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25X1 Approved For .1 se 2003/09/29 CIA-RDP85S00362 00060 0Q 80 0 ~~ , ~ ~, 5 June 1956 MWORANDUM FOR: Secretary, Intelligence Advisory Committee SUBJECT: Annual Report Attached herewith are twelve copies of the First Annual Report of the Ad--Hoc Subcouunittee on Information Processing. 25X1 Secretary Subcommittee on Information Processing .c% 11Z Ite, 3 Approved For Release 2003/09/29 : CIA-RDP85S00362R000600080025-0 Approved For The IAC Ad-Hoc Sub-Cormnittee on Information Processing vas established pursuant to LAC action of 19 Nay 1955 to coordinate the development and implementation of conrpatible systems for documentation and processing of inform ation within the intelligence comaunity. The Committee is composed of r gresentatives of the IAC agencies and invites other Interested agencies to participate in matters which concern them. Chai.nshtp is provided by CIA. AIUP-AR-1 23 May 1956 A. Studer of existing docent processil3g systems. The Sub-cor mittee reviewed ice`-docu nL? processing Systems in V20 meMber orge nizations. These systems were found to very videly in objectives, techniques and level. of service afforded users. IAC A1)-ROC SUB-CM2,UTZEF. 014 INFORMATION PROCESSING FIRST Ata1UAL REPORT I. Authority II. Accor Sl.ishments B. Endorsed the CIA Lib INTEIJ,IGE~iCE SLWECT CODE. The following members a rsed the CIA Library's InteUi euce Sub je Code for adaptation and use by the intelligence community in indexing documnts: AFOII', ACSI, ONI. and ESA. In order to wake the Intelligence Subject Code usable for the other agencies, pertinent sections of the Code are being adapteds elease %W:ff .L?1&RW.8j5i LWV62 1. AFOIN has completed its revision of the 400 section. CIA Library approved and is nou reprinting. 2. ONI has submitted its revision of the 300 section to CIA Library for approval. 3. ACSI has appointed a committee which is completing recor ndations for the revision of the 200 section. C. CIS ontract with the 25X1 on newax or -c e, en Participation is this ?program includes zat on of Center personnel on a consultative bis for projects of interest to the Sub-committee. One such project tans presented by the Army member for assistance in data-handling problems encountered by the library of personality investigative files at Fort Holabird, Md. The Sub- co ttee approved the Arny request and the Center has been requested to york with the Array. contract with th Approved For Release 2003/09/29 : CIA-RDP85SO0362R000600080025-0 Approved For Rd asC29D&99 JNT.&S.W0362R000600080025-0 AM:P-AR-l 23 May 1956 D. Working qrroups. As the need arose, the Sub-committee established Working Groups to resolve problems in specific areas. The Working Groups, their assignments and progress are described below. 1. Working Group on a Cow Inter-librarry~Loan Form. Chaired by Air Force s working Group was charged with the preparation of a coordinated, single inter-library loan form to be used in the intelligence community. Form presented to AHIP for approval and adoption by the intelligence community. AHIP approved 19 March 19561 Working Group dissolved. 2. Working Groin on a. Common Mzbering System. Chaired by NSA, the Working Group was assigned the responsibility for devising a common numbering system for use in all IAC agencies for accessioning information reports an4 intelligence documents. The Working Group presented its recoidatians on 27 October 1955 that blocks of numbers be assigned to each IAC member agency, the system be put into effect and that the problem of serials be assigned to a working group for further study. AHIP approved the recommendations on 8 November 1955 and agreed that 1 July 1956 be the tentative date for putting these into effect. Working Group on P. Common I ibe ring System dissolved. 3? Group on Control. Pdur_ __ink of Serial Publications. To study the inclusion of serial publications into a common nurbering system another Working Group, chaired by CIA, was appointed.. The recommendations of the Working Group were approved by A?ICP on 30 January 1956: a) that intelligence serial publications be included in the co w n numbering, system; b) that inter-agency cooperation in processing serial publications in this Inner commence; on a selective basis, because the problem of subject control is not uniform; and c) that in any mechanized system of processing it is important to provide for recovery of serial publications by title e 4d issue. Working Group dissolved. Wor Group on Con Intelligence Ike Formt WGIR Es sided in December 1955, end chaired by CIA, this Working Group was asked to develop recaanmezidations acs ptable to the IAC regarding sten ardization of format of published intel- ligence reports. it was suggested further that the following also be considered: a) standard report size, b). use of color, c identical working and location for items of same meaning, d physical uniformity of reports, and e) syst.tic citation of i nciosuren . Because of the complexity of the problem assigned to this Working Group, it has attacked the various Approved For Release 2003/09/29 : CIA-RDP85S00362R000600080025-0 C-o-N-F-I-D-E-N T-S-A-L Approved For If"ase 2003/09/29 : CIA-RDP85S00362R000600080025-0 ABIP-AR-3. 23 MY 1956 aspects in stages and is not yet ready to issue its final conclusions. Progress reports have been and will continue to be submitted. 5. jIorkin~r Groff on Equi .ant Research. Chaired by CIA, this Working Group was established to provide the members of MIDI' with coordinated and evaluated information on technological advances in data processing equipment. The Working Grog consists of representatives from member agencies thoroughly qualified to evaluate such equi ut. E. Participation in External. Meetings. During the course of the year, members participated in the following meetings of interest to them in the course of their responsibilities as members of this Sub-Committee: 1. Air Research and Comm nd, Baltimore lid. 15-16 Sept-55 The M I~ orce held. this sympos us on data b=dIIng to acquaint its research and develop nt people with current problems confronting the intelligence coanmaanity in this field. Through such knowledge the Air Research and Development, Command expected to improve its interpretation of the long-range technical requirements for meeting this need. Several members of the sub-Committee contributed substantially to the Symposium. 2. Conference on the Practical Utilization of Recorded Know e western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio, MIAJ January 1956. The conference together soave-500 technicians, librar electronic s ecielists and documentation experts to exclumse iezas and information on egLd:p ant for data-processing. 3Seny members of the Sub-committee attended to utilize this opportunity to see what the extra-intelligence people were doing along these lines. 3- s Thee ember recommended to ARID consideration of its system of geographic grid coding for adoption by the coaunity. The system permits mechanical receVeJ7 of information according to specific geographic location. An Air J~raa-sponsored special meeting was held to describe the details of t Geo Ref system.. which would be used in addition to the CIA Intelligence SubPct Code. Members of ASIP were asked to comment In,mriting with the result that some adaptation of the basic is appeared certain of sponsorship by.ALP. It was clear, however, that testing. of= Oeo Ref `L ' connection with Min4card w ,w essential and-that-this could well delay a final ASE' decision for another 6-12 months. Approved For Release 2003/09/29 : CIA-RDP85S00362R000600080025-0 C-O-N-F- D-E-~~QQ =I-~~L Approved For lease 2003/09/29 : GIA-RDP85S00362R000600080025-0 AILED AR-l 23 May 1956 F 3nice Air Force and CIA have contracts with for the development of a, system, known as Mini card.. to retrieve inforn tion from large: sea of intelligence data efficiently and quick3y Members ofAUXP are keeping themselves currently informed on all phases of the Air Force and CIA experimentation with the Minicard equipment, some of which has been delivered to the Air Force in April 1956 with additional equipment scheduled for delivery during the rest of the year. Research and develojz nt continue on auxiliary equipmnt to be used with Minieard, such as closed-loop TV. 25X1 AELP-AR-1 23 May 1956 C--Q-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A.L 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/09/29 : CIA-RDP85SO0362R000600080025-0