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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/09: CIA-RDP86-00040R000300550005-8 FOREIGN BROADCAST INFORMATION SERVICE KEY WEST BUREAU MAIN P.O. BOX 1056 KEY WEST, FL 33041-1056 MFL-5022 2 August 1985 MEMORANDUM 'TO: Director, Foreign Broadcast Information Service THROUGH: Chief, Operations Group SUBJECT: Monthly Report--Key West Bureau--July 1985 The FBIS base housing project recorded two setbacks during the month in the form of bid opening postponements -- from 23 to 30 July and them from 30 July to 13 August -- because of NAVFAC/Charleston project amendments. Only one bid has been received so far. The new Naval Air Station commanding officer has ordered a relaxation of full I.D. checks at base entrances -- in effect since October 1983 -- by allowing vehicles with base stickers to be waved through during normal duty hours Monday-Friday. This will slightly ease strain on one-car families whose spouses can again drop off and pick up dayshift personnel. A. Monitorial/Editorial 1. Cuban President Fidel Castro gave four speeches during the month, one on 2 July when decorated with Bolivia's Public Health Order, another on 4 July at commencement exercises for teachers, the third on 26 July at the mass rally marking the 32d anniversary of the assault on the Moncada Barracks, and the last at 30 July opening of the Continental Dialogue on the Foreign Debt ongoing in Havana. He also granted interviews to a Venezuelan journalist, the Mexican daily EXCELSIOR, and foreign journalists atending the congress of the Latin American Journalists Federation in Havana. As in previous months, Castro and Cuban officials traveling abroad continued to harp on the need to unite all Latin American and Caribbean countries in an effort to achieve cancellation of the foreign debt because it is "unpayable" and "uncollectible." To this end, Castro extended invitations to workers, peasants, students, professionals, intellectuals, government officials and heads of state to meet in Havana 30 July-:3 August to conduct a Continental Dialogue on the Foreign Debt. Cuba also hosted a Latin American-Caribbean Workers Conference to promote its stand on the foreign debt. Earlier in the month it was announced that the Cuban Communist Party Congress Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/09: CIA-RDP86-00040R000300550005-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/09: CIA-RDP86-00040R000300550005-8 originally scheduled for December this year has been postponed until February 1986. 2. Official results of the 7 July non-presidential elections in Mexico began to trickle out on 14 July, per NOTIMEX reports, with the ruling PRI party the "landslide" winner. Voluminous and lengthy state and municipal returns down to the district level were pouched to ELAAD for possible exploitation. The Mexican Government also announced stringent budget cuts (including a 10 percent pay cut for President Miguel de la Madrid) and reductions in the number of government personnel. 3. In the Caribbean, Dominica Prime Minister Eugenia Charles recorded an overwhelming victory in elections that were marred by some incidents of violence. Barbados hosted a Caricom summit meeting which generated heavy CANA reportage. Jamaica, Guadeloupe, and Suriname reported civil and labor unrest. Guadeloupe's pro-independence civil disobedience reached extremes that required flying in French gendarmes from the motherland. 4. In reporting these and other events the bureau set a new all-time record of publishable wordage, squeezing out the previous high set in October 1983 during the Grenada crisis. This was thanks to the unstinting and dedica G n* Al bureau monitor/editors and Panama Bureau monitor here on TDY to help out during the summer leave perio . B. Communications 1. C/Commo Staff I had an opportunity to meet the bureau's relatively new communicators while here on TDY 8-9 July. He also received a thorough briefing on local area communications and on the mission of U.S. Forces Caribbean from CDR Ken Yasutome, head of J-6/COMUSFORCARIB. 2. The bureau's primary communications circuits were down a total of 189 hours during the month as a result of continuing NAVCOMMUNIT problems with its Mode I equipment. The hassle of hand-carrying tapes to Boca Chica was avoided for the most part as J-6/COMUSFORCARIB readily agreed to handle all our traffic during extended outages on a workload-permitting basis. C. Technical 1. Dynalectron Corporation's assessment of bureau antenna overhaul and maintenance requirements has resulted in an estimate of 14.7K for repairs and 4K for annual maintenance thereafter. The proposal is currently under review by Engineering Division. 2. A Jerrold UD-283 TV demodulator, in continuous use since February 1976, was replaced with a Videotek DM-4R demodulator. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/09: CIA-RDP86-00040R000300550005-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/09: CIA-RDP86-00040R000300550005-8 3. The bureau's workshop panel was improved with the incorporation of an amplifier/speaker combination and additional audio and radio frequency lines to signal distribution racks in main operations, TV monitoring and cruising rooms, thereby providing electronic access to and from all essential equipment for the purpose of measuring, testing, troubleshooting, and adjusting. 4. Nonexpendable property received during the month consists of one radio receiver, Watkins-Johnson Model WJ-8718A, SN: 3023, valued at $8,067. A. Personnel 1. Monitor/editor candidate unfortunately failed to receive EOD clearance. MOD has several more candidates lined up for potential employment in Key West. 2. Local monitor candidate) (visited bureau 29 July for an interview and briefing on employment opportunities. She was given a preliminary written test to submit to bureau at her convenience. 3. Part-time communicator) (gave notice he will be retiring from the Navy and leaving the Key West area on/about 28 August. P&TB has been asked to shop his file as Tom is interested in overseas employment opportunities. E. > ui.ldiiaJ_ Grounds 1. A local contractor has given bureau an estimate of 4K to expand our parking area, a project planned for FY86. 2. No firm proposal has as yet been received for repair of the central air-conditioning system, estimated at 3.5-4K. 3. Local contractors installed additional security alarm contacts in mechanical room doors, pinned frames and sides of all exterior doors and added exterior security grille around in-wall AC unit in TV monitoring area. 1. C:/Communications Staff) (visited bureau 8-9 July. 2. CDR Lauren Nelson, new CO of Naval Security Group Activity, visited bureau 9 July for general orientation and briefing and discussion of potential mutual problem with proposal to site a commercial radio transmitter on nearby city property formerly part of Truman Annex. 3. Monitor candidate) (visited bureau 11-12 July. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/09: CIA-RDP86-00040R000300550005-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/09: CIA-RDP86-00040R000300550005-8 4. MOD trai with cruising monitor 5. Panama Bureau monitor arrived on 22 July for training July after a 7-week "vacation in Paradise." Attachment: Production Report cc: C/Panama, C/Paraguay Bureaus Chief, Key West Bureau Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/09: CIA-RDP86-00040R000300550005-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/09: CIA-RDP86-0004OR000300550005-8 KEY WEST BUREAU PRODUCTION REPORT FOR JULY 1985 I. TOTALS FROM ALL SOURCES: TOTAL PUBLISHABLE WORDAGE FILED DURING MONTH:190,850 TOTAL NON-PUBLISHABLE WORDAGE FILED DURING MONTH : 26,750 TOTAL NUMBER OF PUBLISHABLE ITEMS FILED DURING MONTH :840 BROADCAST PRESS AGENCIES PUBLICATIONS II. INPUT OF REGULAR COVERAGE: 2,575 14,700 21 (PUBLISHABLE WORDS PER WEEK MIN MIN ISSUES III. OUTPUT FROM ALL SOURCES: (PUBLISHABLE WORDS PER MONTH) BAHAMAS Nassau Domestic Service in English Nassau THE TRIBUNE in English BARBADOS Bridgetown CANA in English Bridgetown ADVOCATE in English Bridgetown SUNDAY ADVOCATE in English BELIZE Belize City Domestic Service 90 in English CUBA Havana Domestic Service in Spanish Havana Television Service 41,580 in Spanish DOMINICAN REPUBLIC Santo Domingo Radio Mil in Spanish Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/09: CIA-RDP86-0004OR000300550005-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/09: CIA-RDP86-00040R000300550005-8 KEY WEST BUREAU PRODUCTION REPORT FOR JULY 1985 Santo Domingo LISTIN DIARIO in Spanish JAMAICA Kingston Domestic Service in English Kingston DAILY GLEANER in English Kingston SUNDAY GLEANER in English MEXICO Mexico City NOTIMEX in Spanish NETHERLANDS ANTILLES Bonaire Trans World Radio in English THE NETHERLANDS Hilversum International in English Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/09: CIA-RDP86-00040R000300550005-8