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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/13: CIA-RDP86-00040R000300590002-7 FOREIGN BROADCAST INFORMATION SERVICE PANAMA BUREAU DRAWER 927 APO MIAMI 34004 7 December 1985 MPA-5047 MEMORANDUM FOR: Director, Foreign Broadcast Information Service THROUGH : Chief, Operations Group SUBJECT : Monthly Report - Panama Bureau - November 1985 A ground breaking of sorts for the three additional ROSET's occurred in November. In mid-month UAI contractors arrived to survey the sites for the three antennas. In addition, the head of the team, sought bids from four Panamanian irms tor the concrete work on the slabs. The projected date for having the new antennas operational is late February or early March. In another ROSET technical development, an ESI contractor arrived to begin the installation of modification kits for the closed loop cooling of drive motors of the two existing antennas. Problems developed with the mounting hardware, however, and the modification is not likely to be finished until after the first of the year. The long awaited visit by a PMCD officer) (resulted in a review of the local technical and administrative positions, the bureau chief and deputy chief positions, and the proposed chief editor position. will review his findings with Headquarters components before Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/13: CIA-RDP86-00040R000300590002-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/13: CIA-RDP86-0004OR000300590002-7 A. Monitorial/Editorial In November the bureau's focus of attention shifted to the south, where two major disasters - one caused by man, the other by nature - took place in Colombia. Although the Colombian Security Council tightened security around military garrisons and government offices in October, some 50 guerrillas of the 19 April Movement, M-19, were able to take over the Palace of Justice in Bogota on 6 November. Hundreds of government officials and workers were trapped in the building. Panama Bureau remained open overnight to report on the 30 hours of intense combat that ensued, after which government forces recovered control of the building. In the fighting, 89 persons lost their lives, including the president and eight other magistrates of the Colombian Supreme Court. The incident, which dealt a devastating blow to the Colombian legal system, also cast further doubt on the chances for success of the new "Peace, Dialogue, and Verification Commission" that was sworn in by President Belisario Betancur in October. The commission was tasked with bringing the government and guerrillas to terms that could serve as a framework for peace in Colombia. Colombia had hardly recovered from the shock of this incident when a week later volcanic activity in the Nevado del Ruiz volcano in Tolima Department melted the icecap at the tip of the volcano. It triggered a massive mudslide that buried the town of Armero, killing more than 20,000 persons. Video recordings of Colombian television reports on the two tragedies were forwarded to Headquarters via DHL courier. In Panama, the month began with the anti-government campaign still in full swing. Opposition papers reported that Panamanian strongman General Manuel Noriega was suffering from severe stress and had sought medical treatment abroad. Students and other marchers in the 3 and 4 November Independence and Flag Day parades chanted anti-government slogans and traded insults with pro-government demonstrators on the sidewalks; and a relative of the slain Dr. Hugo Spadafora chained herself to the U.S. Embassy gate to demand that the United States pressure the Panamanian Government into conducting an investigation into Spadafora's recent assassination. Political activity appears to be on the wane, however, as the local populace seemingly has turned attention to the upcoming year-end holidays. Visible signs of strife in Central America also seemed to be on the decline in November. Reports of cross-border attacks between Nicaraguan soldiers and Honduran troops or Costa Rican civil guardsmen were few. This month's reports focused instead on violations of airspace and territorial waters, and only 1 casualty was reported. Both Guatemala and Honduras held peaceful presidential Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/13: CIA-RDP86-0004OR000300590002-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/13: CIA-RDP86-00040R000300590002-7 elections in November. The bureau kept open watches on local transmitters from the opening of the polls until the victory speeches 3 to 4 days after the elections. Guatemala is scheduled for a runoff election on 8 December, but in Honduras a last-minute decision by the National Electoral Tribunal on vote-counting procedures allowed the incumbent Liberal Party to obtain the right to remain in power through January 1990. Cuba was also relatively quiet in November, as the nation braced for the onslaught of Hurricane Kate and continued preparations for the Third Communist Party of Cuba Congress scheduled for February 1986. Elsewhere in the Caribbean, Haitian President-for-Life Jean-Claude Duvalier ousted 7 cabinet ministers on 6 November and students and workers participated in anti-government demonstrations on 27 and 28 November. Four persons were killed and 14 seriously injured in these demonstrations. B. Communications The bureau's Mode V AUTODIN communications routed via the Panama Automated Relay (PAR) experienced only minimal disruptions during the month. DCA headquarters responded to a bureau Unsatisfactory Service Report against PAR's performance in September by saying that they were unable to involve themselves in problems between a tributary and its relay -- an answer that underscores the bureaucratic can of worms faced by the bureau in previous attempts at solving local communications problems. On a brighter note, work is proceeding on the MUX plan, the long delayed U.S. Army communications project that would eliminate PAR and rehome all Panama AUTODIN subscribers to Fort Detrick ASC. During the month, several of PAR's tributaries were activated into the MUX Plan and by month's end PAR had only two customers still connected -Panama Bureau being one. On 25 November an Army team arrived at the bureau to begin installation and testing of the bureau's 150-baud Mode I "MUX" circuit. The Army hopes to have the bureau's MUX circuit activated within the next month or two at which time PAR would be deactivated - mercifully forever. Finally, we began gathering information on a second microwave communications system that would allow us to circumvent the historically troubled local Army telecommunications unit and pass virtually all of the bureau communications via the U.S. Embassy in Panama City. In this connection, we are pursuing the possibility of acquiring an embassy satellite communications circuit sometime in late 1986 to pass unclassified bureau traffic. Bureau communicators have achieved good results in quality control efforts as exemplified by a recent Headquarters notification that the bureau traffic resulted in only two MIDAS rejects in November, the lowest number of MIDAS errors ever documented. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/13: CIA-RDP86-00040R000300590002-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/13: CIA-RDP86-0004OR000300590002-7 C. Lateral Services The bureau provided J-3, USSOUTHCOM, with two recordings on an interview that Ines Guadalupe Duarte, the Salvadoran President's daughter, reportedly granted to the FMLN rebels during her 44-day captivity. The first recording was the interview as broadcast by Radio Farabundo Marti; the second was the interview as broadcast by Radio Venceremos. At the request of the American Embassy in Managua, the bureau refiled to the American Embassy in Rome, for the information of the embassy in the Vatican, the text of an interview by Nicaraguan Interior Minister Borge which has appeared in Mexico City EXCELSIOR. D. Technical The bureau procured locally one Sony Video Monitor, Model PVM-400, Serial No. 10792. Unit Price: $500.00. The following accountable property was received from Paragua Bureau: One VCR Panasonic, Model NV 260 Bi-Norma PAL-M NISC Automatic 110/220 with remote control, Serial No F5HH06038. Unit Price $1,111.11. One TV Monitor Philips 14" Bi-Norma, PAL-M/PAL-N Color with remote control Model 14 CT64D1/55S, Serial No U0510 000743. Unit Price: $483.33. A. Personnel STAT STAT Deputy Chief received a promotion to GS-14 and senior editor received a QSI, for her excellent handling of the editorial TDY training program. PSI's effective 24 November 1985 were given Monitor STAT Superviso (from FBN-11/9 to FB - STAT Monitors from FBN-9/4 to FBN-9/5); STAT (from - N-8/2), (from FBN-7/1 to FBN-7/2) STAT (from FBI-8(l to-FBN -8/2 ; and Electronics Technicians STAT urnm - FBN-9/6), (from FBN-9 6 STAT to FBN-9 7) (from FBN-j/V to YbN-V/1V), and 5 l A l ~ ( from N-9 5 to FBN-9 6. STAT The first steps were taken for obtaining diplomatic passports for bureau staff personnel and dependents. Processing of applications for the families began on 7 November. Known and possible TDY's are behind the reasoning in starting with these three. The applications for the other staff employees and dependents will follow the schedule laid out in Department of State guidance. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/13: CIA-RDP86-0004OR000300590002-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/13: CIA-RDP86-0004OR000300590002-7 The bureau has begun receiving checks made out to the new imprest fund custodian, in this capacity; is t e newly designated alternate custodian. We are still awaiting ea quarters approval for increasing the imprest fun from $3,000 to $5,000. Beginning in November, the bureau opened a credit account with DHL courier service, Use of the account lowers the cost of the service as it eliminates some of the handling charges. The driving force is the need by the bureau for an increased use of DHL for the shipment of videocassettes to Washington. In addition we are using the service to send vouchers to B&F in the hope of speeding the turn-around time for vouchers and checks. the Special Assistant to the Director, FBIS, visited the bureau 13 and 14 November for familiarization with the bureau ROSET operation. While here, he met with the ambassador and DCM and an embassy political officer. Regional Engineer visited the bureau 13 through 15 November for a periodic inspection. The main focus of his concern was the bureau communications system and the possibilities for improving it. PMCD officer) assessed various local and staff positions during his 19-21 November TDY. UAI contractors) were at the bureau on 13 and 14 November to begin preparations for the installation of three additional ROSET's. On 24 November, ESI contractor arrived to begin installation of modification kits on the two existing ROSET's. TDY editor) (concluded the three-month training program on 29 November and departed Panama on 2 December. Five IS staffers toured the U.S. Southern Command J-2 Intelligence Watch Office ea re intelligence Center at Quarry Heights on 19 November and received a briefing by an Air Force watch officer. Chief, Panama Bureau, FBIS Attachment: Production Report Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/13: CIA-RDP86-0004OR000300590002-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/13: CIA-RDP86-00040R000300590002-7 Panama Bureau Production Report for November 1985 TOTAL PUBLISHABLE WORDAGE FILED DURING MONTH: 571600 TOTAL NON-PUBLISHABLE WORDAGE FILED DURING MONTH: 18850 TOTAL NUMBER OF PUBLISHABLE ITEMS FILED DURING MONTH: 1478 BROAD- PRESS PUBLI- CASTS AGENCIES CATIONS II. INPUT OF REGULAR COVERAGE: 10735.00 42570.00 212.00 (minutes or issues per week) min. min. issues III. OUTPUT FROM ALL SOURCES: (publishable words per month) ARGENTINA Buenos Aires REUTER in Spanish Buenos Aires REUTER in English CLANDESTINES Clandestine Radio Farabundo Marti in Spanish to El Salvador Clandestine Radio Venceremos in Spanish to El Salvador COLOMBIA Bogota Cadena Radial Super in Spanish 2230 Bogota Domestic Service in Spanish 200 Bogota Emisoras Caracol Network in Spanish 10090 Bogota Radio Sutatenza Network in Spanish 920 Bogota Television Service in Spanish 12450 Bogota REUTER in English Bogota REUTER in Spanish Bogota EL SIGLO in Spanish Bogota EL TIEMPO in Spanish COSTA RICA San Jose Radio Impacto in Spanish Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/13: CIA-RDP86-00040R000300590002-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/13: CIA-RDP86-00040R000300590002-7 San Jose Radio Reloj in Spanish San Jose LA NACION in Spanish San Jose LA PRENSA LIBRE in Spanish San Jose LA REPUBLICA in Spanish San Jose LIBERTAD REVOLUCIONARIA in Spanish San Jose LIBERTAD in Spanish San Jose RUMBO CENTROAMERICANO in Spanish BROAD- PRESS PUBLI- CASTS AGENCIES CATIONS CUBA Havana International Service in Quechua 640 Havana International Service in Spanish 46720 Havana EFE in Spanish 1300 Havana PRENSA LATINA in English 5340 Havana PRENSA LATINA in Spanish 18650 ECUADOR Quito Radio Quito in Spanish Quito Voz de los Andes in i h Span s 5360 1220 7750 0 1130 0 Quito REUTER Spanish in EL San SALVADOR Salvador Spanish Canal Dace Television in 3400 San Salvador Spanish Channel 2 Television in 3140 San Salvador Spanish Domestic Service in 1960 San Salvador Spanish Radio Cadena Sonora in 2320 San Salvador Spanish Radio Cadena YSKL in 3270 San Salvador Spanish Radio Cadena YSU in 6090 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/13: CIA-RDP86-00040R000300590002-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/13: CIA-RDP86-0004OR000300590002-7 BROAD- PRESS CASTS AGENCIES PUBLI- CATIONS San San San Salvador Spanish Salvador Spanish Salvador Spanish SALPRESS in DIARIO LATINO in 250 San Salvador Spanish EL DIARIO DE HOY 3460 San Salvador Spanish EL MUNDO in 1290 San Salvador Spanish EL TIEMPO in 0 San Salvador Spanish LA PRENSA GRAFICA in 1970 San Salvador Spanish PROCESO in 0 San Salvador English THE NEWS GAZETTE in FRANCE Paris AFP in English Paris AFP in Spanish GERMANY Hamburg DPA in Spanish GUATEMALA Guatemala City Unidas in Spanish Guatemala City Spanish Guatemala City Spanish Guatemala City Guatemala in Spanish Guatemala City Spanish Guatemala City Spanish Domestic Service in Radio Nuevo Mundo in Radio Television 3140 870 1280 HONDURAS Tegucigalpa Cadena Audio Video in Spanish Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/13: CIA-RDP86-0004OR000300590002-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/13: CIA-RDP86-00040R000300590002-7 BROAD- PRESS PUBLI- CASTS AGENCIES CATIONS Tegucigalpa Spanish Domestic Service in 4820 Tegucigalpa Spanish Radio America in 7540 Tegucigalpa Spanish Televisora Hondurena in 950 Tegucigalpa Spanish Voz de Honduras Network in 6570 San Pedro Sula LA PRENSA in Spanish 1770 San Pedro Sula TIEMPO in Spanish 2670 Tegucigalpa Spanish EL HERALDO in 1480 Tegucigalpa Spanish LA TRIBUNA in MEXICO Mexico City XEW Television Network in Spanish Mexico City XHDF Television Network in Spanish Mexico City CERIGUA in Spanish Mexico City REUTER in English Mexico City EL DIA in Spanish Mexico City EL NACIONAL in Spanish Mexico City EL UNIVERSAL in Spanish Mexico City EXCELSIOR in Spanish Mexico City UNOMASUNO in Spanish 4050 270 600 4210 1580 NICARAGUA Managua International Service in Spanish 3300 Managua Domestic Service in Spanish 26510 Managua Radio Noticias in Spanish 920 Managua Radio Sandino in Spanish 36740 Managua Sistema Sandinista Television Network in Spanish 8340 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/13: CIA-RDP86-00040R000300590002-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/13: CIA-RDP86-0004OR000300590002-7 BROAD- PRESS PUBLI- CASTS AGENCIES CATIONS Managua ANN Diplomatic Information Service in Spanish 1370 Managua ANN in Spanish 14260 Managua PRENSA LATINA in Spanish 2110 Managua BARRICADA in Spanish 9140 Managua EL NUEVO DIARIO in Spanish 2070 Managua LA PRENSA in Spanish 4630 PANAMA Panama City Circuito RPC Television in Spanish 2470 Panama City Domestic Service in Spanish 2310 Panama City PANAVISION Television in Spanish 490 Panama City Radio Mundial in Spanish 1220 Panama City Televisora Nacional in Spanish 1360 Panama City ACAN in Spanish Panama City CRITICA in Spanish Panama City DIALOGO SOCIAL in Spanish Panama City EL SIGLO in Spanish Panama City EXTRA in Spanish Panama City LA ESTRELLA DE PANAMA in Spanish Panama City LA PRENSA in Spanish Panama City LA REPUBLICA DOMINICAL in Spanish Panama City LA REPUBLICA in Spanish Panama City MATUTINO in Spanish Panama City QUIUBO GRAFICO in Spanish Panama City STAR AND HERALD in English 1170 0 1860 3150 2450 17830 0 2180 3910 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/13: CIA-RDP86-0004OR000300590002-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/13: CIA-RDP86-00040R000300590002-7 Panama City THE SUNDAY REPUBLIC in English PERU Lima REUTER in English SPAIN Madrid EFE in Spanish Madrid PRENSA LATINA in Spanish VENEZUELA Caracas Television Service in Spanish Caracas REUTER in English Caracas REUTER in Spanish Caracas EL NACIONAL in Spanish Caracas EL UNIVERSAL in Spanish BROAD- PRESS PUBLI- CASTS AGENCIES CATIONS Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/13: CIA-RDP86-00040R000300590002-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/13: CIA-RDP86-00040R000300590002-7 TOTALS FROM ROSET SOURCES: ARGENTINA Buenos Aires REUTER in English COLOMBIA Bogota Television Service in Spanish Bogota REUTER in English Bogota REUTER in Spanish CUBA Havana PRENSA LATINA in Spanish Havana EFE in Spanish ECUADOR Quito REUTER in Spanish EL SALVADOR San Salvador SALPRESS in Spanish 12,450 5,230 670 18,650 1,300 GERMANY Hamburg DPA in Spanish MEXICO Mexico City XEV Television Network in Spanish 1,590 Mexico City XHDF Television Network in Spanish 4,140 Mexico City CERIGUA in Spanish 700 Mexico City REUTER in English 5,170 NICARAGUA Managua ANN in Spanish 14,260 Managua ANN Diplomatic Information Service in Spanish 1,370 Managua PRENSA LATINA in Spanish 2,110 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/13: CIA-RDP86-00040R000300590002-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/13: CIA-RDP86-00040R000300590002-7 PERU Lima REUTER in English SPAIN Madrid EFE in Spanish 3,190 Madrid PRENSA LATINA in Spanish VENEZUELA Caracas Television Service in Spanish 8,270 Caracas REUTER English in 1,980 Caracas REUTER Spanish in 160 TOTAL FOR NOVEMBER 1985 83,470 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/13: CIA-RDP86-00040R000300590002-7