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++rr?~'" Approved For Release 2006/11/20: CIA-RDP85S00362R000700110001-1 Fll SECT L 9 M,y 10347 JORMR.MM G 8Lr3 AMU ING a "P.dzL d=AIM Subject. psYcholog1 snare 3nciQ$ d h xsitb is the State-4 4 &V CO 7rd at3 cmdtt"ts de t5tOn ng SW IC 3OIV1s .ch was Pre- viously circa' as 24 .I.A. 7. IN T LIt Cl ADVI #1ff BOARD t Ac seCreta ry, L I. A. ' c1c S""- is to SY dC 304/1 Smendmeii da (2) ,tee ~stry ,,.t n E Approved For Release 2006/11/20: CIA-RDP85S00362R000700110001-1 Approved For Release"2006/1'1/20: CIA-RDP85SO0362R000700110001-1 COPY NO. SECRET 30 April 1947 T* r^n 'n STATE--WAS-NAVY O9ORDINATING COi1iIl LEE DECISION AMENDING SWNCC 304/1 PSYCHOLOGICAL ~'RE Note by the Secretares 1. At its 56th Meeting on 29 April 1947, after further amending, the State-War-Navy Coordinating Committee approved Sim?CC 304/1, as amended by SWNCC 304/2.. 2. Holders of SWNCC 304/1 are requested to substitute the attached revised pages 4, 5, 6, BY 16, 20 and 25 for the ones contained therein and destroy the superseded pages by burning. H. W. M O S ELEY W. A, SCHULGEN V, L. LO ARA 0E Secretariat S E C R E T O SD. DO reviews completed Approved For Release 2006/11/20: CIA-RDP85SO0362R000700110001-1 Approved For Release 2006/11/211: CIA-RDP85S00362R000700110001-1 )owl b: the State Department has primary interest in psycho- logical warfare _policy determination which affects the foreign policy Of the tibited States, c. The armed serviceb have a vital interest in -sycl'clog- ical warfare policy determination which affects the national security and the conduct of military operations of the United States. d. The National Intelligence Authority has an interest in the intelligence and certain other aspects of psycholog- ical warfare. e. There is need for the immediate establishment of a committee with full-time representation from appropriate governmental agencies to serve as an agency charged with preparation of psychological warfare policies, plans, and studies for employment in time of war, or threat of war as determined by the President, f. Appropriate agencies of the government should be re- quired to assist in wartime implementation of approved psychological warfare plans. E. The implementation of psychological warfare plans and directives during wartime, or threat of war as determined by the president, in an actual or pro-- jected military theater of operations should be the responsibility solely of the Theater Commander con- cerned. These plans and directives should be transmitted by rapid communication to the military commander con- cerned by the Joint Chiefs of Staff, only. RECUMMENDAT IUNS 5. It is recommended that the SWNCC: a. Approve Appendix "A" (a charter for the agency pro-- Dosed in paragraph 4 e), subject to the concurrence of the National Intelligence Authority and the Joint Chiefs of Staff. SW11 CC 304/1 -- 4 - (Revised 30 April 1947) S E C R E T Approved For Release 2006/11/20: CIA-RDP85S00362R000700110001-1 Approved For Release 20063/11/20: CIA-RDP85S00362R000700110001-1 S E C R E T b. Thereafter, transmit this report to the Secretaries of State, War and Navy, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and the Director of'Central Intelligence, for guidance and appropriate measures of implementation. c. Obtain the comments or concurrence of the Central Intelligence Group and the Joint Chiefs of Staff, when and as appropriate, in connection with psychological warfare plans developed by the Subcommittee provided for in Appendix "All before acting on them. d. Approve the policy that (a) plans and directives de- veloped by the Subcommittee, which are to be implemented in actual or projected military areas, theaters or commands, will, following their approval by SWNCC, be transmitted by rapid communication, to the military commanders concerned by the Joint Chiefs of Staff, only, and that (b) the implementation of such plans and directives will be the responsibility solely of the commanders concerned. SWNCC 304/1 - 5 - Enclosure (Revised 30 April 1947) S E C R E T Approved For Release 2006/11/20: CIA-RDP85S00362R000700110001-1 Approved For Release 2006/11/20' : CIA-RDP85S00362R000700110001-1 S E C R E T APPENDIX "A" D R A F T CHARTER S0C SUBCOMA4ITTEE ON PSYCHOLOGICAL WARFARE (P.W.C. ) ORGANIZATION 1. The Subcommittee on Psychological Warfare (p.W.C.) is hereby established as the agency cf the State-War-Navy Coordinat- ing Ccmrnittee (SWNCC), charged with preparation of policies, plans, and. studies for immediate and continuous employment of national psychological warfare in time of war (or threat of war as determined by the president). The Subcommittee shall have authority, in the absence of a national wartime organization for psychological warfare, to coordinate implementation of approved psychological warfare plans in any war emergency which might suddenly arise. 2. Psychological Warfare is defined as the planned use, during time of war or threat of war, of all measures, exclusive of armed conflict, designed to influence the thought, morale, or behavior of a given foreign group in such a way as to support the accomplishment of our military or national aims, with the following objectives: a. To assist in overcoming an enemy's will to fight; b. To sustain the morale of friendly groups in countries Occupied by the enemy; c. To improve the morale of friendly countries and the attitudes of neutral countries toward the United States. MEMBERSHIP 3. The Subcommittee on Psychological Warfare will consist of a. One official of the State Department, who will serve as chairman. b. One Official Of the Central Intelligence Group. c. Two officers of the War Department, one of whom will be a member of the Army Air Forces. d. One officer of the Navy Department. SWNCC 304/1 - 6 - Ap~-.endix "A" OSD, DOS reviews completed (Revised 330CApr~ilT1947) Approved For Release 2006/112$-.-t,~B5S00362R000700110001-1 Approved For Release 2006/11/20': CIA-RDP85S00362R000700110001-1 N* e. Utilize the services of the Central Intelligence Group (CIG) for necessary intelligence in the preparation of plans, studies, and reports. d. Under authority of this charter, request the presence at committee meetings, as consultants, of representatives from the policy and functional offices c:f the State, War, or Navy Departments, and the Cent.-.,al Intelligence Group. a. If unable to reach agreement on policies, plans, cr directives, report promptly to SVINCC. 9. The Subcommittee will submit all policies, plans, or directives to SWNCC for approval prior to implementation. SWNCC 304/`! - 8 - (Revised 30 April 1947) SE C R E T Appendix "All Approved For Release 2006/11/20: CIA-RDP85S00362R000700110001-1 Approved For Release 2006/11/24: CIA-RDP85S00362R000700110001-1 S E C R E T definitive to permit clear presentation or prompt approval of plans and implementing measures. The following definitions are therefore presented as a basis for present discussion, conclu- sions, and recommendations: a. Psychological warfare. The planned use, during time of war, or threat of war, of all measures exclusive of armed conflict, designed to influence the throught, morale, or behavior of a given foreign group in such a way as to support the accomplishment of our military or national aims, with the following objectives; to assist in over- coming an enemy's will to fight; to sustain the morale of friendly groups in countries occupied by the enemy; and to improve the morale of friendly countries and the attitudes of neutral countries toward the United States. b. Information. Dissemination of complete factual in- formation on subjects of interest in order to promote the functioning of man's reason. c. Propaganda. Dissemination of information can sub- jects of interest, prepared with the intent of persuading, and of dominating man's reason. The information is normally factual, but not necessarily complete. d. "White" propaganda, Overt propaganda, issued from reputable, known U.S. official or other sources, or from countries known to be friendly to the U.S. "White" propaganda may be implemented by press, radio, leaflets, pamphlets, and voice. e. "Black" measures. Covert measures, conducted by forces apparently friendly to the enemy or by subversive forces within enemy territory. These may be implemented by radio "freedom" stations, false rumors, false leaflets and documents, fifth column activities, sabotage, guerilla warfare, and support of underground resistance groups. 8. United States psychological warfare has a history of improvisation, without central leadership, control or integra- tion with other methods of attaining national objectives. SWNCC 304/1 - 16 -- Appendix "B" (Revised 30 April 1947) S E 0 R E T Approved For Release 2006/11/20: CIA-RDP85S00362R000700110001-1 Approved For Release 2006/11/2{1: CIA-RDP85S00362R000700110001-1 S E C R E T order that the committee can be supplied with evaluated intelli- gence concerning target nations and nationals, and in addition, because the Central Intelligence Group appears to be the one existing peacetime agency of the government fitted to implement "black" psychological warfare measures. 13. The following tasks are visualized for a peacetime psychological warfare committee; a. Establishment of definitions, responsibilities and functions for "white" and. "black" psychological warfare. Plans to be prepared for use in time of war. (1) "Strategic'r psychological warfare plans, to be directed at potential enemy, enemy-occupied, neutral and friendly nations. (2) "Tactical", or combat, psychological warfare plans, to be directed against armed forces of potential enemies. (3) Counter-propaganda plans, determined'from an analysis of peacetime and wartime propaganda of potential enemies. (4) Consolidation of plans for areas occupied by U, S.. forces. (5) Plane for information control activities for occupied, hostile areas. Plans noted in subparagraphs (1), (2), and (3), preceding, should be formulated for periods when the United States is on the defensive, when a stalemate exists, and when the U.S. is on the offensive, In addition, such plans should make provision for coordi- nation with similar efforts of possible allies. It is considered that plans should be concentrated against the major vulnerable target of a potential enemy and that plans for subsidiary vulnerable targets should be integrated with plans against the key target, SWNCC 304/1 20 - (Revised 30 April 1947) S E C R E T Appendix "B" r Approved For Release 2006/11/20: CIA-RDP85S00362R000700110001-1 Approved For Release 2006/1'1/20: CIA-RDP85S00362R000700110001-1 S E C R E T close coordination between psychological warfare, security and censorship agencies, together with facilities for briefing overseas press and radio representatives and control of their current communications outside the theaters. _J. Coordination with appropriate SWNCO and JCS agencies of policies concerning deception materials to be.used in psychological warfare operations in order to insure harmony of objectives of psychological warfare plans with other plans. 14. Recommendation is made that in view of the scope of exploratory and definitive work confronting a peacetime psycho- logical warfare committee, members on this committee should be assigned., insofar as practicable, no other duties, and should be provided with a permanent secretariat. SWNCC 304/1 - 25 - (Revised 30 April 1947) S E C R E T Appendix "B" Approved For Release 2006/11/20: CIA-RDP85SO0362R000700110001-1 Approved For Release 2006/11/20: CIA-RDP85S00362R000700110001-1 Approved For Release 2006/11/20: CIA-RDP85S00362R000700110001-1