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December 31, 1967
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Semiautomatic computor of second differences. Prib.i tekh.mkffp.
no.4:131-132 A-Ag 160. WRA 13!9)
1. TerevansIrl gosudarstvennyy univerettet.
lCalculating machines)
"Formtion of free radicals and migration of free valences under the
influence of mechanical forces on protelmo"
Report praserftAd at the SyMo3ium for Plqaical Chamiatry of Biogerde
Macromoleculea,, JerAm MR,, 18-21 Sop 63~
T ~4 I-, L.D. A
t.-ill k ~j 1 0 0 0 n
jB".,ITTED- I 1A).) r6 4
OTHER: 009
-77 -- - ------
L 05069-67 EWT(mN. _~IV'qr)
i- 4W')W-_AT6027933 SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/66/000/000/0170/0174
Abagyan, A. A.; Belov, S. P.; Kazanskiy, fu. A.; Mazin,_Y.
i -___
IORG: None
ITITLE: Measurement and calculation of the coefficients of secondary aQUrft-radjFLtJQn.._.
;SOURCE: Voprosy fiziki zashchity reaktorov (Problems in physics of reactor shieldiniz~-,
isbornik statcy, no. 2. Moscow, Atomizdat, 1966, 170-171,
TOPIC TAGS: gamma radiation, neutron, radiation shielding, capture cross section
~ABSTRACT: The authors condder the coefficient of secotidary emiEsion 0 w1lich e.Kpres-
toes the rati, of the total number, dose oi- energy of capture y-quanta to the total. nXMI
lber of neutrons emitted from a given shielding material. The general expression for
,this coefficient is
If -1, (r, V-, E) Xa., (E),11 (E) + (r, r., Ej) dRdEdVd3
jq) (r,. Q. E) dQdEds
where (1)(r, 0, E) is the neutron flux at the point r in the unit energy interval at
energy E and in the unit solid angle about the direction Q; Ea, (E) is the radiation
capture crocs section for neutrons of energy E; 11((E) is the yield of y-quanta of
L o5o6q_67
energy Ef per capture of a single neutron with energy E; ip (r, r,, Et)'is the Ainc-
tion which gives the attenuc-.ion of the stream of y-quanta with energy Ej from t!Ie
point of y-quantum production r to the points r, on the surface. A formula is derived
for the asymptotic value of 0 determined by the physical properties of the shielding
material alone. A comparison of theoretical ana experimeatal asymptotic values of 8
shows a systematic divergence by a factor of appioximately 2.5, the theoretical data
being overestimated. The reason for the divergence is assumed to be inaccurate deter-
mination of neutron intensities at the boundary. in 3pite of the discrepancy betveen
experimental and theoretical data, the nearly constant divergence obtained for various
elements with large, small and moderate capture cross sections (tungsten, lead, iron
and nickel) indicates that the proposed method may be used for calculatin.3 the asymp-
totic values of 0 with an accuracy of 30% if a correction factor of 2.6 is used. The
authors thank S._Q,_Tramjn and V. Ya. Pupko for interest in the vork and useful re-
marks. Orig. art. has: 3 figures, 6 formulas.
SUB CODE: 18/ SUBM DATE: 12jan66/ ORIG REF: 003
C-rd 2/2 !~~
Study of thsi mechanical destruc';!on cf gelatir, using the method of
electron paramaj~netic resonance. Bioflzikn 9 164,
(MIRA Y14-32)
1. instItut khlitAlchaskuy flzliki AN SSSR, Moskva.
Sequence of free radical reactions as affected by mechanical. actions on
protein moleculeB. Dokl. AN SSSR 154 no.6tl444-1447 F 164.
(14MA l7t2)
1. Institut, khimichaskoy- fiziki AN SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom V.N.
Meel.anical degralation of polywic chari des stidies by thl)
tilactron paramagnetic ro3OjjUnc(, mothod. Vy-,okom. aned. 7
no.8:1410-1414. -4g 165. (M~7RA 18:9)
1. Institut khlraicheskoy fltlkil AN ~)SSR.
Electron paramagnetic resonance spectra obfwrved dur~Utg riechowrical
treatment of DNA prerAratlons. BiOfl2ilfa 10 no.500-'.'65 165.
(Miru, 18r,ic)
1. Thatitut khimichaskov fiziki AN ISSSRV Moflcva.
A. A., CiLCV, A---". .~l 1_1,A~
Pror.ari4lon in the "ickel Scr!Ee-1 of' a Fact Reac~-...-)r.
rc!7ort r-.1",mitted for ti,~e JAIM Spudnar Dn t.'iv Fhv~~*Irr of ia.-A and Intcrmediate
Reactor!-, 'lien-in, 3-11 Aur 1'.)61.
ACCESSION NR: AT4019028 s/0000/63/000/000/0007/0024
AUTHOR; Abagyan, At A,-.,*,Qrlovl V. V.; Rodionov, G. Is
TITLE: The functions of neutron danger in the design of radiation shielding
SOURCE: Voprosy* fiziki, zasihchityllr reaktorov; sbornik statey (Problems In physics
of reactor shield Ing; collection of article s). Moscow, Gosatomlzdat, 1963# 7,24
TOPIC TAGS: reactor shielding, radiation hazard,.;oneutron. neutron danger calculaft:
tion, conjugate equation
ABSTRACT: The authors note that in the design of nuclear reactors the use of con-':
jugate equations has proven to be extremely fruitful. in the present work, prob- i
lems of the conjugate equation theory are discussed in the light*of the study and '
calculation of radiation shielding. The basic problems encountered In the calcula-
tion of shielding are the computations of the following values: a) the neLLtron,
flow behind the shielding and the dose created by these neutrons; b) the flow and
dose of gamma quanta behind the shielding; c) the integral flows of neutrons in-
ci.dent to individual structural elements of the reactor and the shielding for the,
purpose of estimating the degree of radiation igairment of the metals; di thermal:. .
emissions in Individual structural elements of t a reactor and shielding, arising
,as the result-bf gamma radiation absorption, and also deceleration and absorption
Iffoed 1/3
of neutrons. The different role (and, hence, danger) of the neutron in the re-
actor and in the shielding Is noted. Of the possible applications of conjugC610
functions to the theory of perturbations, the authors single out two for special
consideration. In the first place, a knowledge of the conjugate function makes
it possible to select the most rational positioning of the materials in the shield-
ing. In the second place. it makes Vt possible to derive the variations of the
values of interest to the specialist (dosages, thermal emissions, etc.), connected,
wi'th certain changes In the structure and planes of interaction, and also with
effects not previously considered, without the repetition of unwieldy computations,
but merely through the application of the perturbation theory ratio. From this
point of view, the authors consider and derive the formulas-of this theory and car-!
tain functions In the theory of shielding. The use of the.method of consecutive
:.approximations for the determination of-the optimal disposition of shielding J
materials Is considered, as Wall as the efficiency function of the shielding
niaterials.-thems6lVes. The article concludes with a study of certain effects In
shie;ding made of iron (and of Iron with 1% by weight of oron), 20 cm thick, in
the light of the theory of perturbations. "The authors express their gratitude
to A. 1. Laypunskly, V. Ya. Pupko and E. Ye. Petrov for their valuable counsel and.
com-nentary.11 Orig, art. has: 52 formulas, 9 figures and 4 tabl'ase
'PTM: none
C.,d ;,-/-?
SUBMITrED: 14Aug63 DATE AtQ: 27Feb64 ENCL: 00
C-,d 3/3
L 0505ar6r( EWTlip)- j R /d, D
Arc-mr=6027917 SOURCE CODE: uR/oooo/66/000/000/0005/0021
AUTHOR: Orlov, V. V.; Abagyan, A. A.., Fedorenko, R.-P.; Dubinin, A. A.;
A. P.
OPG: None
TITLE: Optimizing the physical characteristics of radiation shielding
SOURCE: Voprosy fiziki zashchity reaktorov (Problems in rhysics of rea or shield-
ing); sbornik statey, no. 2. Moscow, Atomizdat, 1966, 5-21
TOPIC TAGS: radiation shielding, variational problem, successive approximation,
perturbation theory , #VRoWreooe %:W.1FA. DIAIr-
ABSTRACT: The authors consider the problem of selecting the ratio of components in
reactor shielding to give minimum weight or overall dimensions for a given reduction
in radiation intensity or to achieve a minimum radiation dose for given shielding
weight or dimensions. The problem is formulated as a variational problem on the op-
timum of scme quantity when given conditions are imposed on other quantities. The
various approaches to solution of the problem given in the literature are briefly
reviewed. The physical characteristics of the shielding (neutron and gamma doses,
heat release, weight, etc.) are considered within the framework of perturbation
theory and the concept of functions of effectiveness of shielding materials is intro-
L 05053-67
ACC NR: AT602-79-1-T---------'---"
duced, i. e. functions which give information on the changes in various quantities
under given conditions which result from sane small change in the densities of the
materials. The classical methods of Yariational calculus are used for determining
optimum conditions for functionals representing the various physical characteristics
of the shielding. The method of successive approximations is used for solving the
problem of optimizing the distribution of shielding components in the general case.
An example is given illustrating applic,:,tion of the proposed method. Orig. art. has:
9 figures, 31 formulas.
SUB CODE: 18/ SUBM DATE: 12,Tan66/ ORIG REF: o14/ On REF: 002
1 ACC NR-I-AT602793i SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/1~16--/-O-O--O,-/O,o,o--/0-164-/G.1-69~-- k
dV jp(XI,u)duI - I ~
Au - P
V 6uk k11 1:8P i 6uk
I E0+ 6B E0+ A F.
r P dE 1 Cr to e-dZ)dE'
eff r E T +I r E 6E ,~ rN
W~Uh UFLOITA-7,014
ft, AL c Yr, dhrv r Y
off !or the des',rn of mcloar -eact(7-.n
,~, VAO~~
a! r -4,e ~i
Introduevicin 3
Ch. 1, PrInciplas of Ole emplanticm and =8 of muli-i-r-up 1D-7
fulp'. 407
Card 1A
L U h.60-66= --- -EWT.(n)
ACC M' AR6028127 SOURCE CODE: UR/0058/66/000/005/VO21/VO21
AUTHOR: AbQgyan. I. P.; Zakharova S. M. 3
ORG.- none
TITLE: Profflt.;i; of mutMn r4Lactions'tccompanfted by the escape of charged
SOURCE: Ref. zh. Ftzika, Abs. 5V168
REF SOURCE: Byul. Inform. tsentra po yadern,, dannym, vyp. 2, 1965, 167-226
TOPIC TAGS: neutron reaction, charged particle, particle escape
ABSTRACT: The paper contains experimental data on profiles of reactions
accompanied by the escape of charged particles for elements with Z = 13 to 20
(according to materials published prior to May 1965), presented in the form of
tables and graphs. [Translation of abstract) [DWI
Card I / -1
L 04221-67 Eryr-f(m)/EWP(t)/E:f I=(-C-)- JD/JG
ACC NR- AR6031861 SOURCE CODE: 'UR/0058/661000/006/VO58/VO58
AUTHOR: Zakharova, S. M. ; Abagyan, L P.
- - - a R~14- 1 6
TITLE: Parameters of single resonance levels
SOURCE: Ref. zh. Fizika, Abs. 6V488
REF SOURCE: Byul. Inform. tsentra po yadern. dannym, vyp. 2, 1965, 25-75
TOPIC TAGS: single resonant level, fissionable isotope
ABSTRACT: The parameters of single- r esonanc e levels of figsionable
ar esented on the basis of papers published 1,-"-)re May 1965. Isotopes U2;"3,
UA~7U236# Np237 and AM243 are not included i-.-s the table. [Translation of
abstra.E-tj 'PI 'V1 -.,,7
SUB CODE: 18, 20/
Cc d
-- SUBASHIYEV) -V. -K.-; -ABAGYAN)- S. A. --- ---
"Band structure in GaAB X, Pix vrystals."
report submitted for Intl Conf on Physics of Oemiconductors, Paris) 19-24
jui 64.
-.L A
7 - - -------
V-L r-
JT~ ''i
ACC NP': A640 44 964
"JE, ;-to. 0' Inf-A
TOPIC TAGS: gallium araenide phosphide, conduction band, crystal
lattice parameter, crystal composition, absorption band
ABSTRACT- Tc) reconcile some discrepayicies- in the published data,
7-q ~7-,-eFtlqat(ld tb.!P mirima of 1-and, usino,
detenvi-acd by x-jay ine&surements of the lattice paraimeter directly
;--. esti4ated jimpl-e-,--assuminc Fl-a-f#c~
vn the---xrrv patameter-to-ba-,-
trG"4q.-4P-- crystal ty the. Obang i4v~~e absorption, And t o d,
the minimum of the conduction band in GaAs af.3 well -a!3 the mirima
,-n crystals ~~F c-composition GaAs P differ fr~-Tr th- published
T)-~ 'h --A v e a 1 s , ',..x,, i
ri", I rect 1, 1 -1 . . -
at the points (111) and which is capable of explaining the slight
Ty-,.,is i r
S 0
display effects connected-with-repopulation of electrons from one
i I-) arrItht,-,. h i s may r e s -u 1 tf
a t .1 e L-O E ac)i Other with chaiwes. -Ln Dres!z ui t~ oi w I, chances Ili
P r P I
-7 -VX=IW If I-AP4b449b4-----
--------- -- ----- --- -----
i r~oa i t -~t v) m, r mi
in the GaAs P. syston as a ftretim of
x 1-Y
the rmlar ccu~--rx, i t 1 m
e,aTd 4/4
L 11060-6 '.Irr (TO /EWP(t)/RWP1b I
A CC' F- - S IN N ~1 kP4046644
AUTHORS t __~%gy an, S. A.; Subasl-Avev, V. it.
T1 TI-17, Di-r-;,,-t transitions anA spi-
SOURCE: Pi2:,.:zka tvardogo tela, v. 6, no. 10, 196-4, 3168-3170
crGexx3.c3A3nT.' 30
ABSTILACT: In order to determine the wi,,,1th of the forbidden band
for direct tramsitions in GaP. and to clatex-minc- Hhd-- Rpir,-Orbif
splitting of the va1ence band in k 0. thf, a-itlhnr~ inv-at iq-Att-~d
varj.ation of the ah s o j e Z-t
~111b LJr, real nvi Fw f-if t
11-lif'C- Trantir-ions tiu-iu- cm m
e~.surem-2rts were, made with
very -~-hj-i &les (2-5 micronn thic1c), c-mnp r i s 1 rig unq 1 e - c ry -9 t al
L UC130-65
plane-p&ralle! plataB of GaP freely suspended in gpovial mounts.
The procedurn was ear' ier
I IJAIN -- b'-5. V. J~b' 7b3, 1964). The dependence of the absorption co-
ef f ~cien. -on the phcjl-on enerqy in the transitior i-t-