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Approved For Release 2008/11/18: CIA-RRDP85T00875RO01100130059-8 beciret DIRECTORATE OF INTELLIGENCE Intelligence Memorandum Moscow and the Persian Gulf Secret 96 ]2 May 1972 No. 0865/72 Approved For Release 2008/11/18: CIA-RDP85T00875RO01100130059-8 c / -~ 07 c, Approved For Release 2008/11/18: CIA-RDP85T00875RO01100130059-8 Approved For Release 2008/11/18: CIA-RDP85T00875RO01100130059-8 Approved For Release 2008/11/18: CIA-RDP85T00875RO01100130059-8 SECRET CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY Directorate of Intelligence 12 May 1,972 Moscow and the Persian Gulf 1. Soviet policies in the Persian Gulf have followed a consistent course over the past five years. During this period, Moscow has probed the area, seeking--as opportunities arose---o e;:tend its political and military influence into a region of traditional Russian concern. Iran, Iraq, and Kuwait have been responsive to Soviet overtures. Moscow has been particularly successful in using economic openings with Tehran and Baghdad to foster the growth of policies more friendly to the USSR. After Kuwait gained independence in 1961, the Soviets moved quickly to establish a diplomatic mission. In 1970, Soviet representatives in Kuwait arranged for Kuwaiti oil to be delivered to Japan, a Soviet customer, in return for the shipment of Soviet crude to Kuwait's clients in Europe. 2. gran is now the fourth largest recipient of Soviet economic aid and the second largest re- cipient of East European aid. Although this assist- ance still represents only a small part of the total financing for Iran's economic development program, Soviet activity is the dominant foreign activity in the northern part of the country and is important in other sectors. The largest Soviet project in Iran is the Isfahan steel mill, which the USSR agreed to undertake after the West turned it down as economically unfeasible. As repayment for most of its credits, the USSR is taking a billion dol- lars worth of natural gas from Iran over the next decade. Note: This memorandum was prepared by the Office of Current Intelligence and coordinated within the Directorate of Intelligence. SECRET Approved For Release 2008/11/18: CIA-RDP85T00875RO01100130059-8 Approved For Release 2008/11/18: CIA-RDP85T00875R001100130059-8 SECRET 3. The USSR also has emerged as Iran's third largest arms supplier. The most recent agreement brought Soviet military aid to Iran to a total of more than $350 million. Tehran's purchases have been confined to conventional armaments, such as artillery and armored personnel carriers. The Shah prefers not to purcha3e sophisticated arms from Mos- cow in order to avoid becoming dependent on the So- viets for technical assistance and spare parts. 4. Soviet-Iraqi ties have developed rapidly and have led to the signing of a Treaty of Friend- ship and Cooperation on 9 April. Last fall Moscow agreed to deliver to Iraq military equipment worth about $250 million. AAA guns, anti-tank rockets, armored personnel carriers, and fighter aircraft were included. 5. Article Nine of the Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation could, moreover, lead to a greater Soviet military presence in Iraq. That article states, "In the interests of the security of both countries, the high contracting parties will con- tinue to develop cooperation in the strengthening of their defense capabilities." This is a careful formulation and raises the possibility of reciproc- ity in the Soviet-Iraqi military relationship; the formulation was not in the Soviet treaties with Egypt and India. The friendship treaty with India had no defense provision, and the treaty with Cairo was designed "in the interests of...the United Arab Republic" to strengthen only Egypt's defense capa- bility. 6. In view of logistic constraints on Soviet operations in the Indian Ocean, the USSR might be interested in obtaining support facilities in Iraq similar to those now available to the Soviet Navy in the Mediterranean. Such facilities would in- crease the on-station time of Soviet naval ships in Approved For Release 2008/11/18: CIA-RDP85T00875R001100130059-8 Approved For Release 2008/11/18: CIA-RDP85T00875R001100130059-8 bJ A 1t.L 1 0 both the Indian Ocean and the Persian Gulf. In ad- dition, the Soviets could seek air access to speed the exchange of naval crews and replacement of parts and to provide landing facilities for naval reconnaissance aircraft. 7. At the moment, Iraq does not have a suffi- cient maintenance and repair capacity to handle So- viet naval ships. The facilities of Basra, Iraq's only large port, are in continuous use; those at the small port of Umm Qasr would have to be expanded to provide effective support. Umm Qasr does have a natural deep harbor with a large anchorage area, and the Iraqi Air Force has excellent facilities nearby. The Iraqi Air Force, moreover, has with Soviet assistance just built six military airfields that could be used to support a Soviet naval pres- ence in the Indian Ocean. 8. The friendship treaty also stated that the Soviets' involvement in developing Iraq's industry and natural resources would be strengthened. This involvement has been increasing since 1969 when the USSR committed at least $170 million to Iraq's na- tional oil industry. The Soviets agreed to provide equipment and technical services for projects, pri- marily in the North Rumaila oil field in southern Iraq, and they are slated to build a refinery at Mosul. Soviet personnel are also surveying a pro- posed pipeline from Baghdad to Bas-a and an exten- sion of the pipeline from Baghdad to northern Iraq. Most of this aid is to be repaid in crude oil de- liveries. 9. In the long term, an increase in Soviet political influence in the Persian Gulf would offer Moscow an opportunity to exercise some influence over the gulf oil industry. The Soviets have been cautious about this, however, and with good reason. The USSR is not only self-sufficient in oil, but is a large net exporter of oil and is likely to remain so throughout this decade. The Soviets, moreover, would be reluctant to pay hard currency for Persian Gulf oil and have shown no desire to absorb more than a fraction of the oil produced there. -3- SECRET Approved For Release 2008/11/18: CIA-RDP85T00875R001100130059-8 Approved For Release 2008/11/18: CIA-RDP85T00875R001100130059-8 IRAQ`kA ~~.Ahvuz Basra.-lvr%rrYr 101113114111 Abadan Umm Dear KUWAIT. Bushire Dhahran ? BAHRAIN 'Manama Holul. IRAN Bandar 'Abbas. Bandar a lengeh. Rag aI , Khaimah i /OMAN Umm aI Daiwain jSharjah Dubai,{ UNITED ARAB EMIRATES ARABIA *Kuwait ?MAhmadl SAUDI Abu Dhabi Fujairah frt~ ff. / %Buraimi iOasis 4~.~n I VmArv i:uir.ii Q ?y too Approved For Release 2008/11/18: CIA-RDP85T00875R001100130059-8 Approved For Release 2008/11/18: CIA-RDP85T00875R001100130059-8 SECRET 10. Moscow's assistance to the oil'-prz;1voing nations at present is confined mainly to produc`.ion operations. The Soviets are not able to supplant the various international companies in marketing petroleum. In this field Soviet technical expertise and machinery are in disrepute, and it is difficult for the USSR to provide transport facilities. There- fore, Moscow's policy has been merely to urge pro- ducer governments to demand maximum revenues from Western companies and to avoid incurring any obliga- tions to purchase or dispose of the o:Ll. The Soviets are also inhibited, of course, by the recent Arab tendency to exclude foreign political influence frnm the oil industry. 11. The departure of the British and the emer- gence of the newly independent states of Bahrain, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates in the second half of 1971 has presented the Soviets with new open- ings for expanding their presence in the Gulf. 12. As in the case of Kuwait in the 1960s, the Soviets will continue to press for a diplomatic presence in these new states and in Oman, as well. The Soviets also may offer limited economic aid programs to the new governments. This would enable Moscow to gain greater knowledge of the area and to improve the Soviet image throughout the Gulf. -4- SECRET Approved For Release 2008/11/18: CIA-RDP85T00875R001100130059-8 Approved For Release 2008/11/18: CIA-RDP85T00875RO01100130059-8 13. The Soviets are being cautious about en- couraging subversive activity in the area. They have established contact with the Popular Front for the Liberation of Oman and Arab Gulf and the Bahraini National Liberation Front and apparently have pro- vided some small arms and limited funds to the former through Yemen (Aden). As in the case of Aden, how- ever, Moscow will wait until a radical element has given evidence of being able to endure before chan- neling more substantial equipment and support to the liberation movement. Meanwhile, Soviet propaganda has become less enthusiastic over the prospects for success of liberation movements in the area. 14. Although greater soviet involvement in the Gulf area is virtually a foregone conclusion, there are limits on Moscow's freedom to maneuver. In the first place, greater Soviet attention to the Gulf could disturb the friendly relations that currently exist between the USSR and Iran. The Soviet assist- ance programs in Iran are large and important. They are being implemented more rapidly than Soviet pro- grams in other less developed countries; only India and Egypt receive larger amounts of Communist aid. The political and economic benefits that have ac- crued to the USSR from its trade and aid ties with Iran have become important policy considerations in Moscow. 15. The Soviets have been telling Tehran that the Soviet rapprochement with Iraq is not aimed against Iran. On several occasions during the past year, the Soviets tried to reassure the Iranians regarding Baghdad's intentions and stressed Moscow's desire to expand its ties with Iran. Last November, for example, the USSR refused a request by Iraq that Moscow protest Iran's seizure of islands in the Per- 16. While the Soviets could use naval facili- ties in the Indian Ocean for their ships, they have not assigned a high priority to securing such facil- ities in the Gulf itself. One Soviet official has Approved For Release 2008/11/18: CIA-RDP85T00875RO01100130059-8 Approved For Release 2008/11/18: CIA-RDP85T00875R001100130059-8 A bii 1(J! 1 described the Gulf as a "mousetrap for all ships." In any event, it will remain difficult fo the So- viets to carry on naval activity in the Indian Ocean and the Persian Gulf as long as the Suez Canal re- mains closed. Soviet military activity could also stimulate increased cooperation among the smaller Gulf states, as well as strong reactions frcm Iran and Saudi Arabia. 17. The Soviets probably will continue to en- courage radical groups in the area, but will. be dis- creet in order that their efforts remain undetected. They will not provide substantial assistance to the liberation movements and will not commit their own forces to any attempt to overthrow the conservative Gulf regimes. In view of the fragile political structure .lr the area, however, it is well to remem- ber that e?',:.n a minimal Soviet effort to support sub- versi-ve groups could have considerable impact. 18. In sum, the Soviets probably will continue to follow the policy they have pursued over the past five years with significant success, particularly in their relations with Iraq and Iran. Even better ties with Iraq can be expected, and the Soviets will use their influence to try to push the Baghdad gov- ernment closer to their other major Arab clients, Egypt and Syria. The USSR will avoid taking sides in the disputes between Iran and Iraq, hoping the Shah will come to accept the greater Soviet involve- ment with Baghdad. In the long run, a stronger So- viet political position and a more obtrusive military posture can be expected throughout the Persian Gulf. sECxET Approved For Release 2008/11/18: CIA-RDP85T00875R001100130059-8