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FWROV, A.P., doktor tekhn. nauk, prof.; DIAIALYAIT, S.V., kand. tekhn. ,*--inzh.; MHAVLET, inzh.; nauk; A2~R ~.~Y KHANDKA-M, Yu.S., inzh.; SAML-tINA,11.A., inz'j .; ZAVIYADDV, B.A.., kand. trIchn.nauk; BFMIGAO, K.A., dokwr tekhn. nruk, prof.; VASILIMT, G.S., kand. tekhn. nauk; BECID.14TAY, M.A.., inzh.; FROLOV, I.A., inzli.-I SIDELINIKOV., V.M., in7h.; 1101CtOUSMIA, N.L., inzh.; POZAMANTIR, E.I., kand. tekhn. nauk; GLUZIM,LG, E.A.,, retsenzent; MAKSMOVICH, B.M.p knnd. tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; FiME, V.Yu., inzh., red. (Use of electronic digital computers in conpiling train sheets)Sostavlonie grafika dv-.,.zheniia poozdov na elektron- rWkh tsifrovykh vychislitelInykh ma-shinakh. Mookva,, Trans- zheldorizdat, 1962, 199 p. (MIRA 15:9) 1. Chlen-korrespondent kkademii nauk SSSH (for Petrov). (Railroads-Train dispatching) (Railroads-Electric equipment) ABADY,,Gpla, dr. In the country of the chamois. Elovilag 9 no.2:31-34 Mr-Ap 164. ABADZHAN, A, Lrvaraii polkovnik. ftrty organization and the comander. Toen. refit. 37 no.3.*23-2.9 Kr 158. (MIRA 12:3) (Comminist Party of the Soviet Union-Party work) (Military education) -AB&DZR&V,-S.5.; SHEVCH11K, V.U. Reaction kinatica of high-tomperature acatyleno convoraloij. Gas. prom. 10 no.803-38 165# (MIRA 18t9) AIIAF','l,d:Vp %, ... lIi!!,,-llcllUxO V.U. lvterm3natlon of the klnetlc paramoters of reactionn from experimpnts under unlaothervAl conditiona. dhur. fiz. kh.1m. 39 no.W055-2057 Ag 165. (MIRA 18sq) ABADZHEV, S.S.; SHEOWK, V.U. Kinetics of the thermal decomposition of vinyl-acetylene and diacetylene. Khim. prom. 41 no. _U.1891-894 D 165 (MIRA 19t1) - \"-L/ -V --I" , 61, -- - - - - ---- - **' - -- - -- XHACHATRTAN, A.$.; MM, Yu.G.; ZOLOTAIUIV. T.L.,. KONAMCHAN. V.S.; ATAMOV, G.I--:~Ib SISOTAN, G.A.; XAMARAM, G.K.; VORONIN, A.T.; GORTIVMT, S.N.; KUMULIDO, A.N. Professor A.IA Ter-Khachaturov. A.S.Min.chatri&n and others. Ilektrichestvo no.8:90 Ag 154. (MLRA 7:8) (Ter-Khachaturoy, Artemii IAkovlev-ich, 1884- AUTHOR: Abadzhev,/ Y,~.G. 94-1-22/24 TITIS: On Methods of Forming Mercury-arc Rectifiers (0 metodakh formovki rtutnykh vypryamiteley) PERIODICAL: Promyshlennaya Energetika, 1958, No.1 '~USSR)' pp. 37 38 ABSTRACT: This short article is in reply to a question from B.P. Gantsev of Ufa, who asked about the best methods Of forming 600 V rectifiers, type PE-10. The reason for forming is to completp removal of gases and vapours that have diffused into the intercrystalline and intermolecular spaces of all parts under vacuum, but partic- ularly the anodes. The rectifier load current should! be increased gradually as it causes extensive evolution of gas. All anodes should be approximately equally loaded during forming. The load is gradually raised to double the rated value if the auxiliary equipment permits of this. Special forming transformers are manufactured for the purpose. Finally, brief recommendations are given about procedure, and reference is made to the articles of V.A. Kabanov and of A.F. Prontarskiy, both in Promyshlennaya Energetiki3., 1952, No. 10. AVAIJ,'ABLE: Library of Congress Card 1/1 ABADZHI,K.I., Inshener .. w_ _ _ 1. ~- . - , Shortcomings of standard@ for watch mechanism and lover-gear indicators. Standmalizataiia no.4:59-61 Jl-Ag'55. . I (Gauges--Standards) (MLRA 8:10) .; BOYTSOY. A.M.; VOLOSEVICH, F.P.; GOBERMAN. P.M.; KWAY, A.K.; NARINSKIT, F.I.; WING, G.A.; RUBIWOV, A.D.; SRTYURYJR, G.A.;. BRZHBZIESKIY, X.L., kandidat takhaicheakikh nauk, reteenzent; PSTROT, V.I., inzhener, retsenzent: 1XKF".11SKIY, M.M.. inzhener. rectaktor; LEYXINA, T.L., redaktor izdatella,.'ra; POLISKAYA, R.G., takhnichookiy redaktor (Reference manual for proauction control in macb1ne building] Spravoch- nik po proizvodetvannomu kontroliu v mashinostroanii. Pod obahchat red. A.K.Xi&tai. Moskva, Goo. nauchno-takhn. izd-vo mashinostroit. lit-ry. 1956. 670 pp (HLRA 9:12) (Machinery industry) I-ABADZ W44,14, KULIWHA Ov. N-1. Request to measuring Instrument designers. lzm.tekh. no.102-93 Ja,-.T 1$6. (KLU 9:5) (Keasuring instrumonts) ABADZHI, K.I. Wficient checking of positions of surfaces of large-sized parts. Mashinostroitell no.2/3:47-50 &D '56. MIRA 12:1) (Optical measurements) RUBINOV. ".;-ABfiDZjj K L. RITROYANOV, If-P-,inzbener, retoenzent: HARIN5KrT';-7.j..kand- tekhnicbeelcil7h nauk, redaktor-,50KOIDTA. L.V,,tskhnicheskiy redaktor [Control and measuring instruments in the shop] TSekhovoi kontrollno- ismeritelinyi instruvent. Moskva. Gos. nauchno-tekhn. izd-7o mashinostroit. lit-ry, 1957. 203 P. (KLRA 10:5) (Measuring instruments) AB 44--01, * ~,, ~ Inspection of wany-alded prlm, Ism. tokh. no.):71-75 VY-Ja 1-57. (Prisms) (Gontometers) (HLRL 10-6) -,i .~, - 'i . : " -- I I , ADA HI. X.I.S iuho w - "r ,-~Mlwp lkhIbItIon of meavaring instruments. Mashinostroitell no.1:42-43 'Ta 158. (MM 11:1) (Measuring instruments) ABADZHI, K.I., Inch. (~uantltstlvn evaluation of the noarectilinnarity and nonplanarity of large planes. Vast. mash. 38 no.9:44-47 S '58. (MYRA il.'10) (Surfaces (Technology)--Measurement) 1/"0V, Arkadiy LIvovich; VOLDSVTCH, Fedor Pavloviak~.'ABADZHI KL, inzh. ., re-tsenzent; BRZHZZINSKIY, M*L., kan4,~~,bekbn. UKp red.; CHFAS, M.A., red. izd-va; SOKOLOVAp~TJ-vp tekhn. red. (Brief manual for inBpoctors and master workers of a machinery plant] Y-ratkil spravoclmik kontrollnogo mastera mashinostroitellnogo zavoda. Moskva., Mashgiz, 1961. 287 p. (HIRA 15:2) (Machinery industry) (Production control) S/115/61/000/002/001/006 B116/B203 LUTHORt Abadzhi, K. I. TITLE: Errors in the control of thet planeness of large plates PERIODICAM Izmeritialinaya tekhnika, no. 2, 1961, 3-6 TEXT .*", control methods of the linearity and planeness of large plptes and -., -i can be divided into two groupsi thoue based on the step ., and those based on a comparison of the object controlled with prij-- tha .,, il. The step method is oharacterited by a chain relation between the iw,viftal dimensions. This also detormines the formation of the maximum errc. . Tho other methods are - although siome of them are similar to the step method. - not characterized by a chain relation. Fig. 1 shows the step meth-,d itself, and Fig. 2 the character of interrelations between the indi~,Idual indications In this method. With the aid of Fig. 3, the author studies the order in which the error sums up. In the case of a syetematic error, the single error Lp-oonst. A continuous systematic single error sums up in measuring, and deflects the whole curve path upwards or downvards. The straight line is also deflected along with the curve path. The Card 1,A* 1/7- S/11 61/000/002/001/006 Errors in the control of thii... B116YB203 difference of ordinates is not distorted by the total systematic error. It is shown that in the worst case, where tho errors of the ordinates of the curve and of the straight line have oppos!ite signs at the intersection t, the maximum error will be equal to the single error, and In the case of A complicated error in linearity, equal to two sinSle errors. The author studies the case where the signs of the rUndom single errors change irregularly. It is shown that the maximun error in the step method (with a number of steps of 20-40) will vary between 1-5A P and Up when measuring the linearity error of large plates and guides, and only in ,he worst case, En may attain A1 im - AP .. where n - number of steps. In the )ther control methods basing on a oomparimon of the objoot with the model, errors do not sum up. With the use of optical instruments, however, an in)rease in the object dimensions inoreases the effect of light refraction oa the amount of arror. In this case, the single error and the error of the measuring method become greater. There are 4 figuros and 7 references, 5 Soviet- bloo. Card 21.4 2- ABADMI Kirij4 _jywLoAqh- DI' C. UZIIINI?q, Boris Ivanovich; 1SAYET, MINN, A.D., kand. teY-hn. nmj':,, retsenzent; MWOV, L.P., inah., md.; LEMIKINA, T.L.; red. izd-vai PMMS0112 M.M.p tekhn. red. [ relative positions of machina-pnrt surfacts] Kontroll vzairnogo raspoloaheniia poverkhnostei detalei mashin. Moskva, Hashgiz, 1962. 1U p. (VIRA 15: 10) (Fachinery-Construction) (Measwing instnments) ARADZHIP K.I. The fourth conference on interchangeability and control methods in the machinery industry in Leningrad. Mashinostroitell no.llt 41 N 163. (MIRA 161ll) 1 ADtil:lz,'Hl, K.I.; fK)YTSO'lp A.N.; GREYM, I.A. Reviews and bibliography. FriborostrcenIke no.6:28-10 Je '64. (MIRA 18:3) ABADZHI, K.L.; BOYTSOVp A.N.; VOLOSEVICH, F.P.; GOBEIMI, P.N.; ~iMKNSKIY, M.M.; KUTAY, A.K.; 1WRIN."IM, F.I.; ODING, G.A.; TAYTS~ B.A.; RUBINOV) A.D.; SHTYUIMH, G.A.; BR2:HEZINSKIY) M.L., kand. tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; SitAIMEVSKIY, O.V., red.; LEYKINA, T.L.$ red.izd-va; SPIRMSKAYA, O.V., tekhn. red. (Handbook on production control in the machinery industr7] Spravochnik po proizvodstvennomu kontroliu v mashinostro- enii. Izd.2., perer. i dop. Mosim, Mashgiz, 1964. 748 p. (MIRA 17:3) -112~1 - ABADZILIEV, B. , inzh. New thermoelectrio power plant for the Petroleum ~-hemioal Worku, Burgas. Elektroenergiia 15 no-4:18 Ap 164. ABADA"DiL.7, I-,.; K. . ....... "':ore co.7y-'ete utilization of the tower crane In BuIL.-i:xian construction." STROITELIST110, SoMa, Pulpiria, Vol. 6, no. 6, 1959 Xonthly list of East Liwopb Accessions (M~AI), LGI Vol. 8, No. 6, Se:-;t 59 Urclas HARINOVA, L.; IOSIVGHIV, A.; VZLIGMWVA, D.; AUDMIXV, D. Kxperiences with diagnoisis of congenital cardiovascular defeovs, Zhirurgila, Sofia 11 no.5-6:515-517 1958. 1. Is Xhirurgichnata i DetskatL~ klinlim pri ISM (CUDIOVASCUIA11 MRMTG. COMANIUL. diagnosis, (Bul)) ABADZHIEV., KH. New type of dan walls. p. 6h. KH]DROTI-XIINIKA I MELIORATS11, Softa, Bulgaria,0 Vol. h, no. 2, 1959 Yonthly List of East European Accessions (Mk::) LC, Vol. 1, No. 10, Oct. 1959 1U nel, GVCHAROVAt Pe; ABADZHIEVt M.1 LCGOFMVAl S- On the problem of neurocandidiasis. Suvrem med., Sofia no.10:42-48 ,6o. 1. 12 Katedrata po nervni bolesti pri ISUL (Rukov. na katedrata dots. \ G.Nastev) (POLYRADICULITIS etiol) (IIONILIASIS compl) OVCHAROVA, P.; TCMOV, J,,; ABADZHIEV, M. ,-- Or- t~z problem of neurouveitin. Suvrem med., Sofia no.12:41-46 160. 1. ~z Katedrata po nervni bole3ti pri ISUL (Rukov. na katedrata dots. 3,11astev) OWITIS) AIIADZIIIEV, m.-- Organi- neurological microsymptomacology in atherosclerosis and hypertenalon. Izv Inst kbranene DAN 3:127-133 164. ABADZHIEV, P. Technical standardization in the coal industry and its utilization in the Georgi Di,Atrov *";tate Mine Enterprise in Dinitrovo. p. 28. MINNO DELO, Sofiya, Vol. 9. no. 11, Noy. 1954. .50: .''onthly List of Sast European Accessions, (EEAL), LC, Vol. L., no. 10, Oct. 1955, Uncl. , i~ A-ViD71 LI-V ZU14~CIEV A new sourcc of watrr supply for Sofia. p. 17. Kbidrotel,linika I Nelioratsii Vol. 3, "No. 1) Sofiia B,Jf,aria Y - -oathly Index of East Eurcpcan Accessions (Hlill) LC, Vol. 7,, No. 10, Oct. 58 ABADZHlff, P. Potentiated anesthesia. XhIzurglia, So-fla 8 no.3,.443-450 155- (kXUfMIA. adjuvanta) BULa%RTA/General Problems of Pathology - Tumors. Abs Jour : Referat Zhur - Biologiya, No 16, 1957, 71551 Author : Abadzhiev, P. Inst Title : The Problem of the Frequency and Causes of the Inoperable Lung Cancer. Orig Pub : Khirurgia, 1956, 9, No 5, 443-449 Abstract : No abstract. Card 1/1 - 42.- s-4 DIXITROV, St.; AAA In, P. mwmww"wwmOw~.. Potentiated anesthesia in extensive intrathoracic operatious. WalwGila, Sofia 10 no. 1:1&26 1957, V 1. Vissh meditainaki inatitut -- Sofiia, katedra po boluichna kirurgil" (THORAILO awgiory, Potentiated anesth. (Bal)')' BAZIRGIANDVA. G.; ABADZHrW, P. Study of occupatioma'Injuries in vario-as ipd-untrial enterprIess in bofla. Xhirurglia, Sofia 10 no-2:135-146 1957. 1. Vissb meditsinski institut - SQfiia klinika po boinichna khtrurglia. Direktor: prof. Ste Rimitrove (ACCID]INTS INDUSTRIAL, statist. ~a Bulgaria (Bul)) ABADMIU, F. -ne3thesla and muscle relaxants. Xhirargiia, Sofia 11 no.5-6:442-W 1958. 1. Iz Klinikata po bo2nichna khirurgilia pri VMI-Soflia, (AN.M THES TA # ndjuvants, im8c. relaxants (Bul)) (MMOTA RMAXATIM), ther. use, in anenth. (Bul)) DIRITROV, ST., Prof.; BAXV, B.; ABA=IEV, 11. Anentheoia with autonomic block. Xhirvrgiia, Sofia 3-1 no.5-6i452-454 1958. 1. 12 Klinikata po bolnichna. khinirgi ia pri VKI-Sof iia. (ANY.-)TMCSIL, adjuvants, ganglion blocking agents (Bul)) (ALITONOMIC DR=, ther. use, ganglion blocking agents in oneath. (Bul)) AMADZRIV, P. , I - moriN Current status of extraoorporeal circulation in heart surgez7 with 0, heart-lung apparatus. Xhirurgiia, Sofia 11 no.7:601-61!; 1958. 1. Vissh Meditainoki.Instituts, Sofita Katedra po bolnichns. khirurgiia. Zav. katedratai prof. St. Dimitrov. (IMA , artif. heart-lung appar. in open heart surg., technics Oml)) AROM INV, P. Recent progress in anesthes lology. Khirurgi in. Sofia ~2 no. 1:34-39 1959. L. Viesh meditainski Institut-Softia kELtedra po bolnichna khirurgiia Zav. katedrata; prof. St. Dimitrov. (AMTERSIOIA)GY, progr. (Bul)) DIMITROV.St., prof.; ABAGZHIEV,P.; KOSHICV,L. On hibernation in pediatric surgery. Khk:urglia, Sofia 13 no.2-3: 271-272 160. 1. Iz Katedrata po bolnichna khirurgiia pri VMI - Saftia. (HIBMWATION ARTIFICIAL in inf. & child) (PBDIATRICS surg.) ABADZHIEV, P. The anesthetist as practitioner, teacher and scientific worker. Khirurgiia, Sofia 13 no."'Pa r/ W676-68o 160. 1. Vissh meditsinski inatitut, Sofila. Katedra po bolnichna khirurgiia. Zav. katedrata: prof. St.Dimitrov. (ANESTHESIOLOGY) ,ABADZHIEV, P.; BIK, N. Controlled hypotension in cardiovascular aurgery. Khirurgiia, Sofia 14 no.2/3:230-231 161. HEART SURGERY aneetb & anal1j) HYPOTENSION CONTROLLED) ~ DEREMHIAN, A.; SA9V, St.; KRUSTEVA, Z.; TENKV, K.; ABADZHIEV, P.; FICHU, N. Our methods of anesthesia and reanization in newborn 1,-fants. Xhirurgiia 15 no.11:991-"3 162. 1. Iz Katedrite o bohichns, khirurgiia pri VMI (Vissh medi- tains)d itistituti - Sofila i ISUL [Institut as apetsializataiia i usuvurohenst-vuvane na lekaritel. (A PSTHESIA INTRATRACHEAL) (A HES THESIA GENERAL) (INFANT NEWBORN DISEASES) ATANASOV, A.-,. ABADZIIIYEV, P.- IVANOVA, M. [translator]; LEMkVA-D,*JiOVC,- T Ltranslatorj; LaSDEVA-DAVOU, M. [translator]; DVITROV, St., prof., red.; DRAGOYCHEV, Ch. SIAVOV, B.,. tekhn. red. [Anesthesiology] Anesteziologiia. 3. izd. Soffin, Yeditsina fizkulltura, 1963. 460 P. (MIRA 16-12) (ANESTHESIOLOGY) ABADZHIEV, P. - Hazards and accidents in endotracheal anestbcsia. Khirurgiia (Sofiia) 16 no-5el+71-479 163- 1. Viash maditsinaki institut - Sofi:Ut, katedra po bolnichna khirargiia. Rukovoditel na katedrata: prof. St. Dimitrov, (ANESTHESIA, INTRATRACHM) TENEV, St.1 PAD7,HIEV,, F*$- KARAIVANOV, K.; MISTOV, G. Portacaval anastomosis in the treatment of portal hypertension with reference to,a single case. Xhirtirgiia (Sofiia) 16 nos,7: 651-655 163. I Vissh meditifnaki institut - Sofliap katedra po bolnichna ~;irurglia, Rukovoditel na katedrataLi prof. St. Dimitrov. (HYPERMSION, PORTAL) (PORTACAVAL ANASTOMOSIS) ABADZHIr,-V, S. I -- "Contribution of the Plovdiv rationalizers to the development of technological progress." p. 10 (Rat3ionalizatsiia) Vol. 7. no. 7, J-Ay 1957 Sofila, Bulgaria SO: Monthly Index of East European Acc-)ssions (T--T.AI) W. V01. 7, no. 4, APril 1958 ABADZHIEVJI 5, Creative work of a young., but great rationalizer. p. 8 (RATSIONALIZATSIIA) Vol. 7, no. 10, Oct. 3-957j, Sofi-ia, Bulgaria SO: Monthly Index of East European Accessinns (IMAI) LC, Vol. 7, No. 3. March 1958 ABADZHIEV, Stefan Great te;)Iiiblogical progress in tobacco Industries. Ratsir---34- --1-4 is 13 no.7tlO-12 163. ABADZHIRVA. T Comparative method used lr7 worlic on foWors; socording Brother in the Poetry of the 223-270 161. Ilmn D. Shiohmanov in his reeaarch study "The Song About the Nations." Izv inat etnoF (EM 10:9 Shlebmanov, Ivan D.) lgarlan poetry-History- & criticism) M Prof. to the Balkan Dnd- BAN 4: ZHIVKOV., B.S.; ZHKLIAZKOV,, D.,- ABAIEHIEVA-ANDMEVA, M. The anticataractoganic affect of certain substances containine mareaptopurina-unItHol and potassiun othylxanthogenate. Nauch. tr. viesh. mad. inst. Sofia 41 no.2:71-79 162. 1. P~redstavena ot dot.a. E. Zhivkov. , (DIMERCAFROL) (MERCAPT-OP'*LNE) (CATARACT) DVCILkROVA, P.; KOYNOV, It. [Koinov,R.1; RHEEVSKI, N. Clini,,al pActure of neural candidias.".s. Zhur. nevr. I psikh. 63 no.10:1482-1485 163. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Kafedra nonmykh bolemoy Inatituta spetsialivitDii i usovqrshanstvc- vanlya vrach(y (zav. - Prof. G. Nitstev), BoIgnrlyn. ABADZHITIV, P. '*~ "n V#s %AV, Tt W, i - -.; Artificial kidney. Ehimrgiiap Sofia 6 no.8.-484-495 1953. (CIKL 23:5) 1. Assistant. 2. Faculty Surgical Clinic (Director - Docent G. Popov), V. Chervemkov Medical AcaeleiW, Sofla. BULGARVL/O~--nural Biolosy - Gencral Hydrobiology. B. Abs Jour :Ref Zhur - Biol.., No 21: 1958; 94718 Author : -- Abad7-hiyeva V... Marinov, T. Inst Title : Study of Banthoo in tho Black Sea (in Bulgaria). Orig Pub : Ribno stopanstvoo 1957) 3) 140 5j, 7-9 A"Litract : No abstract. Card 1/1 - 39 - ABADZPYAN, K.A., inzh.; CIIUMbURIDZE-. G.K., inzh. Use of a concrete pump in the construction of' tunnels under water. Energ. strol. no.20:10)-105 161. (MIRA 15: 1) 1. Thilisskiy nauchno-issledovatel'sidy institut sooruzheniy i 0 gidroenergetiki imeni A.V Vintera. (Concrete construction) (Tunnel lining) ABADZIMAII, K.A., inzh. Prospects *for the use of new*materials in hydraulic construction. Gidr. stroi. 32 no.3:28-30 Mr 162. (MIRA 16:7) (Building materials) (Hydraulic structures) YUGOSLj~VIA / Chemical Technology. Pharmaceuticals. H-17 Vitamins. Antibiotics. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimiya, No 23, 1958, 78736. Author :j%baffy, F., Kvader, S. Inst :Not giv-en. Title :Paper Chromatography of Some Sulfonamides. The Identification of Sulfadiazine, Sulfothiazol, and Sulfometazine in Tablets. Crig Pub: Acta pharmac. jugosl., 1956, 6, No 3-4, 197-200. Abstract: '.%Ihatman No I filter paper is impregnated with buffer solutions: with phosphates (4 grams of Kh2P04 in 100 ml of water), with carbonates (4 grams of Na2GO ;10 H 0 in 10 ml of water) and with Hac-ElvaN s (pfl 6), and the separation is carried. out of sulfodiazine, sulfothiazole, sul- fomethazine, sulfoguanidine, sulfo-morazine, sul- Card 1/2 23 YUGOSLAVIA / Chemical Technology. Pharmaceuticals. H-17 Vitamins. Antibiotics. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimiya, No 25, 1958, 78738. Abstract: fanilamine and phthalysulfothiazole, using a mix- ture of n-C4H OH -- H20 (2:1) as the developer; ths Rf value ?or the above-mentioned compounds for three of the ebove-mentioned buffer solutions are respectively: 0.71, 0.10, 0.51; 0.68, 0.29, 0.67; 0.78, 0.31, 0.80; 0.41, 0.43, 0.45; 0.81, 0.18, 0.77; 0.52, 0.54, 0.58; 0.47, 0.07, 0.27. For the determination of sulfadiazine, sulfathia- zole and sulfamethazine in tablets, pyridine is recommended as the extracting agent. The sepa- ration is carried out in an ascending or descend- ing current on the paper impregnated with buffer solution of 14ao-Elvane (pH 8) with the above-men- tioned developer. To develop the spots, the paper is sprayed with 1~'b alcohol solution of p-dimethyl- amino benzaldehyde and is kept in HC1 vapors. Card 2/2 ARM -Ty el" 05 ~,U%- TDr ttVlf~* Fd t c a 12.0 ale. solu. of c:,vi- YUGOSLAVIA / Chomical Technology. Pharmaceuticals. H-17 Vitamins, Antibiotics. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimiya, No 23, 1958, 78736. Abstract: stable for 15 minutes. Beer's law is followed by 1,0-401-,/ml of I at 425 millimicron. The meae- urements,-were made in a Fischer AC model spectro- photometer with a 425-B filter and with 2-3 cm. euvettes. For the determination of I in tablets, 20 tablets are crushed, the weighed portion (equi- valent to ,50 mg. of I) are dissolved in 20 ml water and diluted to 100 ml; for analysis, 2.5 ml of solution is used. For the analysis of the solutions used for injections, 2 ml of 2% or 1 ml of 0 solutions are diluted to 100 ml. Card V2 I ARAM, Fo .-I,- The kinetics of the system cadmium-aolution. EL-1 se Youg 8 no.3/4o.82-83 Je-Ag'63. 1. Tebnoloski fakultatp Z W ob. - -- - - - - - - - - lt: -5,L .7a ~jl 7., I- uj %. ABAFFY, Imrs Talc as a pattern covering material substituting for graphite. Koh lap 9 no. 4: Supplement: Ontode 5 no. 4: 94-96 Ap, 154. *,.:,.' Y!~ - --- -.. - , " - 1: ~.- I-- - ~~ - .. I , . -, " ~ / L. i-I ABAFFY, Ondrej, inz. (Dirany) New separators in the Drevina National Enterprise. Vrevo, 19 no.10091-392 0 164. ABOVI 1 nrllrej, inz. MobUa trestle-crane. Drevo 19 no.llt429,430 N 164. 1. Drevina National Enterprise, Turany. FAW -.1-i , dr. W, Al., dr.; FoVI i I V r~ (:ass,of raptijre of thei aftcr a t:'--,Pt3 thnnqc-.ii~ nijury. Med. iT,'Vunj. kfkvn,-.) 26 no.11:1.1j9- 5 N '64 1. -tunire in Stdttzil-aI miiitv.r cer-tradi, --ectia 'I d8 'r..(.13 Interne Ei ieboratonil de e!~-plora-rl Nnc~,-iorale b,- clininU ie r-himr-Oke "Par;den'A"' (dlre&,~z: prof. Voinva ABAGTU, P. ; ARGHTRLADE, C. Surface flow under different conditions Of reliefg soil, and vegetation in Rumania. p. 383. RMSTA PADURILOR. BucureBti. vol. 700 no. 90 Sept. 1955 SOURCM East European Accessions List (EUL)$ W, Vol, 5, no, 2, February 1956