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ABARINOV.A.A. Fastening roof girders and wind span frame pieces to the steel frame of the building. Rate. I izobr. predl. v stroi. no.101: 10-11 155. (MLRA 8:10) (Building, Iron and steel) It got ABARINTOV, A.A., insh. Demountable aluminum-allo7 storehouses. Prom. stroi. 38 no.10:15-20 16o. (MIRA 13:9) (Buildings, Prefabricated) (Aluminum alloys) ABAIUIIOVt A.A.. prof.; Yu.V. , avaistont Yultipurpose metal forms for mking precast concrete colums for one-story industrial buildings. Sbor. trud. Inzh.-stroi. fak. Chel. politekh. inst. no.3:127-136 163. (RMA 17: 9) ABARI -AndrVj_Andre vilh V, Vasiliy Petrovich, 2e __,_prof.; PETRO 0 Insh.; ROZ.UOV# Yevgenly Yegorovich, Inth.; CNESNOKOV, A.S., kand. tekhn. nauk, nauchnyy red.1 SHIROKOVA, G.M., red. izd-va; MIKHEYEV, A.A., tekhn. (Technology of manufaoturing the elements of steel struatureal Tekhnologiia izgotavlaniia stallnykh konstruktsii. Moskva., Gosetroiizdat, 196,3. 306 p. (MRA 16:7) (Wilding, Iron and steel) ABAR-11,0"I. A,~'S44,, f.) SKM---NJv;~ A.V., "HIMN"' " I - _9 -~i, ; 1. 1 . 1, 7,% ~ ~ -: a . ;';-Larlrig elsmants of sjji~et rtjjt.~-l sphnrlciq.' Tlrcq;. 42 rin.10S24,26 0 164. ~ Ij ~ru I 'y e 11 ) BMEZEIN, P.N., red.;_AIIARINOV, A.A., prof., retsenzent; YESIKOV, K.A.) dots., retsenzii P-MIMOINOVp A.N.., lnzh.., retsenzent [Mechanization and automation in welding; practices of Ural plants) Mekhanizataiia. i avtomatizatsiia svaroelmogo proiz- vodstva; opyt ural'skikh zavodov. Moskva~ Mashinostroeniet 1965- 155 P. (MIM 1816) 1. 9ektalya evarki Chelyabinskogo iiauelmo-tekhnicheskogo obahchestva r,ashino-stroitellnoy promyshlennosti (for Yesikov). ABkRINOV,, A.A. . prof. Modern technology in the manufacture of steel structures. Fht., po met., konstra no.9:98-.116 165. (MIRA 181ll) ABARINOV, A.A.., prof.; CHERNOVA, M,Fej inzh. Mecharxica~ and technological properties of lOG2Cl sheet steel, Fromi. otrois 43 no.10:32-34 165. (MIRA 18:11) ABARINOV, I.Ya. Equipping an electric enginoering study rom. ped.inst. no.7slO8_121 t62. (MIRA 160) (Blectria engineering--Study and teaching) ABARINOVO I.Ya. Physics examina~lousln tile tenth grades Fiz. v shkole 23 no.3; 98-99 my,-Je 163. (MIRA l6sl2) 1, 53-ya sredbyk* &#olas, Penzae ABARIECIV, M.P., geodesist. -- Pegging out lines in mechanized earthwork. Tranup.strei. 6 no,3: 19-20 Mr 156. (Urthwark) (nn 9:7) -1 Cf 5 z --0 -1--1 1 ta'I-L' -'-WA n I f e?ZA t M I -Z I'S 2~e t I b i I t I I-V 4 -T-OPI-G TAAGSi- Row meter, -ele-chona flw-w mater ABS r RA T-. kr. electr~~r-TiaRnetic flow mete i witti a sL~-( iai eutoniatic rectanl2ular- --.1 T I- -i i 17y t h. -i t, --I t.%~ q I ;Card 1/ 3 - I-' if - - ACCESSION NJI: AT4048296 Low Yt W--,. I f LLJ \,\ i ~Pi, : a " I k i . ! ',!r' , %c ~ ~ 9 p . ft r c -, - 66, -2/ 6 _0_2_1T6 _Dz~ SOURCE CODE: UR/0146/66, AUTHOR. Abarinov, Ye. -, G.. ORG: Azerba-vdzhan Institute of Petroleum and Chemistrv- im. M. Azizbekov 11 (Azerbaydzhanskiy institut nefti i khimli) TITLE: Preventing leakage currents in the balance circuit of a self -compensated electromagnetic jjowrnet:gL\0 SOURCE: IVUZ. Priborostroyeuiye, v. 9, no. 2, 1966, ZI-2.5 TOPIC TAGS; flow meter, electromagnetic Rvv===*cz ABSTRACT: The use of an aul-omatic rectangular -coordinate a-c compensator as a receiver in an electromagnetic flowmeter has promised higher (than 1. 5-2. accuracy of the instrument. However, the noise caused by stray-capacitance couplings between the balance circuit and the power supply has been an obstacle. These techniques are recommended for reducing the above noise ("leakage curre*ntsl')~- (a) reducing the spurious couplings; (b) reducing voltages across the noise-causing I capacitors (up to an equipotential protection); (c) conveying the leakage currents away r Cord 1/2 UDC: 621.316.95:621.317.7 27.2 L 01063-67 FA_CC NRi AP6015573 from sensitive parts of the circuit; (d) balancing the leakage-current effects; (ej increasing the working currents in the compensating circuits. Two "protective" circuits are suggested which are based on combinations of the above techniques. Orig. art. has: .3 figures and Z formulas. SUB CODE: 13, 09 SUBM DATE, 08Mtr65 ORIG REF-. 008 Card 2/2 vlr BELETSKIY, Vladimir Vasillyevich; ABASITNA, D.A.p red. [Motion of an artificial satel2ite relative to the center of m'ass] Dvizbenie iskuastvennogo sputnika otnositallno tsentra mass. Moskva, Nauka, 1965'. 416 p. (MIRA 191l) ABASIDIN, V.P. Method for amup3ling one of the pyrite depooits Jn thq Northern Caucasus. lich. zap. 14011~ 224:335-336 16"). (MIRA 18:6) GOLUbEV, I.F.; AGAYEV, N.A.; ABAS-ZADE, A.A., prof., red.; RASHEVSKAYA, T... red-.---- - ' [Viscosity of saturated hydrocarbons) Viazkostl predell- rqkh uglevodorodov. Bakus Axerbaidzhanskoe gos. izd-vo, 1964. 159 P. (MIRA 17312) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AkadOlLii pedagogicheskikh nauk RSFSR (for Abas-Zade). r3 li 7- Pi L-a ij a 0 32 0 Olm WO: I I m1 ~Ow As im st tubes, I dMemat and us" at IV to 4000 am p"Wom up Moslem, 'T: A Vus. of the beat cond. I of sk. .42L I& I stai, 101 X - 330 cal./cm. oft. d 14.. im 71 - 30 8 atm . 294; talume (U=i ) . M. P. hil i6-, Ufl 70'. M. N, Thm A'rIASZA-)Et A. --. Abqozadc, A. K. - "float conductivity an(l ltmperati~rc c-~,nqucti.VPY nf corl"lin 11(juldq11, (In inclex as A. G, Abaszadc~, Izvestly,,, Almd. nau'~ S7,19 1948) No. 10) 1). 1-Y, (In Azerbaijani, resurie in Russinn), - B1111o,v: 15 items. SO: U-3042, 11 March 53, (Letopis 'Zhurnal Iny-kh Statcy, No. 8, 1949). AUSZADE, A. K. Adaszade, A, K, "Heat conductivity of benezene at high temperatures and pressures, including the dritical regiont" Doklady (Akad. nauk Aierbaydzh. SSR)p 1949, Yo. 1, p. 8-12 , summary in Azerbaydzhani -- Bibliog: 14 items So: U-3566, 15 March 53, (Letopis 'Zhurnal Inykh Statcy, No. 13# 1949) oos IIL *OA Ogg Ogg 008 004 008 00 of 004 Oew MIN ill WIF -4 H",h::,30 gif 9):_Tlw dit.lev (C.A. 0 6MA) tmbined wish Buhluskil's eVIatka (CA 41 1511 at 'th-, 'W~ 41h"erm'hikel expamim. &W 0 ths ewuprvWbUlty. Tbo clout. f Is 2.3 (in C.6.8. arrim) for cv=. coats. 10 at ..mxe atoms a it. MA 1A for the of wS. campda. The temp. t of prnswe on k am detd. by c