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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
August 5, 1982
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r p Approved For Release 2008/04/01 : CIA-RDP86-0004OR000100070002-6 FOREIGN BROADCAST INFORMATION SERVICE KEY WEST BUREAU MAIN P.O. BOX 1056 KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33040 MFL - 2026 5 August 1982 MEMORANDUM FOR: Director, Foreign Broadcast Information Service THROUGH Chief, Operations Group SUBJECT Monthly Report--Key West Bureau--July 1982 The bureau has received permission from NAS commander, STAT to make the installation of its beverage antenna permanent. STAT This will give the bureau a permanent antenna for backstop reception of Central American targets, plus an antenna which, under certain conditions, is better than our other antennas for reception of certain Cuban frequencies. In addition, this permanent installation increases our presence in the antenna field through which the Navy had indicated an interest in building a road extension, thus we are reducing the likelihood of such construction. A. Monitorial/Editorial In response to a consumer request the bureau provided detailed evaluation of Radio Free Grenada, including program summaries of news programs. Fidel Castro let everyone down on this 26 July, the anniversary of the attack on the Moncada barracks, speaking for only 2 hours and 19 minutes and using only a very small portion of that time for an attack on Yankee imperialism. B. Communications A serious line outage in Texas resulted in loss of NOTIMEX Press Agency for over 2 days. NOTIMEX reception has now returned to normal. Reception of all other coverage is normal for this time of the year. C. Technical Bureau received 1 Collins 651S-1A receiver. A three receiver cruiser/ cruising monitor training position was constructed through the installation of three coax switches--two Bird switches, one 8-position "Matrix" antenna switch with push-button control--providing access to all bureau mediumwave and shortwave an- tennas and one QRL-2B Interference Supressor. Onereceiver, the antenna selector switches and the QRL are housed in a portable table mounting rack. The rack forms the centerpiece of this new position and can be easily moved to the future cruising room after the expansion of the bureau. Approved For Release 2008/04/01: CIA-RDP86-0004OR000100070002-6 Approved For Release 2008/04/01: CIA-RDP86-0004OR000100070002-6 The logical organization and labels on this new cruising center also make it readily usable by the monitor/editors for their own cruising efforts. A. Personnel a Panamanian monitor, completed a 2-month STAT TDY on July an a Paraguayan monitor, STAT arrived on 24 July to begin her own TDY. Sincerely yours, STAT Key West Bureau, B Approved For Release 2008/04/01 : CIA-RDP86-0004OR000100070002-6 i f Approved For Release 2008/04/01: CIA-RDP86-0004OR000100070002-6 KEY WEST BUREAU PRODUCTION REPORT FOR JULY 1982 75, 390 TOTAL NON-PUBLISHABLE WORDAGE FILED DURING MONTH: 17,960 TOTAL NUMBER OF PUBLISHABLE ITEMS FILED DURING MONTH: 31 BROADCASTS PRESS AGENCIES PUBLICATIONS II. INPUT OF REGULAR COVERAGE: 2,575 11,700 21 (minutes or issues per week) min. min. issues III. OUTPUT FROM ALL SOURCES: (publishable words per month) BAHAMAS Nassau Domestic Service in English 130 Nassau The Tribune in English BARBADOS Bridgetown CANA in English 26,410 Bridgetown Advocate-News in English Bridgetown Sunday Advocate-News in English BELIZE Belize City Domestic Service in English 140 CUBA Havana Domestic Service in Spanish 20,220 Havana Domestic Television Service in Spanish 9,700 1,460 760 Approved For Release 2008/04/01: CIA-RDP86-0004OR000100070002-6 Approved For Release 2008/04/01 : CIA-RDP86-00040R000100070002-6 DOMINICAN REPUBLIC Santo Domingo Radio Mil Network in Spanish Santo Domingo Radio Commercial Network in Spanish GRENADA St Georges Domestic Service in English JAMAICA Kingston Domestic Service in English Kingston Daily Gleaner in English Kingston Sunday Gleaner in English MEXICO Mexico City NOTIMEX in Spanish 1.970 12,740 Approved For Release 2008/04/01: CIA-RDP86-00040R000100070002-6