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25X1 Approved For Release 20D7103109:CIA-RDPBST00675ROD2DOD210D24.7 Approved For Relea e 875R002000210024-7 S-E-C-R-Ill'-T 0/b 1 (V) /.j~,~ CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE A G E N C Y OFT, ICE OF NATIONAL ESTIMATES 23 November 1964 STA 3 T MEMORANDUM NO. 53-EJ (Internal ONE Working Paper -- CIA L'iatribuLion Only) 1. Thn Military Junta, which acized power in July 1963 from the discredited Aroaenena regime, had widespread support and an opportunity to undertake far-reaching change.* Although it declared its intention to effect badly needed political and social reform before returning power to an elected civil government, its performance hag been (eLsappoiuting. It has initiated some useful, tzough modeEst, measures, e,g., an agrarian reform law, a civil service act,, and several finan- cial improvements. But there measures, of which implementa- tion has been slow, fall sh;rt of the reforms needed. And the outlook is not bright for more vigorous action during the next few months. Approved For Release GROUP 1 Excluded from automatic S-E-C-R-E-T downgrading and Document not ossification found in MQ1 007/03/09: CIA-RDP85TO 875R002000210024-705/26/04 Approved For Release - 5R002000210024-7 G -E-C-fl-1.-T 2. The Junta has loot some of its initial popular support and is encountering increasing criticism within the military. There ~.s wrangling and disagreement among its members.* The one seemingly bright star, General Gandara, has faded perceptibly, though he has served as a partial brake on the ambitious Colonel F`reile. We think the possibility hao increased that the Junta will be realigned or replaced, perhaps as a result of a bid by Fireia.e for sole po rer. Freile has a powerful trump card: the Air Force, competent and loyal to him, can pose a threat to the capital while enjoying immunity at a base in the Galapagos Islands, some six hundred miles off the coast; on occasion, he has moved his planes to the Galapagos to intimidate the other Junta non- bers. 3. In accompaniment to these rumblings within the mili- tary, Ecuador's disparate political groups have voiced demands Approved For Release 007/03/09 : CIA-RDP85T00 75R002000210024-7 25X1 Approved For Release 2007/03/09: CIA-RDP85T00875R0 S-E-C-R-E-T for elections and a "return to constitutionalism."* The Inrtios, however, arc as peraonallatic and archaic as ever. There is a dearth of responsible politicyl Leaders and a plethora of dema- gogues. Unhappily, the demagoguna ucuei ly win in Ecuador Velasco Ibarra has been four-times elected to the Presidency, thrice deposed). A military candidate mi,ht be nominated, the unsavory Colonel Freile a likely possibility. 4. In short, the prospects are not promising. Ecuador has yet to have a revolution, peaceful. or otherwise, irhich will end or materially lesson the power of the short-sighted oligarchy which dominates the country. The longer this revolution is delayed, the more likely that its ultimate course will be violent and ex.. treme; under these circumstances, the Coi=uni cta, now few and badly divided, could be expected to gain much. The Junta has bumbled along for almost el.ghteen month u; it may continue to do so. In any event, about the most that can now be realistically expected from it or ozy li%ely successor regi=--, military or civilian, is more of the c5ale. * The Junta has stated that it will annnuce in January its plan for the "return"; a possible turnover date is next summer or fall. Tb Junta, however, is almost certai dy not in agreement on the matter. -3- S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 007/03/09 : CIA-RDP85T00875 002000210024-7 25X1