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Approved For Release 2004/01/29 : CIA-RDP85T00788R000100070006-1 5 February 1981 MEMORANDUM FOR: SA to the DCI for Compartmentation FROM: Deputy Chief, APEX Control Staff SUBJECT: APEX Steering Group Meeting, 3 February 1981 1. The 52nd meeting of the APEX Steering. Group met on 3 February 1981. The following attended: ACS OSD Army SIGINT FBI DIA USAF CIA COMIREX CIA Navy CCX',,IREX Maynard Anderson Merrill T. Kelly David a3 or 25X1 State ACS Army State ACS ACS Donald Stigers William Poage William Deary 2. pened the meeting by discussing the memorandums re- ceived thus far on the positive aspects of APEX. He stated that his intent is to achieve a common understanding of what the "good parts" of APEX are and commented that the papers received have not been uniform either from the standpoint of completeness or in terms of their points of view. He said he OS I O3Ol CONFIDENTIAL 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2004/01/29: CIA-RDP85 'Approved For Release 2004/O22BIIE1fl' + 1P85T00788R000100070006-1 is concerned that APEX has been buried prematurely without cancellation of the Presidential Directive, but he is even more concerned that the "good things" will be lost as a result of the Steering Group's inability to reach a common understanding. He commented that the members will understand this comment better when they read the copies of the memorandums received thus far, which were handed out at the meeting. The Chairman also announced that there will be no meeting of the Steering Group on 10 February and that the next meeting will be held on Wednesday, 18 February. It was then announced that a letter to the Information Security Oversight Office (ISOO) regarding the estimated costs of portion marking SCI material produced in contrar-m- 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 facilities is being drafted by 3. reported that the SIGINT Committee is reviewing both the .CONINT and the TECHNICAL manuals again with the intent of issuing them as stand-alone documents,. independent of APEX, reported that he 25X has provided a rewrite of the imagery decompartmentation paper to COMIREX and DIA as the major participants in this matter. After problems have been worked out between the two, to the extent possible, he hopes to have clean copies of the issue paper ready by the next Steering Group meeting. I Icommented that uis probably too optimistic because t ere appear to be some runciamental differences of opinion between CONIREX and DIA. responded that .he does not expect to have the issue resolved but merely wants to ensure that each side's position has been made clear. commented that it would be unfortunate to have the issue go before NFIB again without being clearly defined. In response tol uestion, stated that the issue at 25X hand is that of ecompartmentation, and the decontrol issue is awaiting clarification of. General Tighe's position. tix 4, hen began to review with the Steering Group their positions on the various matters contained in the attached table, entitled "The Good Aspects of APEX." I has annotated the table with an 'x' indicating support, an "0" indicating opposition, and a dash indicating either no comment or no position. During the course of the review, several members commented that the abbreviated descriptions are so brief that the members ma not be in full agreement on what they are supporting or opposing. I I acknowledged this deficiency, but pointed out that he wanted to get, at this meeting, as good an idea as possible of where the APEX Steering Group is heading, that is, whether there is enough commonality of views to proceed further. The individual items on the table will be further defined on the basis of this discussion. The Chairman, CO1IIREX, abstained from voting on the issues matrix based upon two points: - there is no common understanding in the APEX Steering Group of the issues; - to the extent that the CQMIREX has discussed these issues, its collective understanding of the issues differ from most views of the ASG members. -2- CONFIDENTIAL Approved For. Release 2004/91/29 : CIA-RDP85T00788R000100070006-1 25X1 Reta .nn ASG or a" c i, arable oversight- group ( ^ I ^ l "'! cF.t'1AL 0 -3- CONFIDENTIAL inclined to give-up any of the-responsibilities the DCI now has. He advised Imo-. Casey that he should be briefed on the compartmented collection systems by the pro am managers before reaching any conclusions regarding :these ressed the opinion that it is unlikely Mr. Casey will be e t advised W. Casey o 1 a t i n on un i e is muc more familiar with the situation and until he has consulted with the new Deputy Secretary of Defense and the new Deputy Director of Central Intelligence. 1; !mod made a persuasive case for the implementation of APEX. 25X1 thh ld d c" APEX t'1 h tt ;& r -a r sl access prograr's and the security surrounding them, but appears +~e ~,mtartinn of inte11 i pence sntirrPS nnCl mPthnrlc ?nnd hi c Aa- y, the new DCI. Mr. Casey did not seem very familiar 3 systems. 6. The meeting adjourned at 11:33 a.m. Attachment as stated Approved For Release 2004/01/29 : CIA-RDP85T00788R000100070006-1- 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2004/01/29 : CIA-RDP85T00788R000100070006-1 CONFIDENTIAL SUBJECT: APEX Steering Group Meeting, 13 January 1981 SA/DCI/C: cs (16 January 1981) Distribution: Orig SA/DCI/C File 1 SA/DCI/C Chrono 1 William P. Deary, INR/State 1 Richard Welch, Navy 1 Mavnard. Anderson. OSD 1 1 Merrill T. Kelly, ACSI 1 Col. Robert A. Shiver, USAF 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 NFAC 1 , SIGINT Committee 1 an, COMIREX APEX Security Officer 1 1 hunity Affairs Executive Registry CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2004/01/29 : CIA-RDP85T00788R000100070006-1 . < C7a f u O Zt v c~ H. Ci U~ L C' I Uniform physical security rules :X X X X X 0 X 0 0 X X X X X Uniform personnel security rules X X -X X X 0 X X X X X t SIO authority to ft?rant access X X X, X X YL Administrative access X X X X X Congressional and contractor access policy X X X X X X X X X SIO authorityto'accredit facilities :- - X X X X X X X 0 X X Separate sources and. methods from PRODUCT X X X X X X X X' X X Develop operational subcompartments X X 0 X X X Commumity adherence to- unproved classification X X - X X - - ?. - ' mansgement and review of special programs Continue DoD procedures: for SCI document control' X Reduce. volume of T.S. material X X X X X X. Development of 4C System X X X X X X X X X X Expand dec .1 art mentation of BINGERY X X X X X X X 0 X ._ X - Expand decompart mentation' of FLINT' X X X X X. X X X X X X Facilitate increase sanitization of COMINT X X X X_ X X X Decentralize. control of foreign releases - 0 of SCI material - X X Phased approach of implementation to include _ = additional resources . X -Revision.of E.O. 12065 X X X X X X X X X X RetaLZ ASG or a comparable oversight group X X X X X X X IiE7Ec0EEETT X X . X X ! I T?,rc red .dA for gover-.ment and contractors ` X X X X X X X X X -?.0N F L _ 3i I I - = No co Tent/maybe . = DEI- ROY 1 MU R II' Ap rpved` br Releas .200 4101/29 CIA-RQPa5T00780R0001Q0070006-~; ? ~_ Approved For Release 2004/01/29: CARDP85T00788R600100D7DQ0 1 - GOOD ASPECTS OF APEX ebruiary 19~~ _ CONFIDINTI L