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AM , I. Amono the new record helpers. P. 3 The brigade of a tr,~ 'etor &iv(n,s. p. 3 Vol. 3. No. 9 Sept. 19569 AIAAII GAZDASAG. Budapest, Hungary, SOMACE: East, European List, (EEA1) Libmry of Congress Vol. 6, No. 1 January 1956. 'BA. 1. of inarshl2nd. p. 20. (Allami G&ZdR!;2g, Vol. 9, No. 1, Jan 1~,57, Bu~lapest, lflung2rv) SO: Montbly List of East European Accessions MAI,) LC, Vol. 6. No. 8, Aug 1957. Uncl. APAS . , -.0, production has been a3.ightl,,r increased. Mass elet 17 no,.:Vlsl6 16 Ag 162. ABA,, Ivan, dr. .What do our oonstruction industry specialists propose? Ujit lap 12 no.3:.10 3A Fl- NO. ABA, Ivan, dr. The socialist states produce half of the vorld's coal production. Masz elet 15 no.3,ltl6 Fq $60. (EW 9SO (Coal) ABA q Ivan, dr. Uran!Lum craah. Mwz clot 15 no.12;16 Je 160. (EUI 929) (Uranium) ABA, Ivan, dr. The cement production of the world is neay by 300 million tcnes. must slat 15 no.13:16 is v6o. (EEA1 9%9) (Cement) ABA# Ivan, dr. Natural rubber loses its importance. Must elet 15 no.15:16 JI 160. (EEAI 9:12) (Rubber) ABA, Ivan, dre Agricultural industrial raw materials. Muse elet 15 no.16tI6 Ag 6o. (Ew 10:1) (Agriculture) (Materials) ABA, Ivan, dr. The stagnant timber production. Musz alet 15 no.17:16 Ag 160. (EBAI 9:12) (Wood) (Cellulose) ABA9 Ivanpdr. Expansion of the use of synthetic gums continues. Muss elet 16 no.M24 161. (KUI 1027) (Gans and resins, Synthetic) - ABA., Ivan,dr. I I Five million tons of synthetic materi.als. Muss elet 16 no.11:16 my 161. (MI 10;9) (Synthetic produots) ABA, Ivan, dr, The increase of the production of socialist countries vinbe more than double in 1965. Musz slat 16 no,22:16 161. ABA, Ivan, dr. Contradictor7 trends in tho product1cm of railroad rilling stocks. Musz @let 16 no.23:16 N 161. ADA, Ivan, dr. C,ontinuouo increase of the mineral oil processing capacit7. Muss elat 16 no.25:16 D 161. AB",Iv,in,Dr. L-L-D The increase of oil production continues. Husz elet 17 no.8:16 Ap 162 . Capacities in the plastics industry are growing faster than productiono Miaz slat 17 no.1&16 30 Ag 262. ABA,p Ivan, drs Further orowth in the manufacture ct fertilizers. Must elet 17 no.19:16 13 S 162, LBA, Ivan, dr. Growltg fat, and Vegeiabla uil Production. !,'u3z ele*. 1'i no.21;16 11 0 16-1. ABA9 Ivu,_dr. Sugar production ha& decreazeds Illsz elet 17 no.22slb 25 3 162. . AFU 13L~ -it L-=-= ~ a - 4 in f-mwth of food production has been temporarily stoppede k,usz clot 17 no.23:16 8 N 162. ABAP Ivful, dr. .ja 165. Less pitwood is needed. Pfusz elat 20 no.l.-16 14 T ABA I Ivan, - dri---- --. Has the tendency in shipbuilding been changed? Mus slot 17 no.24i 16 Q2 R 162. 1 ABA, Ivan, dr. The electrio power production has qxLickly increaeqd. Muz elet 17 no.26t16 20 D 162. ABA, Ivan, dr. Subsoqu~pt rapid Incroaso in tho ooolalist countrico. Muuz elot 18 no.6:16 14 Mr 163. .- ABA) - LVIT-~~- Coal production has slightly increajoed. Must elet 18 no.8sl6 11 AP 163. ARA, Ivan., dr * What is tba meaning of "r&'P in the term of rare earth m-3tals? Muss elet 18 no.17&16 15 Ag t63. AU., Ivan, dr, -k 11- Produotion'of ynthatic fibers has constaMly grmn,, lWz slat 18 no.19 t16 3.2 S !63. ABA, Iwn, (Jr. Uneven doveloFmnt in machine tool manufacture. Muaz slat 18 noeMs16 26 S 163. ADA, Ivan, dr-. Different tendencies in the pro(juction of agricultural machines. Muez elet 18 no.21,116 10 0 '63, ABA, Ivan, dr,o .1e The proluction of nonferrous metals is over 20 million tons. Musz elat 18 no.26s16 19 D 163# ABA, Ivant dr. What is the state of the production of railroad rolling stock? Murm. elet 19 no.2s16 16 Ja 164. .IN '.. I I AB4 Ivanp dr. Varied picture of the production of textile machineryo Husa elet 19 no.3:16 30 Ja'64. ABA, Ivan, dr. Now record achiovement in steelmaking. Musz elet 19 no. 6:16 12 Mr 164. ABA, Ivan, dr. Industrial production has increased in socialist countries. Musz elet 19 no. 5:16 27 F 164. --- - ~ - -11' - ~-S - -. - - ABA, Ivan, dr. --1- Development tadks in moLnufacturing low-voltage devices and the innovation movement. Ujit lap 16 no. 10! 4 of cover 25 My 1640 , , , I N .t ABA, Ivanf dr. Oil production ha;s inoreased aeven per cent. Muez alet 19 no,W6 20 Mr 164, ADA, Ivan, dr, Can coal production be increasedl' Musz elet 19 no.8.16 Q Ap 164. ABA, Ivan,_dr. lywastment.-t in the Council of Mutual Economic Assistance countries. Musz slat 19 no. 10:24 11 MY '64. p 1, ~ 3 " ?., fl 'i 1, - I , . -, y - * F .. i - 1. . a ~ - ic. t, ~. :"; , , , . . . . , . I ~ .13 A j -? -, - . ABA, Ivan,, &-. The 220 million motor vehicles on highways. Musz elet 19 no,ldi 16 27 Ag 164 k, A BA, Ivan, dr. _-.. ~ State of Jzduatrlea cf the hurcp9an sccla.~lst oountries during tt~s first hn~f yeax, Musa elet 19 i~- A S '(v. L.~,1van,.dr., Alr 9t 3000 bJ-.Lion kilowatt-hour electric power. 14usz elet 19 nc. 0:16 24 164. ABA, Ivan, dr. Is the present stock of nonferrous metals sufficient? Musz elet 19 no.21t16 8 0 164. ~, L ~. , d -; ~ ". o 9 , : '.. - -v..", , , - r ~ ~-,. . , 1. . 7: i ; ~ -~ ., :. - :~ v I -; r~j ~ 1 A . 1 '~ , -~ - ;. I - ~l - , , " . "I, " ~ f- 1 f-, I- . - . - ; , I . . :.) I's ABA, Ivan, dr. -1- 1 - I Increasing role of synthetic fibers. Musz elet 19 no.23:16 5 N 164. AL~Ay jvlm,, dr. Is th~-sugar 3 T) 164. shortage about to stopW Musz elet 19 no.25.,16 ABA, Ivan, dr. Is our machine tool industry in trouble? )+.isz elet 19 no.24:16 19 N 16/*. ABA, Ivan, dr. Four million tons of detergents. I+isz elet 19 no.27:16 31 D 164. ABA, ivon, dr. Productiun inc,-ease in capitalist countries. Mimz elot 20 no.2:10 28 Ja 165. APIAP -Tv!Lj!, d-0 ................ !,)rl (if -.1, 1- )f; )~#) !j !" I ('.~ 5. ABA, Ivan, dr. Industrial output of the Council for Mutual Econmic Aggistame countries in 1964. Mjsz elet 20 no.~,.16 25 F 165. ABA, Ivan, dr. Is there a decisive turn in coal Production? Musz slat 20 no,5tl6 11 W 165, ABA, Ivan, dr. 8 per cent more crude oil. Musz elet 20 no.7:16 8 Ap 1655. .433A, Ivan, dr. Steel production: 22 Lp 165. over 400 million tons. Mus,, olet 20 no.8.-16 ABi~, *-~vw),. d'.-. w i LeaVne- and shooo. Musz elet !g no.'26&16 17 D '64. (,A~BABYAN, V.Sh. Materials on a palynologico-taxpnomLe study of the family Saxifra- gaceae. Izv. AN A=; WR. Biol. naiiki 14 no.2:45-61 F 16-1. (MIRA 14:3) 1. Botanicheakiy inatitut, AN "SR, .(SAXIFRAGE) (POLIM-MORPHOLOGY) BENETATO, Gr.; HAULICA, I.1 ABABEI, L.; GHIZLRI, EWnia; XMMSCU, Victoria Excitatory effect of the reticular formation an the functional bio- chemistry of the cerebral cortex. Stud. cercet. endocr. 11+ no.4/5/6s 457-466 163. 4~ CAPIIVAI S. ; ABABEI,L.; GHIZARI, &ganla; STWAN, Maria Changes in anorganic pyrophosphatase enzymati-~ activity of the liver and brain of rats treated with molybdenum and tungsten ions. Fiziol. norm. pat. 10 no-5:"5-447 S-0 '64. 1. Institutul do ftiziologie nomala sl patologica I'D. Danielo- polu" al Academiei Ropublicei Populare Romine. GA1014U US GUIAl -AILBRI, Roza; OWIU, Tr.; BIBIRI, Sands, Epidemic hepatitis in Bucharest in the period 1952-1935, epidemiological aspects. Stud. ceroet. infrainicrobiol., Bucur. 8 no.2t155-171 1957. 1. Conxinionre presentata la Institutul do inframiorobiologis al Acadenial R.P.R.. in sedinta din 3 septembrie 1936. (HEPATITIS, MIAMIOUS, epidemiology in 1hroan'An, incidence in Bucharest in past throo years) X&I,OHPIMKU, A. [Calomfirescu, A.]; ABA33Y, It.; OUM, T.; BIMI, 5. 3pidemiological investigations on infectious hepatitis in Bucharest. Zhur. mikroblal. trpid. iiin:un. 29 no.3.2:39-62 D 158. (XIRA 12: 1) 1, Is Mentral'aoy sanitarno-epidemiologicheekoy etantsii (RumWniya). (HEPATITIS, 11IM-TIOUS, spideniology, in Ru-nilk Nue)) ABABEI, V.; A.FUSGAIE, D. Geochemical distribution of Mn., Cu., and Co in some soils of Rumania. Studii chim Iasi 11 no.2:263-279 160. 1. Academia Republicii Populare Romine, Filiala Iasi, Institutul do chimie "Petru. Pon1.N (soils) (metals) SAVYYm, M - ARA T -YjAbabei, V. 11 BOTEZ.. K. (Botszp C. I; MOVILYANU, A. (14i-ife-aftu, -A. I Charaoteristics of the pechexioal distribution of cerlAin elements and minerals in Rumania, Ra* chimis 6 no.1:95-13,4 161. 1, Institut khimii ineni OF. Ponil, Yasskiy filial Akademii RM 2. Cblen-korreapondent AJmdamii RNR (for Savul). GOLDENBERG, N. , conf.; BLUM, M, dr.; OSTAP, B.., dr.; ABABEI, V., dr. Gastric and duodenal ulcer: are they 2 different diseases? Mad. intern.'34 no.2sl53-162 F 163. 1. Clinica, medicala, Spitalul "C.I.Parhon", Iasi (direstor: conf. N. Goldenberg). (STOMACH ULCER) (DUODENAL ULCER) GOILENBFJIG. N.: CASETTI# M.; BLUM, M.; DIICTRU, I.; COVIC, Marie; MARCULESCUO Cristina; Iorica" lonogramB of normal and pathological gastric juice, Stud, cereet. med. intern. 5 no.50,13-525 164. 1. Clinica medicala, Spifalul. "C.I. Parhon" (for Goldenberg, Gaaetti, Blum, Dimitriu, Covic). 2. Laboratorul de biochimie, Spitalul 11C.I. Parhon" (for Maroulescu, Ababei). AUBIt T.; AMOAIIj 1). Goeobemioal distribution of Hb,Oup and Co in some chernozem and forest brovn soils in Moldavia. ISt-adia, thiv B.-B 8 Chem 8 no.WW-4W 063 1. Usi Branch of the Rumanian Academy& ABABI, V.; SCHIOPU, M. Professor Petru Bogdan, his life and work. Studii cerc chim 13 no.6/7:469-479 Je-J1 164 boUdw. V. M&M, An" lit". &W ItAimin G-Abe. A"W. Pf SWU MIOMH PM14- 3, tO Xt I 143-8N ).-lbiv4*,vrRh resighall from Alww. I*". wo ' NMI With SCOrS hViL WeM CSH" 00t tO Ob, :rmi= C, Ah. alld*jr W, mde C, 0. pflmm coodilkiciz for 11U ortIntlon PrA tI * cnimrsponding bmh"m' c4&bwrp"wv*&W. Temp. md Irritth al cosboniutkni tkmsayeat70"k) mW 4-Ohn. toe ewbimilm6on. 7U activoLtim cl tht 4~mrboo &W deyttA% on thc mw matoW lat"".1ts opihmm-at $"I- stod the best quality of C =imbtt a (Amadl1w. ~be.6Wwwitil.birptim Indicate tbetspuity of the thilereat cojl~om obtabed, RmarAml MerdbWa hot Twa t; I" I by ermA treAtmeal of crimites.-- A j 71 A FA -,f A 2 15 24 1 u -M, R~~;r hT nmAsu r-tq-m-r,-m W11 "catnifal 0 Vol( -mic rocin;. M, V Abalo, :w,t 1 1. fitilt., IWO ~rt ;'Ii; 10111fivit (III flit, pin-111-sm 0 Rilifuck,a) aild tracbN tt~ flow d Did I Mer-TI)WA Mlltq, G-94 ~ 9,0 wid