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June 2, 2008
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Publication Date:
October 5, 1983
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Approved For Release 2008/06/02 : CIA-RDP86-0004OR000100210004-8
5 October 1983
MEMORANDUM FOR: Director, Foreign Broadcast Information Service
THROUGH: Chief, Operations Group
SUBJECT: Monthly Report -- Hong Kong Bureau -- September 1983
Typhoon Damage -- Typhoon Ellen, which struck Hong Kong on 12 September,
left at least 10 people dead and many missing, i jured and homeless. Twenty-
six ships were grounded by winds gusting to 12C knots. Bureau employees and
staff residences survived the typhoon intact, though the bureau suffered some
damage when windows in the editorial area blew open. A large portion of the
ceiling over the editorial desk fell down and desks, carpeting, typewriters,
etc. suffered water damage.
Hong Kong Economy -- The Hong Kong dollar fell to a new low during the
month of HK$9.55 to U.S.$1.00, breaking the so-called psychological barrier
of HK$8.00, a barrier recently thought impossible to breach. The skid was
stopped when the Hong Kong Government intervened by raising the prime rate.
The dollar fell back to HK$7.89 but slowly resumed its rise and at the end
of the month stood at HK$8.50. Local comment unanimously contributes the
weakness of the local currency to lack of confidence over the future of
Hong Kong.
An architect has been selected for the new bureau
premises in and interior construction work has started. STAT
STA olkkl
The architect estimates five weeks to complete the new office. The bureau
hopes to move in the second week of November.
Wage Survey -- The State Department wage and classification survey team
completed its survey at the end of the month. Section heads and local
employees were briefed in separate meetings on the team's findings. The most
significant outcome of the survey is the recommendation to pay local;. employees
housing benefits. A final decision on this and the recommended wage increases
should be f ortT coming in November.
Promotions -- Monitor were promoted to FBN 8. STAT
Approved For Release 2008/06/02 : CIA-RDP86-0004OR000100210004-8
Approved For Release 2008/06/02 : CIA-RDP86-0004OR000100210004-8
1. On 12 September, IC Staff Director Rear Admiral Burkhalter and his
executive assistant, Lt Cdr Dave Muller. They were given a general briefing on
bureau operations, particularly the bureau's Beijing TV monitoring operation.
They also had a lengthy discussion with chief monitor on monitoring STAT
and Chinese developments in general. They were accompanied by Al Usack of the
Consulate's Executive Staff.
2. Carl Eikenberry, DLO, visited the bureau on 9 September to discuss
bureau support in providing provincial radio tapes to the Defense Department's
Chinese-language study program, which is held in Hong Kong in cooperation with
the British military. Eikenberry was given a tour of the bureau and listened
to samples of provincial radio programs. He will follow up his request after
further study.
3. On 20 September, two Defense Department China analysts, Joni Kijima and
Lt Marie Wzycak, from IPAC Hawaii. They were accompanied on the tour of the
bureau by Col Jim Duffey, DLO.
TV monitoring operation. As a result of his visit, the bureau will provide him
with videotapes of Deng Xiaoping, party chairman Hu Yaobang and Premier Zhao Ziyang.
4. On 23 September visited the bureau to look at the BeijirSTAT
5. On 27 September Okinawa Bureau cruising monitor) (visited theSTAT
bureau briefly en route to a cruising survey in Bangladesh and Pakistan.
1. Teletype supervisor{ visited headquarters on the Foreign
National Orientation Program 12-16 September.
2. Deput visited DLO's military research division in STAT
the consulate for a briefing on their Beijing TV program. DLO compiles tapes
of PLA activities and sends the material to various Defense Department consumers.
Though DLO has its own source of videotape recordings, they noted that the tapes
provided by FBIS are of much higher quality and have become their major source
for video material.
Chief, Hong Kong Bureau
A. Production Report
cc: Orig + 3 Hqs.
C/ Seoul
Approved For Release 2008/06/02 : CIA-RDP86-0004OR000100210004-8
Approved For Release 2008/06/02 : CIA-RDP86-0004OR000100210004-8
1. On 12 September, IC Staff Director Rear Admiral Burkhalter and his
executive assistant, Lt Cdr Dave Muller. They were given a general briefing on
bureau operations, particularly the bureau's Beijing TV monitoring operation.
They also had a lengthy discussion with chief monitor on monitoring STAT
and Chinese developments in general. They were accompanied by Al Usack of the
Consulate's Executive Staff.
2. Carl Eikenberry, DLO, visited the bureau on 9 September to discuss
bureau support in providing provincial radio tapes to the Defense Department's
Chinese-language study program, which is held in Hong Kong in cooperation with
the British military. Eikenberry was given a tour of the bureau and listened
to samples of provincial radio programs. He will follow up his request after
further study.
3. On 20 September, two Defense Department China analysts, Joni Kijima and
Lt Marie Wzycak, from IPAC Hawaii. They were accompanied on the tour of the
bureau by Col Jim Duffey, DLO.
TV monitoring operation. As a result of his visit, the bureau will provide him
with videotapes of Deng Xiaoping, party chairman Hu Yaobang and Premier Zhao Ziyang.
4. On 23 September visited the bureau to look at the BeijirSTAT
5. On 27 September Okinawa Bureau cruising monitor) (visited theSTAT
bureau briefly en route to a cruising survey in Bangladesh and Pakistan.
1. Teletype supervisor{ visited headquarters on the Foreign
National Orientation Program 12-16 September.
2. Deput visited DLO's military research division in STAT
the consulate for a briefing on their Beijing TV program. DLO compiles tapes
of PLA activities and sends the material to various Defense Department consumers.
Though DLO has its own source of videotape recordings, they noted that the tapes
provided by FBIS are of much higher quality and have become their major source
for video material.
Chief, Hong Kong Bureau
A. Production Report
cc: Orig + 3 Hqs.
C/ Seoul
Approved For Release 2008/06/02 : CIA-RDP86-0004OR000100210004-8