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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/09: CIA-RDP85T00287R000102570001-8 Iq Next 1 Page(s) In Document Denied Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/09: CIA-RDP85T00287R000102570001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/09: CIA-RDP85T00287R00.0102570001-8 MEMORANDUM FOR Attached is the response to Dr. Brzezinski's request for an assessment of the Dutch report on Pakistan. Chief, Southwest Asia Analytic Center Date 5 November 198 5-75 101 USE PREVIOUS EDITIONS Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/09: CIA-RDP85T00287R000102570001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/09: CIA-RDP85T00287R000102570001-8 5 November 1980 MEMORANDUM DUTCH REPORT THAT PAKISTAN IS WAVERING ON AFGHANISTAN evidence he had any Soviet encouragement ~n this regar . There is no evidence to support the contention in the Dutch report that the Pakistanis are in the process of switching their position on Afghanistan and that they have worked out?a limited understanding to this end with the Soviets. = Pakistan has made an attempt over the last few weeks to obtain an Islamic Conference draft resolution on Afghani- stan that would receive wide support in the UN General Assembly and has urged moderation of the implemention pro- posals in the resolution with this objective in mind. Pakistani Foreign Minister Agha Shahi, who has been at the UN, also apparently harbored hopes that the Soviets might respond favorably to a comparatively moderate resolution and perhaps show a willingness to negotiate, but there is no Publicly, the Soviets and Pakistanis show no evidence of changing their positions toward each other. In the last week, Zia has twice spoken out against Soviet occupation of Afghanistan. At a public reception in Peshawar this week Zia This memorandum has been prepared by the South- west Asia Analytic Center, Near East South Asia Division, Office of Political Analysis. Questions and comments are welcome and should be addressed to Chief, Southwest Asia Analytic Center 25X1 25X1 PA M 80-10480C Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/09: CIA-RDP85T00287R000102570001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/09: CIA-RDP85T00287R000102570001-8 spoke at. length about recent violations of Pakistani airspace and said there was no question of a shift of policy on Afghani- stan because it was based on "principles that could not be compromised." And on 4 November Izvestia carried an article attacking Pakistan for its continuing willingness to enter direct negotiations with'Babrak's regime. Izvestia said such a course ran counter to the national interests of the people of Pakistan, was fraught with adverse consequences for that country, politically, morally, and materially, and was aggravat- ing relations not onlly with Afghanistan but also with other neighboring states. The Dutch report, however, does reflect the increasing concern among Pakistani leaders--including President Zia-- that Pakistan is becoming isolated on Afghanistan as the world pays less attention to the issue and as it becomes clearer that it will not be possible to oust the Soviets. There has been evidence for some time that several Pakistani leaders, including Agha Shahi, have advocated keeping a dialogue open with the Soviets in order to reduce pressure from Moscow and we believe President Zia wbe willing to pursue indications of Soviet flexibility. At some point Pakistan may have serious discussions with the Soviets on Afghanistan. So far, however, the Soviets have shown no flexibility on Afghanistan, continuing to insist on Pakistani recognition of the Babrak government and on the end of aid to the insurgents, conditions which the Pakistanis show no signs yet of compromising on.E In short, current Pakistani policy appears to be one of continuing support for the Afghan insur, but to remain alert for signs of Soviet flexibility. gency Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/09: CIA-RDP85T00287R000102570001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/09: CIA-RDP85T00287R000102570001-8 [TEMPO 531b003 3101 o4Z SCS] ACTIONS NONE INFOI NESA, ODPS-S, OPA/RO, RAD/RAF, SOA-29 SOAI-E ( ), WEN/NL, WES/SA, FILE, RF, ODPN-N, PPB/FESA, CR/E, EUR-39 FR, IAD/CAS-3, IAD/PE, NE-4, NIC/AG, NIO/NE, NIO/wE, 06CP-2. (21/W) ------------------- ------------------------------------- ------------------h-----~ 80 5318003 PAGE 001 TORT 041557Z NOV 80 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -------- RUEAIIB 00 ZNY CCCCC ZOC STATE ZZH TSTU132 00 RUEHC DE RUFHNA 07639/01 3091537 ZNY CCCCC ZZH 0 041536Z NOV 80 FM USMISSION USNATO TO RUEHC/SECSTATE MASHDC IMMEDIATE 2563 INFO RUFHKK/ALL NATO CAPITALS RUMJPG/AMEMBASSY BEIJING 0454 RUSBUD/AMEMBASSY ISLAMABAD 0246 RUOMRA/AMEMBASSY JIDDA 0206 RUSl3LK/AMEMBASSY KABUL 0091 RUEH+IO/AMEMBASSY MOSCOW 8459 RUSdAE/AMEMBASSY NEW DELHI 0213 RUEHKO/AMEMBASSY TOKYO 0797 RUEHDT/USMISSION USUN NEW YORK 2837 E90. 120655 ROS-i 11/04/00 (BENNETT, W.TAPLEY, JR.) OR-P TAGS $ NATO, PEPR, AF, NL, PK SUBJECTS (C) AFGHANISTAN$ NETHERLANDS REPORT ON SHIFT IN . PAKISTANI POSITION 1. (CONFIDENTIAL-ENTIRE TEXT). ? 2. AT POLADS NOV.- 4 NETHERLANDS REP CIRCULATED REPORT (TE4T PARA 4) FROM DUTCH EMBASSY IN ISLAMABAD SUGGESTING THAT PAKISTAN WAS IN -THE PROCESS OF SNITCHING ITS POSITION ON iFGHANISTAN? WHICH WOULD LEAD TO SOME FORM OF DIALOGUE WITH THE KARMAL REGIME. WHICH WOULD FACILITATE BROADER SUPPORT FOR A UN RESOLUTION. NETHERLANDS REPORT 1S Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/09: CIA-RDP85T00287R000102570001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/09: CIA-RDP85T00287R000102570001-8 80 531.0003 PAGE 002 TORT 041557Z NOV. 80 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ? - - - - ? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - CONCERNED, INTER ALIA, THAT PAKISTAN WOULD BE PREPARED TO "SELL OUT" THE AFGHANI RESISTANCE ORGANIZATIONS AND TO ACCEPT THE FAIT ACCOMPLI OF SOVIET OCCUPATION OF AFGHANIS- TAN. 3. ACTION REOUESTEDS WE WOULD APPRECIATE ANY READILY- AVAILABLE WASHINGTON ASSESSMENT OF PAKISTAN'S CURRENT STANCE--BEYOND THE QUESTION OF THE UN RESOLUTION--THAT WE MIGHT SHARE WITH ALLIES HERE. 40 BEGIN TEXT OF NETHERLANDS REPORTS RELATIONS BETWEEN PAKISTAN AND AFGHANISTAN 1. IN THE DIPLOMATIC COMMUNITY IN ISLAMABAD THE IMPRESSION PREVAILS THAT THE GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN IS PRESENTLY ENGAGED IN AN OPERATION OF SWITCHING 175 POSITION ON AFGHANISTAN. IT IS GENERALLY BELIEVED THAT THE BASIS FOR A DEAL WAS ARRANGED DURING THE CONVERSATIONS OF THE PAKISTANI MINISTER OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS, MR AGA SHAHI WITH THE SOVIET FOREIGN MINISTER GROMYKO IN NEW YORK. IN ESSENCE THE AGREEMENT WAS THAT THE SOVIETS WOULD RESPECT THE INTEGRITY OF PAKISTAN (FOR THE TIME BEING AT LEAST?) AND WOULD CEASE TO EXERCISE PRESSURE ON IT IN EXCHANGE FOR ACCEPTANCE BY ISLAMABAD OF THE PRESENT AFGHAN REGIME AND ITS WILLINGNESS TO INITIATE DISCUSSIONS ON THE WAYS AND MEANS TO SETTLE THE BILATERAL PROBLEMS WITH AFGHANISTAN, 2. IN ITS EXTERNAL POLICY THE PAKISTANI GOVERNMENT WOULD CONTINUE TO SUBSCRIBE TO THE RESOLUTIONS OF THE ORGANIZA- TION OF ISLAMIC COUNTRIES AS WELL AS TO THE RESOLUTION OF THE SPECIAL SESSION OF THE UNITED NATIONS GENERAL ASSEMBLY, BUT THE RECENT CONSULTATIONS OF THE MINISTERS OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS OF THE ORGANIZATION OF ISLAMIC COUNTRIES IN NE w YORK (RESULTING IN THE ADDITION OF GUINEA AND TUNISIA TO THE MEDIATION COMMITTEE OF THREE) HAD RESULTED IN A COMMON UNDERSTANDING THAT SOME KIND OF DIALOGUE -WITH BABRAK KARMAL, CUM SUIS WITHOUT PRIOR CONDITIONS, HAD BE- COME UNAVOIDABLE FOR PAKISTAN. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/09: CIA-RDP85T00287R000102570001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/09: CIA-RDP85T00287R000102570001-8 0' . CONFIDENTIAL 0 80 5318003 PAGE 003 - NC 5318003 TORT 0$1557Z NOV 80