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Document Release Date: 
June 2, 2008
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Publication Date: 
December 2, 1983
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Approved For Release 2008/06/02 : CIA-RDP86-0004OR000100210002-0 FOREIGN BROADCAST INFORMATION SERVICE HONG KONG BUREAU MHK-3014 2December 1983 MEMORANDUM FOR: Director, Foreign Broadcast Information Service THROUGH: Chief, Operations Group SUBJECT: Monthly Report -- Hong Kong Bureau -- November 1983 Bureau Relocation -- The relocation of the bureau to its new premises in the was carried out the week of 7-11 November. With STAT the assistance of Seoul and Okinawa bureaus, which assumed responsibility for coverage of PRC provincial and Philippine radios monitored here, and Bangkok engineer the move was effected with a minimal disruption of STAT Fresh Air -- On 16 November, bureau personnel received a demonstration of the correct usage of the onsite resusitator and were given an opportunity to practice their newly acquired knowledge on "Resusitation Annie." The demonstration was given by a visiting medical technician STAT Major damage to a Cable & Wireless underwater cable resulted in a loss of both bureau via the leased line to Manila on STAT 30 November. The bureau relied on its telex and the TCU backup circuit to send and receive priority and above material until Cable & Wireless provided an alternate communications route to Manila some 11 hours after bureau opening on the 30th. Cable & Wireless has advised that its alternate commun- ications route -- Hong Kong to Singapore via satellite and Singapore to Manila via undersea cable -- will be in use until further notice as damage to its undersea cable is quite extensive. 1. Consulate Wage Scale -- State has yet to complete its review of the results of the wage survey conducted in August and September of this year. The consulate admin officer expects the review to be completed in mid-December, with the implementation of the finalized wage package retroactive to 16 October 1983. Approved For Release 2008/06/02 : CIA-RDP86-0004OR000100210002-0 Approved For Release 2008/06/02 : CIA-RDP86-0004OR000100210002-0 FOREIGN BROADCAST INFORMATION SERVICE HONG KONG BUREAU III. ADMINISTRATION (cont'd.) 2. FBN System Conversion -- Personnel actions were submitted to the Consulate Admin Office and were forwarded by that office to RAMC Bangkok the week of 14 November. The bureau has not encountered any difficulties from either the Consulate or Bangkok on the conversion to the FBN System. IV. VISITS To The Bureau: 1. Engineer bureau in its move. 2. Okinawa Bureau editor STAT STAT bureau on 15 November during private travel to the area. 3. Defense Language Institute students and STAT British Forces Language School, Hong Kong, student U.S. Major David Syme, accompanied by the DLO liaison officer Captain Karl Eikenberry, visited the bureau on 16 November for a general tour and briefing. 4. State Department Foreign Building Operations officer Ed Harkness and Consulate Administrative and General Services Officers visited the bureau on 21 November during an inspection of the five floors occupied by U.S. Government offices in the STAT 6. U.S. Foreign Area Officer Captain Dong, stationed in Thailand, 29 November. STAT STAT Acting Chief, Hong Kong Bureau Attachments: A. Production Report cc: Orig + 3 Hqs. C/Okinawa C/Seoul Approved For Release 2008/06/02 : CIA-RDP86-0004OR000100210002-0 Bangkok Bureau, 6-13 November to assist the Approved For Release 2008/06/02 : CIA-RDP86-0004OR000100210002-0 Htrl G (ONta BUREAU PRODUCTION REPORT FOR -QU MBER 1983 O1 A1.S FROM ALL SOURCES: I'i Ai 'UBi StiABLE NORBIttaE F ILEU DURING MONTH: TO i AIL NON-PURL U SHR LE K RDR E FILED DURING MONTH: - R NUMBER? OF PUBLISHABLE ITEPS FILED DURING MONTH 856,618 -1.i449Q 84? BRORD- PRESS PURLI- Ct ST8 Rt ENCIES CATIONS I N#' D REGULAR COV ;4E: f:M1NJ1tS OR ISSUES PER REEK) MIN. MIN. ISSUES 4, 485 4 200 226 11. , OUTPUT ~ROM ALL SUU ES: (: PUB? I' HABLE WORDS PER MON I H I C41RA PE1,' 1Nt TELEVISION SERVICE IN MANDARIN 61381 PEI?'ING CITY SERVICE IN' MAl1Ili'+ItIN f CHAN&SHA HUNAN F`OVINCHHL SERVICE IN MAN tNRIN 129?210 1HENGDU SICHUAN PROVINCIAL SERVICE IN MANDARIN 17050 ~aUA (i~H1U OIIRN~IIONG AR.OVINC1RL SERVICE IN - I NTONESE 111.0 0 G RNG H U Ol1NNODCING PROUINCI L SERVICE IN MANDARIN 10,240 GUIYANG GUIZHOU PROVINCIAL SERVICE IN NANURR1N ?,TBQ HRIKOU HAINAN ISLAND S?RVICE IN MRN' RRIN S1 150 y.UNMING YUNNAN PROVINCIAL SERVICE 10 NANIJRRIN 12 606 "_07HO{! GANSU PROVINC1t1L SERVICE IN MRN'IRRIN N?IN INA. G RNta ~`EGILJNALti SERVICE IN $RN!rtRRIN SHI:sIR Hi NG AEI