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October 3, 1983
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Approved For Release 2008/04/14: CIA-RDP85M00364RO01803600004-3 THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary For Immediate Release October 3, 1983 NATIONAL YEAR OF PARTNERSHIPS IN EDUCATION 1983-1984 BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA America's future is dependent upon the health and vitality of her education system. Although thousands of businesses, industries, individuals, organizations, teachers,, administrators, and government at all levels have been involved in the education of our youth, there is more be done. More. people must become active in improving. the quality of education in our Nation.:.. Recently, many schools have developed private sector partnerships in an effort to broaden available resources and reach out to their communities for support. The private sector has much to offer the growing national improve our education system. Some of the most effective methods include helping educators identify the learning needs of our society; encouraging professional exchanges between teachers, educators, and businesses; contributing expertise, financial resources, and equipment; and providing technical assistance in school administration and curriculum development. In order to encourage this trend, I call. upon businesses, organizations, individuals, and agencies ,to become involved with their local schools. Partnerships in Education Year gives us the opportunity to acknowledge the efforts of' the private sector and to encourage the creation of new partnerships in education all across this Nation. NOW, THEREFORE, I, RONALD REAGAN, President. of the United States of America, do hereby proclaim the period from October 1, 1983, through June 30, 1984, as the National Year of Partnerships in Education. I invite all Americans to join me in my commitment to the excellence and quality of education offered to all Americans. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this third day of October , in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and eighty-three, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and eighth. D/' "Prr% DL`T/`TAT Approved For Release 2008/04/14: CIA-RDP85M00364RO01803600004-3 Approved For Release 2008/04/14: CIA-RDP85M00364RO01803600004-3 Office. of Private Sector Initiatives For Immediate Release October 13, 1983 The President launched the National Partnerships in Education Program today in a White House ceremony, with 150 representatives of' business, schools,. government and trade associations in attendance. He commended the positive role the business community has taken in improving the quality of education in local communities, and issued a challenge "that everyone of our country''s public,, private,. and parochial schools and community colleges. ---all 110,000 of them -- will have formed partnerships i-n~ education.." In addition. to encouraging. the private sector to participate in this. program to upgrade the quality of education, the President directed the Federal Government to promote partnerships in education in every way that it can. James K.. Coyne, Special Assistant. to the President for Private Sector Initiatives and his staff were directed to work on this program throughout the year. In describing the, Partnerships in Education program, the President said,. "Across the country, groups of working men and. women? have been forming partnerships with schools -- partnerships in education.. To form a partnership, volunteers from a business, government agency, or other organization strike an agreement with a school to develop programs that will help the school's students in a number of basic ways. The volunteers might tutor students,, establish scholarship funds, donate furniture and equipment, or teach classes.." This program was transmitted by closed-circuit TV, through the cooperation of WJLA-'T'V in Washington, D.C., to the students, teachers,: and parents of Congress Heights Elementary School.. In a surprise announcement,. the President informed Bill Dalton, Principal of the school, that the White House was forging a partnership with Congress Heights. By Presidential Proclamation, the 1983-84 school year has been named "National Year of Partnerships in Education". This program is another example of the President's continued support for the private sector initiatives program and for the high priority he has assigned to encouraging private sector initiatives to solve social and economic problems throughout America.. CONTACT: James R. Coyne, Special Assistant to the President White House Office of Private Sector Initiatives (202) 456-6676 Approved For Release 2008/04/14: CIA-RDP85M00364RO01803600004-3