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Document Release Date: 
September 28, 2006
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Publication Date: 
June 5, 1957
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Approved For Release 2006/09128" ~;,=.-"t tit Ms- - ---------------------------- tta Ci~a~at1E taro Ctast ^ [1 g.?Ct SSiti~t Class. Chanrled to: IS S) 1; Maxi Review Date: Auttt.: 111170-3 Data: -- 1'-c-pe TS 14110 g 362 R000600 1600t22- IWO opy of kice of the PT',/ I SUBJECT: NSCID No. 5 - Comments on Draft of 3 June 1957 1. In connection with paragraph 1. of the 3 June draft. who determines the "certain activities" which are to be conducted by other departments and agencies and what provision is made for coordinating them with CIA operations? 2. Paragraph 2. I believe is an improvement, but who is to do the agreeing on the "agreed protective counterintelligence activities" of the military services? 3. Paragraph 3. is all right except as noted above in connection with paragraph 1. there is no clear-cut provision for coordinating the various clandestine collection activities wbic_h would be a prerequisite to coordinating them with overt collection abroad. =1. 1 am not sure the elimination of old paragraph 6. is wise and would like to know the reasons for it. 5. In connection with new paragraph 5. what is a "large" military command? . In connection with old paragraph 9., I would 'ke interested to know what lies behind eliminating the requirement for service support as might be requested by CIA. 7. 1 would lVke'#oot thse points over informally with you gather than raise them as formal issues. O 'I! : 'F Pages F thru Cri, LAWRENCE R. HOUSTON Approved For Release 2006/09/28: CIA-RDP85S0036 FT6061%Wo214 Er O64 4 Approved For Release 2006/e4 Z ~bFW5SO0362R000600160022-4 . ,y TION&L SECURM CO IL IL.IflE E DIRICTIVE NO. ?ureoant to t provisions of Section 102 (d) of the National Act of 1917, as & the National Security Council hereby au c-riaes and that; UHIi t CM Gi' INTEUIO i C '3 ATI at COWW" &W6e3;A=ee* Central lnntelli e A t all sw@"#a 1066061, U .S. eapianage operations cmtric the possessions for the coflaction of foreign intelligence infornation required to asset the needs of all Departments and A tes ooneerned in connection with the national security,, except for certain activities by other Departments and Agencies. 2. The UtweeUr a-f ta4el";.nas Center IntelIl eree a Airjr shaell 1mets U.S. we (inol. ) operations outside the United States 'and its poeeeesi as eait as# t! pe~ O are-, . as a crr t and as by. e&e ie w W Agawt a meese tQw aNesup exc t for the a d teotire counter-int& Ul.i ' ,; or Air Force amaknd o MWmIb3& for vain b Can In Class. i fl tas~it 3d Class. Changed to: T$ V C MOM nI:vtew Date: - ~, Wh. HR 78-3 11 The Flijation Fnr Release 2(106/09/28: CIA-RDP85S00362R000600160022-4 Approved For Release 2896109128: CIA-RDP85SO0362ROO0600160022-4 *ai te:Llignme A in t ! ? uti0ri o/ this r a. .b 3. The Director of C*Utrsl intall .O shall bo POSYMP&MO 4t X44 aad Lk@;WA as er ialt4r *sWwLA&*e coordinate viand % M co etivitiaa abroad with oraert co leation abroad. en easwa agen4w - try ear e*k "&a&ised b a as wWO664 "'e" OS ca Teri At" to"* Shggj --A- 40641WAMW Id" mo so ? VA* 196APOS4 09 GOWW" 4 4~irVSM&OW pjW6W"4ff a" ifs WQOG* e O"S""d. .t ` ~iiia41r~#r~IrlMak a 4+i~~ Gomm" MA ee tom. WV ha or !V" gush as awrae. . In age acr a I1. areas other than act ! thaater! of v or ear ahem If .-Q,- :o Le tbe Yif~~ le i epresen atiof i~$e ad ;.eed of the nee will ImeP the senior U.S. ROPrOgOntativu e n*ge and oo mtex'aspiozm99 operations Approved For Release 2006/09/28: CIA-RDP85S00362R000600160022-4 Approved For Release 20.0.6109128 :;C1R-RDP85SO0362R000600160022-4 5. o do Cez> It tivj a 12.ndueAd tho Central t-PUj&tgm A fora Or ra in d z qt e: ort of mAch Command! . foqu&~ Say4dow - 8900"ge mid MW be mWw"O" 460 jk~~ *6 WON" "6" "Wh ww JO&Wb Sms" a& a. an *4 war w ohm mw SPOO&OM4 66"801 440ip s lta s owp6mftw as eawAsnaviLemy J040* OS ea coww" IwieiA"Whow qwmdw 1 ONVAafkare *a mw *mm Awwfieft go~O or f"m stir Abe"e *be" be as r Approved For Release 2006/09/28: CIA-RDP85S00362R000600160022-4 Approved For Rele V06/09/4: 4I V85600362RR:000600160022- NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL INTELLIGENCE DIRECTIVE NO. 5 ESPIONAGE AND COUNTER-9 AGT -INTELLIGENCE OPERATIONS Pursuant to the provisions of Section 102 (d) xxxmwomtst of the National Security Act of 1947, a& gnpded, the National Security Council hereby authorizes and directs that: 1. The ~9r ee#ex-e -C-en#~ra~-Ia4eA 4genee Central Intelligence Agency shall conduct all erges#sed-gee'I:ers& U espionage operations outside the United States and its possessions for the collection of foreign intelligence information required to meet the needs of all Departments and Agencies concerned, in connection with the national security, except for certain activities by other Departments and Agencies. 2. The D4ree+be~-ef-Cee#ra}-Aa#eA~~genee Central Intelligence Agency shall conduct all e~rgaa~#sei-EeAerlr-esux#ereep~eeege U .S. counter- nn? eence (includingcounterespionage operations outside the United States and its possessions, pre+eA-#lsei#-#ls#s-as#1:erA#y-el~e~-ne#-be-sass#:ueeel-#e pres~e #he-ee~ea#e~-#a#eAA~gesee-ae#4+sA#des-e?-~-a~~Y-asrf-s~-R4r-ee8r~asA-es #ae#a~AeiAen-easel-eer#.R#n-sgreeel-eye#~~##es-~-Dep~es#s-ssA-~eseAes sceese-ges-#ke-sesur##y-eg-siteb-ergasAsR#Aes, except for the "reed comma, or installation. or of other DenartpenAs AW A 2no AIR 911M d -ad personnel. The Cent al Intelligence &engt shall be re gonsibl? A1411t IM C I s res ongibilitT as Bert ini to the 9 a-AA&211i&ence porno Approved For Release 2006/09/28: CIA-R?P85S00362R000600160022-4 Approved For Release 2006/09/28: CIA-RDP85S00362R000600160022-4 3. The Director of Central Intelligence shall be-respeae4b1e-?er sees#r#ae-eeeat-aa-ee~t-~rsbe~3~#geaee-ee##eet#ea-act#~#b#ee coordinate clandestine collection activities abroad with overt collection abroad. .!~ i+)bas-eaeae}-a~entr-awe-es~red-e~-a#lse~rw#ee-ab#~#se~-b~---kC ~eparbmeab-ex-llgeee~-#n-ebbe~-bbe~n-ern-eves-ee~pse#~f~the-D#ree#e~ae? ~t#era#-babe###geuee-she}#-eees~#nR#+e-bhe#~-ae~#+~#+~#es-ebb-bke-e~r~ea+#aed ees?rb-ae##3#b#ea. .VAUUM MHO X 5~?~e-D#~ree#e~-e?-~eab~re~-~abe~##geeee-ehe~#-~#see~aate--sash #ate###~eaee-~n?e~e~#an-#e-bke-sew#et~s-Dep~tbsiea#s-ewe-~gene# es-~-1~#ek base-s~-aa-aye#kes~se~-#n#e~eeb-there#a. ~~#-e#key-ATab#eat-`wea~#t3~-Ceatae##-=n~-e###~e~sae-D#ree##~res e~-#ap~eaen##~-sapp~esea#s-ehs}~--be-esxe~~ee~-#+e-app#~-sere#~-#e-ese~rt #~-~e###~eaee-ae~#s#b#es-ne}ese-e~lser~#ee-epee#?#ee~. ~s-~a-sa-eeenpf eel-avea;-~bka-represe~bebf~res-a?-+~he-D~~~-f Gea#era#-=a#e~~#gel.s-t~###-eee # e-cap#easge-aa4-sew#es-esp#eaage opera.#e~ss-#a-e~-?~-blue-earea-~#bk-bke-aea#er-g.S,~-~repreaea#.a##ve Deep-#~e-sea#ev-~T~Si~-~fi~~arv ~'~,;,:,~~~r#a.?ee~-#~-g~ege#-a?-#~e-a#eae~esb#ae ae~es##ea-aeb#?#b#ea-eeaelae#d~-b~-DC#-#a-e~-?rea-each-as-area. g. 4. In a-area all areas other than active theaters of war or eeeapie4-areae where U.S. forces are eneaeed, the designated representative of the Director of Central Intelligence will keep the senior U.S. Representative appropriately advised of the U.S. espionage and counterespionage operations conducted in or from the area. SOMW Approved For Release 2006/09/28: CIA-RDP85SO0362R000600160022-4 oved Forelease 2006/09/28: CIA-RDP85S0036000600160022-4 9r-~ikea-CAA-rer~a#res-Se~-s#ee-e~tpp?r~-?er-errs#e~ge?aa#-ee~~ereop#eaRge pre~ee~eT-Bask-sapper-ae-~-ke-aa~ker#sed-~-eke-aepar~me~s~-er-ae?eaee w#~-be-pieaae~-~e#~n~#~-a#~k-the-3'e#a~-Ck#e?e-a?-Spa?~f 5. In a foreicn area where large U.S. military commande a , statio , _ , the designated regresentatiTe of the Director of central Inte]J. g2ae a will ke2R the Senior U.S. Military the c PA collection activities Bond tuc ed by the Central Intelligence Ate car in or from such areas in direct sUpR2X& of such commanders. UmIx9m MAN $X x ~-fie-eke-~#e~e-a?-wet-er-When-eke-~ee#len+~-&#ree~e;-#ke-a#r?eter e?-Cee~rsl-Is#~e~3#genee-`+#~#-eesrd#ne~~e-eep#eiuege-s~-ee~-~ereep#eaage epera~#ene-#s-er-?ten-s-~kea~er-e?-as~k#se-m#~#~ars--epera~#e~sr-i+#~k-eke Je#n3-Ch#e?e-a?-S sfg.-i~a-eel#*e-~keeeere-a?-~rer-xkere-Amer#e -pereee-ere eagegee~T-repreeen~Q~#vee-eg-eke-D#re-ever-eg-Cee~ra#-=e~e~#genee-eee~as~#~ er~p#snags-sea-eeag#,sreep#ee-epere#~#ens-#e-er-rrem-#+ke-~kea~er-e~#-be ~e~+-eke-e~#teat-seen-er-#ke-~T-#~e~-S-ta#ep-~kee~~er-eee~a~?r~ 6. In active theaters of war where U.S. forces are engaged .,,,,the Central Intelligence Agency eaRionage and counters nionage assee&#--willkj included i&a CIA Theater Force;, and, through the CIA Commander thereof, will nroyi ee espionage and counter-intelligence.euvport to ffi.litareeper tgions iffxMg in accordance with the requirements of the U.S. Military T_ater Commander or the Joint Chiefs of Staff. 171 exceptional espionage and, counter-intelligence ooerationawhich are conducted the Central Intelligence -tT g ii, from, or through a military theater in s=nort of nati9 intelligence reouirements will k2 coordinated 1 the Director entral Intelligence with the Joint C ,efs of Staf. Approved For Release 2006/09/28: CIA-RDP85S00362R000600160022-4 Approved For ease 2006/09/28: CIA-RDP85SO036 ZRC 30600160022-4 Approved For Release 2006/09/28: CIA-RDP85SO0362R000600160022-4