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Approved For Release 2008/03/31: CIA-RDP86-00040R000100010001-3 FOREIGN BR NDCAST INFORMATION ; VICE ABIDJAN BUREAU MAB 3001 4 January 1983 MEMORANDUM FOR: Director, FBIS THROUGH Chief, Operations Group SUBJECT . Monthly Report--Abidjan Bureau--December 1982 Early in December Ambassador Rawls approved a bureau request for one additional nonstaff position, to be filled by a French-English monitor. This will bring the bureau's monitorial staff to 10. The need for an addi= tional monitor had become increasingly apparent over the past year: In the year ending 31 August 1981 the bureau's monthly publishable wordage averaged just over 150,000; in the 16 months since then the monthly average has in- creased 50 percent to about 225,000. In an excellent of team spirit, Swaziland Bureau offered one of its monitors, a U.S.- STAT educated Swazi who is-,married to an Ivorian and wants to relocat_&in Abidjan. As soon as final approvals for the position increase received the bureau will begin steps to bring a new monitor on board. s the most STAT qualified candidate at this time. ILLEGIB A. Monitorial/Editorial 1. Developments in Ghana continued to dominate the bureau's coverage effort during December. On the 16th, Flight Lieutenant Rawlings gave a lengthy speech to the nation defending his record. Due to the length, poor reception and uncharacteristic rambling nature of the speech, the bureau remained open until 0300 clearing three takes of material dealing with the attempted coup last month. The remainder of the speech was processed the fbliowing day. The 30th was another late, night, when Finance and Economic Planning Secretary Kwesi Botwe presented the government's long- awaited economic recovery program, which required the bureau to remain open until 0330 to clear six takes of excerpts. And on New Year's Eve, the first anniversary of the Rawling's takeover, a people's assembly was held in the Accra Sports Stadium, 'at which Rawlings and other leaders discussed the country's problems, with Rawlings blaming most of them on the white man. Finally, on New Year's Day, 20 former ministers and members of parliament were released from "protective custody" and other prisoners were released as a gesture of mercy. Additionally, one other item aroused Embassy and Ivorian Government interest. On the 22nd the radio announced that all military leaves had I Approved For Release 2008/03/31 : CIA-RDP86-00040R000100010001-3 Approved For Release 2008/03/31: CIA-RDP86-0004OR000100010001-3 been cancelled and that no troops could be moved without authorization of Rawlings, suggesting further trouble. The DCM was notified and he took the item personally to Ivorian Foreign Minister Simeon Ake,who remains highly interested in the Ghana situation. 2. Chinese Premier Zhao Ziyang's visit to sub-Sahara Africa has generated considerable attention by the media in the countries he has visited so far--Guinea, Gabon and Zaire. Zhao's remarks in reply to President Sekou Toure's welcoming speech in Conakry on the 30th, carried by Conakry Domestic Service, was unusuAlly difficult to translate because it was given in Mandarin with sentence-by-sentence translation into French. The constant back-and-forth between the two languages disrupted continuity and made the speech very difficult to follow. 3. Considerable interest was aroused by Western news reports of "special powers" gtanted Ang6lan President Dos Santos at the MPLA-Labor Party meeting during the early part of the month. Luanda Domestic Service in French reported these special powers on the 9th and ANGOP later that day carried longer reports on the subject and on the party's rejection of a linkage between Namibian'. independence and the withdrawal of Cuban troops. 4. French Foreign Minister Cheysson's 6 December statement to the Anglo-American press criticizing the U.S. evoked high-level interest in the text of these remarks, expecially since Secretary of State Schultz was about to visit Paris. The bureau expected the statement to be carried promptly by Paris Diplomatic Information Service, but the service carried only excerpts of Cheysson's statement and did not transmit the excerpts %until the 21st. These were filed expeditiously. 5. The bureau lost the Reuter French service to West Africa on 1 January when the service shifted to satellite transmission. Reuter did not, in fact, provide much useful information on Africa, and its African service was much less complete than AFP's. The loss of Reuter should be more than offset / next spring when the Pan-African News Agency is to begin transmissions. A recent AFP report quoted the PANA director as saying the agency will begin operations in April 1983 and will have a daily file of about 25,000 words, in French, Arabic, and English. B. Technical The bureau received seven Watkins-Johnson model 8718 receivers early in the month, to replace its stock of Collins 351's. Engineer has installed the new receivers in the bureau's press agency racks and in four of the six monitoring positions. Collins receivers in the other two monitoring positions will be replaced shortly. STAT STAT Approved For Release 2008/03/31: CIA-RDP86-0004OR000100010001-3 Approved For Release 2008/03/31: CIA-RDP86-0004OR000100010001-3 Personnel Monitor) I who is on an extended TDY in Mbabane to help train Swaziland Bureau's new monitors, has agreed to stay in Swaziland until the end of February. Yao's TDY will thus run seven full months. Attachment Monthly Production Report cc: Chief, Swaziland Bureau Deputy Chief, London Bureau STAT Approved For Release 2008/03/31: CIA-RDP86-0004OR000100010001-3 Approved For Release 2008/03/31: CIA-RDP86-0004OR000100010001-3 r r r. f rc !: ? r } BUREAU PRODUCTION REPORT F~ ': ctI : ii f t~?i r$ r, rF#i !f- PRESS r. FUEL!- CASH "2,. " AGENCIES 311UNS 1s TOT3TL 3 e S FROM ROM 3s r RjcL SOURCES: r.Hz zE ?d!3 +t.,-E r FILED ~; DURING MONTH: = 2442540 TOTAL PUBLISHABLE TOTAL '~' r z N0 N _FE g` 1 SH zR-B .E Y{Lift' P ~,? r~ iGE FILED DURING IEv a s: rz iz E_TH.;a 13,510 TOTAL NUMBER OF PUI ISHABLE ITEM: FILED DURING MONTH: yip i?Fs ~?s'aB w's. IIa INPUT of T OF REGULAR COVERRGEa ? (MINUTES jt OR ISSUES r+. PER z WEEK) 7,784 Ilia OUTPUT FROM r?LL SOURCES: (PUBLISHABLE WORDS PER MONTH) ANGOLA LUANDA DOMESTIC SERVICE IN z EN GLISH r r z IN LURNDR DOMESTIC SERVICE I FRET CH LUANDA ANGO?P IN H PORTUGUESE LUANDA H GOP IN FRENCH s*ENI ? C?T? 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