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SMONOT, Ivan Androyevich;,-ABANIN, AlekeDndr Mikhaylovich; WNAPIR,
Shimen 111yev (deceased]; USTITANTS, T.A., red.;-'KUMTITZY,
(Accounting for material values using the balance sheet method
in manual and machine processing of documents] Uchat material'-
nykh teennostal. po operativno-bukhgalterskomu (salldovomu) meto-
du pri ruchnom i mokhanizirovannom spooobakh obrabotki. dokumen-
tov. Xoskva, Goo.stat.izd-vo, 1959. 75 p. (MIRA 13:2)
ABLHIN, A.N., inshener.
Concrete clab foundation* for railroad track. Zhol.dor.transp.
37 no~.1:60-61 ja '56. (KM)
ABAMN, D. D. and IMSTYUM11, A. 1.
"A Study of the phase diagram of the system NaF-ThFj over the
concentration renge 35 to 100 mole % ThFV Report of the MIFI,1950 Zunpublished)
SO: J. Nuclear Energy, 11, 1957, Vol) 5, P. 114, Pergamon Press Ltd., London
Improved method of preparing cbromium iodide and Its properties.
met.i metanov ea, chi; t;rjot. no,1:0-69 159. (MIRK 12110)
(Chromium iod d ) (Chemistry. Matallurgic)
IYIII Nf4i 10()
SA 2
Yovetyukhin, A. I., B%rinov, I. P.,,_Abanin, D, Do,,
Investigation of the,iodide process to obtain zirconium using Siroar
nium carbide as raw material
FMODICALt Referativnyy zhurnal-, Metallurgiya, no. 10p.1961, 21ozabstraot IW164
(V ob. "Notallurgiya i motalloved. chist,,metallov", no.. 1, No'noow,
1959, 78 - 83)
TWt Experimental investigations were made of the possibility to obtain
iodide-Zr from Zr carbide, The letter was obtained by sinttring-ZrO2 With-CtPOW-
deir at gradual heating up to, 1,900 '. 2,00000 in a vacuum furnace with a gm*Ite
heater., After sintering the powder-like -product was-, remelted in an 004-94
(&M-9-3) are furnaoe with a water-cooled Cu-oruoible. The remelted product was
crashed in a east-iron mortar and soreenod through a 100 - 150 mash sieve. The
int6raotion of Zr carbide with 12 was studied in quartz ampoules,-The ampoule
was evacuated until a, vacuum of 1.10-4 mm Rg and heated to 900 - 1,0000C. After
0001"D9,.12 was distilled into the ampwule ard then the ampoule end containing Zr
carbide was gradually heated, The 12 vapors interacted freely with the carbide.
Card 1/2
Investigation of the iodide process...
In all experiments 1 g Zr carbide powder
prooeeds at a sufficient, rate already at
The design of a quartz laboratory device
ar-A experimentally chooked.
and 0.5 9 12 were employed. The reaction
700 - 8000C. The Zr 14 yield w&B 97%.
for obtaining Zr14 from ZrC was developed
0. Svodtoeva
(Abstraoter9a notes Complete translation]
Card 2/2
APAI.k!V, L. V.
APOK-V, L. V. -- ~' I NVC!, I I G AT 1014 cr 7HC F 1-1041WEN ON Sl.':L A i~vL P; i tj(-. c: r At. A L,,,,, -- , vi: Tc~,L . `
Stitt I-( JAII "'~, MO'~CQW MCCliAN%(-; ',N',T FOR 'T~iL OECaEl: OF CANDMATV
it; Truit.,i:AL SCIFUCEfl
13AMY, L.V.,.kandldat takhnichookikh nauk. laureat Stalluskoy preall.
I --I--,:-, 1~ ~. -, 1.-~
Ways of improving the technical desisn of Wicultural machinery.
Sellkhosmashins. no.11:22-28 1 154. Mu 7: 11)
(Agrimatural machinery)
'U"1A,U11UO H,G.; USTYUZYMNOV, M.I.; KGROLEV, A.A., kanlidat
takhaichaskikh nauk, redaictor; POPOTA, S.M., tel:hnichdakiky re-
[Liquid friction 'b-jarings for rolling mills] Podshipniki thidkost-
nogo trentia, prokatrifthitanov. Hookvh, Goa. nauchno-taknn. iscl-
vo mashinostroit. lit-ry, 1955. 195 P. (KOA 8:6)
(Bearings (Machinery))
Rodent control. Zdrav. Belor. 6 no. 502 My 160. (MIRA l3il0)
1. Iz Baranovichokoy gor m apidetantaiis
Stability of a solution. Biul.SIIO LOU no.1:36-50 158.
(MIU 13:6)
(Differential eqzations)
S/04 6o/O91Dj2jIkO3/O16
C 111 yc'22 2
AUTHORs Aban'shi A.M.
TITLEt On the Stability of Established Motior~in the Case When k Hoots
of the.C1111racteklazid Equation are-E-qu--al to Zero
PERIODICALt Vestnik Leningradskogo universiteta, Seriya matematiki,
mekhaniki i astronomii, 1960, No. 13, pp. 24 - 31
T8XTz Given the system
dx I' dx i
- ' x2 dt x ... I :x 2,3,..., k
~it 9 1 (x1, x2' k)
Let X x1p x .09 x (Xil x x
j ( 2 k) 1 3 k)x2 Ti (xi, x3t ... Pxk)x2"
where all are holomorphic, ,fj(Ot()I..1O) 0 . Then
(1.2) x ia 01 + i (x 11 02t 03 ck) i 2,3,..,k
where 4, 1is holomorplAc, j, (0, cVC3 ... f c k 0 and c is the value
Card 1/ 3
00 1
On the Stability of Established Motion in tho S/04~3/60/0 13/03/016
Case When k Roots of the Characteristic C111/C222 -
Equation are Equal to Zero
of xi for X, 0 0 (determined from dx i + X2 Xi)
Theorem I t The undisturbed motion described by (11) is stable if the lowest
term of the development pop ... to) - bx b ~ 0 , has an odd ex-
ponent 8 and b< 0
Theorem 2 t The undisturbed motion (11) is uristable in the following cases:
1) 2 even or B odd but b~>O P 2) 1., 2(xl PCI~ ..."o) z 0 .
Theorem 3 gives a stronger assertion in a special case. Four further analogoub
assertions of stability relate to the case where
(x x 1'. * x (x1) + x Ui(X11 x -, x +
2 k) - fi 3
+ x 2Vi (XV X20"'Pxk) i - 293,k
Card 2/3
11 5
On the Stability of Established Motion in the S/04 60/0oOM/03/016
Case When k Roots of the Characteristic C111YC222
Equation are Equal to Zero
and f,, u,, v, are holomorphio, ~~, >0 integral, u,(o,x 31 ... IX k) ~ 0
11 (xi f Op .'0) ;; 0 t f (XI) a a x a i OY1 + i = 2,3,.-.,k
i i 1 1 + I', " I
The author mentions A.M. Lyapunov. There are 3 Soviet references.
Card 3/3
A EA P T D:13 1~ I '.,UP CIC ( T , J
C'uses of .Iie ilic re! I.-,t? C c()rAS'-Il:--~),JOD (f oni-ines.
,i "lissbin. P.130.
k)r. V"
So. Epst Accesqtr7ms List 1,01. 1;, "10. 1-6
'rP WN-i
W ra,
Dynamics of the changes in candidiazis of the lungs. Eksp. i klin.
is9l. po antibiot. 21l03-105 160. (HIRA 1515)
113AIL 'i-,j
J Mu'7M~,YF,. L
"Au sujet de 11influence du systeme nerveux vegetatif sur le relief de la mucraeuse
gastrique." Abarbanel, E., et Guelpern, 1-1. (P. 71)
SO: Journal of Genoral Chermis (Zharnal Obshchei KhL-,nii) 1940, Volume 18, No. 1.
1554. Motor Function of the Small Intestine od Gastro-
intestinal Reflexes after Gastmtomy Canied out for
PeWiC Ulcer. (MOTOPHasi (~yHHUHH TOHKoro HHU1e4-
jjmKa m )menYA04H0-KHLL1P_4Hb1A p4neKc nocne
Pe3eXUHH wenyaKa, npomaftAeHHOA no noBoAy R3seH-
HoA 6onewiH)
E. E. ABARBANEC. TepantaTH4eCKHR ApxiiB [Terap. C,
,4rkh.) 22, No. 1, 78-86, Jan.-Fcb., 1950. 15 refs.
A series of 140 patients,who had a Billroth gastrectomy
of either type, iwcre examined radiologically with the aid
of an opaque mcal. The motor function of the small
intestine and ileo-caccal region was disturbed, and
commonly there was a great increase in the speed with
which food passed down the small intestine; this may be
due to the lack of gastric preparation of the food. This
ace leration varied in rclation to the length of bowel
involved: in extreme cases it affected the ilco-caccal
region. The tone of the small intestine remained poor
for several months. or even a year. This may be a
result either of the presence of imperfectly digested food
or of the trauma suffered by the gut-wall plexuses at
operation. In view of this, the author suggests that the
pnxedure of gasirectomy should be re-planncd so that
ai little damage is done to the plexuses as possible.
Jejj~e.V A)ss
Abstracts Of 'Uorld Meacino
Vol 8 1950
USSR/Medicine Roentgenology
Card 1/1
Authors : Abarbanell, Ye. E.
Title : Clinical knowledge of various types of motor functions of the small
and large intestines after resection of the stomach in connection
with ulcers
Periodical : Vest Rentgen i Radiol 1, 45-51, 1954
Abstract : In patients with ulcers, there is often observed a decrease and not
an increase in the motor-evacuatory function of the small intestine
and the ileocecum together v.~th an increased gastro-ileocecum reflex.
After resection of the stomaca, a decrease in the evacuation of the
large intestine is observed, and hence it is necessary to 3-pr, I)a-
tients who have undergone a reEection operation under observation.
Eight references; all USSR. One table.
Institution : Roentgenology Department (Chief-Doctor of Medical Sciences Ye.E.
Abarbanell), Basman Hospital (Moscow).
ABARBANILI, Tool., professor
Roentgenologic picture on cardiac topographical and functional
abanges following pneumonectonV. Xhirurglia no.8:21-27 Ag *54.
(MIM 7:11)
1, Is gosudaretvennogo onkologichookogo Inatituta Imeni P.A.Gertsena
(nauehmyy rukovoditoll chlon-korrespondent Akademit moditeinskikh
nauk SSSR prof. A.I.Savitskly. I*os direktora kandidat maditainakikh
nAuk T.Y.Gorodiloya)
(LUNGS, surgery,
pneumonoctomyg postops cardiac changes. x-ray)
(MURT, pbysiology,
off* of pnevaousetonVo x-ray)
e-o' 11.%~0~11"-n
Motor and evacuative function of the small intestines and
ilsocecal segment following total gastrectotW. Vast. rent.
I rad. no.5:61-67 S-0 155. (HIJU 9:1)
1. Is rentgenologichookogo otdalaniya (sav.--prof. Te.l.
Abarbanall) Onkologichaskago instituta. imeni P.A.Gartsena.
(i.*,, dir. -kandidat maditsinakikh nauk V.Y.Garodilova,
nau*n" rukovoditell--chlon-korrespondent AMN SSSR pref.
evacuativ6 funct.,after total gastrectomy)
(,=N, 'Obratol.
evacuative funct. If ileocecal region after total
A j 1.
The raffl( 1(~
-iral dia rmsis nf intrathwaric 6-inph ~:wb- inclewaws In lun,, oziri
(Ibmiian lext) ABARBAN171. El. E. ;111(1 MARNIMUS11TAIN S. 1.
USS]k rop. On -5 . 1957, 3; ) (7 19-724)
The authors analyse all(] compare tile -oentgenological examination data (of
atients with hing cancers of whoin 102 had been operated 011. Thr di 1plosis
cen confirin I I lIctoilly. 0.':
ed li'tst( 'logically in 70 1),Iticllts "'llo 11;1(1 "'l(Ic"9()"v Pile I I
the hasis of frontal, lateral and stipcrexposed rociagenogra ills, tile Condition of tile
lym )h nodcs of tile lung hilus and inediastinum had b .cen correctly diagnowd iii
73 ~'. of cases. The significance of tomography, kyniography of the'hili and lai.,4c
vessels,as well as examination of the oesophagus with coutrast mediumarc discussed.
ATURBAULI Yeig prot.
of pulmonary artery ligation on the growth of an inoperable
tumor and I-rey demonstration or the Involved lung [with 11 U.Mmary
In Inglish). Xhirurgila 33 no.12:8-12 D 157. (MLM 11:2)
1. It routgonolngichaskago otdolenlya (sev. - prof. YeA.Abarbanell)
Gosudsrstve rmogo onkol icheskogo Institute imeni P-A-Gerteena
(nauchnyy rukovoditerfF.- chlon-korre6pondent AMN SSSR prof. A.1.
Sevitskiy dir. - prof. A.N.Novikov)
ligation of pulz, artery in inoperable cases)
SAVITSKIT, A.I., profp saslushennyy deyptell naukil, ABARBML, TeX ?rof.
Second All-Union Oncological Conference. 16 no*'-0:144-149
0 158 (MIRA 11:11)
1, Chlm-korrespondent AMN SSSR ( forSavitakiy).
ABARBANICLI, Te.l. (Moskva, Lyalin per., 9, kv.4)
7anctional changes in the heart in lung cancer patients as represented
in the kymographic picture. Vop.onk. 5 n0.9:274-279 159.
(MIRA 12:12)
1. Is rentganologicheekogo otdeleniya (zav. - Prof. Te.Z. Abarbanell)
Gosdudaretvennogo onkologicheakogo institute im. P.A. Gerteena (dir. -
prof. A.N. Novikov, nauchWy rukovoditell - zasluzhenny7 deyatell nauki
chlen-korre Opondent AMN SSSR prof. A.I. Savitskly).
(UJNGS neoplasms)
Dynamics of functional pulmonary changes following pneumonectmy
vith various modes of anesthesiai roentgen6logical hTrestigations.
Vop.onk. 5 no.10:416-425 159. (MIRA 13t:L2)
ABOIM,, re.Ye.
Rootganographio pioture of
Vop.omk, 7 noo3t3-11 161.
tekhn. red. I
[X-ray observations following radiocal operations on the lungs]
Rentgenologicheskie nabliudeniia posle radikaltrqkh operatsii na.
Is kikh. Moskva.9 Med i2$ 1962. 210 p. (MIRA 15:6)
ABAIUMMI I Yo.E., prof. (Moskva, B-62, Lyalin per., d.0., kv.4)
Extornal respiratory function in the olectrel-jmographic
picture following pneumonectomy. Vest. rent. i rad. 37
no.1;3-10 Ja-F 162. W111", 15:3)
1. Iz rentgenodiagnostichashogo ot-leleniya (ze-v. - prof.
Ye.Z. Abarbanell) Gosudarstvonnogo onkologichesk-ogo instituta
im=i P.A. Gertaona (dix. prof. A.14. Wovikov).
ACC NRi AP 70 030,00
MMiTIORS: Samorosov,
SOURCE CODEt UR/0413/66/000/024/011070-1-1-0-11
V. At; Kats, 0, Mq A~~banell~ Z. L
ORG.- none
TITLE: A I-Wdraulic press for making products from powdered materials. Class 58.,
No. 189686
SOURCE: Izobrateniya, promyshlenWe obraztsyt tovarnyye znakig no. 24, 1966.0 110
TOPIC TAGSx powder metal molding, ceramic prossing~ piezoelectric ceramic
ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate presents a hydraulic press for making products from
powdered materials) such as are used in piezo-coramics. The preso includes a container,
a movable powder-feeding casep a floating mold, upper and lower pistons, and a casing
(see Fig. 1). To provide for regulating the height of the products, the upper piston
of the press has shoulders (the dismotor of which is larger than the diameter of the
upper plunger) and a floating mold. The shaft of the lower piston carries a spring-
loaded washer placed in a hollow cup screwed into the body of the press. To prevent
the powdered material from becoming stuck in the e-ontainor and in the feeding case, th~-
container may include a stirrer with a pendulwa drive, while the f oeding case may be
provided with an electric vibrator. To control the height of the products, the body
of the press may carry an indicator routing with its base against the bottom of the
rd 1/2 UDGa 621.226z62i.762
KOLG"I Lf) ~ ilaui 2 Miik fi .1 . I
ot"r. red-. AG!;F, jrt-t~o
yl*0dL,-'f i rill Va"4t-o'i w: va."Iav-,ti 1,(~w 11.0t:Iriflls
for the i~ijemical Indwit,rul Vikhcd~
V,Yrobrqt3t,va -- t!3Arma syrovynt, dila ro, ynlovosti.
F. y 4.-,, , T o va ry s t -., ki d 1 io c i V r orm! a 1 ~ 01 znw I I 1"o, SH
1961. 3"6 P. 1 ..." *~. P, o 5 1)
0 0 0 0 9
00 A fund
go I lic"MPS
of this WAS11:
For (be
46 13 V:
00 0 0330.04, c
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--I A
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1 a
.0 ~t& C!~t k! r
rehoo d of now $blot" 116a,"d in -so
g. m. newts &W 1. -00
1(mm. I tme. Chm., Amd. Sa. Ukftijo.
mwgw,. pattat" of Me falkwtum
*00 emnat.
. t. T VA'
WtTd as a vem
61 of t a OW 4 WMeMs weit I AN V. &ad
t1t`1 at tb* W"
0 tW "M .09
et Va. poft
We sb=di
"u-161"Ok Em O.W. HS 0.41-011, Cu
0 W 10 0.74 T. a. Z. KRIn"
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A-305ARCHUN, -1. L. and ;)-,alleov, Yao A.
"Physicochendcal InvestiCation of Systems of Antizrx)rrj illalides-Iodirle. Fl.
Systems SbC15- I. and SbC'3-,2'1' Ukr. Y.Iiin. Zhur. 15, No. 3, 1949
I'MA Sept 1952
USSPVChemistry - Polarography
Aug 50
"Application of Solid Electrodes for Polarographic Determinr-ttion of Metals Ions in
Nonaqueous Solutionsp" Yue K. Delimarskiy., I. Lo Abarbarchuk., Inst of Gen and Inorg
Chem, Acad Sci Ukrainian SSR
"Zavod Lab" Vol XVI., No B., pp 929-932
Demonstrates possibility of using solid electrodes for polarographic determination of
metals in nonaqueous solutions. By automatic plotting of curves) obtains polarograms
for pyridine solutions of silver chloride, cobalt chloride and arsenous bromide.
4w 16n8
-F-~a :k 4? ;; "~ -~.- ~- - -7 'i 7. 7
11 Ix - I ~' Ai
Lions In 6e Wd
emical At)5T,- 11, TY1401 haUt's Ylb, Nalkay, A. A. huz'tw-ako.
Vc1 - 48 = iara
Kho") M)
Apr. 10, 19516 N""k 121 4LRIMI; .16 of SYS4011S %%~%
Inorganic Cb;imistrY
-d th~ or wcaklv polar k~10" of P. S. and Al
P-tw-u-, was gr~~rr to ih, oJ III,
of jx),10mlk!r3 (ai ~'~ublv balkivs) and to Ibc
-,it- ,; th, vic,: c-nial ol iruch swtems Me tNympd, W
~~f Al .1'.b tht kJ1111irl of I QrV FVPrC-V)l1t-
m a rv~ muom r-ODOO WIM I as CAOM, a jrk~u off&-
-of cum=0
A-9LIBARCUT, 1. L,; rl,,Ilkov, Ya. A.; and rumomenko, A.A.
"Dwestir,ation of Polybali.dos Formod by Non-Polar Halides," Izv. Sekt. Plat. i
Blag. Let., N' 26, jor-,)
I'IRA Vay 1952
Study of system AsC13-IC1* Ukr,khim.thur.19 no.4:365-367
153. (MLU 8: 2)
1. Kiyevskiy seliskokhozyaystvennyy inatitut, kafecIra khimii.
V l3ty-u-17EBwtmezt% at 23" lridkam the ltxist-
" tw~u zwv ~f I
IMc~-Urj~ wh" decoinp. at hightr trinp. IN,
stud-es of Ulm 3)rst"v iu Ph NO~ dD I,IDt in,licate the cxislvpvf
- -=444.. H, M. Lcwvst~r I
I I . ,. I $ ~,T
POlarOgraPhIC soil analysis* Detervining the Intake capacity of
soils. Pochvovedenis no.1:99-105 ja #38. (Min U12)
A11THORSi Skobets, Ye.M., Abarbarchuk, I.L. and Labkovskaya, P.O.
TITLE: Determination of Dissociation Potentials by the Differ-
ential Polarography Mlethod (Opredeleniye potentsialov raz-
lozheniya metodom differentsiallnoy polyarografii)
PERIODICAL: Dopovidi Akademii nauk Ukrains1koi RSR, 1958, Nr 7, PP
752-755 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The authors criticize the usual method of graphical de-
termination ofelectrolyte dissociation potentials from the
current intensity versus voltage curves, because of its
insufficient accuracy. They propose for this purpose the
curve of derivatives, i.e., the WE curve, whioh possesses
a more distinct bending point by which tho dissociation
point can be determined. An automatic polarograph with a
condenser in the galvanometer circuit can be used for the
differentiation of the I - E curves. The authors show the
advantages of the proposed method on the graphs of CdJ 2 and
NiBr2 solutions in water, and Cdj 2 and CdBr 2 solutions in
acetone. This method promises to be especially useful in
determining the association potentials of non-aqunous sol-
utions and fused salts, where particularly high residual
Ciard 112 currents are frequently observed. There are 4 graphs and
Determination of Disoociation Potentials by the Differential Polar-
ography Method
5 references, 4 of which are Soviet and 1 German.
ASSOCIATION: UkrainBkaya akademiya sellakn-khozyaystvernykh nauk (Ukrain-
ian Academy of Agricultural Sciences)
PRESI,',VTED: By Yember of the AS UkrSSR, Yu.l:. Delimarskiy
SUBrITTED: February 25, 1958
NOTE; Russian title and Russian Vamos of individuals and in-
stitutions appearing in this article have been used in
the transliteration.
1. Electrolytes--Properties 2. Polarographic analysis--Applicationn
3. Differential equations--Appli.cations
Card 2/2
ARARBARCM, Y.L. [Abarbarchuk, I,L.1; BAZILEVS11CA, N.P. (Bazylevs?ka, N.P.)
Interaction betyeen iodine chloride and haphthalene. Nauk,
pratsi UASHN 17 no.12:159-162 160. (MIRA 16:7)
(Iodine chlorideo) (Naphthalene)
KOLOTILO, DanUl Makar6vich (Kolotylo,D.M.],- ABARBARCHUX, 1.L., otv. red.;
AGUF, M.A... red.
[Agricultural waste is a valuable raw material for chemical
industries] Vidkhody sillalkhospodaralkoho vyrobnytstva - tsinna
oyrovyna dlia khimichnoi proqrslovosti. Kyiv, 1961. 34 p. (Tova-
rystvo dlia po6byrennia, politychiWkh i naukovykh rnant Ukrainslkoi
RSR. Ser.6, no.U) ( industrigs) (KMA 14t9)
- - ~ -- -
Folarographic determination of exchangeable aluminum in soils.
Pochvovedenie no.2:114-116 F 162. (MIRA 150)
1. Ukrainskaya akademiya sellsk,)khozy tvennykh nauk.
(Soils-Alumintim eontent
Determining the total amount of metathetic alkalies in soils by
differantial polarograpby. Nauch. dokl. vya. shkoly; biol. nauki
no.3:189-193 162. (MIRA 15:7)
1. Rekomendovana kafedroy noorganicbeakoy i analiticheskoy khimii
Ukrainskoy akademii. nallakokhozyaystvennykh nauk.
Determination of potassium, sodium, and their sum by the method
of derivativa polarography. Ukr.khim.zhur. 28 no.21251-2-59 162.
(MIRA 15:3)
1e Ukrainakaya. akademiya ael'skokhozyaptvenrqkh nauk.
(Potassium-Analysis) (Sodium-Analys-is) (Polarography)
~ I
Interaction of SnBr4 with AlBr3 and of SbC13 with A1013 in
nitrobenzene as solvent. Ukr. kh1m. zhur. 20, no.8:797-805
163. (MIRA 16:11)
1. Ukrainskaya sel1okokhozyaystveimaya akademiya.
- - - r - ---I- -- -- , - . ---- - -. -- -, .-I
-L-- *!~~~~-=7~---.,~~---'-~--'-~~.--'~~7-~- -- - ~ --77. ---- -- - ~ :-
,~ ~; g, r! ~ SF4 ~ tl -* ft-- M, I IV
1- ,- law-, W-Mmarm-la= ZM MM5, R,
Calculation of the optical properties of small-radius electron
centers in ionic crystals. Opt. i spektr. 10 no-4:487-492 Ap 161.
(MIRA 14:3)
Absorption and emission spectra of impurity centers. Vest LGU 16
no.22:10-20 '61. (MIRA 14:11)
5/00' /63/000/002/0005/001~
AUTHORSs Fetrashent 3 1,41. 1.; Kristofell, N. N.; Abaronkov, I. V.
TME: The Hartroo Fock equations for nonmotallio crystals
SOURGEt Leningrad. Universitet. Vestnik. Sjoriya fiziki i khirii., no. 2" 1963j,
TOPIC TAGS: Hartree Fock 'equation,, nonmetallic crystal,, electron zone theory,
Plectron state, wave function .
AIWIRACT: In studyinC crystals as many-electron systems, there has boon somo
tendency to use other methods than the Hartree-Fock one-electron approximation
as being more reliable, The authors have an-0.yzed the Hartree-Fock schow for a
crystal, aj?d they have obtained a one-electron zone theory as an approximation to
the Hartree-Fock theory. The approach is siiiLilar to the Hund-Milliken approxima-
tion for a molecule. The authors have based their work on the results of C.
Roothan (Rev, mod, phys,2 23, 69; 1951; arA 32, 179, 1960). They have shown that
the Information given 'Ay the one-olectron zone theory derives from a direct exam.
ination of the Hartree4ock equations and that different crystal states (including
C.rd 1/2
the excited state) may be obtained from the scheme, In examining the Hartree-Fock
oquations~ the authors investigated the energy spectrum of a crystal on the basis
of a model of noainteracting electrons in a periodic field. The authors thus
conclude that all results of the one-electron zone theory concerning the structure
of spectra of a crystal can be obtained from examination of the system of Hartree-
Pock equations if it is written in proper form, aocounting for symmetry, Orig.
art. hast 21 formulas*
ASSOCIATIOXi Leningradskiy gosudarstvennMr-unive rsitet (Leningrad 33tate Universi-
ty) I
SUBMMM)a 01Dsc62 DATE AGQx 24JuI63 E=3 00
Card, 2/2
" .1 , .
Kl~j XRt3TOFI-'-I'L'P O."i,
Hartree-Fwnkls equations for o;rizitals. Vost. Iru 18
no. 10 t 5-15 tO. tMIRA 16:8)
ACCESSION NR: AT404i5O5 S/2910/63/003/01-i/0143/0150
AUTHOR: Abarankov, 1. V., Dratsev, V. F.
TITLE: The effective potential method
SOURCE: AN 1AtSSR. Litovskly fizichoskly sbornik, v. 3, no. 1-2, 1963, 143-150
TOPIC TAGS: effective potential, valence electron, core electron, wave function,
successive approximation, Pauli exclusion principle
ABSTRACT: The method of successive approximations was applied to computation of the
wave function of the valence electron. The problem consists of finding the (n + 1) St elgen
value,), n + 1, and the corresponding eigen-functionY n + 1, of a self-consistant integro-
differential operator H
when all Xk and Wk are known for all k < n. Here (in atomic units)
TA+ W+A, (2)
;where W and A are the coulomb and the exchange term, respectively. This reasoning
follows from Paull's principle for valence and core electrons. In the iteration procedure,
each step is treated as a problem of an electron in some "effective" field. It is shown that
in the case of an atom the convergence of the successive iterations Is assured when the
linear combination p + 2W n + I is a non-zero function, wherejj is a normalized function!
Z 11- k W k
k = I
and where p and q are constants which satisfy certain Inequalities. The method is tested
,by solution of the hydrogen atom for the energy and wave function of the 2S-state with the
IS-state taken as the "core" electron. Here the linear combination pjt + 2 --V U + I is a
constant and a good convergence to the correct value is reached in 4 steps. Subsequent
examples for the valence electrons of U and Na atoms show that the method of effective
potential compares favorable with experimental results and with other similar methods such
as Hartreele (Proa. Royal Boo. A. 193, 299 (1948)). OrIg. art. has: 51 equations,
.2 tables and 2 figures.
ASSO( IIATION: Lenlngradakiy gosudarstvcany*y universitet im. A. A. Zhdanova
(Umingrad State University)
~ql w0(// B108/B138
AUTHOR: Abarenkov, I. V,
TITLE: Absorption and emission spectra of impurity centers
PERIODICALt Leningrad.- - Universitet. Vestnik. Seriya fiziki i
khimii, no. 49 1961, 10 - 20
TEXT: The author calculated an expression for the Fourier transform of
the spectrum S 12 (ml), which is related to the absorption coefficient k
by k(u) - 1.1 12 'J~'S 12(w)l where M12 defines overall absorption, and S12 the
frequency dependence of the absorption coefficient. e
The calculations ar
made under the assumption that the impurity centers furnish a thermody-
namic system with Boltzmannian probability distribution. No assumptions
are made about any relationsfiips between,the normal coordinates of the
initial and final states. The spectrum is written as
S S(t)exp J-2nit-tej dt.
Card 1A
Absorption and emisrion spectra of B108/B138
From this relation as a starting point, the author derived
transform S(t) of the spectrum in the simple form
S(t) 1 exp 2nizjOt+ B.'~
~-JG' t
where G = det Gik)
Glk 'Ii 21Ak - sh 21k G)iklik + Alk + --i'i U1 Ill Y dlidlk 01111 +
4,qk shl Ak
+ Q)1k c(h Ilk djIdjj (1171
+ breav,
the Fourier
Tj irw1it,
E -E
Card 2/3 00 = I I
Absorption and emission spectra of ... B108/B138
Besides this, the central moments of the spectrum S 12 (W) (normalized to
unity) are calculated from the relation
S _ I (W - W )kS(W)dw where w . P, S(w)dcj and D WkS (uj) dw.
-go Ili
k c c k
The results agree with those obtained by M. Lax(J. Chem. Phys., 20, 1752,
1952). Mention is made of S. I. Pekar (ZhETP, 20, 510, 1950), K7.k.
Itebane, 0. Silld (Izv. AN ESSRO 91 1, 313, 196oT. M, Is Petrashen' and
N. H. Kristofell are thanked for .discussionZ. "there are 7 references:
3 Soviet and 4 non-Soviet. The two most recent references to English-
language publications read as follows: O'Rourk. Phys. Rev., 91,2&
J. J. Marcham. Rev. mod. phys., ~1, 956, 1959-
Card 3/3
Approximate wave functions of free ions and Ions in cr7stals. Test.
IGU 13 no*16:7-21 160. (MIRA l3t8)
(I0" ) (Wave mechanics)
Optical transitions in the U center in a N&C:L crystal. (~t.
I spektr. 9 no. 6:763-771 D '60. (MM 14:1)
(Salt crystals-Spectra)
~F, 5(30L S/O 51/60100910'WN 23/0314
I 00ss, //,
AUTHORS: Petrashen', M.I Abarenkov, IS , and Kristofelt,N.N.
TITLE: Approximate Wave- Einc -tior5-o f _FFee Ions and of Ions
in a.Crystal
PERIODICAL: Optika i spektroskopiya, 1960, Vol 91 No 4, pp 527-529
TEXT: In quantum-mechariicalq~al.cula'bions of properties of
alkali-halide crystals, the o_n_e_-__e_1ect;ron functions of free Jons
are used as the functions of ions in a crystal. This approach is
not very satisfaotory. The present note describes a simple method
of calculating approximate one-electron functions of a "central
ion" (GI) in an lonic crystal. The one-clectron functions of a
free CI are assumed to be known. They are then modified by
allowing for the effect of other ions in the lattice, regarded as
geometrical points. The new functions are known as crystalline
one-electron funotions and they can be used in the zeroths
approximation of the perturbation theory. The next step would be
an allowance for the departure from the assumed point geometry of
the lattice. The calculation method described here was tested by
calculating diamagnetic susceptibility of a crystal.
Card 1/2 ~N
SIO 51/60/009/004/023/034
Approximate Wave-functions of Free Ions and of Ions in a Crystal
It was found that the results obtained with crystalline funetions
agreed better with experiment than the results deduced using
free-d.on functions. The paper is entirely theoretical..
There are 6 referencess 1+.Soviet, 1 English and 1. German.
SUBMITTED: April 16, 1960
Card C*"'/2
2 ~t 77'o0 E201/E191
AUTHORs Abarenkov, JX__
TITLE: A Polarizable Point-Lattice Approximation in the Theory
of Impurity Centres in Ionic Crystals
PERIODICAL: Optika i spektroskopiya, 1960, Vol 99 No 39 pp 418-420
TEXT: The rigid point-lattice approximation is widely used
in dealing with the simplest impurity centres, such as colour
centres in alkall-halide crystals (Refs 1, 2). This very simple
approximation gives some general properties of colour centres,
but it fails to give other properties, such as the absorption and
emission line widths, Stokes shift, etct. This is because the
zigid point-lattice approach does not allow for lattice
vibrations. The present author develops a method, called a
polarizable point-lattice approximationg, which allows for motion
of ions but retains the simplicity of the rigid point-lattice
approach. The new method was applied to a NaG1 crystal at 0 OK
and the following parameters were CCLlculated.: absorption band
maxima, a luminescence band maximum, the half-width of an
absorption band, dissociation energies in the ground and excited
Card 1/2
A Polarizable Point-Lattice kpproximation in the Theory of
Impurity CentTes in Ioni(, Crystals
states (table on p 420; col. 22). The calculated v&lues were in
fairly good agreement with the experimental ones (c01. 3).
kozriowledgement is made to M.I. Petiashon' for his advice.
There are 1 table and 4 references: 2- Soviet, I Knglish and
1 Swedish.
SUBMITTED: A+-rLl )+~ 1960
Card 2_12
('rJ(-r o1, I., At.!t 1ill
Tj,n,~.: ()i-antum-Mpe-nanics Ovileilation of the F-Gent~:-rs in iki%li-lfcilide
CryotuLq (Yvantovo-mekhanicheakiy rasenot 1--tsentrov v
shchelochno-palcid.Ry)eh kristaliakh)
PE'RI OD i.C:. L: T,,,vestiya !.kademii nuak leriya fizicheskaya, 1958, Vol 22,
Nr 11, pp 1520-1~25
B,.,TR GP: The paper tinder review given an account of a quantum-mechavics
series representation of the F-centers in alkali-balidp cryq-
tals. The ordinary F-center model is used in the cRlculRtion:
An electron localized beside unoccupied anion sites. The single-
electron function T(r) of the "optical" electron (this being
the term used for captured electrons) is specified by the
following equation: Z.
S.IS r
- I dil f
T i~- d, r) + 4 r) (2)
Card V4
~_~OV - 1 1-9/ 5 1
Quantum-Mechanics Calculation of the F-Centers in Alkaii-lialide. Crystals
where Vi(r) denotei; the single-electron function of' thp lattie.,
electron ~the totality of all remaining Plectrons and nttclej
the system being covered by the tPrm "lattice"), z i, R i the
-s -#
vector of' the i--,.h ,on nuclou (1(r, r "he
charge and the radiii, I , .
averaged density of the lattice electronn. 11' this equation is
simDlified it takes the form:
14 - n Oi (-r,)
where ei denotes the magnitude of the i-th charge. The eiger-
functions and the eigenvalues oi equation (5) can be determined
only approximately by expandint- the potential and the wanted
f-inction with respect to an arbitrary complete system of func-
tions, which in dependent upon angular variables. It appef.ils to
be most convenient and natural to une the system of cubio'll
harmonica for such a system.
e V K 1 (4)
E 11 n
Card ~A i 'W1 n,0
SOV/ 18-22-11-9/53
,;4ua"Lum-Mechanics Calculation of the F-Centers in Alkali-Halide Crystals
it r P'n (r)Kn (5)
For the coefficients of f n(r) there exists an infinite system
of differontial eauation(s, which defiee tin acatirate solution.
4pproximativ4 solut ions can be obtained most ret;dily if a cor-
responding variRtion problem is substituLed l'or equation (5)
Rnn the sum total of the finite number of the series (5) is
taken for a comparison function. If the considerations are lim-
ited to one term, there Is obtained the equation
fol + F f '*hf - 0. (6)
0 0 0 0
11' the first two terms are used, there is obtained in becond
order approximation the system
1 4- f + h f
0 0 0 0 ~Oofi
~f "I' -, If I + "~ f 1 - ~01.0 (7)
This process can be continued indefinitely. The functions
F0, Fis and4o are in these equations expressed by v n(r) and
Card -);4 by integrals of the product of three cubical harmonies. Equa-
CuanLum-,Yechanics Calculation of tne F.-Centers in Alkali-lialide Crystals
v:ton (6) was uoived for the Is and 2p states of an optical
(--Ap.otron in LiVI and NaCl crystals. 11he results are compiled
in the table. Apart from this, a moresimpie equation was
sulvva, using the potential r < a
V(r) a
0 r > a, where a
denotes the lattice constant and M the Madelung constant. At
present the author is engaged in solving the exact equation (2)
for LiCl and. Mill crystals. The autnor expres8es his gratitude
to M. 1. Petrashen' for supervising tha work. There are 1 table
and 3 reference3, 2 of which tire Soviet.
ION: Nauchno-issiedovatellskiy fizicneskiy institut Leningradskogo
gos. universiteta imeni, k. A. Zhdanova (13cientific Research
Institute of Physics of the Leningrad .9tnte University imeni
A. A. Zhdanov)
Cara 4,'4
%w. *"-%&
Somiempirical method for calculating oscillator forces. Fix.
abor. no.W92-96 158. (HIRIL 120)
1. Ifixicheskiy inctitut Leningradskogo ordcna Lenins, goeudar-
otyannogo universitets, imeni A.A.Zh&anova.
(wave mechanics) Oclectrons)
AUTHOR: Abarenkov, I. V. SOV/54-58-4-2/18
TITLE- The Theory of the F Centers in Alkali Haloid Crystals in Point
Lattice Approximation (Teori~-a F-teentrov v shchelochno-
galoiclnykh kriotallakh v priblizhenii tochechnoy reshetki)
PERIODICAL: VeBtnik Leningradskogo universiteta. Seriya, fiziki i khimii,
1958, Nr 4, PP 14-27 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: In this paper the author tried to give a first approximation for
the description of the F centers in alkali haloid crystals from
a quantum-mechanical point of view. In this connection the
F center is regarded as an electron which is located besides an
empty anion lattice point. This electron is called "optical elec-
tron". On principle, the problem is to solve the single-electron
*) for the optical electron. For the purpose of
function ~ (r
simplifying the problem it is assumed that the ion in the lat-
tice point possesses the point charge �1 and the empirically
found relation may be applied to a cubic lattice (with the lat-
tice constant a)" - cons'.. This is possible in the case of
haloid crystals. 1(r4) is obtained in the form of the Schr6dinger
Card 1/3 equation (2,2) for an electron located in the point of an ideal
The Theory of the F Centers in Alkali Haloid Crystals in Point Lattice Approxi-
point lattice from which a negative charge was removed. A series
with a finite number of terms is established for ~ r by means
of the given principles of variation (3,5). The eigenvalues and
eigenfunctions are calculated in the first approximation. The
coeffioients are determined also for the heterogeneous form of
the differential equarlon. A numerical computation was made for
the crystals NaCl (in the first and second approximation) and for
LiCl only in the first approximation, It was shown that by use
of the second approximation "he theoretical value of 6E cor-
responds far better to the experimental one, which indicates the
applicability of the approximate method applied here. Further,
tha dependence of AE a 2 on a was investigated with the crystals
LiF - LiCl; NaF - VaBr - NaC1 - NaJ; KF - KBr + KC1 - KJ;
RbBr - RbCl - AbJ, which proved to be in good agreement with the
experiment. In a further paper the author will publish similar
computations taking into account the fact thatthe ions of the
surrounding medium are not point-shaped. lie thanks M. I.
Card 2/3 Pstrashen' for supervision of the work and K. L. Slobodskaya and
_2/ 4 8
SOV/54-58-4 I
The Theory of the P Centers in Alkali Haloid Crystals in Point Lattice Approxi-
D. M. Dmitriyeva for carrying out the major part of computa-
tions. There are 3 figures, 2 tables, and 10 references, 6 of
which are Soviet.
SUBMITTED; May 26, 1958
Card 3/3
AUTHOR: Abarenkov, 1. V. SOV/54-58-3-1/19
TITLE: The Potential of the Crystal Point Lattice (Potentsial
tochechnoy kristallichegkoy reshetki)
PERIODICAL: Vestnik Leningradskogo universiteta. Seriya fiziki i khimii,
1958, Nr 3, pp 5-13 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: In the present paper the author discusses an exact determina-
tion of the electrostatic potential in the domain of the
capture center. A cubio lattice of the type of NaCl was in-
veetigated. The electrostatic potential of a point lattice
crystal with other symmetry can also be determined in the
same way. In the determination of the electron wave fundtion
in the domain of the central node it is suitable to split
up the potential according to a total function eyetem. The
potential belongs to the class of the functions that remain
invariable in the case of a regrouping of the symrAry in the
crYstal. Thorefore it is most suited to factorize the po-
tential according to the cubical harmonics
1, (a) (Ref 5). V(r, V ),(a)
Card 1/3 n n n .n
The Potential of the Crystal Point Lattice ? SOV/54-58-3-1/19
Card 2/3
The charge has only one index m as all charges located at
the same distance from the central charge exhibit the same
index. For the determination of the potential the coefficients
of all layers must be ascertained.
(r,R )Z, . In the determination of the
Vn (r) M An M M
Znm the summation in the equation (10)
z . Ze . ,\1 ~4n (a) (0
nm M 2n + 1 n mk' mk)
was carried out as follows. First the sums Z' for all charges
of the sub-layer we:re ascertained. Then all -the Zn' m of the'
concerned layer were summed up. The number of charges in the
sub-layer can be found quite easily as only 6 types of in-
dices are existing (Table 1). By means of tho values of Z'
the coefficients A ns and B no were found (Table 2). The first
4 Coefficients V n(r) of the point lattice potential of NaC1
are represented in the figure. In the whole Work the central
charge was asnumed to be positive. In the ca3e of a negative
,The Potential of the Crystal Point Lattice SO'V/54-58-3-1/19
central charge the respective sign must be introduced into
the formulae. Especially the quantities A ne and B ns and the
coefficients V n(r) will have the inverse signs The author
thanks 11. 1. Petrashen' for having supervised the work.
There are 1 figure, 3 tables, and 7 references, 2 of which
are Soviet.
SUBMITTED: January 27, 1958
A Card 3/3
,:,. "-- -
,I- , I - -
t-, -- , ~ lap --N~ UMT, , -, -, ~ -f i
, -z I ~,,~-w~ ~-
Category : USSR/Atomic and Molecular Physics - Physics of the Atom D-1
Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Fizika, Ito 2j, 1957 No 3356
corresponding to various sets are related by the
following elation
7 Y_
The number of indejendent equatUns is less than the number of sets.
Therefore, certain X's in equation (1) play the role of indeterminate
constants, and the remainder are expressed in terms of these constants.
Using this method, the author obtained CF for states of He, TA and Be
with various valuev. of s. In analogy vith the functions obtained, the
CF was also written down for the general case. It repres line om-
binations of products of pairs of the Fok determinants 'PtIls '~f2j
and Ij ,
each made up of single-electron CF's. The individual liairs differ in
that certain arguments are interchanged between the two determinents.
It is shown that such a function actually has the properties of the
Schroedinger coordinate function.
Card 2/2
Bedempirical method of calculating the probabilitr of optical tran~jtloxx
in monevalent atoms, Test.Leneuxt 9 no.5:141-148 My 154. Mu 90)
(Atomic theory) (Spectrum, Atomic)
i-*ACC NRi AP7005316
AU711OR: Logachev., Yu. A.; A~ar 0v ~1-
ORG.- Leningrad State University im. A. A. Zhdanov (Leningradskiy gosudarstvennyy
TITLE: Calculation of the bindiri energy of ionic crystals by the model-potential
SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo telaj v. gs no. lj, 1967, 10-12
TOPIC TAGS: ionic Matalp binding energyp potentiai well, wave function
ABSTRACT: The authors show how the method of the model potential can be used to cal-'
culate the binding energy of ionic crystals. The method consists of using a density
matrix vhich takes into account the overlap of all the functions of the nearest neigh-
borirV, ions. A concrete example is presented using the NaCl cr
astal with values ob
tained for the parameters of the model potential of the free Na ions. The binding
y as a function of the distance between ions, the equilibrium ion distance,, and
the compre-s-Fibility cze all calculated and listed. ' The results are in good agreement
with experiment. Advantages claimed for the method 6f the model potential is that it
is relatively simple and does not call for the calculation of each Individual term
separately. Orig. art. has.- 11 formulas and 2 tables.
SUB CODE: 20/ SUM DATE: .02Apr&/ OTH MW: 004
Card ill
1, 21400fL E.,gr~tn~/rF(fl ijp~c '31)
ALA; R. AMU 1 S ACE CODE: UR/oi8l/66/oo8/OOl/O236/O238
AUTHORS; Abarenkov, I. Vedernikov, M. V.
ORG: Institute of Semiconductors AN SSSR, Leenin&rad (Institut
poluprovodnikov AN SSSR)
TITLE; Fermi surface and thermal emf of copper
SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 8, no. 1, 1966, 236-2-43
TOPIC TAGS: copper, gold, silver, thermal emf, Hall constant,
Fermi level
ABSTRACT: The authors'attempt to explain theoretically the experi-
mental facts that the noble metals (copper, 311ver, and gold) have a,
positive thermal emf at high temperatures. Particular attention is
paid to the'possibility that the discrepancy between theory and ex-
periment may be due to the fact 16"hat the Fermi surface of noble metals
*is definitely not spherical, and the deviation from sphericity is
larger than tbatproposed by J. M. Ziman (Adv. Phys. v. 10, 1, 1961).~
The authors attempt further to show that a more detailed allowance
Card 1/2
L 21401-66
ACC MR; AP6003794
ACCESSION NR: AP4011771 3/0181/64/006/901/0297/0300
AUTHORSt Lebed's B. Ms; Abarenkova Be G,
TITLEt Magnetic spectra of polyarystallina yttrium aluminum and yttAun
gadolinium garnet ferrite's
SOURCEt. Mike tvord,ogo toles v, 6# no. 1, 1964o,297-300
TOPIC TAOSj magnetic spootram#yttrilm aluminum garnets yttrium gadolinium garnets
ferrite, garnet ferrite, polycrystalline garnet ferrite
ABSTRACTs , The. authors have made experimental studies on the -magnetic spectrum of
the inisatigated mineral ferrites in the frequency rang'a from 0.1 to 3000 mega-
cycles. Results are shown in Figs. I and 2 and in Table 1 on the Encloaurese Their,
tai N.,rature measurevients .. ahOW-. that the dispersion of radio frequencies apparently
has a relaxation character as other a'uthors,havo indicated. ' - - The pre-
cise nature of'this dispersion is not easy to determines howevers since the ob-
served permeability maximum is very broad and difficult to locate accurately. Orig.
art. hast 2 figuress 1 table, and 2 foratulas.
SOCNON t none
WW Defeoillill**0
4#4 46 6 i i6`i~ ;_ 4a *** go too
)lot& to OwIlUJI41416" 0 At a x V a it a 41 a a a ere
A f : f 11 11
A -A- V__L_t_j_M_M_ all _.L.&
AT Yoe
Pi-OCISS16 '.0
0 0 Ai
Synomb of udk &cW kam mellLavol a6d Carboll
U" H. N. L)olpv and E. A.
rppau 3, 811-19001) .06
7-13%ol-AWq may lie olitained from MtOH and
06 cl LT) To I operation in the of "ic Cr Inclaphm- 109
pptd. on & ponva cwhi. Best resulis *fir all-
04 at 4WO and 100 atm. 71
liz te b4bcv the COiMcOll
ratio thRI bigber The eddity of the condestate obtained.
00 nn a%~jnuxt have a Cu boing to avoid the fictustkin
06 of C to Tiduce ctgtodw. Amotit the 1-4144516
00 invewtigated were- Al. N1. Cu. duralumin, Ag and
bran. It is stated that highef yields may be obtalswd
ontecyclins lhe stock. Twenty -five referrocvs.
A. A. Hochtlittak a**
:ze IS
--04, 11100a Asp O"t dia tl,i4i it
U a &V '0 q 4 1 1 1 a V 04 1 WNT
it it It at a a 19 a of It Is of of MW #I 1 14 6, 1 1 1 bd a 4 1 IF
KLYUKVIN, N.A., prof.doktor,ik;-ABARMIKOVA, Ye.A., dote.kand.tekhn.
nauk; TARASICMVA, Ye.M., dots. kancT-.F.R-i-.-Ea-Uk--
Studying catalytic conversions of shale tar. Trudy LIXI no.20:
106-116 '57- (MIRA 11:9)
(Oil shales)
ILYUKVIII, N,A,, prof.doktor tokhn.nauk;-A-Bq!RXIPT:~~l___~~-~~dOte.kand.tokhn.
nank; TARASIMTKOVA, Te,M*, doto, kEkTA.khim.nauk
Studying the effect of oarbon dioxide on changes in the properties
of products of the thermal decompoisition of Baltic shales. Trudy LIEI
no.20:117-121~ 157. (MIRA 11:9)
(Oil shales) (Carbon dioxide)
if IN C,
KLYUKVIS, N.A., doktor taklin.nauk prof.; AMIMNKOVA. Te.A., kaud.tekhn,
nauk. dota.: TARASIMOVA, Ye.m., kELnd.rhim'.nauk-
Reaction of carbon dioxide with shale decomposition products.
Trudy LIMI no.25:111-120 '59. (14IRA 12a-11)
(Oil shales) (Carbon dioxide)
ABARENKOVA, Ye.A., kand.tekhn.nauk, dotsent; VELIRANOV, Ye.P., student
.. .- - -Me.thods-of ',---reparing monomers and polymers for synthetic fibers
manufactured for industrial and experimental purposes. Trudy LIEI
no.36123-51 161. (MIRA 15:1)
(Polymers) (Textile fibers, Synthetic)
ABARENKOVA, Ye.A., kand.tekhn.nauk, dotsent; TARASENROVA, Ye.M., kand.-
..khimicheskikh nauk, dotsent.
Thernocatalytic conversion of hydrocarbons of the medium tar frac-
tion of Baltic shales. Trudy LIEI no.36:65-75 161. (MIRA 15:1)
(Shale) (Hydrocarbons)
VA~wm~~ J. W-V~, , - -, , .
CUtalytIC transformations of n-hoptano over manganong oxides.
Trudy LIEI no. 46:96-1011 163. (MIRA 17:6)
Ab,',~,ENKOA, Ye.A.; GUMIAN, A.K.
Studying the r-)ssibllity of producing and using certain salts
of aromatic vulfonic acids. Trudy LIE'L no. 46:92--95 163*
(MIRA 17:6)