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STAT Approved For Release 2003/04/25 :CIA-RDP85T00875R000300010015-8 STAT Soviet Scientists ~n~' Scientific Org~niz~tion.r X133 ~ 28 FeU x974? FF'D 001$f74 Approved For Release 2003/04/25 :CIA-RDP85T00875R000300010015-8 IIIIII~~~~~~~I!IIIIII FOREIGN BROADCAST INFORMATION SERVICE ~Illllll~~iiuuuiii~~lllllll~ Approved For Release 2003/04/25 :CIA-RDP85T00875R000300010015-8 Approved For Release 2003/04/25 :CIA-RDP85T00875R000300010015-8 This monthly publication contains information on the structure, activities, and personnel of Soviet scientific orgnnizat;uns, us reported from periodicals, books, and newspapers of the USSR. Acporting of events which have been covered adequately in official or public sources is not repeated in this pub- lication. Items contained in this report ;u?e full trnnsltttion, excerpts, or abstracts a:: indicated at the oc}!inning of each iteur. Also included in the overall FBIS reporting program on Soviet science and technology is the monthly publication Foreign Press lligesf: Ci/bcrrretics in the USSR. . tiVhen FBIS is cited, it should be fit a nucnner alenrl~ iclentif~i-ib it as the secondas?~ source, that is, the prfnutr~ source should be cited as well. For example: "FBIS reports that crccordin~ to PRAVDA, the :' or "FI31S has translated un article from IZVI?STIYA which says ..." FBIS me>' be cited as the source for items in this publication, ex^ept for certain items which arc labeled FOH OFh1CIAL USF, ONLI' bec:urse of laws n?lating to copyright, libel, and ronunu- nications, Items so hcbeled nu~?~t not be disseminated or attributed outside government circles unless authorized by FBIS. Publication of an item in this ropon .:acs not Lnply U.S. Government support for the opinion it expresses. Approved For Release 2003/04/25 :CIA-RDP85T00875R000300010015-8 Approved For Release 2003/04/25: CIA-RDP85T00875R000300010015-8 ~:~~ II. Medicine and Health USSR ~ 1~ 12 Republics 18 III. Activities of Scientific Organizations 2.% ;Rr, Criticism and Commentary 2~ V. Awards, Contests, Appointments. and Personalities 2q VI. Obituaries 33 VII. VIII, IX. X, Foreign Scientific Cooperation New Organizations Conferences Organizational Briefs 35 CEO ~~~ ~}E Approved For Release 2003/04/25: CIA-RDP85T00875R000300010015-8 F'OREIQN PRESS AIOEST NO SOVIET SCIENIIST3 AND 3CTENTIFIC OR MNIZATIONS (133) CONTENTS ' Approved For Release 2003/04/25: CIA-RDP85T00875R000300010015-8 1. USSR ARMENPRESS "k`undamental Scienoes and the National Economy" Yerevan, Kommunist, 22 Dec 73, p 3 Translation: On 19-20 December 1973 a scientific session of the Armenian Academy of Sciences devoted to the topical sub~eot of the role of fundamental sciences in the development of the national economy was held in Yerevan. President of the Republic Academy of Sciences of the Republic Academician V. Ambartsum3ran addressed the session. "Our present session," he said, "coincides with the 30th anniversary of the foundation of the Armenian Academy of Sciences, and this is somehow symbolic. If we revert to the events of the Qreat Patriotic War, we can say with certainty that it was only consciousness of the acute need and importance of fundamental sciences 1/12 ARMENPRESS, Konununist, 22 Dec 73~ p 3 for further development of the economy of Soviet republics that could induce the Party and the (lovernment to allot, in the hard year of 1943, both efforts and funds for the creation of great scientific centers. It is but natural, therefore, that our Academy from the very first days of its foundation and still now works under the motto Ito serve the nation." "Scientific centers such as Yerevan State University, the Armenian Affiliate of the Academy of Sciences USSR, and others existed in our Republic before the foundation of the Academy. However, the oreation of an independent large-scale center of science served as a. basis for increasing the volume and enhancement of the level of scientific research." "The activity of the Armenian Academy of Sciences from the very beginning was so constrtteted that while being engaged in deep and serious?studies of basic problems of soience, it could at the same time be of maximum benefit to the national economy in solving the current and long-term problems of economic and cultural development of the Repti~blic. Approved For Release 2003/04/25: CIA-RDP85T00875R000300010015-8 Approved For Release 2003/04/25: CIA-RDP85T00875R000300010015-8 ARM}sNPRESS, Kommunist, 22 Deo 73, p 3 "During the subsequent years," continued the President, "the Armenian Academy of Sciences piously adhered to this principle. 'Phanke to that, and to the constant care and assistance rendered to solenti6ts by the Communist Party and the Qoverzunent of the Republic, the elapsed three decades became a period of steady development and flourishing for the Armenian science. "Whereas before the creation of the Academy we had no more-or-less important works in~physics, mathematics, astrophysics, and mechanics, today we ?lave achieved considerable results in a number of the most important trends of these sciences. Yn biology, chemistry, and geology certain standards were reached in Armenia even before the foundation of the Academy. However, their level has been incomparably heightened, and the results of our works gradually leave their narrow limits and gain recognition far beyond the boundaries of the Republic. Finally, in the social sciences there are now such important directions as philosophy and economics, and the Armenian studies, which had already acquired a certain basis, have been widened and deepened." Further V. Ambartsumyan, basing his arguments on numerous examples from the history of world`s science, showed the role of r?ndamental branches of sciences in the development of the economy and scientific-technical revolution. A great number 3 /12 of cases are known where important discoveries served as the basis fir the development oP entire branches of the economy a>d caused a real revolution in technology. The all-round analysis shows that a direct influence of discoveries in fundamental sciences on the economical development of society is as a rule stronger and deeper than the effect of novelties introduced by applied sciences. What is more, the latter most often are generated by fundamental sciences as illustrated by the appearance of applied and structural mechanics, computer technology, nuclear engineering, electro- technical and radiotechzzical science. One more form. of the effective use of ilmda- mental sciences is its direct help in improving existing branches of production. Finally, since science itself has been transformed into a direct production force and is therefore a branch of the national economy, the application of this or that scientific discovery to the science itself also becomes of practical importance. The inflluenco ~~f fundamental sciences on the development of the national economy has found its concrete realization in the activities of the Armenian Academy of Sciences. The report detailed a great many elaboraticns of Republic scientists which are of great practical importance. Thanks to the research. work of our physicists, mathematicians, chemists, geologists, biologists, mechanical engineers, and 4/12 Approved For Release 2003/04/25: CIA-RDP85T00875R000300010015-8 Approved For Release 2003/04/25: CIA-RDP85T00875R000300010015-8 28 z~eb 74 ARMENPRESS, Kommunist, 22 Dec 73, p 3 representatives of many other branches of fundamental sciences, the economy of our Republic has lived through a real heyday and was enriched with new, modern fields of production and industry. "The scientists of the Armenian Academy of Sciences," V. Ambartsumyan continued, "closely watch the development of the national economy and look for new areas to apply their knowledge and abilities, for the 24th CPSU Congroas pointed out that such an attitudo of the leading scientists to do their utmost to ilxrther development of the national economy is the only right direction of the acienti~;Yc policy. "At the same time it is necessary for economists to seriously and thoroughly, using quantitative methods, begin studying eaonomio effectiveness o,f scientific work. There is no doubt that in this field ?we sti1A have immense reserves.. We speak of a correct and purposive organization of scientific research and struggle against petty subJects and excessive enthusiam for personal themes and dissartatio;ns. Last but not least, effectivenesE of the labor of scientists depends to a gretit extent on the technical equipment of research institutions, which in our Republic s~~till lags behind modern requirements." 5/12 . ARMENPRESS. Kommunist, 22 Dec 73. p 3 In conclusion, Academician V. Ambartsumyan stressed tho great importance of friendship, mutual aid, and iiooperation between scientists of various republics in the heyday of Soviet scienca, and noted the steady widening of relations between the Armenian Academy of Soien.~+es and Academy of Sciences USSR and with scientif3.c: centers of all' fraternal reps(?~l3es. A number of reports on applied works performed in institutions belonging to the system of the Academy was presented at the session. "Economic Science and Development of the National Economy," was the theme of the report by Academician of the Armenian Academy of Sciences A. Arakelyan. He spoke of researches of economists, of importance to the national economy, and of recommertda- tions given to the State departments and planning organizations of the Republic. Academician of the Academy S. Ambartsumyan upoke of works performed by the Institute of Mechanics. This scientific institution very successilzlly conducts research on mathematical theory of elasticity, theory of anisotropic lamellar envelopes and creepage theory, directions closely linked to problems of modern technology. Thus 6/12 Approved For Release 2003/04/25: CIA-RDP85T00875R000300010.015-8 28 Feb 71F 4 Approved For Release 2003/04/25: CIA-RDP85T00875R000300010015-8 studies by Armenian sei.entists were used to calculate creep and lasting strength of concrete and reinforced concrete structures of hydroteehnical installations in our country. Effectiveness of the work of the Institute is further attested to by the feat that many results obtained by its workers are included in ally-union manuals and specifications for calculating elements of engineering structures. The geologists have made great contributions to the ore-mining industry of our Republics Their works have helped expand the mineral raw-material base of mining enterprises and the study of distribution and propagation patterns of mineral deposits. studies carried out in Zangezur and other areas of Armenia made it possible to give recommendations on the direction of IUrther gealogiesl-prospeat:ing work. The assistance rendered by geological science to the industr~v was described in a report by Academician of the Academy 3. i~crtchyan. 1?Science and technology from time immemorial have looked into the bowels of our planet for simple materials -- bauxites, iron ore, and others?~- based on which are created individual, independent processing enterprises,? Academician of the Academy M. Manvelyan said in his report. ?Each such enterprise in the course of time discards enormoue quantities of waste or, in a sense, creates its own ~deposits~ of dead rook. 7/12 On the other hand, the reserves of many simple materials are nearing the end and do not satisfy growing requirements of industry.? I The scientist e,uggested turning serious attention to the mining and processing o:' complex materials that contain quite ?a number of useful components. If at the same time we would develop a technology which would practically exclude the formation of refuse, then the nwnb~ir of exploited deposits would decrease and the output of pro- ductic+ra would increase. These problems should be solved by a new branch of inorganic chemistry called oche chemistry of rocka~ by the author of 'che .report. During the ;years of its existence the Institute of Fine Organic Chemistry has produced 20 effective preparations for the treatment of various diseases. Nine are undergoing chemical teats, and the rest are produced serially in an experimental shop attached to thiF~ scientific institution. Speaking at the session, Director oP the Institute Corresponding Member of the Academy of 3cienees of the Republic S. Vartanyan stated that tha capacity of this small enterprise in the near future will prove inadequate to satisfy growing requirments of these preparations. It'is time to decide on the creation,~f a specialized pharmaceutical enterprise. in Armenia for the production of preparations deveXoped by local scientists. 8/.12 Approved For Release 2003/04/25: CIA-RDP85T00875R000300010015-8 Approved For Release 2003/04/25: CIA-RDP85T00875R000300010015-8 28 Feb 74 ARMENPRESS, Kommuniat, 22 Dec 73, p 3 Academician of the Armenian Academy of Science? O. Bunyatyan spoke of research by the Institute of Biochemistry of great practical importance. The new active compounds which have been isolated from the brain exert a very beneficial effect on she course of infarction and other cardiovascular diseases. Biochemists have a~~c discovered new species of enzymic components taking part in oxidizing processes, of great interest for practical medicine. During recent years the Institute of Organic Chemistry has accumulated a great deal of experience in cooperating with industrial enterprises. In his report Director of the Institute Doctor of Chemical Sciences S. Matsoyan detailed how scientists and production workers, by a point effort, improve technological cycles and regimes, work out new substances, and increase the productiveness of the equipment. In order to increase effectiveness .:~ scientific research and accelerate the intro- duction of its results into practice, a Technological Depa~~tment has been created at they Institute. Its associates are making ready scientific elaborations fur introduc- tion into production, producing experimental catches of new substances, testing samples, and planning themes for further scientific study. This Department maintains especially close relations with the ~~Polyvinylacetate" Plant, frith whose specialists was jointly worked out a new progressive technology of prepar?ng polyvinyl alcohol and other products. 9 /12 ARMENPRESS, Kommunist, ~:.2 Dec 73, p 3 Corresponding Member of i:he Armenian Academy of Sciences V. Kazaryan presents some results of the work of the 'Institute of Botany in. improving the Republics forest economy. Until recently the volume of industrial cutting in Armenia exceeded twice the increment of forest resources. This was the result of an incorrect determination of the age class of forest stands. In studying the state of principal industrial forests of the Republic, associates of the Institute of Botany worked o~:t recommenda- tions which made possible a 50 percent reduction in the volume of logging. Academician of the Academy O. Davtyan quotes interesting data on the possibili- ties and prospects of hydroponics. On the basis of studying peculiarities of plant nutrition under artificial conditions at the Institute of Agrochemical Problems and Hydroponics th.~re were ascertained biologically potential possibilities of the productiveness c plants many times exceeding indices obtained through traditional agriculture. There will be great promise and high effectiveness in the production ? of valuable technical, medicinal, and decorative crops, as well as of perennial plantings such as grapevine and frtit trees by tihe method of open hydroponics. These elaborations of the Institute arc of great practical interest for the food industry, ' medicine, agriculture, forestry, and amateur plant growing, as well as for town- building and architecture. 10/12 Approved For Release 2003/04/25: CIA-RDP85T00875R000300010015-8 Approved For Release 2003/04/25: CIA-RDP85T00875R000300010015-8 28 Feb 74 6 FPD:SOVIET SCIENCE Recently the Ministry of Agriault~:~re USSR Rave its approval to a new, "Yerovan" chteken breed I3y all indices -- weight, eggs, laying ability, and viability -- it surpasses all other poultry breeds we have on the farms of our Republic. How the "'Xereva:""? breed was developed and other promising alaborations of the Institute of Physiology imeni L.??0. Orbeli of great interest for medicine and agricult"rv was discussed by Corresponding Member of the Academy of 3cienoes of Amnia 3. Bakunts. Director of the Institute of Microbiology Doctor of Biological Sciences S. Afrikyan spoke of achievements of Armen'Lan scientists in general and applied,' microbiology. They had, in particular, obtained ?ialuable forms of microorganisms which are s~uocessfully used in various branches of the food industry and in the production of bae'cerial agents for the protection of plants and soil-enriching agents. The Institute suooesai1,i11y works in such promosing scientific directions as geological ,microbiology and de~v~lopment of effective agents for microbiological decontamination and utilization. of industrial waste. Corresponding Member of the Academy E. Mirzabekyan has dwelt in his report on some aspects of practical use of the results of scientific elaborations of the Institute oi' Radiophysics and Electronics. 1112 AR%~iPRESS, Rommunist, 22 Dec 73, p 3 "Quantum Electronics and ttie Industry of Armenia" was the theme of the report by Corresponding A:cmber of the Academy M. Ter-1Qikayelyan. The scientist. spoke of a close creative 11nk between the Institute of Physical Research and a number of enterprises. In its turn. the production of optical quantum generators in Armenia has played a definite role in the creation of a number of new scientific directions such ss nonlinear optics and quantum electronics. Approved For Release 2003/04/25: CIA-RDP85T00875R000300010015-8 Approved For Release 2003/04/25: CIA-RDP85T00875R000300010015-8 28 Feb 74 2. -rssR "Siberian Department of the Academy of Sciences USSR" Moscow, Smena, No 16, August 1973, pp 1-2 Excerpts: Formerly one used to say "the Age of Steam," "the Age of Slectriaity," "the Atomic Age",., Apparently it wo~xld be more correct to say "tkte~eSgs of Soienoe" has set in. The appearance of new inventions and discoveries not onlar radically breaks old technology and creates new branches of industry but, by changing the stereotypes of thought, ultimately results in the refection of all stereotypes. In becoming factors of policy, they are able in principle to change the outlook of our era beyond recognition. Therefore the real value of humsn civilization lies not in the reserves of gold or readily convertible currency in inviolable vaults of the State bankst but in a creative potential of the nation, independent of stock-fobbing and currency crises, It goes without saying that a discovery wins its right to exist only when it is realized. It seems to be an elementary concept, but the point is that a great many scientific elaborations are far from being immediately applied. Smena, No 16, August 1973, pp 1-2 From this viewpoint the Siberian Department of the Academy of Sciences USSR, which has accumulated an enormous experience in estab!.ishing a highly effective relationship between science and production, is oP .fires: interest. Our special correspondent Yuriy Moiseyev asked Vice-President of the Siberian Department of the Academy of Sciences USSR P_cademician Q. I. Marchuk to tell us of the introduction of the results of fundamental scientific research into industry and agriculture, uestion: (}uriy Ivanovich, how would you define the role and tasks of science in the acceleration of the pare of technologica;, oral social progress of our society in the solution of problems outlined in the Directives of the 24th CP:~U Congress? Answer: In our times science increasingly becomes, according to the well-known expression of V. T. Lenin, a direct productive force. The idea of a scientist as a man estranged from life, residing in a notorious "ivory tower," a lonely devotee of scienca and a dreamer, alien to all temporal concerns, becomes a thing of the remote past, Th.rare are no advocates at~y more of "pure scier:ee," allegedly free from worldly agitation and therefore, with inexorable oonsistency, also free from responsibility to society. .2/10 Approved For Release 2003/04/25: CIA-RDP85T00875R000300010015-8 Approved For Release 2003/04/25: CIA-RDP85T00875R000300010015-8 I~PD: SOVIET SCIENCE USSR 3mena, No 16, August 1973._PP 1-2 _. Science oannot be a univnrssl key to general happiness and a panacea for all evils, for the ever increasing pace of scientific-technical progress is a real fact o~ our times. Soviet scientists, irrespective of the branch of soienae in whioh they labor, are conscious of their prcfesaional and civic duty to devote all their forces and experience to try solution of that grandiose task set by the Party, to create the material-technical base of communism. This means that the value of every scientific idea must be veriified by praotioe and embodied into perfect instruments and machines, precision machine tooa,s, advanced technolog?;, and automated control systems of processes, enterprises, and, in the long run, of individual branches. uestion: When we speak of the "Science of 3lberia,? we unde:?stand the entire many-sided activity of scientific institutions of the Siberian Department of the Academy of Soiences USSR, which wot:.7.d be of course rather impossible to deal with in the limits of a single interview. But can you give us some concrete examples of materia;~ization of the results of scientific research? Answer: Institutions of the Siberian Department of the Academy of Soiences USSR have aocumulated considerable experience in establishing relationships with production. Our institutes interact with more than 300 enterprises and organizations Smena, No 16, August 1973- PP 1-2 of the country, first with those of Siberia, To accelerate the realization of scientific research, various forms and methods are tsir-g used; economio agreements are being ooncluded and special scientific-production groups and combined teams are being formed with designers, constructors, technologists, and engineers included alongside scientists. A s a result of these efforts, during the past tYve .years over 600 of our large- scale elaborations wore introduced in various branches or :national economy. The potential of scientific ideas accumulated by the Siberian Department of the Academy of Sciences USSR is already so great that it has become necessary to create a new connecting link between science and production -- a system oS special design and design technological bureaus and pilot plants under the scientific man?gement of institutes of ?hg Siberian Department of the Academy of Sciences USSR. The iluzction of these organizations is to implement with the shortest possible delay the results of scientific research. A t:+i,n unit, scientific research institute - design bureau, now being created will serve as a basis for establishing scientific- production associations, which were discussed at the 24th CPSU Congress. Approved For Release 2003/04/25: CIA-RDP85T00875R000300010015-8 Approved For Release 2003/04/25: CIA-RDP85T00875R000300010015-8 USSR Smena, No 16, August 1973, pp 1~2 question: The process introducing results, how it is being realized and what are its principal stages? Answer: Let us say we completed same concrete research work. If it will be passed to an enterprise, it will certainly accelerate its technological progress. But if the further advance of a scientific idea into practical use will terminate with its realization in only one enterprise, then naturally its effectiveness -rill be very low, The problem was to create such a system in the framework of which any important technical or technological idea would penetrate at once into a whole branch of production. This is our basic goal. And in this very plane we carried out several successful experiments which demonstrated the viability of such an approach and methods of implementation. A typioal procedure is as follows. When an institute of the Siberian Depar~ment completes some research work, it concludes an economic agreement or agreement of cooperation with a scientific research institute or a design bureau r:f a bra ncli of production. We pass the given theme to those institutions and carry on sole ntific supervision up to the stage of its technological elaboration. Since the Academy of Sciences deals mainly with questions of principle, its scientific ideas as ~ rule are not carried to the production stage in the system of the Academy itself. 510 Smena, No 16, August 1973, pp 1-2 In passing on a scientific development we Resume the role of c^~athors of the new technology and help the ministries, or more exactly the branch scientific research institutes and design bureaus, to rapidly process it and bring about its completion. This is not a simple elaboration of an idea, but practically a scientific creativep ness where everyone is an equal partner. Only such cooperation can e:fectively help materialize our ideas. A scientific research or a design bureau of a branch performs experimental and industrial tests of the new process or, in case of an instrument or equipment, turns out a small aeries of various devices. Then the scientific research institute of the b;^anch, associated as a rule with dozens of enterprises, passes on this elaboration net to an individual plant but to the entire branch of production. We have already ac~:ounted for many such fruitful experiments with ministries of the. electroni,es industry, radio industry, nonferrous industry, eta., where an advanced deve~,opment with help of scientific research institutes and design burea,~s was intro- duced into many enterprises of the branch. The second method is to conclude an agreement with a plant which possesses scientific research and piannt,ng-design su`xiivisions. Approved For Release 2003/04/25: CIA-RDP85T00875R000300010015-8 Approved For Release 2003/04/25: CIA-RDP85T00875R000300010015-8 The ASU has made it possible do obtain from the Tnxnrnation and Computer Center data for any planned period on the production volume of each shop, on the capacity and requirements for any equipment a~td needs of each specialty, and daily information on t:~e expenditure on basic wages and the output of parts and units by each shop. In other words? it has become poss~~'~.e to analyze the progress of production at all levels and to make operatiawa:'. decisions. Thus the procedure is the same. The idea is launohed b3* scientists of the Siberian Department, and it is realized together with?the Plant whioh popularizes it on it;c own j:atiative and with support from the ministry in other enterprises of the same branch..,.. Approved For Release 2003/04/25: CIA-RDP85T00875R000300010015-8 ~~ I~ob 'j4 10 Smena, No 16, nuguat 1973. PP 1-2 . Very interesting is, for example, ~k.o introduction of the ASU (automated co^.'Lrol system) at the Earnaul Rad~a Plant with whom we had aoneluded an agreement on creative cooperation. We began by studying th~+ flow of primary information and documents whioh requirod~putting into. order the design and tochnologioal documentation as well as labor and material standarc~a. As a result the infra- and inter-shop losses of parts and units wore sharply reduoed, and the expenditure norms for materials a1:d wagon dooreased, whereas the labor productivity, oven in this preliminary stage of work, inoroased by 10 percent, In the system whioh was named ASU 01Barnuul?1 a new approach wee realized for solving the problem of control of an industrial enterprise. The novelty is first the all-round charaoter of oontrol and the refusal to copy the earl~Ler existing system at the plant. ASU "Barnaul? is not subdivided into individual subsystems since it is based upon the principle of modeling produotion, realized by means of a sysY,emio analysis. This made it possible to organize the work of ASU in such a way that in its.succesa- tUl functioning interested not only the workers of NTs (Information and Computer Center) of the Plant, but the entire collective oi" tihe enterprise as weil~ Any 7/10 Smena, xo 16, nugust 1973, PP 1-2 distortion of information necessarily interferes with aomeone~s interests and there- fore is immediately noticed and eliminated. This information-ASU base provides a workable possibility to solve problems of operational and calendar-related planning, optimalization of production program, and other tasks of optimal planning. At present the ASU deals with basin production since it is here that are concentrated the principal resources of the pant, and thus it is possible to realize a most dynamic process of the increase of its effioienoy. Approved For Release 2003/04/25: CIA-RDP85T00875R000300010015-8 28 Feb 74 ussR 3mana, No l6, August 1973, PP 1-2 uostiar.s Quriy Ivanoviah, ~~he plan for putting into effect th? restz'!ts of fundamental seionti,fie research worked out by the 8lberian Aopartment of the Academy of 3oienoes U38R has provod its viability and the oxamples given are highly con- vincing. Howevor, in principle, there may be other no less effective ways to solve the problem? Answer: Certainly. The specific problem of introducing the results of scientific research into industry should be solved creatively in each case. In one ease through direct contact with. the given branch of industry, in another through trsinirg cadres for the plant, and in still another through purposive postgraduate studentship.' A very spacial role in the process of realizing scientific ideas is played by training etadres. Y7e need specialists able not on],y to assimilate new ideas and to be, so to speak, carriers and propagandists, but also able to establish and maintain various relations with saientifte institutions, and this is a decisive factor. "'o efforts will bo able to deal with the problem of introducing research results until technologists, designers, and engineers grasp in its entirely the importance of these or other ideas. Smena, No 16, August 1973, pp 1-2 To combine fundamental research with its consistent practical application is the principal direction of the activity of scientists of the 3lberian Aspartment. As regards the ratio of outlays in this connection, approximately 60 percent of our resources are being spent to carry out fundamental research and about 4D percent to put its results into practice, whieti as was sho~,m is extraordinarily e2feetive. I ' wish to stress once more than the main requirement from enterprises is to grasp our ideas and, with the aid of saientifio researchz institutes and design bureaus of the given branch, to bring about their realization and then to exten3 point achievements to cover the entire branch. Only then will we be really able to speak of the direct influence of science upon industry. Approved For Release 2003/04/25: CIA-RDP85T00875R000300010015-8 Approved For Release 2003/04/25: CIA-RDP85T00875R000300010015-8 28 Fob 74 12 3. vssR ?From the Aoademy ~:::adioal Soiencos USSR~~ Moscow, Meditainalwya pazeta, 1 Feb 74, p 4 Translation: The Aoademy of. Medical Sciences USSR in accordance with Rule No. 19 of the Academy~a Deoree is ropa~rting the names of candidates for aotive member academician) and oorreapondi:ng member of the Academy of Medical Sciences USSR who have been nominated by scientific establishments, social organizations, and scien- tific asaooiates and their groups in aoaordanae with the notice of the Presidium of the Academy on 19 Deoember 1973. Division of Clinioal I:adioine Approved For Release 2003/04/25: CIA-RDP85T00875R000300010015-8 Nikolay tierge;/evich 8aksheysv -- Corresponding Member of the Academy of Mediaal Sciences 1JSSR; Zinaida Adamovna Bondar~ -- Corresponding Meruber of the Academy of Medical Sciences USSR; Konstantin Vladimirovioh Bonin -- Corresponding Member of the 1/13 Meditsinskaya Oazeta, 1 Feb 74, p 4 Academy of Medical Sciences USSR; Anatoliy Panteleymonovich Kolesov -- Corresponding Member of the Academy of Mediaal Sciences USSR; Mikhail Il~ich Kazin -- Corresponding tiember of ttie Acadet~r of Medical Sciencoa USSR; Nikolay Alekseyevieh Lopatkin -- Corresponding Member of the Academy of Medical Sciences USSR; Lyu-~ov~ Trofimovna Malaya -- Corresponding Member of the Academy of Medical Sciences USSR; Isak Kurbanovich Musabayev -- Corresponding Member of the Academy of Medical Sciences USSR; Nips Yvanovna Nisevich -- Corresponding Member of the Academy of Medical Sciences USSR; Aleksandr Nikolayevich Obrosov -- Corresponding Member of th~~ Academy of Medical Sciencea USSR; Andrey Petrovich Romodanov -- Corresponding Memb?r~ of the Academy of Medical Sciences USSR; Viktor Sergeyevich Savel~yev -- Corresponding Member of the Academy of Medical Soiences USSR; Konstantin Vladimirovioh Chaehava -- Corresponding Member of the Academy of Medical 3ciencea USSR; Aleksandr Ni1:olayevieh Shabanov -- Corresponding Member of the Academy of Medical Scien~ ~a USSR; Aleksandr Alekseyevich 3ha11mov -- Corresponding Member of the Academy of t ~dical Sciences USSR; Pavel Nikolayevich Yurenev -- Corresponding Member of the Academy of Medical Sciences USSR. Approved For Release 2003/04/25: CIA-RDP85T00875R000300010015-8 UssR Moditsinskaya Oazeta, 1 Fob 74, p 4 Division of Medical-Biological 3eienees Ilya Il~ioh Ivanov -- Corresponding Member of the Academy of Medioal Sciences USSR; Sofiya Borisovna Dzugayeva -- Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor; Vasiliy Vasil~yevich Kupriyanov -- Corresponding Member of the Academy of Medical 3cienoes USSR; Boris Arkad~yevich Lapin -- Corresponding Member of the Academy of Medical Sciences USSR. bi_vision of Hygiene, Microbiology and Epidemiolop?v Vitally Dmitriyevich Be1ya}tov -- Corresponding Member of the Academy of Medical Sciencos USSR; Petr Nikolayevioh Burgasov -- Corresponding Member of the Academy of Medioal Sciences USSR; Igor Valerianovich Domaradskiy -- Corresponding?Member of the Academy of Medical Sciences USSR; 3ergey Petrovich Karpov -- Corresponding Member of the Academy of Medioal Soiences USSR; Pb',vel Nikolayevich Kosyakov -- Corresponding Member of the Academy of Medical 3cienoes USSR; Nikolay Origor~yevich Olsuf~yev -- Corresponding Member of the Academy of Medical Sciences USSR. ? USSR Meditsinskaya Gazeta, 1 Feb 74, p 4 CANDIDATES FOR CORRESPONDING MEMBER Division of Clinical Medicine Geybat Izzet agly Abdullayev -- Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor; Suren Khachaturovich Avdalbekyan -- Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor; Valthtang Aleksandrovich Aladashvili -- Doctor of Medioal Sciencos, professor; Nikolay Nikolayevich Ale}tsandrovieh -- Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor; Vladimir Andreyevich Almazov -- Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor; Aleksandr Mikhailovich Aminev -- Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor; Ignatiy Petrovich Antonov -- Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor; Anatoliy Anatol~yevich Anton~,yev -- Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor; Rashid Pashayevich Askerkhanov -- Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor; Levon Oganesovich Badalyan -- Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor; Yuriy Mikhailovich Bala -- Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor; Georgiy Iosifovich Burchinskiy -- Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor; Yevgeniy Antonovich Vagner -- Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor; Eduard Nikitich Vantsyan -- Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor; Marat Enokovich Vartanyan -- Doctor of Medical Sciences,. professor; Ronstantin Spiridonovich Virsaladze -- Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor; Andrey Ivanovich Borob~yev -- Dootor of Medical Sciences, professor; Oleg Konstantinovich (}avrilov -- Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor; 3urkhay Aliyevich 4/13 Approved For Release 2003/04/25: CIA-RDP85T00875R000300010015-8 Approved For Release 2003/04/25: CIA-RDP85T00875R000300010015-8 28 Fob 74 14 Meditsinskaya gazeta, 1 Fob 74, p~ 4 gadzhiyov -- Ductor of Medical 3eier}ces, professor; Vladimir Sergoyevieh gasilin -- Doctor of Me~?~ical Soiences, professor; Yevgeniy Vladislavovich gembitskiy -- Dootor of Medical Soiences, professor; Vladimir Anatol~yevich germanov -- Dootor of Medical Seiencea,~ professor; Valentin Ivanovich (}rishchenko -- Dootor of Medioal Soiences, professor; Solomon'Moiseyevich qusman -- Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor; Semen Naumovich Davydov -- Doctor of Medical Scienoes, professor; Mikhail Vasil~yevich Danilenko -- Doctor of Medical Soiences, professor; Mir-Named Dzhavad ogly Dzhavad- Zade -- Doc~bor of Medical Scienceu, professor; Zaven Levonovich Dolapchyan -- Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor; Valentin Alekseyevich Dollnin -- Doctor of Medical Soiences, professor; Boris Vladimirovich Yelantaev -- Dootor of Medical Sciences, professor; Mikhail Aleksandrovich Zhukovskiy -- Doctor of Medial Soiences, professor; Boris Akimovich Zadarozhnyy -- Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor; Islam Zakhidovioh Zakirov -- Doctor of Medioal 3aiences, professor; Anatoliy grigor~yevich Zemlyanoy -- Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor; Aleksandra georgiyevna Zemskaya -- Dootor of Medioal Sciences, professor; Nikolay Romanovich Ivanov -- Doctor of Medical'Scienaes, professor; Igor Viktorovich Il~in -- Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor; georgiy Davidovich Iot~eliani -- Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor; Nikolay Alekseyevioh Karpov -- Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor; Niyaz Suleymanovioh Kel~ginbayev -- Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor; Nodar Nikolayevioh Kipshidze -- Doctor of Meditsinskaya aazeta, 1 Feb 74, p 4 Medical 3aiences, professor; Natal~ya Sergeyevna Kislyak -- Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor; Mikhail Markovich Kovalev -- Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor; Aleksandr Nikolayevioh Knonvalov -- Dootor of Medical Sciences, professor; ?;oris Dmitriyeviah Komarov -- Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor; Fedor Ivanovich Komarov -- Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor; Inna Illarionovna Kryzhanovskaya -- Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor; Ivan Avksent~yevich Kurilln -- Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor; Semen Semenovich Lavrik -- Doctor of Medical Sciences. professor; Petr (}rigor~yevich Lekar~ -- Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor; Yuriy Ivanovich Loriye -> Doctor of Medical Saiencea, professor; Yelena Mikhailovna Lulc~yanova -- Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor; Mikhail Ivanovich Lytkin -- Doctor of Medical 3aiences, professor; Nabi Madzhidov -- Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor; Nikolay Nikodimovich Malinovskiy -- Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor; Yuriy Stepanovich Martynov -- Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor; Mikhail Pavloviah Matveyev -- Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor; Ryurik Aleksandrovich Mel~nikov -- Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor; Tsezar~ penrikhovich Mosevich -- Doctor of Medioal Sciences, professor; Saveliy Ivanovich Mostovoy -- Dootor of Medical Sciences, professor; Alel:sandr grigor~yevich Naku -- Doctor of Medical Scienoes, professor; Valentina Aleksandrovna Nasonova -= Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor; Approved For Release 2003/04/25: CIA-RDP85T00875R000300010015-8 Approved For Release 2003/04/25: CIA-RDP85T00875R000300010015-8 28 Feb 74 Moditsinskaya Oazeta, 1 Feb 74, p 4 Trina Dmitriyevna Nechayeva -- Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor; Yuriy Ivanovich Novikov -- Doctor of Piedical Sciences, professor; Saken Nugmanovich Nugmanov -- Doo~or of Medical Sciences, professor; Rakhitn Mukhamedovich Nurmukhamedov -- Doctor of 24edioal Soiences, professor; georgiy Andreyeviah Palladi -- Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor; Boris Yevgen~yovich Peterson -- Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor; Lev Sergeyevich Petelin -- Dootor of Medical Soiences, professor; Vanik Saakovich Pogosov -- Doctor of Medioal Soiences, professor; Valentin Aleksandrovich Polyakov -- Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor; Anatoliy Aleksandrovich Portnoy -- Doetor of Medical Sciences, professor; Nikolay Alelcsandrovieh Preobrazhenskiy -- Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor; Oeorgiy L~vovicti Ratner -- Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor; Ernst Iokhannesovich Raudam -- Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor; Vladimir Yevgen~yevieh Rozhnov -- Doctor of Medical Soiences, professor; Igor Borisovich Rozanov -- Dootor of Medical Sciences, professor; Vadim Ivanovich Rusakov -- Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor: Aleksandr Andreyovich Rusanov -- Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor; Vladimir Sergeyevich Ryabinskiy -- Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor; Yuriy Martynovioh Saarma -- Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor; Yuriy Nikolayevioh Savchenko -- Doctor or Medical Sciences, professor; Boris Aleksandrovich Samotokin -- Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor; Raykhan Abikeyevna Satpayeva -- Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor; Ivan Ivamvich 3ivkov -- 7/13 Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor; Yuriy Konstantinovich Skrip;?3n -- Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor; Aleksey Seme:tovich Slepykh -- Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor, Nadezhda Tvanovna Strelkova -- Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor; Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Studnitsyn -- Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor; Dmitriy Ivanovich Tarasov -- Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor; Leonid Vasil~yevich Timoshenko -- Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor; Nikolay Niltolayevich Trapeznikov -- Doctor of Medical Sciences. professor; Nikolay Mikh2~ilovic'~~ Turanov -- Doctor of Medical Soiences, professor; Kamila Dosovna Utegenova -- Dootor of Medical Sciences, professor; f3ennadiy Konstantinovich Ushakov -- Doctor of Medical, Sciences, professor; Vasiliy Stepanovich Khrapov -- Doctor of Medical `Jciences, professor; Sayti Shamsiyevich Shamsiyev -- Doctor of Idedical Sciences, professor; Vladimir Stanislavo- vich Shapkin -- Dootor of Medical 301ences, professor; Oleg Konstantinovich Shaposhni- kov -- Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor; Oeorgiy Pavlovich Shul~tsev -- Doetcr of Medical Sciences, professor; Igor Konstantinovich 3hkhvatsabaya -- Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor. Division of Medical-Biological Sciences 01eg Sergeyevich Adrianov -- Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor; Rasim Zakareyevich Amirov -- Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor; Ivan N!_.khallovich Bondarev -- Doctor. 8/13 .Approved For Release 2003/04/25: CIA-RDP85T00875R000300010015-8 Approved For Release 2003/04/25: CIA-RDP85T00875R000300010015-8 28 Feb 74 16 FPD:SOVIET SCIENCE Meditsinskaya gaxeta, 1 Feb 74, p 4 of Medical Scienoes, professor; Nikolay Nikclayevich Vasilovskiy -- Dootor of I~Ie~dioal Scienoes; Anatoliy Mikhaylovich Vikhert -- Dootor of Medical Soiences, professor; Fedor Petrovich Vedyayev -- Doator'of Medical Sciences, professor; Li.diya Bergeyevna Volkova -- Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor; 01~ga Vasil~yevna Volkova -- 1Doctor of Medical ScienceR. professor; Oleg Yevgen~yevich Vyszov -- Doctor of Medical Scienoes, professor; Moisey Isayevich Ourevich -- Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor; Dmitriy Ivanovioh aolovin -- Dootor of Medical Soiences, professor; Samaya Ali kyzy Guliyeva -- Dootor of Medical Sciences, professor; Petr Prokof~yevich Denisenko -- Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor; Vladimir Mikhayloviuh Dul~man -- Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor; Andrey Pavlovich Lyban -- Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor; Ruben Ashotovich Durinyan -?~ Dootor o: Medical Sciences, professor; Trina Sergeyevna Zavodskaya -- Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor; Andrey Andreyevich Zor~kin -? Doctor of Medical Scienoes, professor; 4rigoriy Ivanov~ch Kositakiy -- Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor; Yevgeniy Borislavovich Krasovskiv -- Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor; (Ienr~adiy Feodos~yovich Korot~ko -- Dootor? of Biological Sciences, professor; Viktor Konstantinovich Kulagin -- Doctor of Me(lical Sciences, professor; Arkadiy Fillppovich Leshchinskiy -- Doctor of Medical Soience~a, professor; Yevgeniy Vladimirovich Maystrakh -- Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor; (ieorgiy Iosifovich Mchedlishvili -- Doctor of Medical Soiences, professor; Kllristo Matveyevioh Markov -- Dootor of Medical Sciences, professor; Ratmir 3ergeyevich Orlov -- 9/13 ' Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor; Yuriy Aleksandrovich Pankov -- Dootor of Biological Sciences, Rem Viktorovich Petrov - - Doctor of Medics;, Sciences, professor; Mikhail Oskarovich Raushenbakh -- Doctor of Medical Science r,, professor; L~~gdan Artashesovich Saakov -- Dootor of Medical Sciences, professor; Donat Semenovich Sarkisov -- Doctor o# Medical Sciences, professor; Pavel Vasil~yevich Sergeyev -- Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor; Viktor Viktorovich Serov -- Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor; Konstantin Viktorovich 3udakov -- Dcotor of Medical Sciences, professor; Makhamat Babadzhanovi~;h Sultanov -- Doctor of Medics';, Sciences, p~~ofesaor; Fedor Petrovich Trinus -- Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor; Mikhail Il~ich Undri~;sov -- Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor; Yuriy 3ergoyevich Chechulin -- Doctor of Medical Sciences, profossor; Vladimir Aleksandrovich Chernor~ -- Dootor of Medical Soiences, professor; Anastas Ivanovich.Khomazyuk -- Doctor of Medical Soiences, professor; 01eg Konstantinovich Khmel~nitskiy -- Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor; Pavel Savel~yevioh Khomulo -- Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor; Aleksandr Vsevolodovich Tsinzerling -- Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor; Luarsab Kalistratovioh Sharashidze -- Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor; Vyacheslav Aleksandrovich Shidlovskiy -- Doctor of Biological Sciences, p^ofessor. Approved For Release 2003/04/25: CIA-RDP85T00875R000300010015-8 Approved For Release 2003/04/25: CIA-RDP85T00875R000300010015-8 28 Feb 74 17 ]'PD:SOVIET SCIENCE ussR Meditsinskaya (;azeta, 1 Feb 74, p 4 Division of HyKiene, Microbiology and Epidemiolot~v Abdurakhim Abudovich Abidov -- Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor; Arsen Petrovich Ayriyan -- Doctor of Medical Sciences; Akmatbek Aydarllyevich Aydara:liyev -- Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor; Irma Nikolayevna Blokhina -- Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor; Iva~i Demidovich Bogatyrev -- Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor; Yuriy Konstantinovich Bogoyanlenskiy -- Doctor of Biological Sciences, professor; Leonid Borisovich Borisov -- Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor; Nazima Abdullayevna Dekhkan-Khodzhayeva -- Doctor of Medical Sciences; Soslan 4rigor~yevich Dzagw.~ov -- Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor; Ni.kolay Petrovich. Yelinov -- Doctor of Biological Sciences, profassor; Margarita 3tepanovna Zakharova ,- Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor; Marred Aliyevich Ibragimov -- Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor; Nikolay Oennad~yevich Ivanov -- Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor; Leonid Andreyevieh I1~in -- Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor; Vil~gel~m Vil~gel~movich Kanets -- Doctor of Medical f;ciencos, professor; VaFl.liy Fadeyevich Katsitadze -- Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor; Yuriy Il~ich Kundiyev -- Doctor of Med1~a1 Sciences, professor; Valentin Viktorovich Kucheruk -- Doctor of Biological Scie~ices, professor; Yuriy Pavlovich Lisitsyn -- Doctor Uf Medical Sciences, professor; Andrey Yakovlevich Lysenko -- Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor; Kaunysh Amanbayevjch Makirov -- Do;;4or of Medical Sciences, professor; 11/13 Meditsinskaya (3azeta, 1 Feb 74, p 4 Bergey Mikhaylovich Navashin -- Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor; Aleksandr Petrovich Pekhov ?~- Doctor of Biological Sciences, professor; Qri~;oriy Zakhar~yevich Pitskhelauri -- Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor; Vadim Alek~eyevich Pokrovskiy -- Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor; Pavel Vasil~yevich Ramzayev -- Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor; Vladimir Mikhaylovich Retnev -- Doctor of Medical Sciences, processor; Qenr-adiy Ivanovich Ruayantsev -- Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor; Babakud Rustamov -- Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor; Gennadiy Ivanovich Sidorenko -- Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor; Adellna Qenrikhozna. Skavronskaya -- Doc;~r of tsc%tical Sciences, professor; Ivan Pavlovich Furmenko -- Doctor of Medical 3cianeE~, professor; Khalva (}erasimovich Khachidze -- DocL?or of Medical Sciences, profa~sor; (Ialina Petrovna Cherkas -- Doctor of Biological Sciences, professor; Konstantin Pet~?ovich Chagin -- Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor; Semen Yakovlevich Chikin -- Doctor of Medical Sciences; Nevrestan Redzhebovna Shashikashvili -- Doctor of Medical .Sciences, professor; Anastasiya Pavlovna Shitskova -- Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor. SIBERIAN AFFILIATE, USSR ACADEMY OF MEDICAL SCIENCES Aristarkh Aleksandrovich Derain -- Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor; Boris Il~ich Kuznik -- Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor; Yevgeniy Nikolayevich Meshalkin - 12/13 ' Approved For Release 2003/04/25: CIA-RDP85T00875R000300010015-8 Approved For Release 2003/04/25: CIA-RDP85T00875R000300010015-8 18 FPD:SCVIBT 3CISNCE USSR. ._ Meditsinslcaya Qazeta, l Feb 74, p 4 ,, Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor; Konstantin :{afailovich 3edov --.Dootor of Medical Soieno~s, professor; Mikhail Alekseyevich 3obakin -- Dootor of Medical 3cienaes, professor. Signed by President of the Academy of Medical Sciences USSR Academician V. Timakov and Scientific Seoretary.of the Presidium of the Academy of Medioal Sciences Academiaian V. Struchkov. Republics 4. USSR "Armenian Medical Shortcomings? Yerevan, Kommunist, 3 Fob 74, p 2 $xcerpts: ...The Presidium (of the Supremo Soviet Armenian SSR) has noted that there are. still serious shortcomings in the organization of speoialized medical services for the ru>'al population and that their liquidation must become the urgenb task of the Miristry of Health and local soviets. -the creation oS specialized sections at rayon hospitals.thruugh tho liquidation of equipment, and the building of some hospitals .are not well .organized. The Armenian 3SR lags considerably behind other union republics in the average number of hospital beds and, at the same time, the coefficient oS the use of these beds ~is very low. .The implementation of the deoision oi' the Armenian Communist Party Central Oommittee and Council of Ministers on the amalgamation oP rural hospitals and Hospitals at several Republic rayons lack the necessary specialized sections, the laboratories and oSi"ices .are not properly supplied-with treatment and diagnostic :Approved For Release 2003/04/25: CIA-RDP85T00875R000300010015-8 Approved For Release 2003/04/25: CIA-RDP85T00875R000300010015-8 28 Feb 74 19 USSR small district hospitals is progressing very slowly.- The ambulance and polyclinic medical services remain insufficient in rural areas, and proper work conditions foie physicians and good serviaes for patients are lacking at some rayons. Dispensary services at several rayons and Aanitary-epidemiological and preventive ureatment of medical establishments in rural areas of the rcpt-,b11c are still short of specialists. There are also serious shortcomings in tkie construction of health projects. Last year alone 700,000 rubles were not used. During the last two years the-plan for expansion of the pharmacy nstwork was not :"uifilled in the republic. Some rayon hospitals and pharmacies are n~t.fully supplied with medicines.... 5. UssR ffitAT~YtyS, V? Minister of Health Ukrainian 33R !'hfhy More Doctors are Needed? Kiev, News from Ukraine, No 4, Jan 74, p-2 (in English). Translation: We are. short of doctors in Ukraine. That may sound nonsense when I tell you that the Republic has over 100,000 doctors, which works out at rather more than 27 for every 10,000 people. In Britain the figure is 15.1, in the United States, 19.4. So we have enough doctors to give the whole population efficient and immediate We consider it our task sot only to cure disease but also to prevent it, to keep peiiple in good health and prolong their lives. AnQ that is where the shortage arises. Approved-For Release 2003/04/25: CIA-RDP85.T00875R000300010015-8 Approved For Release 2003/04/25: CIA-RDP85T00875R000300010015-8 28 Feb 74 2U PPD: 50,1(IP~T SCIT:NCN USSR BRAT~YUS, V., Newa from Ukraine, No 4, Jan 74, p 2 The Soviet national health service expects a lot. from doctors and public health authorities. For instance, we expect them to carry out extensive preventive chock-ups of the whole population, and to provide constant mare for people suffering from ohronia diseases like diabetes, rheumatism and hypertension. Besides, we try to give every doctor more time to atterui to every patient, more time to spend on informing the public about health and hygiene in an,inte:lligible way. We also need more dootors to permit greater specialization. It is not as hard as you would think for a doctor, busy on daily duties in a hospital or health center, to acquire new knowledge and specialize in s particular field, ~,f the desire is there. We have institutes ~'or advanced medical training, courses and semit::rs at which doctors can extend their knowledge and branoh out rota new fields. 2/6 ~tAT~YU3, V., News from Ukraine, No 4, Jan 74, p 2 There are also research bodies engaged on organization and methodological work, which, together with the public health bodies, are responsible for training doctors and introducing new recommendations in general practice. The point is, we still neeP specialist doctors that the various training bodies are turning out, because you cannot extend specialization without also creating the proper matorial and technical facilities, Health centers constantly open new rooms, and hospitals new wards, and large specialized centers with big clinics are going up. As a result, many more doctors are needed. In fact, by 1975, soviet Ukraine will have 60,000 more beds than now, and that will call for another 4.000 or so resident doctors. . You might think we already have enough beds: about 11-12 for every thousand people; and it is true that is sufficient to hospitalize all who need medical assistance. 3/6 Approved For Release 2003/04/25: CIA-RDP85T00875R000300010015-8 Approved For Release 2003/04/25: CIA-RDP85T00875R000300010015-8 28 Fob 74 ussR BRAT~YUS, V., News from Ukraine, No 4, Jan 74, p 2 But the developtc?nt of medical science and publio health has brought about new criteria for assessing the needs of the health service. We consider it desirablo, for instance, to give hospital treatment nowadays for a number of diseases which were once treated at home. And we have set orrselves tF-e aim of providing every large industrial enterprise with its own medical unit, where doctors could combine treatment and preventive measures, improve working conditions, keep an eye on occupational hazards and so on. We also want to bring about a considerable improvement of the health service in rural areas .?~ for instance, by creatir~ large district hospitals, capable of providing specialist treatment in some 20 fields. It is sometimes suggested that this runs counter to the aim of bringing the medical service closer to the villagers. But that aim is not to be taken literally: it doesn~t mean a hospital in every village. USSR BRAT~YUS, V., News from Ukraine, No 4, Jan 74, p 2 Ror one .thing, it would take a huge s11ce of our resources to build and equip thousands of village hospitals. For another, qualified examination and treatment of a patient can best be provided by a large medical center with a full complement of specialists, diagnostic equipment and laboratories. Of course we are not going to close down all village hospitals. What happens to them will be decided by the local authorities axed local health authorities after consideration of local needs. And even if a hospital is closed, we shall provide in its place a health center with doctors and qualified assistants. Such closures that occur will entail no hardship, because the health service is well equipped with transport and communicakions. Approved For Release 2003/04/25 :.CIA-RDP85T00875R000300010015-8 Approved For Release 2003/04/25: CIA-RDP85T00875R000300010015-8 28 T~eb 74 22 USSR BRAT~YUS, V., News from Ukraine, No 4, Jan 74, p 2 Every arts ha s.ita ambulance scrvioes with anaesthetists, nurses, blood transfusion equipment and so on. ?: ?;*?gent cases blood donors can be rushed by car or plane wherever they a7,?e needed. A11 the problems I have mentioned will bo solved. :C can say this with confidence because in Uln~aine, as in all parts. oP the USSR, the heatlth service is not left to fend for itself, but eta oys the constant assistance ar,: sur,~port of the government, the various ministries and departments, managements of i.ndusl;rial and other enterprises, the trade unions and other voluntary bodies, and the local authorities. ~~ Mans happiness and. well-being is the most valuable asset of a soeialisti society. In the USSR health is the common cause of a11. Approved Fore.Release 2003/04/25 :.CIA-RDP85T00875R000300010015-8 Approved For Release 2003/04/25: CIA-RDP85T00875R000300010015-8 28 Feb 74 23 FPA:SOVIET SCIENCE III. ACTIVITIES OF SCIENTIFIC OR(}A:YITJITION3 6. USSR "New Methods of Marine Seismic Exploration!' Moscow, Izvestiya, 12 Jan 74, p 3 Translation: Scientists of the Azerbaydzhan Affiliate of the All-Union Scientific Researoh Institute o.f Qeophysical Me:?hods of Exploration have developed new methods of carrying out marine seismic exploration. Using special devices, which instead of explosives use compressed air and petroleum gas to generate seismic waves, they have carried out an experiment for a study of bottom contour, In the SoviRt Union after 1967 it was forbidden to use explosives for aei smio exploration in all internal and external water bodies. New sources for generating elastic vibrations are safe for animate nature and do not even harm baby fish. In the photograph: a battery of gas detonators ready to be lowered into the sea, The use of these sources of generation of seismic waves permits out seismic explora+;ion of the sea bottom without explosives. 7. USSR Correspondent of "Meditsinskaya Qazeta", Minsk Moscow, Meditsinskaya Oazeta, 1 Feb 74, p 3 Translation: The first Belorussian Laboratory of Qetietics was created five years ago at the Medical Institute. Its associsi~es carry out interesting clinical, cytog+e netic, and morphological studies. Reports on special problems submitted by Head of the Laboratory Corresponding Member of the Academy of Medical Sciences USSR Yu. V. (3ul~kevich and scientific associates of the Laboratory aroused great interest a t conferences of geneticists of Belorussia, the Ukraine, the All-Union Congress in Moscow, the Symposium in Tbilisi, and at international meetings in c)eneva and Leipzig. Belorussian geneticists maintain relations with 57 laboratories of the world. The classification of congenital defects worked out at the Laboratory has been aceep ted by W'H0. An atlas of diseases is in preparation, and results of scientific obae rva- tions and analyses are being systematt,zed. A Teratological Center has been created at the Laboratory to study conditions of labor and life of women, and their influence on the health of future children. Approved For Release 2003/04/25.: CIA-RDP85T00875R000300010015-8 Approved For Release 2003/04/25: CIA-RDP85T00875R000300010015-8 28 P'eb 74 24 8. USSR IVANOV, R., Docent, Candidate of Teohni.oal Sciences "Scientific Journals, A Neod for Standardization" Mot~cow, Pravda, 21 Dec 73, p 3 Abstract: Based on the analysis of 25 percent of the specialized scientific Journals published in the USSR, the author criticizes the present state of their publication. Although since 1967 articles dealing with scientific-technical subJeets must be accompanied by abstracts, this rule is observed by only half of the publications. Such Journals as "Instrtunentatlon and Techniques of the Experiment" (Academy of Sciences USSR); "Automation, Telemeohanies, and Communications" (Ministry of Railways USSR); and "Mechanization and Automation of Control" (Qosplan Ul~rainian 3SR) provide no abstracts. This compels individual scientists and information organs to spend their time unproductively in searching for and abstracting the needed material, leading to frequent duplication. Also most abstracts are inadequate a.ri uninformative, of different format, with no free back aide, and their hanwliilg and cataloging are time ?.?~? lebor~6o..ouiaiilg. i?his is especially true of "Referativnyy Zhurnal." Only a few Journals publish abstracts in the form of bibliographical cards. This method, if generalized, would save many thousand man-hours. 1/2 Most useful would be also to indicate ::hen manuscripts were received t~y the editor, for it will establish their relative novelty and control over time of their actual publication. However, this is done by only 20 percent of the Journals. The an:~lysis further shows that ten different formats of Journals are in use. Their standardization would be of paramount importance for reading and processing under the Automated Control System. There should be introduced a special identifying code language which would permit coordination of bibliographical and other characteristics of scientific articles for subsequent machine processing. This should be dons by establishing the all-union standard State identifiers for all printed production along with the necessary code symbols, which should be used at the stage of editorial preparation, permitting sub- sequent machine processing, .Since scientific-technical Journals are published by different departments, it would be expedient to establish, e.g. at the State Committee for Science and Technology, a.i~ Interdepartmental Commission to put into effect the aforesaid suggestions. Approved For Release 2003/04/25: CIA-RDP85T00875R000300010015-8 Approved For Release 2003/04/25: CIA-RDP85T00875R000300010015-8 25 FPD: sovxlrT sex>,NC>; g. ussR NO'VI1toV, I., correspondent of "Pravda," Minsk '~Physi~~,oteehnioal Institute of the Academy of Sciences Belorussian SSR^ Moscow, Pravda, 28 Nov 73, p 4 Translation: The Physicobechnieal Institute of the Academy of Sciences Belorussian SSR is in the forefront of scientifio-techni,oal progress. Works of the oolleotive of the Institute rotative to durability and plasticity physics are used in the maohine- building and instrument-making industry. For example, the method of rotational metal cutting has received wide recognition in the eleotrotechnical industry. It has improved the efficiency of electrometers and inoreased durability of instruments. Methods of electric welding of semiconduotor elements are being introduoed in the instrument-making industry. Units for cross rolling of mass-produced parts were also worked out. The progress in science and technology is the key factor in the creation of the material-technical base of oommunism. It is therefore understandable that participants of the Party Meeting held to hear reports and elect now officials ~rere most concerned with questions on the effectiveness of research in their scientific institution, its USSR NOVIKOV, I., Pravda, 28 Nov 73, p 4 ooncentration on the most important and promising directions, and the role of the Party Organization and of each communist in it. As has been reported at the meeting by Secretary of the Party Bureau L. N. Nesterovich, in the current year the Institute is working on 17 important subjects including eight undertaken on the instructions of the State Committee for Science and Technology of the Council of Ministers USSR. Associates of the Institute look for the most rational solutions of scientific-technical problems placed before the collec- tive. The Party organization is using a:~1 available means to direct the efforts of scientists toward the achievement of the best results. The course of discussion on the report of the Party Bureau and the active participation of communists in it indi- cate that the Party organization of the Institute is deeply conscious of its role and responsibility for the state of affairs. The most important problem set before scientists in the Ninth Five-Year Plan is further rapprochement between science and production. This was the subject of the pronouncement of Candidate of Technical Sciences fi. Sh. 3ukhodrev. He related how a Commission for the .Control of the Activity of the Administration headed by him takes Approved For Release 2003/04/25: CIA-RDP85T00875R000300010015-8 Approved For Release 2003/04/25: CIA-RDP85T00875R000300010015-8 28 P'eb 74 26 NOVIKOV, I., Pravda, 28 Nov 73, P 4 ...., . a rtay-to-day interest in the course of introduotion into production of accomplished scientifia research work. The application of rotational cutting, for example, has saved for the S}ato 800,000 rubles in this year alone, and research in improvement of the quality of semiconduotive irlstruments -- 470,000 rubies. Soiontifie elabora- tions are becoming more tangibly and are more actively introduced for reequipment of enterprisesr Tt is vory significant, for instance, that whereas three years ago the economy resulting from financial agreements between enterprises and the Institute amounted to ten kopecks per ruble, in the past and the current year it was two rubles. Bud: the communists also revealed important shortcomings. In particular the Commission for the Control hes established that sometimes these agreements were con- cluded without a previous estimate of their economic effectiveness, 'The introduotion of the worked out elaborations would be much morn effective,' stated senior engineer L. M. Kozhuro, ?if our Party organization would establish closer contact with Party organi.uations of the base enterprises.? The strengthening of contacts of scientific institutions with production and the assignment of base enterprises for academic institutes, repeatedly voiced at the NOVIFUOV, I., Pravda, 28 Nov 73, p 4 meeting, is moat helpful. Thus the Physicotechnical Institute will now work in close contact with collectives of three plants. But it is indispensable, pointed the speakers, to speed up regulations with regard to base enterprises. 'Phe key problem in the life of a Party organization is always the selection, distribution, and training of cadres. It was no mere chance that this problem iras given much consideration at the meeting. "With help of the Party organization we endeavor to get maximum creative activity from each scientific worker," stated Aireetor of the Institute V. N, Chaehin. '~It is for this purpose, for example, that the group method for the elaboration o:.' subjects is being used, Oroups are so chosen that each scientist be able to fully display his abilities, The conditions are created in which the group leader should be concerned that the theme be worked up by as small as possible number of workers and the results obtained be the best possible.? The communists noted. with satisfaction that in the appointments to the. post of senior scientific associates (who, as a rule, head each group) tike Party organization Approved For Release 2003/04/25: CIA-RDP85T00875R000300010015-8 Approved For Release 2003/04/25: CIA-RDP85T00875R000300010015-8 28 Fob 74 27 P'PDSSOVIgT SCTIIdCH USSR NOVIKOV, I., Pravda, 28 Nov 73, p iN has a !'anal say and is very exacting toward each appointment. Discussion at?the Party Bureau meetings on communist activity of the laboratories is vary beneficial. The talent and work of a scientist are a most valuable national property. In the era of scientific-tech:~ieal progress the greatest and speediest effects at the least expense. are obtained by those who know how to rationally utilize scientific forces. While expressing their solidarity with the views of the secretary of the Party Bureau and director of the Institute ?egarding work with scientific cadres, the speakers also noted considerable shortcomings in the utilization of the forces and abilities of scientists. In the opinion of senior engineer V. N. Zege the working time is sometimes spent unproductive;iy since much is done manually and primitively, thus impairing the accuracy of calculations. A11 thie is because the Institute has no computers. The latter could considerably increase the effectiveness of the scientists work. The establishment of creative groups does not fully solve the problem of coordinating the efforts of scientists.. Discussions on common subjects involving workers of several laboratories often arise rather spontaneously. NOVIKOV, I,; Pravda, 28 Nov 73, p 4 "The exchange of opinions has a good effect in this case," stated Head of the Laboratory M. N. Bodyako. But the Part~~ organization should give these contacts an organized and planned character. It would be worthwhile at the Production Conference to discuss how to enhance this kind of experiment." Participants of the meeting spoke with a sense of great exactingness about the place of every communist in the struggle for scientific-technical progress. The responsibility of a Party member is much greater, However, as noted by senior scien- tific associate P. A, Parkhutin, there are rather few communists among the senior scientific associates and this should be a matter of concern fir the Party Bureau. .Many speakers, in particular senior scientific associate L. I. Shvedov, voiced criticism about the Central Design Bureau of ?che Academy of Sciences Belorussian SSR. There has riot yet been organized a sufficient base to successfully execute all. the orders of the institutes, which keeps back the introduction of elaborations into produetiori. Approved For Release 2003/04/25 ; CIA-RDP85T00875R000300010015-8 28 Feb 74 28 Approved For Release 2003/04/25: CIA-RDP85T00875R000300010015-8 Summing up the activity of their Party organization for the past period, xavlxw, _. - , Pravda, 28 Nov 73, p ~+ ... communists of the Physicoteohnical Institute broughtthem :!,nto proper correlation with those great tasks set before scientists by the 24th Congress of the Party and decisions of the Plenums of the CPSU Central Committee. ?'his made it possible for them not only to find a proper criterion to appraise what had been lane, but also to determine a clear perspective for further work. The resolution adopted by the meeting outlines concrete measures for improving Party work at the Institute and creating conditions for the most fruitful activity of scientific cadres. ?/7 Approved For Release 2003/04/25: CIA-RDP85T00875R000300010015-8 Approved For Release 2003/04/25: CIA-RDP85T00875R000300010015-8 28 Fob 74 2g FPD:SOVIRT sCILNCR V. nwARDS, CONTESTS, APPOINTMENTS, AND PEft9ONALITIFis 10. USSR ?I. Xe, Amlinskiy" Mosaow, Meditsinskaya Qazeta, 14 Nov 73r p 1 Translation: By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet RSF3R for service in biological sciences and many years fruitful pedagogical activity, the title Honored Seiontist RSFSR was awarded to Prof I1~ye Ye~t'imovich Amlinakiy, Doctor of Biological Sciences and scientific consultant for the Moscow Medical 3tomatologioal Institute. 11. USSR nI. V. Il~in? Moscow, Meditsinskaya Oazeta, 22 Jun 73, p 4 Translation: I. V. Il~in, professor of the Chair of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the First Moscow Order of Lenin and Order of Labor Red Banner Medical Institute imeni I. M, Sechenov, has been appointed to the non-staff post of chief obstetrician- gynecologist of the Ministry of Health USSR. 1/1 12. USSR ' 'Academy of Sciences USSR Honored~~ Moscow, Izvestiya, 8 Feb 74, p 1 Translation: Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet USSR on awarding the .Order of Lenin to the USSR Academy of Sciences. For great service in the development of Soviet science and culture, preparing highly-qualified scientific cadres, and streng~bhening the economic and defensive power of our country, and in connection with its 250th anniversary, the Academy of Sciences of the Union of 3ovlet Socialist Republics is awarded the Order of Lenin, Signed by Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet USSR N. Podgort~yy and Secretary of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet USSR M, Qeorgadze in Moscow, the Kremlin, 7 February 1974. Approved For Release 2003/04/25 ;CIA-RDP85T00875R000300010015-8 Approved For Release 2003/04/25: CIA-RDP85T00875R000300010015-8 .Approved For Release 2003/04%25: CIA-RDP85T00875R000300010015-8 28 Feb 74 30 13. USSR ?Seien?.ifio Research Institute Attarded Order of Labor Red Banner? Moscow, Meditsinskaya Oazeta, 19 Oct 73, P 1 Translation: Decree of the Presidium of the Supremo Soviet USSR on awarding the Scientifio Research Institute of Epidemiology, Virology, and Medical Parasitology imeni A. 8. Aleksan4yan the Order of Labor Red Banner. For services in the development of public health, medical science, and thQ training of oadres, the 3oienti.fic Researoh Institute of Epidemiology, Virology, and Medical Parasitology imeni A. B. Aleksanyan of the Ministry of Health Armenian 93R is awarded the Order of Labor Red Banner. 3lgned by Chairman of the Presidium of the 'Supreme Soviet USSR N. Podgornyy a,:d Secretary of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet USSR M. Oeorgadze in Moscow, the Kremlin, 16 October 1973. 1/1 14. USSR VTKTOROV, A., ?Izvostiya" supernumerary correspondent ?A~~rards to Qeographers? Moscow, Izvestiya, 23 Deo 73, P 2 Translations: The Scientific Council of the Oeographical Society USSR has adjudged honorary awards to Soviet geographers for their outstanding work and research. A (rand 0old Medal.-was bestowed on Professor of the?Institute of Ethnography of the Academy of Sciences USSR V. Po',ashishevskiy fora successful elaboration of economical geography problems. A Medal established in honor of celebrated Russian traveler and scientist P. P. Semenov was?eonferred upon Professor of the Arotic and Antarctic Institute M. Belov, author of the third and fourth volumes of the "History of Discovery and Development of the Northern Sea Route.? Approved For Release 2003/04/25: CIA-RDP85T00875R000300010015-8 28 Feb 74 31 15. ussR 'Honorary Awards~~ Moscow, Meditsinskaya Oazeta, 29 Jun 73, p 1 Translation: By decree of the Presidium o: the Supreme Soviet R3F3R for service in national publio health, the title Honored Physioian RSFSR is awarded to the following medical workers of Mosoow therapeutic-prophyi~ctic establishments: V. N.~Ananoyeva, deputy chief physician of City Children~s Ho~:pi,cal No. 11; Ye. I. Beglova, deputy chief of the Special Board of the Main Administration of Public Health of the City Executive Committee;. H. V. Kruchinina, head of a division of Central Polyclinic of the Ministry of Health RSFSR; V. D. Lebedeva, head of a clinical laboratory of Medical-Sanitary Sector No. 32; N. N. Lykova, chief physician of Medical-Sanitary Sector No. 33; A, E. Neohayeva, deputy chief physician of City Clinical Hospital No. 23; Ye. I. Startseva, head of a division of Po1yc11ni.o No. 109; and 0. P. Shatalova, head of a division of Central Hospital of the Ministry of Health RSFSR. l/1 16. USSR "Honorary Awards? , Moscow, Meditsinskaya Oazeta, 6 Jul 73, p 1 Translation: By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet RSFSR for .service in national public health, the title Honored Physician RSFSR is awarded to N. M. Rybkina -- senior inspector of the Main Sanitary-Epidemiological Administration of the Ministry of Health USSR; V. 0. Ryabtsev -- prorector of the First iloscow Medical Institute imeni T. M. 3echenov; and Yu. V. Shneweys -- chief physician of the Central Reservoir Hospital of the Northern Water Reservoir in Arkhangelsk. Approved For Release 2003/04/25: CIA-RDP85T00875R000300010015-8 28 Fob 74 32 11Honorary Awards" Moscow, Meditsinskaya pazeta, 29 Aug?73, p 1 Translation: By decree of the Presidium of the~3upreme Soviet RSFSR for service in medical sc.:ence and preparing scientific cadres, the title Honored Soientist RSFSR is awarded to Prof 3ergey Fedorovieh Semenov, Doctor of Medical Sciences and deputy director of .the Moscow Scientific Research Institute of Phyehiatry of the Ministry of Health RSFSR, By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet R:tFSR for service in national public health, the title Honored Physician RSFSR is awarded to the following medica'1 workers of Leningrad therapeutic~prophylactia establishments: M. A. Antonova, chief physioian of Children~s Polyclinic No. 14; V. V. Barabanahehikov, ohief physician of the City Medical-Physical Culture Dispensary; 3. V. Kenska, head of the Northwestern vodzdravotdela (expansion unknown'; V. V. Semenova, head of a division of First. Aid Hospital No. 21 imeni Kor~rashin; and V. T. Timashkova, chief physician of the same hospital: 1/1 physician of the Oblast "Akhmanka" Mud Baths. physician of Hospital No. 1 of the Department of Public :Health of the Executive Committee of the Oblast Council of Workers Deputies; and R. Ye, Yakovleva, chief 18. USSR "Honorary Awards? Moscow, Meditsinskaya Oazeta, 31 Aug 73o p 1 ,Translation: By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet RSFSR for service in national public health, the title Honored Physician RSFSR is awarded to the following medical workers of Tyumenskaya Oblast therapeutic prophylactic establishments: L. Y. Igoshina, physician of Maternity Home No, 1 in Tyumen; P, P. Korneyeya, physician of Tyumen Linear Hospital; A, A, Lyapina, chief physician of Maslyanskiy Sector Hospital, Sladkovskaya Oblast; L. A, Panasyuchenko, physician of Children~s Clinical Hospital No. 1, Tyumen; M. T. Savitskiya deputy chief physician of the Oblast Clinical Hospital;, A. ~, Uzhentseva, head of a division of the Oblast Trachomatous Dispensary; E. K. Urvantseya, chief physician of the Oblast Trachomatous Dispensary; L. V, Khlystunova, :.workers of Irtyshsk Central Reservoir Hospital: N. T. Sosnovskaya, head of a division, By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet RSFSR for service in national' .public health, the title Honored Physician RSFSR is awarfled to .the following medical and V. N. Yurgel~, chief physician. 1/1 Approved For Release 2003/04/25 ;CIA-RDP85T00875R000300010015-8 Approved For Release 2003/04/25: CIA-RDP85T00875R000300010015-8 28 Feb 74 ~~ FPD:SOVTET SCILNCR VI. OBITUARIRS OF SOVIET SCIENTISTS Moscow, Voprosy Pitaniya, No 5, 1973, pp 89-90 Abstract: Ivan Petrovich Barehenko, noted Soviet 1~ygienist, Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor, and scientific consultant of the Chair of Nutrition Hygiene of the Kiev Medical Institute, died on 21 March 1973. 1y. USSR "I. P. Barchenko'? 20. USSR "M. A. Qekhtman" Moscow, Meditsinskaya Oazeta, 14 Nov 73, p 4 Abstract: Prof Moisey Yakovlevich Oekhtman, leader of the First Chair of Social Hygiene and the Organization of Public Health of the Kishinev Medical Institute, CPSU member since 1940, and Doctor of Medical Sciences, has died. 1/1 21, USSR "K. M. Kulland" Moscow, Meditsinshaya Oazeta, 27 Jun 73, P 3 Abstract: The 21 June 1973 death of Prof Konstantin Mikhaylovich Kulland, head of the Chair of Normal Physiology of Patrice Lumumba Peoples Friendship University and Doctor of Medical Sciences, was announced by the rectorate, party committee, and professional committee of the University. 22. USSR "P. O. Sergiyev" Moscow, Meditsinskaya Oazeta, 18 Jul 73, p 3 Abstract: The death. of Prof Petr 4rigor~yevich Sergiyev, Hero. of Socialist Labor, former director of the Institute of Medical Parasitology and Tropical Medicine, seien- tific consultant for this Institute, Academician of the-USSR l+cademy of Medical Sciences, and CPSU member since 1919, on 12 July 1973 was announced by the Ministry of Health USSR, the Presidium of the Academy of Mddica'l Sciences, the Lenin Rayon Com~,t- 1/l Approved For Release 2003/04/25: CIA-RDP85T00875R000300010015-8 Approved For Release 2003/04/25: CIA-RDP85T00875R000300010015-8 28 Fob 74 '~.~~ FPD: SO'{RL"~' SCIFNCE~ 23. ussR "B. P. Sokolov? Moscow, Meditsi.nnkaya 4azeta, 13 Jul 73, p 4. Abstract: The death of Boris Pavlovich Sokolov, docent of the Chair ci Propedeuti,c Therapy of the Second Therapeutic Faculty of the First Moscow. Medical Institute imeni I. M. Seohenov, was announced by the rectorate, party committee, and professional committee of the Institute and by the oolleotive of Hospital No.' 23. 1 /l Approved for Release 2003/04/25: CIA-RDP85T00875R000300010015-8 Approved For Release 2003/04/25: CIA-RDP85T00875R000300010015-8 2fi Fob 74 35 FPD:SOVIET SCIENCE VII. FOREIGN SCIENTIFIC COOPERATION Moscow, Meditsinskaya Oazeta, 26 Sep 73, p 4 Translation: A '~vleek" devoted to Soviet-Bulgarian medical contacts is being observed in Moscow during 24-30 September 1973. These meetings take place every year and have become traditional, The soientifio program of the "Week" was dedicated this time to topical problems of oncology. 'The Bulgarian delegation is represented by First Deputy Minister of Health of the Peoples Republic of Bulgaria Rector of the Medical Academy of Sciences Prof A. Maleyev, Director of the Ontological Center of the Medical Academy of Sciences Prof 0. Mitrov, his two deputies M. Boyeva and S. Kirov, and well-known immunologists, surgeons, and oncologists. I1~ Moscow the guests were reueived by the direet~rs and scientists of the Moscow Scientific Research Ontological Institute imeni P. A, Oertsen and of the Institute of Experimental and Clinical Oncology of the Academy of Medical Sciences USSR, At a symposium held in the Onco"logical Institute imeni P. A. Oertsen and devoted to tumor immunology, the first two sessions were set apart for various aspects of experimental USSR ineditsinskaya Oazeta, 2v` Sap 73, p 4 immunology, and the mechanism of immunological protection t;f the organism during the growth of a tumor. Reports were presented by Soviet and Eulgarian scientists. At subsequent sessions problems of clinical immunology, immunotherapy of tumors, and immunological status of patients will be discussed. On p::?oblems of clinical immunolog,~ reports will be delivered by associates of the Institute imeni Oertsen, the Institute of Experimental and Clinical Oncology, the Scientific Research Institute of Oncology imeni Prot N. N. Petrov of the Ministry of Health USSR, and workers of laboratories of clinical immunology in Kiev, Minsk, Alma Ata, Ta11in, Riga, Saratov, and Karaganda. During following days a discussion will be held at the "round table" on the problem of cancer of the rectum? The guests will part in the meeting of the Scientific Medical society of Moscow Oncologists where a report by professors A. Maleyev and 0. Mitrov on results and prospects of *he development of oncology in the Peoples Republic of Bulgaria will be discussed. The Bulgarian delegation will acquaint itself with the work of ontological institutions of Moscow. 2/2 Approved For Release 2003/04/25: CIA-RDP85T00875R000300010015-8 Approved For Release 2003/04/25: CIA-RDP85T00875R000300010015-8 Approved For Release 2003/04/25: CIA-RDP85T00875R000300010015-8 25. ussR , LASHKEVICH, V., and 3EMI'sNOV, B. "Fruitful Cooperation Between the Soviet Union and the ?R" Moscow, Meditsinskaya f}azeta, 1 Feb 74, p 3 Translation: The Institute of Poliomyelitis and Viral $ncephalitis of the Academy of Medical Sciences USSR has arranged a second working conference between scientists of the Soviet Union and the (CDR on problems of chemotherapy in viral infections. Scientists summed up the results of point studies, discussed the prospects oS cooperation, and coordinated concrete plans of bilateral experiments. In the communication of S. t}. Drozdov it was noted that research in chemotherapy is very intensive. It is necessary to concentrate research efforts on the creation of new methods for selecting and evaluating antiviral agents, especially models of influenza, measles, hepatitis, and viral encephalltides. In the reports of P. Langen (?R) and V. I. Agola (USSR) were presented potential possibilities of the influence of chemotherapeutic strains upon various stages of the reproduction of viruses. USSR LASHKEVICH, V., and SEtKENQV, B? Meditsinakaya (iazeta, l Feb 74, p 3 (}. Richter and L. Hainisch (?R) and V. A. Kropacheva (USSR) spoke of the role of structiural elements and the interrelationship between structure and activity of compounds with virustatic action. Special interest was aroused by the communication of A. I. arinev and Q. N. Pershin concerning results of the Search for chemotherapeutic agents against viral infections, carried out at the All-Union 3aientific Research Chemicopharmaceutical Institute of the Mirdstry of Medical Industry in 1950?1973. There was lively discussion on, the problem of selecting experimental models for primary selections of antiviral preparations and atanclardization of methods for stud;~ing their activity. The advantages and shortcomings of various test-methods applied in scientific institutions of ?R and USSR were examined. A number of reports contained communications on results of studying antiviral activity of synthetic and other substances. Special attentior, was attracted by data relative to the promise held'by the application of the interferon~genous complex of Approved For Release 2003/04/25: CIA-RDP85T00875R000300010015-8 28 Feb 74 37, FPD:SGVIET SCIENCE usse LASHI~VICH, V., and 3EMEN0V, B., Meditsinskaya aazeta, 1 Feb 74, p 3 . polyriboguanylic and polyribocytidylic acids for the proph;,laxis of experimental tick-borne encephalitis, the ,results of studying the connection between structure and activity of synthetic interferonogens, and sucoessful use of synthetic poly- ribonuoleotide co:+~plexes as interferonogens in herpetic affections of eyes. Of interest was the discussion on the synthesis of new chemical compounds, molecular mechanisms of reproduction of viruses, and immunology and clinical aspects of viral infeotiona. A wide-range program of furthez~ point research of scientists of the Soviet Union and ODR was adopted. 3 /3 26. USSR BABURINA, I., correspondent of "Sovetskaya Estoniya? "Polish Scientists Visit Estonia" Ta111n, Sovetskaya Estoni,ya, 7 Dec 73, p 3 Abstract: An interview with two Polish scientists, Doctor of Pharmacology Tadeusz Materski of the Polish firm "CIECH-POLFAP1, and Doctor of Medicine Attdrze~ Przebylski, is published. Chief Therapeutist of Estonia Natan El~shteyn, in his role of host, noted. that last year Tallin had been visited by Po:~ish scientists from Warsaw and Odansk, and that he discussed with them the action of .Polish medicinal preparations used t~ treat rhewnatism and the central nervous system. This time on the agenda are problems connected with drugs for treating cardiovascular and skin diseases. Polish medications are widely used in Estonia, Doctor Materski stated that Poland .produces enormous quantities of medicinal pre~;arations which successfully compete on the world market with products of western European firms.. The Soviet Union is Poland~s largest commercial partner and Soviet scientists are of great help. in developing and testing new preparations. Doctor Przebylski .said that as a therapist he specializes in studying new preparations and conducting symposiums, which during the past two weeks were held by both of them in Moscow, Vil~r~yus, Riga, and now Tat?.in. Approved For. Release 2003/04/25.:. CIA-RDP85T00875R000300010015-8 Approved For Release 2003/04/25: CIA-RDP85T00875R000300010015-8 28 Fob 7~~ 27. ussR TASS Moscow. Pravda, 1 Dec 73, P 5 Translation: On 30 November 1973 the seoond aosaion oi' trio Mixed Soviet-American Commission for Scion"+.fic-Toohnioal Cooperation in Moscow ended. The technicalities of the fu1fi11ment of the Agreement concluded on 24 May 1972 between the 4overnments of the Soviet Union and the United States on the Cooperation in Science and Tech- nology and the prospeots of further development of business relations have been examined. At the mooting it was noted that on the. whole the organizational period in the activity of the mixed working groups representing individual important directions of cooperation has been brought to a satisfactory conclusion, The heads of the delegations -- Deputy Chairman of the Covucil of Ministers USSR and Chairman of the State Committee for Science and Technology of the Counoil of N~inistera USSR V. A. Kirillin and Adviser on Science to the President of the United States Direotor of the National Seienee Foundation (3. Stiver have signed the Protocol of the Session. 1 /2 At the press aonferenoe i'or Soviet and American journalists V. A. Kirillin and f}. Stiver noted the consic'.erable progress aohieved in the realization of the Intergovernmental Agreement. 2/2 Approved .For Release 2003/04/25: CIA-RDP85T00875R000300010015-$ Approved For Release 2003/04/25: CIA-RDP85T00875R000300010015-8 28 rob 74 39 FPDssOVIET SCIENCE 28. USSR "American Physicians in Moscow" Moscow, Meditsinskaya Oazeta, 19 oat 73, p 4~ Translation: In accordance with the plan of cooperation between uciontific institu- tions of the Soviet Union and USA in cardiovascular diseases two delegations of Amorioan scientists are now in Moscow. The first delegation includes eight aardiologista. During a two-week period they wi7.1, tggether with associates of the Institute of Cardiology imeni Prof A, L, Myasnikov of the Academy of Sciences USSR, make plans for point study of the problem of "suddon death." Members of this delegation will also visit scientific medical institutions and the sights of Moscow and Leningrad. Delegation is headed by Prof B. Lawn, Visiting Moscow at the same time is another group of American physicians, including an epidemiologist, biochemist, biostatisticians, and dietitian. Over a two month period they will bE working with Soviet scientists in laboratories of epidemiology and biochemistry of the Institute of Cardiology imeni Prof A. L. Myasnikov. Their goal is to organize research to ascertain the spread of hyperlip- idemias among selective groups of the populations of Moscow and Leningrad, 1/2 Meditsinskaya (}azeta, 19 Oct 73, p 4 During the last two weeks the American specialists will work in Leningrad at the Institute of Experimental Medicine of the Academy of Medical Sciences USSR. This group is headed by Doc+~or 0, D. Williams. 2/2 Approved For Release 2003/04/25: CIA-RDP85T00875R000300010015-8 Approved For Release 2003/04/25: CIA-RDP85T00875R000300010015-8 28 Fob 7iF +FO FPD:SOVIET SCIENCE 29. USSR PASTUKIIOV. S., correspondent of Pravda "Institute of Scientific-Teohnical Translations" Moscow. Pravda, 14 Nov 73- p ~ Translation: An Institute of ,Scientific-Technical Translations has opened in I~abarovsk. Its first lectures were attended by engineers, designers of city enter- prises, and workers of foreign trade. Leotures are being delivered by experienced instructors of higher educational. institutions, and specialists of scientific research institutions. Movies and tape recordings w311 be used for practical instruction. The Institute was oreated by'the Saientific-Teohnical Soelety and the local branch of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry USSR. The curriculum requires three years of study. 3 0. USSR TROYAN, 3., correspondent of "Izbestiya?, Chita "Polytechnical Institute Opened" Mosoow, Ixvestiya, l5 Jan 74, p 2 Translation: A Yolytechniaal Institute, the third higher educational institution, has been opened in the Oblast center of Transbaikal. At present 2,000 students are studying in three of its faculties -- madhine- buiiding, automechanical, and civil engineering. In the near future the Institute wi11 train many more specialists. Two more faculties wi11 be opened. Approved For Release 2003/04/25.: CIA-RDP85T00875R000300010015-8 Approved For Release 2003/04/25: CIA-RDP85T00875R000300010015-8 28 Feb 74 41 FPD:sOVIET SCIENCE 31. uss~ BEIlPA "A New Institute of the Aeadomy" Minsk, Sovetskaya Belorussiya, 12 Jan 74, p 3 Translation: The Institute of Bioorganio Chemistry has been created at the Academy of Sciences Belorussian SSR. The main direction of its activity will be the study of principal natural substances which actively affect vital activity of the organism and the elaboration of methods for obtaining them by chemical synthesis. The new scientific center will continue and expand research on proteins, fats, hormones, vitamins, and other physiologically active substances which is now being successfully carried out in the Department of Bioorpanic Chemistry of the Institute of Physiooorgani.c Chemistry under the direction of Academician A. A. Akhrem. This Department obtained important results in the study cif the structure and properties of some natural substances and in the establishment of connection between their structure and biological action. The new Institute is the 32nd scientific subdivision of the Belorussian Academy of Sciences. 1/l 3 2. USSR MAKEYEV, Yu., correspondent of "Pravda" "A New Laboratory of the Institute of Marine Biology? Moscow, Pravda, 10 Jan 74, p 6 Translation: Anew Laboratory was opened at the Institute of Marine Biology of the Far Eastern Science Center of the Academy of Sciences USSR. Its workers will study the distribution and specific composition of t?he inhabitants of equatorial waters. Scientific plans of this Laboratory of 'Topical Sans include studies of coral reefs. Approved For Release 2003/04/25: CIA-RDP85T00875R000300010015-8 Approved For Release 2003/04/25: CIA-RDP85T00875R000300010015-8 28 ~ ~b 74 ~~~ 33. T.rssR 11Confarence of Union Republic Ministers of Health" Moscow, Medita;l.nskaya pazeta, l Feb 74, p 1 Translation: A conference of the Ministers of Health of Union Republics summoned by the Ministry of Health USSR took plane on 29-~0 January 1974 in MOACOW. The problems of paramount importance in the activitS? of organs and institutions of public health wore discussed and the tasks of further developing health services i.n the country were determined. Mini.sS;er of Health USSR H. V. Petrovskiy delivered a report entitled "Results of the December 1973 Plenum of the CPSU Central Committee and of the Seventh Session of the Supreme Soviet USSR of the 8ighth Convocati?~[-, and the Tasks of Further Devel.opmenti-of Public Health in 1974.11 First Deputy Minister of Health U33R 3. P. Burenkov spoke of basic directions of public health development in 197E-1990 and of the tasks of public health organs in working out a plan for public health development during this period. 1/3 Dieditsinskaya 4azeta, 1 Feb 74, p 1 Participants to the Conferonee have also discussed reports by tiinister of Health RSFSR 'r"". V. Trofimov, Minister of Health Belorussian 33R N. Ye. Savchenko, and Deputy Minister of Health USSR P. N. Burgasov, "Cn Carrying Out the Decree of~the CPSU Central Committee and the Council of Ministers USSR da;.ed 5 July 1968 Measures for Further Improvement of Public Health and Development of Medical Science in the Country~~! with respect to strengthening the sanitary-epidemiological service and enhanoement of 'she level of State and sanitary control; by Minister of Health Ukrainian SSR V. D. Bratus~, Minister of Health. Kazakh SSR m. Sh: Sharmanov, and Deputy Minister of Health USSR A. F. Serenko, on 11The Results of Work on the Develop.. ment of the Material-Technical Base of Hospitals, Construction of Large Multiline and Specialized Hospital Institutions, and Enlargement and Reoonstruchion of Existing Hospitals in Light of .the Deoree of the CPSU Central Committee and the Council of Min'_aters USSR dated 5 July 1968 No. 51711; by Minister of Health RSFSR V. V. TriiYmov, Minister of Health Uzbek SSR K. S. Zairov; and Deputy Minister.:?of Health USSR D.? D. Venediktov IIOn Expediting Completion of ,the Shift of Medical Institutes (of Therapeutic and Pediatric Departments) to Systems of Subwardship and Internship." of Medical Sciences USSR; N. I. Ma1ov, head. of a department of Qoaplan USSR; In the enRUing debate participated N. N. i~rigor~yeva, chairman of the~Central Committee of the Medical Workers Trade Union; V. D. Timakov, president of the Academy Approved For Release 2003/04/25:,CIA-RDP85T00875R000300010015-8 Approved For Release 2003/04/25: CIA-RDP85T00875R000300010015-8 28 Fob 7~E UssR 43 FPD:SOVIET SC7.ENCE Meditsinskaya Oazeta, 1 Fob 74?, p 1 I. D. Sorochan, Minister of Health Mo1aavian 3SR; M. V. Volkov, chairman~of the Scientific Medical Council of the Ministry of Health USSR; Yu. F. Isakov, chief of the Main Administration of Educational Institutions of the Ministry of Health USSR; P. T. 4erasimov, deputy Minister of Health USSR.; V. V. Oolovteyev, chief of the Planning and Financial Administration of the Ministry of Health USSR; A. I. Burnazyan, deputy Minister of Health USSR; and others. Responsible workers of the CPSU Central Committee, the Council of Ministers USSR, doaplan USSR, and .the Central Committee of the Medical Workers Trade Union, and the chiefs of Main Administrations, Administrations, and Departments of the Ministry of Health USSR participated in the work of the Conference. During the Conference, meetings took place of the ministers of health of the union republics with heads of the Ministry of Health USSR and with scientists. Additional problems of further development of and improvement of the quality of medical care, including its specialized types, cultured ways in the work of institutions of public health, problems of the improvement of training of cadres and administration of public health, were discussed. 34. USSR "All-Union Conference on Cryosurgery" Moscow, Meditsinskaya (}azeta, 19 Oct 73, p 3 Abstract: Tho All-Union Conference on Cryosurgery ended in Moscow on 18 October 1973. Tt was organized by tho Ministry of Health USSR, the Administration for Introducing New btedicinal Agents and Medical Technology, the All-Union Scientifio Medical- Technical Society, and the All-Union Scientific Research'and~Experimental Institute of Medirtel Technology. The -0onference had over 150 participants inolnding physicians, physicists, mathe;aaticians, and engineers from 20 cities of the Soviet Union. It was empaasized by many speakers that cryosurgery is winning increasing popularity and reaches all fields of medicine. Using low temperatures it is possible to .solve diverse medical-biological problems. However, all speakers also stressed the fact that many problems are yet to be solved in cryosurgery. First we should clearly determine and substantiate the indications for application of cryosurgery, determine optimum conditions of its action, explain mechanisms of the effeot of cold on tissues of the organism, work out scientifically substantiated methods of the application of low temperatures ir: medicine,. and create cryosurg~.ca1 techniques whose potentialities will meet all medical and technical requirements. Approved For Release 2003/04/25: CIA-RDP85T00875R000300010015-8 28 Feb 74 RAF E~PD:SOVII3T SCIENCI3 Meditsinskaya Gazeta, 19 Oct 73, p 3 All speakers strossed that the solution of these problems~is possible only through the point efforts of ~.~iysioians, biologists, physicists,. mathematicians, and engineers, The .first. steps. in this direction have already been taken through the creation in Kharltov of the Institute for Special Problems of Cryogenic Biology and Medicine of the Academy of Sciences Ukrainian SSR. The laboratory of Cgrresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences USSR A. I. Shal~nikov at the Tnsbitute for Physical Problems of the Academy of Sciences USSR~has been working for twelve. years on the creation of cryo-devices. 2~2: GAMBARYAN,. L., chairman of the Organizational Committee of the Symposium,. director o.f the Institute of Experimental Biology, Academy of Sciences Armenian SSR, ~+nofessor ?Symposium on the Brain and Movement? Yerevan, Kommunist, 3 Oct 73, p 2. Abstract: An A11-Union Symposium on the subJect of "The Brain and Movement" was hold. in Yerevan in October 1973. It was organized by the United Scientific Council of ?Physiology of Man and Animals? of the Academy of Sciences US4it, the Armenian Physio- logical Society of the Presidium of the Armenian Academy of Sciences,: and the Institute of Experimental Biology of tYie Academy. In addition to prominent scientists of the Soviet Union and countries of the socialist block, scientists of the USA, France, and West Germany also took part 1i~ the Symposium. Its program Included over 60 reports. on various subjects, Among the participants were Academician Kreindler (Bucharest), (France), Polish scientist Mrs. Afelt, and Prof A, Godikov (Bulgaria), Prot I. Szabo (Hungary), Prof D. Plug (West Germany), professors Baic and Rakic (Yugoslavia), T, Gorska (Poland), Prof Louis Marco (New York), Prof J, Massion Approved For Release 2003/04/25: CIA-RDP85T00875R000300010015-8 28 Feb 74 45 36. ussR AZERINFORM "Congress of Epidemiologists" Baku, Vyshka, 30 Nov 73, p 3 Translation: During the years of tine Soviet Republic in fighting infectious diseases. rule a great work was performed in our The activity of the Republic health organs for the prevention of infectio+~~.a diseases and the tasks facing them were discussed at the 4th Congress of Epidemiolo- gists, Microbiologists, and Infectionists of Azerbaydzhan held in Baku during 27-29 November. Over 700 scientists and medical practitioners not only from our Republic but also from the RSFSR, Georgia, Armenia, 1{azakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tadzhikist~:n, and, Estonia took part in its work. Participants of the Congress heard the. reports of Deputy Minister of Health Jlzerbaydzhan SSR,?Chief Sanitary Physician of the Republic G. Z. Aliyev on the "A.chievements of Soviet Azerbaydzhan in the Prophylaxis and Control of Infectious Diseases and the Next Tasks of Publie Health Organs," and of the head of a Laboratory 1/2 of the .`11-Union Institute of Influenza (Leningrad), Academician of the Academy of Medical Sciences USSR, and laureate of the Lenin and State Prizes USSR, A. A. Smorodintsev, on "A New Approach to Vaccinal Prophylaxis of Viral Infections." Participants of the Congress were acquainted with the new regulations concerning the State Sanitary Control by the Chief of the Sanitary Epidemiological Administration of the Ministry of Health of the Republic, S. D. Mamedov. A report was also presented at the Congress concerning the work of the Azer- baydzhan Scientific Society of Epidemiologists, Microbiologists, and Infeetionists by Chairman of the Board of the Society Corresponding Member of the Azerbaydzhan Academy of Sciences B. F. Medzhidov. Anew Board of this Society was elected. Approved For Release 2003/04/25: CIA-RDP85T00875R00.0300010015-8 Approved For Release 2003/04/25: CIA-RDP85T00875R000300010015-8 28 Feb 74 4~ "All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Antibiotios" Dloscow, Meditsinakaya (iazeta, 18 Jul 73, P 3 Prof S. Navashin --.deputy director of the Institute USSR 2. USSR "A11-Union Scie,ntifio Researoh Institute of Electrio Pulsating Machines and Equipment" .Moscow, Meditsinskaya 4azeta, 26 Sep 73, P 2 , 4. Zykoy -- director of the Institute 3. USSR "All-Union Seientii'ic Research Institute of the Hygiene and Toxicology of Inseetioides. Polymers, and Plastics, Ministry o~ Health U33R11 Moscow, Meditsinskays~ (iazeta, 19 Oct 73, P 3 Translation: Workers of the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of the Hygiene and Toxicology of Insecticides, Polymers, and Plastics of the Ministry of Health USSR and now studying a wide range of hygienic problems connected with steady growth oP scientific-technical progress. 3cientis'ts of the Division of Allergology are particularly intero3ted in the mechanism. of the occurrence of allergic diseases of chemical etiology. ..Results of scientific research will form the basis Por effective methods of In the photograph: Candidate of Medical. Sciences A. Buslenko (on the right) and laboratory worker 0. Doktor, in-:.the Room of Funo,tional Diagnosis, are analyzing .Approved For Release 2003/04/25: CIA-RDP85T00875R000300010015-8 Approved For Release 2003/04/25: CIA-RDP85T00875R000300010015-8 FPD:SOVIBT SCIENCE 4. USSR "All-Union Scientifio Research Institute of Motion Picture Photography, Qoskino USSR? .Moscow, Pravda, 1 Dec 73. p'4 Translation: Plans of work of the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Motion Picture Photography of Ooskino.USSR call for a complex of measures to create and introduce new technology into cinematography. In the photograph: assooiates of the Laboratory of Illumination Engineering' V. 3tepanov, V. Pe11~, and A. Lazareva examine models of new devices for .filming illumination. "A11-Union Scientific Research Institute of Obstetrics and 0ynecology, Ministry of Health USSRu L. S. Persianinov -- director of the Institute, Academician of the USSR Academy of Moscow, Meditsinskaya (3azeta, 31 Aug 73, p 4 6. USSR ?Central Order of Lenin Institute for the Advanced Training of ..Physicians, Ministry `Moscow, Meditsinskaya f~azeta, 22 Jun 73,.p 1 M. Kovrigina -- rector Approved For Release 2003/04/25: CIA-RDP85T00875R000300010015-8 Approved For Release 2003/04/25: CIA-RDP85T00875R000300010015-8 28 Feb 74 ~+s; nPD:sovl~r scztiNCE 7. 'USSR ?Central Institute for tha Advanaed Training of Physicians" Moscow, Meditsinskaya ciazeta, 27 Jun 73, p 3 M. V. Muravsyev 8. U33R ?Central Institute for the Advanaed .Training of Physicians" Moscow, Meditsinskaya Qaze~a, 29 Aug 73, p 2 L. N. Pokrovskaya -- docent of the Chair of 3oaial Hygiene and the Organizatiox- of Publio Health 9. .USSR "Central Institute for the Advanced Training of Physicians (TsIW Moscow,. Meditsinskaya Qazeta, 26 Sep 73, p 3 M. Ya. Hogomazov -- senior scientific .associate of the Central Scientific Researoh Laboratory V. I. Polyakov -- physician 10. U33R "Central Scientific Research Dermato-Venerological Institute, Ministry of Health U33R" Moscow,.Meditsinskaya tiazeta, 1 Beb 74, p 4 Prof N. M. Turanov --,director of the Institute Approved for Release 2003/04/25: CIA-RDP85T00875R000300010015-8 Approved For Release 2003/04/25: CIA-RDP85T00875R000300010015-8 Central Scientific Research Institute oS Sanitary $ducation" Mosoow, Meditsinskaya Qazeta, 29 Aug 73, p D. Loranskiy -- director of the Institute 1Z. USSR ?Donetsk Medical Institute imeni A. M. (~or~kiy" Moscow, Meditsinskaya Oazeta, 13 Jul 73, p 4 N. Vatutin -- clinical interne 13. USSR "Donetsk Scientific Research Institute oP Traumatology and Orthopedics" Moscow, DSeditsinskaya 0azeta, 13 Jul 73, P 3 Prof T. A. Revenlco -- director of the Institute 14. USSR 1Plnstitixte of Cardiology imeni L. A. Oganesyan, Ministry of Health Armenian SSR? Moscow, Meditsinskaya (}azeta, 18 Jul 73, p 3 R. Arutyur~yan -- Physician Approved For Release 2003/04/25: CIA-RDP85T00875R000300010015-8. Approved For Release 2003/04/25: CIA-RDP85T00875R000300010015-8 28 Peb 74 15. UssR "Institute of Cardiology imeni Prof A, L. Myasnikov, .Moscow, Meditsinskaya (Iazeta, 18.Ju1 73, p 4 V. Metelitsa -- Doctor of Medical Soienees 16. USSR "Institute'of General and Communal Hygiene imeni A, N. Sysin, USSR Aaadem~~ of .Medical Scionees" Moscow, Meditsinskaya Qazeta, 18 .J.u1 73, p 4 Ye. Itorenevakaya -- deputy director for scientific work 17. USSR ?Institute of Qeologioal Sciences, Ukrainian Academy of Scienoes" Moscow, Pravda, 10 Jan 74, p 6 Translation: Traces of an anoient catastrophe. from the collision of a huge meteorite with our planet were discovered near the village of Il~intsy in Vinnitskaya Oblast by' associates of the Institute of Oeologioal Sciences of the Academy of Scienee~ U1a'ainian SSR A, A. Val ~ ter and V. A. Ryabenko. The crater was identified from a series of serial photographs by a characteristic. annular bank. Its diameter equals four kilometers. hock dating has shown tnat the meteorite fe11 to the earth approximately a hundred million years ago; T,he' energy {+4s +?v~no uua eras Lurnea Lo a peculiar Hybrid of earthly and extraearthly matter. The developed in the prooesa was equal to the explosion of a 120-mega ton-bomb, The traces of destruction from a poi, erful blasf; wave, as shown by core samples, dan'be (alea;; :y adcertained to a depth of over one hundred meters. The compact granitelike'rocks in the center of the funnel were remelted into lava and a vitriform mead. ,',uch,rras the Approved For Release 2003/04/25: CIA-RDP85T00875R000300010015,=8 Approved For Release 2003/04/25: CIA-RDP85T00875R000300010015-8 28 reb 74 ,~1 FPD:SOVIET SCIENCL+ 18. USSR ?Institute of Medical Radiology, USSR Academy of Medical Sciences? Mosoow, Pravda, 21 Nov 73, p 6 Translation: Speoialists of the Institute of Medical Ital~iology of the Academy of Medical Sciences USSR in Obninsk are working, alongside fundamental studies, on current clinical problems.. They have developed and introduced into praotice a number of methods of X-ray and radioisotopic diagnosis and radiation treatment of various diseases. In the photograph: 3cientifie associates of the Institute Q. T. t~udryavtseva, Yu. S. Mardynskiy, and V. I. Yertnakov are preparing instrumentation for .research work. 19. USSR "Institute of Nuclear Power Engineoring, Aoade~y of Sciences Belorussian SSR" Moscow, Izvestiya, 13 Jan 74, p 3 Translation: Scientists of the Institute of Nuclear Power l;ngireering of the Academy of Sciences Belorussian SSR are working on the development of new 2ae;'t carriers of atomic; reactors. In the pr~otograph: Research work using the experimental channel of a reactor. Approved For Release 2003/04/25 :CIA-RDP85T00875R000300010015-8 . 28 -17eb 74 ~~12 17PD: sOVIE'r SCIL~NCL~ 20. UssR , "Institute. of Sanitary Tiducation'~ Moscow, Meditsins1u-ya (lazeta, 18 Jul 73, p 4 N. Chi1calenko -- director of the Institute A, Shibayeva -- deputy direator for acientifio work 21. USSR ?Institute of World );conomics and International Relations, USSR Academy of Soiences" :.Moscow, Meditsinskaya (lazeta, 16 Jul 73, P 3 ~S. Zagladina -- senior acientifio associate, Candidate of 8conomic ':3~ienaes 1/1 22. USSR "Irkutsk Medical Institute" Moscow, Meditsinskaya aazeta, 29 Aug'73, p 4 ,Prof A. V. Serkina -- head of the Chair of (1er_eral Surgery, Doctor of Medical Sciences 23. USSR "Ivanovo Medical Institute" Moscow, Meditsinskaya (lazeta, 6 Jul `j3, p 2 V. Kulemin -- docent, rector Prof L. ciorozhanin '~- s~9oretar_~ of the .pasty committee Approved For-Release 2003/04/25 :Cho-RDP85T00875R000300010015-8 Approved For Release 2003/04/25: CIA-RDP85T00875R000300010015-8 28 Fob 74 53 2~N. USSR 11Khar~kov 3olontific Rosearch Institute of Medical Radiology" Moscow, Meditsinskaya pazeta, 1 Aug 73. P 3 I. 9. Volozhov -- aoiontific associate 25. UssR "Kirgiz Scientific Research Institute of Tuberculosis? Mosoow, Meditsinskaya pazeta, 11 Jul 73. p 3 FPDS30VIL'P SCIGNCL~ A. Y'a. Shurygin -- leader of the Biochemical Laboratory, Candidate of Biological Scienoea 'L6. USSR ?Kuban Dledical Institute? Moscow, Meditsinskaya pazeta, 31 Aug 73, p 4 N. Kueheryavyy -- rector, Doctor of Medical Sciences 27. USSR 1?Kuybyshev Medical Institute?1 Moscow, Meditsinskaya pazeta, 1 Feb 74, p 2 I. Soldatov -- Corresponding Member of the Academy of Medical Sciences USSR, head of the Chair of Otorhinolaryngology, chief otorhinolaryngologist for the Oblast Approved.for Release 2003/04/25.: CIA-RDP85T00875R000300010015-8 Approved For. Release 2003/04/25: C,IA-RDP85T00875R000300010015-8 28 P'eb 7~E 54 28, ussR ?Leni.ngrnd Institute for the Advanced Training of Physicians" Mosaow,.Meditsinskaya pazeta, 27 ~'un 73, p 3 Yo. V. Maystra3sh -- rector 29. .USSR "lEt Leningrad Medioal Institute imeni I. P, Pavlov? Moscow, Meditsinskaya 4azeta, 1 Jan 74, p 3 V. Mit~yayev -- rector 1/1 3 0, USSR 'oLeningrad Scientific Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology imeni ?Pasteur" Moscow, Meditsinskays (iazeta, 22 Jun 73, p 4 E, Kukayn -~ ~unidr sciontifie associate, eeretary of the Komsomol organization Approved For Release 2003/04/25: CIA-RDP85T00875R000300010015-8 Approved for Release 2003/04/25: CIA-RDP85T00875R000300010015-8 28 hob 74 .55 31. USSR , KULIK-RRMGZOVA, V., correspondent of ?Leningradskaya Pravda? ?Military Medical Academy imcni S. M. Kirov11 Leningrad, Leningradakaya Pravda, 26 Dec 73, P 2 Abstract; The Military Medics], Order of Lenin Red Fanner Academy ameni S. M. Kirov is celebrating its 175th anniversary. This notable event of the oldest Soviet higher military medical educational institution will be observed not only by thousands of its a ~Ani but also by all the inhabitants of Leningrad as well. Tens of thousands of Leningrad citizens are being treated in its clinics. Many Leningrad hospitals serve as bases of the Aoademy, in which military physicians and students are working. The scientists of the Academy render consultative assistanoe to scientific and therapeutic institutions. The military physicians also perform active work in the advanced training of physicians and secondary medium medical personnel of Leningrad. Deputy Chief of the Academy Honored Scientist RSFSR Mai-(}en Med 3erv A. A, Pronin speaks of the history and work of the Academy on 1sT'.: and at sea, in war and peace. 1 /1 32. USSR 111st Moscow Medical Institute" Moscow, Meditsinskaya (}azeta, 22 Jun 73. P 3 M. Z. Kuzin -- rector 33. USSR "lst Moscow Medical Snstitute? Moscow, Meditsinskaya Qazeta, 29 Aug 73, P 3' Prof A. Veyn -- leader of the Department of Clinical Neurophysiology Approved For Release 2003/04/25: CIA-RDP85T00875R000300010015-8 Approved For Release 2003/04/25: CIA-RDP85T00875R000300010015-8 28 boob 74 ~.~ FPD: soVIET sclErrcE 34. USSR ?2nd Moscow Medical institute imeni N. I. Pirogov" Mosoow, Meditsinskaya Qazeta, 22 Jun 73, p 3 A. Yerokhin -- assistant of the Chair of Child Surgory, CandtdaL?e of Medical Sciences Yu. M. Lopukhin -- rector 3 5? UssR "2nd Moscow Medical Institute imeni N. L Pirogov"" Moscow, Meditsinskaya (~azsta, 6 JL;t 73. p 3 V. Nemsadze -- docent, leader of a child surgery group 1/1 B. Alekseyev -- docent of the Chair of Eye Diseases of the Therapeutic Faculty. Moscow, riieditsinskaya Cazota, 11 Jul 73, p 3 3 6. UssR "2nd Moscow Medical Institute itneni N. I. Pirogov" ?2nd Mosoow Medical Institute imeni N. I. Pirogov" Moscow, Meditsinskaya, aazeta, 13 Jul 73, p 3 Faculty, Doctor of Medical Sciences and Gynecology of .the .Therapeutic Approved For`Release 2003/04/25: CIA'-RDP85T00875R000300010015-8. Approved For Release 2003/04/25: CIA-RDP85T00875R000300010015-8 -- senior scientific associate Approved, For Release 2003/04/25: CIA-RDP85T00875R000300010015-8 28 Feb 74 57 38. USSR "2nd Moscow Medical Institute imeni N. I. Pirogov? Mosci~w, Meditsinskaya (iazeta, l8 Jul 73, p 2 FPD:SOVIRT SCIMNOR Prof Yu. Lisitsyn -- head of the Chair of Social Hygiene and the Orgarn'.zation of Public Health- "Moscow Medical 3tomatological Institute? Moscow, Meditsinskaya (}azeta, 27 Jun 73. p 3 V. N. Kopeyki,n --.dean of the Faculty for the Advanced Training of Physicians 40. _ usSR ?Moscow -0blast Scientific Research Institute of Obstet~~ics and (~ynecalogy, Ministry. of Health RSFSR? N.-Yegorova -- leader of the Clinic of Newborn Children, Doctor of Medical Sciences Moscow, Meditsinskaya 4azeta, 1 Aug 73. P 3 :~. USSR "Moscow Scientific Research Institute of Psychiatry, Ministry of Health RSFSR" Moscow, Meditsinskaya (}azeta, 18 Jul 73, p 4 Approved For Release 2003/04/25: CIA-RDP85T00875R000300010015-8 28 Feb 74 58 FPD:SOVIET SCIENCE 42. USSR 'bms3c Medical Institute" Moscow, Meditsinskaya (iazeta, 18 Jul 73, p 2 N. Hatrakova -- editor of the newspaper "Za Meditsinskiyo Kadry" "Pyatigorsk Pharmaceutical Institute? Moscow,. Meditsinskaya (}azeta, 6 Jul 73, p 3 6, Molchanov -- secretary of the party bureau of the. IV-V Courses,. Candidate of Pharmaaeutical Sciences 1/1 44. USSR "Scientific Researoh Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology" Moscow, Meditsinskaya f}azeta, 31 Au8 73. p 3 I. Trop -- deputy director of the Institute, Candidate of Medical Sciences 45. ussR ?Soientific Research ?nstitute of Experimental. and Clinical Surgery, Ministry of Health f}eorgian SSR" Moscow, Meditsinskaya Cazeta, 18 Jut 73, p 3 A. Kerdzaya -- aspirant of the Department of Medical Cybernetics D, Dugla~se -- ~uni.~r scientific associate of the Laboratory of ;;astroentereology' Approved For Release 2003/04/25: CIA-RDP85T00875FZ000300010015-$ Approved- For Release 2003/04/25 :.CIA-RDP85T00875R000300010015-8 28 I~'eb 74 S9 I~PD:sOVIL~T SCIENCR "Scientifio Research Institute of Hea1~h Resort 8oience and Phyaictherapy imeni Q. Koniashvili" Moscow, Meditsinskaya flazeta, 13 Jul 73, p 3 V. Tsitlanadzo -- director of the Institute, Doctor of Medical 3cienoes 47, ussR "Scientific Research Institute of Labor Hygione and Occupational Diseases? Mosoow, Meditsinskaya Oazeta, 14 Nov 73. p 2 A. Mamsikov -- leader or the Department of Labor Hygiene in Agriculture, Candidate of Medical Sciences 48. USSR "Tashkent Institute for the Advanced Training of Physicians" Moscow, Meditsinskaya Oazeta, 27 Jun 73, P 3 A. M. Khamitova -- prorector 49~ ussR 'Ufa Medical Institute" Moscow, Meditsinskaya (~azeta, 11 Jul 73, p 4 S. Panasenko -- editor of the .newspaper Approved Por Release 2003/04/25: CIA-RDP85T00875R000300010015-># Approved For Release 2003/04/25 :CIA-RDP85T00875R000300010015-8 28 Feb 74 60 FPD:SOVIET SCIENCE 50. UssR 'Voronezh Medical Institute? Moscow, Meditsinskaya (}azeta, l1 Jul 73, p 4 Yu. Dement~yev -- senior instruotor of the Chair of Philosophy and Scientific :.Communism 5l, ussR "Yerevan Snstitute for the Advanced Training of Physicians" .Moscow, Meditsinskaya 0azeta, 27 Jun 73, p 3 S.?Kh. Avdalbekyan -- rector 1/1 '52. USSR ".Zaporozh~ye Institute for the. Advanced Training of Physicians" .Moscow, Meditsinslcaya 'Oazeta, 27 Jun 73, F 3. ~:N. Z. Chulkov -- ?rector Approved For Release 2003/04/25 : GLA=RDP85T00875R000300010015-8