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Approved For Release 2008/01/31 : CIA-RDP85M00364R000701200025-8 NFP NFP Frank Nelson, Florida State Office of Drug Abuse Control John M. Keller, USIA Minutes of the Meeting of the International Participants to the National Federation of Parents for Drug Free Youth Conference Twin Bridges Marriott Hotel, September 28, 1983 Washington, D.C. INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPANTS Jan Krogh, Norway Kathleen Michael, Canada Joan Gitelman, Canada Eloise Opheim, Canada Glenda Kombies, Canada Dr. Clare Sprague, Australia Gerald Williams, Australia Dr. Cornelius Keogh, Australia Rev. Brian Power, Ireland Rev. Paul Lavelle, Ireland Carol Samuels, Jamaica Dr. Charles Thesiger, Jamaica Margaret Lescene, Jamaica Lloyd Williams, Jamaica Jonas Hartelius, Sweden National Federation of Parents (NFP) Robert Retka, Dept. of State Bureau of International Narcotics Matters STAT STAT 51H1 STAT Approved For Release 2008/01/31 : CIA-RDP85M00364R000701200025-8 Approved For Release 2008/01/31 : CIA-RDP85M00364R000701200025-8 John Keller chaired the meeting. He opened by inviting NFP to say a few words. of the STAT welcomed the group and expressed NFP's willingness to cooperate STAT with the international participants to help create an effective international network of drug abuse awareness groups. She also explained that NFP is severely limited in resources but will help to the extent possible. Mr. Keller said that the breakfast meeting of international participants held on September 27 had informally agreed to form an international coordinating committee to help establish effective international linkages. As articulated at the breakfast meeting by Mr. Hartelius, the major points of contact for the international steering committee were to be the annual meetings of the National Federation of Parents for Drug Free Youth (NFP) and of PRIDE (Parent Resources Institute for Drug Education). Mr. Keller said that he would like the group to continue discussion of this proposal made by Mr. Hartelius. Mr. Keller also explained that this proposal had not yet been submitted to PRIDE and that everything that was suggested would, of course, be subject to the approval of both PRIDE and the NFP. Mr. Hartelius continued the discussion by. suggesting that the international commitee appoint a board consisting of two or three members each from PRIDE and NFP and a representative from Canada, Jamaica, and Europe. (It was later proposed that one of the Australian participants currently in the U.S. also serve on the board). expressed her concern that the NFP could not STAT afford to fund transportation for NFP members to international conferences, but Mr. Keller explained that most meetings could be held at the NFP and PRIDE conferences. Mr. Hartelius and Mr. Keller- both proposed that future NFP and PRIDE meetings include an international focus. Mr. Keller said that the upcoming PRIDE Conference in March, 1984, would be built around an international perspective in any case. Robert Retka broke in to say that, unfortunately, Asian countries were not represented at this meeting and that there were significant groups to be contacted in Asia. He suggested that the international coordinating committee get in touch with the Federation of Non-government Organizations in East Asia. The contact is Mr. Pio Aberro, the Colombo Plan Drug Adviser, who is perhaps the most knowledgable person regarding the Asian situation. Mr. Retka further opined that it would be dangerous to get over organized, too fast. There is always the danger, Mr. Retka said, that a group like this would develop too heavy an administrative agenda and that members would get the reputation of accomplishing little and spending time attending conferences. He cautioned that it was very important to develop solid roots in the community, before developing an elaborate administrative overhead. Approved For Release 2008/01/31 : CIA-RDP85M00364R000701200025-8 Approved For Release 2008/01/31 : CIA-RDP85M00364R000701200025-8 Dr. Sprague said that she was enthusiastic about the formation of an international coordinating committee because it could be the focus for a tremendous sharing of information. By offering the opportunity for international participants to attend conferences and to meet with American groups which are already well organized against drug abuse, the international committee can make an impact quickly. Mr. Keller stressed the importance of information exchange and expressed his opinion that this could be the most significant role the international committee could provide. He said that he thought an informal newsletter to get the flow of communications going would be necessary. Mr. Keller expressed his willingness to act as an intermediary between USIA and NFP/PRIDE to investigate the possibility of getting some support from USIA's Private Sector Program Office for the international exchange. mentioned that STAT NFP has had a policy of not accepting U.S. Government funding for grants and that she would have to explore Mr. Keller's idea further before commenting on it). said that there already was an established network of . international therapeutic communities and that she recommended that the international steering committee establish ties with this group. Mr. Krogh said that he thought "how to" information would be very useful internationally. Countries wishing to form drug awareness groups often do not, know how to get them started. Every country seems to have to go through the same process and to make its own mistakes. However, if "how to" information could be exchanged, it would facilitate a country's task considerabley. He thought the American experience could be pivotal and that the U.S. could help share its knowledge of how to form drug awareness movements. Dr. Keogh asked whether it would be possible for the international comittee to focus on urgent international problems. For instance, Australia was facing an imminent decriminalization of marijuana. Could the international committee help work on such urgent problems? Mr. Hartelius said that the NFP Nancy Reagan Speakers' Bureau was exploring the possibility of establishing an international component. Mr. Keller suggested that it would also be useful for groups to get to know the Narcotics Coordinating Committee at the U.S. Embassy in their country since the NCC could help obtain information and provide advice. Mr. Hartelius read a resolution (see attached) which met the approval of the international participants establishing the guidelines for the formation of an international coordinating committee. It was agreed that the international participants on the committee would be: Jonas Hartelius, Sweden Dr. Charles Thesiger, Jamaica Dr. Cornelius Keogh, Australia Eloise Opheim, Canada STAT Approved For Release 2008/01/31 : CIA-RDP85M00364R000701200025-8 Approved For Release 2008/01/31 : CIA-RDP85M00364R000701200025-8 These participants committed themselves to attending the PRIDE Conference in March,1984, in Atlanta. It was also agreed that the resolution would be submitted to PRIDE and the NFP for approval. Approved For Release 2008/01/31 : CIA-RDP85M00364R000701200025-8 Approved For Release 2008/01/31 : CIA-RDP85M00364R000701200025-8 We, the international participants at the Second Annual Conference of the National Federation of Parents for Drug Free Youth in Washington, D.C., September 25-28, 1983, hereby move: 1. that the NFP and PRIDE open their annual conferences to an international sharing of the experiences which parents and young people throughout the world, have encountered when dealing with drug abuse. 4 2. that NFP and PRIDE form a joint international coordinating committee with two members from each organization to streamline efforts. 3. that the following international participants serve in a consultative or associate capacity to the international coordinating committee: Dr. Cornelius B. Keogh, Australia Mrs. Eloise Opheim, Canada Dr. Charles Thesiger, Jamaica Mr. Jonas Hartelius, Sweden 4. that all other international participants serve as corresponding members of the committee. 5. that a joint newsletter be circulated to review efforts, projects, and news of interest to the international community. 6. that a separate international body be considered for incorporation at a later time. 7. Finally, that NFP and PRIDE provide staff and logistics for the above- mentioned committee until other arrangements are made. Read and approved __ September 28, 1983 Approved For Release 2008/01/31 : CIA-RDP85M00364R000701200025-8