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Approved For Release 1999/09/25: CIA-RDP85T00875R001500130010-7
Calendar of Economic Events
October- December 1974
No Foreign Dissem
ER CEE 74.10
October 1974
:',.r ?~'i 'i'U 9
AG~:~VC X App 69P%69/09/25 : CIA-RDP85T00875R001500130010-
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Approved For Release 1999/09/25: CIA-RDP85T00875R001500130010-7
Approved For Release 1999/09/25: CIA-RDP85T00875R001500130010-7
Chronological Sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I
Economic Events, by Area of Interest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
International Energy and Commodity Situation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Other Interregional Conferences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Western Europe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Western Hemisphere . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Middle East and Africa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Nun-Communist Asia and Pacific . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S
USSR and Eastern Europe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Approved For Release 1999/09/25 Cdt P85T00875R001500130010-7
Approved For Release 1999/09/25 CIA-tRQP85T00875R001500130010-7
No f orriipi I )is.srni
October-December 1974
Date Event
Continuing US-Panarnanian negotiations on a new Canal Treats'
Continuing Mexican Investment Fair (Mexico City)
23 Sep-5 Oct World Food Conference Preparatory Committee ill (Rome)
29 Sep-4 Oct Japanese Finance Minister Ohira visits th,. United States
29 Sep-4 Oct World Bank/IMF (Washington)
29 Sep-1C Oct Japanese Food Agency Administrative Dire,;tor Sugiyama visits the United
1-3 Meeting of US-Yugoslav Joint Board on Scientific and Technological
Cooperation (Belgrade)
2 OECD Oil Committee (Paris)
3-4 OECD Export Credits Group (Paris)
3-5 First meeting of US.USSR Joint Committee on Energy
5-15 Romania's Foreign Minister Macovescu visits Mexico
7-10 Czechoslovak Foreign Minister Bohuslav Chnoupek visits Washington to sign
World War II gold and property settlement
7-11 UNIDO Investment Promotion Meeting for LDC Chemical Industries
8-11 Third meeting of US-USSR Joint Working Group on Agricultural Economic
Research and Information (Moscow)
* See page 5 for a functional and geographic breakdown and statement of US policy interest.
Events in bold face in the chronological sequence are considered to be of special interest. This
quarterly calendar is updated and issued on a monthly basis.
Note: Comments and queries regarding this publication are welcomed. They may be directed
25X1 A to of the Office of Economic Research, Code 143, Extension 5021.
Approved For Release 1999/09/2v?0.''itA'-`RDP85T00875R001500130010-7
Approved For Release 1999/09/25: CIA-RDP85T00875R001500130010-7
8-I5 Poland's Party Leader Edward Gierek visits the United States
11-20 Sistemotekhnika Exhibition (Leningrad)
13-14 Japanese Director General of Natural Resources and Energy Agency Masuda
visits the United States
13-15 Secretary Simon visits USSR
14 Coordinating Committee (COCOM) List Review (Paris)
14-15 EC Foreign Ministers (Luxembourg)
14-15 International Meeting on Meat (Washington)
15-17 Egyptian Foreign Minister Fahmi visits Moscow
17 IBRD-ADB-sponsored Consultative Meeting on Postwar Aid to Indochina
21 EC Finance Ministers (Luxembourg) (tentative)
21 Prime Minister Trudeau of Canada arrives in Paris to begin visits to West
European capitals
21-22 EC Agriculture Committee (Luxembourg)
21-23 Biannual meeting of Executive Session on Research and Technology under
US-USSR Agricultural Cooperation Agreement (Washington)
22 Arab League Foreign Ministers
22-23 OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC) (Paris)
23-24 ASEAN Standing Committee (Kuala Lumpur)
24-25 IBRD-sponsored Consortium on aid to Bangladesh (Paris)
28-29 Board Meeting of the Intergovernmental Council of Copper Exporting
Countries (CIPEC) (Lima, Peru), Chile, Zambia, Zaire, Peru
29 Oct-l Nov Second annual meeting of US-USSR Joint Committee on Cooperation in Field
of Agriculture (Washington)
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Approved For Release 1999/09/25: CIA-RDP85T00875R001500130010-7
30 Oct-5 Nov 4th World Tin Conference (Kuala Lumpur)
31 Oct-I Nov French Foreign Affairs Minister Sauvagnargucs visits Israel
31 Oct-I Nov Multilateral Trade Negotiations Working Groups
Late Oct- Republic of China Minister of Economic Affairs Sun to visit the United States
early Nov
Late Japanese Agriculture and Forestry Vice Minister Nakano visits the United
Late Secretary Kissinger visits India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh
Late Sixth meeting of mixed nongovernmental Soviet-Japanese Joint Economic
Commission (Moscow)
Date not set Joint US-Israeli Economic Subcommittees (in Israel)
Date not set Pakistan Prime Minister Bhutto visits Moscow
Date not set Soviet economic delegation visits Libya
Date not set Zaire's President Mobutu visits USSR
4-5 OECD Economic Policy Committee Working Group on Short-Term Economic
Prospects (Paris)
4-6 Iron Ore Exporters (Geneva)
4-8 Senior Economic Advisers to ECE Governments (Geneva)
5-11 Italy's President Leone visits Iran
5-16 UN World Food Conference (Rome)
8 Special meeting of OAS Foreign Ministers (Quito)
II International Bauxite Association (Georgetown, Guyana)
12 OECD Foreign Ministers (Paris)
onf'd ti
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18 EC Finance Council (Brussels)
18-22 President Ford visits Japan
22-23 President Ford visits South Korea
24 71st Session of the International Wheat Council (London)
26-27 International Symposium on Sea Fisheries Law (Szczecin, Poland)
26-27 OECD Trade Committee Meeting (Paris)
Date not set US Committee on Cooperation with Iran
2.3 EC Foreign Ministers (Brussels)
12 OPEC Ministerial (Vienna)
Second or Soviet party's Central Committee Plenum and Supreme Soviet
third week
Date not set EC and Associated and Associable States (Brussels)
Date not set Renegotiation of Laurel-Langley Agreement (Manila) (possibly December)
Approved For Release 1999/09/25: CIA-RDP85T00875R001500130010-7
Approved For Release 1999/09/25: CIA-RDP85T00875R001500130010-7
Event/US Policy Interest
23 Sep-5 Oct World Food Conference Preparatory Committee III (Rome). Will focus on
ways to increase world food production, on worldwide grain reserves, and
on food aid policies.
2 OECD Oil Committee (Paris). Will discuss present oil situation.
14-15 International Meeting on Meat (Washington). Will discuss international meat
outlook, including production trends and trade problems.
30 Oct-5 Nov 4th World Tin Conference (Kuala Lumpur). Pricing policy will be an
impo; Cant topic.
4-6 Iron Ore Exporters (Geneva). The Caracas Group will discuss formation c't'
a formal organization, establishment of a price floor, export quotas, and
price escalation clauses in long-term contracts.
5-16 UN World Food Conference (Rome). To address world food production and
24 71st Session of the International Wheat Council (London). Will decide
whether current international agreement should be extended another year
or revised.
12 OPEC Ministerial (Vienna). To consider increased prices for crude oil and
increased taxes on oil conpanfes for early 1975.
29 Sep-4 Oct World Bank/IMF (Washington). Discussions on global economic outlook,
including formal establishment of a joint ministerial committee to study the
transfer of real resources to the LDCs, and capitalization requirements.
Approved For Release 1999/09/25 :OdIA- P85T00875R001500130010-7
Approved For Release 1999/09/25: CIA-RDP85T00875R001500130010-7
Date Event/US Policy Interest
3.4 OECD Export Credits Group (Paris). Continuation of September discussions.
7-11 UNIDO Investment Promotion Meeting for LDC Chemical Industries
(Bucharest). To provide facilities for LDCs to submit project proposals for
cooperation with potential suppliers of capital and/or know-how.
14 Coordinating Committee (COCOM) List Review (Paris). Each country will
have opportunity to propose changes in the list of embargoed strategic
22-23 OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC) (Paris). Will discuss aid
to LDCs.
28-29 Board Meeting of the Intergovernmental Council of Copper Exporting
Countries (CIPEC) (Lima, Peru), Chile, Zambia, Zaire, Peru. Tc discuss means
of raising and stabilizing international copper prices.
31 Oct . Nov Multilateral Trade Negotiations Working Groups. Nearly all MTN working
groups have scheduled meetings to continue technical preparations for MTN.
4.5 OECD Economic Policy Committee Working Group on Short-Term Economic
Prospects (Paris). Will discuss preliminary drafts of OECD short-term
economic forecasts.
12 OECD Foreign Ministers (Paris). Will confer on inflation-related problems.
26-27 OECD Trade Committee Meeting (Paris). Will examine commodity trade
problems and export controls.
26-27 International Sym!nosium on Sea Fisheries Law (Szczecin, Poland). To focus
on economic .."u legal aspects of fishing fleet operations.
Date not set EC and Associated and Associable States (Brussels). To negotiate new trading
arrangements effective on 31 January 1975.
Approved For Release 1999/09/25: CIA-RDP85T00875R001500130010-7
Approved For Release 1999/09/25: CIA-RDP85T00875R001500130010-7
Event/US I'olicy Interest
EC Foreign Ministers (Luxembourg). Discussions of European economic
EC Finance Ministers (Luxembourg) (tentative).
inflation problems.
EC Agriculture Committee (Luxembourg). Discussions on IiC price policy.
31 Oct-1 Nov
French Foreign Affairs Minister Sauvagnaigues visits Israel. Will discuss
various economic problems.
Senior Economic Advisers to ECE Governments (Geneva). Discussion of
overall economic perspective and program of work on basic products and
EC Finance Council (Brussels). Medium-term loan to Italy will be on agenda.
EC Foreign Ministers (Brussels). Discussion of common economic problems.
5- 15
US-Panamanian negotiations on a new Canal Treaty. Will attempt to replac-
existing treaty.
Mexican Investment Fair (Mexico City). To promote foreign investm.:rt in
Romania's Foreign Minister Macovescu visits Mexico. Economic relations will
be prominent topic in this highest level visit between the two countries.
21 Prime Minister Trudeau of Canada arrives in Paris to begin visits to West
European capitals. Will discuss commercial relations with the EC and
individual West European countries.
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Approved For Release 1999/09/25 co90A-RRDP85T00875R001500130010-7
Event/US Policy Interest
8 Special meeting of OAS Foreign Ministers (Quito). To consider ending OAS
embargo against Cuba.
11 International Bauxite Association (Georgetown, Guyana). Attempt to devise
strategy for boosting export tax on bauxite.
15-17 Egyptian Foreign Minister Fahmi visits Moscow. May lead to continued
improvement in Egyptian-Soviet relations and more Soviet arms to Egypt.
22 Arab League Foreign Ministers. Could generate further concensus in Arab
approach to Israel, oil matters, et a!.
Date not set Joint US-Israeli Economic Subcommittees (Israel). Second round of meetings
to explore sales and investment opportunities.
Date not set Zaire's President Mobutu visits USSR. Probably will seek economic aid.
Date not set Soviet economic delegation visits Libya. To discuss Soviet participation in
port, steel, and oil development projects.
5-11 Italy's President Leone visits Iran. Will pursue economic cooperation,
including financial assistance to Rome.
Date not set US Committee on Cooperation with Iran. Will explore areas for intensified
economic cooperation, e.g., investment, coproduction, and technical assistance.
29 Sep-4 Oct Japanese Finance Minister Ohira visits the United States. Occasioned by
annual World Bank/IMF meeting; Ohira to meet with Secretary Simon,
probably to discuss economic conditions in Japan and the United States and
world oil developments.
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Approved For Release 1999/09/25: CIA Dtia5T00875R001500130010-7
on i enP8
29 Sep-10 Oct
Late Oct-
early Nov
Event/US Policy Interest
Japanese Food Agency Administrative Director Sugiyama visits the United
States. Discussions are likely to focus on international food trade, reserves,
and prices, with special emphasis on wheat.
Japanese Director General of Natural Resources and Energy Agency Masuda
visits the United Fates. Will likely meet with Federal Energy Administrator
Sawhill and Assistant Secretary of State finders on energy matters.
IBRD?ADB-sponsored Consultative Meeting on Postwar Aid to Indochina
(Paris). Attempt to create multinational framework fbr aid to countries of
Indochina; could help reduce large US aid burden to area.
ASEAN Standing Committee (Kuala Lumpur). To establish guidelines and
priority areas for cooperation among member nations.
IBRD-sponsorcd Consortium on aid to Bangladesh (Paris). US economic aid
will be discussed.
Japan se Agriculture and Forestry Vice Minister Nakano visits the United
States. Will disco.,,, international food issues, including food reserves
Secretary Kissinger visits India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. Topics will include
US aid and commercial relations.
Republic of China Minister of Economic Affairs Sun visits the United States.
To meet with US businessmen, bankers, and government officials to discuss
bilateral trade and US loans.
Pakistan Prime Minister Bhutto visits Moscow. Trade sand aid are likely agenda
President Ford visits Japan. Meeting with Japanese Prime Minister Tanaka
presui nahly will include discussion of bilateral economic relations and
international issues.
President Ford visits South Korea. Meeting with South Korean President Pak
will include discussion of US economic aid to South Korea.
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Approved For Release 1999/09/224fi&RDP85T00875R001500130010-7
Date not set
Event/US Policy Interest
Renegotiation of Laurel-Langley Agreement (Manila) (possibly December),
Agreement, which expired 3 Jul v, has governed US-Philippine economic
relations since 19.55; Ji-rther progress likely to be contingent on passage of
US trade re form bill.
1-3 Meeting of US-Yugoslav Joint Board on Scientific and Technological
Cooperation (Belgrade). Agenda not yet known.
3-5 First meeting of US-USSR Joint Committee on energy. Will discuss
implementation of the US-USSR agreement in field of energy.
7-10 Czechoslovak Foreign Minister Bohuslav Chnoupek visits Washington to sign
World War II gold and property settlement. Signing depends on Senate action
on Gravel-Long Amendment requiring full, rather than the negotiated partial,
payment of US property claims.
8-I I Third meeting of US-USSR Joint Working Group on Agricultural Economic
Research and Information (Moscow). To review progress of the Group and
plans for the next year.
8-15 Poland's Party Leader Edward Gierek visits the United States. Meeting with
President Ford, signing of an agricultural trade protocol, and discussions with
businessmen are scheduled.
11-20 Sistemotekhnika Exhibition (Leningrad). Export control licensing problems
may cause embarrassment and contention; all major US computer firms
reportedly will participate.
13-I5 Secretary Simon visits USSR. To attend meeting of US-USSR Trade and
Economic Council and hold informal meetings with Soviet officials.
21-23 Biannual meeting of Executive Session on Research and Technology under
US-USSR Agricultural Cooperation Agreement (Washington). Will review
progress of Agreement and plans for next year.
29 Oct-I Nov Second annual meeting of US-USSR Joint Committee on Cooperation in
Agriculture (Washington). To discuss problems encountered under the
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Approved For Release 1999/09/25: &J '85T00875R001500130010-7
Date Event/US Polk p Interest
Late Sixth meeting of mixed nongovernmental Soviet-Japanese Joint Economic
Commission (Moscow). Topic will be Aloscow-Tokyo cooperation in
development of Yakutsk coking coal and other Siberian resources.
Second or Soviet party's Central Committee 1'Ienurn and Supreme Soviet. To approve
third week economic plan and budget Jor 1975.
Approved For Release 1999/09/25 F *`1 P85T00875R001500130010-7