)r7 1655-54p(TU MKhP 1655-54r)),. phenol-formaldehyde resins (li ~Iuid Bakelite ~,4'(~CT 4559-45 (GOST 4559-45)), powdered Bakelite (r5,~T 3552 -47 (GOST 3552 Iditol (FOCT 2230-43 (GOST-2230-43).), R no. 18, (TV IIX7 1-42 (TU MKhP 1-42)), R no. iOl (TT MX71 K:j 328-13 (TU :ZKhi KU 326-13)), sulfonamide R (test samples). The possibility is' established of increasing the impact strength of ebonite by using Card 1/2 s/oai/62/OOO/Oi2/059/063 Effect of synthetic resin additives ... B150101 polyethylene und R no. 18, and also of improving all tl~e basic phynico- mechanical propert'ies of ebonite of QH (310) by introducing Bakelite i)owder into its.composition. High-styrene R (of the Duranite 10 and Hycar 2057 type) may be used as fillers for economizing in rubber. Abstracter's note: Complete translation.] Card 2/2 HIM,-V.I.; AKSELIR.CD, S.S.; RUTKGVSKIY, G.M.; SMIRNOVA, K.A. The SF-8 recording spectrophotometer. Zhur. prlkl. spekt. -'0"' no. 2:182-186 Ag 165. (MIRA lesl2) "s, ABASHKIN, G.V. Electric spark machining of metals. Trudy Stud. nauch. ob-va LIM no,3:13-21 159. (MIRIL 16t10) ABASHKIN, G.V.; KULIKOVA, I.B.; TOMILINA, D.N. Determination of the value of maximum torque transmitted by carrier centers, Trudy Studs nauch. ob-va LIM no.3s2g-38 159. (MULk 16:10) ABASHKIN-) V. A-. AB,'ZHRIN, V. A.: "Investigation of the systems of operating the GAZ-52 automobile under a,-yicultural conditions." Min Higher Education USZR. Moscow Inst of the Mechanization and Electri- fication of Agriculture imeni V. Mo Molotovo Chair of "Trac- tors and Automobiles." Moscow, 1956. (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate in Technical Sciences) SO: Knizhnaya letopist, No 23, 1956 OZERSKIY, A.S., kand. tekhn. nauk; ISAYEV, Ye.G... kand. teklin. nauk)- -ABA5KUR,-V.A.,- kand. tekhn. nauk; LETNEV, B.Ya.., red.; GUREVICH, M.M., tekhn. red. (Crawler tractors] Ousenichnye traktory. Moskvap Izd-vo sellkhoz, lit-ryo zhurnalov i plakatov, 1961. 638 P. (MMA 14:12) (Crawler tractors) AHASHKIN, V.A.,!-. Methods for determining the reduced moment of inertia in . tractor-drawn machinery. Trakt. i sellkhozmash. 31 no-11:14--15 N 161. (MIRA 14:12) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut sellskokhozynystv--nnogo mashinostroyeniya. 0 (Moments of inertia) (Agricultural machinery) ARASHKINI V.A.? kand. tekhn. nauk; VOLKOV, Yu.I., Inzh. -------------- Some problems.of model Btudies of agricultural tractor- driven machinery. Trudy VISKHOM6 no.37s3-19 163. (MIRA 170) ABASHKIN, V.A., kand. teknn. nauk /,pproximative solution of *,hp W-lance equa-rlon cf moment.e for ~, tjImple model of a tracl,or-driven nAchine, Trud7 Vl-'KHO14--- 'no.37:20-29 163. Determinl6g the rciduc-el m,)iwr!t of inertia usIng the "Inertia- ispetdl' dIngism. Ibld.s5l-60 (MIRA 17:9) AbA 'I iK IN, % asil !,.- '~. : -. t vjch; .P I , "1. 11- f. [AdiuLtrs~n-. of -tr~xw'-s! , 'r~ :. I I I "- , !. t,.-: .:~ , .'~ c-E'-v a, '1z'i-VV 11KC-IOL'" 10U'. -'~~'P6 P. (': . I ' ' A -; " ~' : I ) OZEII,SrdY, A.S., kand. tokhn.iiauk; ISAYEV, Ye.G., kand. tekhn. ,, kand. tokfin. nauk; nauk; S.F., inzh., retsenzent; LISMSKIY, A.A., inzh.) rett;enzent; PESTRYAKOV, A.I.t inzb., red. [Crawler tractors] GusenichrWe trakto.7. I-Ioskva, Kol,-)s, 1965. 1+47 p. (YliLk 16-10) AUS V.V.,knnd.tekhn.n&,*; OACMM,L.O..kAhd.tskhn.na1xk; - PAVLOV, I-V,,kand.t8kh:mnauk Running characteristics of freight car tiluoks equipped with one roller bell bearing in the axle. Vest. TSNII M L171 no.7:44-Q N '58. (MIRA 11-12) (Railroads--Freight care) (Roller bearings) .a A3ASHKiN, V.V., kandetekhn.nauk; DWATIOV. V,7., kand.tekhn.nauk; - ------MWAVTSIW, N.,r., kand.takhn.nauk; FAVIOV, I.Y., kand.tekhn.; nauk; SHMNIN. V.S., kand.takhn.nauk Judging track conditions by the forces of its interaction with rolling stock. Vest.TSKII WS 19 no.1:10-13 '60. (MM 13:4) (Railroads-Track) kand.teirbn.nauk; PATIOV, I.T., kand.tekhn.nauk I~Fnam~c interaction between whoel and rail. Yest,NNII M 19 no.4:34-37 160. WRA 13:7) (Railroads-Rail) (Car wheels) ABASH&Z,3[,v.-,- kand tekhn#nauk;'DEVYATKOIr, V.F.,, kand.tekhn.nauk; FAVLOV, -- .1,-Y,, kand.Z4khn.mtukj LOSEV, A.V., inzh- Method of investigating'the perfozvmnce of the axle roller cage. VentsTSNII MPS 20 no,3:37-40 '(a# (mm 1415) (Car axles) (Roncir bearings) ABASIMMI V. V. kand. takhn. nauk; %-UDRYAVTSEV, N. N. , kand. teklin. nauk; A.A., kand.telhn.nauk; ANISINOV, P.S., inzh. Effect of track stiffness on the running gear of cars. Zliel.-dor.transp 43 no.9:67-69 S 161. (miru 14:8) iRallroads.-Track) DEVYATKOV, V.F., kand.tekhn.nauk; ABASHFIN, V.V., karxl.tekhn.nauk Fxperiment in the operation of axle box assemblies with roller bear- ings on passenver and freight cars. Trudy TSNII MPS no.221:16-24 ,(I. (MIRA 1.'):I) (Roller bearings) (Car axles--Testing) ABASHEltl,_.V,V~,ka,nd.tekhn.nauk-, DFVYATKOII, V.F., kand.tekhn.nauk; LOSEV, - - i.I.V., inzh.; PAVLOV, I.V., kand.tekhn.nauk Development of a safe design for the cage of cylindrical roller hearings. Trudy-TSNII MPS no.221:85-99 61. (MURA 15:1) (Holler bearings) kand.tekhn.nauk; *DRYAVTSEV, N.N., kand.tekhn.nauk: DFVYATYOV, V.F., kand.tck~n.nauk; PAVLOIJ, I.V., kand.tekhn.nauk, SPARDNIN, V.S., kand.tekbn.nauk Force method for determining the characteristics of the track con- dition, Trudy TSNII MPS no.221:175-200 061. (YURA 15:1) (Railroads--Track) KISELEV9 Vasi3.iy Stepanovich[deceaved]i ABASHMAi Antonina Yedorovna; RATMA'NSKnq W.S.t red.; KOCLUIp V.V.t [Manufacture of varnishes, drying dils and paints) Proizvodstvo lakov, olif i k-rasok. Izd.2* perer. i dop Moskva$ Goo. nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo khim. lit-ry, 1961. ~0-7 p. (MIU 240) (Faint materialm) ADASHKINA A.F.; KAZNACHEYEV Yu.1, I Use of epoxy resins for fastening flanges of wave guide pipes. Zhur. prikl. kh1m. 36 no.12:2783-2784 D'63. (MIRA 17s2) 1. Institut radiotekhniki i elektroniki AN SSSR. 1.1 tros-,ro-,i-?n ;:rd Dl~ of Vne Ul. er VL~c.; of the Ul~j,er : ' a-dil -,nd 7il,-.-Ar Stvatil-r~--jhlcikl S-Igrdflc- nct!." Cand Utol.-Il" 4 "IQ-1, ll-,~A of 1953. Six:ey of Sci,~ntific L:.,! 5 :`ii~v 55 ABASHKINA, A.V. ___"GOrvgMrn'gvi8'9 sediments in the upper Pechora Basin with analogous sedimonts in other Ural regions, Izve vy's. uchob, zavo; geolo i razv. 1 no-7:32-43 R '58. (MIRA12:8) 1.Moskovski7 institut tovetnykh metallov izolota, Kafedra. obahchey i istoricheskoy geologiio (Ural Mountains--Geology, Stratigraphic) SOV/5-58-6-11/13 AUTHOR: Abashkina, A TITLE: New Species of Lithostrotion Corals from Upper-Viscan Deposits of the North Ural and Their Stratigraphic Distribution (Novyye vidy korallov Lithostrotion iz verkhnevizevskikh otlozheniy Severnogo Urala i ikh stratigrafi- cheskoye rasprodeleniye). PERIODICAL; Byulleten! MoskovskoGo obshchestva ispy- tateley prirody, Otdel geolocicheskiy, 1958, Nr 6, P 137-149 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The corals of the Lithostrotion family are found in the Urals exclusively in Upper-Visean deposits of the Lo~,,er Carboniferous period. The author studied the stratigraphic distri- Card 1/2 bution of the Lithostrotion and Diphyllum. SOV15-1-18-6-11113 New Species of Lithostrotion Corals from Upper-Visean Deposits of the North Ural and Their Stratigraphic Distribution species, and proposed the sub-division of the Upper Visean staFe into sub-stages. A de- tailed description of some of the new species is given. The names of V.A. Varsanoflyeva and T.A. Dobrolyubova are mentioned by the author. There are 2 sets of photos, 2 tables and 13 Soviet references. Card 2/2 --0ASHXjTXA, --- f . I ~i~41. -Gay'sInskly, IT., Yell, Volzhenstiy, A. V. rastvorov I betonov na skorost' Ikb tver-deniya. arlchitekture, No. 3. 1949, 9. 100-07. V11yaniye obrabotki n& begunakh tsemntykh Mterialy i konstruksii v sovr. SO: Latopis Zhurnal'Tiykh Statey Vol. 44 TSUKUMAN, H.V., kand. tekbn. nauk; DOYN1KUVA,,Ya.P., kand. tekhn. nauk; ABASHKINA 0 1. inth. p ~ -. ~? Effe3t. of cost indices on the choice of the parameLers and unit power ratings in power Installations. Raergoma3hinoBtroenie 10 nooll.'29-33 N 164 (MIRA 18s2) ABASHKINA, P.V. (Nookys.) - - ~-` --Ili-r . Importance of the community In hospital activities; practices of a public health group at the A.A. Ostroumov Hospital, Sav,zdrav, 18 no.12:9-13 159. (KMA 13:4) 1. Glavnyy vraeb bollnitay imeni A.A. Ostroumova. (HDSPITALS) ABA.SHKINILs T.F.; BRUTSKUSj, Ye.B. Four-component system MgO - NH3 - P205 - H20 at 750C. Trudy NIUIF no.208:42-55 165. (MIRA 18::L1) Al-KNOVP N.N.; YAGOVOY, P.N.; ABASKALOV, Ye.A. Method for the concentration of the activity of.biological materials under field conditions. Lan. delo no.3:156.-159 165. (MIRA 18:3) I..Wedra voyenno-morskoy i radiatsionnoy gigiyeny (nachallnik - pt0t. N.J. Bobrov) Voyenno-meditsinskoy ordena Lenina akademii im. S. -'W. Kirava, Leningrad. (I b Pi'JKOLI~UV H 1-1 - ADAmnawt A. A. Role of infecUon in the etiology of seldtophrenis. Nevropato p&UddAt~v ROOM 1913, Kay-June 50o p. 22-4. 1, Of, the Departmt of Pqahtatin, (Hr^d-Profe D. So Oseretskovd6v), A%erbv.YdWm 119dical. Institute (Divedor.-Prof, D. Ao I~yftzov-) CIY-L 190 5, Nov., 1950 ABASXEJLIYEV. A.A,, doteent ,.-~~VFU~mrison of the roles of certain chronic intoxications in the davelopment of sohizophrenia, Aserb.madethur. no-7172-77 Jl 158 (MIRA llt8) 1. Is kdadr7 psikhiatrii (zAv,- prof, D.S. Ozeretakovekiy) Aserbadzhnnakogo meeitainakogo Instituts. im. N.NarimAnova (direktor Inatituta - saelush. devatellnaukil prof* B*Aq lyvasov)o (SCHIZOPHFMIA) (NARCOTIC HABIT) (ALCOHOLISM) ABAMMI'MV.. A. A.: Doe Mod Sci (diss) -- "Mterial on the problem of the role of exogenio factors In the production of schizophrenia". Bakia, IQ-59- 39 PP (Tbilisi State Med Inst), 220 copies M, No 1L, 1959, 122) m ,- ABASICULIM, A.A. Role of the paerperal factor In the development of the sobiso- phrento process. Ubb,zap. AOU Biol.ser. uo.U65949 t59. (KIRA 13M (Pulanium) (SCHIZOPHMIA) ABASKULIMj. A.A., doktor m ditainakikh nauk 4i~st republic confe*nae on problems in the control of alcoholism, Azerb. med. zhur. no. 806-88 Ag 160. (MIM 13:8) (AZERBAIJAN-ALCOHOLISM)