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25X1 25X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/02 :CIA-RDP86-001248000100090069-8 ROUTING AID RECORD SHEET sue~ECT: (optienel) OC-AMD Staff Notes - 18-22 March 1985 F exTENSION rq. cAte TO: (OIR~ dNipeafioe, -eom numbM, end building) LATE OFNCER'S COMMENTS (Nwn-rr eeeh comment ro show from whom IIE~1vED It~RM/AtiOlD INITIALS b when. Draw a line aa*oa odrmn otte- eoeh eanment.) 1. '~~~ 2 DD/CO 2iss ~ ?~~ 3. OC-MLS ar ~ '~ ~ APR 4. OC-EXA ~ PR 1~~ 4 APR 98 s. OC/OL/ISC Archiving 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 13. FORM 610 ~~ s I-79 ,_ Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/02 :CIA-RDP86-001248000100090069-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/02 :CIA-RDP86-001248000100090069-8 OC I~~35-~~~ 2 ,~,~ ,. ?~85 Chief, Administrative Management Division, OC 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 SUBJECT: OC-AMD Staff Notes - 18-22 March 1985 1. During the week, Panel N personnel strength was reduced by 2 technicians. Panel N is 10 technicians under authorized ceiling. However, this figure includes technicians who are participating in the OJT program, attending initial EOD training, and serving in assignments other than MCN approved positions. With these categories deleted, Panel N is effective 32 technicians under strength. There was 1 loss in Panel MCD. The Panel is now 83 employees over authorized ceiling. There are 89 EOD students in training, while 18 TCA personnel are in processing or preparing for their overseas assignments. Taking into account the training status of EOD students, Panel MCD is currently 25 personnel under strength. 2. On Monday, 18 March the unications presented a Certificate of Distinction to in recognition of his 17 years with the Office of Communications (OC) during recent months and he will be sorely missed in OC, both personally and professionally. (14 November 1967-26 November 1984). 1984. 3. 0 Director of Communications presented a Certificat Merit in recognition of his 26 years with OC, retired 30 June 4. RES recruiters accompanied in Chicago on 14 March to 70 prospective applicants. Among those attending were a mixture of 29 degreed Computer Science and Electrical Engineers, 18 TCS, Utilities Specialists, and 25 Electronic Technicians. by the OP Midwest recruiter, gave an OC presentation WARNING NOICE - INTELLIGENCE SOURCES OR METHODS INVOLVED CONFIDENTIAL Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/02 :CIA-RDP86-001248000100090069-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/02 :CIA-RDP86-001248000100090069-8 CONFIDENTIAL SUBJECT: OC-AMD Staff Notes - 18-22 March 1985 5, attended the Director of Personnel's speec at ea quarters on la-march to learn the current status of the Agency's two retirement systems. The CIARDS system will remain in its present form while the Civil Service may suffer changes. 7. A package has been prepared and forwarded for the D/CO's signature in an attempt to obtain a waiver of the Agency's FOCI procurement policy with regard to Panasonic video equipment. 8, has given final script approval for the disintegrator program. Post-production will commence the week of the 25th. g, attended a production meeting dealing wi~Z~min~e MERZVRY-Overview video program and other MERCURY requirements. The script was reviewed and the production times discussed. Given the nature of the programs and the deadlines, the need for a sophisticated, video based graphics system was reiterated to all the attendees. 10. IG Staff, called and passed along his impressions of the video tapes produced by ESS that were sent to him as part of the IG's video consolidation study. The programs were well received and they reported the programs were professionally done. 11. On 18 March 1985,1 (OTE) toured the Communications School (CS) and paid an extended visit to the Instructional Support Department (ISD) for orientation. one-year rotational assignment from OTE. will be joining the ISD staff on 1 April 1985 for a Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/02 :CIA-RDP86-001248000100090069-8 25X1 25X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/02 :CIA-RDP86-001248000100090069-8 CONFIDENTIAL SUBJECT: OC-AMD Staff Notes - 18-22 March 1985 12. (returned from the annual Computer Based Training CBT con erence in Dallas, Texas on 21 March 1985. The conference provided valuable information on current Instructional Design in CBT. The ISD purchased "The Management Edge" and "Mind Prober" software for the CS IBM PC's. 13. C/OTD escorted a member of the House Intelligence Oversight Committee to for a briefing on 22 March 1985. C/OTD took advantage of the visit to discuss base station training for TCA students. Upon their return to CS, they were provided a briefing by C/CS. 14. Ten Panel A secretaries were given a tour ~~ by brie view o some o t e systeMS encountered in cable traffic distribution. on 20 March 1985. The tour afforded a 15. OOP Week was conducted for Class 1-85. 16. There were 12 OTD instructors and 15 TTD instructors involved in TDY travel to overseas facilities providing instruction and installation. 18. C/CDTG addressed the students of Class 1-85 on 22 March. The shelving of the Phase II Program and career development issues were discussed during the OOPS Week presentation. 19, OC-AMD/CDTG, substituted for as panel member for the Directorate of Administration's Upward Mobility Program, held at 18, 20, and 21 March. The purpose of the program was to review applicant files and select candidates for the respective positions offered through the program. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/02 :CIA-RDP86-001248000100090069-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/02 :CIA-RDP86-001248000100090069-8