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Document Release Date: 
June 3, 2010
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Publication Date: 
November 1, 1983
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Approved For Release 2010/06/03: CIA-RDP85M00363R000601500022-0 p 1 a C-ront dissatisfied and the islandfvulnerableltot'ideological'is i1tr4-, tion' by the church. Th Central Committee believed that Depaty . Prime Minister Coard had to be given the real power in Grenada I. order to traverse the 'Marxist-Leninist path' With 'Bolsltev,ft:.?. staunchness.' Moreover, the Central Committee's disentisfaat4im, ,? with bishop along these lines goes, back at least as for a s ? _? ,,:;? September 1982. No evidence bas.yet been found that the soviets or Cubans were playing a direct role in the power struggle, The documents also show tbat even though Coate "a not member of the short-lived Oft e er Maurice Bishop was movie too slowly to u eonsouidatenaef Leninist restructuring of Grenads. Bishop was desrzied as ,s ;. ; 'right opportunist,' a friend of;tbe e0 . petty bourgeois, a whose inaction on crib ersa tan inev Jewel Movement tkJM ' .. ' 1 Committee depict the NJM as a hardline Karxist party striek -deep ideol:;ical divisions that -wh th 4eatered of these agreements was intended,priaadrily foriGrenadianthe basis soldiers. However, initial indications are that if these agreements were fully implemented, they Would sake it?possiblj to fully equip?up to 6,000 soldiers. By contrast,. the Peoples .; Revolutionaiy.Army (PRA) numbered only 1,500 to be su by a part-time militia of several thousand. pplement*0 Documents captured thus farlb that Soviet y o8 forces is Grenada sbor' Cuban and North >Kor4an involvement in the ^ililsii" nation of the island was on a relatively large scale. The three Soviet agreements--covering the deliver of 9 period 1980-85-'provided for trucks r dve an o$$25.81 million in weapons, ammunition, uniforms, --war may er ! e2 was to be supplpdip~Rent. Another $12 ^.illiom is Korea, signed in April. There isenotnsuagreement with. I fficiet conclude whether the equipment nt evidenceto --BUREAU OP IR7: ELLIGENCE AND "RESEARCH ANALY91-0 - NovemBeit A,, 1. CRENADA - WUAT UE CAPT URED ~OCtIMENTg PROVE Documents captured by 0a forces in Grenada show-that 1"t, Bloc coun!rlee had plans to rovid p e Grenada with far more eras.. Materiel than its 1,S00-man army;could use. that the late Prime Minister Bisbop?& new JeweTh also leMovementt par Y; was in fact a hardline Marxist-L*ninist party dominated by .?t- radicals who eliminated Bishop because he was 'too bourgeois.* Finally, they assort that Gen. Austin's Revolutionary Military -Council intentionally 'crushed' the Bishop group on October 1 fully espoused his hardline Ideological IntMilitary erpretation*, In proclamation from the AMC to the PRA on the day of Bisbop sn death, it was stated that prompt action by N the Central Committee of the NAM' had 'crsh PRA d? uBish quind other 'counterrevolutionaries ' h . T e event was described as 'victory' for the revolution.' evolution. 5ECR6'r,/lf Oil Approved For Release 2010/06/03: CIA-RDP85M00363R000601500022-0