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AM , I.
Amono the new record helpers. P. 3 The brigade of a tr,~ 'etor &iv(n,s. p. 3
Vol. 3. No. 9 Sept. 19569 AIAAII GAZDASAG. Budapest, Hungary,
SOMACE: East, European List, (EEA1) Libmry of Congress Vol. 6, No. 1
January 1956.
'BA. 1. of inarshl2nd. p. 20. (Allami G&ZdR!;2g, Vol. 9, No. 1, Jan 1~,57,
Bu~lapest, lflung2rv)
SO: Montbly List of East European Accessions MAI,) LC, Vol. 6. No. 8, Aug 1957. Uncl.
. , -.0, production has been a3.ightl,,r increased. Mass elet 17
no,.:Vlsl6 16 Ag 162.
ABA,, Ivan, dr.
.What do our oonstruction industry specialists propose? Ujit lap 12
no.3:.10 3A Fl- NO.
ABA, Ivan, dr.
The socialist states produce half of the vorld's coal production.
Masz elet 15 no.3,ltl6 Fq $60. (EW 9SO
ABA q Ivan, dr.
Uran!Lum craah. Mwz clot 15 no.12;16 Je 160. (EUI 929)
ABA, Ivan, dr.
The cement production of the world is neay by 300 million tcnes.
must slat 15 no.13:16 is v6o. (EEA1 9%9)
ABA# Ivan, dr.
Natural rubber loses its importance. Must elet 15 no.15:16 JI 160.
(EEAI 9:12)
ABA, Ivan, dre
Agricultural industrial raw materials. Muse elet 15 no.16tI6
Ag 6o. (Ew 10:1)
(Agriculture) (Materials)
ABA, Ivan, dr.
The stagnant timber production. Musz alet 15 no.17:16 Ag 160.
(EBAI 9:12)
(Wood) (Cellulose)
ABA9 Ivanpdr.
Expansion of the use of synthetic gums continues. Muss elet 16
no.M24 161. (KUI 1027)
(Gans and resins, Synthetic)
- ABA., Ivan,dr.
I Five million tons of synthetic materi.als. Muss elet 16 no.11:16
my 161. (MI 10;9)
(Synthetic produots)
ABA, Ivan, dr,
The increase of the production of socialist countries vinbe more
than double in 1965. Musz slat 16 no,22:16 161.
ABA, Ivan, dr.
Contradictor7 trends in tho product1cm of railroad rilling stocks.
Musz @let 16 no.23:16 N 161.
ADA, Ivan, dr.
C,ontinuouo increase of the mineral oil processing capacit7. Muss elat
16 no.25:16 D 161.
The increase of oil production continues. Husz elet 17 no.8:16 Ap 162
Capacities in the plastics industry are growing faster than
productiono Miaz slat 17 no.1&16 30 Ag 262.
ABA,p Ivan, drs
Further orowth in the manufacture ct fertilizers.
Must elet 17 no.19:16 13 S 162,
LBA, Ivan, dr.
Growltg fat, and Vegeiabla uil Production. !,'u3z ele*. 1'i
no.21;16 11 0 16-1.
ABA9 Ivu,_dr.
Sugar production ha& decreazeds Illsz elet 17 no.22slb 25 3 162.
. AFU 13L~ -it
L-=-= ~ a -
4 in f-mwth of food production has been temporarily stoppede
k,usz clot 17 no.23:16 8 N 162.
ABAP Ivful, dr.
.ja 165.
Less pitwood is needed. Pfusz elat 20 no.l.-16 14 T
ABA I Ivan, - dri---- --.
Has the tendency in shipbuilding been changed? Mus slot 17 no.24i
16 Q2 R 162.
ABA, Ivan, dr.
The electrio power production has qxLickly increaeqd. Muz elet
17 no.26t16 20 D 162.
ABA, Ivan, dr.
Subsoqu~pt rapid Incroaso in tho ooolalist countrico. Muuz elot 18
no.6:16 14 Mr 163.
.- ABA) - LVIT-~~-
Coal production has slightly increajoed. Must elet 18 no.8sl6
11 AP 163.
ARA, Ivan., dr *
What is tba meaning of "r&'P in the term of rare earth m-3tals?
Muss elet 18 no.17&16 15 Ag t63.
AU., Ivan, dr,
-k 11-
Produotion'of ynthatic fibers has constaMly grmn,, lWz slat
18 no.19 t16 3.2 S !63.
ABA, Iwn, (Jr.
Uneven doveloFmnt in machine tool manufacture. Muaz slat 18
noeMs16 26 S 163.
ADA, Ivan, dr-.
Different tendencies in the pro(juction of agricultural
machines. Muez elet 18 no.21,116 10 0 '63,
ABA, Ivan, dr,o
.1e The proluction of nonferrous metals is over 20 million tons.
Musz elat 18 no.26s16 19 D 163#
ABA, Ivant dr.
What is the state of the production of railroad rolling
stock? Murm. elet 19 no.2s16 16 Ja 164.
.IN '..
AB4 Ivanp dr.
Varied picture of the production of textile machineryo Husa
elet 19 no.3:16 30 Ja'64.
ABA, Ivan, dr.
Now record achiovement in steelmaking. Musz elet 19 no. 6:16
12 Mr 164.
ABA, Ivan, dr.
Industrial production has increased in socialist countries.
Musz elet 19 no. 5:16 27 F 164.
--- - ~ - -11' - ~-S - -. - -
ABA, Ivan, dr.
Development tadks in moLnufacturing low-voltage devices and
the innovation movement. Ujit lap 16 no. 10! 4 of cover
25 My 1640
, , , I
ABA, Ivanf dr.
Oil production ha;s inoreased aeven per cent. Muez alet 19 no,W6
20 Mr 164,
ADA, Ivan, dr,
Can coal production be increasedl' Musz elet 19 no.8.16 Q Ap 164.
ABA, Ivan,_dr.
lywastment.-t in the Council of Mutual Economic Assistance
countries. Musz slat 19 no. 10:24 11 MY '64.
p 1, ~ 3 " ?., fl 'i 1,
- I , . -, y - *
F .. i - 1. . a ~ - ic. t, ~. :"; , , , . . . . , . I ~
.13 A j -? -, - .
ABA, Ivan,, &-.
The 220 million motor vehicles on highways. Musz elet 19 no,ldi
16 27 Ag 164
A BA, Ivan, dr. _-.. ~
State of Jzduatrlea cf the hurcp9an sccla.~lst oountries during
tt~s first hn~f yeax, Musa elet 19 i~- A S '(v.
Alr 9t 3000 bJ-.Lion kilowatt-hour electric power. 14usz elet 19
nc. 0:16 24 164.
ABA, Ivan, dr.
Is the present stock of nonferrous metals sufficient?
Musz elet 19 no.21t16 8 0 164.
~, L ~. , d -; ~ ". o 9 , : '..
- -v..", ,
, - r ~ ~-,.
. , 1. . 7: i ; ~ -~ ., :. - :~ v I -; r~j ~ 1 A . 1 '~ , -~ - ;. I - ~l - , , " . "I, " ~ f-
1 f-, I- . - . - ; , I .
. :.) I's
ABA, Ivan, dr.
-1- 1 - I
Increasing role of synthetic fibers. Musz elet 19 no.23:16
5 N 164.
AL~Ay jvlm,, dr.
Is th~-sugar
3 T) 164.
shortage about to stopW Musz elet 19 no.25.,16
ABA, Ivan, dr.
Is our machine tool industry in trouble? )+.isz elet 19 no.24:16
19 N 16/*.
ABA, Ivan, dr.
Four million tons of detergents. I+isz elet 19 no.27:16 31 D 164.
ABA, ivon, dr.
Productiun inc,-ease in capitalist countries. Mimz elot 20
no.2:10 28 Ja 165.
APIAP -Tv!Lj!, d-0
!,)rl (if -.1, 1- )f; )~#) !j !" I ('.~ 5.
ABA, Ivan, dr.
Industrial output of the Council for Mutual Econmic Aggistame
countries in 1964. Mjsz elet 20 no.~,.16 25 F 165.
ABA, Ivan, dr.
Is there a decisive turn in coal Production? Musz slat 20
no,5tl6 11 W 165,
ABA, Ivan, dr.
8 per cent more crude oil. Musz elet 20 no.7:16 8 Ap 1655.
.433A, Ivan, dr.
Steel production:
22 Lp 165.
over 400 million tons. Mus,, olet 20 no.8.-16
ABi~, *-~vw),. d'.-.
w i
LeaVne- and shooo. Musz elet !g no.'26&16 17 D '64.
Materials on a palynologico-taxpnomLe study of the family Saxifra-
gaceae. Izv. AN A=; WR. Biol. naiiki 14 no.2:45-61 F 16-1.
(MIRA 14:3)
1. Botanicheakiy inatitut, AN "SR,
Excitatory effect of the reticular formation an the functional bio-
chemistry of the cerebral cortex. Stud. cercet. endocr. 11+ no.4/5/6s
457-466 163.
Changes in anorganic pyrophosphatase enzymati-~ activity of the
liver and brain of rats treated with molybdenum and tungsten
ions. Fiziol. norm. pat. 10 no-5:"5-447 S-0 '64.
1. Institutul do ftiziologie nomala sl patologica I'D. Danielo-
polu" al Academiei Ropublicei Populare Romine.
GA1014U US GUIAl -AILBRI, Roza; OWIU, Tr.; BIBIRI, Sands,
Epidemic hepatitis in Bucharest in the period 1952-1935, epidemiological
aspects. Stud. ceroet. infrainicrobiol., Bucur. 8 no.2t155-171 1957.
1. Conxinionre presentata la Institutul do inframiorobiologis al Acadenial
R.P.R.. in sedinta din 3 septembrie 1936.
(HEPATITIS, MIAMIOUS, epidemiology
in 1hroan'An, incidence in Bucharest in past throo years)
X&I,OHPIMKU, A. [Calomfirescu, A.]; ABA33Y, It.; OUM, T.; BIMI, 5.
3pidemiological investigations on infectious hepatitis in Bucharest.
Zhur. mikroblal. trpid. iiin:un. 29 no.3.2:39-62 D 158. (XIRA 12: 1)
1, Is Mentral'aoy sanitarno-epidemiologicheekoy etantsii (RumWniya).
(HEPATITIS, 11IM-TIOUS, spideniology,
in Ru-nilk Nue))
Geochemical distribution of Mn., Cu., and Co in some soils of Rumania.
Studii chim Iasi 11 no.2:263-279 160.
1. Academia Republicii Populare Romine, Filiala Iasi, Institutul do
chimie "Petru. Pon1.N
(soils) (metals)
SAVYYm, M - ARA T -YjAbabei, V. 11 BOTEZ.. K. (Botszp C. I; MOVILYANU, A.
(14i-ife-aftu, -A. I
Charaoteristics of the pechexioal distribution of cerlAin elements
and minerals in Rumania, Ra* chimis 6 no.1:95-13,4 161.
1, Institut khimii ineni OF. Ponil, Yasskiy filial Akademii RM
2. Cblen-korreapondent AJmdamii RNR (for Savul).
GOLDENBERG, N. , conf.; BLUM, M, dr.; OSTAP, B.., dr.; ABABEI, V., dr.
Gastric and duodenal ulcer: are they 2 different diseases? Mad.
intern.'34 no.2sl53-162 F 163.
1. Clinica, medicala, Spitalul "C.I.Parhon", Iasi (direstor: conf.
N. Goldenberg).
MARCULESCUO Cristina; Iorica"
lonogramB of normal and pathological gastric juice, Stud,
cereet. med. intern. 5 no.50,13-525 164.
1. Clinica medicala, Spifalul. "C.I. Parhon" (for Goldenberg,
Gaaetti, Blum, Dimitriu, Covic). 2. Laboratorul de biochimie,
Spitalul 11C.I. Parhon" (for Maroulescu, Ababei).
Goeobemioal distribution of Hb,Oup and Co in some chernozem
and forest brovn soils in Moldavia. ISt-adia, thiv B.-B 8 Chem
8 no.WW-4W 063
1. Usi Branch of the Rumanian Academy&
Professor Petru Bogdan, his life and work. Studii cerc chim 13
no.6/7:469-479 Je-J1 164
boUdw. V. M&M, An" lit". &W ItAimin G-Abe.
A"W. Pf SWU MIOMH PM14- 3,
tO Xt I
143-8N ).-lbiv4*,vrRh resighall from Alww. I*". wo
' NMI With SCOrS hViL WeM CSH" 00t tO Ob,
:rmi= C, Ah. alld*jr W, mde C, 0. pflmm
coodilkiciz for 11U ortIntlon PrA tI * cnimrsponding bmh"m'
c4&bwrp"wv*&W. Temp. md Irritth al cosboniutkni
tkmsayeat70"k) mW 4-Ohn. toe ewbimilm6on. 7U
activoLtim cl tht 4~mrboo &W deyttA% on thc mw matoW
lat"".1ts opihmm-at $"I- stod the best quality of C
=imbtt a (Amadl1w. ~be.6Wwwitil.birptim
Indicate tbetspuity of the thilereat cojl~om obtabed,
RmarAml MerdbWa
hot Twa t; I"
I by
ermA treAtmeal of crimites.--
j 71 A FA -,f
A 2 15 24 1 u
-M, R~~;r hT nmAsu
"catnifal 0 Vol( -mic rocin;. M, V Abalo, :w,t 1 1.
fitilt., IWO ~rt ;'Ii;
10111fivit (III flit, pin-111-sm 0 Rilifuck,a) aild tracbN tt~ flow
d Did I Mer-TI)WA Mlltq, G-94 ~ 9,0 wid