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? 25X1 Approved For Relew 2006/C1ONFGfIELENTLACID362R00,D0100006-8 IAC-D-101/3 14 March 1956 INTELLIGENCE ADVISORY COMMITTEE Intelligence Requirements on U.S. Citizens Held in Sino-Soviet Bloc Countries 1. Attached is the joint report of the State Prisoner Officer and the Defense Prisoner Officer prepared in response to IAC request for clarification of requirements (IAC-D-101/2, para. 4). See also IAC-D-101 and 101/1. 2. This will be placed on the agenda of an early IAC meeting for discussion. Secretary State Dept., JCS reviews completed -DF pro-4 CONFIDENTIAL ?0,0300 Approved For Release 2006/11/21: CIA-RDP85S00362R000600100006-8 ? Approved For Releiv.9 2006/CONFIDOMICE)362ROZ00100006-8 0 March 2, 1956 IAC-D-101/ 3 14 March 1956 MEMORANDUM FOR: Chairman, Intelligence Advisory Committee SUBJECT Nature of the Problem Recommendations for Improving Collection of Intelligence on Americans Held in Communist Countries 1. The United States Government and the American people traditionally have felt deep concern at the unjust detention of American citizens in foreign countries. The Government is ob- ligated to take every possible step to procure the release of such citizens. The impri sonment of Americans in Communist countries presents a-new and unusual problem in this field because of the exceptional difficulty of obtaining accurate intelligence. 2. In negotiating for release of prisoners held or believed held by Communist countries, it has become increasingly apparent that improved intelligence is an essential base for effective action to recover personnel. The Communists have demonstrated again and again that unless the United States can identify the subject of negotiation and provide evidence that he is being held by the Communists, there is little chance of effecting his release. 3. The intelligence available, to support these recovery activities has usually been collected as a by-product of other intelligence. Th'e material provided the negotiators has been compiled by persons outside the intelligence community who have little appreciation of the task of negotiating face to face with the Communists. 4. Most intelligence reports have been lacking in detail and specificity. General lack of emphasis on this problem has resulted in reporting of isolated bits of information which have not been correlated with existing intelligence. The reports reflect the shortage of liackground information in the hands of the field collectors. CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2006/11/21: CIA-RDP85S00362R000600100006-8 ? Approved For Release 2006E02411ROMS11714b362R000600100006-8 vtli 1 IAC-D-101/3 14 March 1956 5. While there are indications of failure to cross-disseminate the reports available to all interested agencies, these problems of communication are rapidly being eliminated by improved liaison within the Government and by concentrated effort on the part of State and Defense Department personnel. However, there are certain areas that could benefit by further examination. Examples of Particular Problems 6. In the negotiations-being conducted in Geneva with the Chinese Communists by Ambassador Johnson, he has been severely handicapped in demanding an accounting for 450 American servicemen missing from the Korean war because the records on these men are inadequate. He has been unable to cite specific, convincing facts in individual cases to demonstrate that the Communists should have .kno.wledgel.of the fate of these persons. One important reason for the inadequacy of the information is the fact that neither the original collectors of the intelligence nor the persons who compiled the records for use in Geneva were properly instructed as to the type of intelli- gence to be collected and the use tc which it was to be put. 7. Many agencies are currently engaged in interrogating German prisoners returning from Soviet prison camps. The in- terrogators are handicapped in exploiting this_excellent source of intelligence on Americans held in the USSR because they lack proper_guidance and background material on missing persons. Recommendations 8. It is recommended that arrangements be made in the intelligence community: (a) to determine which agencies of the United States Government, both within and outside of the intelligence community, are capable of contributing substantially to the collection of intel- ligence of Americans believed held in Communist countries; (b) to ensure that all available intelligence resources are utilized to locate and identify United States nationals held in Communist prisons and to collect and disseminate pertinent - 2 - CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2006/11/21: CIA-RDP85S00362R000600100006-8 . *Approved For Release 2006/10NEWELN6T1W1362R000600100006-8 4kiro %pi -IAC-D-101/3 14 March 1956 information to the Department of State in the cases of United States civilians, the Department of Defense in the cases of United States military personnel, or to both these departments when it is not known whether the individual is civilian or military; (c)to provide for the establishment of an interviewing guide containing instructions for the collection of this type of intelligence, with a supplement containing photographs, vital statistics, and pertinent biographical material about personnel possibly held, and history of their disappearance or capture. This collectibn guide and supplement should be reproduced in legible and compact form and made available to all field collection agencies. The guide supplement should enable more pointed and accurate re- porting from the field and facilitate feedback from time to time of intelligence available within the Washington area to field agencies. In addition the guide supplement would provide essential background material for use in negotiation; (d)to ensure that effective procedures exist within the intelligence community for evaluating and collating information tollected to insure the accomplishment of b) and c) above. (Without proper evaluation in the past, information pertaining to personnel not readily identified was not made available to the appropriate agencies.) /s/ Ralph N. Clough Deputy Director for Chinese Affairs Department of State Prisoner Officer /8/ James L. Monroe Lieutenant Colonel, USAF, Department of Defense Prisoner Officer 3 - CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2006/11/21: CIA-RDP85S00362R000600100006-8 lor 14131UTES: XAC AD ICC CavA41115E MEZTINGS ON INTELLIGENCE RECUIRMENT ON US CTPIZENS :i ID IN SINO-SOVIET BLOC COMMIES (11 )A7 19% and 9 Nay 1956) ., Approved For Release 2006/11/21: CIA-RDP85S00362R000600100006-8 "NNW Norl MARS ATTENDING: Departuent of Defense Derartinnt of State Central Intelligence Agway Ped3ral Bureau of Investigotion Mr. M.11. Inkrts (h May only) Jo lat I telligence Group, JCS Cart C. 14. White (h Ney only) Depirtment of the Amy Lb Col N1 J. Hagooi (Actin Secy) Del:azimut of the Nalu Cdr O. 0. tiebachner Department of the Air Nome /10 0. &Michels= Quoting) PZPISSEIRATIVES MEOW.; MDT: Mr. A. C. Denaldectav Diraotor, ?nue of Special Consular Services, Bureau of Security and Consular Affairs 14r. George Haseltom?DD, SCS/SCA Nina Mona Glower, Specialist, 3CS/30A Ar. R. N. Cloughj POW Offlocr & DD, Office of Chinese Affairs, nureau of Jr Mots= Afters Mr. J. P. Nevski, Chief, International Relations ltaimh, CA/TJ Mr. V. A. Craefovd, DD, Office of Restera European Affairs Mnj A9E. James, OACeS, 0-2 Mimic *alit J. A. Vreatboravomj HQ. USKO MOB. H. Harr, HQ USMC Lt Col James Monroe, Chairman Niro George A. Pore 1. %he minutes of the 20 April meeting Imre read by the acItilig seoreta27 Thr that meeting (nr. Nagoaki Department of Ster41), alai approved. 4 the ccsontittee, cith a Change in the last lino each of paragmphil 304 and. 5(c) to read "American civillana detained in CCM =lift countries," and "Americas deteinal in Conainiat OCtireS2,105:" M011eative URABIE Thtmcwagm samtran - Approved For Release Z10367 00362R000600100006-8 25X1 v Approved For Release 2006P11/21: CIA,R P8$00362R000600100006-8 eeee,Jeeye:ele0eree4elee Nole Tn the cow or urseentaticsa alai diseuseion, the cemittee eoneidered the point raised in the first meeting (es stated in pera 3(a) of the:0117),Ite0 of that meting). c.,,e,ettee ofpx961, Dot to uranium the scope e41' ite (study, at this time, to cover the ecgainitien ant ravostaalzaof leforagetioe. ea all haerienee in Caneuntet Cleiligriea. The annaittee nip howeverp agree to inelasion of individuals detained threea denial of exit Ti81106 and Vaal? mew IRS wail as these held ast prisoners? 3. During the einealvier of both neetingo the sonnittee heart and die. eurged. repoets tem Bambara, ca policies and prombnees within their respective eceseelsee fee ,,,olleetion, itrcination and dieseednAion of intelligattoe identifying erb.jer locating bereel.oene believeIi to be Let Ira Connunist ocunitries, as knoio Are inte).1.1.0tesse frapport of repatriation settles. Through reporte frost three cetioee De.eArtsent at State, Iftmoski, Hr. Crawler& and Kim aloversi the following pante cce State poll eeet ineeederee were brendst out in the first meeting and Atelier clarified in nowto reetiag, fl) The problem le simpler with root to individee le detained in lueeeeteli, (Wm than 7/ those detained. in Eastern European Countries ard the ":?fee.11.7 because of the short ;erica of tuto the prebleet with respect to Chine *)e extetedo the clemenees of contact that prevailed between Aseriorae in Chimp no mon eesidu(l ;limber nor being detained. in this area. Celleetion and evaleatimof infceleatien on detained rersonnel, and reconsendaticn of repatria- :e.en action euppreted by accunte: timely intellisenoe can therefcre be =educed ceneetienal (desk) level, in addition to othee duties, without tonal, centre. 1Seed OrGamiSlatlest for this purpeee within CA/11E Bureau, or assietence outside :-Tie awe= in the font of a specifie collection elan ant eentralised. *Dilation, ealeat,i. aga. "feed.-backa elsetdeere leithan the "apartment. (2) In the Office of Eastern Eureepan Affairs* Bursae of European ITTairs, a card file aystece has been establiahed to simplify collation of of long eanding canp)teritzr with reelect to this area. Inforeatica aretelaed :sereoznel is routinely received., colleted, evaluated Lel recorded It the opmational (desk or branch) level, aM.releorts obviousky of interest to ethee ofneera, Tsithin c outedda the Department of State, are diesminated to Nstargisaiblitty fete develop:Lag intelligence rampart of 3:evil:gaieties acotion en. initividucle detained in the Itaceeetew European metal/nes ani IMRs however, with etyma other bureaus Ma offiess l.thia the Depeeteenre.IraeUl eaeopert with reelect to this area could pee.aibly be levrweed either by eentealieed respeneibility tor aollection, nroauctien anti diecealsetion within we bureau, or elseehere within the Deparkeeat tatb respeet to all Conmunist emeetelesi. (3) lath reepeet to the iertelligme support prolate, the Office ecial Consular Services, /lupine of Security and 04311$11182) Affetre, is both amece mei a allaerel foe infoasation of interset to area desks led branches Drgatzent of State, and. to other offices erithin Departneat of Wen step tba FBI cM other agencies? It is not, homer, ouneently aterged with or _Alit/Area tor eantragized develo:grerat of the intelligenee suppoet en detained. ereeeJeei req./thee& within, the Department on civilian ore milltary pereennal. ? d 00362R000600100006-8 - Approved For Release 20601/21 -:-Cl'A44i6 Approved For Release 2006/11/21.: CIA7RDP85S00362R000600100006-8 Th a Deportment Of State lelsoner Officer is baefelelly Deputy Director: Office of Chinese Affairs, Bureau of Par restore =aim. Hie eeepoesibilitiee relating to relsorters am limited to those held in Communist ehina. (5) MI)tlUTo&o1 ntellioanoe support for repatriation Of detained US setionale. (2) No office within the OA= or the Ara, hatieV02?); is charged eeth organized for ?entrain& collectica, proluotion, diesnOxation, liaisen "feedeback" to nem-collection media, vith re/meet to thie arpect of inton/.. t34011000 Such eeti tee en irsilviduals, or collations on geoups of detained. r.orsonnel as are otterently produced, are either incidental to estebliehed casualty or evourity detensinatien objeotiveep or else in reeponse to cosserional, one.tire, t requirements placed. on the Army Readquarters. Ct. The liavy repreeentative (OM), Commander Liebecianer, reported. th3t ,:iithoade there is a Limited floe Of information bearing on detained Navy personnel ;are is no stablish.ed requirement cr procedure for proceesing Groh inficereatien except in eup-post Of casualty deteresimatian Two alphabetical files ma missing e,ermenvel ere raintained, homer, for other than casualty infenettion purpose-as, een for Ware reference in 'security determinetione ana the other for future eeferenreein constection with eoseible idantification, location ant repatriation pereeneel missing in ocemention with Korean operations. Itepreeentatives of 111, Kerins Corps, Maj Jame oat Copt Weatherspoon, added. to the Rey report that meeept in support Of caaualty eatentirations the ax Corps is tope nt Ca qia isztelligenee. 0. The Air Porn reeresentative (AMR) !M .j Michelson, zeported an :.-IfAive:4 collectiou effor.t, through. Air triton/genie Service Squadrons in the e'er Leek awl Airope, arm! policy, orsenization ea* procednee for casualty soeurity detezerleatiaa objectives to thorns reported by the Any. Current4 &reel zt of identificatien a location Of detained Air 102410 yermennel 3 Approved For Release 206fi,j4 'I 1 ClAill) SO0362 R 000600 100006-8 Approved For Release 2006/11/21: CIA-RDP85S00362R000600100006-8 as basis for repateiation action is considered by APOINto be a personnel aotion rethar UM.= intelligence funetion, As a result, altheugh fiell organizations awe proaeeoZng infermation avenging), on local initiative, there is in the Air Forcer as in Limy ana Navy, no ceetralized organization an& prooedure far collooti p production aad nenexation of new intelligenee requirements to sapport eepatriation action. 00 Tte1 representative?Mia Knhrtz, was not present 9 May 1956 to wake a yeport, The PEI, hemmer, Is not a primawy scum? or user in this field, =met with weep t to data in Bayport of security oonclualonn, g. The CIA repreeentativej Imported and reiterated that 25X1 Nalcelly the ehinery to %loll/est, pecauce, and make avaiWble better intent- amee in thic field, already eel A30 Vint Is required is activating the machieery ty opening oat weqpirements, anA beeping the machinery operating through some wee& mom gar centraUted coomdinatima. 21, The Cheirema arise& the analyels of the committee in two points and ? 50900000^2datiOno as noel (5) =jeer sgenolee (State, Defame, Army, Ravine Air bores) ere cmcemend with identifloatiom and location information or intellieenee on A.otainea DS neticreals face three reasoms? security conolual p oesaalty determina- tion; memory or repatriftion action, but there Is inadequate eentralized er comediexted. aotivity to meet the prdblom, particularly with reepeot to recovery er repatriation, b. Deoewtnent of Menge can, on enact hos basis, plovide a foes/ for seaport of repatriation motion aa goecifrigritary individuals or zroup $ ma has des rtec1 a POW Officer (It Col Itiorroe) for this purpose, The Popo t of Defenee is not the appropriate level wawa, however, to oollate er coordinate the intent nee snort required for effective repatriation of either ndlitaey sr nit or other detained. US nationals. c. Beccumended. thetannAUlemial gUb-committee, *omelettes of lt Col raMcd (Arm') stal KOTA), am:late& by the State and Defense Prisoner 25X1 Officers (ar. Clou ant I. Col Monrce) &eft a report and res aendations to the MC, for lessen:WI= to all members of the q4 hce Cemmittee at its nezt meeting. 5. recoomendation of the Chairman was approemt by the Cemmittee, which edjouened Tending notice of avallatdlity of a draft report ant reeemmeedaticoa. 6. The nest meeting Of the Committee is tentatively schedaled for 101400 Ally, Bose 1033, Tempo Building, la,w Approved For Release 20V6711i 1'3 .? Acting Seemtarer 7 ,$-5$00362 R000600100006-8 25X1