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February 8, 1985
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/09: CIA-RDP86-0004OR000300550011-1 FOREIGN BROADCAST INFORMATION SERVICE KEY WEST BUREAU MAIN P.O. BOX 1056 KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33040 8 February 1985 MEMORANDUM TO: Director, Foreign Broadcast Information Service THROUGH: Chief, Operations Group SUBJECT: Monthly Report -- Key West Bureau -- January 1985 "Progress" on the base housing project moves ahead, albeit at a snail's pace. The Miami architect has advised that the design stage is complete and that the 100% submittal was forwarded to NAVFAC/Charleston on/about 2 February. Next phase is a 21-day period for final review/comments prior to drafting formal bid proposal. The local base commander dropped by to further assure us that the sewer-connection moratorium is definitely no longer a problem. This was also confirmed by local press reports that new hookups to the city system are again being allowed on assurances the city is moving ahead with plans to improve facilities. Although not yet definite, the prime site for the new treatment plant is located on a section of Truman Annex turned over to the city by the Navy which is not far from our projected housing area. The initial phase of KWB modernization began with the long- awaited arrival of two IBM PC systems. Bureau staffers are becoming acquainted with the "basics" of the system on a time-available basis. More intensive training will begin when the CRW team arrives in March. One of the "bennies" of living in "Land's End, USA" is watching the evening news video reports of snowstorms in the northeast while Key West basks in temperatures reaching the mid-80's! A. Monitorial/Editorial Coverage highlights of the month included satellite TV feeds over Havana television of Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega's inauguration on 10 January, attended by Fidel Castro. Castro's speech at the inauguration of a sugar mill built with Cuban assistance was also relayed live by satellite the following day. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/09: CIA-RDP86-0004OR000300550011-1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/09: CIA-RDP86-0004OR000300550011-1 -2- The Cuban economic austerity program continues to be a focus of attention by Havana media. Elsewhere, serious civil unrest erupted in both Jamaica and the Dominican Republic precipitated by the adoption of economic austerity measures mandated by the IMF. Jamaica blames U.S. media reporting on the rioting for a serious drop in tourism-related revnues. A recent report from the NASKW Communications Unit reveals that FBIS traffic accounts for nearly one-third of all outgoing messages and is its largest single subscriber. The unit hopes to have its often-troubled and obsolete Mode I unit replaced by an OCR within the next 2 months, which hopefully will reduce downtime on our primary circuits. The Caribbean News Agency (CANA) landline dedicated circuit continues to experience frequent outages. No single trouble spot can be pinpointed. Southern Bell usually cites equipment failure at relay points outside its control. CANA itself has been helpful by providing reruns of missing items when the outage has not been off too long a duration. C. Lateral Services STAT D. Technical At the end of the month the bureau erected an experimental 740-ft single wire Beverage antenna with a boresight bearing of 97? . Initial evaluations by bureau cruising monitor show much-improved reception of targets in Dominican Republic, Haiti, eastern Cuba and some of the Caribbean mi:mistates. Bearing, although far from ideal, is dictated by terrain available in bureau vicinity. After full evaluation, the next phase in local antenna experimentation will be to erect a full-length Beverage out at Boca Chica near the NAVCOMMUNIT for testing and to tap into their Hermes Loop antenna for comparison evaluations. The bureau's Delta RAS-10 fanned dipole antenna was replaced due to heavy corrosion and broken wires. Bureau's antenna/grounds maintenance contractor continued work on replacing guy wires on towers. The cruising room configuration was expanded with installation of a RTTY position incorporating two receivers, Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/09: CIA-RDP86-0004OR000300550011-1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/09: CIA-RDP86-00040R000300550011-1 -3- a display unit, two FSK demodulators, two printers and an antenna selection panel. A Yamaha T-700 AM/FM tuner with accessories was installed to facilitate FM cruising effort. This unit, with digital frequency readout, was selected after comparative testing with other locally available units. The TV monitoring room console panel was reconfigured to accommodate a second Sony Betamax VCR with Autostacker supplied by Radio Marti for recording Havana television. Southern Bell, which is upgrading its Key West distribution system, installed a Dataphone-200 modem on the CANA dedicated circuit. In practical terms this means bureau is now receiving a low-level tone signal instead of keyed DC with open-line voltage of 276V. Similar changes for the NOTIMEX circuit are expected in the near future. The following nonexpendable property was received during the month: Two (2) IBM PC System units, including dual 360K drives and keyboards (SN: 12944285150 and 131376455150), plus two (2) monochrome display monitors (SN: 1231985 and 1231995). Options include built-in 64K Memory Modules (3 per PC), printer adaptor boards, and two AST Sixpakplus 64K boards. Two (2) Epson printers, model FX-100 (SN: 546630 and 546631), were also received. Property disposed during the month consists of one (1) Sony TV receiver/monitor model CVM-1330U (SN: 21276). Unit is unserviceable and cannot be repaired economically. Two more local monitor candidates were interviewed and tested during the month, one with promisin rA~i+ who was asked to fill out a PHS. Final EOD_clearance for monitor candidate from Jacksonville Florida. is expected on/ about March. She and her husband visited Key West-- 20-25 January to tour bureau investigate housing situation and job opportunities the San Juan monitor candidate who received EOD clearance in July of last year, was contacted and confirms his current self-employment prospects are working out well and doubts he will accept position here, but would like-to keep clearance valid for the maximum 1- year period. Paperwork for medical clearance for two part-time JP teletypist candidates was forwarded to head uarters d fi l q an na Ron cle is expected in near future. Bureau monitor as on TDY to headquarters 28 January-8 February for FBIS and Agency orientation. B. Building $ Grounds NASA, a local alarm service company, upgraded bureau's fire detection and security alarm systems. Work included replacing heat detectors with ionization-type smoke detectors, as requested by NAS fire inspector, and replacement of antique key- activated intrusion alarm box with a remote digital keypad on wall inside main entrance. Bureau personnel no longer have to use outside phone box to inform NAS Security Office upon opening and closing bureau. Side benefit of maintenance contract on equipment is separate NASA monitoring of both alarm systems. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/09: CIA-RDP86-00040R000300550011-1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/09: CIA-RDP86-00040R000300550011-1 -4- Three bids were received on replacing badly corroded fencing around bureau compound and antenna field, with low bid of $16,413.80. Contract will be signed once contracting authority is received from headquarters. 1.I Ichief E$PS, visited bureau on 21 January while on orientation visit to posts in Latin America and Swaziland. 2. U.S. Navy Captain Edward Sheafer, with OPNAV office in Washington D.C. handling Agency liaison matters including our housing project, visited bureau briefly on 23 January while in Key West for another Navy conference. 3. Monitor candidate and husband visited bureau 23 January tor detailed orientation on bureau operations. 4. Pa probationary p er id ~ 5-6 Decembe Ifo potential m On 25 J Forces Cari Tournament had by all, 3 holes. visited Miami on 1-day TDY for repoly at end of 3-year rt-time bureau teletypist/ m;in. assistant iod. tently omitted from December monthly report r TDY to bureau by SDS staffers r orientation in field operations odernization of bureau systems. and study of anuary USN Rear Adm. Ralph Hedges, commander U.S. bbean, hosted the first annual U.S. Forces Open Golf at the Key West Resort course. A very good time was including yours truly who won a trophy and box of inning closest to the pin award on one of the par ey Wes ureau Bureau production report for January 1985 cc: Chief, Panama Bureau Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/09: CIA-RDP86-00040R000300550011-1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/09: CIA-RDP86-0004OR000300550011-1 KEY WEST BUREAU PRODUCTION REPORT FOR JANUARY 1985 I. TOTALS FROM ALL SOURCES: TOTAL PUBLISHABLE WORDAGE FILED DURING MONTH: 140,780 TOTAL NON-PUBLISHABLE WORDAGE FILED DURING MONTH: 27,740 TOTAL NUMBER OF PUBLISHABLE ITEMS FILED DURING MONTH: 568 BROADCASTS PRESS AGENCIES PUBLICATIONS II. INPUT OF REGULAR COVERAGE: 2,575 14,700 21 (MINUTES OR ISSUES PER WEEK) MIN MIN ISSUES III. OUTPUT FROM ALL SOURCES: (PUBLISHABLE WORDS PER MONTH) BAHAMAS Nassau Domestic Sservice in English ---- Nassau THE TRIBUNE in ENGLISH BARBADOS Bridgetown CANA in English Bridgetown ADVOCATE in English Briagetown SUNDAY ADVOCATE in English BELIZE Belize City Domestic Service in English 2,540 CUBA Havana Domestic Service in Spanish 21,800 Havana Domestic Television Service in Spanish 25,850 48,490 1,090 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/09: CIA-RDP86-0004OR000300550011-1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/09: CIA-RDP86-0004OR000300550011-1 DOMINICAN REPUBLIC Santo Domingo Radio Mil in Spanish Santo Domingo Radio Comercial in Spanish Santo Domingo Radio Popular in Spanish Santo Domingo LISTIN DIARIO in Spanish BROADCASTS PRESS AGENCIES PUBLICATIONS 170 l 610 GUYANA Georgetown Guyana Domestic Service in English - JAMAICA Kingston Domestic Service in English Kingston DAILY GLEANER in English Kingston SUNDAY GLEANER in English 1,700 MEXICO Mexico City NOTIMEX in Spanish 26,380 NETHERLANDS ANTILLES Bonaire Trans World Radio in English THE NETHERLANDS Hilversum International in English 6.31 0 Belize SUNDAY TIMES in English 2,210 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/09: CIA-RDP86-0004OR000300550011-1