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Document Release Date: 
June 2, 2008
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Publication Date: 
June 6, 1983
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PDF icon CIA-RDP86-00040R000100210008-4.pdf292.04 KB
Approved For Release 2008/06/02 : CIA-RDP86-0004OR000100210008-4 FOREIGN BROADCAST INFORMATION SERVICE HONG KONG BUREAU MHK-3006 6 June 1983 MEMORANDUM FOR: Director, Foreign Broadcast Information Service THROUGH: Chief, Operations Group SUBJECT: Monthly Report -- Hong Kong Bureau -- May 1983 The Consulate and management have exchanges -LeLLers on Lne onsulate's intent to ease rive floors in the new building, and the lease agreement is now being negotiated. received its occupancy permit on 25 May. STAT STAT On 20 May the bureau chief and senior technician and the VOA chief and technician met with management representatives to discuss STAT the two offices' needs for after-hours air conditioning. has STAT said it will not allow the Consulate offices to install their own auxiliary air conditioning units but will themselves provide whatever extra air conditioning is needed. They also visited the 65th floor of Hopewell to take another look at the FBIS and VOA antennas. We expect no problems with antenna or emergency generator installation. The two FBIS bureau technicians have surveyed the terrain from u with high-powered binoculars to insure that present construction at Victoria Barracks will not interfere with the microwave line-of-sight to They concluded that buildings presently being constructed there pose no threat. Economic Situation -- The Hong Kong dollar continues to plunge against the U.S. dollar with the closing exchange rate at the end of the month at HK $7.13 to U.S. $1.00. This, after the Hong Kong Government raised the prime rate almost two percent the middle of the month when the exchange rate stood at HK $7.03. The local dollar is expected to deteriorate even further, with predictions ranging from HK $8-10 to the U.S. dollar. Though the U.S. dollar has made strong gains worldwide, the exchange rate in Hong Kong is inevitably viewed in the light of the 1997 issue. The strength of the local dollar is seen here as the most visible indicator of confidence by investors and, hence the local pop- ulace, in Hong Kong's future. As one respected local newspaper columnist Approved For Release 2008/06/02 : CIA-RDP86-0004OR000100210008-4 STAT STAT STAT Approved For Release 2008/06/02 : CIA-RDP86-0004OR000100210008-4 FOREIGN BROADCAST INFORMATION SERVICE HONG KONG BUREAU noted, gloom deepens as the Hong Kong dollar weakens and the worst is that everybody feels sure the worst hasn't happened yet--panic is just around the corner. Confidence has not been helped by British or Hong Kong government officials, who have yet to make any substantive statements about the negotiations with the PRC on the future of Hong Kong. II. ADMINISTRATION A. Personnel EOD--Monitor trainee EOD' 1 May. The monitorial and, hence, the bureau nonstaft TO has now been filled. STAT Resignation--Bureau contract secretary) (resigned STAT effective 6 May. a USIS officer, is being STAT transferred to Washington. New addition--Senior editor parents of a daughter ,F became STAT STAT B. Buildings and Grounds The Consulate GSO has been asked to protest to Hopewell Management over their new procedures for gaining access to the 65th floor, where the bureau's antennas are located. In the past, and according to written agreement, the bureau need only obtain the keys from the management office in order to gain access to the roof. Hopewell is now insisting that the bureau write an advance memorandum and then be accompanied by a Hopewell staff employee each time a visit is necessary. There apparently has been a change in Hopewell personnel dealing with this area. The GSO will look into the matter. The bureau chief returned on 3 May from the bureau chief's con- ference in Washington. STAT Chief, Hong Kong Bureau Attachments A. Production Report cc: Orig + 3 Hqs. C/Okinawa Bureau C/Seoul Bureau Approved For Release 2008/06/02 : CIA-RDP86-0004OR000100210008-4 born on 28 May. Approved For Release 2008/06/02 : CIA-RDP86-0004OR000100210008-4 FOREIGN BROADCAST INFORMATION SERVICE HONG KONG BUREAU noted, gloom deepens as the Hong Kong dollar weakens and the worst is that everybody feels sure the worst hasn't happened yet--panic is just around the corner. Confidence has not been helped by British or Hong Kong government officials, who have yet to make any substantive statements about the negotiations with the PRC on the future of Hong Kong. II. ADMINISTRATION A. Personnel EOD--Monitor trainee EOD' 1 May. The monitorial and, hence, the bureau nonstaft TO has now been filled. STAT Resignation--Bureau contract secretary) (resigned STAT effective 6 May. a USIS officer, is being STAT transferred to Washington. New addition--Senior editor parents of a daughter ,F became STAT STAT B. Buildings and Grounds The Consulate GSO has been asked to protest to Hopewell Management over their new procedures for gaining access to the 65th floor, where the bureau's antennas are located. In the past, and according to written agreement, the bureau need only obtain the keys from the management office in order to gain access to the roof. Hopewell is now insisting that the bureau write an advance memorandum and then be accompanied by a Hopewell staff employee each time a visit is necessary. There apparently has been a change in Hopewell personnel dealing with this area. The GSO will look into the matter. The bureau chief returned on 3 May from the bureau chief's con- ference in Washington. STAT Chief, Hong Kong Bureau Attachments A. Production Report cc: Orig + 3 Hqs. C/Okinawa Bureau C/Seoul Bureau Approved For Release 2008/06/02 : CIA-RDP86-0004OR000100210008-4 born on 28 May.