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28 October 1982
THROUGH: Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering
SUBJECT: Final Report of the DSB Task Force on Mapping, Charting
and Geodesy (MC~G)
The attached final report of the Defense Science Board Task Force
on Mapping, Charting and Geodesy (MCbG) was prepared under the
chairmanship of Dr. Ivan E. Sutherland. The purpose of the
study, requested by the Director, Defense Mapping Agency (DMA),
was to identify and evaluate current and future MC~G requirements
in the DoD and to assess the capability of the DMA to respond to
those requirements with regard to equipment, organization and
The Task Force determined that DMA has made significant progress
in accommodating ever-increasing demands for technical support,
especially in processing digital data for use in modern weapon
systems. The most significant recommendation made by she Task
Force was that DMA now be authorized to commit funds in the 6.1
and 6.2 areas for internal technology base development. Other
recommendations are detailed in the report which I commend to
your review.
Norm~ln R. Augustine
Copy to:
Chairman, JCS
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Approved For Release 2008/01/09: CIA-RDP85M00364R002404770026-3
15 October 1982
SUBJECT: Final Report of the Defense Science Board Task Force
on Mapping, Charting and Geodesy (MC&G)
This memorandum transmits the final report of the Defense Science
Board Task Force on Mapping, Charting and Geodesy (MC&G),
specifically on issues in those mission areas as they pertain to
the Defense Mapping Agency (DMA). The Task Force met several
times during the first half of 1981 and an interim report was
submitted to you in June. There was no formal Task Force activity
for the next nine months during which time the Dr. Richard D.
DeLauer, Under Secretrary of Defense for Research and Engineering,
asked Dr. Robert Hermann to convene a special group, which
included some of our Task Force members, to assess current and
future DMA requirements for collecting, transmitting and
delivering various MC&G data. With the conclusion of that
activity in January 1982, the Task Force was reconstituted to
finish its assignments with the additional input. Those findings
and recommendations are detailed in the Executive Summary of this
report and I trust that you will urge their implementation.
The Task Force was originally chartered when Maj. Gen. Nicholson
was the Director of DMA. When Major General Wells assumed that
position in mid-1981, he continued full DMA support of our
efforts. With that cooperation we feel that we have come to know
the Agency as well as any outside group could have hoped to. We
are awed by the magnitude of the tasks they are undetaking and
impressed by the dedication and professionalism of the people we
have met. We are pleased that our work so far seems to have made
a difference to DMA and we trust that the recommendations included
here will also be useful.
Ivan E. Sutherland
MC&G Task Force
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Transmittal Memoranda.
Executive Summary
Technical Challenge
Previous Reports
Findings and Recommendations
Appendix A: Membership List
Appendix B: Terms of Reference
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The Defense Mapping Agency (DMA) is responsible for all Depart-
ment of Defense matters concerning mapping, charting and geodesy
(MC&G). The Agency publishes an impressive array of paper
products including land maps, aircraft charts, nautical charts,
and written information of importance to ground, air and sea
navigation and targeting. In addition to this traditioi~Gl
business, DMA has been assigned a critical role in preparing
digital data bases used to prepare guidance data for precision
guided weapons and to drive digital training devices such as
aircraft simulators and radar training devices. The charge to
the Task Force was to identify and evaluate current and future
MC&G requirements and to assess the ability of DMA to respond to
those requirements with regard to equipment, organization and
The Task Force notes that the Defense Mapping Agency has taken
many important steps towards digital processing for preparing
both its traditional paper map and chart and for preparing the
new digital products that now make up about one half of its
total output. While applauding these steps, the Task Force
urges an increased level of investment by the agency in digital
processing means. The Task Force offers the following
recommendations, all for action by the Director, DMA:
- Initiate an internal 6.1 and 6.2 technology base program
with a funding plan adequate to guard against the loss of
technology base work now being done by the Services.
- Develop a coherent plan for an internal digital
processing computer network with emphasis on:
a. Using a lead systems design contractor to ensure a
lasting and coherent design.
b. Employing a modern digital communications network
with adequate bandwidth and protocol design to last the
Agency for many years.
c. Using commercially available communications and
computer equipment whenever possible with proper, but
not overstated, regard for security classification
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Approved For Release 2008/01/09: CIA-RDP85M00364R002404770026-3
The Defense Mapping Agency (DMA) is charged with the task of
developing the maps, charts, and geodetic data required for the
Department of Defense. DMA publishes an impressive array of
paper products including land maps, aircraft charts, nautical
charts, and written information of importance to ground, air and
sea navigation targeting. Some 50,000 paper line items are in-
volved. These paper products represent the "trad:itional" business
of the DMA and its predecessor organizations.
In addition to this traditional business, DMA has been assigned
a critical new role in preparing digital products such as the
data bases used as guidance data for "smart" weapons such as the
air launched cruise missile and the Pershing II surface-to-
surface missile. Other DMA digital products are used to drive
digital training devices such as aircraft simulators, radar
training devices and so forth. This high priority digital
product activity has grown to about one-half of the DMA effort.
DMA has also been using digital computing equipment to automate
its traditional business. Thus, we observe DMA in transition
from a traditional cartography and printing establishment to a
primarily computer-oriented data processing activity. We
believe that in another five to fifteen years by far the largest
part of DMA's processing activity will be digitally based.
The Defense Mapping Agency was formed in 1972 by merger of the
major MC&G activities of the three Services and some related
organizations. The Army and Navy MC&G centers were then merged
into a single site in Brookmont, Maryland, which has about 4,000
employees. The Air Force predecessor organization. became a
second major site in St. Louis, Missouri, with about 4,000
employees. A headquarters organization on the grounds of the
Naval Observatory in Washington, D.C., and a number of smaller
installations complete the present DMA organization. Although
it is clear that the organization is unified and gains strength
by the exchanges of personnel and work assignments, and by cross
fertilization of equipment and processes, there is still an
"Army/Navy" flavor to the Brookmont site and an "Air Force"
flavor to the St. Louis site.
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The tasks of mapping, charting and geodesy are painstaking and
exacting. The volume of data required for the process is
enormous because it involves detailed knowledge of local condi-
tions worldwide. For example, DMA maintains and updates contin-
ually a file of about 100,000 place names, another file of over
15 million gravity measurements, and enormous numbers of photo-
graphs, maps and other source documents. From this enormous
collection of data its cartographers compile maps and charts for
field use. The task is difficult both because of the enormous
amount of data involved and because of the accuracy required in
the final product; nothing is more frustrating or more dangerous
in the field than an inaccurate map.
The development of modern weapons has put a new burden on the
Defense Mapping Agency. Ballistic missiles of high accuracy
require accurate knowledge of the locations in a common world
grid coordinate system of the targets and the launch sites.
Cruise missiles can be guided to targets only if provided
accurate digital reference guidance data. Missions against
sophisticated defensive systems can be planned only if accurate
terrain data are available for the planning process. These new
requirements for volume and acccuracy of data put a staggering
requirement on the DMA, a requirement made the more challenging
because it involves a major new thrust in sophisticated digital
computing techniques.
Moreover, the sources of DMA's raw data have become more
sophisticated as well. Whereas ground surveys and aerial
photographs were formerly the major source of input data, today
an enormous number of diverse sources must be used, including
the latest reconnaissance means. Not all of these data-
collecting devices meet the accuracy requirements imposed on
DMA, nor does DMA have control over the order in which it
receives data. Thus DMA is in the peculiar position of having
to provide products for demanding customers from sources of data
over which it has incomplete control.
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On 4 June 1981 this Task Force submitted a preliminary report to
the Chairman of the Defense Science Board (DSB). In this report
we recommended:
1. That DMA be authorized to engage in 6.1 and 6.2 R&D in
order to be better coupled to advanced work in digital
2. That DMA's capital investment in equipment is ciitical to
its future and that DMA should examine carefully its
methods for depreciating and replacing capital equipment.
3. That DMA has the opportunity to make a major new invest-
ment in digital image processing methods. Such an invest-
ment will eventually be necessary; the question is only
now or later.
In January 1982 a group headed by Dr. Robert Hermann submitted
recommendations to Dr. Richard D. DeLauer, the Under Secretary
of Defense for Research and Engineering, regarding DMA and its
data sources. Apart of our Task Force served on the Hermann
group. In terms of DMA itself, the main recommendation of the
Hermann group was that DMA move quickly to make the major new
investment in digital image processing methods.
As a result of our preliminary recommendations and the Hermann
group report, DMA has established a project office to design,
procure and install the new digital equipment required for its
future. Budget requests for equipment procurement have been
made but funds have not yet been authorized. In addition, DMA's
enhanced budget request for FY 1984 includes funds for basic
research (6.1) and exploratory development (6.2). Thus, DMA is
now headed towards considerably increased use of computing equip-
ment for all its activities. The commitment to digital pro-
cessing has been made and a fairly rapid time-scale has been
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As we have come to understand DMA's task and its response to the
requirements laid on it, we must report a generally favorable
impression. DMA has taken on a truly herculean task and started
to do it with the means at hand and those readily available from
current technology. For example, DMA has developed a worldwide
coordinate system and used sophisticated computing means to
relate all of their geographic data to it. DMA has developed a
gravity model of the earth which is mathematically very
sophisticated and which is supported by an enormous array of
gravity and satellite measurements made worldwide. DMA is
compiling a Digital Terrain Model which will describe the
physical shape of the earth in considerable detail.. One simply
must be impressed by the sophistication and care which have gone
into these and other efforts of the DMA. This is a healthy,
dynamic organization, trying its best to fulfill an important
and difficult mission.
DMA's future is very much tied up in the digital computing tech-
nology. DMA is using many digital computing devices in
producing its traditional paper products and of course uses
digital means to produce its newer digital products. Moreover,
an increasing fraction of its data input sources will provide
digital data. Thus, it is only a question of time before nearly
all of DMA's activities will involve sophisticated computing
equipment. The only question on the path to all-digital pro-
cessing is how fast DMA should progress. Technical and
management wisdom will be critical in the next few years as more
and more of DMA's activity becomes digital. Our recommendations
2 through 5 address the major issues in developing a system of
the size and complexity required for DMA's use.
By charter, DMA relies on other organizations to provide its
leading edge R&D. DMA does 6.3 and 6.4 kinds of procurement of
advanced equipment, but it is not supposed to do any basic
research (6.1) nor exploratory development (6.2). As the DMA
moves more and more into the digital computing technology where
there is a very rapid pace of technological advance, it will
need the best advanced thinking just to keep pace with the
field. Specific authority and budget to do internal R&D would
provide: (1) a thrust towards continued increase of automation;
(2) a capability to utilize the rapid advance of digital
RECOMMENDATION l: Initiate a 6.1 and 6.2 technology base
program with a funding plan adequate to guard against the loss
of technology base work now being done in the Services.
The fiscal plan now in force should be considered as a minimum.
In FY-84 DMA is planning to put 0.3$ of its overall budget into
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6.1 and 6.2 spending. This compares with 1.33$ for the total
DoD. Because DMA is necessarily a high technology operation and
becoming more so, it should be a leader in these expenditures.
We think that between 1 and 2 percent is a more reasonable
figure. Of course, DMA will have to develop the program over
time, and so a phased increase to that level is appropriate.
In building up the DMA 6.1 and 6.2 program, the I)MA and the DoD
should guard against the loss of the technology base work now
being done by the Services. The start of internal 6.1 and 6.2
work at DMA may result in an overall decline in the technology
base program in MC&G if the Services drop out of their existing
activities. Some assessment of the total 6.1 and 6.2 effort in
MC&G should be made to assure that the new posture of DMA is not
reducing the total effort.
In sponsoring external 6.1 and 6.2 activities, DMA should put
special emphasis and weight on the demonstrated competence of
the people involved. A developing technology base depends on
the good ideas and devoted work of the research and development
people. DMA needs to establish rapport with scientific talent
of the very best calibre on whose ideas and energy DMA can draw
to remain vital. The contracts that DMA establishes under its
6.1 and 6.2 program will be shaping its future. We urge DMA to
work with the very best people it can find.
DMA is embarking on a major equipment procurement program. The
technology base program can help DMA in making the best use of
that equipment if the 6.1 and 6.2 contractors have access to the
new equipment or copies of it installed in their laboratories.
Selected placement of prototype equipment in advanced labora-
tories can lead quickly to new applications of the equipment
that will be directly useful to DMA. DMA should seek opportun-
ities to place equipment of the kinds that it uses in advanced
DMA must, over time, develop internal basic research and explor-
atory development efforts. This internal technology base
program is required to match the outside work that it sponsors
in quality and quantity. Roughly half of the technology base
program should eventually be internal to DMA to ensure that DMA
has people capable of selecting, working with, and using the
results of the outside program. This internal program, coupled
with the contacts generated by the external program, is what
will generate the "capability pull" that will keep DMA's
capabilities up to date for the long term future. Recruiting,
equipping and managing the people involved here i.s a major task
that DMA will have to undertake.
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RECOMMENDATION 2: Develo a modern and owerful communication
network with emphasis on lon equipment lifetime,
Digital computing systems of the complexity envisioned for DMA
consist of "boxes" made by many manufacturers each of which
serves some purpose in the overall system. These boxes will
communicate with each other over some kind of a digital
communication network. As the system grows, new boxes will be
attached to the network to serve new purposes. For example,
some of the boxes will serve as a huge data repository, others
will serve as input and output stations. As new kinds of
analysis are required, new analysis stations wil]. be added. As
more information is accumulated, new and better data storage
boxes will be added. As new kinds of source data begin to be
important, new input stations will be added to the network. As
older pieces of equipment become obsolete, they will be replaced
by newer generations of equipment with similar but improved
The lifetime of the system, as opposed to the lifetime of any
one part of it, will be controlled by the utility of the
communication network that interconnects the boxes. New boxes
can be added to such a communication network by building a
suitable network interface for each such box added. To change
the network form, however, is a major undertaking that requires
replacing at least a part of every box. It is vital, therefore,
that the communication network design be very carefully done, so
that a network with a very long lifetime will be obtained. This
lifetime will be limited both by equipment reliability, but more
importantly by equipment obsolesence. It is essential that a
modern and powerful communication network be built because it
will have to last for several decades.
RECOMMENDATION 3: Design an adequate digital communications
protocol drawing on knowledge from existing networks.
The communications protocol used on the network is, in effect,
the language spoken over the network by the boxes that use it.
Requests put into the network by parts of the system will be
undertaken by various boxes on the network, but as the system
evolves, which boxes undertake to fill which requests may
change. For example, a request for a particular data element
will be filled by whatever is the current data storage device.
An identical request made a year or two later may be filled by a
different device.
The communications protocol or language used on the network may
even outlast the equipment in the network. As the
communications network becomes obsolete, the same kinds of
messages as were previously used may be transmitted over new
communications equipment just as the same message formats can be
used over satellite communication links as were used on land
lines or on microwave circuits.
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A change to the language of communication between devices will
require a major change to all of the devices in the system.
Such a change will not be possible after the system is in
operation. It is vital, therefore, that the communication
protocol or language be very carefully designed with adequate
expansion capability for the future.
There are two ways to make communication languages. The simple,
but inadequate way, is to enumerate all of the message types
that are possible over the network. This approach is inadequate
because it is impossible to anticipate all of the kinds of com-
munication for which the network will be used. The better way
is to establish a syntax for messages which leaves room for new
meanings in message headers provided they conform to some simple
basic rules. The simplicity of the rules can reflect the
freedom that future designers will have in adapting the
communication protocol to new uses. The protocol should address
communications by function and not by specific box number or
name to provide for the adaption of boxes. We urge the DMA to
get the best possible help in making the critica:. decisions on
protocol that will establish the limits of system growth.
The art of building networks is not new. The ARPAnet, the COINS
network, and several commercial packet-switched networks, such
as Ethernet and TELEnet, provide a base of technology on which
DMA can and should draw. DMA people should understand these
existing networks and the differences between them. In short,
DMA should take full advantage of the existing and emerging
technology of computer communication networks.
RECOMMENDATION 4: Use commercially available communications and
computer equipment whenever possible with proper, but not over-
stated, regard for security classification requirments
Commercial computer companies produce a remarkable array of
products very economically. To the extent that these products
can be used to meet DMA's requirements, using them will reduce
the cost of the system that DMA has to install. The need for
cost reduction is most dramatic in terminals for the analyst.
Because many such terminals will be required, it is important
that low cost equipment be used.
For viewing images at teminals there are now a number of
standard products using the 1,000-line commercial television
standards. To use any other kind of viewing equipment would
increase the cost substantially. DMA should consider very
carefully the possibility of using analyst stations built around
1,000-line commercial television equipment.
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Although much of the data in the DMA system will be highly clas-
sified from a national security standpoint, we see little
advantage in classifying the overall system requirements. For
example, although one might wish to protect the specific
resolution of particular imaging systems, one could deal with
digital images of say 512x512, 1024x1024 ...1,000,000x1,000,000
pixels each, without any need to classify the resolutions
available. Similarly, although one might want tc- classify the
total amount of data available in the system, one should be able
to deal with memory system procurements in an unclassified way.
We believe that a system framework can be made that uses mainly
commercial equipment. Such a framework could provide the
digital environment into which some selected special devices
would be placed. Procurement of the special devices might be
classified as required by their particular capabilities. We are
not recommending that DMA use only commercial equipment; but the
relative costs of commercial equipment and the need for very
many terminals suggest that most of the system could be built
from commercial technology.
RECOMMENDATION 5: Select a lead systems design contractor in
designing and establishing new digital systems.
In designing and establishing this digital system, DMA will need
the help of many contractors. But we feel that a particular
relationship with a systems design contractor could be very
helpful. Such a systems design contractor should be independent
of any of the equipment manufacturing companies that will be in-
volved in the system. Such a systems design contractor should
have experience with large systems and with image processing
tasks. The obvious candidates for such a role are the many not-
for-profit systems houses.
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DSB Task Force on Mapping, Charting and Geodeay
Dr. Ivan E. Sutherland
Sutherland, Sproull and Associates, Inc.
Mr. Guy H. Dobbs
Xerox Electro-Optical Systems
General Russell E. Dougherty, USAF (Ret.)
Executive Director
Air Force Association
Dr. Ivan A. Getting
Dr. Percy A. Pierre
Dr. Lem Wong
Aerospace Corporation
Executive Secretaries
Lt. Col. Jerome A. Atkins, USAF
Military Assitant, Defense Science Board
Lt. Col. Carol A. Yarnall, USAF
Military Assistant, Defense Science Board
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SUBJECT: DSB Task Force on Mapping, Charting and Geodesy
You are requested to convene a Defense Science Board Task Force
to review the DoD's posture in the functional areas of mapping,
charting and geodesy (MC~G). The Defense Mapping Agency (DPiA)
is responsible for all DoD matters concerning MC~G.
The advent of preprogrammed weapon systems has brought about a
significant change in DoD's need for MC$G. For example, the
guidance of cruise missiles and other future weapons systems will
require large amounts of precise global digital tee?rain informa-
tion. As the quantity and quality of data required for such
systems increases, it is conceivable that the production,
processing and distribution of DiC~G data could become a pacing
item in some system development cycles.
The Task Force should identify and evaluate current and future
mapping, charting and geodesy requirements, and assess the ability
of the MCF~G community to respond to these requirements. Topics of
particular concern include generation, derivation or collection of
MC$G data from available source material; transformation of that
.data into a form suitable for production of MC$G products; storage
of and access to data; transmission of data to user. or other pro-
duction facilities; and interpretation of data. In addressing
these issues the Task Force should specifically answer the
following questions:
1. What biC$G data are required for existing and projected
weapons systems? In what form should these data be stored,
transmitted, delivered, and used?
2. What means are now used by DDiA or are projected for use
for collecting, transmitting, delivering, and accessing various
MC$G data?
3. Are the means now in use and now projected adequate to
meet the present and projected needs of the nation? Are the
DiC~G data tasks now a pacing item in weapons system development?
Are MC$G data tasks likely to become pacing items in future systems?
4. Are the current organizational structures and technical,
managerial, contracting, processing and communication capabilities
of the Defense Mapping Agency adequate to meet the current and
future needs of the nation? What changes, if any, are needed?
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5. Is the Department of Defense, through the Defense
Mapping Agency, making the best use of commercial resources and
know-how in MCf~G? What improvements, if any, are possible?
6. Is the Defense Mapping Agency equipped and structured
to maintain its ability to meet the natio~ial need in the face of
rapid technical developments which can be expected? How does
new information flow into DMA? What research efforts, advisory
efforts, and education efforts could be undertaken to maintain
execllence in the DoD's MC$G effort?
The subject Task Force should be convened as soon as possible and
provide a final report to me no later than 1 June 1981.
Several experts in the theory of photogrammetry, cartography,
topology, weapon guidance requirements, and computer/communications
should be selected for the Task Force. If possible, at least one
map production representative from the private sector should also
be a member.
The Director, Defense Mapping Agency, Major General W. L.
Nicholson, III, will be the cognizant Deputy for the Task Force.
The Chairman will be Dr. Ivan E. Sutherland. Lieutenant Colonel
Carol A. Yarnall, USAF, Military Assistant to the Defense Science
Board, will be the Executive Secretary.
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