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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/09: CIA-RDP85TO1094R000500020007-3 Central Intelligence -rop-seerAg- 25X1 25X1 National Intelligence Daily Monday 31 October 1983 (PAS NIT) R. - F .I X 31 October 1983 Copy .) t. r- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/09: CIA-RDP85TO1094R000500020007-3 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/09: CIA-RDP85TO1094R000500020007-3 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/09: CIA-RDP85TO1094R000500020007-3 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/09: CIA-RDP85T01094R000500020007-3 ARGENTINA: Apparent Election Upset Moderate leftist Radical Civic Union presidential candidate Raul Alfonsin defeated the traditionally predominant Peronists in the general election yesterday, according to press reports. Even if Alfonsin is officially declared the winner, however, he still will have to face the electoral college vote late next month. The Peronists have not yet conceded the election and believe the outcome will favor them when ballots in smaller provinces are tallied. Although some Peronist leaders are claiming the election was rigged, fraud is unlikely given the military's tight control of the voting and its preference for the Peronist candidate. Sporadic violence has been reported in Buenos Aires and its working-class suburbs. Top Secret 31 October 1983 25X1 25X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/09: CIA-RDP85T01094R000500020007-3 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/09: CIA-RDP85T01094R000500020007-3 Contents Grenada: First Steps Toward Interim Government ................ 1 Canada-Western Europe: Trudeau Visit ................................ 4 EC-US: Specialty Steel Dispute .............................................. Poland: Amnesty for Activists .................................................. South Africa: Constitutional Referendum .............................. Special Analysis Top Secret 31 October 1983 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/09: CIA-RDP85T01094R000500020007-3 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/09: CIA-RDP85T01094R000500020007-3 Top Secret GRENADA: First Steps Toward Interim Government Caribbean leaders gathered in Barbados on Saturday to discuss preparations to form an interim government in Grenada. They also conferred on plans to keep a regional peacekeeping force on the island. Grenadian Governor General Scoon-in a meeting with the US Ambassador to Barbados, Barbadian Prime Minister Adams, and the coordinator of the Regional Security Force in St. Georges- announced that he would form a nonpolitical interim administration to prepare for general elections and a return to constitutional government. The temporary administration is to be established in the next few days and will include prominent members of international organizations and academia In a radio address broadcast in Grenada, Scoon said that the 400 soldiers and national policemen from the eastern Caribbean countries that took part in the landing would be formed into a security force. The Governor General has ordered remaining members of the People's Revolutionary Army and the militia to sto fighting and has officially disbanded the armed forces. Grenadian civilians are moving freely in the streets after having been confined to their homes for 10 days. Press reports indicate, however, that the island faces shortages of food and other basic supplies. Documents discovered by US forces in Grenada, meanwhile, indicate that Moscow had promised to provide some $26.5 million in military aid to Grenada between 1980 and 1985. The equipment was to include armored personnel carriers, AK-47 rifles, and munitions. The documents also indicate that North Korea had promised to provide $12 million in military assistance. a Swiss aircraft under the supervision 6t the international a ross was en route to Barbados and Grenada yesterday to pick up Cuban dead and wounded. Authorities on the two islands were to inform the Cuban Ambassador in Grenada that able-bodied Cuban prisoners would not be returned until fighting ceased. According to the Swiss Foreign Minister, a delegate from the International Red Cross is in Grenada to discuss the situation of Cuban prisoners with US authorities. Too Secret 1 31 October 1983 25X1 25X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/09: CIA-RDP85T01094R000500020007-3 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/09: CIA-RDP85TO1094R000500020007-3 Top Secret The Cuban Foreign Ministry has informed the US Interests Section in Havana that the Cuban Government will ensure its security Comment: Large demonstrations in Havana are likely when Cuban dead, wounded, and captured return home. Cuba appears concerned about domestic reaction to any sign of submission to the US by Cuban officials in Grenada. Foreign Reactions The USSR and its East European allies are preparing to launch a major propaganda campaign. An article in Pravda on Saturday accused "terrorists" in Washingtion of ordering "unprovoked aggression" against "virtually defenseless Grenada." Nicaragua and Cuba are heading a drive in the UN to obtain the backing of 80 nations-a simple majority of the membership-to call for an emergency special session of the General Assembly. They hope to have enough support by today. The US Mission at the UN reports, however, that the Nicaraguans and Cubans have encountered problems Comment: If Cuba and Nicaragua are successful, the UN Secretary General will have to convene the special session within 24 hours. If they fail, however, Havana and Managua may try to have the General Assembly vote on an anti-US resolution during its scheduled meeting to select new Security Council members today. Top Secret 2 1 31 October 25X1 25X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/09: CIA-RDP85TO1094R000500020007-3 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/09: CIA-RDP85TO1094R000500020007-3 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/09: CIA-RDP85TO1094R000500020007-3 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/09: CIA-RDP85TO1094R000500020007-3 Top Secret CANADA-WESTERN EUROPE: Trudeau Visit Prime Minister Trudeau's planned visit to Western Europe from 8 to 11 November reflects his concern about East-West tensions and is an attemot to strengthen the political standing of his government. The trip, announced last Thursday, will include meetings with the leaders of West Germany, France, Italy, Belgium, and the Netherlands. Trudeau plans to discuss methods to improve prospects for success of the Geneva disarmament talks. Comment: The Canadian leader's effort is prompted in part by his interest in reducing frictions between the US and the USSR. This desire apparently is behind his offer to send Canadi Grenada as part of a Commonwealth observer force. The Prime Minister has not yet made definite disarmament proposals, but he probably will make specific suggestions to West European leaders. He is likely to base his proposals on the recommendations of a high-level government task force established earlier this fall. The disarmament-oriented initiative also is an attempt to improve the electoral prospects of Trudeau's government-his Liberals currently trail the Tories in the polls by 39 points. The Liberals hope that the peace effort, together with Ottawa's reluctance to support US actions in Grenada, will contrast with Tory pronouncements on world affairs. They portray novice Tory leader Mulroney as an unquestioning supporter of US foreign policy goals. Top Secret 4 31 October 1983 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/09: CIA-RDP85TO1094R000500020007-3 25X1 25X1 25X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/09: CIA-RDP85TO1094R000500020007-3 Iq Next 3 Page(s) In Document Denied Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/09: CIA-RDP85TO1094R000500020007-3 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/09: CIA-RDP85T01094R000500020007-3 Top Secret EC-US: Specialty Steel Dispute Bonn will no longer block other Community members' attempts to retaliate against the US for its specialty steel restrictions, according to a West German Economics Ministry spokesman. The spokesman said EC members, including the West Germans, are "fed up" with the US over the issue. West Germany found unacceptable the most recent US offer to lower some trade barriers as compensation for its higher duties on specialty steel. Bonn was aggravated particularly by the continued filing of antidumping suits by US steel producers against West German firms, according to the spokesman. Comment: The EC appears increasingly likely to retaliate if an acceptable compensation arrangement cannot be worked out soon. West Germany's apparent decision to stop acting as a mediator within the EC may enable other members, particularly France, to push through new trade restrictions against US products. The EC is likely to take final action on its position at the Council meeting on Top Secret 25X1 8 31 October 1983 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/09: CIA-RDP85T01094R000500020007-3 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/09: CIA-RDP85T01094R000500020007-3 Top Secret POLAND: Amnesty for Activists Government spokesman Jerzy Urban said Saturday that 11 Solidarity and other union leaders awaiting trial on charges of trying to overthrow the state will be granted amnesty if they agree to leave the country until Poland achieves "full stability." Urban said the offer extends to the "overwhelming majority" of Poland's approximately 2,000, political prisoners. A family member of one of the prisoners said they already have rejected a similar previous proposal. Solidarity's underground leadership called earlier for a month-long campaign beginning today of demonstrations and distribution of leaflets on behalf of political prisoners. Comment: The unexpected announcement indicates that the regime probably would like to avoid trials that the accused might turn into showcases for antiregime views. The activists' likely rejection of the offer and their subsequent trials and convictions, however, will make it difficult for the government to offer them amnesty again-a move Western diplomats have reported the regime was considering. The response to the call for demonstrations may be small, particularly since activists have been focusing attention on long-range propaganda and social welfare programs. South Africa's 2.3 million white voters are likely to approve the new constitution in a referendum this Wednesday. The constitution grants limited political rights to Coloreds and Indians. A senior South African official has told a US diplomat that the cabinet expects a 55- to 60-percent "yes" vote, an estimate that is in line with recent US Embassy predictions. Comment: South African law prohibits polls within six weeks of an election, and it seems probable that support for the new constitution has slipped slightly from the 61 to 65 percent indicated by polls in late August. Nonetheless, Prime Minister Botha has mobilized the formidable National Party organization to limit defections by conservative Afrikaners and to obtain support from moderate English-speaking voters. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/09: CIA-RDP85T01094R000500020007-3 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/09: CIA-RDP85T01094R000500020007-3 Top Secret Principal Lebanese Negotiators in Geneva Amin Gemayel 41 years old ... Moronite from Phalange family ... Phalange Politburo member for 13 years ... attempting to achieve a political settlement acceptable to opposition leaders ... under pressure from Christians not to sacrifice Christian predominance in Lebanon ... pro-US. Walid Junblatt 34 years old ... Druze, from the Shuf ... heads Progressive Socialist Party (PSP) militia ... freedom of action circumscribed by dependence on Syria and fear for personal safety ... distrusts Christians and particularly the Gemayels; suspects they were behind assassination attempt in 1982 ... wants wider Druze role in government. Nabih Barri 44 years old ... Shia, leader of mainstream Amal Movement, based in Beirut ... wants government reforms to reflect Muslim majority in Lebanon; willing to compromise ... opposes partition that might result in Shia southern Lebanon under Israeli control. Pierre Gemayel 78 years old ... Maronite, Amin's father ... traditional head of Phalange Party ... hard-liner concerned only with preserving Christian political power ... pro-Israeli; suspects Syrians killed his son Bashir. Sulayman Franjiyah 73 years old ... Maronite, former President ... leader of northern Maronite clan ... driven by hatred of Gemayels; believes they killed his son Tony ... long close to Assad. Camille Shaman 83 years old ... Maronite, former President ... traditional head of National Liberal.Party from the Shuf ... rival of Gemayels and Phalange, but shares concern over Christian situation in Lebanon ... pro-US and somewhat pro- Israeli; opposed to Syrian presence in Lebanon. Rashid Karami 62 years old ... Sunni Muslim, former Prime Min;-ter ... traditional leader of Sunnis in "r.ipoli ... demands reforms in government to reflect Muslim majority. Top Secret 31 October 1983 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/09: CIA-RDP85T01094R000500020007-3 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/09: CIA-RDP85T01094R000500020007-3 Special Analysis LEBANON: The National Reconciliation Conference Top Secret The national reconciliation conference, which is expected to begin today in Geneva, is unlikely to produce a quick solution to the longstanding factional conflict. President Gemayel may try to postpone dealing with Lebanon's political problems by inducing the participants to join a government of national unity. Opposition leaders, backed by Syria, probably will seek to have the conference focus first on the Lebanese-Israeli withdrawal agreement. The various factions, including Christian hardliners, will be tempte to use to force concessions or forestall unpalatable reforms. All of the invited factional leaders, except for moderate Christian politician Raymond Edde, plan to attend the conference. Saudi Arabia and Syria will have observers there. .Even minor disagreements could disrupt the conference, in view of personal animosities among those attending. Several of the participants, for example, suspect that other conferees may have sanctioned attempts I'- assassinate them or members of their families Gemayel may intend to finesse the issue of internal reform by proposing that the participants form a government of national unity. Under such a scheme, Gemayel might increase the membership of the parliament and cabinet and appoint a prime minister acceptable to Syria, to Druze leader Walid Junblatt, and to Shia leader Nabih Barri. Barri, Junblatt, and other opposition leaders will be reluctant to agree to a government of national unity unless they have assurances that Gemayel will carry out fundamental reforms that increase Muslim influence in policymaking. Muslim politicians probably are prepared to retain a Christian presidency, but they will insist that the executive authority of the prime minister be strengthened. Barri and Junblatt remain pessimistic that Christian hardliners in the Phalange and Lebanese Forces will allow Gemayel to provide such guarantees. Opposition leaders will look to the US to persuade Gemayel to make concessions and to counteract hardline Christian pressure on the President. Foreign Policy Questions Both the government and its opponents have a vested interest in having the conference turn its attention quickly to the question of the presence of foreign troops in Lebanon. The Syrian-backed National Top Secret Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/09: CIA-RDP85T01094R000500020007-3 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/09: CIA-RDP85T01094R000500020007-3 Top Secret Salvation Front almost certainly will argue that the Lebanese-Israeli withdrawal agreement should be frozen, if not abrogated, before national political reforms can be discussed. Gemayel and many Christians often have argued that Lebanon's problems are not internal but the result of foreign interference in the country's affairs. Lebanese Foreign Minister Salem says Gemayel, who will chair the meeting, intends to open the conference with an acknowledgment of Lebanon's special relationship with Syria. A discussion on the withdrawal of foreign troops also is high on Gemayel's planned agenda. The President may be prepared to suspend indefinitely the Lebanese-Israeli withdrawal accord in return for concessions by Syria and opposition forces on their demands for internal reforms. Syrian Objectives The Syrians are optimistic that the talks will result in progress toward abrogation of the ,Lebanese-Israeli aareement and withdrawal of MNF and Israeli forces Damascus probably will start with tough talk on these issues. US Embassy officials note, however, that Syria might agree to defer a final decision on the agreement to a government of national unity, since such a body would be stacked in advance to reject it. Damascus also will seek concessions from Gemayel on the redistribution of government and security jobs and a new constitutional power-sharing formula that will weaken the influence of the Phalange Party. Damascus wants a central government that is relatively strong but that can be counted on to pursue pro-Syrian foreign policies. Outlook Most Lebanese politicians have participated in unsuccessful reconciliation conferences, and they are not confident that this meeting will do better. Both Gemayel and his opposition are being urged not to make substantial compromises. The President has to answer not only to Christian extremists, including his father, but to traditional Lebanese politicians who do not want their positions undermined by more radical politicians such as Junblatt and Bard. continued Top Secret 25X1 25X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/09: CIA-RDP85T01094R000500020007-3 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/09: CIA-RDP85TO1094R000500020007-3 Top Secret The conferees meeting in Switzerland are temporarily out of reach from many of their extremist followers, but they recognize that any agreements they reach in Geneva will have to be sold to their constituencies back home. The bombings in Beirut last week remind Lebanese poll ' are under the constant threat of assassination. The discussions may easily become stalemated over internal or foreign policy issues. If a government of national unity is formed, it could endure only by dealing with the demand for fundamental political reforms. The participants at the conference might agree to such a government, however, to buy time until the winter is over and they can resume military action in the spring. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/09: CIA-RDP85TO1094R000500020007-3 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/09: CIA-RDP85TO1094R000500020007-3 Top Secret Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/09: CIA-RDP85TO1094R000500020007-3