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Approve,. Release CI,..5.0875.0060004001,5 Approve,. Release CI,..5.0875.0060004001,5 Approved For Release 2004/10/12 : CIA-RDP85T00875R000600040012-5 East Asian Contested Islands Secret Secret BG 1 RP 74-12 February '1974 44, .,."..? - S? . ' .. 11 . I/ 4 ?.(' '''' 4...4 ? I -7 ? ? i,,,, , ' ,4 .? ,..., ?? '' ' ?itt d For 2004/10/12 : CIA-RDP85T00875R000600040012-5 . , ?,,, ,, . .? \ e, .., ? .. .,.,,. ,? ?-,,-, ? ,,,, - r ,-'2,:j ,1"" ..,?;r%'` ', i't ' .? 0=i1::1-e. `i ., , ., , ,, . , , ' , ?,I?,- A4 ' ' ,.. ? t; 25X1 Approved For Release 2004/10/12 : CIA-RDP85T00875R000600040012-5 SECRET C 0 11 'I' P; 1:11 S 87,61771(1 VI/ trol.elfm 1'roopf3cto 3 South China Sea Islands . . . . . I; Paracet Cs lands . . . . . . 6 Spratly Islands . . . . . 7 Pratao . . 10 facclesfield and Scarborough Shoal . . ii Disputed Islands in the Gulf of Thailand ? 12 Senkakus ? ? Seabed Jurisdictional Issues . Political Implications and Outlook ? 14 ^ zc. 20 MPS Following page: A. East Asian Contested Islands . . 3 13. Contested Islands in the South China Sea 5 C. Paracel Islands . ? ? 6 D. Spratly Islands ? ? ? ? 7 E. Pratas Island ? ? ? ? ? 10 F. Contested Islands in the Gulf of Thailand . 12 G. Senkaku Islands ? ? ? . ? . 14 B. Southeast Asia: Con flic tinj, Continental Shelf Claims ? . ? ? ? 16 TA ,61.,P.'7 l. Parauoi isla,z(.s . ? ? C 2. ?();;) rat I y Islands . . 7 ir71(02dr3 :in the Gulf of Thz7i i.and ? 12 V. SEC:rarr ForRelease 2004/10/12 : CIA:RUP55TU13675R00061:1004=2:5-- tit Approved For Release 2004/10/12 : CIA-RDP85T00875R000600040012-5 5rtiMAir Central In Lel 1 i genco Actency Di rectorate of In tel 1 i gen ce February 1974 EAST ASIAN CONTESTED ISLANDS SUMMARY Recent clashes between the Peoples Republic of China (PRC) and South Vietnam over the Paracel Islands and the rush to occupy some of the Spratly Islands by South Vietnamese and Philippine troops relate to old disputes but with a new twist -- oil. In the past 5 years, preliminary geophysical exploration and a few drillings along the margins of the East Asian Continental Shelf have heightened expectations that sizable oil deposits lie beneath the East and South China Seas. The Paracels, Spratlys, and other islands off the East Asia mainland, including those in the Gulf of Thailand and the East China Sea, are now being contested, not for their intrinsic worth but for their value in determining seabed jurisdiction. ? ? ? ? ? ? Almost all of the contested islands are without an indigenous population, and their economic value -- aside from extraction of guano phosphates on some -- is virtually nil. Present international law provides inadequate guidelines for determining the seaward extension of land boundaries, either on the continental shelf or into the deeper waters of semi-enclosed seas. This shortcoming magnifies the confusion in the jurisdictional picture of the South China and East China Seas. The Third International Conference on the Law of the Sea (LOS), which convenes in the summer of 1974, may resolve some of these problems. SECRET Approved For Release 2004/10/12 : CIA-RDP85T00875R000600040012-5 .'7171tr ? 17 25X1 Approved For Release 2004/10/12 : CIA-RDP85T00875R000600040012-5 ? ? ? If the upcomi n!-.1 LOS Conference adopts treasures to al locate seabed resources in semi -enci osed seas , ownershi p of isl ands could be crucial deferral ring %,./hich coastal state gets the 1 a rg es t share of the seabed and ts rEseurces Owners hi p of the islands could becore a major source of fri c:t i on among the cl aimants even if ? as seems ii ke.ly there are no further mi ii tary c'l ashes on the Paracel s pattern. There is an obvious possibility for upset in Si no-J ananese relations if Tokyo begins oilexploration acti vi ty I n the Senkakus sector wi thout pri or agreement with the Chinese. There is also a potential for di s- rupti on of the Sino-US detente, particularly if Peking attempts to move against the Nati on al is t garrison on Prates . Though China's problems with other claimants are susceptible of negotiation in time, the current surge of interest in oil exploration off the East Asi an coast may lead to precipitate and risky actions in some instances. SECRET " l""7787n7a7tDrartrr*ernftare'NYrr4TRYn'rrelA"MTF)3B'rZMS-RO 0 0 6-0-01141TOT2:5- 5X1 Approved For Release 2004/10/12 : CIA-RDP85T00875R000600040012-5 1 . Contested i sl ands fri nge the East As.' an inai n1 and , extendi nq north to south from the west coast of Korea to the Sou th China Sea and Gulf of Thai 1 and.* All of the s 1 rinds in dispute are small , mos t are uni nhabi ted , and only a .few have any economi c si gni fi cance (Ilap A) . In- terest in them has risen and publ i city over rival cl aims has grown since 1970 ? fol 1 owl ng release of data i ndi cati ng the probabi 1 ty of' petroleum resources in the East and South China Seas . Al though notional presti ce , ni 1 i tary , and s trategi c factors are si gni fi cant elements in at least some of the disputes, the seabed resources issue undoubtedly is the motive that has fanned controversy and hastened decisions to seize control of sal-re of these islands. Petroleum Prospects 2. There is oil beneath the seabed of the South China and East China Seas. Oil and natural gas are today extracted off the shores of Sarawak and Brunei, in the southern part of the South China Sea.** Exploratory drilling in the past year indicates the probability of deposits off the west coast of Sabah in East Malaysia, the east coast of West Malaysia, in the middle of the Gulf of Thai land (an arm of the South China Sea) , and on the conti nental shelf between the Peoples Republic of China (PRC), Taiwan, and Japan in the East China Sea. The combined Sarawak c-Ad Bmnef, yrog.uction i. about 300,000 harrrin da and is expecqcd to dmiiile in tho rv:?xl; a years. 3 SECRET Appiuveii Fui Rlese 20001-0/42-..-C4A-RET85-T-G0875R00060004001-2-5- Approved For Release 2004/10/12 : CIA-RDP85T00875R000600040012-5 EaSt Pejall Contested Islands 0 170 I 500 nnutical milou 66001111BU MilUn NANICH AND 11,11INDAI/Y tiro,et SI:NTATION AUL Nor 1.11:Cr.r3LlAlilLy AUTII IIITATIVI- Map A PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF CHINA Hainan Tao Map C PARACEL ISLANDS HONG KONG MACAO il